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4000 Essential English

Unit Word Part

1 afraid adjective
1 agree verb
1 angry adjective
1 arrive verb
1 attack verb
1 bottom noun
1 clever adjective
1 cruel adjective
1 finally adverb
1 hide verb
1 hunt verb
1 lot noun
1 middle noun
1 moment noun
1 pleased adjective
1 promise verb
1 reply verb
1 safe adjective
1 trick noun
1 well adverb
2 adventure noun
2 approach verb
2 carefully adverb
2 chemical noun
2 create verb
2 evil adjective
2 experiment noun
2 kill verb
2 laboratory noun
2 laugh noun
2 loud adjective
2 nervous adjective
2 noise noun
2 project noun
2 scare verb
2 secret noun
2 shout verb
2 smell verb
2 terrible adjective
2 worse adjective
3 alien noun
3 among preposition
3 chart noun
3 cloud noun
3 comprehend verb
3 describe verb
3 ever adverb
3 fail verb
3 friendly adjective
3 grade noun
3 instead adverb
3 library noun
3 planet noun
3 report noun
3 several adjective
3 solve verb
3 suddenly adverb
3 suppose verb
3 universe noun
3 view verb
4 appropriate adjective
4 avoid verb
4 behave verb
4 calm adjective
4 concern noun
4 content adjective
4 expect verb
4 frequently adverb
4 habit noun
4 instruct verb
4 issue noun
4 patient adjective
4 positive adjective
4 punish verb
4 represent verb
4 shake verb
4 spread verb
4 stroll verb
4 village noun
4 none pronoun
5 aware adjective
5 badly adverb
5 belong verb
5 continue verb
5 error noun
5 experience noun
5 field noun
5 hurt verb
5 judgment noun
5 likely adverb
5 normal adjective
5 rare adjective
5 relax verb
5 request verb
5 reside verb
5 roll verb
5 since preposition
5 visible adjective
5 wild adjective
5 result noun
6 advantage noun
6 cause verb
6 choice noun
6 community noun
6 dead adjective
6 distance noun
6 escape verb
6 face verb
6 follow verb
6 fright noun
6 ghost noun
6 individual noun
6 pet noun
6 reach verb
6 return verb
6 survive verb
6 upset adjective
6 voice noun
6 weather noun
6 wise adjective
7 allow verb
7 announce verb
7 beside preposition
7 challenge noun
7 claim verb
7 condition noun
7 contribute verb
7 difference noun
7 divide verb
7 expert noun
7 famous adjective
7 force noun
7 harm noun
7 lay verb
7 peace noun
7 prince noun
7 protect verb
7 sense verb
7 sudden adjective
7 therefore adverb
8 accept verb
8 arrange verb
8 attend verb
8 balance verb
8 contrast noun
8 encourage verb
8 familiar adjective
8 grab verb
8 hang verb
8 huge adjective
8 necessary adjective
8 pattern noun
8 propose verb
8 purpose noun
8 release verb
8 single adjective
8 success noun
8 tear verb
8 theory noun
8 require verb
9 against preposition
9 beach noun
9 damage verb
9 discover verb
9 emotion noun
9 fix verb
9 frank adjective
9 identify verb
9 island noun
9 ocean noun
9 perhaps adverb
9 pleasant adjective
9 prevent verb
9 rock noun
9 save verb
9 step verb
9 still adverb
9 taste noun
9 throw verb
9 wave noun
10 benefit noun
10 certain adjective
10 chance noun
10 effect noun
10 essential adjective
10 far adjective
10 focus verb
10 function noun
10 grass noun
10 guard verb
10 image noun
10 immediate adjective
10 primary adjective
10 proud adjective
10 remain verb
10 rest verb
10 separate adjective
10 site noun
10 tail noun
10 trouble noun
11 anymore adjective
11 asleep adjective
11 berry noun
11 collect verb
11 compete verb
11 conversation noun
11 creature noun
11 decision noun
11 either conjunction
11 forest noun
11 ground noun
11 introduce verb
11 marry verb
11 prepare verb
11 sail verb
11 serious adjective
11 spend verb
11 strange adjective
11 truth noun
11 wake verb
12 alone adjective
12 apartment noun
12 article noun
12 artist noun
12 attitude noun
12 compare verb
12 judge verb
12 magazine noun
12 material noun
12 meal noun
12 method noun
12 neighbor noun
12 professional adjective
12 profit noun
12 quality noun
12 shape noun
12 space noun
12 stair noun
12 symbol noun
12 thin adjective
13 blood noun
13 burn verb
13 cell noun
13 contain verb
13 correct adjective
13 crop noun
13 demand verb
13 equal adjective
13 feed verb
13 hole noun
13 increase verb
13 lord noun
13 owe verb
13 position noun
13 raise verb
13 responsible adjective
13 sight noun
13 spot noun
13 structure noun
13 whole adjective
14 coach noun
14 control verb
14 description noun
14 direct adjective
14 exam noun
14 example noun
14 limit noun
14 local adjective
14 magical adjective
14 mail noun
14 novel noun
14 outline noun
14 poet noun
14 print verb
14 scene noun
14 sheet noun
14 silly adjective
14 store noun
14 suffer verb
14 technology noun
15 across preposition
15 breathe verb
15 characteristic noun
15 consume verb
15 excite verb
15 extreme adjective
15 fear noun
15 fortunate adjective
15 happen verb
15 length noun
15 mistake noun
15 observe verb
15 opportunity noun
15 prize noun
15 race noun
15 realize verb
15 risk noun
15 respond verb
15 yet adverb
15 wonder verb
16 academy noun
16 ancient adjective
16 board noun
16 century noun
16 clue noun
16 concert noun
16 county noun
16 dictionary noun
16 exist verb
16 flat adjective
16 gentleman noun
16 hidden adjective
16 maybe adverb
16 officer noun
16 original adjective
16 pound verb
16 process noun
16 publish verb
16 theater noun
16 wealth noun
17 appreciate verb
17 available adjective
17 beat verb
17 bright adjective
17 celebrate verb
17 determine verb
17 disappear verb
17 else adjective
17 fair adjective
17 flow verb
17 forward adverb
17 hill noun
17 level noun
17 lone adjective
17 puddle noun
17 response noun
17 season noun
17 solution noun
17 waste verb
17 whether conjunction
18 argue verb
18 communicate verb
18 crowd noun
18 depend verb
18 dish noun
18 empty adjective
18 exact adjective
18 fresh adjective
18 gather verb
18 indicate verb
18 item noun
18 offer verb
18 price noun
18 product noun
18 property noun
18 purchase verb
18 recommend verb
18 select verb
18 tool noun
18 treat verb
19 alive adjective
19 bone noun
19 bother verb
19 captain noun
19 conclusion noun
19 doubt noun
19 explore verb
19 foreign adjective
19 glad adjective
19 however adverb
19 injustice noun
19 international adjective
19 lawyer noun
19 mention verb
19 policy noun
19 social adjective
19 speech noun
19 staff noun
19 toward preposition
19 wood noun
20 achieve verb
20 advise verb
20 already adverb
20 basic adjective
20 bit noun
20 consider verb
20 destroy verb
20 entertain verb
20 extra adjective
20 goal noun
20 lie verb
20 meat noun
20 opinion noun
20 real adjective
20 reflect verb
20 regard verb
20 serve verb
20 vegetable noun
20 war noun
20 worth adjective
21 appear verb
21 base noun
21 brain noun
21 career noun
21 clerk noun
21 effort noun
21 enter verb
21 excellent adjective
21 hero noun
21 hurry verb
21 inform verb
21 later adverb
21 leave verb
21 locate verb
21 nurse noun
21 operation noun
21 pain noun
21 refuse verb
21 though conjunction
21 various adjective
22 actual adjective
22 amaze verb
22 charge noun
22 comfort verb
22 contact verb
22 customer noun
22 deliver verb
22 earn verb
22 gate noun
22 include verb
22 manage verb
22 mystery noun
22 occur verb
22 opposite noun
22 plate noun
22 receive verb
22 reward noun
22 set verb
22 steal verb
22 thief noun
23 advance verb
23 athlete noun
23 average adjective
23 behavior noun
23 behind preposition
23 course noun
23 lower verb
23 match verb
23 member noun
23 mental adjective
23 passenger noun
23 personality noun
23 poem noun
23 pole noun
23 remove verb
23 safety noun
23 shoot verb
23 sound verb
23 swim verb
23 web noun
24 block noun
24 cheer verb
24 complex adjective
24 critic noun
24 event noun
24 exercise verb
24 fit verb
24 friendship noun
24 guide noun
24 lack noun
24 passage noun
24 perform verb
24 pressure noun
24 probable adjective
24 public adjective
24 strike verb
24 support verb
24 task noun
24 term noun
24 unite verb
25 associate verb
25 environment noun
25 factory noun
25 feature noun
25 instance noun
25 involve verb
25 medicine noun
25 mix noun
25 organize verb
25 period noun
25 populate verb
25 produce verb
25 range noun
25 recognize verb
25 regular adjective
25 sign noun
25 tip noun
25 tradition noun
25 trash noun
25 wide adjective
26 advice noun
26 along preposition
26 attention noun
26 attract verb
26 climb verb
26 drop verb
26 final adjective
26 further adjective
26 imply verb
26 maintain verb
26 neither adjective
26 otherwise adverb
26 physical adjective
26 prove verb
26 react verb
26 ride verb
26 situated adjective
26 society noun
26 standard noun
26 suggest verb
27 actually adverb
27 bite noun
27 coast noun
27 deal noun
27 desert noun
27 earthquake noun
27 effective adjective
27 examine verb
27 0 adjective
27 gift noun
27 hunger noun
27 imagine verb
27 journey noun
27 puzzle noun
27 quite adverb
27 rather adverb
27 specific adjective
27 tour noun
27 trip noun
27 value noun
28 band noun
28 barely adverb
28 boring adjective
28 cancel verb
28 driveway noun
28 garbage noun
28 instrument noun
28 list noun
28 magic noun
28 message noun
28 notice verb
28 own verb
28 predict verb
28 professor noun
28 rush verb
28 schedule noun
28 share verb
28 stage noun
28 storm noun
28 within preposition
29 advertise verb
29 assign verb
29 audience noun
29 breakfast noun
29 competition noun
29 cool adjective
29 gain verb
29 importance noun
29 knowledge noun
29 major adjective
29 mean adjective
29 prefer verb
29 president noun
29 progress noun
29 respect noun
29 rich adjective
29 skill noun
29 somehow adverb
29 strength noun
29 vote verb
30 above preposition
30 ahead adverb
30 amount noun
30 belief noun
30 center noun
30 common adjective
30 cost verb
30 demonstrate verb
30 different adjective
30 evidence noun
30 honesty noun
30 Idiom noun
30 independent adjective
30 inside noun
30 master noun
30 memory noun
30 proper adjective
30 scan verb
30 section noun
30 surface noun
4000 Essential English Words 1
English Definition
sorry (to have to say that)
to say that one will do or allow something
red and sore-looking
to reach, or be delivered to the point at the end of a journey
to speak or write against
the part of the body on which a person sits
pleased at causing pain; merciless
at last, after a long time
to put (a person, thing etc) in a place where it cannot be seen or easily found
to pursue or drive out
one article or several, sold as a single item at an auction
the central point or part
a very short space of time
happy; satisfied
to show signs of future events or developments
to answer
something which is done, said etc in order to cheat or deceive someone, and sometimes to frighten them o
in a good, correct, successful, suitable etc way; doing something in a good way
an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity
to move closer or towards something or someone
with great attention
a substance used in or obtained by a chemical process
to give (a rank etc to)
very bad; wicked; sinful
a test done in order to find out something, eg if an idea is correct
to cause the death of
(often abbreviated to lab) a place where scientific experiments are carried on or where drugs etc are prepare
an act or sound of laughing
producing or capable of producing much noise; easily audible
rather afraid
an unpleasantly loud sound
to throw outwards, forwards or upwards
to startle or frighten
something which is, or must be kept, secret
to say very loudly
to notice by using one's nose
very bad
not so well; being not as good, more bad
a creature from a different world
in the middle of
a table, graph, marked map, or other visual aid
an indistinct or billowing mass, esp. of smoke or dust
to understand.
to say that one is something
used for emphasis
to disappoint
kind and willing to make friends
the mark given to determine the quality of a student's academic work
as a substitute; in place of something or someone
a building a collection of books
any of the bodies (eg the Earth) which move round the Sun or round another star
rumour; general talk
more than one or two, but not a great many
to discover the answer to (a problem etc)
very quickly and not expected
used to make a suggestion or give an order in a polite way
everything – earth, planets, sun, stars etc – that exists anywhere
to look at, or regard (something)
suitable; proper
to stay away from something
to act or react
still or quiet
something that concerns or belongs to one
satisfied; quietly happy
to think or believe (that something will happen)
on many occasions; often
something which a person does usually or regularly
to teach or train (a person in a subject or skill)
the act of issuing or process of being issued
suffering delay, pain, irritation etc quietly and without complaining
showing good progress, gain, or improvement
to give punishment for
to speak or act on behalf of
to shock, disturb or weaken
to open out
to walk or wander without hurry
the people who live in such a group of houses
not any of someone or something
knowing; informed; conscious (of)
to a serious or severe extent
(withwith) to go together with
to go on being, doing etc; to last or keep on
to live through a situation
an area of knowledge, interest, study etc
to suffer or feel pain
the ability to form opinions or decisions
If something likely happens, it will probably happen
usual; without any special characteristics or circumstances
not done, found, seen etc very often; uncommon
to rest and do easy or fun things
to ask (for) something; People using this library are requested not to talk; Many people have requested this
to live or have one's home in a place
to travel in a car etc
from the time of (something in the past) until the present time
able to be seen
very stormy; violent; an animal that lives in nature
the product of things that happened before
in tennis, the first point gained after deuce
to make (something) happen; to bring about; to be the means of
an act or the power of choosing
the public in general
without life; not living
the space between things, places etc
to manage to avoid (punishment, disease etc)
to challenge
to understand
a sudden fear
a spirit, usually of a dead person
a single person in contrast to the group to which he belongs
a tame animal etc, usually kept in the home
to stretch out one's hand in order to touch or get hold of something
to put something back to its original place
to remain alive in spite of (a disaster etc)
disturbed or distressed
the voice regarded as the means of expressing opinion
conditions in the atmosphere, especially as regards heat or cold, wind, rain, snow etc; things like rain, snow,
sensible; having the ability to make good decisions
to give, especially for a particular purpose or regularly
to tell people about something officially
compared with
the act of questioning someone's right, a statement etc.
to state that one is the owner of
state or circumstances in which a person or thing is
to help to cause or bring about
what makes one thing unlike another
to separate something into two or more sections
a person who is skilled through training or practice
well-known (for good or worthy reasons)
strength or power that can be felt
damage; injury; distress
to put in order or arrange
freedom from war
the ruler of some states or countries
to guard or defend from danger; to keep safe
to know by feeling or by one of the 5 senses
happening etc quickly and unexpectedly
for that reason
to take (something offered)
to put in some sort of order
to look after; to help or serve
(of two sides of a financial account) to make or be equal
the state of being quite different from something else
to urge (a person) to do something
to take hold of suddenly or with force
to put or fix, or to be put or fixed, above the ground eg by a hook
very large
needed; essential
an example suitable to be copied
to offer for consideration; to suggest
the use or function of an object
to stop holding etc; to allow to move, fall etc
a person or thing that succeeds or prospers
to rip; to separate something into pieces by force, leaving smaller pieces with irregular edges
the main principles and ideas in an art, science etc as opposed to the practice of actually doing it
to order
touching or in contact with
the sandy or stony shore of a sea or lake
to make less effective or less usable etc; to spoil
to find out
the moving or upsetting of the mind or feelings
to repair something
saying or showing openly what is in one's mind; honest
to think of as being the same
a piece of land surrounded by water
the salt water that covers most of the earth's surface.
giving pleasure; agreeable
to stop (someone doing something or something happening)
the solid substance of the surface of the Earth
to rescue or bring out of danger
to make a step, or to walk
up to and including the present time, or the time mentioned previously
the type of things a person likes or prefers
to send through the air with force; to hurl or fling
an act of waving
something good to receive, an advantage
true or without doubt
luck or fortune
an impression given or produced
absolutely necessary
distant; a long way away
to direct (attention etc) to one point
the purpose for which a thing is used
vegetation consisting of typically short plants with long narrow leaves, growing wild or cultivated on lawns a
to protect from danger or attack
the general opinion that people have about a person, company etc
without anyone etc coming between
of the first level or stage
wishing to be independent
to stay; not to leave
to stop working; avoid activities
If two things are separate, they are not together.
a place where a building, town etc is, was, or is to be, built
the part of an animal, bird or fish that sticks out behind the rest of its body
illness or weakness (in a particular part of the body)
any longer
a kind of small (often juicy) fruit
to call for and take away
to try to beat others in a contest, fight etc
talk between people
an animal or human being
the act of deciding; a judgement
Either is used with “or” to say there are two or more possibilities.
an area of land in which animals, especially deer, are kept
the solid surface of the Earth
to propose or put forward
to take (a person) as one's husband or wife
to make or get ready
travel in a boat with sails, esp. as a sport or recreation
intended to make people think
used to show the activity in which someone is engaged or the place where they are living over a period of t
unusual, odd or queer
trueness; the state of being true
to bring or come back to consciousness after being asleep
having no one else present; on one's own
a single room in a house
the (the definite article) or a/an (the indefinite article)
a singer, dancer, actor etc; an artiste
a way of thinking or acting etc
to put (things etc) side by side in order to see to what extent they are the same or different
to hear and try (cases) in a court of law
a storeroom for ammunition, explosives etc
the physical substance, such as wood or metal, that something is made of
the food taken at one time
the way in which one does something
a person who lives near oneself
of a profession
money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it
the extent to which something has features which are good or bad etc, especially features which are good
the external form or outline of anything
room; the absence of objects; the area available for use
a number of steps, usually inside a building
a thing that is regarded as representing or standing for another
not set closely together; not dense or crowded
the red fluid pumped through the body by the heart
to use as fuel
the smallest living part of an animal or plant
to keep or have inside
right; not wrong
a short whip used when horse-riding
to require or need
the same in size, amount, value etc
to give food to
an opening or gap in or through something
to (cause to) grow in size, number etc.
a master; a man or animal that has power over others or over an area
to have a commitment to pay someone for something
the particular way in which someone or something is sitting or standing
to state (a question, objection etc which one wishes to have discussed)
If a person is responsible, they do the right things.
the area within which things can be seen by someone
a small, round mark of a different colour from its background
the way in which something is arranged or organized
not broken; in one piece; including every part of something
a trainer in athletics, sport etc
to keep something at the correct level
something that tells you what someone or something is like
without interfering people, factors, or influences
a test to determine a person's health or knowledge in a certain subject
something that shows clearly or illustrates a fact etc
the farthest point or place; the boundary
belonging to a certain place or district
produced by, or as if by, the art of magic
the system of sending, collecting, and delivering letters and packages to people
a book telling a long story in prose
the line forming, or showing, the outer edge of something
a person who writes poems.
to produce a copy by using a machine that presses ink to a surface
the setting or background for a play etc
a large, thin, usually flat, piece
having or showing a lack of common sense or judgment; absurd and foolish
a supply of eg goods from which things are taken when required
to undergo, endure or bear pain, misery etc
the study of science applied to practical
to the other side (of); from one side to the other side of
To breathe means to let air go in and out of your body.
a typical quality
to use, spend, or waste something
to cause or rouse strong feelings of expectation, happiness etc in
very violent or strong; not ordinary or usual
(a) feeling of great worry or anxiety caused by the knowledge of danger
having good fortune; lucky
to take place or occur; to occur by chance
the distance from one end to the other of an object, period of time etc
a wrong act or judgement
to watch carefully
a chance to do or a time for doing (something)
something won in a competition etc
the fact of belonging to any of these various sections
to understand or sense something
danger or possible loss or injury
to show a good reaction eg to some course of treatment
used for emphasis; until the present time or so far
used to ask a question politely; to want to know about something
a type of senior school
very old
in cricket, a hundred runs
anything that helps to solve a mystery, puzzle etc
a musical performance given in public, typically by several performers or of several separate compositions
a large administrative unit of local government in England and Wales and in the United States
a book containing the words of a language alphabetically arranged, with their meanings etc
to stay alive; to continue to live
slightly lower than a musical note should be
a polite, well-mannered man
(made in such a way as to be) difficult to see or find
it is possible (that); perhaps
a person who makes sure people follow the law
existing at the beginning; first
to walk or run heavily
a set of actions that produce a particular result
to print a written work and make it available to read
plays in general; any theatre
having a large amount of money
understand; to be aware of
able or ready to be used
to win be defeating an opponent in a contest
shining with much light
to mark by giving a party etc in honour of (a happy or important event)
to fix or settle; to decide
to vanish from sight
If you talk about something else, you talk about something different.
unbiased; unprejudiced
to move along in the way that water does
toward the front; in the direction that one is facing or traveling
noun a piece of high land, smaller than a mountain
height, position, strength, rank etc
solitary, without companions, by itself etc
a small, usually dirty, pool (of water)
something said or written as an answer to something
the usual, proper or suitable time for something
the correct answer to a problem
to fail to use (something) fully or in the correct or most useful way
to quarrel with (a person) or discuss (something) with a person in a not very friendly way
to tell (information etc)
a number of persons or things gathered together
to rely on receiving necessary (financial) support from
food mixed and prepared for the table
absolutely accurate or correct in every detail; the same in every detail; precise
newly made, gathered, arrived etc
to collect several things usually from different places
to state or show your opinion clearly and with few words
one of several things in a group or list
to say that one is willing
what one must give up or suffer in order to gain something
things that people use
something that a person owns
to buy something with money
to suggest as being particularly good, particularly suitable etc
to select; decide between several possibilities
an instrument for doing work, especially by hand
to write or speak about; to discuss
living and not dead
the hard substance forming the skeleton of man, animals etc
worry, disturb, or upset (someone)
the top officer of a ship or a plane
an end
a feeling of not being sure and sometimes of being suspicious
to search or travel through (a place) for the purpose of discovery
belonging to a country other than one's own
pleased or happy
to no matter what extent
(an instance of) unfairness or the lack of justice
involving, or done by, two or more nations
a person whose work it is to know about and give advice and help to others concerning the law
to speak of or refer to
a planned or agreed course of action usually based on particular principles
living in communities
the words said
a set of lines and spaces on which music is written or printed
in relation to
the material of which the trunk and branches of trees are composed; a type of material from trees
to get a desired result by effort, skill, etc.
to give advice to; to recommend
before the expected time
restricted to a fundamental level, elementary
the part of a bridle which a horse holds in its mouth
to think about (carefully)
to put an end to or make useless; to ruin
to receive, and give food etc to (guests)
additional; more than usual or necessary
in football, rugby, hockey etc the act of kicking, hitting etc a ball between the goalposts; the point gained b
to say an intentionally false statement
the flesh of animals or birds used as food
what one thinks of the worth or value of someone or something
which actually exists
to think carefully
to think of as being very good, important etc; to respect
to work for a person, etc., e.g. as a servant
a plant that is raised and eaten as food
(an) armed struggle, especially between nations
good enough for; having a value, usually in money
to look or seem as if (something is the case)
the main ingredient of a mixture
the centre of the nervous system
course; progress (through life)
a public official in charge of the business affairs of the town council etc
work of mind or body required to do something
to write (one's name etc) in a book etc
unusually good
the chief male person in a story, play etc
to rush or move quickly
to tell; to give knowledge to
at a time in the near future; afterward
to make a gift of in one's will
to set in a particular place or position
a person, usually a woman, who looks after small children
the process of working
hurt or suffering of the body or mind
not to give (permission etc)
despite the fact that; although
real; existing; not imaginary
to surprise greatly
a price or fee
to make someone feel better
to get in touch with in order to give or share information etc
used jokingly for a person
to give or hand over (something) to the person for whom it is intended
to gain (money, wages, one's living) by working
the opening in a wall, fence etc through which people etc pass
to take in or consider along with (other people, things etc) as part of a group, set etc
to deal with, or control
the quality of being impossible to explain, understand etc
to take place
something that is completely different
articles made of, or plated with, usually gold or silver
to have a formal meeting with
something given in return for or got from work done, good behaviour etc
to settle or arrange (a date, limit, price etc)
to take (another person's property), especially secretly, without permission or legal right
a person who steals
to supply (someone) with (money) on credit
a person who is good at sport, especially running, jumping etc
ordinary; not exceptional
way of behaving
remaining after
the progress or development of events
to make or become less high
to be equal or similar to something or someone in some way eg in colour or pattern
an individual belonging to a group such as a society or team
suffering from an illness of the mind
a person who travels in any vehicle, boat, aeroplane etc (not the driver or anyone working there)
strong, distinctive (usually attractive) character
an artistic piece of writing that usually has short lines and particular patterns of word emphasis, and often u
the points in the heavens opposite the Earth's North and South Poles, around which stars seem to turn.
to take off (a piece of clothing)
the state of being safe
to take (usually moving) photographs (for a film)
to make a sound
to move through water using arms and legs or fins, tails etc
the skin between the toes of a waterfowl; a net made of silk threads that is made by a spider
a piece of wood used for certain purposes
to shout out support
not easy to analyze or understand; complicated
a person who judges or comments on books, art etc
something that happens; an incident or occurrence
to train or give exercise to
to supply with; to equip with
the state of being friends
a person who shows the way to go, points out interesting things etc
the state of not having any or enough
a part of a piece of writing or music
used to describe how well or poorly someone completes a task
strong persuasion; compulsion or force
very likely to happen
of, for, or concerning, the people (of a community or nation) in general
to produce (sparks or a flame) by rubbing
to supply with the means of living
an act that has to be carried out or done
a word or expression
to join together, or to make or become one
to connect in the mind
the surroundings or conditions within which something lives, exists, or operates
a workshop where manufactured articles are made in large numbers
the main film in a cinema programme etc
an example, especially of a condition or circumstance
to require; to bring as a result
the science of curing people who are ill, or making their suffering less (especially by means other than surge
the result of mixing things or people together
to put things into a certain order
the punctuation mark (), put at the end of a sentence; a full stop
(usually in passive) to fill with people
to manufacture something using machines
the distance over which an object can be sent or thrown, sound can be heard etc
to see, hear, etc. (a person, thing, etc.) and know who or what that person, thing, etc. is because one has se
an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of
the small or thin end, point or top of something
customs, beliefs, stories etc.
waste material that has been thrown out
of great or more than average width; farther than usual
suggestions to a person about what he should do
from one end to the other
notice or awareness given to a person or thing
to cause (someone or something) to come towards
to rise or ascend
to let fall, usually accidentally
the very last
used to say something is from a distance or time
to suggest or hint without actually stating
to pay the expenses of
You use neither to connect two negative statements.
in every other way except this
relating to the natural features of the surface of the Earth
to turn out, or be found, to be
to behave in a certain way as a result of something
to travel or be carried (in a car, train etc or on a bicycle, horse etc)
to be found; placed
the class of people who are wealthy, fashionable or of high rank in any area
something used as a basis of measurement
to put an idea before another person for consideration
an act of biting or the piece or place bitten
the side or border of land next to the sea
the act of dividing cards among players in a card game.
an area of barren country, usually hot, dry and sandy, where there is very little rain
a shaking of the earth's surface
striking or pleasing
to test the knowledge or ability of (students etc)
not true; not correct
something that is given to a person in order to express good feelings
the state of not having enough food
to think; to suppose
an act of traveling from one place to another
a problem that causes a lot of thought
fairly; rather; to a certain extent
to a certain extent; slightly; a little
particular; exactly stated or described
an official period of time of work usually abroad
a journey or visit to a place
worth, importance or usefulness
musicians playing together
scarcely or only just
to stop payment of (a cheque, subscription etc)
a short private road that leads to a person’s home
waste; useless material
a tool, especially if used for delicate scientific or medical work
a series of items, written, stated , or memorized in order
the use of special powers to make things happen
the instruction or teaching of a moral story, religion, prophet etc
to see, observe, or keep in one's mind
to have as a possession
to say in advance; to foretell
a university teacher who is the head of a department
to (make someone or something) hurry or go quickly
a statement of details, especially of timing of activities, or of things to be done
to allow someone to use that belongs to you
part of a journey
a violent outbreak of feeling etc
inside (the limits of); to limit the amount of something
to tell about something so people will want to buy it
to order or appoint
a group of people watching or listening to a performance etc
the first meal of the day
the act of competing; rivalry
slightly cold
to obtain
the state or quality of being important or significant
the whole of what can be learned or found out
not generous (with money etc)
to like someone or something more than other things or people
the person holding the highest position of an organization
movement forward; advance
consideration; thoughtfulness; willingness to obey etc
wealthy; having a lot of money, possessions etc
cleverness at doing something, resulting either from practice or from natural ability
in some way not known for certain
the quality of being strong
to cast or record one's vote
too good for
(often withof) in front; in advance
a quantity, especially of money
faith or trust
the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge
seen or happening often; quite normal or usual
to have as a price
to show how something works or is done
not the same; other
information etc that gives reason for believing something; proof (eg in a law case)
the quality of being truthful or honest
the expressions of a language in general
not willing to accept help
the inner side, or the part or space within
the commander of a merchant ship
the time as far back as can be remembered
right, correct, or suitable
to pass radar beams etc over
a view of the inside of anything when, or as if, it is cut right through or across
the outward appearance of, or first impression made by, a person or thing

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