FuckBoss LV 8

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LV8 Type: Skeleton Exp: 220 Earn: 1

HP: 160 Myth: 20 Size: 9 FC: 3 Movement: 50ft

Str 17 Dex 13 Int 0 W0 Spd 7

Protection Score: 30 Head:

Attribute: Neutral Right Hand: Large Blade
Alignment: Neutral Left Hand: Shield
Body: +13 Armor

Block: Shield Lv4 + Large Blade Lv5
Def 20

Dodge Lv1
Def 13

Normal Actions
Standard Attack: Large Blade Lvl5 +Shield Lv5
Off 22 Dmg 39 Rng 5ft

Armor Weapon
Effect: So long as it has its shield, the Lizardman gains +3 armor.

Spell Schools

Improved Strength lvl4
Body Enhancement
Strength Enhancement
Dexterity Enhancement

Focus Attack
Lv1: Make a standard attack with +1 Off and +1 Dmg. Additionally, you may move up to 15ft
before or after this attack regardless of success. Cost: 5
Lv2: Increase the bonus to: +3 Off +3 Dmg. Cost: 9
Feint Attack
Lv1: You may prepare a ‘feint’ by spending a passive action. Unspent feints disappear at the
start of your next turn. When preparing a feint, share this information only with the GM.
When you use a standard attack or special attack, and your opponent has already declared
how they are going to respond to the attack, you may spend your feint in order to switch to
a different attack or different technique. Your opponent must still use the reaction they
declared earlier. Cost: 4

Power Attack
Lv1: Make a standard or magic attack. If your opponent tries to dodge, they do not get a Def
as they normally would, but if they would be hit they will take +5 Dmg. If your opponent
to block, their block automatically fails, but they get +7 to their protection score. Cost: 3
Lv2: Add +5 damage to this attack. Cost: 8
Lv3: Spend either a normal or a complete action to use this technique. You may select
another attack type technique with the equivalent cast type that you spent to use this
action. Use that technique instead of a standard attack, but add the modifiers and effects of
this technique on top of any modifiers and effects that the new technique already uses. Cost:
Cyclone Attack
You spin your weapon around, attacking all foes within your reach.
Use: Blade Wielder, Berserker, Pole-Arm User, Monk, Beast Claws, Chain, Blade Ring, Angel
Wings, Multi-Shot, Rapid Fire, Elemental Manipulation
Cast: Complete Action
Type: Attack, Combo
Lv1: Make a success roll for a single standard attack. Compare this success roll to the
challenge rolls of all targets within the range of your attack. For each success you would
have achieved, damage the target(s) like normal. Cost: 5

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