Annex B - REAP Form-S-01-REAP Concept Note Template

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Annex “B”

REAP Form-S-01 - REAP Concept Note Template

Note: Please use one concept note template per problem
Name of the
Joerrie G. Enerido
Scholar :
Name of School
Supang National High School
Assignment :
Schools Division &
Schools Division of Guimaras
Cluster/District :
Head Teacher II
Name of the REAP
Dr. June V. Umadhay
Position/Designation: School Principal II
1.) What is your understanding of DepEd Vision and Mission?
Introduction : 2.) What is the role of your school in delivering DepEd’s Vision and
(A minimum of 150 words)

Our mission is more than the end-goal of the plan. It is a

dream, a wish, a prayer- what we eagerly hope for and what we
diligently work towards. By envisioning, we begin to fulfill our
mandate and responsibilities as a teacher and do our duty. As
Filipinos, we want to develop learners who are true citizens and
patriots, who have strong desires to serve the country and work
for its betterment.

Through time, our learners have changing needs. As an agent

of the department of education, I can serve better the earners
through inculcating the values and develop the necessary
competencies deemed significant and desirable to ensure a
lifelong learning.

As a learner-centered public institution, DepEds mission is

putting learners first in all decisions and actions. Just like our
leaners, we never stop learning. We continuously seek to be
better, both as an institution and as individuals.

Proposed Project Title: Project DRILL for IPs (Digitized Reading Intervention in
Language Literacy for Indigenous People
Problem Description and Propose three (3) issues and/or concerns in your school that you
Statement(s) : would like to work on as your REAP. Gather as many sources of data as
(A minimum of 200 words per possible like the School-Community Data Template and the Child-
problem) friendly School Survey (CFSS) of the approved School Improvement
Plan (SIP), Annual Implementation Plan (AIP), Work and Financial Plan
(WFP), Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS),
School-Based Management (SBM) report, Continuous Improvement
(CI) report, Instructional Supervision (IS) reports, results on classroom
observations (CO) of individual teachers and other relevant sources that
will identify the priority improvement areas (PIA). Analyze the data
gathered and establish the necessity of the implementation of the project.
You may present the data in any form like graph, tables, charts, and
others to clearly show the references of your identified problems.
You will be assisted by your REAP Mentor in clarifying and identifying
these PIAs, so you need to work in close collaboration and coordination
with him/her.

For each problem, answer the following questions. Give quantifiable

or observable indicators.

(1) What is the problem?

(2) When does the problem happen?
(3) Where does the problem happen?
(4) Who are affected by the problem?
(5) What observable impact does it have for the learners, teachers
and/or the school community?
(6) What might likely to happen if the problem is not properly

1. Low Reading level of learners

Low Reading level of learners has been the problem of the school
every beginning of school year at Supang National High School. .
Results of the learners’ oral reading test given every beginning of
school show that most of them do not belong to their respective
grade level.
When given the Slosson Oral Reading Test, data show that
out of 177 grade 7 learners, only 137 were in their respective
grade level and 40 were behind their grade level while out of 159
grade 8 learners, 80 were in their grade level 79 were below in
their grade level.
On the other hand, there 231 grade 9 who took the test but only
101 were in their grade level and 130 were below in their grade
level whereas, out of 129 grade 10 test takers only 70 were in
their grade level and59 were below their grade level.
The low reading level of these learners affect the school
performance as whole. Teachers need to adjust their teaching
strategies to ensure that nobody is left behind. Learners who were
in their reading grade level are also affected in the modification of
the teaching strategies of their teachers. Moreover, the school has
to design an intervention that will address the low reading level of
the identified learners.
The low reading level of the identified leaners must be properly
addressed otherwise the same problem the school will be facing the next
school year. These leaners whose problem is difficulty in reading if not
given solution, they are still these learners who will be getting low
scores on the next conduct of reading test. This will result to a
problematic key performance indicator specifically in faire rate and
retention rate.
2. Lack of Free Potable Water Supply
Lack of Free Potable Water Supply is one the problems that surface
during the interview with the teachers and learners. Though there are
water dispensers in some communal areas, but they are not enough to
supply the large of group of learners and they need to contribute an
amount to buy a galloon of water for their dispensers

Learners are the most affected on the shortage of potable water

supply in the school. When the school has shortage of potable water
supply, learners need to get out of the school campus to buy bottled
water at the stores.
This problem could affect the safety health and sanitation of the
learners, teachers and even the school community. Though the school
has a source of water from the deep well and water district but it is not
potable, therefore, if learners take it drinking purposes, then they might
harm their health and will cause absenteeism due to sickness.
Free potable water supply must be provided to the school
community. If shortage of potable water supply will not be addressed
then, it will negatively affect the learners performance, teachers’
teaching strategies and eventually the school performance indicator.
3. Poor Internet Connectivity
. In the advancement of technology, it must be along with a strong
internet connection. Supang National High School has only one
wired connectivity and is limited to the office personnel only.
Though teachers can freely connect to the office wifi but
when they are quiet away from the office, they got a weak
In some cases that teachers need to update and submit data
online, research on the new teaching strategies, be updated of the
current trends while in school and be information disseminated,
they are the ones who are most affected by the poor internet
If teachers are not updated of the current events and
innovative teaching strategies, then most likely to happen is they
teach what they traditionally have and learners will not be updated
with the fads that others already experienced.

The school community must adapt globally, if the poor

internet connectivity won’t be given solution, then everybody
inside the community will be technologically left behind.

For each problem, answer the following questions:

Statement of Project (1) What result do you want to see after solving the problem?
Objectives : (2) What outcome/impact would it have for your school and the
(A minimum of 50 words per learners in particular if this will be successfully implemented?

Give quantifiable or observable indicators.

A positive result is absolutely expected after solving the
Learners reading level is increased through an intensive
reading intervention. When they read fluently then they can
understand meaningfully leading them to excel academically.
A healthy lifestyle of learners and teachers is anticipated if
the free potable water supply is provided in the school
Likewise, when every building or department is provided
with a strong internet connectivity, then a well-informed teachers
and learners, updated and enhanced teaching strategies are likely
to happen.
All of these positive impacts are expected to contribute
meaningfully to create a healthy school community where every
member is a contributory element to the success of the school
For each problem, answer the following questions:

(1) Who benefits from solving this problem? Be specific. If

Benefits of Solving the possible, give exact numbers.
Problem : (2) What is the exact benefit to them?
(A minimum of 60 words per (3) How will solving this problem contribute to achieving the
DepEd vision and mission, as well as the Regional and Division

. Specifically, 308 learners who are lower in their reading

grade level will benefit from solving the problem. If learners
increased their reading level, then they can also understand what
they read. And when they are fluent readers, they can excel
academically and will contribute the Region’s mantra that every
child is a champion.

Provision of a free portable water supply could help all

learners and teachers practice a healthy lifestyle without spending
much on it . Through this, the school community is provided with
a space where everyone is safe and with a conducive environment.

Learners and teachers are direct beneficiaries of a strong

internet connectivity. If teachers are well informed and updated
with an innovative teaching strategies, then these will radiate to
the learners producing a wholesome individual that will contribute
meaningfully to building the community and the nation as well.

For each problem, answer the following questions:

(1) What particular domain, strand(s), and indicator(s) in the

Thematic Area of Focus : Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH)
(A minimum of 50 words per
does you problem belong?
(2) How will working on this problem help you develop the
competencies of a school head? Explain.

Low Reading level of learners belongs to Domain 3-

Focusing on Teaching and Learning, Indicator 3.4- Learner
Achievement and other performance indicators and indicator 3.5-
Learning Assessment in the Philippine Professional Standards for
School Heads (PPSSH). Working on this problem helps me develop the
competencies of a school though providing technical assistance like
LAC sessions and focused group discussions to teachers in using
digitized learning assessments and strategies that will increase the
reading level of the learners. If teachers are capacitated in using various
strategies, then instructional leadership of the school head is improved
along with the teachers teaching competence and outcomes among

Lack of Potable Water Supply fits Domain 2 – Managing

School Operations and Resources, Indicator 2.3 – School
Facilities and equipment. Through demonstrating knowledge and
understanding of policies and guidelines on the acquisition and
utilization of school facilities, working on this problem will help
me develop my competencies as a school head. It is deemed
necessary that a school head has substantial information on
managing school systems and processes.
Weak Internet Connectivity falls under Domain 1 – Leading
Strategically, Strand 1.2- School Planning and Implementation.
Working on this domain will help me develop the competencies
of a school head by demonstrating leadership skills on the
development and implementation of programs and projects
aligned with instructional goals and policies.

Printed Name Signature Date

Prepared by : JOERRIE G. ENERIDO
Concurred by : JUNE V. UMADHAY, PhD
Checked by : NANETTE G. GALUNO, PhD

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