Thayer South China Sea Code of Conduct, 2018-23: Bibliography

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South China Sea

Code of Conduct,
2018-23: A
Carlyle A. Thayer

Thayer Consultancy Bibliography No. 2

August 6, 2023

South China Sea Code of Conduct, 2018-2023: A Bibliography

Carlyle A. Thayer

Table of Contents

Introduc+on ......................................................................................................................... 2
Mari+me Security: South China Sea and Developing a Code of Conduct ............................ 2
ASEAN and China Set to Agree on Single DraA South China Sea Code of Conduct .............. 2
ASEAN & China Senior Officials Agree on Single DraA South China Sea Code of Conduct ... 3
A Closer Look at the ASEAN-China Single DraA South China Sea Code of Conduct ............. 3
ASEAN-China South China Sea Code of Conduct – Content, Legal Status and Likelihood .... 3
South China Sea: Fisheries in the ASEAN-China DraA COC................................................... 3
South China Sea: Who Are the ‘Par+es Concerned’ in Joint Military Exercises? .................. 3
South China Sea: China’s 9-Dash Line and Code of Conduct ................................................ 3
From Confidence Building, Preven+ve Diplomacy and Dispute Resolu+on to the ASEAN-
China South China Sea Code of Conduct .............................................................................. 3
South China Sea Dynamics and Regional Trends? ................................................................ 4
South China Sea: Thailand as ASEAN Chair & Prospects for a Code of Conduct .................. 4
South China Sea: Interna+onal Law, Mari+me Mili+a and Prospects for a COC .................. 4
South China Sea: China Seek to Exclude ‘Outside Countries’ ............................................... 4
South China Sea: Prospects for Code of Conduct ................................................................. 4
South China Sea: China Seek to Exclude ‘Outside Countries’ ............................................... 5
Diploma+c Challenges in the South China Sea ..................................................................... 5
ASEAN, China and the Code of Conduct ............................................................................... 5
South China Sea: China and the Code of Conduct................................................................ 5
ASEAN-China Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: A Tool for Conflict Resolu+on? ..... 5
ASEAN-China Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: A Tool for Conflict Resolu+on? ..... 5
South China Sea: Submissions to the Commission on the Limits of Con+nental Shelf ........ 6
Contending Submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Con+nental ................... 6
Background, Context and Developments in the South China Sea ........................................ 6
Code of Conduct in the South China Sea.............................................................................. 6
Building Codes to Prevent Incidents at Sea: What the ASEAN-China DraA COC Tells Us ..... 6
ASEAN, China and the Code of Conduct ............................................................................... 7
More Work to Do: The South China Sea Code of Conduct ................................................... 7
Code of Conduct in the South China Sea.............................................................................. 7


China-ASEAN South China Sea Code of Conduct – ‘Don’t Hold Your Breath’ ....................... 7
Will the ASEAN-China South China Sea Code of Conduct Address IUUF? ............................ 7
Cambodia as ASEAN Chair & the South China Sea Code of Conduct ................................... 7
Code of Conduct in the South China Sea.............................................................................. 8
South China Sea Code of Conduct by the End of this Year? ................................................. 8
ASEAN-China Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: The Journey is More Important
than the Des+na+on ............................................................................................................ 8
Diploma+c Challenges in the South China Sea ..................................................................... 8
Forthcoming 2023 ................................................................................................................ 8
Carlyle A. Thayer Biography ................................................................................................. 9

This Bibliography marks the fiAh anniversary of the announcement on August 3, 2018 by the
foreign ministers of the Associa+on of South East Asian Na+ons (ASEAN) members states and
China that the par+es had agreed to a Single Dra+ Code of Conduct in the South China Sea
(COC) Nego8a8ng Text (SDNT).
A copy of the SDNT document was leaked to the author prior to the announcement. This
Bibliography contains references to all of the author’s thirty-five publica+ons and
interna+onal conference papers that draws extensively on the SDNT. These references are
listed in chronological order from 2018 to August 2023.
A detailed overview of nego+a+ons between ASEAN member states and China to achieve a
final Code of Conduct over this five year period will appear later this year: Carlyle A. Thayer,
“The ASEAN-China Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: The Journey is More Important
than the Des+na+on,” in Jörg Thomas Engelbert, ed., Indo-Pacific Strategies and the South
China Sea: Views from the Region (Hamburg: Hamburg Universität, forthcoming 2023).

Maritime Security: South China Sea and Developing a Code of Conduct

“Mari+me Security: South China Sea and Developing a Code of Conduct,” Presenta+on to
Australia-Vietnam 1.5 Track Dialogue 2018, East Hotel, Canberra, A.C.T., Australia, June 19-20,
2018. hlps://

ASEAN and China Set to Agree on Single Draft South China Sea Code of Conduct
“ASEAN and China Set to Agree on Single DraA South China Sea Code of Conduct,” The
Diplomat, July 27, 2018. hlps://


ASEAN & China Senior Officials Agree on Single Draft South China Sea Code of Conduct
“ASEAN & China Senior Officials Agree on Single DraA South China Sea Code of Conduct,”
Thayer Consultancy Background Report, July 31, 2018.

A Closer Look at the ASEAN-China Single Draft South China Sea Code of Conduct
“A Closer Look at the ASEAN-China Single DraA South China Sea Code of Conduct,” The
Diplomat, August 3, 2018. hlps://

ASEAN-China South China Sea Code of Conduct – Content, Legal Status and Likelihood
“ASEAN-China South China Sea Code of Conduct – Content, Legal Status and Likelihood,”
Thayer Consultancy Background Brief, August 4, 2018.

South China Sea: Fisheries in the ASEAN-China Draft COC

“South China Sea: Fisheries in the ASEAN-China DraA COC,” Thayer Consultancy Background
Report, August 5, 2018. hlps://

South China Sea: Who Are the ‘Parties Concerned’ in Joint Military Exercises?
“South China Sea: Who Are the ‘Par+es Concerned’ in Joint Military Exercises?” Thayer
Consultancy Background Brief, August 7, 2018.

South China Sea: China’s 9-Dash Line and Code of Conduct

“South China Sea: China’s 9-Dash Line, Code of Conduct, Fishing Incidents and U.S.-Vietnam
Military Rela+ons,” Thayer Consultancy Background Brief, November 6, 2018.

From Confidence Building, Preventive Diplomacy and Dispute Resolution to the ASEAN-
China South China Sea Code of Conduct
"From Confidence Building, Preven+ve Diplomacy and Dispute Resolu+on to the ASEAN-China
South China Sea Code of Conduct,” Presenta+on to Session 6, Confidence Building, Preven+ve
Diplomacy and Dispute Resolu+on, The Tenth South China Sea Interna+onal Conference on


Coopera+on for Regional Security and Development, co-sponsored by the Diploma+c

Academy of Vietnam, Founda+on for East Sea Studies and the Viet Nam Lawyers’ Associa+on,
Da Nang, Vietnam, November 8-9, 2018.

South China Sea Dynamics and Regional Trends?

“South China Sea Dynamics and Regional Trends?” Presenta+on to Interna+onal Conference
on Thailand’s ASEAN Chairmanship 2019, German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for
Public Policy and Good Governance, Asian German Founda+on and the Konrad-Adenauer
Founda+on Regional Programme Poli+cal Dialogue in Asia in Singapore, Banyan Tree Hotel,
Bangkok, Thailand, December 2-4, 2018.

South China Sea: Thailand as ASEAN Chair & Prospects for a Code of Conduct
“South China Sea: Thailand as ASEAN Chair & Prospects for a Code of Conduct,” Thayer
Consultancy Background Brief, January 16, 2019.

South China Sea: International Law, Maritime Militia and Prospects for a COC
“South China Sea: Interna+onal Law, Mari+me Mili+a and Prospects for a Code of Conduct,”
Thayer Consultancy Background Brief, July 27, 2019.

South China Sea: China Seek to Exclude ‘Outside Countries’

“South China Sea: China Seek to Exclude ‘Outside Countries’,” Thayer Consultancy Background
Brief, August 1, 2019. hlps://

South China Sea: Prospects for Code of Conduct

“South China Sea: prospects for code of conduct,” The Australian Naval Ins+tute, August 11,
2019. hlps://


South China Sea: China Seek to Exclude ‘Outside Countries’

“South China Sea: China Seek to Exclude ‘Outside Countries’,” Chennai Centre for China
Studies, Geopoli+cs and Strategy Ar+cle No. 42/2019, October 9, 2019.

Diplomatic Challenges in the South China Sea

“Diploma+c Challenges in the South China Sea,” Lecture to Contemporary Challenges in
Diplomacy, Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, ANU
College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian Na+onal University, Hedley Bull Building,
Canberra, Australia, October 9, 2019.

ASEAN, China and the Code of Conduct

“ASEAN, China and the Code of Conduct,” Presenta+on to Lawfare and South China Sea
Strategy Interna+onal Workshop, Session 2: The Regional Strategic Context, hosted by the
Mari+me Security Research Group, School of Humani+es and Social Sciences, The University
of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia, October 14-15, 2019.

South China Sea: China and the Code of Conduct

“South China Sea: China and the Code of Conduct,” Thayer Consultancy Background Brief,
January 10, 2020. hlps://

ASEAN-China Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: A Tool for Conflict Resolution?
“The ASEAN-China Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: A Tool for Conflict Resolu+on?”
Keynote Presenta+on to Conference on Updates on the South China Sea Conflict: COC, A Tool
for Conflict Resolu+on, sponsored by World Future, Eas+n Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia,
January 13, 2020. hlps://

ASEAN-China Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: A Tool for Conflict Resolution?
“The ASEAN-China Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: A Tool for Conflict Resolu+on?
ANI NewsleJer, January 19, 2020. hlps://


South China Sea: Submissions to the Commission on the Limits of Continental Shelf
“South China Sea: Submissions to the Commission on the Limits of Con+nental Shelf,” Thayer
Consultancy Background Brief, April 9, 2020.

Contending Submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental

“Contending Submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Con+nental Shelf,” Thayer
Consultancy Background Brief, April 9, 2020.

Background, Context and Developments in the South China Sea

“Background, Context and Developments in the South China Sea,” Webinar Presenta+on to
The Takshashila Ins+tute, Bangalore, India, July 11, 2020.

Code of Conduct in the South China Sea

“Code of Conduct in the South China Sea,” Resource Speaker Presenta+on to First Virtual
Interna+onal Conference on the South China Sea, South China [West Philippine] Sea: Four
Years AAer U.N. Arbitral Tribunal Decision, sponsored by The Na+onal Youth Movement for
the West Philippine Sea, Zoom, Manila, the Philippines, July 31, 2020.
China-Sea and hlps://
and video of conference
020975906338/ at the 51st minute mark to the 63rd minute mark.

Building Codes to Prevent Incidents at Sea: What the ASEAN-China Draft COC Tells Us
“Building Codes to Prevent Incidents at Sea: What the ASEAN-China DraA Code of Conduct
Tells Us,” Paper presented to Session 5, Maintaining Peace and Coopera+on Through Time of
Turbulence, 12th Interna+onal Conference on the South China Sea, Diploma+c Academy of
Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 17, 2020.


ASEAN, China and the Code of Conduct

“ASEAN, China and the Code of Conduct,” in Leszek Buszynski and Do Thanh Hai, eds., The
South China Sea: From a Regional Mari8me Dispute to Geo-Strategic. Compe88on, Routledge
Security in Asia Pacific Series (London: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2020), 43-59.

More Work to Do: The South China Sea Code of Conduct

“More Work to Do: The South China Sea Code of Conduct,” Analyzing War, January-February
2021, 7-12. hlps://

Code of Conduct in the South China Sea

“Code of Conduct in the South China Sea,” Webinar Presenta+on to “Turning on a DIME: South
China Sea Scene Seyng Toward Taking Back the Strategic Ini+a+ve,” Brute Krulak Center for
Innova+on and Crea+vity, Marine Corps University, Quan+co, Virginia, U.S.A., February 4,
2021. hlps://

China-ASEAN South China Sea Code of Conduct – ‘Don’t Hold Your Breath’
“China-ASEAN South China Sea Code of Conduct – ‘Don’t Hold Your Breath’,” Thayer
Consultancy Background Brief, July 15, 2021.

Will the ASEAN-China South China Sea Code of Conduct Address IUUF?
“Will the ASEAN-China South China Sea Code of Conduct Address Illegal, Unreported and
Unregulated Fishing?” Presenta+on to Interna+onal Conference on Illegal, Unregulated and
Unreported Fishing, Indo-Mari+me Security Exchange IMSE 2021, hosted by Navy League of
the United States Honolulu Council, Webinar, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 8-9, 2021.

Cambodia as ASEAN Chair & the South China Sea Code of Conduct
“Cambodia as ASEAN Chair & the South China Sea Code of Conduct,” Thayer Consultancy
Background Brief, October 29, 2021. hlps://


Code of Conduct in the South China Sea

“Code of Conduct in the South China Sea,” Thayer Consultancy Background Brief, January 14,
2022. hlps://

South China Sea Code of Conduct by the End of this Year?

“South China Sea Code of Conduct by the End of this Year?” Thayer Consultancy Background
Brief, January 14, 2022. hlps://

ASEAN-China Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: The Journey is More Important
than the Destination
“The ASEAN-China Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: The Journey is More Important
than the Des+na+on,” Presenta+on to Indo-Pacific Strategies and the South China Sea: Views
from the Region,” Hybrid Conference hosted by Hamburg Universität, Hamburg, Germany,
November 18, 2022. hlps://

Diplomatic Challenges in the South China Sea

“Diploma+c Challenges in the South China Sea,” Lecture to Contemporary Challenges in
Diplomacy, Department of Interna+onal Rela+ons, Coral Bell School of Asia-Pacific Affairs,
ANU College of Asia-Pacific, The Australian Na+onal University, Canberra, May 16, 2023.

Forthcoming 2023
“The ASEAN-China Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: The Journey is More Important
than the Des+na+on,” in Jörg Thomas Engelbert, ed., Indo-Pacific Strategies and the South
China Sea: Views from the Region (Hamburg: Hamburg Universität, forthcoming 2023).


Carlyle A. Thayer Biography

Professional Background
Carlyle (Carl) Alan Thayer is Emeritus Professor of Poli+cs, School of
Humani+es and Social Sciences, The University of New South Wales
(UNSW) at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA), Canberra. He
is also Director of Thayer Consultancy, a small business registered in
Australia in 2002 that provides poli+cal analysis of current regional
security issues and other research support to selected clients.
Professional Career
Carl Thayer was educated at Brown University where he majored in Poli+cal Science (B.A.
1967). He holds an M.A. in Southeast Asian Studies from Yale (1971) and a PhD in Interna+onal
Rela+ons from The Australian Na+onal University (ANU, 1977). He studied Thai language at
The University of Missouri at Columbia (intensive summer 1966), Vietnamese language at Yale
(1969-71) and Cornell (intensive summer 1970), and Lao and Vietnamese languages at
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (intensive summer 1971).
Thayer also holds a Cer+ficate in Na+onal Security from the Ins+tute of Poli+cal Science,
Chris+an Albrechts Universität, Kiel, Federal Republic of Germany (1987).
AAer gradua+ng from Brown, Carl served in the Republic of Vietnam with the Interna+onal
Voluntary Services (1967-68) and as a volunteer secondary school teacher in the Republic of
Botswana with the Unitarian Universalist Service Commilee (1968-69).
He began his professional career as a Tutor in the Department of Asian Civilisa+on at the ANU
(1973-74). He commenced his academic career as Lecturer at the Bendigo Ins+tute of
Technology, Victoria in 1975 (renamed the Bendigo College of Advanced Educa+on in 1976).
In 1979, he joined The University of New South Wales (UNSW) and taught first in its Faculty
of Military Studies at The Royal Military College-Duntoon (1979-85) and then at the Australian
Defence Force Academy (1985-2010). He served as Head of the School of Poli+cs from 1995-
97. In 1998, he was promoted to full Professor. During 2007-08 and 2010 he directed Regional
Security Studies at the Australian Command and Staff College while teaching at UNSW
Canberra. Upon re+rement in 2010 he was conferred the +tle Emeritus Professor.
Thayer served three major periods away from UNSW@ADFA:
• From 1992-95, he was seconded to the Regime Change and Regime Maintenance Project,
Department of Poli+cal and Social Change, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, ANU
to conduct research on Vietnamese domes+c poli+cs.
• From 1999-2002, he was granted ‘leave in the na+onal interest’ to take up the posi+on of
Professor of Southeast Asian Security Studies and Deputy Chair of the Department of Regional
Studies at the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (APCSS), U.S. Pacific Command, Hawaii.
He revised the curriculum for the Execu+ve Course and was an original contributor to the
Senior Execu+ve Course (two-three star/vice-ministerial level).
• From 2002 to 2004, Carl was seconded to Deakin University as On-Site Academic
Coordinator of the Defence and Strategic Studies Course, Australia’s senior defence course,
at the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies (CDSS) at the Australian Defence College,
Weston Creek.


During his career, Professor Thayer undertook special study leave at the ANU’s Strategic and
Defence Studies Centre; Harvard’s Center for Interna+onal Affairs; Interna+onal Ins+tute of
Strategic Studies in London; Ins+tute of Strategic and Interna+onal Studies, Chulalongkorn
University in Thailand; Ins+tute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore; and the Department
of Poli+cal Science at Yale.
In 1993, in a career highlight, he was appointed a United Na+ons Observer for elec+ons in
Service to the Profession
Thayer was a founding member of the Vietnam Studies Associa+on of Australia and served
three terms as Na+onal Secretary/Treasurer (1994-98). He also served as Na+onal Secretary
of the Asian Studies Associa+on of Australia (1996-98).
Professional Recogni:on
In June 1971, Thayer was the Graduate School Flag Bearer for the 270th commencement
ceremonies at Yale University.
In 2003, Thayer was conferred the Joint Meritorious Service Award by the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff for his contribu+ons to the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, U.S.
Pacific Command.
In 2005, Thayer was appointed the C. V. Starr Dis+nguished Visi+ng Professor of Southeast
Asian Studies at The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced Interna+onal Studies, Johns Hopkins
University in Washington, D.C.
In 2006, Thayer was awarded the Rector’s Commenda+on for Excellence in Classroom
Teaching at UNSW Canberra.
In 2008, Thayer was appointed the Inaugural Frances M. and Stephen H. Fuller Dis+nguished
Visi+ng Professor of Southeast Asian Studies conjointly at the Center for Interna+onal Affairs
and Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
In 2014, Thayer was invited as a Subject Maler Expert to address the 2nd Expanded ASEAN
Mari+me Forum in Da Nang, Vietnam.
In 2015, Thayer was invited as a Subject Maler Expert to address the ASEAN-China Joint=
Working Group on the Implementa+on of the DOC Seminar-Workshop on the
Implementa+on of the 2002 ASEAN-China Declara+on on the Conduct of Par+es in the South
China Sea (DOC-SCS) in Manila, The Philippines.
In April 2015, Thayer was appointed Eminent Person by the Department of Defence Australian
Civil-Military Centre, to facilitate the East Asia Summit mandated Rapid Disaster Response:
Lessons Learned Seminar held in Sydney in September that was alended by senior officials=
from fiAeen countries. Thayer wrote the Seminar Discussion Paper.
In April 2020, Professor Thayer was inducted into the Marquis Who’s Who Biographical
Registry and in Marquis Who’s Who Top Professionals.
In 2023, Professor Thayer was the Mace Bearer for gradua+on ceremonies at UNSW


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