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Name: _____________ SUMMER COURSE

Date: ______________ Week 9: Natural Wonders


I. Read the text and do the following tasks.

Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall in the world with a width of

1.7 km and height of 108 m. Victoria Falls is located on the
border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. It was discovered by
the Scottish explorer David Livingstone in 1855.
Victoria Falls is surrounded by a rainforest where it rains every
single day. Wildlife is abundant in this forest, so you can easily
spot an elephant, a zebra, or even a lion in the areas around
the waterfall. The months of June and July are the best time to
view the falls. During this time of year, the water levels are high
enough to show the splendor of the falls.
There are a lot of exciting things you can do at Victoria Falls,
including kayaking, bungee jumping, visiting the national parks
and enjoying amazing sunset on the upper stretches of the
Zambezi River.

Task 1. Underline the following words in the text. Then match
them with the meanings.

1. border (n) a. more than enough

2. discover (v) b. to see someone or something

3. abundant (adj) c. the line that divides two countries

4. spot (v) d. great and impressive beauty

5. splendor (n) e. to find a place for the first time

Task 2. Read the text again and answer the questions.

a. Where is Victoria Falls?
b. How high is Victoria Falls?
c. When was Victoria Falls discovered?
d. What surrounds Victoria Falls?
e. What is the best time to visit Victoria Falls?
f. What activities can you do at Victoria Falls?

II. Fill in each blank with the information about a natural
wonder you know. Then write a paragraph of about 50 – 60
words about it.

Where is it? How can you go there?

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What is special about it? What can you do there?

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Your writing:

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