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So, John, do you like to play golf

Well, no i don’t play golf very much but I play disc golf

What ‘s that

Some people call it frisbee golf, basically, there are courses at parks. it’s similar to golf. But the courses
are much smaller. you use frisbees or a flying disc and you have to throw it so it’s different from golf.
You are not aiming for a small hole but actually, you need to throw the frisbee into a basket.

That sounds fun. is it very easy?

Well, it can be easy or it very can be difficult. It depends on the course. Many different parks have
different disc golf courses. and you can be an easy beginner or you can be an expert. It all depends on
how much you want to get involed.

I see

My friends are i , we are beginners, so we just like to have fun , so we just to the easy course and have a
good time , i think it’s relaxing .

So you only need one frisbee?

Well actually , it’s better to have two or three. You can play with one but , in fact , when you learn more
about disc golf . there are diferent sizes and weights of the disc .

Why would you want a diferent sizes disc?

It similar to the clubs in golf.when you throw a first throw, you want it to go very far, so you should use a
heavier disc , but when you near a basket , you should make a short throw so you want a lightweight
disc .

I see, that interesting .

So , as i said, when you want to come a expert , you have to spend more money to get better
equipment. it’s like any sports , i guess, in fact, they have disc golf competition now, so you can even
participate in a tournament, and win some prize money.

Did you ever compete?

Oh no, I’m just a beginner, i don’t think i want to be serious about it .

So golf has 18 holes, how about disc golf, it’s about 18 holes, too?

Well not usually , golf course is a very large , but disc golf courses are usually found in parks . so they
usually have a 6 holes but you can play 18 holes by doing all 6 three times each.

How do you keep score?

Scorekeeping is like real golf, so the winner should have to lowest score, every time you throw a frisbee
or flying disc, you have to mark one point, so if you can do a hole-in-one that means you can hit the
basket on your first try, then you’ll have only one point .that’s best.

But I’m not that good at it. So usually i have three or four points for each course.

I see you said disc golf is at the park, do you have a little kids play in the middle of the courses?
sometimes the kids of course they can play whenever they want. and the courses do though the park
where kids play. so we have to be very careful, and we have to use good sportsmanship to wait for the
courses to be clear.

It sounds like a lot of fun.

It is fun, maybe you can join us next time

That sounds great, thank you

Hey shirley how was your weekend ?
quiet busy this weekend

Those are hard

What did you do on Saturday ?

Well Saturday morning, i usually clean the house

It’s kind of boring but i have to clean the bathroom and then the kitchen and then the lounge room
becausse i’ve lots of cats and the cats leave hair everywhere so i always have to clean on Saturday

Cats are messy .

So after clean what did you do ?

well in the afternoon, i went for walk at the mountain , it was a beautiful sunny day, there were no
clouds in the sky .It was gorgeous, so i walked up the mountain.

And i saw a ferret(con chồn)

A ferret, yeah

They’re a little ferry animal, four legs, tail - not like a rabbit, but about the same size as a rabbit .

And they’re kind of gold brown color,

Did you see any other animals on your walk ?

No i didn’t see any other animals on the ground. But i did see a beautiful bird fly in the sky.

Wow do you know what kind ?

I think it was an ibis. It’s a big bird what usually walks in the water , it has long legs and it was white with
a black head .

Great , after your walk do you do anything else, i went home , i watch some TV .

That was abot it for my Saturday

What did you do on Sunday .

Sunday i went to the art museum, i really like to go and see new art, pictures or painting or photographs
or sometime sculptures ( điêu khắc )

Who’s your favorite artist ?

I don’t really have a favorite artist ? but i really like watercolors , so pictures that are painted with just
soft,a kind of soft painting style.

Do you like paintings of nature ? i do like painting of nature i especial like painting of flower and
animals , places that have water like lakes, rivers or the sea .

Oh that sound like

So anna you’re from portugal, right ?
ok because, i’m actually thinking of going to visit Europe this summer , and i thought portucal would be
a great place to visit .

Oh yah, portugal is great, especially in the summer , it will be really warm and you can go to lots of
places in portugal, yu can go to the north, we have a lot’s of mountains you can do all kinds of activities
like archery and horse riding

That’s interesting

Actually i was thinking of going to the beach, can you give me some advise for what the best time of
year to go and perhaps there are not too many tourist are on.

If you want to avoid tourists , you should definitely not come in august, august is really crowded and
there are so many people in the south of portugal . tou can try t come in june .

June is already warm but there are not too many people so it will be easier for you to fine accomadation
there are some really nice hotels and hotels around so what kind of place were you thinking of staying

Well actually i don’t realy mind to much i think i ‘s like to see what it’s like for normal people in portugal
what it would be like to go in holiday and have an authentic portuguese and experience. Maybe i dont
really wnat to stay in a big international hotel what is a typical portuguesse place to stay and is nice for a
summer holiday ?

Yeah, that’s interesting, in that case, you should definitely avoid the big hotel and any hotels. There are
some apartments that you can rent, so you can just live in apartment by the beach.

Yeah they’re just in a normal buliding with other portuguese people but you can rent it and stay there
and it’s really close to the beach, it’s like a one minute walk . so it will be really convinient for you .

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