Doppelganger Lv9

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LV9 Type: Elemental Exp: 261 Earn: 13

HP: 80 Myth: 160 Size: 3 FC: 1 Movement: 30ft

Str 3 Dex 3 Int 6 W3 Spd 3

Protection Score: 5 Right Hand: Empty

Attribute: Neutral Left Hand: Empty
Alignment: Holy Body: +2 Armor

Dodge Lv4
Def 9

Instant Cast (Chameleon Lv3)

The signature spell of the Doppelganger, their glass bodies reshape to match their
enemies before their skin completely transforms, making them a perfect replica of
their enemies.
Effect: You may cast this spell as a reaction to any target entering 90ft of the
Doppelganger if the Doppelganger feels threatened. The Doppelganger becomes a
clone of that target or a target that they have previously become a clone for in the
last 7 days. It keeps its same HP and Myth, but it copies all other aspects of that
character including their appearance, equipment, genes, skills, and other stats. Any
myth or life loss transfers over to the new form. Any form or amplification spells
that the cloned target currently has activated the Doppelganger will also have
activated upon transformation. All enhancements, stats, equipment, genes, and
other aspects that this monster has disappear for as long as you maintain this spell.
This spell is of course the exception to this rule. Any other spells or stances that the
Doppelganger was maintaining before going into this form automatically end. This
spell has an out of combat turn length of 1-hour. Myth: 5/1

Passive Actions
Telepathy Lv1
Doppelganger cannot speak unless they assume the form of another living being, but
they can communicate telepathically within a short distance.
Effect: You gain the ability to communicate telepathically with anyone within a 60ft
radius of you for 10 turns. They may speak back to you through the mental link. You
may speak with any number of targets within range at once and you choose who can
and can’t hear your communications. Myth: 6/1

Mind Reader Lv4

Effect: Select a target up to 120ft away from you and make a success roll against
them using your (Int+5) against their (Int). You may spend +1 myth any number of
times in order to add +1 targets to this spell. If you succeed, you are able to read
their thoughts for as long as you maintain this spell. The target is not aware that you
are reading their thoughts, but they will make a success roll using their (Int) against
your (Int) every upkeep. If you ever fail a success or challenge roll associated with
this spell, you will be unable to read that character’s thoughts for the turn and that
character will be aware that you are trying to do so. After a character is aware that
you are trying to read their thoughts, they will get +3 to all success and challenge
rolls associated with resisting this spell. This spell has an out of combat turn length
of 1 minute. Myth: 2/2

Complete Actions
Mind Reader Lv4
Effect: Select target within touching distance. As a complete action this spell has the
same effect as a passive action, but you get +10 instead of +5 to your success and
challenge rolls and the target is always aware of you reading their thoughts unless
they are asleep or under the effects of mind lock. Success will still allow you to read
their mind and failure will still prevent you from reading their mind. Additionally,
you may only cast this spell on a target that would be unable to make a block or
dodge reaction or would not choose to. If you have been successful in reading the
target’s thoughts, you may spend +2 myth in order to read three memories of the
target. If the target was unwilling to have you read their thoughts, that target loses -
1d6 HP. This spell has an out of combat turn length of one minute. Myth: 5+/2+

Spell Ability (Cloak Lv1)
The Doppelganger’s natural glass-like body makes it incredibly hard to see at all times.
Effect: You are ‘partially invisible’ at all times. Monsters who are partially invisible
can only be seen by characters that are within 30ft of them. Note that characters
that are partially invisible may make sneak attacks against opponents if they were
undetected the turn before.

Familiar’s Contract
Even with their own consciousness, many Doppelgangers still crave the ownership of a
powerful master, recognizing the many benefits having a master can give them. Still, since they
are an entity created by breaking away from the will of their caster, they have a natural
resistance to brands, and even when one is placed on them they can erase it instantly. If the
Doppelganger accepts a brand willingly, they may modify the rules of the spell to make it a
willing contract instead of forced slavery.
Type: Ability
Effect: Characters do not need to be within the appropriate level threshold or need to
reduce this monster HP below 50% in order to use the spell “Brand” on this monster,
however, if the monster so chooses, the Brand spell will instantly fail, even if the caster
rolled a natural 20. When this monster becomes a Leveling Summon, it gains experience
points independently of its master, meaning it may only gain experience points when in
combat or on its own when not summoned. When summoned, this monster is not controlled
by its summoner, but makes its own decisions. This monster may dismiss itself by paying +1
myth and may choose to pay the spell “Summon’s” myth cost to refresh the amount of time
it stays by its summoner’s side, but it may not pay the initial cost. The summoner may still
pay +1 myth to force this monster to be dismissed. This monster gets +60ft to the distance it
may be from its summoner before automatically being dismissed and the spell “Summon”
lasts for 24 turns instead of 10. This monster may remove itself from the summoner’s
summoning slots at any time, ending the contract.

Spell Schools
Holymancy, Mirrormancy (Spell Affinity x3), Psymancy, Hypnomancy,

Epic Skill Lv3 (Chameleon, Mind Reader, Witch Gene), Witch Gene Lv4, Improved
Myth Lv3, Improved HP Lv4, Armored Hide Lv1, Boss Monster Lv1

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