Jaws MK 2 CB - Conversión A 10M

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13/7/23, 0:51 Jaws Mk 2 CB - Conversión a 10M

“Those who hear not the music, think the dancer mad”

Jaws Mk2 CB - Conversion to 10M


You may ask why.. Well, it looked an interesting little project and a chance to get the very radio that I first used
in 1982 back on the air. Poacher turned game keeper..


After reading the excellent T4TT articles in PW I made various enquires to Spectrum communications re
conversion ideas. Basically a new 17.055Mhz signal is injected to move the top 10 channels up to 10M. This
gives 10 10Khz spaced AM channels from 29.00Mhz to 29.100Mhz - I bet that's a busy place. I also ordered a
copy of the circuit diagram as I expect it will be more involved than it first appears.

Following more Ebay madness I now have 3 Jaws MK 2's to convert. Well at least there will be two other local
stations.. Now all we need are some FireStiks..

From Spectrum Communications

"The Jaws II uses the circuit of figure 1 of Practical Wireless T4TT August issue. Only that it probably doesn't
have the Crystal Oscillator board for L & H.
Output from the divide-by-two is on pin 13 of the LC7120. This is coupled to a parallel tuned circuit C229 and
L202 via C207, 5pF. There is also a 1K resistor to ground R329 across the tuned circuit.
Remove C207, C229 & L202.
Make up a Colpitts oscillator with a 17.055MHz crystal and inject it at the joint of C207 and C229.
Retune the rig for channel 30 = 29.00MHz, and channel 40 = 29.10MHz."

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A Colpitts oscillator PCB and component kit, type SC29F, with low level output is available (without crystal) at
£5.00. A3 size circuit of the Jaws II will cost £2.00.

The FM rigs listed can all be modified using an SC29 to give 29.30 - 29.70MHz. Additionally an RS10L
repeater shift board can be added for the required offset.
SC29 £23.00. RS10L £3.50. P&P inclusive.

To start off I ordered -

For the Jaws 2

A Colpitts oscillator PCB and component kit, type SC29F £5.00

A3 size circuit of the Jaws II £2.00.

For the Cybernet 1000 FM

FM rig SC29 £23.00

RS10L repeater shift board £3.50

10M AM – I tested both Jaws 2's on RX and TX. One has a scratchy volume control, but that should be easy to
fix. Next step is to get the circuit diagram and oscillator board from Spectrum Communications.


CB – Found a very useful CB PLL Simulator that helped me understand the JAWS MK2 PLL system.

Ordered the crystals from QuartzLab.


10M – The crystals finally arrive! The Elves must have been really busy or perhaps they had just been drinking
too much Guinness?


Soldered in the crystal and tested the board. Tunes across a wide range, but does not quite go down to 17.0550
The cap in series with the trimmer may need to be changed.

Checked the junk box and I have almost all the components required for the other two oscillator boards. I intend
to use plain perf board and point to point wiring for their construction.

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Oscillator with perf board and parts

The kit oscillator works with the 17.055 crystal but is slightly high in frequency.
I used perfboard and point to point wiring to build another version of the circuit for the other rig. It uses a
2n3904 instead of the BF199. This caused a little confusion with the pin out as B and E are swapped. The
frequency was slightly high, probably because the circuit was designed for 17.065. The addition of some
capacitance bought it down, but the tops of the sine waves were still a bit jagged. We want a nice smooth sine


The 2n3904 transistor has a lot more gain than the original BF199. I ended up using a 2nf capacitor. The output
is now a nice sine wave - 540mv PTP. I also increased the padding cap for the tuning so it sits nicely on

Tuning Notes from Spectrum Communications

"There is no tuning procedure written up for all these rigs.  Simply find the main synth varicap and the resistor
feeding it with control voltage. Connect your multimeter probe to the decoupled end of that resistor. Set the
channel change to CH1, adjust the VCO core and watch it achieve lock, and swing the control voltage to max
and min. Temporarily set it about mid range, and then switch to CH40, see where it goes. Go to transmit and see
where it goes. Then adjust the VCO core so that it doesn't hit the max or min level between CH1 and CH40 on
TX and RX. The synth is then set up.

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Testing the Perf board oscillator

Now peak the transmit chain by rotating the TOKO coils clockwise. Large coils with big cores at the driver and
output stage rotate anticlockwise.

Receive TOKO coils tune clockwise for maximum receive signal."

Jaws MK2A - Found pin 13 on the LC7131 PLL chip reference freq / 2. Scoped it and found no signal, it is
grounded! The Jaws MK2A is certainly different from the MK2. It is not yet clear if this will make conversion of
this rig easier, harder or impossible.

Back to the Jaws MK2 - Removed the trippler cap and inductor. Connected the new 17.055Mhz oscillator but
nothing seemed to make much sense.

Reviewed the PLL datasheet and spent a while just probing about. Reinstalled the old trippler and got better
earth connections - not all the chasis is "earthed". Pin 2 on TA 7310P then showed sensible steps through the
channel selector again.
Reinstalled the 17.055Mhz oscillator. Pin 2 on TA7310P now fixed at 11ish Mhz. Found the VCO and measured
the control voltage on resistor feeding the varicap. Winding the VCO core in and out altered the control voltage
between .5 and 9v, changing channels also altered the voltage - as expected. But the lock pin on the PLL would
not go high and the frequency on Pin 2 of TA7310P remained around 11Mhz. Some progress, but further reading
is required. Getting late.


Studied the documentation. Revisited the CB simulator to further aid my understanding. Scoped the downmix
into the PLL but could not make much sense of it, infact was I even looking at the right pin.

The CBSIM diagram could do with some arrows to indicate directions. But it does show the basic ideas. Here it
is on receive using the new offset frequency of 17.055Mhz and set to channel 30, the first 10m channel.

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Now, all I had to do was to get the radio to follow this.. Went back to trying to scope the down mix, but still no
progress. Decided to go back a step and reinstall the old trippler and take a look at the output from the VCO.
With some winding about of the VCO core the channels settled back to their old frequency and spacing. Scoping
pin 1 of the 73010P mixer seemed to give the most reliable readings of the VCO output. Still no lock indication
on the PLL.

Encouraged I removed the old trippler components and reinstalled the 17.055Mhz oscillator, after more winding
of the VCO core with it "locking" on various intermediate frequencys it alighted on 18.3050 - Some sucess at
last. Still no PLL lock and the core is wound almost all the way out. But it steps through the top 10 channels.

Wound the VCO core almost fully in setting channel 30 to 18.3050Mhz. Steps through the top 10 channels
correctly, but still no PLL lock indicator. Further investigation shows pin 15 the PLL lock indicator is held high
by pin 7 and 9. Pin 16 PLL (Lock high) is used for transmit inhibit. The VCO voltage measurement still remains
around 6.7 volts regardless of channel or VCO core position, which does not make sense.

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The VCO control voltage on pin 19 of the LC7120 changes as the channels are stepped. Checked the spec for
pin 16 PLL lock high. High is only .9 volts, which explains things. Wound the VCO coil and watched it go in
and out of lock. Excellent.

For next time - Check the VCO voltage range on RX and TX, consider changing the oscillators capacitors to
avoid needing a 2nf and thus improve stablity, tidy up and install the oscillator circuit, start the RX and TX

Connected up the SWR meter and dummy load. Rechecked the VCO and ensured the PLL pin 16 went high to
800mv on RX. Keyed the TX, the PLL lock pin goes to 4.89 volts? No RF output detected, which could be down
to the TX chain tunning? But it seems strange there is no output at all. No modulation lights on the rig might
indicate that TX is still inhibited. Drawing about 250 milli amps. Clearly the PA is not doing much..


You can almost tell what channel is set by measuring the current drawn.. Scoped the connections on the mixer
again and found very variable results, reflowed the solder on all the mixer pins and got better connections..


Pin 1 - VCO
Pin 2 - PLL input
Pin 3 - RX?
Pin 4 - RX
Pin 5 - Grounded
Pin 6 - TX
Pin 7 - TX
Pin 8 - Power
Pin 9 - TX

Leaving the RX to one side for the moment, pins 6,7,9 all basically go to the start of the TX chain L301 and
L302. When keyed no sensible signal can be seen before the first transistor amp Q301. After Q301 there is a low
level rough 25ish MHZ signal, this can be modulated slightly by speaking into the mike. This increases the
current draw as the audio amp operates.
Next questions - Is the carrier output getting sunk by L301 and L302 before reaching the first amp? What is
happening with the outputs from the balanced mixer?

Used the scopes frequency counter to adjust the signal generator.. Then for the first time the rig received 29.00
Mhz - Channel 30. Tried TX - Pin 9 on mixer IC203 (TA7310P) should be the 29.00Mhz output signal, but
nothing to be seen. The power rail for IC203 pin 8 during TX was 4.8volts, which seemed low?


Retuned the VCO coil again for the exercise. Watched PLL pin 16 (high level lock) going sharply to 800mv for
lock on RX and 4.95v for lock on TX. Mixer IC203 (TA7310P) pin 1 gave 18.3050Mhz on RX and 18.7600Mhz
on TX for Channel 30. Which is correct. No output on pin 9 of the mixer. Heard the sign gen again on 29.00Mhz
Channel 30.

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Pins 3 and 4 of the mixer could not be usefully checked, as at this point the core of the VCO broke. But it was
receiving prior to that..

Got some very helpful responses from the CB2HAM yahoo group, including scans of the circuit diagram and
service notes. Thanks!

Jaws Mk2 with space for new oscillator - click to enlarge

VCO - Followed the service notes to get 5v on channel 40 in TX and about 1.4 volts on channel 1 in RX.
Channel one is a bit high, the notes suggest up to 1 volt. But it is close?

IC 203 - The RX and TX frequencies measured on pin 1 are correct, but on the scope they certainly show some
jitter compared to the reference oscillator. Is it worth looking at the loop filter r203 and c206 (I think)?

TX - 1.5v dc on Base of Q301, 800mv on Emitter and 2.5 on Collector. DC volts are about right but no sine
wave on IC203 Pin 9.

I have not yet revisited the TX inhibit circuit.


Removed R203 and injected a variable voltage into the Varicap diode. Tweaking the voltage to around 5 volts
gave 18.30500 on RX Channel 30 and reducing the voltage to about 1.5 volts gave 18.7600 which is correct for

Interesting as this could not be achieved when the PLL was connected up.

Selecting RX or TX made no difference to the frequency - only the voltage altered it. The PLL would not be
indicating LOCK so TX would certainly be inhibited.

As expected the voltage required very careful tweaking and the frequency did vary slightly..

Interesting to see the frequency changing as the voltage was varied.

As Greg from the CB2TEN Yahoo group had suggested I turned my attention back to the VCO
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Jaws Mk2 - Oscillator installed for testing - click to enlarge

Disconnecting the VCO from the PLL and injecting 0-6.5v at TP1, I can swing Pin 2 of the
7310 mixer across a part of the required range, but not all of it.

What is the function of C211? I have reduced its value and it does increase the
max frequency. But seems to have a greater effect on the frequency "spread"?

What is the cleanest way to increase the VCO operating frequency?

Too many questions and it is getting late.

27/03/09 - A Happy VCO

From all this experimentation with the VCO it was clear that it did not really like working at the new
frequencies, it was always a bit of a tweek and push, never quite enough range and with control voltages always
on the limits. The basic frequency of the VCO needed to be increased.

I decided to take the VCO coil apart and either reduce the number of windings or the capacitance. The coil has
seven connectors soldered to the main board. Using a solder sucker these were soon cleared of solder and the
coil removed. A little prising with a small screwdriver to remove the coil's can and the mystery of the seven
connectors was revealed. Two tabs are for the can's earth, two pins are unconnected, one pin for each end of the
coil and a pin for the centre tap - which is not used. The tiny capacitor to one side of the coil broke while I was
attempting to remove it. I was hoping to measure it, but never mind.

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Jaws Mk2 Mic

After cleaning everything up I fitted the coil back onto the board, soldered in the two coil pins and one of the can
connections. Then added a small 1-28pf trimmer across the coil pins, setting it to a few pf and finally centred the
coil slug.

Powered everything up and measured Pin 2 output of the mixer while clicking through all the channels - perfect
lock on RX and TX across the whole range and the signal looked cleaner. Excellent!

30/03/09 - 29Mhz TX
Took a closer look at the PLL Lock and Inverted Lock signals The inverted appears to be strapped high by R205.
Removed R205 and Inverted Lock goes low on lock. Replaced R205. The PLL was certainly working correctly.
Had a closer look at the T/R and TX inhibit but it ran everywhere. Pin 14 the down mix input of the PLL still did
not show on the scope which was very strange as the PLL was working. Still no output on pin 9 the TX output of
the mixer.

Revisited the RX tune up procedure and carefully tweaked up L204, a single turn went from almost nothing on
RX to S9. As previously suspected (16/12/08), perhaps the TX was getting squashed too? Carefully tweaked up
L301 and L302 - 29Mhz finally appeared on the scope.

Mientras examinaba el pin 9 del mezclador, la onda sinusoidal de TX colapsó: el osciloscopio lo estaba cargando
demasiado. El acto de medir destruyó lo que se estaba midiendo, lo que ciertamente causó confusión.

04/01/09 - ¿Dónde está el Mod, buen amigo?

Sintonizó el escenario TX y luego probó el micrófono en 29Mhz, pero solo detectó un zumbido en el 817. La luz
TX tampoco se encendió, sin modulación. Investigaciones posteriores demostraron que el interruptor PTT del
micrófono no era confiable, lo cambiaron por otro micrófono Jaws 2 y funcionó perfectamente.
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Nuevo oscilador de referencia

Las próximas tareas son ajustar finalmente el TX/RX y colocar todo de nuevo en la caja, en lugar de que todo
cuelgue del tablero.

Luego... al JAWS MK2A con el 7131 PLL no modificable.

Se revisaron los voltajes de control del VCO, más de 6 voltios en el canal 40 TX y 3,5 voltios en el canal 1 RX,
además, la salida TX del mezclador ahora se ve muy irregular. Idealmente, el voltaje de control debería ser < 1
voltio en el canal 1 RX y 5 voltios en el canal 40 TX. Es posible que sea necesario cambiar el condensador C211
de "spread" del VCO.


C211 = 62pf 1 RX 2,73 voltios 40 TX 4,81 voltios

C211 = 39pf 1 RX 2,37 voltios 40 TX 5,08 voltios

C211 = 22pf 1 RX 0,8 voltios 40 TX 4,41 voltios

40 TX todavía muy irregular. Se eliminó el enlace al PLL y se alimentó con 5 voltios.

Alcance objetivo

40 TX VCO 18.860 - 5 voltios

1 TX VCO 18.420 - .3 a 1 voltio

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Creo que RF estaba siendo retroalimentada al VCO, tal vez a través de los cables del osciloscopio... ya que solo
se distorsiona cuando se bloquea.

Con un límite de 22pf para C211, los voltajes de VCO estaban en general en el buen camino.

Ajuste de la etapa del controlador de RF

Q301 - 640mv pico a pico - onda sinusoidal limpia.

Q302 - 3.7v pico a pico - onda sinusoidal de dos cabezas.
Q302 - 2.0v pico a pico - onda sinusoidal limpia.

El pico de las etapas finales se realizó mediante la observación de un medidor CB SWR, ya que no se disponía
de un medidor de potencia adecuado. Como era de esperar, sin accionamiento, el VCO produjo una onda
sinusoidal de TX limpia.

Se modificó el área alrededor del chip PLL para proporcionar algo de espacio para la placa del oscilador y se
conectó la alimentación. Se reajustaron las tapas y se reemplazó la tapa variable temporal por una de 8pf. Revisé
todo antes de volver a montar la caja. Una prueba de transmisión rápida en una carga ficticia sonaba bien.

Aún por hacer -

Mida correctamente la potencia de salida, ya que el medidor SWR no brinda mucha orientación.
Asegúrese de que la cadena RX esté en su punto máximo.
Compruebe el nivel de modulación.

Pero es hora de un QSO de prueba con M1ECY - Sean.

04/11/09 - Pruebas

Salida de potencia: para una verificación de potencia básica, agregué un diodo y un capacitor entre el extremo
"caliente" de la carga ficticia y la tierra, luego medí el voltaje a través del capacitor.

Voltaje pico medido a través del capacitor (excluyendo la caída del diodo)
19.5 voltios.

El voltaje RMS es igual al voltaje pico dividido por la raíz cuadrada de 2

19,5 / 1,414 = 13,79 voltios.

La potencia es igual al cuadrado del voltaje RMS dividido por la impedancia de carga
(13,79 * 13,79) / 50 = 3,8 vatios.

Tiempo de prueba: en las mejores tradiciones de CB, verifiqué la "SWR" del Hamstick de 10 m, ya que no había
Firestik a mano... luego conecté el Jaws 2 listo para su primer QSO. La pantalla LED brillaba intensamente, ¿tal
vez con expectativa? Un momento de pausa, luego llamé a Sean para pedir un QSO...

Podía escucharlo llamando pero la señal era bastante débil, aunque solo podíamos mantener el contacto.
Rápidamente se nos recordó que nuestras antenas tenían polarización cruzada, pero hicimos algunas pruebas


Las frecuencias de TX y RX dieron en el clavo.

RX estaba funcionando al menos razonablemente bien.
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El audio estaba ligeramente amortiguado, o al menos le faltaban algunas de las frecuencias altas: ¿el micrófono
tiene 30 años?
Quizás el nivel de modulación era bajo, pero difícil de saber sin una portadora más fuerte y una forma de medir
la modulación.

Una prueba muy exitosa. Gracias Sean.

04/12/09 - Más pruebas

Probé con otro micrófono que parecía tener un audio ligeramente mejor en el aire, aunque todavía carecía de

Una vez de vuelta en el banco, la toma del micrófono comenzó a funcionar de nuevo, produciendo ruidos
extraños y cortándose cuando se tocaba. Lo limpié como medida provisional y las cosas parecieron calmarse.
Esto tendrá que ser revisado.

Dimensiones del elemento del micrófono: 30 mm de diámetro en la parte superior, 27 mm de diámetro en el

medio, 10,5 mm de profundidad

Tuve otra oportunidad de volver a sintonizar las etapas RX. Sin un generador de señal confiable, todo era
bastante impredecible, pero parecía estar captando el generador de señal a niveles muy similares a los del 817.
Ciertamente no estaba completamente sordo.

19/04/09 - Carga ficticia

Modifiqué mi Dummy Load para que pueda conectarse fácilmente al osciloscopio, con potencia QRP.

Conectó el osciloscopio y reprodujo algunos tonos en el micrófono. En el osciloscopio a cualquier nivel por
encima del habla tranquila, la frecuencia cambió. La portadora no modulada apareció limpia y en la frecuencia

La semana pasada construí un kit de sintetizador USB . Planeo usarlo como un sig gen e investigar su idoneidad
para un propósito futuro más oscuro...

25/05/09 - 2º Mordazas Mk2

Hice una prueba rápida de mi segundo Mk2 y parece estar funcionando bien, aunque es difícil saberlo, ya que no
creo que estos equipos funcionen bien con un elemento de micrófono de 30 años. Construí otro oscilador 17.055,
copiar mi original fue mucho más fácil que hacerlo todo desde cero. Funcionó bien.
Hice algunas pruebas básicas en el equipo y siguió adelante con la primera parte de la conversión: eliminó el
tripler, instaló temporalmente el nuevo oscilador de referencia y modificó la bobina VCO. Seleccionar el canal
30 ahora da 18.3050Mhz en el pin 1 del mezclador. Copiar el primer Jaws Mk 2 convertido ciertamente facilitó
el proceso. A continuación, ajuste las etapas de RX y TX y luego revise las medidas de modulación y potencia.

30/05/09 - Problemas con la fuente de alimentación

Comenzó a probar y afinar el RX del segundo Jaws MK2. El RX era muy ruidoso. Estuve desconcertado por
esto por un tiempo, hasta que me di cuenta de que el oscilador estaba funcionando en una fuente de alimentación
separada. Tan pronto como lo conecté al suministro de las plataformas, el ruido desapareció.

Puntos de aprendizaje
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1. Comprenda, pruebe y mida la plataforma donante a fondo antes de desmontarla.

2. Instale un LED de bloqueo de PLL para indicar si el PLL ha "perdido agarre".
3. Trate de evitar atascarse en por qué un detalle no funciona. Todavía estará allí más tarde.
4. Incluso una sonda 10x puede aplastar cosas.
5. 4 vatios de RF llegarán a todas partes.
6. Resaltó la necesidad de un medidor de potencia y un generador de señal adecuados, aunque se puede
improvisar con éxito.

Información de mandíbulas 2
Controles de volumen Scratchy - Greg OH2FFY

Explicación del funcionamiento de Jaws PLL - Greg OH2FFY

Hojas de datos

LC7120 - Mordazas 2 PLL

TA 7310P - Mezclador para PLL

TA 7205AP - Amplificador de potencia de audio

LC7131 - Mordazas 2A PLL

Información general
CB2HAM Yahoo Group : muchos consejos útiles, esquemas para MK 2 / MK 2a y una gran cantidad de otra
información de conversión. Gracias Greg.

Mezclador doble balanceado

Lista de modificaciones de PLL

Página de 10 m de Roger Lapthorn

Comunicaciones de espectro

Explicación de las funciones del pin PLL

medidor de potencia de radiofrecuencia

Medidor de modulación

Tutoriales y artículos de NA5N: incluye una excelente introducción a los visores

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