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Katherine: Hi Good afternoon

Gerson: Good afternoon.Can I help you?

Katherine: Yes. I´ d like to resgister for classes at CEUTEC.

Gerson: No problem. What´s your name?

Katherine: My name is Katherine.

Gerson: And your address?

Katherine: Colonia Zeron, San Pedro Sula.

Gerson: And your phone number?

Katherine: My phone number is 32327451

Gerson: Repeat, please

Katherine: 32327451

Gerson: And how old are you, Katherine ?

Katherine: I am 25 years old.

Mireya: Hey, Gerson how are you?

Gerson: Fine thank you, Mireya This is Katherine. She is a new student.

Mireya: Hi Katherine Nice to meet you.

Katherine: Nice to meet you too

Mireya: What degree are you going to study at ceutec?

Katherine: I´m going to study the call center technician.

Mireya: Interesting, see you soon.

Katherine: It was a pleasure look see you.

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