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JOB DETAILS By helping the Merchant to complete their sales, this will increase their visibility and attract more people to shop with them. We don't need to actually shop but just need to complete the sales. For example, If we go online shopping, we will prefer to choose the stores with good reviews and high purchase rates right? In short, Merchants will release order on our platform every day, you just need to pick the order and complete, commission will be given by the merchants after it. If you don't have experience of this kind of online part-time job at all, | will be here to guide you step by step, no worries. Part-time Mall is an online rebate platform. our work is to help the o1 app so they get more trust. we will fake buy their product so they get will give back our money with the Commission . because we help th e seller to boost their ratings in good ratings. after we buy they ns, we must need real a day, right? If you di need a large number ome commissions help complete these data, but data will be untrue and the ers to join to help complete leting the data to the members Because of e-commerce platform reg a real buyer can't buy thousands of pi GROUPON platform can also detect i the product data. The company will who help them complete the data.. hich will increase e the product or inv rity and attract more people to jelivery, just complete the sales. Your job is only to complete sal shop. But we don't need to actu if 5 star, If you are 5 ir product right? So it gives benefits on For example you order online rigl star rate in Online shopping a lot o' the merchants on GROUPON. at is the first thing you yer will be attracted to WE PURCHASED?: No worries, we are just helping merchants to only complete the purchase through online and complete the payment to make it so call virtual sales completed without any actual product movement. HOW IT WORKS?: So here is how it works. The merchant will release order on the platform daily and you can get certain commissions in every order you can save. We are hiring marketing assistant to help mechants boost their sales and in exchange you will get com- missions from every job well done. This is simple you only need your phone and internet connection you can do this anytime anywhere. We are hiring marketing assistant to help mechants boost their sales and in exchange you will get com- missions from every job well done. This is simple you only need your phone and internet connection you can do this anytime anywhere, Earn 3000-6000 today.

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