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Chapter 2

The History of Tourism and Hospitality


1. Research on what travel will be like twenty years from now.
2. Research on why the Olympic Games survived since 776 BC.
3. Research on the origin of the hospitality industry in the Philippines.

1. By the year 2040 which is 20 years from now, According to the predictions of a futurologist
Ray Hammond on his futurology series called 'The World in 2040', the future about the travel
industry will be using the “Virtual and augmented reality” that will use a Multi-sensory virtual
reality technology which will allow armchair travel planners to ‘step into’ virtual hotel rooms,
visit street carnivals, explore museums or walk into restaurants, from the comfort of their own
living room. Also the “Instant check-ins” that use facial pattern recognition systems as an
experiment use at airports, a computer systems that can reliably identify your face will be in
widespread use to check-in seamlessly. Third is the “Hotel software assistants” that allows
luxury hotels to greet their guests with a human face, also the business and budget hotels will be
using automated check-ins and guidance to rooms provided by software assistants. Some hotels
will even provide robotic baggage carriers to move luggage. Fourth is “Super-fast trains” as the
Cross-border train journeys will be smoother and much improved in many parts of the world.
Computer networks and the ‘Internet of Things’ will manage national and international rail
networks, allowing trains to run faster and closer together. Train speed will also increase on most
rail networks, with most high-speed trains running at speeds above 125 mph. There is also the
“On-site 3D clothes printing” that will send your measurements to your hotel in advance of your
arrival and heavy or bulky clothes and will have been printed out to await your arrival, reducing
the amount of luggage the tourist of 2040 will have to transport. The low cost of 3D printed
garments means travelers will be able to leave the clothes behind for local recycling. Next is the
“Sustainable cruises” that the cruise ships will be far more environmentally friendly than today’s
giant ocean liners. Vessels will be powered by Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), a light fossil fuel
with almost no greenhouse gas emissions, transforming cruise vacations into one of the greenest
ways to travel the world. The range of cruise destinations will also continue to grow, with Asia
proving particularly fertile ground. Lastly “Space will be a regular destination” as the world may
not be enough as it may not offer a sufficiently large choice of destinations. By that time, it’s
likely that tourists will be flying to and from the Moon on a regular basis as they seek the
experience of seeing the Earth from space. He also added that by 2040, personal software
assistants will be sufficiently intelligent to help travelers book their trips online and they will be
able to cope with all the complexities of multi-destination travel planning in order to meet the
needs of the traveler. Travel will also become more about rejuvenation, adventure, fulfilment and
learning new skills rather than just ticking off places to see from a list. Overall, the face of travel
as we know it will change dramatically the will help the people to have life that is easier from the

2. First of all, According to the article “The history of the Olympics: Ancient Games date back to
776 BC”, the Olympic Games that we know and celebrate today are stem from events held
thousands of years ago in Ancient Greece. The old Olympic Games were dedicated to the
Olympian gods and were held on the plains of Olympia in the western part of the Peloponnese.
Pelops, king of Pisa in the Peloponnese, is venerated in Greek mythology as the founder of the
Olympic Games. Initially, the games had only one event and that is the “stadion" which is a foot-
race and the ancient games were closely linked to the religious festivals of the cult of Zeus, and
Olympia became a central site for the worship of the king of the Olympian gods. The games
continued for nearly 12 centuries until Roman emperor Theodosius banned them in 393 A.D.,
decrying them as pagan cults but because of Baron Pierre de Coubertin who got interested on
reviving the Olympic Games by the 1892 A.D he tried to revive and bring up the idea of the
Olympic Games. but at the meeting of the Athletic Sports Union at Sorbonne in Paris, the
proposal on reviving the Olympic Games went for naught as his auditors failed to grasp the
significance of the idea yet he didn’t gave up on the idea, by the 1896 A.D. Greece celebrated in
the rebuilt stadium of Athens, the first Olympic Games of the present cycle and from this
beginning, the world's greatest athletic spectacle was established. The tenacity and the
perseverance of Baron de Coubertin accomplished and perfected this great work and in fact, He
became the sole director of the Games as regards of his form and character; the Olympic Charter
and Protocol and the athlete's oath were his creation, as well as the opening and closing
ceremonies of the Games.

3. According to an article on a site called biosidmartin, Filipino Hospitality in History A well-

recognized Philippine historian, Teodoro A. Agoncillo, mentioned in his book,” the History of
the Filipino People” that hospitality and most Filipino traits were acquired from the Malayan
traditions while the history of the hospitality management came from the Middle Ages, European
monasteries and abbeys when they first opened their doors to offer hospitality to travelers. Over
time, business people took over the management of many of these inns and during the 19th
century, the Industrial Revolution heralded the opening of hotels in Europe’s major cities.
The Malays, led by the sovereignty of a Datu, were known as the first to migrate and inhabit the
Southern regions of the country; long before Ferdinand Magellan discovered the Philippines. It is
in the small communities called barangays where most of the core traits of the Filipinos had
developed. This noble intention can be perceived negatively by others in some cases. The most
common misconception of the Filipino hospitality is the thought that Filipinos are putting their
guests, particularly the foreigners up on the pedestal because of inferiority and servility. The best
example of this was when the Spaniards first step foot on the country. In the contrary, the truth
behind Filipino hospitality is the thought that no guest or visitor should get harm under one’s
roof as Filipinos values the utmost loyalty of a friend to the extent that friends are treated as
family. They also have a high regard to their family name and reputation that any reasons to be
shunned by society is something to be avoided. Hospitality is the most common terminology that
describes how Filipinos welcome foreigners or tourists who visit the country. For Filipinos, it is
a pleasure and the country’s honor to accept foreigners as visitors and build genuine relationships
and friendship with them. Filipino hospitality knows no bounds whether you’re a foreigner or a
fellow Filipino and being sensitive to the needs of a house guest knows no socio-economic
status. If visitors come unannounced after meal time in any Filipino home, expect some snacks
and drinks to be served. Also, if a relative or a family friend will have to stay for the night, the
most comfortable room and bed will be provided even if it means that some members of the
family will have to share a bed for that evening. On the other hand, a typical Filipino visitor has
always some sort of token or presents to offer the host whether it’s in a form delicacy or a new
gadget from overseas. It is merely a small gesture of gratitude for accommodating them in spite
of short or no notice at all and not because of anything else. So in actuality, Filipino hospitality
goes both ways whether you are a visitor or if you are the visited. Very good to know whenever
dropping by and you can expect to make friends quickly in this beautiful country.


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