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ACCO Brands Cheat Sheet

1. Why are you pursuing a career in marketing?

- Two reasons: room for creativity and growth
- Did it back when managed a college magazine, monotonous work led to switch and found
my calling again when embraced it.
- Learned new things through last 2 years and still eager to learn and grow with right
2. What got you interested in this role & our company?
- I see this as a dynamic role where I will be wearing many hats – a creative thinker, project
manager to relationship manager. I thrive in such roles because they expand my skill set.
Additionally, I’m someone who loves office products – be it binders, markers, white boards, I
spend more time choosing the right one than an average person. So, I see ACCO as a
company that brings harmony to their consumer’s lives and would love to be a part of that
3. What’s your most significant career achievement?
- During my Marketing Internship when I was put in charge of redesigning an entire section of
our Healthwize website. I took meetings with the client, understood their needs and helped
them list more products on the website that can increase revenue. Rebranded it, organized
it, tested and made it ready to present to investors.
- I was personally appreciated by the client and our CTO.
4. How do you work best?
- I work best when I have a challenge at hand. For instance, at Xccelerata I did some of my
best work when we preparing for an upcoming trade show. Creating promotions, send out
email blasts, creating vendor and dental office list for prospecting, coming up with goodies –
it was a busy time I enjoyed working with my teammates with a sense of purpose.
5. What are your strongest skills?
- Content creation, communication (team and clients, written and verbal) and analytical
thinking (learn from mistakes and implement better strategies in future – lunch and learn
6. What are your weaknesses?
- Time management – I am very detailed-oriented and often critical of my own work so it
takes more time than anticipated and I struggle to meet the deadline. However, I’m working
on it by creating time charts for all major milestones and using time-tracking apps.
7. What resources do you use to develop your marketing skills?
- I use industry blogs to stay updated on latest trends and practices – like Neil Patel’s blog for
- Follow social media to analyse different brands and their campaigns.
- Currently also going through online certification to learn new skills.
8. What marketing campaign did you recently like and why?
- Amazon’s Superbowl ad where Alexa can read minds – show all things that can go wrong.
- It’s a funny script so makes the brand memorable
- Alexa is one of their flagship products so Amazon boasts about anticipating customer needs
and creates proves they have a healthy attitude by poking fun on their product.
9. What marketing tools can you use well?
- Shopify, Zoho, Canva, Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Teams, Project, Slack.
10. Tell me about a failed campaign that you worked on. What did you learn from it?
- Instagram product – 5 policy decisions of the day
- Did not get much traction and received comments that it was too similar to existing
products ‘good news in last 24hours’.
- So, we scraped it – learned that policy news should be more visual and explained with a
narrative to attract attention. So, we started doing explainer posters which went better.
11. Tell me about a successful campaign that you worked on. What was your contribution?
- Promotion of our brand attending Annual Spring Meeting by Ontario Dental Association in
- I designed SM posts, email blasts, newsletter.
- Also created a promotional copy for website where they can sign up early and get discounts
at the event.
- I even prepared a list of items for giveaway.
- Prepared a list of vendors and dental professionals that we can be prospective clients. (From
app, event website and LinkedIn).
- We got had not gotten any new inquiries since Covid, but got new inquiries after that.
12. How do you measure a campaign’s success?
- My metrics will be based on objective.
- Launching a new product
o Goal: Highlighting features, setting it apart from competition and sales
o Success metrics: Website traffic (new & returning visitors), sign ups, demo booking
or sales inquiry
o Time frame: I will need this much overall revenue increase in this much time.
o Compare the cost per acquisition or retention with ROI.

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