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Electrifying London
Underground cable connects substations to placate
London’s insatiable demand for power
Stephen Trotter

ABB is helping to secure London’s

power supply for many years to
come. Recent projects completed
D emand for power continues to
increase throughout the UK, but
in London, the rate of increase is
mand in the capital and the area north
west of London.

for National Grid on London’s around twice the national average. The “London connection”
power infrastructure have provid- Projections indicate that this growth Running in a 20km long three-meter
ed a 20 km long, high-voltage, rate will be sustained for at least an- diameter tunnel, the cable links an
other 10 years. Since 1990, to ensure extended substation at Elstree to a
underground cable link, together
the future of London’s power supply, substation built by ABB at St John’s
with two major new GIS (gas insu- National Grid has invested over Euros Wood. It was the largest tunneling
lated switchgear) indoor substa- 1,000 million ($ 1,270 million) in the project that National Grid has ever
tions – all to help satisfy the reinforcement of the transmission net- undertaken.
capital’s fast-growing demand for work in and around London. This rep-
electricity. resents approximately 20 percent of The “London Connection” uses high-
National Grid’s total capital invest- technology, low-maintenance cross-
ment in the whole of England and linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation
Wales. technology and is currently Europe’s
longest 400-kV XLPE underground
One of the measures taken by Nation- cable 1 . A similar underground cable
al Grid was to commission ABB with was installed by ABB in Berlin in
a three-year turnkey project, to be 1998.
completed in the summer of 2005.
The project was to create the “London For the London project, ABB installed,
Connection” to meet electricity de- commissioned and tested 61 km of

46 ABB Review 3/2006

Electrifying London

Ingenuity and energy

150-mm diameter cable, Autotransformers

1 ABB 400-kV XLPE underground cable
weighing a total of 2,440 Four ABB autotransformers
tonnes that was delivered (240-MVA, 400/132-kV) were
on 63 massive drums 2 . installed to reduce the volt-
age of the electricity in order
St John’s Wood substation to feed the local substations.
In addition to meeting the The massive transformers,
generally increased power each weighing 171 tonnes,
demand for the capital, were brought by sea to the
there was a specific need to London port of Tilbury. To
upgrade the existing St minimize disruption to traffic,
John’s Wood substation in each transformer was moved
West London to cope with to the site during the early
extra local demand. morning (see title picture).
Street furniture had to be re-
National Grid therefore de- moved along the route and
cided to build a complete certain sections of roads and
new substation at St John’s bridges had to be strength-
Wood. Even though there ened to take the weight.
had once been a power sta-
tion at the site, there was Control and protection
very little non-operational The substation can be con-
space and since land is at a trolled remotely from Nation-
premium in this part of Lon- al Grid’s UK Control Centre
don, there was no way of in Wokingham. A standby
purchasing any extra space. control room also allows lo-
So the new 18-bay, 400-kV cal supervision of the substa-
substation had to fit onto a tion and tunnel, including
footprint of just 90 m by switchgear, protection, power
30 m. measurements, building
systems and security. Fiber
In order to minimize the visual impact to be coordinated on a “just-in-time” optics is used as the main communi-
of the substation on the local communi- basis and accommodate all the extra cation medium to support high data
ty, and to contain the equipment within complications of working in a con- transmission rates with immunity to
such a confined area, ABB’s state-of- gested residential area. Some idea of electrical noise. All the equipment is
the-art compact gas insulated switch- the scale of the undertaking is given synchronized to absolute time using
gear (GIS) technology was used 3 . by the number of vehicle movements GPS (global positioning system)
on the site: 200 vehicles were needed technology.
for the GIS equipment alone, and
For the London project, nearly 7,500 for the civil works. Local community
ABB installed, commis- The ABB site team worked closely
sioned and tested 61 km GIS switchgear with National Grid in order to
The switchgear installation at St John’s maintain a good relationship with the
of 150-mm diameter Wood is currently the largest 400-kV local community. For example, mail
cable, weighing a total of GIS substation in the UK. The ABB drops were carried out to around 1500
equipment is designed to minimize local addresses to keep residents
2,440 tonnes that was gas leakage, and monitoring for gas informed of major activities such as
delivered on 63 massive leaks can be performed both locally pile driving or deliveries of heavy
drums. and remotely. loads. There was also a 24-hour call
center for concerned residents. ABB
In the rare event that maintenance or responded quickly to solve any
As the main contractor, ABB was repair is required, the switchgear problems. This attention to detail
responsible for all aspects of the design maintains maximum system included a swift response when the
St John’s Wood project, including the availability by requiring only the erection of the 30-m tower crane
decommissioning of the old plant, in- affected components and bay to be affected TV reception for a few
stallation of the new plant, refurbish- switched out. residents.
ment of remaining old plant compo-
nents and interfacing the old with the The constraints on the height of the Very high standards of health and
new. Because of the lack of “lay- building were met by constructing a safety were observed throughout the
down” space on site, very careful six-meter deep basement below the project and, in 2004, ABB was award-
planning was required. Deliveries had switch-house. ed a certificate for the successful com-

ABB Review 3/2006 47

Electrifying London

Ingenuity and energy

pletion of 250,000 hours with no time EdF, to reinforce the power grid serv- task on site was the demolition of an
lost due to injury. ing the North London area. The sub- existing office block to make way for
station is housed inside a new brick the construction of the new substa-
City Road North building, designed by Markwick Ar- tion. The nature of the site, in a busy
While one ABB site team was busy in chitects, to minimize its visual impact inner-city site in Islington, was a ma-
West London, another team was hard on the area. This was in line with jor challenge. It was surrounded by
at work on the other side of the city Islington Council’s redevelopment residential, commercial and industrial
creating National Grid’s new “City plan to improve access and recre- premises, and backed on to the Re-
Road North” substation. This contract ational opportunities, thereby enhanc- gent canal. A great deal of logistical
was part of the urban regeneration of ing the local urban environment. planning was required just to move
the City Road canal basin in Islington, heavy plant and materials in and out
North London. ABB was responsible for all engineer- of the site.
ing design and civil works at City
The new City Road North substation, Road North, as well as the complete The project also included diversion of
which was constructed adjacent to the installation and commissioning of the an existing 400-kV cable into the new
existing City Road substation, is a key substation switchgear and ancillary substation. The existing cable had
part of a program by the local utility, equipment. The project team’s first linked the old City Road substation to
the substation in West Ham, six miles
away in East London, and the diver-
2 ABB power cable on massive drums
sion was necessary to complete the
West Ham/City Road North and City
Road North/West Ham circuits.

The work continues

The excellent performance of ABB
technology at St John’s Wood and City
Road North, coupled with the compa-
ny’s proven ability to meet tight deliv-
ery schedules, has resulted in National
Grid awarding two extension projects
to ABB. These projects are currently
in progress.

ABB is responsible for the engineering

design and civil works of both the St.
John’s Wood and the City Road North
substation extension projects, as well
as providing a complete installation
and commissioning service. The new
substation protection and automation
3 ABB’s compact gas insulated switchgear has the right footprint.
systems for City Road will be based
on National Grid‘s standardized
NICAP (National scheme for Integrat-
ed Control and Protection) philoso-
phy. This approach enables ABB to
reduce delivery times significantly by
using pre-engineered, pre-tested and
pre-approved solutions to swiftly inte-
grate the new bays into the existing
substation systems.

Stephen Trotter
ABB Power Systems
Stone, United Kingdom

48 ABB Review 3/2006

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