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Topic Review 2

Name: Sarah Shiphrah A/P Ganeson

Matric Number: MC201012517

Question 1

One of the industries that thrive during the COVID-19 pandemic is logistics. People all around
the world must stay home either by choice or by force for weeks (some probably longer) and
many shifted to online purchasing hence increasing demand for the logistics industry. What is
the most appropriate international business strategy for logistics businesses? Justify your
choice. (6

1.) Structuring internationalization procedures.

As we all know, Chinese and German companies both consider higher levels of
standardization of the internationalization process and its repetitive procedures as beneficial.
Therefore, most of successful companies have such concepts in place, including standardized
checklists for market analysis, guidelines, etc. to enhance the cost-effectiveness and speed
of the market entry and improve the characteristics of the final system. To justify more on my
strategy, German companies have been gradually entering foreign markets for decades.
Hence, their networks have typically grown organically over time, with less strategic planning
on a global level. In contrast, Chinese companies are currently at the beginning of their global

2.) Involvement of logistics managers

In this case, it has been shown that the intense involvement of logistics managers in the
The internationalization process from the very beginning leads to better cost and time
effectiveness in the global network and bares the opportunity to develop an additional
competitive advantage. The comparison of companies from both countries indicates that
Chinese companies attach even more importance to the consideration of logistics aspects and
their integration of logisticians is even more intense. The influence of logistics managers at
German companies is comparatively limited.

Question 2

Another industry that records growth during the COVID-19 pandemic is healthcare. In fact,
many hospitals are not able to meet the escalating demand. Is a global standardization
strategy suitable for a foreign hospital like Mayo Clinic if it is to enter the Malaysian market?
In my opinion, a global standardization strategy is suitable for a foreign hospital like Mayo
Clinic because it has provided extensive knowledge and world-leading medical expertise to
your organization by joining an expanding network of Mayo Clinic clinical collaborations.

Other than that, doctors and medical staff can develop best-in-class facilities, operations,
quality management, leadership, patient experience, and more for your organization.

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