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1. It is the study of soil as a natural resource on the surface of the earth including soil formation,
classification and mapping.
A. Horticulture
B. Agronomy
C. Soil Science
D. None of the Above

2. A __________ is a vertical section from surface to parent material, showing the soil horizons.
A. Soil Profile
B. Soil Organic Matter
C. Soil pH
D. Soil Fertility

3. The __________ is chemically weathered material from which soil forms.

A. Subsoil
B. Topsoil
C. Bedrock
D. Parent Material

4. Name the primary silicate mineral which is resistant to weathering and which dominates the
sand and silt fractions of most soils.
A. Diamond
B. Quartz
C. Mica
D. Feldspar

5. Mass of dry soil divided by its volume, value expressed mg/m³.

A. Particle Density
B. Bulk Density
C. Porosity
D. Cation Exchange Capacity

6. The total number of positive charges from exchangeable cations that neutralize the negative
charges on the soil particles.
A. Cation Exchange Capacity
B. Buffering Capacity
C. Anion Exchange Capacity
D. Porosity

7. ___________ is the most common form of solid nitrogen fertilizer.

A. Ammonium Sulfate
B. Anhydrous Ammonia
C. Ammonium Nitrate
D. Urea
8. Most of the total amount of nitrogen in soils is in the ___________.
A. Mineral Form
B. Organic Form
C. Nitrogen Fixation
D. None of the Above

9. The modification or breakdown and destruction of the physical and chemical characteristic of
rocks and minerals and carrying away the soluble products.
A. Adsorption
B. Weathering
C. Precipitation
D. Exfoliation

10. The process by which fungal and bacterial decomposers breakdown the organic matter found
in dead bodies and waste products and convert it into inorganic compounds.
A. Immobilization
B. Nitrification
C. Mineralization
D. Volatization

11. What is the inherent capacity of the soil to supply nutrients to plants in adequate amount and
suitable proportion called ____________.
A. Soil Productivity
B. Nutrient Availability
C. Intensity Factor
D. Soil Fertility

12. A method of soil fertility evaluation whereby concentration of nutrients is known before a
crop is planted.
A. Biological Test
B. Soil Analysis
C. Plant Analysis
D. Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms

13. The most abundant gas in the soil atmosphere is:

A. CO2
B. O2
C. N2
D. Al

14. One of the most variable soil components is:

A. Mineral Matter
B. Organic Matter
C. Soil Water
D. Sand
15. A soil chemical property which largely controls nutrient availability and microbial activities.
A. Buffering Capacity
B. Cation Exchange Capacity
C. Soil pH
D. Electrical Conductivity

16. The ability of a soil to resist changes in pH.

A. Buffering Capacity
B. Cation Exchange Capacity
C. Anion Exchange Capacity
D. Field Capacity

17. The maximum amount of water the soil can retain once gravitational forces have ceased.
A. Buffering Capacity
B. Cation Exchange Capacity
C. Anion Exchange Capacity
D. Field Capacity

18. A term that indicates excessive level of nutrient in the plant or soil.
A. Sufficiency
B. Toxicity
C. Deficiency
D. Poverty Adjustment

19. This micronutrient is needed in chlorophyll synthesis and usually deficient in alkaline soil.
A. Iron
B. Zinc
C. Molybdenum
D. Boron

20. Nutrient deficiency symptoms is referred as the language of the crop. What is the term used
to describe general yellowing of leaves as a result of deficiency of some nutrient element?
A. Necrotic
B. Chlorosis
C. Plasmolysis
D. Defective

1. According to Mengel and Kirby (1982) the essential nutrients required by higher plants
are exclusively of ___________ nature.
Answer: Inorganic

2. The nutrient fraction in the soil which is accessible to plant roots is called __________.
Answer: Nutrient Availability

3. ___________ is a valuable supplement to soil testing in the task of soil fertility

Answer: Plant Analysis

4. It is a deficiency of Carbonic Anhydrase in citrus, sugarcane, and black gram.

Answer: Zinc

5. Interpretations of soil tests provide assessments of the amount of ___________, which

plants may absorb from a soil.
Answer: Available Nutrients

6. Salinity levels in the soil are usually measured by the ___________ of soil extracts.
Answer: Electrical Conductivity

7. It is the water movement of nutrients and mobile ions through the soil due to either
towards plant roots because of transpiration.
Answer: Mass Flow

8. A German – American Pedologist discovered that different types of rocks could produce
different minerals when they break down in the soil.
Answer: Eugine W. Hilgard

9. __________ are common in soils forming from volcanic ash.

Answer: Amorphous Clays

10. The incorporation of nitrogen into microbial tissues is ___________.

Answer: Immobilization

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