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(A Case Study to the Second Semester Students of English Education Study Program of IKIP
PGRI Pontianak in the Academic Year 2021/2022)




NIM 321810096






(A Case Study to the Second Semester Students of English Education Study Program of
IKIP PGRI Pontianak in the Academic Year 2021/2022)


Bherti Yustisia
NIM 321810096
Disetujui Oleh:
Ketua Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Pembimbing Akademik

Dr.Aunurrahman, M.Pd Citra Kusumaningsih, M.Pd

NPP. 202 2010 093 NPP. 202 2010 094

Disahkan Oleh:
Wakil Dekan 1
Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

Al Ashadi Alimin, M.Pd

NPP. 202 2012 192



Student Name : Bherti Yustisia

Student Number : 321810096
Study Program : English Education
Academic Supervisor : Citra Kusumaningsih, M. Pd
Total credit : 150
Thesis Title : Podcast: Its Implementation for Entertaining Public
Speaking Skill (A Case Study to the Second Semester Students of
English Education Study Program of IKIP PGRI Pontianak in the
Academic Year 2021/2022)
Main Supervisor :
Assistant Supervisor :

Pontianak, 27 April 2022

Head of English Education

Academic Supervisor Study Program

Citra Kusumaningsih, M.Pd Dr.Aunurrahman, M.Pd

NPP. 202 2010 094 NPP. 202 2010 093
A. Title: Podcast: Its Implementation for Entertaining Public Speaking Skill
B. Research Background
In this era of globalization, it is expected to be able to speak and master english.
English is a compulsory subject in schools and universities in Indonesia. This is very
important not only for students' academic success, but also for their future careers and
social interactions. As a medium of daily communication, speaking plays a crucial role.
Speaking is widely known as an ability to share thoughts, ideas, and intentions to the
other people by using a language in oral form(Bustari et al., 2017). Speaking is an
interactive form of communication in which the speaker expresses his or her thoughts to
the listener. Speaking is defined as the ability to communicate one's thoughts, ideas, and
intentions to another through the use of a spoken language. Students in the english
department have difficulty speaking english. Speaking presents certain difficulties for
students, such as lack of vocabulary and self-confidence. These problems occured
because the students have less exposure to speaking activity. Introducing an alternate
media, the podcast, maybe able to assist pupils in performing effectively in speaking.
Podcasts have now made their way into the domain of education, where they may
be utilized as a learning medium(Rahmawati & Sianturi, n.d.). Podcasting is a technology
invention that supports the educational system because it delivers English content for
EFL learners and the presenters are native English speakers. Podcasting offers the
opportunity for lecturers to easily broadcast engaging audio content, which students can
then listen to at any time and wherever they are(Rosa & Fitriana, n.d.). The podcasts
cover a wide range of subjects and themes, all of which are presented by native English
speakers. It also provides authentic information that will aid students in learning how to
speak like a native speaker and learning from the original source. Given the important of
podcast in language learning, particularly for speaking skill. In This research discuss
about entertaining public speaking skill trough podcast.
Entertaining speaking should convey a coherent message, the way in which it is
delivered differs from that of a traditional informative or persuasive speaking.
Entertaining speaking is one whose sole purpose is to have the audience enjoy the
presentation. The purpose of an entertaining speaking besides to educate, inform or
inspire it is to make the audience smile, relax, and enjoy. Also students enthusiasm in
using podcast as learning sources shown by their efforts to downloading podcasts
frequently, listening to it regularly as for listening practice and
entertainment(Abdulrahman et al., 2018).
There are several previous studies discussing about Podcast. First of all a research
conducted by (Bustari et al., 2017) The researchers expect this study would contribute to
filling the gapin the body of literature and also teachers especially for those who teach
English at senior high school. It also could contribute to all students to improve their
speaking ability, particularly in fluency and pronunciation. Secondly a research
conducted by (Rahmawati & Sianturi, n.d.) The researchers apply the concept of ADDIE
(Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) paradigm in this study
because it is more effective and systematic and supported new learning models. Then, the
other research is (Indahsari, 2020) The research was focused on podcast for languages
other than English. Another research was conducted by (Rosa & Fitriana, n.d.) The
research finding which was conducted by the previous researches that podcasts can be a
way to help students in listening comprehension. Another similar research was(Yoestara
& Putri, 2019) The research advantages of using podcast in language learning—
particularly to assist the students in listening and speaking skill—have been researched,
and the results show increase in the students’ listening and speaking performance.
Based on the previous research above, all of them were equally discussed about
podcast. This research is different from previous research,this research focused on
implementing Podcast to entertaining students' public speaking skills. In this study, the
participants were Students IKIP PGRI Pontianak.

C. Research Question
1. How is the implementation of podcast for entertaining public speaking skill to the
second semester students of English Education Study Program of IKIP PGRI
2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of using podcast in entertaining public
speaking skill?
D. Research Purpose
1. To know how the implementation of podcast for entertaining public speaking skill to
the second semester students of English Education Study Program of IKIP PGRI
2. To find out the strengths and weaknesses of using podcast in entertaining public
speaking skil.
E. Significance of Research
1. Theoretical Significance
The research carried out by the researcher that is expected to able to become
research material and reference in the scientific development of education sector,
especially in the implementation for entertaining public speaking skill.
2. Practical Significant
By this study, the researcher expects this study can be a useful contribution including
the following:
a. To Lecturer
The researcher hope that whatever the findings turn out to be, they might
be used by lecturers to make their pupils more understandable.
b. To Students
The research hope that this study may be used students to be more
entertaining public speaking skill
c. To Other Researcher
This study is expected to inspire even better. This research is also
expected to be a reference, source of information and reference of further
F. Scope of the Research
1. Research Variable
Research variable are all things that will be the object of research observation.
The variables need to be specified in an experiment so that it is clear to readers what
groups are receiving the experimental treatment and what outcomes are being
measured(Creswell, 2014). In this study, the researcher only investigated the
implemantation for entertaining public speaking skill ia a single variable.
2. Research Terminology
The following definitions are provided to ensure the uniformity and understanding of
these terms throughout the study:
a. Public Speaking Skill
Speaking is a useful talent to have. Speaking is the act of conveying and
building meaning through the use of oral/verbal in a range of situations. Speaking,
which is the act of making vocal sounds, aids the listener in understanding what is
being said.
b. Podcast
Podcasts have now made their way into the educational realm, where they
can be used as a learning tool. Podcasts can be utilized as supplemental learning
materials to help students have a better knowledge of the subject and improve
their skills. Podcasts will be extremely valuable to language learners, particularly
language students, in terms of improving listening and speaking skills as well as
broadening knowledge, expanding vocabulary, and improving grammar.
c. Speaking to entertaining
While entertaining speaking should convey a coherent message, the way
in which it is delivered differs from that of a traditional informative or persuasive
speaking. Entertaining speaking is one whose sole purpose is to have the audience
enjoy the presentation. The purpose of an entertaining speaking besides to
educate, inform or inspire it is to make the audience smile, relax, and enjoy.

G. Research Methodology
1. Research Design
To realize the research objective, which is about the implementation for
intertaining public speaking skill researcher use case study research as a design
method. Case studies are a design of inquiry found in many fields, especially
evaluation, in which the researcher develops an in-depth analysis of a case, often a
program, event, activity, process, or one or more individuals(Creswell, 2014). A case
study has also been described as an intensive, systematic investigation of a single
individual, group,community or some other.
2. Research Subject
The population of this research are 2nd semester students of English Education in
IKIP PGRI Pontianak and the researcher only used one class as a sample.

H. Technique of Data Collection

To collect the data in this research, the researcher will use observation and direct
communication techniques. The technique of observation and direct communication is by
field note and interview.
I. Tools of Data Collection
a. Field Note
Field notes were researchers’ private, personal thoughts, ideas, and queries regarding
their research observations and interviews (Phillippi & Lauderdale, 2018). This note
will help them recall and record the actions, activities, observations, and events of a
certain phenomena they are researching.
b. Interview
The interview is a question and answer activity by two or more people to get
information. According to Sugiyono (2015:317) an interview is a meeting of two
people to exchange information and ideas through question and answer to construct
meaning in a particular topic. Interviews were conducted to collect the data.

J. Technique of Data Analysis

a. Thematic Analysis
Thematic Analysis is a popular method for analyzing qualitative data in many
disciplines and fields, Several techniques can be used in qualitative research. This
thematic analysis is fundamental because it is considered a core skill or basic
knowledge for conduct analysis in qualitative studies.
b. Miles and Huberman
According to Miles and Huberman, data analysis in this study consisted of several
flow activities carried out together, namely data reduction, data display and
conclusion drawing/verification (Sugiyono, 2012: 91; Afrizal, 2014: 178).

Abdulrahman, T. R., Basalama, N., & Widodo, Moh. R. (2018). The Impact of Podcasts on EFL
Students’ Listening Comprehension. International Journal of English Linguistics, 8(6),
Bustari, A., Samad, I. A., & Achmad, D. (2017). The use of podcasts in improving students’
speaking skill. JELE (Journal of English Language and Education), 3(2), 97.
Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
approaches (4th ed). SAGE Publications.
Indahsari, D. (2020). Using podcast for EFL students in language learning. JEES (Journal of
English Educators Society), 5(2), 103–108.
Phillippi, J., & Lauderdale, J. (2018). A Guide to Field Notes for Qualitative Research: Context
and Conversation. Qualitative Health Research, 28(3), 381–388.
Rahmawati, I., & Sianturi, Y. P. B. (n.d.). Audio Podcast-based Learning Media in Improving
Students’ Listening Comprehension and Pronunciation. 7.
Rosa, M. S., & Fitriana, H. (n.d.). Teaching And Develop Pronunciation Using Media Podcast In
Senior High School. 12.
Sugiyono. 2012. Metode penelitian kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung : Alfabeta.

Sugiyono. (2015). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Yoestara, M., & Putri, Z. (2019). Podcast: An alternative way to improve EFL students’ listening
and speaking performance. Englisia Journal, 6(1), 15.

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