4000 Essential English Words 5

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4000 Essential English Words 5

Unit Word Part

1 allot v
1 appall v
1 cache n
1 convenience n
1 dearth n
1 deliberate adj
1 dire adj
1 elapse v
1 empathy n
1 fanciful adj
1 gripe v
1 grueling adj
1 mundane adj
1 opt v
1 outrage n
1 paltry adj
1 rectify v
1 resourceful adj
1 sustenance n
1 tedious adj
2 abbey n
2 abundant adj
2 adjoin v
2 ample adj
2 arid adj
2 cathedral n
2 deprive v
2 drought n
2 eligible adj
2 fast v
2 grumble v
2 inland adv
2 moisture n
2 nonetheless adv
2 oath n
2 prairie n
2 ragged adj
2 rugged adj
2 scarce adj
2 speculate v
3 analytic adj
3 assert v
3 bachelor n
3 calculus n
3 celestial adj
3 cognitive adj
3 collision n
3 competent adj
3 diploma n
3 excel v
3 geology n
3 harness v
3 intellect n
3 keen adj
3 mythology n
3 physiology n
3 radioactive adj
3 relativity n
3 sociology n
3 theoretical adj
4 administrator n
4 affluent adj
4 audit v
4 automate v
4 bribe v
4 corrupt adj
4 dispose v
4 headquarters n
4 incentive n
4 infrastructure n
4 legislate v
4 legitimate adj
4 manipulate v
4 merchandise n
4 retail n
4 revenue n
4 rubbish n
4 subsidy n
4 transaction n
4 violate v
5 assess v
5 astonish v
5 commence v
5 essence n
5 extract v
5 fabulous adj
5 haste n
5 impulse n
5 latter adj
5 molecule n
5 ongoing adj
5 pharmaceutical adj
5 precise adj
5 proximity n
5 publicity n
5 remedy n
5 significance n
5 subsequent adj
5 synthetic adj
5 terminal adj
6 altitude n
6 coastline n
6 deter v
6 devise v
6 expertise n
6 fracture n
6 impair v
6 implement v
6 indigenous adj
6 insight n
6 limb n
6 migraine n
6 optimism n
6 peculiar adj
6 proficient adj
6 quest n
6 ridge n
6 spouse n
6 thrust v
6 tolerate v
7 aquatic adj
7 biosphere n
7 bizarre adj
7 Celsius n
7 coarse adj
7 companion n
7 digest v
7 duration n
7 ecology n
7 feat n
7 infinite adj
7 nucleus n
7 parasite n
7 prominent adj
7 repetitive adj
7 reproductive adj
7 temperate adj
7 tolerance n
7 undergo v
7 vulnerable adj
8 adept adj
8 barren adj
8 ceramic adj
8 culinary adj
8 dense adj
8 dignity n
8 dominate v
8 edible adj
8 hostile adj
8 intake n
8 likewise adv
8 malnutrition n
8 medication n
8 misconception n
8 obscure adj
8 oppress v
8 peel v
8 prescription n
8 respirator n
8 strive v
9 archaic adj
9 benevolent adj
9 brass n
9 capitalism n
9 component n
9 dependence n
9 diminish v
9 drawback n
9 fad n
9 impose v
9 managerial adj
9 medieval adj
9 obsolete adj
9 peninsula n
9 prestige n
9 proportion n
9 radical adj
9 refute v
9 spectacular adj
9 weave v
10 accountant n
10 capitalist n
10 contempt n
10 dedicate v
10 ditch n
10 enterprise n
10 exquisite adj
10 finance v
10 indifferent adj
10 irrigate v
10 maximize v
10 monetary adj
10 precaution n
10 preliminary adj
10 saturate v
10 simplicity n
10 sow v
10 soy n
10 spade n
10 upcoming adj
11 acute adj
11 aggression n
11 banquet n
11 biography n
11 boost v
11 clap v
11 compel v
11 dominance n
11 gorgeous adj
11 inevitable adj
11 legacy n
11 masterpiece n
11 multiple adj
11 narrate v
11 notorious adj
11 outdated adj
11 overall adv
11 partiality n
11 spontaneous adj
11 virtue n
12 anthropology n
12 applaud v
12 appoint v
12 compatible adj
12 competence n
12 confer v
12 consecutive adj
12 crude adj
12 cube n
12 feedback n
12 ignorance n
12 masculine adj
12 monument n
12 posture n
12 situate v
12 supervise v
12 symmetry n
12 tattoo n
12 undergraduate n
13 brook n
13 cater v
13 considerate adj
13 consumption n
13 criteria n
13 crust n
13 degrade v
13 escort v
13 external adj
13 facility n
13 faculty n
13 heap n
13 hemisphere n
13 hound n
13 impersonal adj
13 ornament n
13 pedestrian n
13 sanctuary n
13 spectator n
14 asset n
14 aspect n
14 Braille n
14 bud n
14 coordinate v
14 disprove v
14 humanitarian n
14 hypothesis n
14 imprint n
14 informative adj
14 optic adj
14 premise n
14 rack n
14 Renaissance n
14 revere v
14 simultaneous adj
14 skeptic n
14 spatial adj
14 specify v
14 wax v
15 accessory n
15 acquisition n
15 adequate adj
15 cardboard n
15 dilemma n
15 elaborate adj
15 facilitate v
15 fleet n
15 grid n
15 import v
15 infer v
15 inflate v
15 innate adj
15 marble n
15 mast n
15 nausea n
15 naval v
15 pouch n
15 saturated adj
15 update n
16 addict n
16 archeological adj
16 archeology n
16 brainstorm v
16 budget n
16 chaotic adj
16 cite v
16 correspond v
16 courtyard n
16 estate n
16 fraud n
16 hydrogen n
16 integrity n
16 knit v
16 outlook n
16 parachute n
16 prehistoric adj
16 proponent n
16 refine v
16 restrict v
17 attorney n
17 chronic adj
17 discipline n
17 donor n
17 fellow n
17 gossip n
17 graduate v
17 graffiti n
17 guardian n
17 implicate v
17 kin n
17 referee n
17 sever v
17 shaft n
17 stab v
17 stimulus n
17 suspicion n
17 terminate v
17 theme n
17 tuition n
18 aggressive adj
18 amnesty n
18 arena n
18 auditorium n
18 captive n
18 combat n
18 commonplace adj
18 compound n
18 corps n
18 distract v
18 dumb adj
18 foe n
18 hack v
18 meditate v
18 nick v
18 provoke v
18 realm n
18 rust n
18 sacred adj
19 accordingly adv
19 anchor n
19 buoy n
19 catastrophe n
19 context n
19 designate v
19 distort v
19 dock n
19 fore n
19 frequent adj
19 genuine adj
19 grease n
19 intricate adj
19 offset v
19 overlap v
19 precipitate v
19 secondhand adj
19 slot n
19 submerge v
19 tactic n
20 aggregate adj
20 antibiotic n
20 circuit n
20 complement v
20 compress v
20 database n
20 comment v
20 equivalent n
20 immune adj
20 input n
20 intimate adj
20 magnet n
20 metabolism n
20 microchip n
20 phase n
20 pinch v
20 prevalent adj
20 quantum adj
20 ratio n
20 spiral n
20 viral n
21 astounded adj
21 attribute n
21 bilingual adj
21 clone n
21 colloquial adj
21 cosmetics n
21 dash v
21 disgust n
21 fluorescent adj
21 furious adj
21 gulf n
21 humanities n
21 knot n
21 linguist n
21 participant n
21 plausible adj
21 ritual n
21 sibling n
21 skinny adj
21 vague adj
22 acid n
22 administration n
22 administrative adj
22 biotechnology n
22 cholesterol n
22 coalition n
22 deceptive adj
22 diabetes n
22 eliminate v
22 erosion n
22 ethics n
22 explicit adj
22 framework n
22 manufacture v
22 mechanism n
22 minimize v
22 nectar n
22 notion n
22 prone adj
22 straightforward adj
23 astronomical adj
23 atom n
23 breadth n
23 circumference n
23 comet n
23 crater n
23 crescent n
23 debris n
23 despair n
23 embed v
23 fragment n
23 galaxy n
23 gigantic adj
23 gloom n
23 radiate v
23 roam v
23 solitary adj
23 spectrum n
23 sphere n
23 status n
24 bankrupt adj
24 conform v
24 employ v
24 expel v
24 extension n
24 forthcoming adj
24 furnish v
24 hygiene n
24 hygienic adj
24 landlord n
24 lease v
24 mandatory adj
24 mend v
24 mortgage n
24 personnel n
24 plumbing n
24 tenant n
24 trendy adj
24 utility n
24 whereby conj
25 aesthetic adj
25 arrogant adj
25 bias n
25 canyon n
25 creek n
25 drill n
25 executive n
25 fatigue n
25 incline n
25 nasty adj
25 perceive v
25 primate n
25 primitive adj
25 stereotype n
25 sticky adj
25 termite n
25 thereby adv
25 trail n
25 twig n
25 welfare n
26 behalf n
26 flap v
26 glacier n
26 globe n
26 horizontal adj
26 hum v
26 inventory n
26 inward adj
26 loaf n
26 oracle n
26 orbit v
26 overview n
26 preview n
26 previous adj
26 provide v
26 recur v
26 relevant adj
26 rite n
26 stall v
26 supernatural adj
27 adapt v
27 biological adj
27 cellular adj
27 dynamic adj
27 fantasy n
27 heredity n
27 internal adj
27 minimal adj
27 pioneer n
27 prescribe v
27 respective adj
27 revive v
27 rigid adj
27 sequence n
27 substitute v
27 surgeon n
27 therapy n
27 transfer v
27 transition n
27 transplant n
28 aquarium n
28 arbitrary adj
28 autobiography n
28 convention n
28 gracious adj
28 improve v
28 insulate v
28 intrigue v
28 longevity n
28 misplace v
28 naughty adj
28 norm n
28 orangutan n
28 overload v
28 philanthropy n
28 probe v
28 recipient n
28 reptile n
28 thrive v
28 ultimate adj
29 antique adj
29 applicant n
29 artifact n
29 authentic adj
29 chronology n
29 diplomat n
29 epic n
29 excerpt n
29 fossil n
29 humiliate v
29 lyric adj
29 majesty n
29 monarch n
29 precede v
29 punctual adj
29 recruit v
29 refund n
29 register n
29 renown n
29 tusk n
30 burden n
30 compromise v
30 craft v
30 crook n
30 currency n
30 enigma n
30 fragile adj
30 hybrid n
30 innocence n
30 merge v
30 moderate adj
30 overwhelm v
30 perception n
30 reunion n
30 rig v
30 shiver n
30 sociable adj
30 talkative adj
30 tow v
30 tramp v
4000 Essential English Words 5

English Definition

To allot something means to give it to someone.

To appall means to horrify, shock, or disgust someone.
A cache is a hiding place for valuable things.
Convenience is a state of being able to do something with little effort.
A dearth is an amount or supply which is not large enough.
If a thing you do is deliberate, you intend to do it.
When something is dire, it is terrible and very serious.
To elapse means to pass, as in seconds, minutes, or hours.
Empathy is sharing or understanding another person’s feelings.
When something is fanciful, it is unusual or unrealistic.
To gripe means to complain constantly.
When something is grueling, it is very hard to do.
When something is mundane, it is boring, common, or ordinary.
To opt is to make a choice, especially when deciding in favor of something.
Outrage is a very strong emotion of anger or shock.
When an amount of something is paltry, it is very small.
To rectify something means to correct it.
When someone is resourceful, they are good at dealing with hard situations.
Sustenance is food and water needed to keep a person, animal, or plant alive.
When something is tedious, it is long, frustrating, and boring.
An abbey is a house or group of houses where monks or nuns live.
If something is abundant, then it is available in large quantities.
To adjoin something means to be next to or attached to something else.
If something is ample, then it is enough or more than enough.
If a place is arid, then it is hot and dry and gets very little or no rain.
A cathedral is an important and often large and beautifully built church.
To deprive someone of something means to not let them have it.
A drought is a long period of time in which little or no rain falls.
If someone is eligible, then they are permitted to do or have something.
To fast means to go without food or drink for a period of time.
To grumble means to complain.
If someone goes inland, they travel into the center of a country or land.
Moisture is small drops of water in the air or on a surface.
If something happens nonetheless, then it occurs despite some other thing.
An oath is a formal, often public, promise.
A prairie is a large fl at area of grassland.
If something is ragged, then it is old, torn, and falling apart.
If an area of land is rugged, then it is rocky and difficult to travel through.
If something is scarce, then it is in a very small amount.
To speculate means to guess about something.
If something is analytic, it is related to logic and reasoning.
To assert a fact or belief means to state it with confidence.
A bachelor is an unmarried man.
Calculus is an advanced type of mathematics.
If something is celestial, it is related to the sky or to outer space.
If something is cognitive, it is related to learning and knowing things.
A collision is the act of two things hitting into each another.
If someone is competent, they are able to think or act successfully.
A diploma is a certificate proving that someone has completed their studies.
To excel at a subject or activity means to be very good at it.
Geology is the study of the Earth’s natural structures and how they change.
To harness something means to control and use it, usually to make energy.
An intellect is a person’s ability to understand things easily.
If someone is keen, they are intelligent.
Mythology is a group of stories from a particular country or region.
Physiology is the study of the various parts of living things.
If something is radioactive, then it lets out, or is related to, radiation.
Relativity is a set of ideas about time and space developed by Albert Einstein.
Sociology is the study of human society, its organizations, and problems.
If something is theoretical, it is based on theory rather than experience.
An administrator is a person who controls a business, company, or organization.
If someone is affluent, they are wealthy.
To audit means to inspect financial records from a person or business.
To automate a company means to install machines or computers to do the work.
To bribe someone means to illegally persuade them for a favor with money.
If someone is corrupt, they break the law for money or fame.
To dispose of something means to get rid of it.
A headquarters is a building where the bosses of a company work.
An incentive is what makes a person want to do something.
An infrastructure is a collection of services needed to run a society or business.
To legislate means to make laws.
If something is legitimate, then it is acceptable according to the law.
To manipulate something means to skillfully or unfairly control or affect it.
Merchandise is goods ready to be purchased or sold.
Retail is the activity of selling goods to the public, often for personal use.
Revenue is the income made by a company.
Rubbish is trash or waste.
A subsidy is money given by the government to companies to assist them.
A transaction is an act of buying or selling something.
To violate a law, rule, or agreement means to break it.
To assess something means to judge the structure, purpose, or quality of it.
To astonish someone means to greatly surprise them.
To commence something means to begin it.
The essence of something is its important qualities or basic characteristics.
To extract something means to remove it.
If something is fabulous, it is extremely good.
Haste is speed in movement or action.
An impulse is a sudden thoughtless urge to do something.
Latter describes something last in a series or the second choice of two things.
A molecule is the smallest basic unit that makes up a physical substance.
If something is ongoing, then it is still happening or still growing.
If something is pharmaceutical, then it is related to the development of drugs.
If someone is precise, then they are exact and careful about their work.
Proximity is closeness in time, space, or relationships.
Publicity is public attention given to someone or something by the media.
A remedy is a cure for a disease, argument, or problem.
The significance of something is the quality that makes it important.
If something is subsequent, then it comes after something else in time.
If something is synthetic, then it is made to be like something natural.
If something is terminal, then it causes or results in death.
The altitude of a place is its height above sea level.
A coastline is the outline of a country’s coast.
To deter means to prevent or discourage someone from doing something.
To devise something means to have an idea or plan about it in the mind.
Expertise is the knowledge and skills to do something well.
A fracture is a crack or break in something.
To impair something means to damage it or make it worse.
To implement something means to ensure that what has been planned is done.
If something is indigenous, it is originally from, or native to, a place.
Insight is a deep and accurate understanding of something.
A limb is a large branch on a tree.
A migraine is a painful headache that makes one feel sick.
Optimism is the feeling of being hopeful about the future or success of something.
When something is peculiar, it is strange, sometimes in a bad way.
When a person is proficient at something, they can do it well.
A quest is a long and difficult search for something.
A ridge is a long, narrow piece of raised land.
A spouse is the person to whom someone is married.
To thrust means to push or move something quickly with a lot of force.
To tolerate something means to be able to accept it even when it is unpleasant.
If a plant or animal is aquatic, it lives or grows in water.
The biosphere is the earth’s surface and atmosphere where there are living things.
When something is bizarre, it is very strange.
Celsius is a scale for measuring temperature.
If something is coarse, that means it has a rough texture.
A companion is a person that someone spends a lot of time with.
To digest means to swallow food and pass it through the body.
The duration of an event is the time during which it happens.
Ecology is the study of the environment and living things.
A feat is an impressive or difficult achievement or action.
If something is infinite, it has no limit or end.
The nucleus is the central part of an atom or cell.
A parasite is a tiny animal or plant that attaches to another animal to get food.
When something is prominent, it is important and well known.
When something is repetitive, it is repeated many times and becomes boring.
If something is reproductive, it has to do with a living thing producing young.
When a place is temperate, it never gets too hot or cold.
Tolerance is the ability to accept something painful or unpleasant.
To undergo an action means to have it happen to you.
When someone is vulnerable, they are weak and without protection.
If someone is adept at something, they are very good at doing it.
If land is barren, it has no plants growing on it.
If something is ceramic, it is made of baked clay.
If something is culinary, it is related to cooking.
If something is dense, it has a lot of things close together.
Dignity is the ability to be calm and worthy of respect.
To dominate someone or something is to control them.
If something is edible, you can eat it.
If someone is hostile, they are angry and unfriendly.
Your intake of food is the amount of food you take into your body.
If someone does something likewise, they do the same thing as someone else.
Malnutrition is the condition of not getting enough nutrients.
Medication is medicine or drugs given to people who are sick.
A misconception is a wrong idea about something.
If something is obscure, it is not well-known.
To oppress someone means to rule over them in a cruel and unfair way.
To peel fruits and vegetables is to remove their skin.
A prescription is permission from a doctor to get medicine.
A respirator is a machine that helps weak or sick people breathe.
To strive is to struggle to achieve something.
If something is archaic, it is very old or outdated.
If someone is benevolent, they are kind and generous.
Brass is a metal that is used to make musical instruments and ornaments.
Capitalism is an economic system where private companies make goods for profit.
A component is a part of a larger machine.
Dependence is a situation in which somebody relies on something else.
To diminish means to reduce or get smaller.
A drawback is a disadvantage.
A fad is something that is popular for a short time.
To impose means to interrupt or force your ideas on other people.
Managerial describes something related to a manager or management.
If something is medieval, it comes from the period between 650 and 1500 CE.
If something is obsolete, it is not used anymore because something better exists.
A peninsula is a large piece of land that is surrounded by the sea on three sides.
If a person has prestige, people admire or respect them.
A proportion is an amount that shows the link between the parts and the whole.
If something is radical, it is very new or different.
To refute something means to prove that it is false or incorrect.
If something is spectacular, it looks or sounds very impressive.
To weave means to make cloth using horizontal and vertical threads.
An accountant is a person whose job is to keep financial accounts.
A capitalist is a business person who invests in trade and industry for profit.
Contempt is the feeling of having no respect for something.
To dedicate oneself to something means to put a lot of time and effort into it.
A ditch is a narrow hole cut into the ground by a road or a field.
An enterprise is a company or business.
When something is exquisite, it is very beautiful or pleasant.
To finance someone or something means to provide money for them.
When someone is indifferent toward something, they have a lack of interest in it.
To irrigate means to supply water to land so that crops can grow.
To maximize something is to make it as great in amount, size, or importance.
When something is monetary, it relates to money.
A precaution is an action that is meant to stop something bad from happening.
Preliminary describes something that happens before a more important event.
To saturate something means to completely soak it with a liquid.
The simplicity of something is the fact that it is easy to do or understand.
To sow seeds means to plant them in the ground.
Soy is a food made from soybeans, such as fl our or butter.
A spade is a tool used for digging.
When something is upcoming, that means it will happen in the near future.
When a bad thing is acute, it is very severe and intense.
Aggression is behavior that is mean or violent to others.
A banquet is a grand formal dinner.
A biography is an account of someone’s life that is written by someone else.
To boost something means to increase or improve it.
To clap means to hit one’s hands together to express pleasure or get attention.
To compel someone to do something means to force them to do it.
The dominance of a person is their state of being more powerful than others.
When a group of things is diverse, it is made up of a wide variety of things.
When something is inevitable, it is certain to happen or cannot be avoided.
A legacy is an effect that exists because of a person or thing in the past.
A masterpiece is a very good painting, novel, movie, or other work of art.
If there are multiple things, there are many of them.
To narrate a story means to write about it or read it aloud.
When something is notorious, it is well-known because of something bad.
When something is outdated, it is old and no longer useful in modern time.
When a thing is talked about overall, the whole thing is considered.
A partiality is a tendency to prefer one thing to another.
When an act is spontaneous, it is not planned. It happens suddenly.
A virtue is a good quality or way of behaving.
Anthropology is the study of people, society, and culture.
To applaud means to clap in order to show approval.
To appoint someone to a job means to give the job to them.
When things are compatible, they work well or exist together successfully.
Competence is the ability to do something well or effectively.
To confer with someone means to discuss something with them to make a decision.
When things are consecutive, they happen one after another without interruption.
When something is crude, it is not exact or detailed, but it can still be useful.
A cube is a solid object with six square surfaces that are all the same size.
Feedback is comments to a person about how they are doing something.
Ignorance of something is lack of knowledge about it.
When something is masculine, it is a quality or thing related to men.
A monument is a structure that is built to remind people of a person or event.
A person’s posture is the position in which they stand or sit.
To situate something means to place or build it in a certain place.
To supervise something means to make sure that it is done correctly.
Symmetry is the state of having two halves that are exactly the same.
A tattoo is a design that is drawn permanently on the skin with needles.
An undergraduate is a student at a college who is studying for a bachelor’s degree.
A brook is a small stream.
To cater to someone means to provide them with all the things needed or wanted.
When someone is considerate, they pay attention to the needs of others.
The consumption of food or drink is the act of eating or drinking it.
Criteria are factors on which a person judges or decides something.
Crust is the tough outer part of a loaf of bread.
To degrade someone means to cause people to have shame.
To escort people means to safely accompany them to a place.
When something is external, it is connected to an outer part.
A facility is a building that exists for a particular purpose.
A faculty is a mental or physical ability.
A heap of things is a large pile of them.
A hemisphere is one half of the earth.
A hound is a type of dog that is often used for racing or hunting.
If something is impersonal, it is not friendly and makes people feel unimportant.
An ornament is an attractive object that people display in their homes.
A pedestrian is a person who is walking on a street.
A sanctuary is a place where people in danger can go to be safe.
A spectator is someone who watches something, especially a sports event.
An asset is a skill or quality that is useful or valuable.
An aspect is one part or feature of something.
Braille is a system of raised patterns on paper that allows the blind to read.
A bud is a part of a plant that turns into a flower or a leaf.
To coordinate things is to make different parts work together.
To disprove something means to show that it is not true.
If something is humanitarian, it is connected to helping people’s lives.
A hypothesis is an idea for something that has not been proved yet.
An imprint is an effect or lesson from an experience that is hard to forget.
When something is informative, it provides a lot of information.
When something is optic, it relates to the eyes or light.
A premise is an idea on which something is based.
A rack is an object with shelves that holds things.
The Renaissance was a period between the 14th and 17th centuries.
To revere something is to admire it greatly.
When something is simultaneous, it occurs at the same time as something else.
A skeptic is a person who does not believe something.
When something is spatial, it relates to the position and size of things.
To specify is to describe something clearly.
Wax is a substance that is slightly shiny and melts when heated.
An accessory is a thing that is added to another thing to make it look better.
An acquisition is something that a person buys or gets in some way.
When something is adequate, it is good enough for something else.
Cardboard is a material made out of stiff paper. It is often used to make boxes.
A dilemma is a difficult situation in which a choice has to be made.
When something is elaborate, it contains a lot of details.
To facilitate something is to make it easier.
A fleet is a group of ships.
A grid is a pattern of squares with numbers and letters to find places on a map.
To import means to bring in a product from another country.
To infer something is to decide it is true based on other information one has.
To inflate something means to fill it up with air.
When something is innate, it is something that one is born with, it is not learned.
Marble is a type of rock that feels cold and is smooth when cut.
A mast is a long pole on a ship that holds the sail.
Nausea is the feeling of being sick to your stomach.
When something is naval, it relates to a country’s navy or military ships.
A pouch is a small, flexible bag that is usually made of cloth.
If something is saturated, it is completely wet.
An update is an act of making something more modern.
An addict is a person who cannot stop doing or having something.
When something is archeological, it relates to archeology.
Archeology is the study of ancient people through their artifacts.
To brainstorm is to have a lot of ideas about a certain topic.
A budget is the amount of money available to spend on something.
When something is chaotic, it is crazy, confused, and hectic.
To cite something is to mention it as an example or as proof of something.
To correspond is to match or to be similar to something.
A courtyard is an outdoor area that is surrounded by the walls of a building.
An estate is a large area of land owned by a family or organization.
Fraud is the crime of gaining money by lying or by tricking people.
Hydrogen is a gas that has no taste, color, or smell.
Integrity is honesty and good morals.
To knit is to make fabric by connecting strings together.
An outlook is a person’s opinion or way of thinking about something.
A parachute is a device that helps people and things fall to the ground safely.
When something is prehistoric, it is from a time when there was no written history.
A proponent is a person who supports an idea or a plan.
To refine something is to make it better by making changes.
To restrict is to limit something and prevent it from getting bigger.
An attorney is one who gives others advice about the law.
When something is chronic, it happens over and over again over time.
Discipline is training that helps people follow the rules.
A donor is somebody who gives something to an organization.
A fellow is someone who shares a job or quality with someone else.
Gossip is information that might be untrue but is still discussed anyway.
To graduate from a school means to complete and pass all courses of study there.
Graffiti is words or drawings in public places.
A guardian is someone who protects somebody or something.
To implicate someone is to show that they have done a crime or something bad.
Kin is a person’s family and relatives.
A referee is a person who makes sure that the rules are followed in sports.
To sever something is to cut through it completely.
A shaft is a handle of a tool or weapon.
To stab means to cut someone or something with a sharp object like a knife.
A stimulus is something that causes growth or activity.
A suspicion is a feeling that something is possible or true in a crime.
To terminate something means to stop or end it.
A theme is the main subject of a book, movie, or painting.
Tuition is the amount of money paid to go to a school.
If someone is aggressive, then they constantly want to fight.
Amnesty is a pardon given to prisoners of war.
An arena is a building where people can watch sports and concerts.
An auditorium is a large building used for public events.
A captive is a prisoner.
Combat is fighting between two people or groups.
If something is commonplace, then it is ordinary.
A compound is an enclosed area such as a prison or factory.
A corps is a division of a military force.
To distract someone means to stop them from concentrating on something.
If someone is dumb, they are unable to speak.
A foe is an enemy or opponent.
To hack something means to cut it into uneven pieces.
To meditate means to focus or think deeply in silence.
To nick someone means to cut them slightly with a sharp object.
To provoke someone means to annoy them on purpose to cause violence.
A realm is any area of activity or interest.
Rust is a red and brown coating on iron objects caused by water and air.
If something is sacred, then it is worshipped and respected.
If someone acts accordingly, they act in a way that is suitable.
An anchor is a heavy object dropped from a boat to make it stay in one place.
A buoy is a fl oating sign that warns boats of dangerous areas.
A catastrophe is an unexpected event that causes great suffering or damage.
Context is the situations that form the background of an event.
To designate someone or something means to give them a particular description.
To distort something means to lie about it.
A dock is an enclosed area where ships go to be loaded, unloaded, and repaired.
The fore of something is the front part of it.
If something is frequent, then it happens or is done often.
When something is genuine, it is true or real.
Grease is an oily substance put on moving parts, so they work smoothly.
When something is intricate, it has many small parts or details.
To offset means to use one thing to cancel out the effect of another thing.
To overlap something means to cover a piece of it.
To precipitate an event means to cause it to happen sooner than normal.
When something is secondhand, it has been owned by someone else.
A slot is a narrow opening in a machine or container.
To submerge something means to put it below the surface of a liquid.
A tactic is a careful plan to achieve something.
When a number is aggregate, it is made up of smaller amounts added together.
An antibiotic is a medical drug used to kill bacteria and treat infections.
A circuit is a piece of an electronic device that allows electricity to flow.
To complement something or someone is to make them better.
To compress something means to press or squeeze it so that it takes up less space.
A database is a collection of data that is stored in a computer.
An equivalent is an amount or value that is the same as another amount or value.
To cross means to go from one side to the other side.
When someone is immune to a disease, they cannot be affected by it.
Input is information that is put into a computer.
When a relationship is intimate, the two things are very closely connected.
A magnet is a piece of iron or other material which attracts iron toward it.
A person’s metabolism is the way chemical processes in their body use energy.
A microchip is a small device inside a computer that holds information.
A phase is a stage in a process or the gradual development of something.
To pinch means to take a piece of skin between one’s fingers and squeeze.
When something is prevalent, it is common.
When something is quantum, it relates to the behavior of atomic particles.
A ratio is a relationship between two things expressed in numbers or amounts.
A spiral is a shape which winds round and round in a larger and larger circle.
When something is viral, it is a disease or infection that is caused by a virus.
If you are astounded, you are very surprised.
An attribute is a characteristic of a person or thing.
If someone is bilingual, then they can speak two languages.
A clone is an identical copy of a living creature.
Colloquial describes informal words that are more suitable for speech than writing.
Cosmetics are substances that make the face and skin more beautiful.
To dash means to run or move quickly.
Disgust is a feeling of distaste and anger caused by something rude or unpleasant.
If something is fluorescent, it is such a bright color that it seems to give off light.
If you are furious, you are extremely angry.
A gulf is a gap between people who do not understand each other.
Humanities are subjects which analyze human ideas, such as history and literature.
A knot is made when you tie the ends of rope or cord together.
A linguist is someone who studies languages.
A participant is someone who joins in a social event or competition.
If something is plausible, it is reasonable or possible.
A ritual is a formal custom that people do regularly.
A sibling is a brother or sister.
If someone is skinny, they are extremely thin.
If something is vague, it is not clear, and it gives very few details.
An acid is a chemical that can burn or dissolve other substances.
An administration is the group of people who manage a company or organization.
Administrative describes anything related to managing a company or organization.
Biotechnology is the use of living parts, such as cells, in industry and technology.
Cholesterol is a substance in fat, tissues, and blood of all animals.
A coalition is a group of people or organizations working for a common purpose.
When something is deceptive, it encourages one to believe something that is false.
Diabetes is a medical condition where a person has too much sugar in their blood.
To eliminate something that is unwanted means to completely remove it.
Erosion is the destruction of rock or soil due to flowing water or weather.
Ethics are moral beliefs or rules about right or wrong.
If something is explicit, it is very clear, open, and truthful.
A framework is a set of rules or ideas that people use to solve problems.
To manufacture something means to make it in a factory.
A mechanism is a part of a machine that performs a certain function.
To minimize means to reduce something to the lowest possible level.
Nectar is a sweet liquid produced by flowers that bees and other insects collect.
A notion is an idea or belief about something.
When things are prone to some bad thing, they are likely affected by it.
When something is straightforward, it is good because it is easy to understand.
If something is astronomical, then it is extremely large.
An atom is the smallest unit of a substance.
Breadth is the distance from one side to the other side of something.
A circumference is the distance completely around a circular object.
A comet is an object in space made of ice and rock with a tail of glowing dust.
A crater is a large hole in a planet’s or moon’s surface.
A crescent is the curved shape lit on the moon’s face during its early and late stages.
Debris is the small pieces scattered from something wrecked or destroyed.
Despair is the complete loss of hope.
To embed something means to place it firmly within a surrounding thing.
A fragment is a small part of something.
A galaxy is any extremely large collection of star systems.
If something is gigantic, then it is extremely large.
Gloom is a state of being almost completely dark.
To radiate means to send out energy or heat.
To roam means to move around without a plan or purpose.
If something is solitary, then it is lonely or the only one.
The spectrum is the full range of color ranging from red to violet.
A sphere is a three-dimensional round shape, like a ball.
Status is the position of something or someone in relation to others.
If someone is bankrupt, then they are unable to pay their debts.
To conform to rules or laws is to obey them.
To employ someone means to give work to them.
To expel someone means to force them to leave a place.
An extension is a part added to something to give it more time or space.
If something is forthcoming, then it is about to happen in the future.
To furnish means to put furniture in a house or room.
Hygiene is the conditions or methods needed for health and cleanliness.
If something is hygienic, then it is clean and unlikely to cause disease.
A landlord is a man who rents property to a person.
To lease means to rent property, usually an apartment or land.
If something is mandatory, then it is required by law.
To mend something means to fix it when it is broken or damaged.
A mortgage is a loan for property, especially homes and businesses.
Personnel are employees in a business.
Plumbing is the system of pipes used in a home to supply water.
A tenant is a person who rents property from a landlord.
If something is trendy, then it is very popular and new.
A utility is a business that supplies services such as water or electricity.
Whereby means by which or through which.
If something is aesthetic, then it is concerned with a love of beauty.
If someone is arrogant, they think that they are more important than others.
A bias is a person’s likelihood to like one thing more than another thing.
A canyon is a narrow valley with steep walls through which a river often fl ows.
A creek is a stream or small river.
A drill is a tool with a point that spins in order to make a hole.
An executive is the top manager of a business.
Fatigue is a feeling of extreme tiredness.
An incline is a sharp rise in something, especially a hill or mountain.
If something is nasty, then it is not nice or pleasant.
To perceive something means to be aware of it.
A primate is a type of mammal that includes monkeys, apes, and humans.
If something is primitive, then it is simple, basic, and not very developed.
A stereotype is a general but often incorrect idea about a person or thing.
If something is sticky, then it is covered with a substance that things stick to.
A termite is an insect that lives in groups and feeds on wood.
If something happens thereby an action, then it is the result of that action.
A trail is a path through a wild area.
A twig is a short and thin branch from a tree or bush.
Welfare is the health and happiness of a person or group.
If something is done on one’s behalf, it is done for that person by another.
To flap means to move quickly up and down or from side to side.
A glacier is a large piece of ice that moves very slowly.
The globe refers to the Earth.
When something is horizontal, it is flat and level with the ground.
To hum means to make a low, continuous noise.
An inventory is a supply of something.
If a thought or feeling is inward, it is not expressed or shown to others.
A loaf of bread is bread shaped and baked in one piece.
An oracle is person who speaks with gods and gives advice about the future.
To orbit something means to move around it in a continuous, curving path.
An overview is a general description of a situation.
A preview is an opportunity to see something before it is available to the public.
If something is previous, then it happened earlier in time or order.
To provide something means to supply it.
To recur means to happen more than once.
When something is relevant, it is important to a certain person or situation.
A rite is a traditional ceremony carried out by a particular group or society.
To stall means to stop a process and continue it at a later time.
If something is supernatural, it is not real or explainable by natural law.
To adapt means to change in order to deal with a new situation or addition.
Biological describes the process of life and living things.
When something is cellular, it relates to the cells of animals or plants.
When people are dynamic, they are lively and have creative ideas.
A fantasy is a pleasant situation that people think about but is unlikely to happen.
Heredity is the process of passing on features from parents to children.
When something is internal, it exists or happens inside a person, object, or place.
When something is minimal, it is very small.
A pioneer is a person who is the first to discover or be involved in something.
To prescribe medicine means to tell someone to take it.
When things are respective, they relate separately to each person just mentioned.
To revive someone or something means to restore health or life to them.
When rules or systems are rigid, they are severe because they cannot be changed.
A sequence is a number of events or things that come one after another.
The frequency of something is the number of times that it happens.
A surgeon is a doctor who is trained to do surgery.
Therapy is treatment for a particular physical or mental illness or condition.
To transfer something means to move it from one place to another.
A transition is a process where there is a change from one form to another.
A transplant is an operation in which a damaged part of one’s body is replaced.
An aquarium is a building where fish and underwater animals are kept.
If something is arbitrary, it is not based on any plan or system, so it seems random.
An autobiography is a true story of a person’s life written by that person.
A convention is behavior that is considered to be common or polite.
If someone is gracious, then they are kind and helpful to those who need it.
To improve something means to make it better.
To insulate something means to protect it from heat, cold, or noise.
To intrigue means to cause an interest in something or someone.
Longevity is the ability to live for a long time.
To misplace something means to lose it.
When children are naughty, they behave badly or do not do what they are told.
A norm is a way of behaving that is considered normal in a particular society.
An orangutan is a large ape with red and brown hair and long arms.
To overload something means to put more things into it than it is meant to hold.
Philanthropy is the act of helping others, without wanting anything in return.
To probe into something means to ask questions to discover facts about it.
A recipient of something is the person who receives it.
A reptile is a cold-blooded animal that lays eggs and has skin covered with scales.
To thrive means to do well and be successful, healthy, or strong.
When something is ultimate, it is the final result or aim of a long series of events.
If something is antique, it is very old and rare, and therefore valuable.
An applicant is someone who writes a request to be considered for a job or prize.
An artifact is an old object made by humans that is historically interesting.
When something is authentic, it is not false or a copy of the original.
The chronology of a series of past events is when they happened.
A diplomat is a representative of a country who works with another country.
An epic is a long book, poem, or movie about a period of time or a great event.
An excerpt is a short piece of writing or music taken from a larger piece.
A fossil is the hard remains of a prehistoric animal or plant.
To humiliate someone means to make them feel ashamed and embarrassed.
When a poem is considered lyric, it is written in a simple and direct style.
Majesty is supreme greatness or authority.
The monarch of a country is the king, queen, emperor, or empress.
To precede something means to come before it.
When someone is punctual, they do something or arrive at the right time.
To recruit people means to select them to join or work for an organization.
A refund is money given back to a person when an item is returned to a store.
A register is an official list or record of people or things.
Renown is the quality of being well known due to having done good things.
A tusk is a long, curved, pointed tooth of an elephant, boar, or walrus.
A burden is a serious or difficult responsibility.
To compromise is to agree to something that is not exactly what you want.
To craft something is to make it using skill.
A crook is someone who is not honest or who commits crimes.
Currency is the form of money used in a certain place.
An enigma is someone or something that is mysterious or hard to understand.
When people or things are fragile, they are not strong and can be damaged easily.
A hybrid is a mixture of different things or styles.
Innocence is a lack of experience of difficult or complex things in lif
To merge two things is to combine them into one whole thing.
When something is moderate, it is not too big or too small in size or amount.
To overwhelm is to exist in such a large amount that someone cannot deal with it.
A perception of a situation is a way of thinking about it or understanding it.
A reunion is the meeting of people or things that have been separated.
To rig something means to dishonestly arrange it.
A shiver is a shaking movement the body makes when someone is cold or scared.
When someone is sociable, they are friendly.
When someone is talkative, they talk a lot.
To tow something is to pull it.
To tramp is to put your feet down in a loud, heavy way as you walk.

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