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#5: Three Made One

by Amber Scott

An Apocalyptic Adventure
for 4-6 heroes of PL 1 1
Suggested PL: 11
Required Books: M&M Deluxe Hero’s Handbook,
M&M Deluxe Gamemaster’s Guide
Lady Una, Dark Lord of dark lords, grew weary of her immortal exis-
Suggested Books: Freedom City
tence long ago, and began studying how she might ascend to god-
Earth-Prime has fallen to the conquest of a thousand worlds. An enti- hood, becoming a dark deity who could spread her influence not only
ty known as Triune now rules over the planet—and perhaps the om- through physical might, but the very substance of magic itself. Her
niverse. The power of 999 netherworlds fuels the accidental ascension ritual for ascension requires the conquest of a thousand worlds and
of the mages Malador, Medea, and Una, turning the conjoined entity tying her soul to the magical energy of each—and Una has made it a
into a horrible newborn god. If the heroes could face it directly, they point of pride to take Earth as the thousandth world that will complete
would have no hope of defeating it. And the heroes can’t even ap- her transformation. Her plan requires the sacrifice of her mortal body,
proach Triune, let alone challenge them, as the magical explosion that which must be consumed in the flames of another world’s purest mag-
forged the being also unwittingly trapped them in a strange pocket ic to finish the binding process.
dimension—a gilded cage they don’t even realize they must escape! After years spent struggling in a trap created by Adrian Eldritch before
Lost in a shining superhero heaven, the heroes can vanquish the forc- his death, Una has finally manifested and achieved her ascension, but
es of evil again and again, constantly winning, never tasting defeat. not the way the ancient mage intended. The competing machinations
There they will never age or hurt or lose. There they endlessly defend of two of her most powerful pawns—the demigod Medea and the
an idealized world … all while Triune quietly consumes their reality. former Master Mage Malador—combined to fuse the three spirits to-
gether within the Golden Mask of Malador, an ancient Atlantean relic.
Three Made One is an adventure for four to six PL 11 heroes. This adven- Una’s consciousness now blends with that of Malador the Mystic and
ture is the capstone of the NetherWar adventure series and provides the trickster Medea, and together they have become a terrifying enti-
a climactic finale for the heroes’ quest to defeat Una the Unrelenting ty called Triune—a being of living contradictions and godlike power
and save Earth-Prime. drawn from a thousand worlds.

Three Made One
With Una’s connection to her 999 netherworlds, Triune’s essence is
spread across the cosmos. Portals open all over Earth-Prime, connect- NETHERWAR
ing it with countless hell-like magical dimensions. The earth is trans-
Three Made One is the fifth and final installment of the NetherWar
formed, becoming a chaotic and twisted reflection of itself suffused
series arc, wrapping up the machinations of Una the Unrelenting
with netherworld energy. To ensure their victory, Triune has trapped
and her mystical minions. While many other adventures in the
the heroes of Earth-Prime in a fantastic reflection of the city they
NetherWar series can be played as standalone adventures with
knew, one where good always wins without effort or sacrifice. With
only minor adjustments, many of the plot points in Three Made
the heroes gone, no one remains who can challenge Triune’s might.
One call back to earlier adventures in the series and require more
work to adapt as a standalone adventure. If you maintain Triune’s

IN THIS EXCITING ISSUE… connection to Una’s former empire and Lady Seven, you may de-
cide the corrupt god was unleashed by almost any arcane villain
attempting to hijack the magic power of the 999 netherworlds of
In the aftermath of the arcane event that created Triune, the heroes
Una’s former empire, changing the final confrontation according-
are shunted into a pocket dimension—Elysium—created specifically
ly. If Lady Seven has not featured prominently in your campaigns
for them. In this superhero heaven, the heroes are called on to defend
before, you can still borrow rules elements and plot points from
a shining illusion of Freedom City, where simple caricatures of super-
this adventure and decide on a new mortal connection that pro-
villains pose no real threat to their might. At first, the illusion seems
vides a weakness for the nascent god.
reasonable, even familiar. But as time passes, the heroes realize that
something is very wrong with their reality. After discovering the truth
of their surroundings, the heroes find a way to break free of their false
heaven and reenter the real world. leashed by their magic—and instead must find their own way
to enter the mystic prison to discover what happened to Earth’s
They emerge into an Earth-Prime that is darkly warped. Demons roam champions during this sudden crisis, trying to convince one or
the streets, the sky glows green with netherworld energy, and the more of them to leave paradise and help them confront the mon-
colossal form of Triune towers over Freedom City. Challenging Triune sters in the real world.
directly does no good: the heroes are banished back to Elysium with
a mere gesture. The heroes examine the nether portals binding Earth-
Prime to the other 999 worlds and discover a powerful connection
between their one-time patron Lady Seven and the chaos corrupting SCENE ONE CHALLENGE/ROLEPLAYING

The heroes travel to Lady Seven’s citadel, only to find their former ally
has transformed to a deadly enemy. During the battle, the heroes real-
ize that Seven is being mind-controlled through a psychic link to Una’s
As the adventure begins, read or paraphrase the following:
consciousness. They break the link and free Lady Seven. With their ally
restored, the heroes plan to use Seven’s ring—the conduit by which
she connected to Una’s mind—to separate Triune and make Una vul- It’s another beautiful day in Freedom City. Thanks to the efforts of
nerable for a few precious minutes. brave, bold heroes like yourselves, the city enjoys a sense of quiet
security. The citizens know that when evil rears its vicious head,
Returning to Earth, the heroes tear Triune apart and engage a magi- the defenders of Freedom City will be there to mete out justice.
cally evolved Una in a titanic clash to determine the fate of the world. But hark! A red telephone rings, its shrill buzz cutting through the
If Una is destroyed, Earth is saved. If the heroes fail, then the universe peaceful silence. That’s the direct line to the mayor’s office. Evil
has a new ruler—one whose lust for conquest will take it far beyond a must be afoot!
mere thousand worlds.
The heroes exist in a bizarre pocket dimension, created by Triune to
contain Earth’s most powerful heroes, removing any barriers to their

INVOLVING THE HEROES conquest. Magical properties affect the mind to keep its prisoners
complacent, while simple “crimefighting” tasks help keep them too
Heroes can become involved with Three Made One in a number of distracted to put the clues together.
ways, depending on the sort of Mutants & Masterminds game you are
If the heroes or their players seem confused with the adventure setup,
allow each hero to attempt a DC 20 Will check. Read or paraphrase the
• If you are running the adventure as part of the NetherWar series following to the heroes who fail their check:
arc, the heroes are assumed to be involved automatically, with
them unwittingly pulled into Triune’s heavenly pocket universe in Everything is as it should be. You feel in your bones—in your very
the flash of light at the end of Bound by Gold. You may even run soul—that you are where you’re meant to be. Nothing about this
different encounters or adventures in between, with the assump- scenario upsets you or strikes you as odd.
tion these events occur within Elysium created for them.
Read or paraphrase the following to any heroes who succeed on their
• The adventure assumes the heroes are pulled into events without Will check:
realizing it, and so your heroes might be any of Earth’s champions
deposited into Elysium by Triune to keep them out of the way, For a moment, a strange memory surfaces. You feel as though
and discover the wider events only after they escape. you were somewhere else a moment ago. Was there a battle? An
explosion? The more you try to focus on the memory, the faster it
• Brand new heroes may not be abducted by Triune’s magic—in-
slips away. Perhaps it will come to you later.
stead witnessing the conjoined god’s rise and the evil forces un-

Three Made One
The red phone continues to ring until one of the heroes answers. The
moment they lift the receiver, a voice comes through the line, loud PROBLEM POWERS
enough for everyone in the room to hear:
Extraordinary senses and the ability to travel mystical dimensions
might make recognizing and escaping Elysium a trivial task for
“Heroes! This is Mayor Summers! Something terrible has hap- heroes. Heroes who can detect magic or truth won’t automati-
pened. Sandstone is robbing the First Bank of Freedom City! You cally recognize this superhero heaven as a fake—the world is
must come at once!” true by its own standards, and while a mystical dimension it isn’t
made only of magic—but enough is off that this abilities create a
Though the voice on the phone sounds like the real Mayor Summers,
sense of permanent discomfort. You can reflect this by giving he-
she is a pale copy of the vivacious, intelligent woman who shepherds
roes with these abilities a free Hero Point as the adventure opens.
Freedom City. She is unable to offer more details, only reiterating that
the bank is under attack and the heroes must come at once. As with many of the mystic dimensions in this series, Elysium is
intentionally created as a prison and can be difficult to escape.

ELYSIUM Heroes must first recognize they are trapped in a gilded cage be-
fore they can attempt to leave. While worlds like the Dungeon
While called Elysium, the pocket dimension the heroes find them- Dimension had mystical barriers that travelers needed to force
selves in is unrelated to the Greek underworld; it merely borrows a their way through, Elysium is duplicitous, mimicking Earth (or
moniker from Medea’s memories of her time among the dead. This Freedom City, at least) closely enough that navigating to and
realm is a paradise for superheroes, where few difficult questions from it requires an appropriate DC 22 Expertise (Freedom City) or
about morality exist and good always triumphs in the end, whether it Perception check to escape, or else the hero is rerouted back to
be by tenacity, compassion, or sheer dumb luck. It’s literally impossi- Elysium and Fatigued.
ble for the heroes to lose a fight, even one they deliberately throw. The Heroes with the ability to negate magic are at a distinct advan-
overall effect inadvertently creates a world that hews close to campy, tage against most of the villains in this adventure, particularly in
Silver Age ideals. freeing Seven from Una’s control. If these confrontations seem to
easy, round out the villain’s numbers with armed guards, mon-
The nature of this gilded cage is deceptively comforting from the
sters of myth such as demons and dragons, or Jobber lieutenants
ground up. Like the real Elysium, its nature blurs the memory and
who rely on technology on nonmagical powers
instills a sense of calm contentment. This is mostly handled as a plot
device, but you may allow heroes a Will check whenever their players
notice something strange about the world, with success granting brief injury beyond falling over unconscious. They may even continue to
visions of Triune’s ascension, such as “a flash; bright … so bright,” or “a function, smile, and run through routine actions with disturbing inju-
crack in the sky,” or “screaming,” but the images fade quickly, replaced ries like a head twisted 180 degrees or a missing limb. Anyone incapac-
by a sense of calm and rightness with the world. The heroes can’t truly itated by their Mind Lash wakes up some time later in their bed, with
begin to break free until after their first encounter; if players seem re- the memories of the encounter wiped away. If destroyed, an identical
luctant to get involved even as their heroes are supernaturally coerced doppelganger takes their place within a few minutes.
into their roles, suggest that they might learn more over time. In the
end, this experience automatically rewards everyone trapped within a
Hero Point for the setback (see Wrap-Up), and you may want to offer
these up-front with the understanding it’s for playing along with the
surreal nature of the adventure opening. STR 2 STA — AGL 6 DEX 0 FGT 6 INT — AWE 7 PRE —
Powers: Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects), Mind Lash Damage 7 (Alternate
Despite Triune’s PLX nature, the heroes stood adjacent to the god-be-
Resistance: Will), Almost Human Morph 1 (Humanoid).
ing when they ascended, a memory very difficult to cover up, and so
they alone have cracks in the mind-affecting spell keeping everyone Advantages: Close Attack.
else trapped within the dream. Skills: Perception 4 (+11), Stealth 4 (+10).

DENIZENS Mind Lash +7 Close, Damage 7 (Will resists)
Unarmed +7 Close, Damage 2
The heroes aren’t the only people trapped within Elysium—many of
Earth-Prime’s heroes are likewise locked away within their own fanta- DODGE PARRY FORTITUDE WILL TOUGHNESS
sies, as are some supervillains who might interfere with Triune’s efforts.
+6 +6 — — +8
Everyone else, however, is a simplistic construct formed from magic.

While they seem human on the surface, aping their originals’ personal-
ity and mannerisms, they are simpleminded puppets formed from the Totals: Abilities 12 + Powers 44 + Advantages 1 + Skills 4 (8 ranks) +
Defenses 8 = 69 points.
heroes’ memories. Consequently, most act as two-dimensional stereo-
types. Only characters the heroes have close, personal connections to
have more detailed personalities, and even these are limited to what-
ever a hero knew about them before plunging into Elysium. HEADQUARTERS
While they look human, most denizens of Elysium (other than those The heroes stand in a vast room on the top floor of a skyscraper. Ad-
modeled on specific villains) are tulpas formed from thought and vanced gadgets and computers sit against the walls. A long, white
magic, with Deception +20 to imitate their real-world counterparts. table fills the center of the room. The surface of the table projects a
They aren’t aggressive and only turn violent if attacked or an “inmate” three-dimensional hologram of Freedom City. Wide windows line the
attempts to escape, and don’t bleed or otherwise show any signs of walls, affording an incredible view of the urban landscape.

Three Made One


Mind-controlling villains are a staple in comic books, but not all
players are comfortable with mind-control scenarios. Keep lines
of communication open and be sensitive to the fact that some
players won’t enjoy having their character’s thoughts and feel-
ings dictated by the adventure. If your players won’t enjoy this
scene as written, adjust it to substitute their real headquarters
and contacts for the over-the-top simplifications offered here so
you don't need to dictate an unnatural comfort.
You may also want to discuss the existence of mind control with
players beforehand if it is a sensitive issue. It won’t spoil the scene
if the heroes immediately realize they are in a false reality. They
still must find a way out, which involves playing along with the
fantasy in order to escape.

An instinct in the back of the heroes’ minds whispers, “This

is clearly your secret headquarters.” Heroes who succeed-
ed at their Will check earlier recognize the room but feel as
though something about it is wrong. They may experience
a flash of their true secret base (if they have one) or a familiar
meeting place in Freedom City as if their pre-existing emotions
had been hot-wired and reconnected to this new location. Like
most memories in Elysium, this impression fades quickly, but it should
disquiet the heroes and add to the sense of surrealism.

Any specific room, item, or piece of equipment the heroes require

can be found in the secret headquarters. Even outrageously power-
ful items such as magical artifacts or jet fighters appear if the heroes
search for them long enough. The heroes must be specific about what
they’re trying to find before they can locate a particular item; looking
for “a powerful weapon” is not specific enough. As none of these items
persist outside Elysium, feel free to go wild!


Once the heroes answer the phone, the location of the First Bank of
Freedom City lights up on the projection of the city. The heroes may
race to the bank using whatever means of transportation they prefer.
On the secret headquarters roof, they can find any vehicle they ex-
pect, from a transforming Lamborghini-helicopter to an invisible jet.


As the players approach the bank, read or paraphrase the following:

A tremendous boom splits the air, and a cloud of smoke rolls out
of the windows of the First Bank of Freedom City. Through the
shattered glass, you glimpse a scene of destruction: Terrified cit-
izens huddle on the floor. A pack of goons dressed in sand-col-
ored shirts and slacks point industrial sandblasters at the inno-
cents, shouting "Stay on the ground!" Past the robbers, a massive,
stony woman in a neon yellow outfit approaches the vault doors.

The heroes may have visited the First Bank of Freedom City before in
the course of their work—or they may bank there! Allow heroes a DC
18 Expertise check with an appropriate specialty such as Business,
Current Events, or Security. Heroes who succeeded on their check find
it strange that the bank vault would be visible from the main floor. The
large iron door with its ship’s-wheel handle seems old-fashioned for
such a modern bank as well.

Three Made One

Heroes who played through Assault on the Nerian Nexus have already After Sandstone is Incapacitated, she falls to her knees and yells, “Curs-
battled Sandstone once before, and the fictional version of the villain es! Once again, I am thwarted. You’ve ground me down, do-gooders!”
appears in Elysium specifically because of the heroes’ memories of her.
If your team did not play through that adventure, swap Sandstone out Give the heroes time to react to Sandstone’s unusual behavior if they
for another villain they’ve encountered. want to. Once the hostages are safe and Sandstone is defeated, a squad
of Freedom City police appear, slap Sandstone in ordinary handcuffs
Moments after the heroes arrive on the scene, Sandstone uses her (which she should be able to effortlessly break or slip free of with her
phenomenal strength to rip open the bank vault door. She then enters Insubstantial power) and take her to jail. Mayor Summers follows the
the room beyond, which is filled with stacks of paper money and box- police into the bank and congratulates the heroes.
es of gold and diamonds. When the villain sees the heroes, she cackles,
“Ah, Freedom City’s finest come to stop me! Well I’ll warn ya up front: Mayor Summers arrives behind the police, beaming at you.
people say I’m pretty abrasive! Hahaha!” “You’ve saved the bank and all these helpless citizens! We are
Sandstone has a number of minions equal to twice the number of he- in your debt, heroes. Freedom City thanks you!” She offers you
roes. Run the encounter as if it were a normal combat, but in Elysium hearty handshakes before walking back to her limousine and
the heroes cannot lose. All their attacks automatically hit, no matter pulling away.
what they roll. Any goon who takes damage is immediately Incapac-
If the heroes follow Mayor Summers and try to get answers out of her,
itated without a Toughness check and collapses, unconscious. Sand-
they realize almost at once that something is very wrong. Use Sallah’s
stone alternates between her sand form and stone form each round
responses from Scene 2 to inform an unexpected mayoral encounter.
and attacking with unarmed blows, foregoing her more effective area
attacks the players might expect. The heroes’ battle with Sandstone and meeting Mayor Summers
should leave them with more questions than answers, especially the
ROLEPLAYING SANDSTONE farcical arrest. At this point, the players have more freedom to begin
exploring the strange reality they find themselves part of. Award each
player a Hero Point for the unusual circumstances they’re trapped in.
This Sandstone is a pale imitation of the real villain, but uses the same
statblock. Her personality is a generic “tough girl,” whose banter is
peppered puns about sand, stone, and grit.
See Cast section.
Unarmed +12 Close, Damage 10*/12‡ At this point, all heroes notice incongruities in their environment.
Though Sandstone and her goons attacked wildly, they miraculously
DODGE PARRY FORTITUDE WILL TOUGHNESS avoided hitting any of the bystanders in the bank. The police arrived
+10 +10 +12 +8 +6*/12‡ almost instantaneously once the fight was over. And why was the
*immune to ballistic and bludgeoning damage in sand form mayor with them?
‡immune to heat and cold effects in stone form
As the mayor leaves the bank, the heroes each receive a radio trans-
mission via radio watches they each wear—which they may not
SANDSTONE’S HENCHMEN PL 3 have noticed before or that suddenly appear. The transmission says,
Minions. “Heroes, this is your faithful servant, Sallah. Congratulations on your
success. If you return to the Secret Headquarters, I shall tend to your
STR 2 STA 2 AGL 1 DEX 1 FGT 2 INT 0 AWE 0 PRE –1 wounds and repair any damage to your suits.”
Equipment: Leather jacket (+1 Toughness), Industrial Sandblaster (Ranged
Damage 3), cell phone.
Advantages: Equipment 2. THE CURTAIN LIFTS
Skills: Athletics 4 (+6), Expertise: Choose One 4 (+4), Expertise: Criminal When the heroes return to the hideout, read or paraphrase the following:
2 (+2), Expertise: Streetwise 4 (+4), Expertise: Current Events 2 (+2),
Intimidation 4 (+3), Stealth 2 (+3), Vehicles 4 (+5).
In the penthouse chamber of the Secret Headquarters, Sallah
COMBAT INITIATIVE +1 stands at the ready in an tify, old-fashioned black suit and bowtie,
Sandblaster +1 Ranged, Damage 3 ready to serve. “Welcome home, heroes. All has been quiet here.
May I tend to your needs?”
Unarmed +2 Close, Damage 2

DODGE PARRY FORTITUDE WILL TOUGHNESS This is the true Sallah, whom the heroes met in Assault on the Nerian
Nexus and The Pentagram Peril. Both Malador and Una‘s minds re-
+2 +2 +4 +0 +3/2 called the existence of Eldritch’s troublesome husband and cast him
*without armor
into Elysium alongside the heroes. Unlike the heroes, Sallah’s mind
Totals: Abilities 14 + Powers 0 + Advantages 2 + Skills 13 + Defenses 3 = has been thoroughly enchanted by the world’s nature, and he now
Total 32 points.
only remembers serving as their personal valet and attendant. By

Three Made One
this point, the heroes should realize that something is very wrong
in this world. They can ask Sallah questions, but the older gentleman WHY A POCKET DIMENSION?
gives generic or nonsensical answers. Some of Sallah’s statements
At some point, especially if they make return trips to the false
can include:
Freedom City, the heroes may wonder why Triune is imprisoning
• “You are brave and powerful heroes who keep Freedom City safe them instead of killing them. Surely a being as powerful as Triune
from daily threats! None would dare challenge you.” could extinguish them with a thought.
While Triune is an amalgam of Una, Medea, and Malador, the
• “Villains are always a threat in Freedom City! They challenge your
three villains’ subconscious minds still exist within it as indepen-
might, but to little danger.”
dent forces. Medea, as the weakest of the three, worries that her
• “You’ve always been the defenders of Freedom City. There was will may be subsumed by the stronger personalities. Her inclina-
never a time before you.” tion is to save the heroes as a reserve weapon, should she ever
need to break Triune apart and free herself.
• “Naturally, you could never leave the city! We would be lost with-
out our heroes.” In addition, Una’s link with Seven has had an unintended ef-
fect on the villain. She has used the link to influence Seven but
• “Blackstone Penitentiary is the most secure facility the world has doesn’t realize the link influences her in return. The effect is sub-
ever seen! Villains routinely escape its cells to wreak havoc.” tle, but it results in Una being willing to go along with Medea’s
quiet impulse to imprison the heroes rather than kill them. Sub-
• “At Providence Asylum, supervillains get the treatment they need
consciously, these two factions within Triune are willing to spare
to become reformed and contributing members of society. Sadly, the characters … for now.
no one has ever been rehabilitated at Providence Asylum.”

• “The direct line to the mayor allows you to keep the city safe. Nat-
urally, the mayor knows what’s happening in the city at all times.” RED PHONE CRISES
If the heroes directly ask Sallah what’s really going on or point out the
inconsistencies in reality, he pauses for a few seconds and then cheer- 1D20 VILLAIN CRISIS
fully returns to, “Welcome home, heroes. May I tend to your needs?” 1–3 Toy Boy Blowing up the bubblegum factory
While Sallah can eventually help the heroes, they must first recover Kidnapping the mayor’s second cousin,
4–6 Megalodon
proof of what’s really happened to finally shake the old investigator Lucinda
free of Triune’s spell. The heroes can get a vague sense that this Sal- 7–9 Warden Stealing all the left shoes in the city
lah is real and, unlike the imaginary denizens of Elysium, he actually
Robbing the First Bank of Freedom City—
bleeds if struck or injured. 10–12 Tom Cypress
If the heroes investigate the city, they find it to be a duplicate of Free- 13–15 Heckqueen Stealing artifacts from the Super Museum
dom City in terms of architecture, though everything is cleaner, shin-
16–19 Captain Kraken Mind-controlling all the poets in the city
ier, and more idealized. The people of this Freedom City are mostly
bland stereotypes, though prominent individuals (such as Mayor 20 Factor Four Improbable doomsday device
Summers or the heroes’ loved ones) are more convincing facsimiles. If
the heroes have lost loved ones over the course of the campaign, they
may be shocked to find their dead beloved’s double “alive” in Elysium,
formed from their memories. This could add complications to the he-
roes’ efforts to escape. Getting out of Elysium is a tricky proposition. The heroes may investi-
gate several avenues before they decide on a plan.
The heroes may take several different approaches to finding a way
out of superhero heaven. While they decide on an escape plan, they
may choose to play along with the rules of their new environment by
answering the red phone, which rings from time to time, particularly
There is no edge to the city. If the heroes make it to the “edge” of Ely-
when they begin investigating correct routes of escape.
sium, they appear on the other side of Freedom City as if reality has
wrapped back around in a sphere. If they fly straight into the air, they
THE RED PHONE find themselves in a thick fog that soon clears to reveal their Secret
Headquarters’ penthouse dead ahead. The same thing happens if they
Mayor Summers repeatedly calls the heroes with information on the fly over the water or dive into the ocean.
various crimes occurring in Freedom City. The next call comes after the
heroes finish interrogating Sallah. Roll 1d20 for a villain and 1d20 for
a situation on the table below to generate encounters the heroes can
respond to. Each one provides no real challenge to the characters and
The heroes may do enough damage to Elysium to destabilize it. The
can be handled as a Roleplaying encounter; villains are defeated easily
and immediately whisked off to prison or the asylum. damage from their battle at the First Bank of Freedom City repairs it-
self within an hour (which the heroes may notice if they hang around
Do not remove supervillains from the list even if you roll one twice in the bank, or if it’s robbed again the next time the mayor calls).
a row. In this instance, the mayor explains the recently captured villain
has already escaped from custody! All the villains listed can be found With a successful DC 20 Expertise (Magic or Science) check or a DC 23
in Freedom City, Third Edition. Technology check, a hero can theorize that this is some sort of simu-

Three Made One
lation. Even if magical in nature, the simulation can likely only process
so much input at a time. If the heroes start knocking over skyscrap-
ers, throwing around ships in the harbor, or blowing up bridges, their
slice of paradise starts to fragment. “Cracks” form in reality, glowing
with light. Any hero who steps through one of these arrives in the real
world. When all the heroes are free, progress to Scene 3.
Read or paraphrase the following:
The shining skyline of the false Freedom City fades away, re-
The heroes should quickly realize that Elysium is designed to repre- placed by a world that seems all too real. Plumes of smoke ob-
sent an idealized concept of superheroes and supervillains. With a scure the sky, rising from decimated buildings and broken streets.
successful DC 20 Expertise (Magic or Philosophy) check, a hero can Shells of wrecked vehicles litter the roads. A glowing green aura
theorize that taking the simulation to a natural conclusion could cause emanates from the sky, suffusing everything in its putrid glow.
it to destabilize and reset. The heroes can think of any number of ways Flocks of something large and winged roam the skies. Above the
for their “story” to end, but some likely candidates include: destruction rises a titanic figure: a colossus with three faces, strid-
ing through the forest of skyscrapers.
• Exerting themselves to ensure every supervillain in the city is
caught and sent to Blackstone Penitentiary or Providence Asy- The three-faced colossus is Triune, an amalgam supervillain-god
lum at the same time. The heroes can coordinate their attacks to made of the three combined essences of Una, Medea, and Malador.
cover the city, perhaps using Sallah to relay information from the Triune is a PL X villain, filled with the magic energy of a thousand
mayor’s red phone. If the heroes take this approach, describe how worlds. If the heroes attack them directly, the god banishes them back
their heroic efforts clear the streets and bring peace to Freedom to Elysium with a wave of their hand and the heroes must begin their
City. If your players are itching for another fight, roll randomly for escape anew. To understand exactly what Triune is and how to stop
a supervillain or select one each from the Freedom City, Rogues them, the heroes must do some research to find the deity’s weakness.
Gallery, or Threat Report sourcebooks. Go to Scene 3.

• The heroes can give up their superhero mantle to become su-

pervillains and destabilize Elysium. If the heroes run rampant SURVIVING THE
through the streets, committing robberies, kidnappings, destruc-
tion, and nefarious schemes, the pocket dimension stops seeing BROKEN EARTH-PRIME
them as heroes and ejects them. Go to Scene 3. Triune’s presence is quickly corrupting Earth-Prime into a new Neth-
• The heroes can try to renounce their role as Freedom City’s protec- erworld, aided by countless portals their presence has created to the
tors, but the mayor refuses to accept their “resignation.” She demands rest of Una’s empire. The desolation seems hopeless at first glance, but
to know who else will protect the citizens. The heroes can pass their Freedonians are resourceful and tenacious and many civilians have
mantle on to a next generation of superheroes, choosing simulated scattered into hiding or to form makeshift bands of survivors and first
individuals who might make good candidates (Sallah is willing to be responders. If the heroes feel completely at a loss, have a band of cit-
a superhero, as is the mayor’s feisty second cousin). Once apprentice izens find them and help them get off the streets and into the shad-
superheroes have been named and brought to the Secret Head- ows or sewers. You might have a familiar, non-hero face—such as Kim
quarters, the pocket dimension breaks apart to reset. Go to Scene 3. Roberts from Broken Strings or Tyler Attah from Bound by Gold—lead
the citizens group and catch the heroes up on whatever they might
The heroes may come up with another means of escape, including have missed. While they don’t know who exactly Triune is, they can
breaching the pocket dimension through sheer force of will; creating a explain that the towering figure appeared in a column of light over
plot device via the Artificer, Inventor, or Ritualist advantages; or using Lantern Hill, then cracks began opening in the sky through which de-
Movement powers. The ultimate goal is to escape once they realize mons arrived, then the world twisted and changed. The adventure as-
their current world is a dream, so be open to strange plans as well sumes the heroes have only been gone a few hours or a few days, but
as mundane ones. Use your best judgment to evaluate the success of you may decide the city has been under siege for weeks or months,
their plan. Once the heroes are free, go to the next scene. with no sign of any of its heroes. The survivors can’t find any genuine
experts on magical phenomenon, either. Everyone who could help
seems to have vanished or been taken prisoner.
WRAP-UP Heroes who battled Una long ago in the events of Master of Earth im-
This scene makes for a lighthearted bridge between the intensity of mediately recognize the corruption taking place as a more advanced
the previous adventure and this adventure’s demands of saving the version of Una’s netherworld corruption from the climax of that ad-
world from Triune. You can stretch this surreal experience out as long venture. Triune is midway through the process of transforming Earth-
as you and your players are having fun, even running an entire light- Prime into a new hell!
hearted adventure like The Reign of Cats & Dogs or The Isle of Doctor Triune is unconcerned with the heroes, believing nothing can chal-
Sersei. The heroes may enjoy the respite of easy superhero work. The lenge their power. For added tension, the heroes might spot the
situation may lead to roleplaying opportunities as the heroes discuss Wings of Doom (see Scene Five) flying near Triune; getting close
the essence of superheroes and supervillains, the responsibilities and enough to challenge the demons for now results in Triune noticing
pressures they face, and even the nature of reality. It may also provide them and banishing them back to Elysium.
a hero with a bittersweet moment if Elysium creates a copy of a lost
loved one, forcing them to choose between a replacement they know To drive home the danger of this new Earth-Prime, you may include
is hollow and acknowledging bitter reality. conflicts with the supernatural creatures serving as Triune’s shock

Three Made One
troops. Any of the Demons listed in Chapter 3 or the Deluxe Gamemas-
ter’s Guide are appropriate, as are Cultists and monsters like the Drag- UNDERSTANDING TRIUNE
on and Gargoyle. Triune may also draw upon supervillains, including
any who (knowingly or otherwise) served Una earlier in the series arc, Even a casual study of Triune reveals that their three faces are clearly
such as the Devil’s Advocates, Devil Ray, Dracula, Hellqueen, Tom those of Malador, Medea, and Una, suggesting the three have some-
Cypress, or Toy Boy (if the heroes didn’t imprison him), or powerful how merged together into a single, powerful whole. Heroes can learn
unique supernatural creatures reflected with villain archetypes like more about the newborn god Triune by simply laying low and watch-
the Brute, Elemental, Hybrid, Puppeteer, or Sorcerer. If your team ing the titan’s slow, deliberate actions (using the Insight skill), or inter-
particularly likes combat, consider placing each NPC they must res- viewing Freedonians who’ve already spent time watching them (using
cue in the Finding Help section in the hands of a different faction of the Investigation skill).
Triune’s forces and spread out fights between the city’s most iconic
landmarks. You might also present opportunities for the heroes to res- Every hero may attempt a single DC 15 Insight or Investigation check.
cue bystanders from demons, crumbling buildings, or imprisonment, Total the Degrees of Success accumulated by every hero participating
or invoke their Complications. Their final confrontation with Una will in the study of the portals. Heroes gain all the information for lower
be difficult and they’ll need as many Hero Points as they can get. results in addition to the primary result.

If the heroes invested Power Points into claiming the Nerian Nexus as
a headquarters, it remains a safe haven for now, otherwise even that INSIGHT OR INVESTIGATION CHECKS
vestige of Eldritch has been sealed away beyond their reach.
Triune seems to be a combination of three power-
INVESTIGATING THE APOCALYPSE One Degree ful entities: Malador the Mystic, Medea, and Una,
merged both physically and psychically.
The heroes’ ultimate goal in this scene is to figure out that Medea, Una, Triune seems to be arranging their armies defen-
and Malador have merged into a single, godlike being; that much of sively, rather than readying them for offense or in-
this god’s power is flowing from Una’s original Netherworld; and that vasion, meaning they don’t want to be interrupted.
without Una’s phantom form trapped within Earth-Prime’s magic, they Two Degrees If they’re powerful enough to transform Earth so
can contact the spirit of Adrian Eldritch for help. effortlessly, they’re probably preparing to do the
same through every open portal in one, large ritu-
al, but are slowed by indecision.
Triune’s behavior suggests some indecision; their
preparations suggest their goal is subjugation at
times, but at other times it seems like they’re trying
Three Degrees
to focus or revel in simple cruelty. The three frac-
tions making up the god’s mind must be struggling
for dominance—and could be separated.


If the heroes explore the city, either in search of something specific or
conducting general reconnaissance, they find numerous green glow-
ing portals splitting reality.

Each portal measures six meters in diameter and emits a shimmering

green and yellow radiance visible throughout the city. The portals do
not allow passage of material objects by default, only energy; physi-
cally passing through a portal does nothing but leave a hero standing
on the other side. Only Triune’s forces can pass bodily through the por-
tals, arriving from Una’s countless netherworlds to reinforce the god’s
occupation of Earth-Prime. Their mystical connection with Triune al-
lows their exclusive passage.

Understanding the nature of the portals requires a successful DC 20

Expertise (Magic) check. Every hero may attempt a single check. Total
the Degrees of Success accumulated by every hero participating in the
study of the portals. Heroes gain all the information for lower results in
addition to the primary result.

If the heroes retained the Alternity Atlas from their adventure is As-
sault on the Nerian Nexus, they can consult the book for guidance on
interpreting the lines of power connecting the portals. This grants the
heroes a +5 circumstance bonus on their Expertise (Magic) check to
determine the nature of the portals.

Three Made One


RESULT INFORMATION The heroes may have difficulty deciding how best to take on Triune,
they may not be able to unlock the mysteries of the portals, or they
These portals connect Earth to other worlds. When
may simply realize such an earthshaking threat requires aid. While Tri-
Una and Seven originally fought, it was to stop Una
une banished any magic heroes who can directly aid the team, a few
One Degree from conquering Earth to gain unimaginable pow-
options still exist from the heroes’ previous adventures:
er. It appears Una—or whatever that creature is—
has finally succeeded. • Gwen Nugent: If the heroes went above and beyond in The Pen-
Each portal connects to a netherworld, a dimen- tagram Peril and restored Hellqueen to her human form, Gwen
sion where magic has been corrupted. While the is still in the city and willing to help if the heroes seek her out.
portals only allow magical energy to pass through, She isn’t an expert in the arcane, but with the saturation of hellish
Two Degrees they can be manipulated to allow physical objects, magical energy she can coax her demonic half to share what she
or even living creatures. Doing so might require knows to help. She’s currently voluntarily admitted at Providence
some help from someone more familiar with Una, Asylum, recovering from her alter-ego’s recent adventure along-
like Adrian Eldritch, Sallah, or Seven. side several other semi-reformed villains.
One of the portals must lead to the central Neth- • Astarmus, Sineerie, and the Ophidiana: If the heroes helped
erworld where Seven rules. This was Una’s original the Serpent People break free of Malador’s control during Bound
homeworld and primary base of operations and by Gold, the cult begrudgingly feels indebted to them. This com-
Three Degrees was designed, in part, to act as a hub for all the bined with their hatred of Malador makes them willing to work
energy collected from her conquered realms. Dis- with humans and provide whatever magical knowledge they can.
abling the connection in that Netherworld might For now.
drain Triune of their power, at least for a short time.
• Jianna Delacure: While not much of a mage, the collector of the
arcane and self-professed Eldritch expert the heroes rescued in
UNDERSTANDING THE MAGICAL THEORY Broken Strings knows a fair amount about the city’s arcane history
and Eldritch’s legacy. She’s communicating with other online dab-
Heroes with an understanding of the arcane can try to surmise what’s blers across the city and riding out the chaos aboard her house-
going on with the world and how Triune is doing it. boat, which now bears a very conspicuous ward against sharks.

Every hero may attempt a single DC 12 Expertise (Magic or Theology) • Madame Marie Otando: The heroes met Freedom City’s pre-
check. Total the Degrees of Success accumulated by every hero partic- miere mambo in Bound by Gold, and the priestess is happy to
ipating in the study of the portals. Heroes gain all the information for help the heroes who rescued her apprentice from the Ophidiana.
lower results in addition to the primary result. She is still in Southside, helping shelter her community and using
voodoo charms to hide people from Triune’s demon servants.
If the heroes have retained the Medallion of the Modrossus from
their adventure in Bound by Gold, they can meditate with the artifact • Sallah: The caretaker of the Nerian Nexus and Adrian Eldritch’s
to gain ancient insights into magic and the ascension of primal be- widower husband, Sallah may be the single best expert in Una
ings. This grants the heroes a +5 circumstance bonus on their Exper- and her magic on Earth. Sallah has been sealed away in Elysium,
tise (Magic or Theology) check to determine the nature of the portals. and remains there still unless the heroes brought him with them
when they escaped. While in Elysium, his mind is clouded by Tri-
EXPERTISE (MAGIC OR THEOLOGY) CHECKS une’s magic, but bringing him back to Earth-Prime or returning
to Elysium and showing him photographs or video of the spread-
RESULT INFORMATION ing corruption shakes him free of the mind control. He has con-
tacts with many of the city’s academics, who can help answer any
Triune is transforming the Earth to suit their needs questions Sallah himself can’t.
and amassing minions from the portals open
One Degree
across the city. They still seem to be in the early • Seven: Even if the heroes have remained on good terms with
stages of whatever their end goal is. Lady Seven as she grows increasingly aggressive, they find the
The corruption Triune is spreading across the world Cheval Eye useless, its connection to Seven apparently blocked.
reflects their chaotic, combined personality, similar The heroes can learn more about Seven’s fate in Scene Five.
Two Degrees to the way a netherworld twists itself to reflect The heroes can reach out to multiple allies and contacts they’ve made
its Dark Lord’s mind. The process normally takes over the previous four adventures to pool resources and protect more
months or years, but is accelerating. people from the spreading chaos.
Triune has somehow become the Master Mage
of Earth-Prime and is transforming it into the hub Many of these factions have intense rivalries—Madame Otando
Three Degrees of other netherworlds. If Triune was able to claim isn’t eager to work alongside the Ophidiana after they attacked her,
the title of Master Mage, then any barriers barring and Sallah has little patience for Gewn Nugent after so many failed
Earth-Prime’s magic must have been destroyed. attempts to redeem her. Getting these disparate factions to work to-
gether requires a successful DC 15 Persuasion check, +2 for each addi-
Without those barriers guarding Earth-Prime’s tional faction the characters try to coordinate.
Four Degrees magical energies, it’s possible to contact departed
Master Mages like the spirit of Adrian Eldritch.

Three Made One


The heroes might guess (or determine with a skill check) that Adri- Heroes with extraordinary senses may reach many of the conclusions
an Eldritch’s long-absent spirit may now be someone they can reach, described in this scene without the need for skill checks or coordinat-
either because the Eldritch Talismans no longer block Earth-Prime’s ing with others. Acute Detect Magic can tell them the portals lead to
magic energies or because Una was the jamming influence in Earth- various netherworlds and that Triune is internally at war with them-
Prime’s magical energy that kept him from reaching from the Astral selves as the three personalities making up the god vie for dominance.
Plane to the living world. Heroes who try to reach the previous Master Analytical Detect Magic or Tracking built into a hero’s magic senses
Mage can do so any number of ways: can also sense Una’s lingering connection to a physical object on the
other side of one of the portals.
• Heroes who have been acquiring ranks in Benefit (Master Mage)
over the course of the NetherWar storyline can simply reach out
to contact Adrian’s spirit directly by focusing, that bond being
one of the features of that Benefit Advantage. OPENING THE PORTAL
• Heroes with the Ritualist Advantage may summon Eldritch’s spirit to Once they know they must visit Seven to fully unravel Triune’s weak-
consult with him. This ritual is a plot device rather than something ness, the heroes can track down a portal to Una’s Netherworld with a
built on a specific effect; assume it takes as much time as feels dra- successful DC 20 Expertise (Magic) check to analyze their mystic sig-
matically appropriate (several hours to an entire night). It also re- natures, a DC 20 Investigate check to observe who and what is exiting
quires a possession of significance to Adrian Eldritch, such as the Ne- from which portal, or a DC 15 Perception check combined with a magic
rian Nexus, his Cloak of Levitation, or his Medallion of the Modrossus. sense with the Acute or Tracking qualities. Each attempt requires one
If the heroes didn’t acquire any of these bequests, several of the Mas- hour. At your discretion, a failed check might also mean the heroes
ter Mage’s possessions are still on display at the Superhero Museum. draw attention to themselves and attract a band of infernal soldiers.

• If the heroes recruited him as a contact or sidekick, Sallah shares a Once the heroes have identified the portal that leads to the Nether-
powerful enough connection with Adrian Eldritch to draw down world, they must find a way to enter it. This is largely left as a puzzle
his husband’s soul without the Ritual Advantage, but it must be for heroes to solve creatively using their powers or skills; they might
done in a place deeply familiar to them (such as the Nerian Nex- conduct a ritual using their skills, invent a device to stabilize the gate,
us) or using an object closely tied to Edlritch in life (such as the or use an Effect Check with effects like Create, Movement, Speed, Te-
Medallion of the Modrossus). lepathy, or Teleportation, or any effect with a magic or dimension de-
• Heroes with powers that summon or control spirits can call upon
Adrian’s spirit as a use of Extra Effort. To open the portal, the heroes must achieve a total of four Degrees of
Success with a combination of skill and power checks. Getting assis-
WHAT THE HEROES LEARN tance from one or more of their magical contacts counts as one De-
gree of Success automatically.
Whoever the heroes track down can provide the same general in- After a minute of focused concentration, the portal shifts in color from
formation as the various skill checks listed under Investigating the green to purple. In the center of the portal, the heroes can see a faint
Apocalypse, answering the heroes’ questions from their respective image of Seven’s citadel. Stepping into the portal takes a hero straight
perspectives. But none of their possible contacts—including the spirit to the Netherworld.
of Adrian Eldritch—have the power to confront Triune directly.

When the conversation turns toward ways to defeat Triune, the heroes’
contact muses:
The heroes’ investigations should eventually lead them to conclude
“Physically, their power is overwhelming, but they still seem con- the only way to stop Triune is to use a physical object tied to Una—her
fused. Three different minds combined. Mages can collaborate signet ring—to pull the conjoined god apart. This in turn leads them
spiritually like this, of course, but only with discipline and famil- to Una’s old throneworld where their ally, Lady Seven, now rules.
iarity. These three are all but strangers: different agendas, differ-
The scene ends when the heroes enter the portal. If the heroes choose
ent strategies… It must be infuriating. If we had a way of latching
not to travel to the Netherworld, they face the twisted minions of Tri-
onto any of their spirits—a physical token, like Malador’s Mask—
une in combat until Triune notices the disturbance and banishes the
we could pull them apart.”
heroes back to Elysium, where Sallah is ready to serve them.
Malador’s Mask is incorporated into Triune’s body and is beyond the If the heroes steadfastly refuse to visit the Netherworld, Seven even-
character’s reach, while Medea eschews earthly connections to physi- tually falls completely under the power of Triune. Their ascension re-
cal objects specifically to prevent anyone from using them to summon moves the barriers that prevented Seven’s initial return to Earth, and
or bind her. Only Una still has objects strongly bound to her spirit, such Triune summons Seven—now completely overwhelmed by Una’s per-
as her signet ring. If none of the heroes suggest looking for an artifact sonality—as a powerful herald. When the heroes escape from Elysium,
tied to Una, their contact eventually suggests: they find themselves facing a deadly Lady Seven, and have a chance to
free her from Triune’s influence as detailed in the next scene.
“Una was a powerful Dark Lord for centuries. She must have
forged strong spiritual ties to a few objects. Perhaps something If the heroes helped coordinate two or more of the survivor factions,
of her still remains in her Netherworld.” award them a Hero Point.

Three Made One


Once the heroes reach the throne room to confront Seven, read or
JOURNEY TO THE NETHERWORLD paraphrase the following:

As the heroes arrive in Seven’s Netherworld, read or paraphrase the Black marble pillars support the ceiling of this massive chamber.
following to set the scene: Violet-hued candles flicker from sconces on the walls, suffusing
the room with a rosy light. At the far end of the chamber, a golden
The magenta radiance of the portal envelops you, growing throne sits on a dais. Bones and twisted faces have been sculpted
brighter and brighter until it blocks all your senses. A moment of from the precious metal. A purple velvet cloth puddles around
disorientation quickly passes, and the radiance fades. You’ve ar- the base of the throne, as if the abomination had been covered
rived in an audience chamber made of solid black stone. Through and only recently revealed. Behind the throne hangs a large mir-
the window, you spy a city, and beyond it a landscape of ashy ror in a golden frame.
gray plants struggling to grow in the dusty ground. Above, the
Lady Seven has spent the last several years doing what she could to
sky churns in shades of orange and purple.
rehabilitate Una’s throne room into a less-intimidating space, but the
monstrous seat of power has so far proven magically indestructible
You have arrived in Lady Seven’s domain.
and so she settled for concealing it. Now, in the grip of Una, Seven
The Citadel of Sorrows was once Una’s lair, and is now inhabited by finds herself performing some of Una’s mannerisms and reveling in
Lady Seven. The citadel is a sprawling fortress and palace with hun- the terrifying majesty of the throne. She awaits visitors here alongside
dreds of rooms as well as dungeon networks extending far under- her Elite Bodyguards.
ground, but the portal is tied to the center of the Netherworld’s power If the heroes have too easy a time dispatching her Elite Bodyguards,
in Una’s stronghold. The heroes are deposited in the Audience Hall— Seven summons more Alien Guards like those they faced earlier in
once used for macabre balls, noble events, and mass rituals—only a
this scene, with one for each hero arriving each round through one of
few rooms away from Seven’s Throne Room.
the room’s two entrances.

When Seven spies the heroes, she challenges them. Read or para-
SECURITY ALERT phrase the following:

Seven—now completely overwhelmed by her link to Una’s spirit— “Ah, my false friends. You claimed to support me, but all this time
has magical precautions in place to alert her of intruders. She reac- kept me from true power as I wallowed, forgotten, on another
tivated Una’s old magical defense ward that informs her if magical or world. Now the veil has been swept from my eyes. Once you are
extradimensional beings arrive (including heroes from her home of gone, nothing will stand between me and the thousand worlds!”
Earth-Prime). Characters who can detect magic can recognize these
protections with a successful DC 15 Perception check and temporarily Seven’s tactics depend on if the heroes triggered an alarm before
disable the ward with a successful DC 25 Expertise: Magic check. reaching the chamber.
If the ward alerts security, a squad of Alien Guards arrive minutes
later to investigate. These guards are godunda, humanoids with chi-
tinous plates over their skin and mantis-like pincers jutting from their FREEING LADY SEVEN
mouths. As Seven fell further under Una’s sway, she grew paranoid
and recruited these mercenaries from the metropolis surrounding the Given their earlier interactions with a much kinder Seven, the heroes
citadel. The guards may look frightening, but in truth they have no should realize something is very wrong with their ally; if the players
loyalty to Una or Seven. They flee to alert reinforcements if clearly out- don’t realize this, their characters may recognize that Seven’s person-
matched or if half their number fall. ality has been overwhelmed by an outside source with a successful DC
22 Insight check. If the heroes have maintained a good relationship
There is one guard for every hero. If the guards find nothing, they re- with Seven, they gain a +2 circumstance bonus on this check, or a +5
turn to their normal stations. If they find intruders, or fail to report in bonus if they helped Seven defeat Una years ago.
after a few minutes, Seven receives a magical alert. She informs her
personal guard and readies her defenses. Seven’s gradual decline into hostility has a cause. The heroes may
make the leap to mental domination immediately, but clues can also
come to them during the fight. A successful DC 12 Perception check
ALIEN GUARDS PL 7 lets a hero notice Seven’s right hand, which is covered in sickly, green
Minions. See the Cast section.
veins originating from a jade ring—the royal signet ring and symbol
COMBAT INITIATIVE +5 of the Dark Lord’s office.
Poison Spray +5 Ranged, Affliction 8 Abilities that can detect magic light up almost everything in the room,
Sword +5 Close, Damage 9, Crit 19–20 but Seven’s ring stands out as a particularly bright object. Its radiance
Unarmed +5 Close, Damage 6 matches that of the portals in Freedom City, suggesting the magical
energy comes from the same source.
Removing Una’s signet ring frees Seven from its influence but is a
+5 +7 +6 +4 +7
challenge sequence. Seven must be immobilized with a Grab or re-

strained with a power. Attempting to remove the ring requires a Stan-

Three Made One


While she grew more measured and practical after claiming
the throne of Una’s Netherworld, Seven remained a just
and empathic leader. For a time. But Una’s disembod-
ied spirit has remained tethered to Seven by the jade
signet ring she wears, and now after years of sub-
tle manipulation Una’s personality has consumed
Seven’s entirely. While the sorcerer retains her
own memories, it is Una’s bitter entitlement
and need for control that drives her now.
She sees those she knew before as proof of
her former weakness and wants to crush
them utterly, just as Una betrayed and
destroyed her own allies time and time
again over the centuries. As a final sym-
bol of her corruption, Seven now wears
sweeping, emerald green robes that
once belonged to Una. Her current
mental state grants Seven a +5 cir-
cumstance bonus to resist fear effects
and Intimidation checks.

If Seven’s wards warned her of the

heroes’ arrival, they find her seated on
the throne. Her elite bodyguards pre-
pare to defend her. Seven knows the
heroes’ strengths and weaknesses from
their prior associations. Before the he-
roes’ arrival, she orders her bodyguards
to target the hero she feels poses the
highest threat (highly mobile heroes, a hero
with mind-control powers, or a hero who can
incapacitate multiple enemies quickly).

If Seven is taken by surprise, the heroes find her

perusing a large tome which stands on a pedestal
along one side of the room. Her guards are present, but
not forewarned about the heroes’ abilities. Seven orders them
to attack, shouting tactical advice in the moment. She takes to the
air immediately.

Once combat begins, Seven uses her powers to target specific heroes,
as she is well versed in their powers. She targets close combatants
with Baleful Bindings of Bal’Hemoth. Heroes with magic powers find
themselves targeted with the Abjurations of Abbridon. Seven targets
dard action and four Degrees of Success on DC 15 Strength or Sleight heroes who manifest ranged abilities with the Shining Suns of Sirrion.
of Hand checks. The ring inflicts Reaction Damage 11 to anyone but If the heroes talk openly about coordinating a large team attack, she
Seven who touches it. Heroes may replace this Strength check with prepares a Spell of Deflection to counter.
an effect check using Move Object or magic-based abilities. It can also
Lady Seven has one Elite Bodyguard for each hero.
be accomplished by severing the mage’s hand, causing her incredible
agony but releasing the mental bond.
Heroes can instead try to reach Seven’s own buried conscience, but See the Cast section.
this is more difficult after so many years of Una’s slow influence. At-
tempting to reach Seven is a Standard action and requires six Degrees COMBAT INITIATIVE +1
of Success on a DC 22 check, using skills like Expertise (Psychology), Mystic MBindings +12 Ranged, Affliction 12
Persuasion, or Treatment, or powers like Communication or Mind Mystic Blast +12 Ranged, Damage 18
Reading. If the heroes succeed, Seven breaks free of Una’s influence Unarmed +6 Close, Damage 0
long enough to rip the offending jewelry from her hand and throw it
+12 +10 +11 +18 +18/3*
If the heroes Incapacitate Seven, they can remove the ring without
*without Defensive Magic
effort to immediately free her from Una’s control.

Three Made One

See the Cast section. WRAP-UP
Once the heroes are prepared, they can take the portal back to Earth
COMBAT INITIATIVE +6 and begin their assault on Triune. If they need healing or equipment,
Poison Spray +9 Ranged, Affliction 8 Seven can offer plenty of both. The heroes might also find what they
Sword +8 Close, Damage 9, Crit 19–20 need in the surrounding metropolis at your discretion.
Unarmed +8 Close, Damage 7
When the heroes free Seven from Una’s influence, award them each a
+7 +9 +9 +6 +9 It’s possible the heroes kill Lady Seven in this encounter. Though there
should be enough clues to indicate Seven is being magically influ-
enced, aggressive or infuriated characters may think she has betrayed
AFTER THE FIGHT them and push the definition of “hero.” If Seven is killed, the heroes can
still use the signet ring to shut off the portal and separate Una from
Once the ring is removed, Seven collapses. She lies motionless for Triune. Sallah can help with deciphering the power of the ring if nec-
several moments before blinking and awakening. She stares at the essary. Rulership of the Netherworld defaults to Triune after Seven is
heroes in confusion for a second, and then her eyes widen. Read or killed, but once the heroes separate Triune and defeat Una, they must
paraphrase the following aloud: select a new Queen of the Netherworld to maintain its stability.

“I see now … the veil has actually been lifted, as my more melo-
dramatic side would say. All this time I thought I destroyed Una
in order to save the Earth, but really I was just part of her ultimate SCENE FIVE CONFLICT SCENE
plan. She tricked me into destroying her physical body to merge
her spiritually with Earth’s magical energies. And this whole time
she stayed linked to me like a nightmare, manipulating me and RETURN TO EARTH
using my power.
Read or paraphrase the following:
“I owe you plenty of apologies, but that will have to wait until
after we stop Una.” The corruption you saw earlier has grown worse, reshaping your
planet into something resembling a Netherworld. The sky glows
Once the heroes fill Seven in on what’s happening on Earth, she helps a virulent green, and enormous black vines covered with spikes
them come up with a plan. Allow the heroes to direct the conversation slither from the ground to entwine buildings, vehicles, and bod-
if they have ideas on how to defeat Triune. Seven supports any reason- ies. Twisted creatures covered in scaly hide, sporting razor-tipped
able plan they have for destroying the portal and stripping Triune of its claws from their fingers, prowl the streets. If the portals remain
power. If they haven’t already figured out to use Una’s signet ring as a open much longer, Earth may be irrevocably altered.
focus to draw her out of Triune, she offers the following:
The Triune’s control over Earth-Prime is growing, and as power flows in
“This ring… It’s a tool Una used to help control the Netherworld, through the 999 portals, they gain increased control over the world’s
but it also contains a link to her spirit. That’s how she got into my physical form. The heroes must work quickly to stop Triune, or they will
head. The link goes both ways, though. I think… I think I might see Earth-Prime forever doomed.
have been influencing her as well, keeping her from killing you
once she became part of that creature. You can use the ring to
pull Una out of Triune and leave her vulnerable. Then you can fin-
ish her, once and for all.”
The moment Lady Seven broke free of Una’s control (or the moment
Seven must remain in the citadel to fulfill her role as Queen of the Seven died), Una’s consciousness felt it. When Triune first ascended,
Netherworld. Once the heroes return to Earth, she promises to shut they conjured an elite unit of magical menaces that once served Una
down the portal funneling energy into Triune, which is sure to attract in her phantom state: Sandstone and the Factor Four (whose Prime
the deity’s attention. Elements Seven has held in reserve). These villains are cunning and
powerful, posing a serious threat to the heroes, and Triune has award-
“Once you have your shot at Una, take it, and fast. If all three of ed them the power of flight and augmented magical senses so they
these wizards are bound to Malador’s Mask, it’ll try and drag them can track the god’s foes. Calling this squad the Wings of Doom, Triune
all back together again pretty quickly. You might be able to use dispatches them to confront and destroy the heroes.
powerful artifacts or allies to keep them from joining again—you
must have picked up one or two over the years.
This is our only chance, heroes. If Una defeats you or Triune re-
forms, I don’t know that the ring will work a second time. And … The Wings of Doom are all villains who have battled the heroes be-
well, I don’t have any influence left to keep them from turning fore—Triune chose them for that expertise—and by now know the
you all into dust.” characters’ favored tactics and likely weaknesses. They rely on tactics
to exploit the heroes’ weaknesses or benefit one another, such as
Seven busies herself preparing the portal. She asks the heroes to con- Sylph and Professor Fathom using their powers to stun opponents so
tact her via her magic mirror once they’re ready for the final assault. Granite and Sandstone can wind up for Power Attacks.

Three Made One
Like Seven, Triune has overwritten the minds of Sandstone and the immediately willing to join the heroes in a fight against any remaining
Factor Four using small, jade stones lodged in their bodies (and re- Advocates, while the Factor Four remain hostile unless the heroes also
maining mystically bound even in their insubstantial forms). While all convince them that Triune is the real enemy.
the villains would normally love a rematch with the heroes, they are
all fiercely independent operators and abhor each other and the mind If the heroes defeat the Wings of Doom by freeing them from Triune’s
control they now labor under. They lack the bravado they brandished control, award them each a Hero Point.
in previous encounters with the heroes, so heroes can recognize they
are under mental influence with a successful DC 20 Insight check. SANDSTONE PL 12
See Cast section.
This has the potential to be a difficult fight for the heroes, but those
who realize the Wings of Doom are being controlled can spot the jade COMBAT INITIATIVE +6
embedded in each villain’s body with a successful DC 15 Perception Sand Blast — Cone Area, Damage 12
check (if the heroes haven’t realized the villains are being controlled,
Sand Burst — Burst Area, Damage 12
the Perception DC is 20 to accidentally spot one, or a hero can notice
Unarmed +12 Close, Damage 10*/12‡
one automatically if they spend a Hero Point for Inspiration). Remov-
ing a jewel requires four Degrees of Success on a DC 15 Strength check DODGE PARRY FORTITUDE WILL TOUGHNESS
or appropriate effect check. Alternatively, heroes can target the jade
with attacks: the jewels use the appropriate villain’s defenses with a +10 +10 +12 +8 +6*/12‡
*immune to ballistic and bludgeoning damage in sand form
+5 circumstance bonus, but only have a Toughness of 2. If the jade
‡immune to heat and cold effects in stone form
stone is removed or destroyed, the villain regains control; Sandstone is

Three Made One

See the Cast section.
— Close, Shapeable Area, Affliction 11
Water Blast +11 Ranged, Damage 11
When the heroes begin their attack, read or paraphrase the following:
Unarmed +4 Close, Damage 1

DODGE PARRY FORTITUDE WILL TOUGHNESS Lady Seven’s face appears in the scrying surface. She looks tense
and worried, but there is firm determination in her eyes. “Heroes,”
+10 +10 +10 +12 +12 she says, “get in position, as close as you can without letting the
entity see you. Once you split them apart, you’ll have to take
down Una as fast as possible. Once she’s out of the picture, Triune
GRANITE PL 10 won’t be able to reform and the portals should close.”
See the Cast section.
Seven leans in closer to the surface, her words coming quickly.
COMBAT INITIATIVE -1 “After the Split, you should see an aura form where Triune once
Groundstrike — Close, Burst Area, Affliction 10 stood. That’s the magic energy that used to stick ‘em together,
Shockwave — Close, Burst Area, Damage 10 and it’s going to try to pull them back. If you’ve got allies who
Unarmed +7 Close, Damage 13 know a thing or two about magic, they can help disrupt that!
That should give you enough time to confront Una. I hope you’ve
DODGE PARRY FORTITUDE WILL TOUGHNESS made a few friends. If not, I’ll do my best to keep Triune separated
+6 +6 +12 +7 +14 for as long as possible. Good luck, heroes, and fight well. A lot of
worlds are counting on you.”

PYRE PL 10 The Triune moves purposefully through the city, though that
See the Cast section. purpose is known only to the entity. It travels between the most
notable landmarks of Freedom City, including Pyramid Plaza,
COMBAT INITIATIVE +3 the Sentry Statue, Freedom Hall, the Boardwalk, and the Liberty
Flame Blast +10 Ranged, Damage 10 Dome. Wherever it stops, corruption intensifies. The Sentry Stat-
Unarmed +6 Close, Damage 8
ue discolors as thorny vines cover its surface; cracks zigzag down
the office towers on Pyramid Plaza; the Boardwalk warps and
DODGE PARRY FORTITUDE WILL TOUGHNESS splits while all its bright businesses go dark at once.
+10 +10 +8 +8 +10/6*
It’s up to the heroes to choose where to make their stand. When they
*without Defensive Roll
give Lady Seven the signal, she initiates the Split.
See the Cast section.
COMBAT INITIATIVE +6 When the heroes are ready, read or paraphrase the following:
Suffocation — Close, Shapeable Area, Affliction 9
Whirlwind +1 Ranged, Damage 1 As you bring the ring to bear, the colossal figure of Triune towers
over Freedom City. They extend a titanic arm toward the nearest
DODGE PARRY FORTITUDE WILL TOUGHNESS building, as if intending to crush the structure barehanded. Then
+9 +6 +9 +8 +0* Triune stops, frozen in place for the briefest moment.
*immune to physical damage, half damage from energy damage
A soundless explosion of light rips forth from the entity. Golden
energy pours from their mouths and eyes. A glowing aura seems
WRAP-UP to burn through its chest from the inside out. A timeless instant
later, the entity fragments, splitting into formless light that quick-
Once the Wings of Doom have been defeated, the way is clear for the ly dissipates, save for a golden halo that blooms in midair. You
heroes to challenge Triune directly! catch a glimpse of three limp figures falling to the earth before
the skyline obscures them.
The heroes can gather whatever artifacts or allies they wish to bring
into the conflict and rally their allies with brave speeches. This is also a To shut down the portals and save Earth-Prime, the heroes must de-
climactic time to resolve any major Complications or plot points from feat Una. This is no easy feat; even disoriented from her time as Triune
their personal lives that have plagued them throughout the Nether- and its sudden sundering, Una is a powerfully dangerous opponent,
War adventure series. evolved into a greater being by the power Triune absorbed.
This is the heroes’ final chance to rest, recuperate, and contact their To complicate matters, the heroes have only three rounds to stop Una
loved ones before the final battle of the adventure series. before Triune re-forms, possibly extended by whatever resources they
bring into the final conflict.

Three Made One


Between her high Power Level and the Villain Points she can
Malador’s Golden Mask hovers within the aura left behind by the split. spend to defend herself or dish out extra punishment, Una is a se-
Its magical energy continues drawing Triune back together, as all three rious threat for a band of PL 11 heroes and runs a genuine risk of
spirits are still bound to the Mask. Per Seven’s warning, the heroes wiping out the heroes. With this adventure serving as the climax
have a limited time to defeat Una before Triune reforms, though other of the NetherWar series arc, you should invoke the heroes’ more
circumstances can extend this time. dramatic Complications as much as possible to help them store
Though the Mask appears solid, it is caught in an intangible astral state up Hero Points for this final confrontation. Even with fortune on
between dimensions. No force can touch or move it until Triune re- their side, however, the heroes may still fall. Keep the following
forms or one of the spirits is unbound from the Mask. options in mind:
Medea: Medea doesn’t want to re-join Triune and worries she
Without intervention, Triune will become whole again in three rounds.
will be consumed by Una if she does. If one hero is Incapacitated,
Powerful magical devices attuned to another Master Mage, such as
Medea steps in to help. Hand her character sheet to the player
Eldritch’s Clock of Levitation and the Medallion of the Modrossus each
whose hero fell, essentially letting the demigod serve as an “extra
add one additional round if they are present. Each magical ally the he-
life” for this encounter.
roes gathered or recruited in Scene 3 also arrives to help, using their
limited magical knowledge and power to help maintain the split; each Rallying Cry: The heroes have made many friends and saved
ally recruited adds one additional round to the timer. If Medea joins countless lives over the course of NetherWar, and many of them
the heroes in their fight (see below), she can also expend her magical have arrived on-scene to help delay Triune’s reunification. If the
energy to extend the split by another 3 rounds. heroes are on the ropes, several of the bystanders they’ve helped
arrive to cheer the group on, lending them strength. The cheer-
If the heroes have no Bequests or allies, Seven expends as much of her ing crowd distracts Una for a moment, allowing every hero a free
power as possible to extend the split. She buys the heroes another 3 round to use the Recover action. This doesn’t count against the
rounds, but doing so greatly depletes her power. usual limit of one Recover action per conflict.
If the situation is truly dire and the heroes are on the brink of failure, Interpose: Just as villains can use their minions to shield them-
Seven sacrifices herself to extend the split. Her death grants the he- selves from harm, a bystander inspired by the heroes may throw
roes a +2 circumstance bonus on all close combat skill checks and themselves in harm’s way to save a champion, almost certainly
ranged combat skill checks and adds 2 to the ranks of their powers for killing themselves. This may be a character the heroes previously
as long as the split remains. Seven’s sacrifice also extends the split by saved or an important character in the hero’s life. Narratively, this
two more minutes. trick only works once, so it’s best to save it to protect a hero from
a devastating critical hit.


Malador the Mystic was violently separated from his Golden Mask—
his only link to his physical form and Earth-Prime’s magical energies. Unlike Malador and Una, Medea has no intention of returning to Tri-
He was then rejoined with the mask as part of Triune, only to now be une after feeling the other wizards slowly tearing away at her will. She
ripped from it once more. The ancient wizard is disoriented but still has always relied more on her wits and trickery to get by. As part of
dangerous. In his supreme arrogance, he believes his consciousness Triune, she knows her mind would be wholly subsumed by the other
can dominate Triune. He plans to see the entity reform, at which point two until nothing of her remained.
he can destroy the heroes and crush Una and Medea’s minds.
If the heroes have formed any sort of bond with Medea over the
Malador attempts to protect the aura and the mask, attacking any hero course of the campaign, she joins in the fight against Malador. She dis-
who approaches. Malador hopes to delay the heroes long enough for tracts the mystic so that the heroes can concentrate on the battle with
Triune to reform. Once it does, there will be no pleasant simulation Una. If the heroes were unrelentingly hostile to Medea in the past, she
for the heroes to hide in—they will face utter annihilation. You may chooses to flee instead, hoping to get far enough away that when Tri-
decide other Freedom City heroes like the Freedom League distract une reforms, she won’t be part of it.
Malador, letting your team focus on Una. With Una being their primary
target, the heroes can safely ignore Malador until Una is defeated, at If a hero is Incapacitated during the fight, you can allow the player to
which point his body is destroyed and his mask is catapulted away. run Medea so they can continue participating in the battle.


See Cast section. See Cast section.


Curse of Transformation — Perception, Affliction 11 Curse of Circe — Perception, Affliction 10
Mystic Bindings +12 Ranged, Cumulative Affliction 11 Mystic Blast +9 Ranged, Damage 11
Mystic Blast +12 Ranged, Damage 16 Unarmed +5 Close, Damage –1

+10 +10 — +14 +18/5* +9 +9 +7 +12 +11/1*
*without Mystic Shield *without Sorcerous Aegis

Three Made One
From her influence over Seven and her observation of the heroes over
UNA THE EVOLVED the course of the campaign, Una has a solid grasp of the heroes’ abili-
ties. She begins by spending a Villain Point to summon two Guardian
Una was one of the most powerful living magicians in the multiverse, Disks, then obscures herself immediately with her Shadow Control
and only fell in her confrontation with Seven as part of a sinister mis- before using her Stepping Disk to switch positions to confuse her en-
direction. After her time merged with Triune, she has evolved by tear- emies. She targets any hero with magic-based powers first with the
ing even more magical secrets from the minds of Medea and Malador Iron Hand of Una, then attempts to stay at range with her Flight ability
and soaking up considerable magical energy from across a thousand while targeting the nearest heroes with her Elemental Blasts and Men-
worlds. And she does not hold back. tal Blasts, depending on their weaknesses. Depending on where the

Despite the disorienting experience of becoming Triune and the pain-

ful split, Una remains an intelligent and cunning foe. She realizes the
significance of the aura, and she tries to delay the heroes rather than
overextend herself. Though she would prefer to conquer the universe
on her own, she would rather do it as Triune than die at the hands of
the heroes.

In addition to her augmented Power Level, Una retains a portion of Tri-
une’s ability to warp reality to suit her will, reflected as Villain Points—a
sinister counterpart to the Hero Points player characters use. Una be-
gins with two Villain Points, and gains one Villain Point whenever she:

• Misses an attack check.

• Fails a resistance check against damage or other effect.

• Is physically restrained.

Una can have up to eight Villain Points and stops gaining them when-
ever her total reaches eight. Whenever a player character starts their
turn, Una can choose to spend one or more Villain Points (up to the
amount she currently has), one point each for any of the following
effects. She can use the attack, summon, and move options multiple
times, if desired:

• Attack one opponent with an Elemental Blast 11, Iron Hand of

Una 11, or Mental Blast 8.

• Create an elemental aura (Reaction Damage 11) around herself

until the end of her next turn.

• Summon two Guardian Disks.

• Take a Move action.

• Re-roll a failed check (only during her turn).

Finally, at the end of each round, Una can choose to spend three Villain
Points to take an additional turn.

Whenever Una reduces her Villain Point pool to 0, award each hero a
Hero Point.


Not since Adrian Eldritch has anyone caused so much strife and diffi-
culty for the immortal Dark Lord, and now Una prepares to unleash an
unholy rage upon the heroes who would stand between her and her
rightful place as a god. She rants and curses as she unleashes her mag-
ic, calling the heroes “impudent rodents” and “self-righteous worms”
as she rambles about the glory she witnessed with her mind spread
across a thousand worlds. She will take special delight in not only de-
feating the heroes, but in utterly humiliating them and casting them
into an eon of torment.

Three Made One
heroes chose to target Triune, Una can use Elemental Control to pull Una’s ghostly form opens her mouth in a silent cry as she is drawn
water from the harbor or chunks of concrete from the ground, using into the orb. She fights against the artifact’s draw but cannot es-
them as weapons or cover. Una does not flee: this is her final stand. cape her fate. A moment later, Una’s spirit is safely trapped within
the Orb or Ghorummaz, where she can never again threaten the
Una is already remarkably adept at combining the magics she has sto- world.
len from Malador and Medea, and employs strategies like teleporting
into hiding while leaving a phantasm of herself for enemies to hurl You have saved Freedom City—and with it, a thousand other
themselves against, or transforming enemies into animals and then worlds.
animating minor constructs to deal with these less-resilient foes.
If the heroes do not have the Orb of Ghorummaz or choose not to use
it, read or paraphrase the following text:
Una’s spirit form shrivels and writhes under the sunlight and then
Guardian disks are visible ovals of magical force that orbit Una, inter-
vanishes. The earth is saved and Una the Unrelenting is no more.
posing themselves between their mistress and outside attacks. They
And yet, you can’t help but wonder if the battle has truly end-
are mindless construct minions, cannot attack, and shatter if they fail
ed. Perhaps one day her spirit will return, seeking vengeance on
a resistance check.
those who thwarted her attempt to seize one thousand worlds.

UNA THE EVOLVED PL 16 The golden aura fades but Triune does not reform, nor will they. Move
See the Cast section. to the Conclusion to celebrate the heroes’ success at saving Earth-
Prime, and perhaps the entire universe.
Curse of Circe — Perception, Affliction 16
After Una is destroyed, if Malador is still alive, the mystic shrieks angrily
and teleports away. Medea likewise vanishes, even if she temporarily
Elemental Blast +14 Ranged, Damage 16
allied with the heroes. She knows better than to push her luck.
Iron hand of Una +14 Ranged, Affliction 16
Mental Blast — Perception, Damage 12 (Will resists)
Sorcerer’s Hand
Ranged, Damage 16
Close, Damage 3
DODGE PARRY FORTITUDE WILL TOUGHNESS After Una’s defeat, the portals connecting the thousand worlds vanish.
Without netherworld energy pouring between planets, Earth-Prime
+13 +9 +11 +20 +21/6* gradually reverts to its original form, but buildings and landmarks
*without Mystic Shield remain destroyed, and the dead remain dead. Earth-Prime has much
healing to do, which it can accomplish now that the portals are sealed
GUARDIAN DISK PL 5 and the demons have returned to their original worlds.
When the golden aura exploded and permanently destroyed the
STR 0 STA — AGL 0 DEX –5 FGT 0 INT — AWE 2 PRE —
enchantment binding Triune, the Mask of Malador was jettisoned
Powers: Flight 8 (500 MPH), Immunity to Fortitude Effects, Sixth Sense upward at great speed. It could have landed anywhere, or may have
Senses 6 (Danger Sense, Vision Counters All Concealment). launched through one of the portals before they sealed shut. Unfortu-
Advantages: Interpose. nately, Malador’s spirit remains tightly bound to Earth-Prime, and the
Skills: Perception 5 (+7). mask will inevitably find its way back.
Defense: Dodge 0, Parry 0, Fortitude —, Toughness 10, Will —. Malador himself cannot persist long without his mask; he is little more
Totals: Abilities -36 + Powers 52 + Advantages 1 + Skills 3 (5 ranks) + than a wraith possessing whatever dupe dons the artifact. Without Tri-
Defenses 10 = 30 une’s lingering power to sustain his temporary form, Malador begins
to crumble and whither. He may linger on long enough to cause a final
headache for the heroes, but in the end his soul returns to the mask,

WRAP-UP wherever it may be.

Depending on her actions in the final battle, Medea may become an

If Una is defeated, read or paraphrase the following text aloud: intermittent ally of the heroes—or at least set aside her legendary
sociopathy to toy with them rather than torture them in the future.
Una gives a final, agonized shriek and collapses. The golden aura She may even assist them, if doing so gains her prestige, wealth, or
flares brightly before detonating in a soundless explosion. The power. She remains a trickster, though, and has spent millennia seeing
shredded light flickers and fades from sight, and the bilious green humans ruin their own lives again and again; just because a few are
glow in the sky fades, replaced by a familiar blue. All around you, dumb enough to believe in altruism doesn’t mean she’s ready to re-
writhing vines wither and shrivel, releasing buildings, cars, and form. Medea sets up a new lair somewhere well-hidden. There she will
people. As the sun emerges from behind a cloud, a faint shimmer lie low for many months, letting the recent events blow over before
appears over Una’s body as her physical forms dissolves back into emerging to continue building her power base on Earth-Prime.
magical energy.
Lady Seven remains Queen of the Netherworld and continues her ef-
If the heroes impressed the Warden in Broken Strings, they may have forts to rehabilitate the Netherworld and Una’s extradimensional em-
received the Orb of Ghorummaz. They can use the Orb now to impris- pire into functioning, independent realms. If Seven sacrificed herself
on Una’s spirit (releasing Toy Boy, if they’d previously contained him). to buy the heroes time in the final battle, her realm becomes unteth-
If so, read or paraphrase the following text: ered and dangerous, crumbling without the will of a Dark Lord to hold

Three Made One
it together. The heroes may embark on a follow-up mission to find a
suitable replacement for Lady Seven. If one of the heroes is magically RECLAIMING THE MASK
adept and inclined to retire from the public eye, they may choose to
claim the Netherworld and steer it as Seven did. The Mask of Malador may be exiled to a remote corner of Earth, blast-
ed to the moon, or lost in space, and Malador is determined to recover
If Una was trapped in the Orb of Ghorummaz, the Warden offers to
it while he retains a physical form. Small, seemingly unrelated mis-
imprison the Orb in his Dungeon Dimension. Sallah likewise offers to
sions wind up being elements of Malador’s plan to reclaim his mask.
hide the Orb somewhere deep in the Nerian Nexus. The heroes may
The heroes can interfere with Malador’s plan by defeating his minions,
choose to keep the Orb under their control instead. While it seems that
thwarting his plans to steal an experimental spacecraft, or battling the
Una can never escape from the Orb, she has garnered several powerful
guardians of a lost world. Alternatively, the heroes could work with
allies in her career, any of whom may someday try to free the former
Malador to find the mask before it encounters someone that could use
Queen. And Una has unlimited time to plot and scheme while caught
the mask to pose a much bigger threat than the mystic ever did.
within the Orb. Perhaps someday, Una the Unrelenting will arise once
more to challenge the heroes of Freedom City!

Without Una’s presence, the magical energies of Earth-Prime revert

to their normal, chaotic state rather than the swelling darkness the
Dark Lord fomented. Many villains still retain the powerful abilities and The following are the major characters encountered in Three Made
boons they gained under Una’s tenure, however, and are now free to One, including their backgrounds and game stats.
act without the Dark Lord’s phantom guiding them. The heroes may
yet have many great dangers to face.
REWARDS Lady Seven was a vivacious and fun-loving young woman whose na-
ivete led her to unwittingly further Una’s plans and become Queen of
The heroes have achieved a tremendous accomplishment in defeat- the Netherworld. Her time in the Netherworld has sobered her, but
ing Una and saving the world. They receive four Power Points each for Seven still retains her irrepressible joie de vivre. She’s determined to
completing the adventure; you may award an additional Power Point make something great out of her domain, and wisely use the power
for heroes who performed with exceptional courage, insight, or de- that has been thrust upon her.

If they weren’t household names before, saving Freedom City and LADY SEVEN’S GUARDS
Earth-Prime earns the heroes worldwide fame and glory. If a hero has
been pursuing the mantle of Master Mage, this grand gesture proves As Seven began reflecting Una’s personality, she recruited alien war-
them worthy of that responsibility, and the spirit of Adrian Eldritch re- riors living in the metropolis surrounding her citadel to act as a per-
turns long enough to pass on his legacy. As Master Mage, the hero sonal security force. The godunda are fierce combatants who hail
gains an important place in magical society, but also dire responsibili- from a netherworld of caustic swamps, but serve Lady Seven only for
ties to keep the world safe from mystical threats. a paycheck. They have no interest in the greater drama of Una and her
conquest of a thousand worlds.
At your discretion, international hero groups like the Freedom League
and UNIQUE may reach out to the heroes, offering them membership These godunda look like powerfully built humanoids with skin cov-
or asking to partner with them to share resources and experience. ered in shining olive plates of chitin. Two pincers jut from their mouths,
giving them a mantis-like appearance. They wield serrated swords and

CONTINUING THE ADVENTURE communicate telepathically. The aliens can also spray a nonlethal poi-
son from their mouths, which causes debilitating pain.
There are several ways to spin off additional adventures in the wake
of the NetherWar. ALIEN GUARDS PL 7

MAY I TEND TO YOUR NEEDS? Powers: Chitinous Exoskeleton Immunity 5 (Acid Damage), Protection
4, Poison Spray Ranged Affliction 8 (Dodge resists, Fortitude Overcomes;
Impaired, Stunned, Incapacitated), Sensitive Antennae Communication 1
Shortly after Una’s defeat, the heroes are contacted by a mysterious (100ft, Limited to other godunda).
cloaked figure who wishes to discuss a “potential alliance that can
benefit both parties.” If the heroes agree to the meeting, or otherwise Equipment: Sword (Close Damage 3, Crit. 19–20).
unmask the cloaked figure, they find it is apparently Mayor Summers. Advantages: Accurate Attack, Equipment 1, Improved Critical (Sword),
They soon discover this woman is actually the illusory copy of the may- Improved Initiative, Power Attack.
or from Elysium, and the magical force of the split somehow separated Skills: Athletics 4 (+10), Perception 4 (+4), Ranged Combat: Poison Spray 4 (+5).
the fictional mayor from the pocket dimension and gave her physi- Offense: Init +5, Poison Spray +5 (Ranged, Affliction 8), Sword +5 (Close,
cal form on Earth-Prime. Elysium Summers doesn’t fully understand Damage 9, Crit. 18–20), Unarmed +5 (Close, Damage 6).
her situation, but she remembers the heroes and wishes to continue
Defense: Dodge 5, Parry 7, Fort 6, Tou 7, Will 4.
assisting them. In time, Elysium Summers may become a superhero
in her own right, regressing to an earlier point in Callie Summer’s life Totals: Abilities 32 + Powers 28 + Advantages 5 + Skills 6 (12 ranks) +
Defenses 13 = 84
when she was the second Raven. If the heroes bonded with a different
personality in Superhero Heaven, that character can replace the may- Complications: Vulnerable (Sonic) The alien guards’ sensitive antennae
or, or they can both appear—or the entire pocket dimension could and rigid plates can’t handle loud noises or sound-based attacks. They
resist sonic effects with half their normal defense bonus.
materialize next to the real Freedom City!

Three Made One
More advanced versions of the alien palace guards personally defend hundreds of worlds. Her hunger for power is never sated; there is al-
Seven. While they hail from the same martial culture, the godunda ways another conquest waiting, another victory to strive for.
bodyguards are elite warriors who rarely deign to interact with the
“lesser” guards who patrol the palace. Having lost her grip on Earth-Prime once thanks to Adrian Eldritch
instigating a rebellion in her own realm, Una became obsessed with
claiming the world as the keystone in her final ascension to godhood.
ELITE ALIEN BODYGUARDS PL 9 And now that she has mingled her mind with Malador and Medea and
STR 7 STA 5 AGL 2 DEX 2 FGT 8 INT 0 AWE 1 PRE 0 bathed in the magical energy of her thousand-world empire, she is
Powers: Leaping 2 (30 feet), Chitinous Exoskeleton Immunity 5 (Acid truly a force to be reckoned with.
Damage), Protection 4, Poison Spray Ranged Affliction 8 (Dodge resists,
Fortitude Overcomes; Impaired, Stunned, Incapacitated), Sensitive Una is imperious and ancient. She boils over with contempt for the
Antennae Communication 1 (100ft, Limited to other godunda). “insects” who would stand in her way now that she is so close to the
Equipment: Sword (Close Damage 3, Crit. 19–20). apotheosis she knows she deserves. In addition to her hard-won mag-
ical abilities, she has inherited magical secrets from both Malador and
Advantages: Accurate Attack, Equipment 1, Improved Critical: Sword,
Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Interpose, Move-by Action, Power Medea's minds, expanding her repertoire of spells.
Skills: Athletics 4 (+11), Perception 6 (+7), Ranged Combat: Poison Spray 7
(+9), Stealth 1 (+3).
Offense: Init +6, Poison Spray +9 (Ranged, Affliction 8), Sword +8 (Close,
Damage 9, Crit. 19–20), Unarmed +8 (Close, Damage 7).
Once the Master Mage of Earth-Prime when Atlantis still stood proud
above the waves, Malador let his own lust for power blind him to his
Defense: Dodge 7, Parry 9, Fort 8, Tou 9, Will 6. duties. He sought to sell Earth-Prime to unspeakable powers outside
Totals: Abilities 50 + Powers 30 + Advantages 8 + Skills 9 (18 ranks) + reality, transforming the world into a netherworld with he rising re-
Defenses 14 = 111 born as it’s Dark Lord. Only an alliance of Atlantis’s other mystics and
champions stopped his plot, and as punishment the mystics of Atlan-
tis stripped Malador of his rank and bound the mage inside a tomb to
THE WINGS OF DOOM live for eternity as a miserable prisoner far from the light of the sun. Ar-
cheologist Adrian Eldritch accidentally unleashed the long-forgotten
Triune gathered five magical villains who had previously (unwitting- sorcerer in 1935, beginning the pair’s long and bitter feud.
ly) served Una as guardians and enforcers: Sandstone and the Factor
Four. Granting them magical wings and the power to sense magical Malador stands a half-rung below godhood in his own right, being im-
disturbances, they were re-christened the Wings of Doom and given mortal and suffused with arcane power, and his ego reflects that stat-
the task of hunting all magical heroes who escaped Triune’s initial ure. He knows he is born to rule and all humanity must bow. He covets
culling. The band are compelled to obedience by stones of enchanted powerful tools and guardians, but after several defeats at the hands of
jade implanted into their flesh, which focus both the god’s mind con- Eldritch, the Freedom League, and UNIQUE, many of his plans now focus
trol and magical energies of transformation. on building a power base and minions to support his wider ambitions.

At your discretion, Triune may have appointed additional or alterna- The heroes aren’t likely to confront Malador directly in this scenario, as
tive villains to this position, such as other villains from this adventure he remains near his golden mask and only unleashes rank 14 Damage
series (including Bres the Beautiful, Dracula, Devil Ray, Abracadaver, or Affliction effects to keep heroes at bay. If you do need his complete
the Devil’s Advocates, or Warden). Simply apply the Wings of Doom statistics, they can be found in NetherWar #4: Bound by Gold.
template to any villains you wish to include.


PL Adjustment +0
The demigod and sorceress of Greek legend, Medea boasts an impres-
Statistic Adjustments Flight 7 (250 MPH), Senses 7 (Extended Magical sive spell repertoire coupled with millennia of practical experience
Awareness, Extended Ranged Detect Interdimensional Travel), Tracking manipulating humans to get what she wants. She especially loathes
Combat Adjustments None men after a history of abuse and betrayal in her formative years, culmi-
nating in the cold-blooded murder of her two sons, but finds humani-
ty as a whole alternately disappointing or infuriating. There is nothing
UNA THE EVOLVED sweeter to the divine witch than exposing a person’s high-minded ide-
als for the self-serving hypocrisy they inevitably turn out to be.
From her humble origins as a peasant girl, Una rose to become one
of the most powerful mages in the multiverse, feared even by the Medea has barely survived her initial union with Malador and Una; the
so-called gods like Hades. Through cunning, tenacity, and ruthless vi- more powerful mages almost managed to subsume her personality
olence, she won the title Master Mage of her home dimension. Her when they joined as one and she has no intention of returning to that
need for power and control contorted her into a fearsome Dark Lord state if she can help it. She’s even willing to set aside her legendary
and her realm into a netherworld. Backed by endless ambition and misandry and work with men—for now—if it saves her from oblivion
insight, she continued an unrelenting campaign of conquest across in the forgotten corners of a god’s mind.

Three Made One

12/2* 6 2 0 8 2 0 1
Sandstone Forms: Array (84 points)
• Sand Form: Burrowing 6; Growth 8, Increases Size Only; Elongation 4;
Flight 4, Gliding; Immunity 30 (Ballistic Damage, Bludgeoning Damage,
Life Support); Insubstantial 1; Movement 1 (Slithering); Sand Blast:
Cone Area Damage 12, AE: Sand Burst: Burst Area Damage 12, AE: Sand
Strike: Strength-based Damage 8 • 84 points
• Stone Form: Enhanced Strength 10, Immunity 32 (Cold Effects, Critical
Hits, Heat Effects, Life Support), Impervious Toughness 10, Massive:
Feature 4 (adds rank to mass), Protection 6 • 1 point

Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (+12), Deception 6 (+7), Expertise: Soldier 9 (+11),
Insight 6 (+6), Intimidation 11 (+12), Perception 8 (+8), Ranged Combat: Guns DODGE 10 FORTITUDE 12
4 (+8), Stealth 6 (+8), Vehicles 8 (+8)

All-out Attack, Connected, Defensive Attack, Improved Grab, Improved

Initiative, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 4, Takedown
Sand Blast — Cone Area Damage 12
Sand Burst — Burst Area Damage 12
Motivation—Mercenary: Sandstone is out for profit and nothing more.
Unarmed +12 Close, Damage 12 (stone form), 10 (sand form)

Damage Dazed?
One standard action each round

One standard action, –1 movement

Defenseless, Stunned, Unaware

Three Made One


0 3 1 1 6 3 5 4
Astral Projection: Remote Sensing 20 (Visual, Auditory, and Mental, 4,000
miles), Dimensional 2 (Mystic Dimensions), Side Effect 2 (physical body is
defenseless) • 42 points
Defensive Magic: Array (30 points)
• Shining Shield of Sirrion: Sustained Impervious Protection 15 • 30 points
• Spell of Deflection: Deflect 15 (Reflect) • 1 point
Magic: Array (37 points)
• Abjurations of Abbridon: Nullify Magic 18, Broad, Precise • 37 points
• Baleful Bindings of Bal’Hemoth: Ranged Affliction 17 (Resisted by
Dodge, Overcome by Damage; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless
and Immobile), Affects Insubstantial 2, Extra Condition, Limited Degree •
1 point
• Crooked Path of Kar’Kradas: Teleport 18 (1000 miles), Accurate,
Medium (Shadows) • 1 point
• Elemental Mastery of Ghorummaz: Move Object 15, Perception Range,
Limited to Air, Earth, and Water • 1 point
• Magic of the Modrossus: Ranged Damage 18 (mystic blast) • 1 point
• Second Wheel of Weyan: Remote Sensing 24 (Visual and Auditory,
64,000 miles), Feedback, Medium (Reflective Surface) • 1 point
• Shining Suns of Sirrion: Ranged Affliction 18 (Resisted and Overcome
by Will; Impaired, Disabled, Unaware), Limited to Vision • 1 point
Whirling Winds of Weyan: Flight 4 (30 MPH) • 8 points DEFENSE
Witchsight: Senses 3 (Magical Awareness, Extended) • 3 points

Athletics 2 (+2), Deception 7 (+11), Expertise: Magic 12 (+15), Insight 8 WILL 18 *Without Defensive Magic
(+13), Intimidation 7 (+11), Perception 8 (+13), Ranged Combat: Magic 11
(+12), Sleight of Hand 6 (+7), Stealth 4 (+5), Treatment 3 (+6) POWER POINTS
Attractive, Benefit 5 (Dark Lord of the Netherworld), Languages 4
(Atlantean, Latin, Sanskrit, and four others, English native), Ritualist, Trance ADVANTAGES 12 TOTAL 259

INITIATIVE +1 Dark Temptation: Seven is constantly tempted by the power she wields as
ruler of the Netherworld: To use it and to selfishly hold on to it.
Mystic Bindings +12 Ranged, Affliction 17 (Dodge DC 27)
Motivation—Corruption: Seven has been overwhelmed by Una's
Mystic Blast +12 Ranged, Damage 18 personality and now unwittingly apes the Dark Lord's mannerisms and
Unarmed +6 Close, Damage 0

Damage Dazed?
One standard action each round

One standard action, –1 movement

Defenseless, Stunned, Unaware

Three Made One


1 2 3 2 4 8 2 2
Engulf Cumulative Shapeable Area Affliction 11 (Resisted by Fortitude;
Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), Concentration • 44 points
• AE: Water Blast (Ranged Damage 11, Accurate 4) • 1 point
Liquid Form Concealment 2 (Visual) Limited to Underwater; Elongation
8 (1,800 feet); Immunity 10 (Life Support); Insubstantial 1, Permanent;
Impervious Protection 10; Swimming 5 (16 MPH) • 50 points

Close Combat: Unarmed 6 (+10), Deception 6 (+8), Expertise: Archeology
8 (+16), Expertise: History 6 (+14), Expertise: Magic 6 (+14), Insight 8 (+10),
Perception 4 (+6), Persuasion 6 (+8), Stealth 4 (+7), Technology 8 (+16)

Contacts, Defensive Attack, Equipment 4 (The Crystal Complex), Evasion,
Favored Environment (Aquatic), Leadership
Engulf — Close, Cumulative Affliction 11 ADVANTAGES 9 TOTAL 214
Water Blast +10 Ranged, Damage 11
Unarmed +10 Close, Damage 1
Acquisitive: Professor Fathom lusts after what he does not (and often cannot)
DEFENSE have, drawn to acquire new things: artifacts, knowledge, and power.
Inhuman: All of the Factor Four are no longer human and cannot pass
unnoticed in human society.
PARRY 10 TOUGHNESS 12 Watery: Fathom’s watery form can be evaporated or frozen solid by suitable
WILL 12 effects which incapacitate him.

Damage Dazed?
One standard action each round

One standard action, –1 movement

Defenseless, Stunned, Unaware

Three Made One

13* 7* -1 0 5 -1 0 0
Shockwave: Burst Area Damage 10, Limited: Both Granite and targets must
be touching the ground • 10 points
• AE: Groundstrike: Burst Area Affliction 10 (Vulnerable, Defenseless,
Resisted and Overcome by Fortitude), Instant Recovery, Limited Degree,
Limited: both Granite and targets must be touching the ground • 1 point
Rock Form: Enhanced Strength 5; Growth 4, Permanent; Immunity 10 (Life
Support); Protection 7; Impervious Toughness 10 • 45 points

Expertise: Paramilitary 6 (+5) Intimidation 6 (+8)*, Ranged Combat: Throwing
8 (+8)

Close Attack 2, Improved Hold, Power Attack, Takedown


Unarmed +7 Close, Damage 13*

DEFENSE Follows Orders: Granite obeys orders like a good soldier.
Inhuman: All of the Factor Four are no longer human and cannot pass
unnoticed in human society.
PARRY 6* TOUGHNESS 14* Loves Sylph: Granite would do virtually anything for Sylph and tries to protect
WILL 7 * Includes Growth modifiers her.

Damage Dazed?
One standard action each round

One standard action, –1 movement

Defenseless, Stunned, Unaware

Three Made One

0 1 3 3 4 0 1 1
Fire Form: Reaction Damage 8; Immunity 15 (Fire Damage, Life Support);
Impervious Protection 5, Limited to Weapons that Melt/Burn) • 52 points
Flame Blast: Ranged Damage 10 • 20 points
Rocket Flight: Flight 7 (250 MPH) • 14 points

Deception 6 (+7), Expertise: Mechanic 5 (+5), Insight 4 (+5), Perception 4
(+5), Ranged Combat: Flame Blast 3 (+6), Vehicles 10 (+13)

Defensive Roll 4, Move-by Action, Ranged Attack 4, Second Chance
(Vehicles checks), Taunt
Flame Blast Ranged, Damage 10
Unarmed +6 Close, Damage 8 (fiery aura)
Hot-Tempered: Pyre has a temper as hot as his namesake and is easily
DEFENSE provoked.

DODGE 10 FORTITUDE 8 Inhuman: All of the Factor Four are no longer human and cannot pass
unnoticed in human society.
Thrill-Seeker: Excitement is Pyre’s drug of choice and how he feels the most
WILL 8 *Without Defensive Roll alive.

Damage Dazed?
One standard action each round

One standard action, –1 movement

Defenseless, Stunned, Unaware

Three Made One

0 0 2 1 2 0 0 1
Gaseous Form Concealment 2 (Visual; Partial, Permanent); Concealment
Attack 2 (Visual), Shapeable Area 2; Flight 4 (30 MPH); Immunity 10
(Life Support), Immunity 20 (Energy effects, Half Effect); Insubstantial 2
(Permanent) • 48 points
Suffocation Shapeable Area Cumulative Affliction 9 (Resisted by Fortitude;
Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), Concentration) • 36 points
Whirlwind Move Object 1 • 2 points

Deception 8 (+9), Perception 6 (+6), Persuasion 8 (+9), Technology 6 (+6)


Attractive, Improved Initiative ABILITIES 12 SKILLS 14
Suffocation — Close, Affliction 9 (Dodge/Fort)
Inhuman: All of the Factor Four are no longer human and cannot pass
DEFENSE unnoticed in human society.

DODGE 9 FORTITUDE 9 Sensualist: Sylph, above all of the Four, longs to feel once again and to enjoy
being human once more.
With the Winds: Sylph is a follower, not a leader, and looks to Prof. Fathom for
WILL 8 guidance.

Damage Dazed?
One standard action each round

One standard action, –1 movement

Defenseless, Stunned, Unaware

Three Made One


0 5 0 1 0 3 10 2
Mystic Shield Protection 13 (Sustained; Impervious) • 26 points
Possession Immortality 5 (Return after 1 day; Limited: A human must don
Malador’s Golden Mask) • 5 points
Sorcery Dynamic Array; 35 points • 53 points
• Curse of Transformation Perception Affliction 11 (Resisted and
Overcome by Will; Dazed, Compelled, Transformed)
• Levitation Flight 6 (120 MPH)
• Life to the Lifeless Summon 5 (Active, Multiple Minions [2 minions],
Type [Broad: Animated Objects])
• Mind Delving Mind Reading 11 (Cumulative)
• Mystic Bindings Ranged Cumulative Affliction 11 (Resisted by
Dodge, overcome by Damage or Sleight of Hand; Hindered
and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized; Extra Condition;
Limited Degree)
• Mystic Blast Ranged Damage 16
• Mystic Passage Teleport 8 (1 mile; Accurate, Extended [250 miles])
• Phantasms Illusion 7 (Affects All Senses, 125 cft; Selective; Limited
to Minds)
• Scrying Remote Sensing 10 (Visual and Auditory, 4 miles;
Dimensional 2 [Mystic Dimensions])
• Sorcerer’s Hand Move Object 16 (1,600 tons)
Undying Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) • 30 points
Ur Tongue Comprehend 3 ( Read, Speak All, and Understand all Languages)
• 6 points

Expertise: History 6 (+9), Expertise: Magic 16 (+19), Insight 4 (+14),
Intimidation 8 (+10), Persuasion 6 (+8) PARRY 10 TOUGHNESS 18/5*
WILL 14 *without Mystic Shield
Diehard, Fearless, Languages 4 (Altantean, English, various ancient POWER POINTS
languages), Ranged Attack 11, Ritualist ABILITIES 42 SKILLS 20


Curse of Transformation — Perception Ranged Cumulative Affliction 11 COMPLICATIONS
Mystic Bindings +12 Ranged Cumulative Affliction 11 Arrogant: Malador is easily goaded into rash actions thanks to his ego.
Mystic Blast +12 Ranged Damage 16 Hideous: Malador can no longer pass for an ordinary human.
Sorcerer’s Hand +12 Ranged Move Object 16 Motivation—Power: Malador desires power and mystic knowledge above all
Unarmed +0 Close Damage 0

Damage Dazed?
One standard action each round

One standard action, –1 movement

Defenseless, Stunned, Unaware

Three Made One

-1 1 1 1 5 2 4 7
Dark and Ancient Sorcery: Array (67 points)
• Curse of Circe: Perception Ranged Affliction 10 (Resisted and Overcome
by Will; Fatigued, Stunned, Transformed), turns humans into beasts • 1
• Hecate’s Crushing Will: Perception Ranged Damage 10, Alternate
Resistance (Will) • 1 point
• Hecate’s Puppet: Perception Ranged Cumulative Affliction 10 (Resisted
and Overcome by Will; Entranced, Compelled, Controlled) • 1 point
• Hermean Stride: Teleport 12 (16 miles), Accurate, Increased Mass 5
(1,600 lbs.) • 1 point
• Legions of Hades: Summon Demons 6, Broad Type, Continuous, Mental
Link, Multiple Minions 3 (8 demons) • 67 points
• Mystic Blast: Ranged Damage 11, Accurate 4, Multiattack, Penetrating 1,
Variable Descriptor (any magical damage effect) • 1 point
• Sorcerous Scrying: Remote Sensing (Visual and Auditory) 22 (16000
miles), Concentration • 1 point
• Shadow of Life: Summon Animated Object 11, Broad Type • 1 point DEFENSE
Immortal: Immunity 3 (Aging, Disease, Poison) • 3 points DODGE 9 FORTITUDE 7
Sorcerous Aegis: Impervious Protection 10, Sustained • 20 points PARRY 9 TOUGHNESS 11/1*
WILL 12 *Without Sorcerous Aegis.
Deception 10 (+17), Expertise: History 10 (+12), Expertise: Magic 12 (+14), POWER POINTS
Insight 8 (+12), Intimidation 4 (+11), Perception 4 (+8), Persuasion 8 (+15),
Stealth 4 (+5), Treatment 8 (+10)
Accurate Attack, Attractive, Defensive Attack, Diehard, Fascinate
(Deception), Languages 5 (English and up to 11 others, Ancient Greek COMPLICATIONS
native), Ritualist, Taunt, Trance Motivation—Revenge: Medea is hateful and embittered, which she
directs at the world and a progression of targets in turn.
OFFENSE Misandrist: Medea’s experiences have twisted her feelings so that she
INITIATIVE +1 particularly hates men.
Curse of Circe Perception Ranged Affliction 10 (Will DC 20) Power Loss: Sorcery and Sorcerous Aegis, when unable to speak and
gesture to cast her spells.
Crushing Will Perception Ranged Damage 10 (Will DC 25)
Sadist: Medea loves to watch her enemies suffer emotional pain and
Mystic Blast +9 Ranged Damage 11, Multiattack distress.
Puppet Perception Ranged Affliction 10 (Will DC 20) Unforgiving: Medea can literally hold a grudge forever and never forgets
(or forgives!) a slight against her.

Damage Dazed?
One standard action each round

One standard action, –1 movement

Defenseless, Stunned, Unaware

Three Made One


3 6 2 4 7 4 12 7
Astral Form Remote Sensing 15 (120 miles; Affects Visual, Audio, Mystic;
Dimensional 2 [Mystical Dimensions], Subtle (DC 32); Physical Body is
Defenseless) • 49 points
• AE: Mystic Shield Protection 14 (Sustained; Impervious) • 1 point
Demigod Comprehend 3 (Read, Speak, and Understand All Languages),
Immortality 1 (2 weeks), Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support) • 19 points
Amalgam Magic Dynamic Array; 49 points • 69 points
• Curse of Circe Perception Affliction 16 (Resisted and Overcome by
Will; Fatigued, Stunned, Transformed)
• Elemental Blast Ranged Damage 16 (Affects Insubstantial 2, Split [2
targets], Variable Descriptor 2 [magical])
• Phantasms Illusion 9 (500 cuft., Affects All Senses; Selective; Limited
to Minds)
• Iron Hand of Una Ranged Cumulative Affliction 16 (Resisted by
Dodge, Overcome by Damage or Sleight of Hand; Hindered
and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized; Extra Condition;
Limited Degree)
• Mental Blast Perception Damage 12 (Alternate Resistance: Will)
• Shadow Control Shapeable Area 10 Concealment Attack 4 (All
Visual Senses; 15,000 cuft.)
• Shadow of Life Summon 12 (Broad Type [Animated Object])
• Sorcerer's Hand Perception Move Object 16 (1,600 tons)
• Stepping Disk Teleport 16 (250 miles; Extended [64,000 miles])
• Stepping Gate Teleport 12 (4,000 miles; Portal; Extended Only)
• Weather Control Environment 8 (.5 miles; Extreme Cold, Impede
Movement 2, Visibility (–5))
Witch Sense Senses 3 (Acute Analytical Magic Awareness) • 3 points

Deception 4 (+11), Expertise: Magic 22 (+26), Insight 4 (+16), Intimidation 8
(+15), Persuasion 8 (+15), Sleight of Hand 8 (+12)
ADVANTAGES WILL 20 *without Mystic Shield
Accurate Attack, Benefit, Status 6: Demigod, Connected, Contacts,
Defensive Attack, Fascinate (Deception), Fearless, Ranged Attack 10, POWER POINTS
Ritualist, Trance, Well-informed ABILITIES 90 SKILLS 27


Curse of Circe — Perception Ranged Affliction 16 COMPLICATIONS
Elemental Blast +14 Ranged Damage 16 Motivation—Power: Una's ultimate goal to become a god of magic. She will
Iron hand of Una +14 Ranged Affliction 16 destroy anyone and anything she perceives as a threat to that goal.
Mental Blast — Perception Damage 12 (Will resists) Ego: Una has no equals, and she is disgusted by others comparing themselves
to her. She suffers a -5 penalty to resist taunt attempts..
Sorcerer’s Hand +14 Ranged Move Object 16
Oathbound: As a powerful magical being, Una is bound by the laws of magic
Unarmed +0 Close Damage 3 to honor any promise she makes or oath she swears.

Damage Dazed?
One standard action each round

One standard action, –1 movement

Defenseless, Stunned, Unaware

Three Made One


MutantS & MaSteRMindS aStoniShing adventuReS: thRee Made one other copyrighted material in no way constitute a challenge to the
Writing: Amber Scott respective copyright holders of that material. Mutants & Masterminds,
Super-powered by M&M, Green Ronin, and their associated logos are
Design: Crystal Frasier
trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.
Editing: Jaym Gates, Josh Vogt
Art Direction: Hal Mangold The following is designated as Product Identity, in accordance with
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Interior Art: Chris Balaskas, Alberto Foche, Scott James, Tony Parker, power points. All characters and their associated images, descriptions,
Ramon Perez backgrounds, and related information are declared Product Identity.
Publisher: Chris Pramas The following text is Open Gaming Content: all game system rules and
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Team Ronin: Joseph Carriker, Crystal Frasier, Jaym Gates,
Kara Hamilton, Troy Hewitt, Steve Kenson, Ian Lemke,
Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Green Ronin Publishing
Malcolm Sheppard, Will Sobel, Owen K.C. Stephens, 3815 S. Othello St., Suite 100 #304
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