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Working Steps in SDT Q600

1. If there was a sample run happening which ended (i.e., the temperature displayed in the monitor is
lesser than 500 C), first ‘OPEN’ the ‘FURNACE’ from ‘CONTROL’ [Fig.1] tab in the top title bar of
SDT Q600 software (in monitor) interface.
2. Extend the spill tray from under the black platform to the bottom of the balance beams containing
sample cup/pan-holders.
3. Spread/put a piece of tissue paper over the spill tray.
4. Keep your operating hand on the black-coloured platform so that the hand does not shake while
5. Take the first (there will be two similar cups; the first one is for sample; see Fig. 2) white coloured
alumina pan out by the help of the tweezer very carefully so that the pan does not fall (otherwise, it
will break).
6. While taking out the pan pressed at any corner by the tweezer, keep the other hand beneath the pan so
that there is no chance for the pan to fall/break.
7. Take the tweezer-held pan to the pump with air-throw tube.
8. Transfer the tweezer-held-pan assembly to your (operator’s) other hand and invert it so that the pan-
opening point downwards.
9. Tap gently a few times (holding the assembly as it is) to take the residue out of the pan.
10. Switch on the pump, point the tube-exit towards the pan opening and ‘air-flush’ the pan so that there
is no residue left inside it [Fig. 3].
11. Switch off the pump.
12. Take the tweezer-held-pan carefully to the steel-cover (kept near the monitor)
13. Clean it once more with a tissue paper, comfortably by keeping the pan down/off from the tweezer
14. Hold the pan tight once again by the tweezer to place it carefully on the cup/pan holder in correct
orientation, open-end facing upwards/towards the operator.
15. Put the spill tray back under the black platform.
16. Click ‘CONTROL’- ‘FURNACE’- ‘CLOSE’ to close the furnace before taring.
17. Once the furnace is completely closed, click ‘TARE’ and wait for ~7-10 seconds; check the weight
value (it will show up as 0.0005-0.0020 mg)
18. Click ‘CONTROL’- ‘FURNACE’- ‘OPEN’ to open the furnace.
19. Take out the spill tray once again and put it right under the sample cup.
20. Take out the cleaned, ‘blank’ and ‘tared’ sample cup carefully by the help of the tweezer.
21. Keep it over the steel holder kept ahead of the monitor.
22. Take a small amount of finely ground sample from the sample containers with a narrow spatula and
put that into the sample cup/pan carefully.
23. Hold the sample cup/pan with the tweezer again to put it back into the pan-holder.
24. Put the spill tray back again, under the black platform.
25. Check the name designation of the sample in the lid of the container and accordingly change in
notations (a total of 6 times it must be done per sample, thrice in ‘SUMMARY’ head including a new
file generation and saving it in proper name as per sample and trial number, twice in ‘PROCEDURE’
and once in ‘NOTES’).
26. Click ‘APPLY’ at the middle-end of the interface.
27. Close the furnace (‘CONTROL’>’FURNACE’>’CLOSE’).
28. Click on the green-coloured ‘START’ button at the top left end of the title-bar (you will hear a tick
signalling the start of the input-applications).
29. Wait till the start button turns gray (unclickable).
30. Close the sample container and seal it with Teflon tape.

31. Check if all other electric appliances (Fan, Light, AC) and switch off before coming out of the room.
32. Lock WLE 111, bring the key and keep in designated place.
33. Repeat (each sample, heating to cooling takes around 2 hours 40 minutes)

2 3 4

5 8

11 12

13 14 15

This document is prepared by:

Saurav Bhattacharjee

15103274, Ph.D. scholar (Transportation Div., CE)

IIT Kanpur, U.P.-208016, India.

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