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Case Analysis Bayonne Packaging Inc.

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Case Analysis Bayonne Packaging Inc.

Bayonne Packaging Inc. is an organization that produces paper packages for its clients.

The organization has experienced continuous growth between 1982 and 2001 where its sales

were 10 and 32 million dollars respectively (Shapiro & Morrison, 2012). Later the organization

is faced with challenges as a result of the dot-com bubble. Despite the organization remaining

competitive through its sales, it has experienced numerous complaints concerning the late

delivery and quality of the products. The organization hires a new operations manager who is

tasked with the role of handling the organization’s cost, quality and delivery issues. The paper

will look at Bayonne Packaging Inc. to analyze its competitive priorities, problems, current

capacity utilization in work centers, factors contributing to the decline in financial performance

and recommendations to the organization’s president.

Competitive Priorities

Bayonne Packaging Inc. has remained competitive over time due to the design of its

products. They are beautiful, classy and well invented. The organization is also in a position to

design customized packaging products for its customers such as gifts. They also work with

clients to design products as per their needs.

Bayonne Packaging Inc. key competitive priority is diversification. Diversification

ensures that the organization keeps inventing new products that will match the demands of the

customers at the time. At the wake of the dot-com bubble, the organization diversified into new

markets. After realizing that there was a change in the market demand, the organization opted to

diversify into new markets and suit the new demands. It was able to apply innovative ideas to

change the package design.

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The organization has been able to come up with innovative packaging solutions for their

clients. Innovation increases competitiveness and sustainable growth (Simonova, Lyapina,

Kovanova & Sibirskaya, 2017). The organization has been able to fold and glue various complex

products or their customers. It is an indicator that the organization’s prioritizes serving its

customers and ensuring that their needs are met as they expect. It ensures that the organization

remains competitive over time.

Problems Facing the Organization

The number of packaging materials rejected by clients has been on the increase. It is

mostly due to quality issues as some materials are excessively glued while others have no glue at

all. The concern has resulted to an increase in the number of commodities that are rejected. In

2011, the quality assurance noted that 6% of the total products offered were rejected (Shapiro &

Morrison, 2012).

The organization is also affected by the problem of poor communication between the

various departments. The issue is caused by the various departmental managers who arrive at

their own decisions without considering the impacts that they will have on other departments.

Due to the individual decision-making, the organization is not in a position to meet the needs of

the client such as delivery and quality concerns.

The organization is also faced by the problem of late delivery. The late deliveries are as a

result of scheduling by the managers. Some managers of some departments do not utilize

scheduling for their work. It leads to lateness in moving a product to the next department. If the

deadline is changed, it makes it difficult to deliver on time. The client receives the commodities

late, which affects the reputation of the organization.

Capacity Utilization in Various Work Centers

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Organizations conduct capacity utilization for self-appraisal and establish ways in which

it can evaluate its present performance (Nyaoga, Wang & Magutu, 2015). Capacity utilization is

the percentage of the total working hours over the scheduled hours. Therefore,

Total working hours

Capacity Utilization= ∗100 %
Scheduled hours


The unit has one machine.

∗100 %=73.5 %

Jagenburg Sheeter

The unit has one machine.

∗100 %=80.4 %

Heidelberg Press

The unit has 2 machines.

∗100 %=100.3 %

Bobst Die-Cut

The unit has two machines.

∗100 %=78.4 %

Int. Royal

The unit has three machines.

∗100 %=45.0 %

Int. Staude

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The unit has four machines.

∗100 %=51.6 %

Int. 3A Window

The unit has two machines.

∗100 %=41.8 %

Bayonne’s Performance Problems

The organization has been realizing increased sales for quite some time. However, in

2001, the organization made its first loss. The performance problems are a reflection of the

quality and delivery complains raised by the clients.

The financial performance decline is as a result of inadequate capacity to deal with

variability. The organization is experiencing variability based on the type of order and delivery

time. Despite the organization performing to its full capacity, there is no cushion to handle the

variability that results from client’s orders. This may lead to cancelation or rejection of orders

placed by clients.

Ineffective communication may also be the reason for the financial decline in the

organization. The communication between the departments as well as with the customers is

ineffective. It results to late production and delivery of commodities. The client may end up

cancelling the order, which is a loss to the organization.

Quality is also another factor, which is contributing to the decline in financial

performance. The organization has had quality concerns with some of the products being under

or over glued. Whenever clients receive poor quality products, they are most like going to reject

them. Every time a product is rejected, it is a loss to the organization.

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I would make short, medium and long-term recommendations to Dave Rand, the

president of Bayonne Packaging Inc. For the short-term, I would recommend that they increase

personnel capacity to improve quality. They would also have to prioritize their orders to evaluate

the consequences that rush orders will have on the other remaining orders. On the medium term,

I would recommend an improved management of variability. It will lead to an improvement in

the management of demand. I would also recommend improvement in interdepartmental

communication. For example, there may be an introduction of an order jacket where a report is

sent to other departments when the predecessor department starts working on a specific order.

The other departments get to understand the number of orders to expect in the coming days. In

the long-run, I would recommend that the organization increases its capacity through investing in

additional equipment. The organization will also need to invest in an improved computerized

order scheduling system that will guide all departments.

In conclusion, Bayonne Packaging Inc. is experiencing concerns as a result of quality and

lateness in delivery. The concerns have led to the organization’s decline in financial performance.

The organization incurs losses due to rejection and cancelation of orders. To handle this, the

organization needs to increase capacity and improve communication between departments.

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Nyaoga, R. B., Wang, M., & Magutu, P. O. (2015). The relationship between capacity utilization

and value chain performance: Evidence from Kenyan tea processing firms. African

Journal of Business Management, 9(9), 402-411.

Shapiro, R., D. & Morrison P., E. (2012). Bayonne Packaging, Inc.

Simonova, E. V., Lyapina, I. R., Kovanova, E. S., & Sibirskaya, E. V. (2017). Characteristics of

interaction between small innovational and large business for the purpose of increase of

their competitiveness. In Russia and the European Union (pp. 407-413). Springer, Cham.

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