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dog lizard ant panda spider cat

frog duck elephant


1. 2.
________________ ________________
_______ _______
3. 4.
________________ ________________
_______ _______
5. 6.
________________ ________________
_______ _______
7. 8.
________________ ________________
_______ _______
9. 10.
________________ ________________
_______ _______

1. 2.
tesak ipzaz
___________________ __________________

3. 4.
kcihecn kaec
____________________ __________________

5. 6.
anbana rtcoars
____________________ ____________________
_ _______
7. 8.
nsawdich usgasea
____________________ __________________
_ _______
9. 10.
plaep seap
_____________________ __________________

Uncle (1) ___________ has a rabbit.
(2) _______ rabbit, a (3) _____________.
Uncle Ronny (4) ___________ a rabbit.
Its (5) ________ is as (6) __________ as snow.
Up and (7) __________ the rabbit hops.
The rabbit hops, the rabbit (8) _____________.
(9) __________ and down the rabbit hops.
Back to its own (10) ___________.

My name is Sriram. I am seven years
old. I want to be a scientist in the
I have a sister. His sister’s name
is Amelia. She is six years old. She
wants to be an artist because she
likes to draw and paint.

1. How old is Sriram? (1 mark)

Sriram is __________________________________________________________.
2. What does Sriram wants to be in the future? (1 mark)
He wants to be a _______________________________________________.

3. Does he have a sister? (1 mark)


4. What is the name of Sriram’s sister? (1 mark)

His sister’s name is ________________________________________________.

5. What does she want to be in the future? Why? (2 mark)

She wants to be an ________________ because _______________________


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