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1 ree 2018 Mopure-4 Finite Avtomara There ane a hyper Jenpegat. Natal Lecgoeaes Cosed. spa connmonfcakfon bdoeen humane). Fos Lange Use Joo canmurkalton, behoten system ard huwn)), Langooges Cost fp i _Aighabek ¢- The non enrphy ote sek 4 syerbals 6 knoun ax ” ALPHABET adh * 5", (siya). kts denoted by wh Che yt Garplar ge {o1h Ex Loy} Steg i: Sepsence gf gymbsls porn some alphas: (#) fs known os “sTRINe Geonplen:- == Lorry ae Yockastoty dp thfe "2". coz tole ® = AOE cw = Nol ca = 0000 Seply Stotey tA stot 4 seegth (0) ts known ab * EMPTY STRING! end it fs ae Oana Whe chofq "co". d = fel Gample:- corees lol * (O-€ = d= .€-co oe Sobe ghattg tL (Uv) be 2 sts defined over the alghabek CE) then, “o" fe eat ty be asbelots 4 “V5 Th ©) cctv h w)- Exconplea:- v= FLAT oF BL, A/T, FL, WA, a7, FLA, LAT, €,FLAT + Ep Hoty (€) Ta. ob stoey Jom every otg. + Grey Shatig feo | cia Ssaf,. hengoge dieken 4 ees cores “ Langwace® Exempla? = £o,t} Le £0, 1, 09,119 gs b= Lom | many Ls fos lazd i: {hor fozi] AUTOMATA: — fla ackorrata & deltneh ab" gyclem cshee endgy, raerdla, Gnjoaenakin one tmans| 4 taensmiled and used ee polponty some poten Heck dfoneck peaictpalin + men: 7 the ctofiga i A rathecnatical, open Hoek poocess dhe cons on arecag rise 7 ige it Vous ad" AUTOMATA’. Type 4) Pehl There ane 4 Sypes 4 Ashoka i 1. Pintle Ashonnaka. (FA) & “Poshdewn Avtornata. ( PDA) 3. Linean Boonded Athrmba . Lea) 4. Tosieg Machine (7™), Foon. logue 2 The lerguage kin bos Pospep, apt, gorrere ond trode fo reeagnize Te called ca.“ FoRmar LANGUAGE * Geemples = E= Loy] L= {0,1 00,0] Ls (Sl ABI] Ls CoM" nat] 2 0 st. QV Tone 019 ORI oe AMMAR + “The ok 4 oes th ot sed. fe the genes fondf tnd oboieg t kroun an” GRAMnne” _Leeep sae 8 ray oritoeds Coe ‘ . Joweioade : go 7 Soteg qeoore iy ieee LG) ~ Lat} KGATE 3- G, [? a Denenan is a gar dente Prtorndk ts a Deeg [ae y device. a ia | | | [ | Raplen Legge [cot Fee ee | core sete | Sa Reo Corktatk- Fee Grrareimeh | a | ag Cee (efod Cortexk- senstHve } Greener Recunchve. | Ces’) Erumonted | gv Fite Roker. “ A) Posh-Voun ( kerala Lota Bounded. Pohreto (PA) (8A) “Toatly eed ' Cm) Ree @) ype'o! CSG @) <— Type 4" CEH @x) <— Tyre ia GRAMMAR LanGuece aniecd Kis a ad of all be Riuwer os Yre Aphabel :- Ty (ED Te any phate ton, = fs Safes over the elprbel C=) 4 erga waadly C®. ee foefo} *| tie ky Exemnples 2- e's for} 7 Se TE = Lo- fo} - £00, 01, on} Ss ses = for9-Lo}-foi} = Love, ot, ot0, ott, 16, 01, 12 my a = {| bot =] * —-+s kleen dosose + positive celosune So 0 Fostu.. C frchodieg epstlcc) ast sly SeGend Cexcaszy epstlen’) Mopute-4: Finite Avroman. Ant FINE Bevin cy Fintle Ahomeka. A a KR | Cotthook i ookpak Movlpst Dr x Moose ety ( E(NeA) epsilon Nea INSTE]:- Defect ayo (DA Re, Fivleaulek = DFA Dabecn (FA) 2- “The rodrernlfed, gpm Sink pores tte dogs uty Topol Odkpat enedherifem % called aa * FINMTE PUTDMAT “a Derermsistic Fmiite Asmara” (DFA). (® TRA fs defined as S-hple s- C@,5,8, 45°) where, : 7 A ck + cdk chokes Z— Topuk abphabel Coven pal)§ —+ {axe a] 4,— Trilfal dale >» ok A dh fimbstdea (Foe : ayy Cree aued 8 aaa or ie] > end mmokes, alte PEELE EL LT TS sgues wien lp ttl hg ob sdtod [ Pee, | ae eee dats poo YS opt cated te heck ; Block Diagn oh File Alona aM Fyne avrg — Fintle astornata coduths the pollo = 2) Taps Tape :- dopa bape edited fole'cella’ ard. exch cell fe el 4 ralicg xt taps agshe The Aeicto-atyth sepeee ay gril Lehn re hoo ek maken fe tre rpabsterag Hobe poccrsseh- b) Readtg Head / / we etd 1 Tage Header send the Bhypslesynist pow Hoe ip top seatirg jem efron ed. Ate ekg the fps aqotsh fps top seq, tre rege eden ones esl oe eal oheuk doucaida’ Pgh side ie, the cnouerede of ‘ape header & yes Jee Sted opt CntePoedr]- “eile crnak Lutld & conepaler Bir FA because Inede Te pe addon Steck ond U Pork, cernd be avertden «eke. ©) Ffotte conta ¢- Finite cortack cnemges dre tensions be patectne cahthor Tite onafig be of ele eth ne Tash ‘ om rok. [Note]: Dea kas only one Sel ae DPA can hae Ol GD ono Oud, HE sides IDEA Pe a» cornplle spss 16, T seeped Jom each ork ves top cpt ies «x Atte ekg the Tops yal oko stale, DFA qjoce te wxcctly one Sede NFA ge b dipped shsles catth the some inpot. ‘Repaesentalfon 4h Finke Avkoraa. Fite storms con be sepoenoled a wong * \. Toensitin dfagaan a. Toxnsitin Table Semis S-(ar] 8 = £0011 a) = Petlfal stable TToensibion deg «) : ood she C ne ca ae as Oi pate | oe b lo Ae ONS Toencthin table. spy 392 ay aie ry bP A & stoteg x’ fs 7 by @ pete autora | ap Pomel porn gp noah Tay? belongs bo °F’ caer): a 80%» =¥ ips et & ay’ Whang 7 — Tris %s Vacteclly Jre acecophasflly oj tre stafeg by the yeas 4 prrd elele Fe clac called os “ oceepiy ty Sle. * 8(Mo>2) = sh is s(M2 = % § (A >d) = Vy a Gri- fap stag t= abba, coed pk gyi BMG Pearly u Beh dan) = g(an tad ® = 8 (%) b=) t = (9 = % > Yeh ake ‘Facblens. 4. Gonstou DFA ubith occeds odd aomrbor oh @s). S=Cab). b L aj A @ aaa < / bab baaw 2-4 Tops od by ‘rail cad. @ Conctyode TAA able accepts aHeast 2 ‘al's si == fab} (G) Ya Aba Qe an Y *~&) Cae Leatba, bbaba 3+ Congloode DPA hth acceptes exadty A to's’. E= Lab} ae aol (CY) foor x okay aaaan< b r oO Q { y \ 4 dred chee ab 4. Conshoak DEA thokacceps all cote 4 als od Us where evay shoitog stot uth @) z= f98f oO KN & fh ay ab L 7 5} bho To & . a Sune aoia ' . te ad be where & tontaod: DA ubth aceps all coh 4 °° : = ) date, hers uilth Sab. aba ban ~ ® bab x Rate \ = atl nation Vogt = 3 aabx : baba < a . L Qa. @ ~ *) ere) a & bl] oa -@) ay = > ee > 8 Cs @;/«. % See abab ~ o) 2 ° —@) ans b «) a &)+-@) OO) pases Vai, bab —6+-©*+O+© OO OB rtrd 6. Gonstwock DEA whith acepts all stotegs 4 at's hor euoy shot sho ed vith & entation Sergi = lel =2 na ay a bx *) Coe bab x boar | , baabhay — ay a cL 4, a a ys ag a Call} | a ' (") | 4 0 | 44, { Poetic} a9 Te 8018 a) Ae Constouck DRA all short 4 O's ad's uhere, 0.) A's Tho satg ‘ one l ere. Crofeiemnd fee auch) « Bor or eAinvroore Veal = a We Qo : Nowy ley \_ fa) Worx ‘ Ololve — 0000 ' ee | ere Foo pnts uhene CE) rade be accep Hm, Jpn eh pbs fof | L stele choud be enotk od thosld be cia stake. | 8 Constanadk crthtoneh ate astomle Hol accephs alt stags dy a's od Us whee oy oho contains dobsta ab. Lb o ‘ "4 Qe ) ab aacben % Ay) * oe bed . le lax Rie 4. Constoodk mntnionh [Fate astomele Inde accepts all stop 4 ale ak Us whee ouey stateg accepts ckreack b's aerotkvY yo . oa” ae oe CG itiv *\(%)) (%, ) »((a\) wy) -@) ce ‘ ¥ v) rb los (anghnade vintinch fofle astvernks, Hoak accepts all the binary claigs whore copie: forge, wdoete Qwicte by He] ¢ > e yo CO! aaa a, > oi ‘ fay 0) 2%) ee BON) a) AG , aq / O( rod. 3) \, wy | a. len | ic v My \r eh acke | \" ‘ ¥( edn) SH menaioden ; [Tod stale Qreie dees 5 a yallt tre frit choke. Agu 208 VW. Gonskmodk entninc eile askorabe Hak accepts the stoirge + als ad be whee at sya pon odis — a == {ab} at combst ea oO b 7 Te " ie, 224 das Bl 4 Tekee. the. sqreee poe 2 he, 25 [oF > oo @)>@) M1 oy ‘initio, yo “4, ay 4%, Here, Yiveed cnbolis —+ go the odd indices 4%, 541, ) ane waiter here Th, ony we — — . - anba~ i) Lor S SY ak % 7 eS ) » \po sq enwe 2 gents is a Salt es . ee b a4 suet Sat =p ae ay, | ai _ ior ne i b bt My (Qk (Qo | {4,)~- = &} a @| ig ~ — SL Cpe @) “, e 12. Conctoude minted FA Shade accepts alll chav igh L alsod Ws whore sterg 3 Shekel edt ore ap tT ; TO . te o @: g a 7 b- : aaa’ 13. Ganstnod mintindh FA spe ‘he Aergoage » a) t= La® /az0] uhee 2= Las} c) Ls fa%inzo, ae gs (as Suet -NOTE: ‘Dead stale ~The slebe Yom ubich we cand come bad 18 cdled a. “dead stale" Ve o “O-O* b Cpa Saigethsst ely “Unaeadhable stele: The stole oich tannst be neached i nit Abele is called ex unstechee she - es ge. 6 “ay is onmecchebe ctele here becaute a cork reach yen initich stele. LL _—_— << os pd. SPA guy20R \ a fords (FA) ~ Conserverk gh Fiatle Ao ard. non fnk “he joke ands hich ts dained by (OBES ates is called od coreplernenk: | ee Geangle:— Dab : Ras fa) @)-@) C.) aw), b NS \ | ak A» pas @e* FA fA Broblens- 1 Garou ara A ath ocephs ah die oy at oo UE chess ey ci do r&teduith ta, Ee {ad} ay” Nr. Non- Detormfatstte Fitle Avtooke. jw Dafirltons- The FA hich has Oe om cre OF emo aensttons prey Top aes. ae oy stale ts NFA. (ord New fo fee dope: (8558. WD whee, Q&= sé 4 all stder a: fopih phase 3+ Qxe a> fy a toenstifn pon 4, = tote stale Fr stk 4 i Note :- 4y. nea fs wpe pot am DEA bok DAR Te emne ose dren NA. Le No conch a debate To OFF a. Nim tok cove 4 oly dtd toerctiocs #90 need Jo tke oe 4, taucltde Aaoetifons. 3. Ta NAA, tne Sooaftlen pot ten'k vobpe comesqorstig 10 ny Seog: 1 A 5. NFA is an Tncarplee syslon since ik ts act eapioneh so design the torcratons yr each and cans symbol ak exeh and every stele. * 6 Gay NFA en be converted into DFA. 7 No coer 4 corplernerk po NEA. _Foddlons- Le constnode WR Yode accepls all ctaogs dy as ard b's eohoe enory Stoieg chooks cath 4 ae 7 e? oy a | Mf (4 a Conetood NEA. thak accepts all. ctategs 4; als od We cohere every sharing endo waite “be. | a & a {Xo} a, oy, g Ors — Ny | & GAN bo & Ny a. 3. Consknodk NOA Yhal- accepts alt te sigs o's dbs whida contain aubstaing ~ a. ° \ os "fags fa .%64 %, 6 ‘ @i. 2 4. Constnodk NFA diab eagle al the teigs ad ble chee aay o b A t) Stoieg desks od ed wi o> | 4 —% | om @ Hy oe, O—~O ae ee Enpivlene behoeees NFA ord TFA ‘Pocxess +- = ‘ The paces 4 corwersion 4 NEA —» DAA is known os ™ guosek cbse conttoudty A. Tike stole ts sore ox NFA of in he new DFA: B® SCVMM, Ayo) = & 5 (Gu 2%) To ache cooltiple ergo cbprebee Je chal, an 3. Find shobes:- ray cobsee teak containe doe find abe of NEA is fine shale in DFA. 4, Ghat the conshrodkion of § rom the inital. sate end continue te ele fra Carnes orden inpak coluann. Terminale fe poss on enna ote poscess_ whenever no nee crake appears uber inpok colvsmn. Fides. _ 1 cave tre bow NFA inbe eqpiveled DA. Ch) ee b mm Ivo fam] | %% %% {oo} s 4M Explanakion : sh rdy 20h Convert the bee NFA ato epivdet DFA. a ese oro on aay | fvormid 7“ feed | hed: > deere {4.9% 5 | gas (4%) fares) | faired (a0 Y Nove :- pea. oe TL we gee 8 Io the oo cenctaucied PAA Ube Then we ave bag dead ste (on) aegace She G Saencltins Jo Ihe dead stale. C} Epstlon NFA (om) E-NA (om) NA atte E- eaves: = Cie NFA which hay Jnensthfons even io exophy stortrg, © fe known & NR woth E-enover (en) E> NA. Co) E-NEA Ts S hopes M= (48,2, 84°) chee, gs sd d of alt ets Es taps Vy = Totti atabe $= Qe eu Le] 8 Ra boancttin plier. re add oll Ytok ate E elosune ( a Joe Alelea which coe ak 0 dSbave yom He tate & fs known a €-cosuae CY). eve cde % de © cia allan Be, 8Case) sq 3 Eve dle belorgs by the © dlosune . 4. Feed €-doseme Ipo dhe reg E-NEA, E-chasone (aye) = (Mor a Mes Us) Ger = Cased (mys £4} @y= {a> Gays {Ausany epaee enon dd M= (0,8, 8 %2F) => E-NA 6) mis (8,8, 85 we) > NA |. Toile, Stale 2- oe No cooge fo tole stele 4) = 2. _Conshaudiin 8 = g{(aosn) = @- dosune ( 8 (Edosune (aor) | 3. Ffnd, cde + Ere aqele whose €-coyse contains She fend otek 3 e-Nm & a ia Aale to He ges eanstovded NAA. ehrsiy208 8. comok te jpeg Nn = 920 e NFA A ualtln epstlon moves Jo NEA. A oe Joe €-Cosere, €-dosue (Mo) © Lao} oo Coe ces E downe Cos 4% 245 The New NFA Table | Skpat-~ 30% 0) = E-dlosune ( 8 (E-osure (md=*)) = E-dosuae (8C% 345) = E-dosune (a) = faye aa] SCansb) = €-chosome (8(e-dlosune Cais, & YS Emdlotone (8 (Srctamne (a,b) = €-closorxe (4) = ¢ § (airs) = €-dlosune (8 (e-catone (AI) ,))) + E-closwxe ( 8(%4>92) 05) + €-closome ( 6x) . E(aneb) = €- dosone (8 (¢-clowne (1.4) = €- dlosone (8 (ero (4,1, >b)) = €-dosore ( g. 4%) = €-dosuae (¥.) =, S(4u28) = |-corose( 9 (€-oeme @.9) = €-chosune (8G a) ao S(asb) = E-ctosome (#(€-closone (an), 89) = €-chorome ( 8(Va/4)) = €-clogeme (V2) = A. Sepdi- Final stabs - Fink stakes aoe oy, sau, becanses ) E-cheeese(v) contains Jirek stele of, “MMs te e-clasne (+) carbone fink able of, NER — NFA utthook epstion rroves is ¢- OOO Moire Mactate- i The fe adam cose oop associ ete stele Hed, Fe bray, MPame Nnachine- e} @ Marne Mackhe fs 6 hple- Ms (8,83, A, %) chee, = sk gall steles = Topi alphbel: Addie] = oxiph alphabet A= Potteh stabe lo §: &xE—-8 Tha tenn proton A= Q-+A tthe oskpst jporsion- “Representilion 4 Moone Macktne Moone rradifne sepreseled fh 2 coms ir {. Tesnettfon degre 2. Trendy table Paoblems: 1 condoned ersose madtne ch Jokes abl tne shatye of o's evb b's af cont the coo} — 4 eddloreg “ob, Pree Z & ‘ aa Gout = A (Oababe’) a ao a, | 0 uM Me Hy Coot is) oootmec (ho lo Wilo oboe be | aq |! we A aceonneneed a E=foi], O- LYN], A= (aa) je Q!' Qo oe alse 8 iN | | 3 construc moose enackithe Ihab token al ehatge oo od dis at mph a dhe odpsr oo f oF) ootp fe A, tap omc ad eth “IC™ “4 ootpk fe B85 . ‘a «other fapsts, ovtpt SC: = | [oe jo So 4h] My | c | | ¢ 1 >. ~~ a . 4) a, |, % yr Mee . i SEELAY Macuine oe fre toensiton Fs IMow a "EB chee if te assoct ere fre aotpot QB neo mmachfne. (ee). Medlow coaching Ts 6 hyple i= M= (4 ¢,4,8 4,%) here, a sdeo all. slates == Popk alpnabel A= oolput alyphabek §! Ax=E—=+Q fsa toensitin aes 4, = fattfal che + AxE—> A % on odpuk funekian, neon e- Pepsi \. Taensthin a & Toenstior table 1+ Conckoud enedlay machine Hk Jukes all tte stags dy oe od Us nck courk po 7 alc fe bre fopst storey. (yb e 4 ) oot Kb Soe | c AC @baa = tot) yy 1 | % 0 dorkeostk = occunmenns} “a! gpitiak hake * es yp % 1 ar) | I Q Constood mredey crackPhe thet jelces oll stags 4 ale od Us acl count Jre 2s occurences, + substontng Nab! sb/o ao ft) fy ox afo ro ) 7 ‘ > ee 1 (Aababobaaabt') . : = OOlololoooio = 4 oceomenes 4 ob! ! Substaty ° 3. Constnok cneclay madkhe bh ys BS compenet % Bineoy narbers. c a/t, Yo () 4 ergo} s S= {Ac . + Tre oorpitts A, ¥ Topsk ends eof “lo _. 7 ae . . Cy obenactse ——————————————— ‘J Why 2018 a Captudoe When Moose wd Many MAG @ A. Moore —> MEELAY ; machine. job la 59) conved the ges roane reechne trio ened \ sala a fo (ac) } = | Zi . 7 p/@ 4]! — croose table ‘pon faa fea <— A; A Oo Bt A { a | | ve WY SEER HEMET eet | eda Fede 2) convel tne sqvome table fo eneclew rnadathe Sijoib [a porto! | aye er a 4%! on 4 4% Gt My My Me . Meetay a. Meetay ——~ Mooke —> There maybe chonge fr the no 4 shales 1 conwert Ine afuen mnedlay mach ne Prto moone machine - aa Ye av ia L& “@) by bod — 3-4 /A 0 fet MECLAY ee tee | ayy tthe BY <—— nla ® ya [ob | a | A Moore S } 4 2 Comat the em medley Meckine to means [ob ay gh seine: uh Be |b A i B |S J fs] Selo |. o —A A 7 : B ot Bt 7 x 5 \ OM, i) 4 Sele id obifes every Oceonence of OO o% II oe 8

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