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LV10 Type: Witch Exp: 300 Earn: 0

Gorgon the Witch

HP: 90 Myth: 230 Size: 3 FC: 0 Movement: 150ft

Str 6 Dex 8 Int 16 W 16 Spd 15

Protection Score: 10 Head:

Attribute: Earth Right Hand: Medium Blade
Alignment: Shadow Left Hand: Shield
Body: +4 Armor

Block: Water Shield Lv3 x2
Def 27

Dodge Lv1
Def 11

Normal Actions
Standard Attack: Quake
Off auto hit Dmg 2d6+34 Rng 0ft

Armor Weapon
Effect: So long as it has its shield, the Lizardman gains +3 armor.

Spell Schools
Gorgon Strike
Your weapons glow with a green pulsating energy. Your attacks turn portions of your enemies to
stone on contact and will transform them into solid statues upon death.
Cast: Passive Action, No Hands
Type: Amplification, Long Lasting
Lv1: Amplify your attacks with this spell and add the “earth” damage type to them.
Whenever you cause life loss to a target with an attack amplified by this spell, place a -1
penalty counter on any stat of the GM’s choice to be determined by the location your attack
hit your opponent’s body (select Str when in doubt.) Penalty counters from this spell never
disappear unless the character is at full health, in which case they will disappear one at a
time once per day. Certain spells can also remove these penalty counters. If this spell would
reduce a character to 0 HP or less, they are turned into a statue and are instantly dead with
no life saving roll. The statue has HP: 20 and Armor equal to the dead character’s Protection
Score. This spell lasts for 10 turns. Myth: 8 Cost: 4
Lv2: Add +4 earth damage to all attacks amplified by this spell. Myth: 10 Cost: 8
Lv3: Increase the bonus damage to +8. Myth: 12 Cost: 12
Poison Strike
The venomancer’s hands glow with poisonous green mist that covers their weapons and mixes in
with their magic.
Cast: Passive Action, no hands
Type: amplification
Lv1: Add +2 poison damage and the ‘poison 2’ effect to all attacks. Myth: 6 Cost: 4
Lv2: Increase the bonus damage to +6. Myth: 8 Cost: 8
Lv3: Increase the bonus damage to +9 with ‘poison 3.’ Myth: 10 Cost: 12
Sleep Poison
You add a drowsing effect to your poisons, potentially putting the target to sleep.
Cast: Passive Action, No Hands
Type: Amplification, Poison, Long Lasting
Lv1: Replace all ‘poison’ effects with the ‘sleep’ status condition, where the number in the
effect is equal to the replaced poison effect. Characters who are hit by this sleep effect may
make a (Str) success roll against your (Int-3) in order to not be affected. This spell lasts for
10 turns. Myth: 4 Cost: 3
Lv2: Instead of the effect of this spell replacing ‘poison,’ it now only adds to the poison.
Myth: 6 Cost: 5
Lv3: While this spell is active, add +1 to all poison effects (and subsequently all other effects
that scale off of poison.) Myth: 8 Cost: 7
You infect the dreams of all sleeping characters within range, causing them horrible nightmares
that cause mental damage.
Cast: Normal Action, No Hands
Type: Aura, Long Lasting
Lv1: All sleeping characters and characters under the effects of “Mind Lock” within 30ft of
you lose -1d8HP at the beginning of their upkeeps before anything else happens. This life
loss does not cause characters to wake up or break them out of Mind Lock. This spell lasts
for 10 turns. Myth: 6 Cost: 3
Lv2: Increase the radius of this spell to: 45ft and the HP loss to: -1d10. Myth: 8 Cost: 5
Lv3: Increase the radius of this spell to: 60ft and the HP loss to: -1d12. Myth: 10 Cost: 7
Mirror Clones
A mirror appears and catches the reflection of another character. The reflection starts to move of
its own record and steps out of the mirror. Those who would fight the clone quickly find out that
this is no mere illusion, but a physical copy of the reflection. Still, the copies can never be as
powerful as the originals. When damaged, the clones will start to crack and turn back into glass
before shattering and falling apart.
Cast: Complete Action, Free Hand
Type: Clone
Lv1: Create a clone of any character within 60ft of you. The clone only has 5HP. You may re-
cast this spell in order to create more clones. Myth: 5/3 Cost: 10
Lv2: You may now spend +2 myth up to 3 times in order to create more clones with this
spell. These clones may all be of the same character or of different characters within range.
You must pay the maintenance cost for each clone separately. Myth: 5+/3+ Cost: 13
Lv3: Clones created from this spell now have 20HP, so long as the original cloned character
does not have less than 20HP, in which case the clone(s) have HP equal to the cloned
character. Myth: 6+/3+ Cost: 16
The geomancer stamps on the ground and the earth trembles, damaging all in the area.
Cast: Complete Action, Free Hand
Type: Auto-Hit
Lv1: Deal 1d6+Int earth damage to all characters within 30ft of you. These enemies must be
standing on some form of ground in order to be damaged. This spell counts as an attack in
that all bonuses and effects that would apply to the damage of an attack will apply to this
spell’s damage. Myth: 5 Cost: 3
Lv2: Increase the damage to: 1d10+Int and increase the range to: 50ft. Myth: 6 Cost: 7
Lv3: Increase the damage to: 2d6+2+Int and increase the range to: 60ft. Myth: 7 Cost: 12
Water Shield
You create a shield of water and/or ice to protect you from incoming attacks
Lv3: Off Def Dmg DWB DWD Rng Myth Cost: 10
0 8 0 +4 +0 n/a 3
Effect: Increase the damage reduction from water and fire type attacks to: -10.
Gorgon Gene
Snakes for hair, scaly skin, attacks imbued with petrifying venom, these are the
characteristics of the Gorgon Gene.
Type: Sub-Racial
Lv1: You gain +1 permanent armor and gain access too “Venomancy” and
“Geomancy” or spell affinities for those schools if you already have access to them.
Additionally, your hair now counts as a “Crushing Bite” weapon. Any “Crushing Bite”
weapons added to your character also count as an extra mouth for spell casting
purposes. Cost: 6
Lv2: Gain another +1 Armor and your hair now counts as 2 “Crushing Bite”
weapons. Additionally, if you pick up the spells “Gorgon Strike” or “Venom Strike,”
those amplification spells count as abilities and no longer cost myth to maintain and
are permanently considered active unless you will them to turn off for a period of
time. Cost: 10
Mind Enhancment
Demon Gene Lvl 3
Improved Speed Lvl 8
Improved Intelligence Lvl1
Improved Will Lv1
Improved Dex Lv1

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