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Nathalie Prudencio,
Alexander Skoglund &
Morgan Anderson
The Company:
‘Super Top Secret’
Who they work with:
- Ghost
- Prime
- Campus Coffee
- Rossignol
- Publik Coffee
- Purple
Biggest client:
Most Popular Client:
Local Companies
Who we met with:

Joey Yorba - Managing Partner

Kit Nordfelt - Creative Director

Mimi Schneider - Account

What we learned:
- Communication skills are very important and
needed when networking and applying for jobs.
- It’s not always about the skills you have. Skills
can be learned but how you treat and work with
people is something that companies and
individuals value.
- Asking questions in a professional manner helps
you achieve what you are looking to achieve.
- Positions in a company can have very different
roles but all play a big part in the overarching
goal of the company.

Company Culture:
- Nothing too professional
- Opportunities to learn; helpful staff
- Supported environment
- Anybody and everybody is welcome
- Teamwork oriented
- Flexible communication
- Each of everybody is unique in their own
way and are encouraged to be unique
- Honest

Advice given:
- Communication is really important.
Someone who can communicate will stick
out in interviews.
- You don’t alway need the skills to be hired.
We are willing to train anyone as long as
they for in with our company culture.
- Be willing to learn. We are always learning
new things when working with different
clients that being willing to learn is
extremely important.
- Be flexible. Sometimes time restraints and
projects are not always done how you’d like
and it is important to roll with the punches.

What they are looking for in
- Creative, imaginative
- Communicative, flexible
- Always willing to learn and work hard
- Not too professional
- Dependable
- Critical thinking and problem solver
- People Person
- Passion towards what the company does
- Enjoyment in their work
- Confidence

Reflection - Alex
One of the most fascinating job experiences I’ve observed. Not only was the job shadow experience interesting
but also mind-blowing to me because of the many works they have been involved in. I work in Walmart and it
was so surprising to me that these guys happen to design the Prime energy drinks, and it’s not even their
considered best work! How crazy is that?

The introduction was spot-on. We were greeted politely and introduced to some great people with great work
ethics. Kit Nordfelt, the creative director of Super Top Secret, presented us with plenty of fascinating designs
and products they have worked on, even showing us some non-disclosed products to soon release in the
future. (No, I will not say what these products are, thank you very much. I’m no snitch) They also showed us
how the work processes go, what presentations they present during their meetings, what creative decisions
they make with designing their products, etc. That part is my favorite, because I have a fond taste to designing
and visually draw ideas.

Overall, the entire experience was worth it. Perhaps I could contact them to hire me for some projects… if they
are interested in hiring me. But that’s just a me-thing. It’s definitely an environment I would love to work in.
Great people, great culture, great work, great everything. It inspires me more to become a full-time artist to
work around with like-minded people and to use my skills to make wonderful projects!
Reflection - Nathalie
I discovered from my visit that even though at times you can be new in a job or anything else the most important thing is to be
coachable, on time, and be consistent with your work. One thing that stood out to me was the deadlines and calendar that the
people that work there has. Most of it has meetings, sending emails, follow up with a final decision with clients which tend to be like
3 or 4 times before making a last call and have the team review and polish their final work.

Kit the creative coordinator showed us a lot of good works from previous campaigns and while I was seeing their work I was
mentioning that I like to draw and he totally connect with me and encourage me to take drawing classes. I was so enthusiastic about
that I might do it even though most likely will be at the U of U at this point. One good piece of advice is to let your art speak for you. I
love how Kit showed us the things he worked on and I really like some of the stuff he drew in the skiboards. I was quite inspired and
I think that most of us can always get a hands-on experience whether is asking or volunteering in some places.

The experience was quite reachful in terms of learning how they work in Super Top Secret. I wanted to see the drawings, but
Morgan and I had a glance into a few of them I will say. The experience was very good and professional overall. I felt welcome and
okay to ask questions to the people who guided us through the place.
Reflection - Morgan
During our job shadow visit, I felt that it was a great way to see a professional company and
their day to day function. There were a few key points that I felt I gained from our visit:
1. Communication is so important and says a lot about an individual when they have
good communications skills.
2. You don’t always need the exact skills to be hired because the company is will to train
the right person.
I felt these points were really fascinating and I really liked to see a professional marketing
company say it’s not always about your portfolio and that you can learn new skills. I also
found in interesting how much the company valued communication skills. One thing that
surprised me is that the company finds it hard to work with students coming in and is
maybe not their preferred thing to do. I found it odd they would still work with us even
though it seems like they ignore a lot of emails from students. This made me question if my
group asked in a way that helped us be able to tour their company compared to other
Thank You Card

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