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Annex “F”

REAP Form-S-03 - REAP Proposal Template


Name of the Scholar : Joerrie G. Enerido
Name of School Assignment : Supang National High School
Schools Division & Cluster/District : SDO Guimaras- Buenavista II
Current Position/Designation: Head Teacher II
Name of the REAP Mentor: Dr. June V. Umadhay
Position/Designation: School Principal II
DATA / EVIDENCE-BASED The literacy gap caused by Covid-19 pandemic
Describe current situation (problem or brought negative impact in the literacy level of
opportunity) in your school that you need learners and technology played vital roles in their
to address through your project : academic lives during that period.
(Give specific, quantifiable, and observable details. Learners learned at their own pace and
For example, number of teachers that need technology was one of their partners in answering
enhancement training on competency-needs
assessment, or the current practices in the utilization their Self Learning Modules and Performance
of monthly MOOE etc.) Tasks.
It has been a practice of Supang National High
(Briefly describe the methodology used in assessing School to conduct an oral reading test every
the priority need. For example: conduct of survey, beginning of school year. This year, ed the Slosson
FGD, interview, desk interview, community dialogues,
Oral Reading Test was used to Grades 7-10
learners and identified their reading grade level.

Slosson’s Oral Reading results showed that out

of the 177 learners who took the test only 137
learners were in their grade level, while 96
learners were below their grade level; out of 159
grade 8 learners, 80 were in their grade level while
79 were below in their grade level; 231 grade 9
took the test but only 101 were in their grade level
while 130 were below in their grade level; and out
of 129 grade 10 test takers only 70 were in their
grade level while 59 were below their grade level.

With the initiative of the Schools Division

Office to conduct a remedial classes for 3 months
which started on August 2022- October 2022, most
of the learners were able to increase their reading
level in their post test.
Data showed that 96 grade 7 learners who
were below their reading level was reduced to 20;
80 to 14 in grade 8; grade 9 130 – 25 and grade 10
– 15. This implied that remediation for 3 months
was effective, and learners were assumed to have
learning gaps because of the 2-year effect of

During the conduct of LAC session with the

School Planning Team we identified the Priority
Improvement Areas (PIAs), Low Reading level of
learners surfaced to be the top priority that needs
to be given immediate solution.
The scholar, acted as the school head and
identified the PIA to which it belonged in the
Philippine Professional Standards for School
Heads (PPSSH)
It fell under Domain 3- Focusing on Teaching and
Learning, Indicator 3.4- Learner Achievement and
other performance indicators and indicator 3.5-
Learning Assessment in the).
Working on this PIA made the scholar realized
that a strategy needs to be developed to enhance
the competencies of a school though providing
technical assistance like LAC sessions and focused
group discussions to teachers in using digitized
learning assessments and strategies that will
increase the reading level of the learners. It is
believed that when activities are leveled up, there a
possibility of increase in the performance.

In Slosson Oral Reading Test, learner’s

reading level is assessed through oral word
reading. The learners started with a list where he
thought he can pronounce all 20 words correctly.
Each list is graded. List P (primer) is for few
months of first grade. List 1 is for the balance of
first grade. List 2 is for the second grade and so
on. If the starting list is too difficult, and the
learner made even one mistake, he was instructed
to go back until he reached an easy level where he
could pronounce all 20 words correctly.

After the teacher has found the starting list, the

learner was instructed to go on to more advanced
lists until the stopping list was found out where the
learner pronounced all 20 words. When a learner
reached a point where the words are very difficult,
he was guided by the teacher to look quickly down
the list and read the word he could.

When a learner read very slowly and took more

than 5 seconds on each and every word, the
teacher moved him along by saying “blank” or
“skip” for him.
Each mispronounced or omitted word, as well
as any word which took more than 5 seconds to
pronounce was counted as an error. The teacher
placed a minus or x after missed wors or errors.

The raw score for reading was to count the total

number of words correctly read The teacher
looked up for the value of the level in the tables.
To determine the reading level, the took half the
raw score. For instance, if the raw score was 144,
then half of this number was 72 and the reading
level was 7.2 or the second month of the
seventeenth grade.

Considering the availability of the school

facility, the project implementer opted to conduct
the project to the IP learners of grade 7-10.
Grade 7-10 English teachers will be
capacitated though LAC sessions to prepare
digitized learners resources to be given the these
IP learners.
There are five IPs in grade 7, nine in grade 8,
three in grade 9 and eight in grade 10. These
twenty-five IP leaners were varying learning
level. They will be divided in three groups
according to their grade level. Learner with
reading level from List P – List 5 will fall in one
group A; List 6-8 in Group B; and HS for Group
Digitized sight words will be their basic drills and
at the same time words to be used for Group A.
Group B will be using the Fuller method but will
focus on the digitized sentences. Group C, the HS,
will be dwelling with the paragraphs in the fuller
Every two-week period, there will be a
monitoring of performance to be referred to the
next level. If learners in group A can read almost
of the sight words, then, they will be referred to
group B. The as through with the learners in
group B. When they can read almost of the
sentences fluently, they will be referred to Group
C and deal with paragraphs. When learner of
Group are found to be independent readers they
will be given reading materials that require
There will be sessions for IP learners in using
the Tablet PCs in reading games.
Reading teachers will be assigned in a
rotation basis. This is to allow them to experience
different strategies imposed in three groups. There
schedules will be arranged to have a unified vacant
time for a simultaneous implementation of the
project. A letter of permission from the School
Principal will be secured to excuse the learner –
beneficiaries from their classes 3 times a week,
preferably Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

If the project will be effective to the IP learners

that their reading level will be enhanced even they
are technologically behind among other learners,
will easily adopt the intervention and will also
increase their reading level when implemented to
URGENCY The capacity of the learner to be participative in
Identified Priority Improvement Area: other learning areas is through the development
(Identify and explain the priority improvement area enhancement of teaching strategies to increase of
based on the gathered data and analysis results from their reading level. Based on the data gathered
environmental scanning and prioritization of the during the conduct of Slosson Oral Reading Test
and PHIL-IRI Comprehension Test, there is an
urgent need of conducting reading intervention to
the learners since other learning areas are also
affected by the low reading and poor
comprehension levels of the learners.
STANDARDS-BASED Domain 3- Focusing on Teaching and Learning,
Target Competency Improvement : Indicator 3.4- Learner Achievement and other
(Identify the specific domain, strand(s), and the performance indicators and indicator 3.5- Learning
indicator(s) in the Philippine Professional Standards Assessment are directly related to the project of
for School Heads (PPSSH) that is/are directly related
to your project. the implementer.
Explain how the identified standard(s) is intended to Since the project teacher and learner- focused,
be achieved in your project.) the identified standards will be achieved
developing a teaching strategies through an
intensive implementation of the project to reap
positive results.
Key Performance Indicator of the school has
been the basis of learner’s achievement. When
STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE reading level is improved and struggling readers
Key Changes in the school as a result of will become independent readers, literacy rate will
the implementation of this project : be increased and a possibility of a reduced failure
(What are the key changes do you want to see in your rate.
school as a result of your having attended the SHA
If the project will be extended to all learners,
and applied the knowledge you have gained in the
program? What are the verifiable indicators of these then all learning areas will ultimately be improved
changes? Identify at least 3 changes.) and will increase school performance. When
strategies are developed and enhanced, learners are
expected to be performing well.
Title of the Project : Project Drill for the IPs (Digitized Reading
(Give specific title to your project that captures the Intervention in Language Literacy for IP Learners)
attention of your reader or recipients)
Proposed Date to Commence the Project: November 4, 2022
(Expected date to start of the project)
Expected Date to Conclude the Project: January 2023
(Make sure that the project is to be implemented
within the allotted 6 months period or as determined
by the panel of evaluators)
MAGNITUDE/SCOPE Digitized Reading Intervention for Indigenous
Project Description: People is designed to develop and enhance reading
(Describe the problem based on scope and limitations) intervention to grade 7-10 IP learners. This is
intended to increase their reading level. Reading
exercises and assessments are designed in the
tablet PCs and desktop computers at the School’s
Computer laboratory for easy access. Tablet PCs
can be borrowed, and learners can seek places
around the school premises and learn comfortably
and conveniently.
Project Objectives : By the end of the three-month project
(Provide SMART objectives of your project that covers implementation, Grade 7 to 10 English teachers shall
the entire purpose of having this implemented: develop and implement a digitized reading intervention
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result-Oriented, for the improvement if the learners reading level.
and Time bound)
1. Participate in LAC sessions in developing a
digitized reading resources
2. Develop digitized reading resources through
power point presentations and downloaded
reading applications from net and play store.
3. Implement digitized the digitized reading.
intervention based on the project execution plan.
4. Monitor learners’ performance and submit
progress report;
5. Evaluate learners performance using the
digitized post test and submit results for analysis.
Target Beneficiary/ies : Foremost, subject area teachers in English are
(Who will be the recipient/s of the project? Who will expected beneficiaries of the project. Through
take advantage of the results of the project? Identify at digitization of the reading resources, their teaching
least 3 beneficiaries and explain how they would strategies will be enhanced and they will be more
benefit from the project) equipped in the modern world;
Grade 7-10 IP learners are also target recipients of
the project. Through digitization of the reading texts
installed in the desktop computers and tablets PCs,
these learners will be more interested in using the
technology and is anticipated to increase their reading
Through the positive results of the reading level,
school performance indicator will be improved and will
plan for the nest step in order to sustain the project
SAFETY Observing and applying health protocols , such
Mode of Project Execution : as wearing of face masks, washing and sanitizing
(Base on Section VIII of the implementing guidelines of hands, social distancing and checking of
of the Re-Entry Project of the SHA on special temperature, the project will be implemented to the
provisions on project implementation during the
period of Public Health Emergency, how will the identified IP learners in a digitized mode. Parents
project be implemented? will be informed in the involvement of their
Specify the modality how the project will be delivered children to the project. Once the program
in consideration with the health and safety standards commences, each target learner will be provided
and the existing alert level status of the community
with a health kit. Since reading materials are
based on the provisions of project implementation
stored in the Tablet PCs and desktop computers,
during the period of public health emergency)
recipients of the program can transfer to a safe and
convenient place for them to focus on the reading
FEASIBILITY To enhance and develop teaching strategies to
Expected Outputs: increase the reading level of IP learners is the
(What are the tangible and verifiable outputs in the main goal of the project. With the aid of digitized
implementation of the project? This outputs can be learning resources, every milestone is expected to
achieved in every milestones identified in the project)
have improvements gradually until the end of the
Identify Success Indicators: Identifiable indicators that will tell the success of
(What are the identifiable indicators that will tell the the project implementation are the following:
success of the project implementation? Identify at 1. Teachers develop digitized learning
least 3)
2. Implement digitized reading resources.
3. Learners can read the words fluently.
4. Take part in every online and face to face
5. Read longer words, phrases, sentences,
and paragraphs with minimal error.
6. Read most words, phrases, sentences,
paragraphs effortlessly and work out on
how to pronounce unfamiliar words with
their meanings.
7. Increase reading level in the oral reading
Project Execution Plan (PEP) :
(Identify significant milestone targets that could be achieved by the end of 30 days and every 30 days thereafter.
Milestone(s) are significant changes achieved and/or major steps taken towards achieving the desired improvement in
your school)
Target Responsible Support Target Date
Milestone Person
(Identify the target Action Needed Needed ( When will this step
(Who will do this
milestones/achievements in the
step?) From be accomplished?)
implementation of the project)
Milestone 1 Activity 1. School Reap School October 2022
(Pre Execution) Identifying Priority Committee Head/Mentor 2nd Week
Improvement Areas
Project School
Activity 2- Pre- Implementer Head/Mentor
checking of School Reap
accomplished REAP October 2022
Committee 2nd Week

Project School
Activity 3- REAP Implementer Head/Mentor
proposal final
School Reap October 2022
Committee 3rd Week
Project School
Activity 4- Implementer Head/Mentor
Submission of
REAP proposal to
ReAP October 2022
SDO Management 4th week
Project School
Activity 5 – Implementer Head/Mentor October 2022
Revision of REAP ReAP 4th Week
proposal Management
Project School
Activity 6 REAP Implementer Head/Mentor November
Panel Proposal ReAP 2022 (Week 1)
Defense Management
Milestone 2 Activity 1 – LAC Project School Head November
Execution Phase session with English Implementor ICT 2022 (Week 1)
Subject Teachers Reading Coordinator
(Identifying post-
test of recipients as
Activity 2- Meeting Project School Head November
with Target Implementor ICT 2022 (Week 2
Recipients and Reading Coordinator
parents Teacher
Activity 3- LAC Project School Head November
session with English Implementor ICT 2022 (Week 2
subject teachers Reading Coordinator
(making Digitized
reading resources
and downloading of
reading applications
from Play store
Project School Head November
Activity 4- Digitized Implementor ICT 2022 (Week 3)
Sight Words (Dolch) Reading Coordinator
Activity 5 – Sight Project School Head November
Word Games Implementor ICT 2022 (Week 4)
1. Sight Words Reading Coordinator
Learn to Read Teacher
2. Sight Words
3. Sight Words
Learning Games
and F
4. Sight Words
Project School Head December 2022
Activity 6- Digitized
Implementor ICT (Week 1&2)
Fuller Reading
Approach Reading Coordinator
Milestone 3 Activity 1- Project School Head January 2023
Post Execution Digitized Post Test- Implementor ICT (Week 2-3)
(Slosson Oral Reading Coordinator
Reading Text) Teacher
Project School Head January 2023
Activity 2- LAC
Implementor ICT (Week 3)
Session on Learners
Performance) Reading Coordinator
Project School Head January 2023
Activity 3-
Implementor ICT (Week 4)
Program) Reading Coordinator

Required Resources :
(Provide specific details of the physical and human resources required to successfully implement your REAP that needs
funding by the local funds (school or division) in coordination with the respective head of office)

(Identify the target Resources Needed Budgetary Requirement Source of Fund
milestones in your project)
Milestone 1 Laptops, Bond papers, P2,000 MOOE
Printer, Snacks
Milestone 2 Laptop, Bond papers, P4,000 MOOE
Printer, Internet
connectivity, Sets of
computers (speaker,
headset), snacks
Milestone 3 Laptops, Bond papers, P2,000 MOOE
Internet Connectivity,
Sets of computers
(speaker, headset),snacks

Risk Management Plan :

(All projects are exposed to risk. Risks are unpredictable events that might or might not happen, and endanger the
achievement of your project objectives. You should therefore know what risks to prioritize and what to do when the risk

If risk happens, what

Milestone Impact on Specific Action to be
(Identify the specific action will be
Likely Risk Project if Risk taken to prevent the
target milestones done to soften the
in your project) Happens risk from happening
Milestone 1 Overlapping of The project One day One task. Prepare checklists of
proposal can’t This can lead to have tasks to be done and
meet the set accomplishment for prioritize tasks with
activities date of the day without urgent dues.
submission duplication of tasks.

Milestone 2 Some learners A feeding program Learners can be

might be absent can be implemented to tracked through their
Learners reside during reading the recipients. Snacks attendance in their
low-income sessions. Their will be provided to regular classes. If
proficiency in them during reading learner- recipients are
They have
limited speaking the sessions. found to be having
proficiency in English irregular attendance,
spoken English. language may then home visitation
not be cab be one of the
improved. strategies.
If power is lost, Digitized Reading In case of power
then, online materials must be interruptions, the
activities will stored in two (2) tablet PCs can be used
not be options. for continuous reading
Power implemented. 1) Desktops intervention.
interruption computers
with thin
2) Tablet
If internet Prepare an alternative 1) Introduce
connectivity is reading activities that other reading
poor, then can be used even activities
online reading without internet stored in the
activities are connectivity. tablet PCs or
Poor internet also lagging. desktop
connectivity And when this computers.
happens, 2) Connect the
learners can’t Tablet PCs to
totally view and the nearest
engage in the PISO Wi-Fi.
online activities.
Milestone 3 If reading skills Extend the project Get into routine
were not fully until every learner has through reading
mastered, then fully mastered the regularly and monitor
Reading skills
there is a skills. learners attendance
are not fully
mastered possibility that while at school.
the schools
literacy rate will
be decreased.
Learner’s If learners did Conduct a Project Report the results of
Reading Level not meet the DRILL Plus in such a the project to the
did not meet independent way that learners School Head and seek
reading level, mastery of reading advice from her of the
then schools skills will be followed planned extension of
performance up. the project. Request
indicator on English teachers to
literacy will conduct follow up
also decrease reading activities to
and may the target learners.
affect the
like assessment

Sustainability Plan :
(Identify how the project will be sustained after the specified period of implementation to ensure long-term impact to the
identified beneficiaries)
Objective Output
(Identify the purpose of the intended Persons-In- (Identify the
Planned Activities immediate output of
activity to ensure the continuity of Charge the activity that is
the initial gains of the project)
directly related to the
1. Monitor the Track learners’ performance Project Increased
learners’ Implemente learners’
performance r performance
in their regular School particularly in
classes Head English
specifically in subject and
English others that
subject. use English
as medium of
2. Conduct Extended reading sessions Project Learners
Extended Implemente exhibited
Reading r fluency in
Sessions to Remedial reading.
guarantee Teacher
retention School
among Head
3. Direct a 1. Story telling Proponent Learners
culminating 2. Verse choir Reading showed
activity 3. Videoke-Karaoke Teacher mastery of
showcasing 4. Newscasting/reporting School skills in
learners’ Head English
in reading.
4. Implement the Digitized PHILI-IRI Reading Reading Learners
Project Comprehension Teacher displayed
DRILL phase Digitized San Diego Reading Project understanding
II Comprehension Implemente of the
r digitized
School reading texts

ETHICAL The implementation of the project abides with the

Conformity to Ethical Standards: existing guidelines and regulations of the proposal.
(Describe how the project will conform with the
existing laws and regulations pertaining to Data In identifying beneficiaries, all learners of the
Privacy, plagiarism and other ethical standards in the school will take the oral reading test. After
project execution)
beneficiaries are identified, a consent form will be
sent to their parents on their voluntary
participation. all data and learners’ performance
will be kept with utmost confidentiality. Further,
all outside resources will be cited accordingly to
avoid copyright issues.

Printed Name Signature Date
Prepared by : JOERRIE G. ENERIDO November 4, 2022
Concurred by : JUNE V. UMADHAY, PhD November 4, 2022
Checked by : NANETTE G. GALUNO, PhD November 4, 2022
MYRNA G. CABE, PhD November 4, 2022
ROWENA S. CARILLO, EdD November 4, 2022
ARMANDO E. GABION, JR., PhD November 4, 2022
Recommended :
DR. ERNESTO F. SERVILLON, JR., November 4, 2022

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