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Minimum wages in Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu: Minimum Wages w.e.f April 1, 2010

Sr. No. Scheduled Employment Basic Minimum Wages V.D.A. Total  Minimum Wages

1 Agarbathi Industry 69.73 38.58 108.31

2 Agriculture and works anacillary to 80 No 80
agriculture  Provision
3 Aerated Water Manufactory   69.85 44.46 114.31
4 Appalam Manufactory 81.23 51.77 133
5 Automobile Workshop 94.92 52.31 147.23
6 Auto Rickshaw and Taxi  103.85 76.69 180.54
7 Bakeries and Biscuits Manufactory 68 42.24 110.24

8 Bricks and Tiles Manufactory 64.5 39.6 104.1

9 Carpentry and Black Smith 110.5 68.03 178.53
10 Chemical and Fertilizers Industry 96.23 48.23 144.46

11 Cinema Industry  111.92 71.08 183

12 Coaching Academincs that is to 51.92 36.23 88.15
say tutorial colleges, Technical
Institudes, Primary Schools, run
on commercial lines without Govt.
grant other than those run by
Govt. and local bodies as the case
may be.
13 Coconut Peeling Industry 68.5 42.24 110.74
14 Coir Manufactory 83.08 53 136.08
15 Coffee Curing Works 63.5 39.6 103.1
16 Construction or Maintenance of 117 63.36 180.36
Road and in Building Operations
17 Colleges and Research Stations 70 No 70
under the Tamil Nadu Agricultural
Univeristy and Agricultural Farms
maintained by the Agriculture and
Horticulture and other Govt.
Departments. provision
18 Cotton Ginning , Pressing and 79 51.77 130.77
Cotton Waste Industry
19 Electronics Industry 91 50.27 141.27
20 Food Processing Industry 41 75.85 116.85
21 Employment in Forestry 39 72.15 111.15
22 General Engineering & Fabrication 47 60.92 107.92
23 Gunny Industry  113 60.72 173.72
24 Gold and Silver Articles 62 71.28 133.28
25 Granite Industry 61.54 72.08 133.62
26 Hotel and Restaurants 85.96 62.96 148.92
27 Hospitals and Nursing Homes 51.42 59.38 110.8
28 Laundries and Washing Cloths 122 76.56 198.56
(including Woolen)
29 Loading and Unloading 74 44.88 118.88
Operations in markets, shandies
(fairs and market place) and other
like places.
30 (a)Match Manufacturing  68.5 36.96 105.46
(b) Fire works manufactory 31.5 61.04 92.54
31 Medical & Sales representative 115.12 62.46 177.58
32 Motion Picture Industry 89.62 56.85 146.47
33 Neera Tapping 133.5 73.92 207.42
34 Any oil Mill 72 40.62 112.62
35 (a) Paper and other incidental 42.92 73.08 116
processes connected with
machine made paper Industry
(b) Paper and other incidental 39.58 73.08 112.66
Processes connected with Hand
Made Paper
36 Power Loom Industry 29 52.91 81.91
37 Polythene Processing Foam Item 47.12 87.88 135
and Plastic Manufactory
38 Printing Presses 72.81 40.12 112.93
39 Public Motor Transport 119.38 76.15 195.53
40 Rice Mill, Flour Mills and  Dhall  77 47.52 124.52
41 Sago Industry 82 53.62 135.62
42 Salt Pans 77 42.24 119.24
43 Sea Food processing Industry 69.5 44.38 113.88
44 Security Guards 90.35 49.77 140.12
45 Sericulture Industry 82.5 44.88 127.38
46 Shops and Commercial 78.88 43.65 122.53
47 Silk Twisting Industry 84 52.8 136.8
48 Soap Manufactory 106.5 71.08 177.58
49 Tailoring Industry 70.19 38.58 108.77
50 Texile (Apprentice) 110 60.72 170.72
50 Timber Industry 115 71.28 186.28
51 Tin Container Manufactory 80 50.27 130.27
52 Tobacco Manufactory
(a)  Beedi making (other than than 96.15 50.77 146.92
beedi rolling)
(b) Beedi Rolling (per 1000 bidies) 34.2 48.62 82.82

(c) Scanted and chewing Tobacco 68.88 36.96 105.84

(d) Snuff Industry 68 42.24 110.24

53 Vessels Utensils Manufactory 72 39.6 111.6
54 Woolen Carpet  and Shawl 17 58.48 75.48
Weaving Industry

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