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18 Area of

a Trapezium and
a Polygon


Trapezium A trapeztum is a quadrilateral having one pair of

parallel opposite sides.
In the given figure, ABCD is a trapezium in which
AB || DC.
Each of the two parallel sides of a trapezium is called
its base.

Thus, AB and DC are the bases of trap. ABCD.

Draw CL1AB and DM L AB.

Let CL DM =h. Then, h is called the height or altitude of trap. ABCD.
A trapezium ABCD is said to be an isosceles trapezium if its nonparallel sides AD
and BC are equal.

Area of a Trapezium Let ABCD bea trapezium in which AB || DC and let h be the height.
Then, area
of trap. ABCD =
x1 (AB +DC) h x
sq units.

PROOF Join AC. Draw CL L AB and AM 1 CD

Let CL = AM = h.

Area of trap. ABCD =

ar(A ABC) +ar(A ACD)

AB xDC xh
x(AB+DC)x h sq units.
area ofa trapezium =x(sum of parallel
sides) x
(distance between them).

Area of a Trapezium and a Polygon

Tuo parallel sides of a trapezium are of lengths 27 em and 19 cm respectiDey
and the distance between them ts 14 cm. Find the area of the trapezium

Area of the trapezium

x (sum of parallel sides) x (distance between them)

322 cm
27+19) x14 cm2, x 46x 14 cm =
(23 x14) cm =

sldes s
EAMPLE2 The area
16 cm. f
of a trapezium is 352 cm and the distance between tts parallel
one of the parallel sides is of length 25 cm, find the length of the other.

Let the length of the required side be x cm.


Then, area ofthe trapezium = x(25+x)x16 cm = (200 +8x) em

But, the area of the trapezium = 352 cm (given)

200 +8x =352 8x =(352 -200) =152 *= 3
Hence. the length of the other side is 19 cm.
The area of a trapezium is 168 cm and its hetght is 8 cm. f one of the parallel
sides is longer than the other by 6 cm,find the length of each of the parallel sides.

Solution Let thelengths of the parallel sides be x cm and (x + 6) cm.

Then, area of the trapezium ={xx+x+6) x 8 cm = 4(2x+6) cm
= (8x + 24) cm.

But, area of the trapezium

= 168 cm (given)
144 x=* 18.
8x+24 = 168 8x =
(168 -24) =

18 cm and (18 +6) cm =
24 cm.
lengths of the parallel sides are
a r e 25 cm and 13 cm;
its nonparallel sides are

EXAMPLE 4. The parallel sides of a trapezium

cm. Find the area of
the trapezium.
equal, each being 10
in which AB|| DC, AB
25 cm, DC =13 =

Solution Let ABCD be the given trapezium

AD = BC = 10 cm.
and M respectively.
Draw CLL AB and CM || DA. meeting AB at L
Clearly, AMCD is a lgm.
AM DC =13 cm.
MB =
(AB -

AM) =
(25 -13) cm =12 cm.
10 cm and CB 10 cm.
Now, CM = DA =

isosceles triangle and

ACMB is an
of MB
L is the midpoint

cm =6 cm.

we have:
From right ACLM, (100 -36) cm2 = 64 cm2
{00)° -6°} cm =

CL2 (CM2 -ML )


= 8 cm
CL = 64
8 cm.

height of the
206 Mathematics for Class 8

38x 8 cm2
(25 13)8 cm =
area of trap. ABCD

(38 x
4)cm = 152 cm*.
EXAMPLE 5. ABCD is a trapezium in whtch AB || DC, AB = 78 cm,CD = 52 cm, AD

28 cm
and BC = 30 cm. Flnd the area of the trapezlum.
Solutton Draw CL 1 AB and CM || DA. meeting AB at L and M respectively.
52 cm
Clearly, AMCD Is a parallelogram.
MC AD =28 cm and AM DC 52 cm
MB (AB- AM) = (78-52) cm = 26 cm.
Thus, in ACMB, we have:
CM 2 8 cm, MB = 26 cm and BC = 30 cm.
78 cm-
S =(28+26+30) cm - 42 cm. (s - a) = (42-28) cm = 14 cm,

(s-b) = (42 -26) cm = 16 cm and (s - c) = (42-30) cm = 12 cm

ar(A CMB) = Vs{s - a)(s - b)(s - c)

= V42 x14 x 16x 12 cm = (14 x4 x 6) c m : 336 cm2.

x MB x CL = 336 cm=x26xCL = 336 cm2 (336
CL 13 CIm.

area of trap. ABCD = {x(AB +DC) x CL sq units


x130 x336 cm = 1680 cm2.


EXAMPLE 6. The adjacent figure shows the

diagram of a picture
frame having outer dimensions 28 cm x32 cm and E
tnner dimensions 20 cm x 24 cm. If the width of each
section is the same, find the area of each section
the frame.

HL 20 cm G

Solutlon Width of section AEFB =

width of section CGHD
28 cm -

132 -24) cm =
Width of section AEHD 4 cm
=width of section BFGC
(28-20) em = 4 cm.
Clearly,each section of the frame is a
trapezium. 4Cm

Area of section AEFB area of section cGHD


x (28 +20) x 4 H 20 cm G
cm 96
cm2. 4 cm
Area of section AEHD = area of section BFGsc 28 cm

x(32+24) x4 cm =112 cm2.

Area of a 207
Trapezium and a Polygon

Find the area of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 24 cm and 20 cm and the distance
them is 15 cm.
he area of and the
Find the a
trapezium whose parallel sides are 38.7 cm and 22.3 cm,
distance between them is 16 cm.
The shape of the top surface of a table
sides are I m and 1.4 m and the
trapezium. Its parallel
perpendicular distance between
0.9 m
them is 0.9 m. Find its area.

T 14m
The area of a trapezium is 1080 cm2. If the lengths of its parallel sides be 55 cm and 35 cm.
find the distance between them.
5. A field is in the form of a trapezium. Its area is 1586 m2 and the distance between its
parallel sides is 26 m. If one of the parallel sides is 84 m, find the other.
6. The area ofa trapezium is 405 cm. Its parallel sides are in the ratio 4:5 and the distance
between them is 18 cm. Find the length of each of the parallel sides.

7, The area cm and its height is 9

of a trapezium is 180 cm. If one of the parallel sides is
longer than the other by 6 cm, find the two parallel sides.
8, In a trapezium-shaped field, one of the parallel sides is twice the other. If the area ofthe
field is 9450m and the perpendicular distance between the two parallel sides is 84 m. fînd
the length of the longer of the parallel sides.
9. The length of the fence of a trapezium-shaped field ABCD is 130 m
and side AB is perpendicular to each of the parallel sides AD
and BC. If BC = 54 m. CD =19 m and AD = 42 m, find the area of
the field.

10. In the given figure, ABCD is a trapezium in which AD || BC. A 16 cm D

16 AC 41 cm and BC =
40 cm. Find the
90°, AD =
cm, =

41 cm
area of the trapezium.
Hint. AB =(Ac2 -Bc2). 0 cm

cm and 10 Its nonparallel sides are both equal.

parallel sides of a trapezium are 20
11. The
each being 13 cm. Find the area of the trapezium.
cm, while its nonparallel sides are
are 25 cm and 11
12. The parallel sides of a trapezium
l5 cm and 13 cm. Find the area of the trapezium.

polygons. We
that the plots and fields
are generally in the form of regular or irregular
efindknow into triangles, rectangles, parallelograms
and trapeziums.
d their areas by dividing them
in which BD is
of its diagonals.
ABCD be a given quadrilateral
Let AL 1 BD and CM LBD.
LetAL = h, and CM = h2. Then,
Mathematics for Class 8

area of quad. ABCD

ar(A ABD) + ar(A BCD)

BD h, BD
BD x(h, +h)sq units.

EXAMPLE 1. In the given figure, ABcD is a quadrilateral in uwhich

BD =14 cm. AL 1 BD. CM 1 BD suchthat AL =6 cm
and CM =S cm. Find the area of quad. ABCD. M
Solution Area of quad. ABCD =ar(A ABD) + ar(A BCD) 80Cm

BD xAL |+|BD xCM

- 1 4 x 6 1 4 8 em' -(42 -56) cm2 -98cm


EXAMPLE 2 Find the area of the given pentagon ABCDE in

which each one of BF. CH and EG is
perpendicular to AD such that AF =9 cm. A
AG = 13 cm, AH 19 cm, AD = 24 cm, BF = 6 cm,
CH = 8 cm and EG = 9 cm.

Solution Area of the given pentagon ABCDE

ar(A ABF) + ar(trap. BCHF)+ar(ACHD) + ar(A ADE)


AFBF x (BF +CH) x H -AF) x (AD - AH)CH


96a6-8)xu9- 4-19)s240em
(27 +70 +20 +108) cm =
225 cm2
EXAMPLE 3. Find the area of the given hexagon ABCDEF in
which each one of BG, CI E.J and FH is
perpendicular to AD and it is being given that AG
= 6 cm. AH 10 cm, Al
18 cm, AJ
21 cm, =

AD 27 cm, BG = 5 cm, CI = 6 cm, EJ= 4 cm

and FH = 6 cm.

Solution Area of the given hexagon ABCDEF

= ar(4 AGB) +ar(trap. BCIG) +ar(ACID) +ar(4 DJE) + ar(trap. EFHJ) + ar(A AHF)



Area of a
Trapezium and Polygon a


*12 *AD -A) EJ EJ +F)«AJ -AH1 AH FH

-5.0-8-307-1 6 27-21)*4
x14+6)x (21 -101 106 cm
(15 +66 +27 +12 +55 +30) cm2 =
205 cm.

EXAMPLE4. In the given figure

ABCDE is a park pentagonal
in which DE = DC, AB = BC = CE = EA = 25 m

and its total height is 41 Find the

m. area of
the park.
Draw DL IEC.
Clearly. DL =(41-25) m = 16 m.
area of the park = ar(sq. ABCE) + ar(A DEC)

(25x25)+25x16 m 25m-
825 m.


EXAMPLE 5. Find the a r e a of the given hexagon ABCDEF in

BE 11
which each side m e a s u r e s 5 cm, height

cm and uwidth FD =8 cm.

5 Cm
11 cm

Solution Join BE. Then. 4 cm

ar(hexagon ABCDEF)

ar(trap. ABEF) +ar(trap. BCDE)

2 x ar(trap. ABEF) 8 cm-

where FL 1 BE
2x(AF +BE)xFL,

-2151)x4 em
FL -

2 =4 em
= 64 cm".
A 5 CmB
4 cm
a n octagon
EXAMPLE 6. Find the a r e a of 11 cm and H L 11 cm
to 5 cm, HC

each side equal

that AL 4 cm. =

AL I HC such D
Area (octagon ABCDEFGH)
Solution HCDG) + ar(trap. GDEF)
ABCH) + ar(rect.
ABCH) +ar(rect.
2 x ar(trap.
+(HGx HC)
x (AB +HC)xAL
cm =
(64 +55)cm2 =
119 cm2
I{(5 +11) x4}+(5 x1)]
210 8
for Class

1. In the quadrilateral

cm and
AC 24
given figure. ABCD is a
that BL =8
cm. BL and DM 1 AC such
DM =7 cm. Find the area of quad. ABCD.

ield in
the given figure. ABCD is a
BD such that
diagonal BD is 36 m, AL I BD and CM 1
AL =19 m and CM = ll m. Find the area of the iel

3. Find he area of pentagon ABCDE in which BL 6 cm
AM =14 cm, AN =

and EN 1 AC such that AC =

18 cm,
BL = 4 cm. DM =12 cm and EN = 9 cm.

4. Find the area of hexagon ABCDEF in which BLLAD. CM LAD,

EN L AD and FP L AD such that AP = 6 cm. PL = 2 cm.
LN = 8 cm. NM = 2 cm. MD = 3 cm. FP 8 cm, EN = 12 cm,

BL = 8 cm and CM = 6 cm.

G+3- &cw

5. Find the area of pentagon ABCDE in which BL l AC. CM L AD

and EN L AD such that AC = 10 cm, AD =12 cm. BL = 3 cm.
CM =7 cm and EN = 5 cm.


6. Find the area enclosed by the given figure ABCDEF as per E 6 cm_D
dimensions given herewith.
8 cm

20 om
20 cm

20 cm-
Area of a 211
Trapezium and a Polygon
7. F i n d t h e

gtven in it.
area of
glven figure ABCDEFGH as er dimenslons
5 cm
V5° 4* cm= v9
cm= 3 cm.

Gtven area =
ar(rect. ADEH) + 2artA ABC). 4cm
C F4 cm
|4 cm
4 cm
8 cm E

ind the area of a regular hexagon ABCDEF

8. in which cach side 13 cm
13 cm and whose

height is 23 cm, as shown in the

given figure.
Hint. Let AL = DM X , LM = BC = 13 cm.

x+13+x =23 = 2x = 10 x =5. 23 cm 13 cm

FL2 = AF2 - AL" = (13) -5 = (169 -25) = 144
FL =12 cm.

area of the glven hexagon =2 x (area of trap. ADEF).


Tick() the correct answer in each of the following:

1. The parallel sides of a trapezium measure 14 cm and 18 cm and the distance between them
is 9 cm. The area of the trapezium is
(a) 96 cm2 (b) 144 cm2 (c) 189 cm2 (d) 207 cm
2. The lengths of the parallel sides of a trapezium are 19 cm and 13 cm and its area is 128 cm
2. The distance between the parallel sides is
(a) 9 cmn (c) 8 cm (d) 12.5 cm
(b) 7 cma
3. The parallel sides of a trapezium are in the ratio 3: 4 and the perpendicular distance
between them is 12 cm. If the area of the trapezium is 630 cm, then its shorter of the
parallel sides is
(b) 42 cm (c) 60 cm (d) 36 cm
(a) 45 cm
The of and its height is 9 cm. If one of the parallel sides is
is 180 cm
4. area a trapezium
the longer of the parallel sides is
longer than the other by 6 cm, the length of (d) 24 cm
a) 17 cm (b) 23 cm (c) 18 cm

5. In the given figure, AB | | DC and DA L AB. If DC =7 cm, cm

BC =
10 cm, AB = 13 cm and CL L AB, the area of trap. ABCD is
(b) 72 cm2
(a) 84 cnm2
(d) 91 cm2
(c) 80 cm2
13 cm

Things to Remember
one pair of parallel oppostte sides.
. Trapezium is a quadrilateral having
stdes x distance between them.
2 Area of a trapezium
= x sum
of parallel
Mathematics for Class 8

The base of a ngular field is three times Its height and its area is 1350 m2. Fin.
base and trian nd the
2. height of the field.
Find the area of
3. The
quilateral trlangle of side 6 cm.
of the other oflaa rhombus
r is 180 cm and onc of Its diagonals is 72 cm. Pind the lenwo

4. diagona and the:area of the rhombus. ngh

The area of a
t trapezium is 216 m and Its height is 12 m. If one of the paralrallel sides Is
m less
than the other, find the length of each ofthe sides.
the parallel sides.
n e area of a quadrilateral one of whose diagonals is 40 cm and the
and 12 of
perpendiculars drawn from the oppos vertices on the diagonal are 16cm
. A field is in the form of a
area of the field.
right triangle with hypotenuse 50 m and one side 30 m.
Find the
.Mark ()
against the correct answer in each of the followng:
T. The base of a
triangle is 14 cm and its height is 8 cm. The area ol the triangle is
(a) 112 cm2 (b) 56 cm (c) 122 cm (d) 66 cm

The base of a
triangle is four times its height and its area is 50 m". The length of its
base is
(a) 10 mn (b) 15 mn (c) 20 mn (d) 25 m
9. The diagonal of a quadrilateral is 20 cm in length and the lengths of perpendiculars on it
irom the opposite vertices are 8.5 cm and 11.5 cm. The area
of the quadrilateral is
(a) 400 cm2 (b) 200 cm (c) 300 cmn2 d) 240 cm2
10. Each side of a rhombus is 15 and the
of the rhombus is
cm length of one of its diagonals is 24 cm. The area
(a) 432 cmn (b) 216 cm2 (c) 180 cm2 (d) 144 cm
11. The area of a rhombus is 120 and of its
rhombus is
cm one
diagonals is 24 cm. Each side of the
(a) 10 cm (b) 13 cmn (c) 12 cmm (d) 15 cm
12. The parallel sides of a trapezium are 54 cm and 26 cm and the distance between them is
15 cm. The area of the trapezium is
(a) 702 cm2 (b) 810 cm2 (c) 405 cm2 (d) 600 cm
13. The area of a trapezium is 384 cm. Its parallel sides are in the ratio 5:3 and the
distance between them is 12 cm. The longer of the parallel sides is
(a) 24 cm (b) 40 cm (c) 32 cm (d) 36 cm
C. 14. Fill in the blanks.

(i) Area oftriangle = x(.x (..


(i) Area of a lgm = x (...)x ( .

(ii) Area of a trapezium=x (....x
are 14 cm and 18 and the distance between
(iv) The parallel sides of trapezium
a cm

of the trapezium is cm2.

them is 8 cm. The area
. . .
19 Three-Dimensional

Objects havingfixed shape and stze, and occupytng flxed space are callea sods
Solids Solids occur in various geometrical shapes. These shapes are KIOw a

3-dimensional figures.
Some 3-dimensional figures, namely cuboids, cubes, cylinders and cones have

already been discussed in class VI1.

flat taces,
In thischapter, we shall discuss some 3-dimensional figures having
namely cubes, cuboids, prisms. pyramids and tetrahedrons.
and Edges of a 3-dimensional Figure
Faces, Vertices
Each Jlat part of a solid ts called its face.
The plural of
Each corner where three faces of a solid meet is called its vertex.
vertex is vertices.

The twofaces of a solld meet in a line, called an edge.

JiyEdges of s o m e 3-dimensional figures having
Now, we shall discuss about the faces, vertices
and edges
lat faces.
is called cuboid.
I.CUBOID A solid bounded by six rectangular plane
faces a
a r e all in the shape of
a brick, a tile, etc.,
A box, a matchbox, a book,
ABCDEFGH is a cuboid.
In the adjoining figure,
(i) Faces of a cuboid:
A cuboid has 6faces.
cuboid are:
6 faces of the
In the given figure, the ABFE and DCGH.
(i) Vertices of a cuboid:
A cuboid has 8
the 8 vertices of the cuboid are:

In the given figure,

A. B, C, D, E. F, G,
(ii) Edges of a cuboid:
l cuboid has 12 edges.
of the cuboid a r e :
the 12 edges
In the given figure, AE, DH, BE CG.
AB, BC, are equal is called a cube.
breadth and helght
I. CUBE length, cube.
A cuboid whose are all examples of a
cubes, etc.,
cubes, ice
Dice, sugar ABCDEFGH is a cube.

In the adjoining

(i) Faces of a cube: D

A cube has 6 faces. faces of the cube
the 6
In the given figure, and DCGH. A B
ADHE, Cube
Mathematics for Class 8

(i) Vertices of a cube:

A cube has 8 vertices.
In the given figure, the 8 vertices of the cube are:
A. B. C, D, E. F G. H.
(ii) Edges of a cube:
A cube has 12
In the given figure, the 12 edges of the cube are:
Note: Here, we shall talk about right prism and regular pyramid.
II. PRISM A solid whose two faces are parallel plane polygons and the stde faces
ces are
rectangles is called a prism.
Triangular Prism
A triangular prism is made up of two parallel end-faces each one
f which is a triangle and three lateral faces each one of which is
a rectangle.
In the adjoining figure, ABCDEF is a
triangular prism.
() Faces of a Triangular Prism:
A triangular prism has 2 triangular faces and3 rectangular faces.
In the given figure,
2 triangular faces are AABC and ADEF,
3 rectangular faces are ABED, ADFC and CBEF
(ii) Vertices of a Triangular Prism:
A triangular prism has 6 vertices.
In the given figure, the 6 vertices of the triangular prism are A, B, C, D, E, F.
(ii) Edges of a Triangular Prism:
A triangular prism has 9 edges.
In the given figure, the 9 edges of the triangular prism are:
Note: A cuboid is also called a
rectangular prism.
pyramid is a solid whose base is a plane rectilinear
figure and whose side
faces are triangles having a common vertex, called the vertex
of the pyramid.
(a) Square Pyramid
It is a solid whose base is a
square and whose side faces
common vertex. are triangles having a

In the adjoining figure, OABCD is a

square pyramid with its vertex at OO.
() Vertices of a square pyramid:
A square
pyramid has 5 vertices.
In the given
figure, OABCD is a square pyramid
vertices. having 0, A, B, C, D as its
(ii) Faces of a square pyramid:
A square pyramid has 5 faces one of which is a
rest four are
triangular faces. square face and the D
In the given figure, OABCD is a square
square face and OAD, OCD, OBC and OABpyramid
as its
having ABCD as its
(ii) Edges of a square pyramid: triangular faces. B

A square pyramid has 8 edges.

In the given figure, the square
pyramid OABCD has 8 edges, namely. AB, BC. CD. DA
OA. OB. OC and OD.
Three-Dimensional Figures
) Aectangular Pyramid
solid whose base is a
rectangle and whose are triangles
t s
a nmon vertex. stde faces
adioining figure,
I nt h e OABCD is a
rectangular pyramid.
a) It has 5 vertices, namely 0, A, B. C. D.
(ii) It has 1 rectangular face, namely ABCD, and 4 triangular faces.
namely OAD, ODC, OAB, OBC.
(ii) It has 8 edges, namely AB, BC, CD, DA, OA. OB, OC, OD.

Trangular Pyramid (Tetrahedron)

is a Solid whose base is a triangle and whose side faces are trlangles
a common vertex.
the adjoining figure. OABC is a triangular pyramid
(i) It has 4 vertices, namely O, A. B, C.
(ii) It has 4 triangular faces, namely ABC, OAB, OAC and OBC.
(ii) It has 6 edges, namely OA, OB, OC. AB. AC. BC.

Name of solid Number of faces Number of edges
Number of vertices
Cuboid 6 8
Cube 8 12

Triangular prismn 2 triangular 6 9

3 rectangular
1 square face 5 8
Square pyramid
4 triangular faces
l rectangular face 8
Rectangular pyramid
4 triangular faces
4 triangular faces 6
Triangular pyramid
1. Write down the number of faces of each of the following figures:
ii) Cube (ii) Triangular prism
() Cuboid
(v) Tetrahedron
iv) Square pyramid
2. Write down the number of edges of each of the following figures:
( ) Cube
i) Tetrahedron (ii) Rectangular pyramid
(iv) Triangular prism
vertices of each of the following figures:
. Write down the number of
(iii) Tetrahedron
(ii) Square pyTamid
(i) Cuboid
(iv) Triangular prism
4. Fill in the
and..... faces.
vertices, edges
A cube has......
. . . .

faces of a figure meet is known as its

(11) The point at which
known as a rectangular
A cuboid is also
is called a.
v) A triangular pyramid
Mathematics for Class 8

In a
number SAgure
of vertices be
let the number of faces be F: the number of edges be E and
V. the
Then, the Euler's
relation is given by
F-E V - 2.
Verificatrón of Euler's Relation for Various Flgures
Number of faces = 6.
Number of edges = 12.
Number of vertices = 8.
F =6, E 12 and V
( F -E +V) = (6 -12 +8) =2. Cube Cuboid

I. Triangular prism
Number of faces 2
triangular +3 rectangular =
Number of edges = 9.
Number of vertices = 6.
. F 5, E 9 and V

( F - E +V) = 5 -9 +6) = 2. Triangular prism
Il. Square prism
Number of faces 2
squares +4

Number of edges = 12.

rectangles =

Number of vertices = 8.
F 6, E =12 and V =
(F-E+V) = (6 -12 +8) = 2.
l. Pentagonal prism base
Number of faces 2

pentagons + 5 rectangles =
Number of edges = 15.
Number of vertices = 10.
F 7.E =15 and V = 10
( F - E +V) = (7-15 +10) = 2.

IV. A right prism having each of the bases a

polygon of n-sides
Pentagonal prsm
Number of faces 2
polygons of n sides +n

rectangles =
(n +2).
Number of edges =3n.
Number of vertices = 2n.
F = n +2), E =3n and V =2n
( F -E +V) =(n +2-3n +2n) = 2.

I. Triangular pyramid (Tetrahedron)
Number of faces = 4.

Number of edges = 6.

Number of vertices = 4
Three-Dimensional Figures
F 4, E =6 and V = 4
(F-E +V) =(4 -6+4) 2.
I. Square pyramid

Number of faces =
I square + 4
trlangles =5.
Number of edges = 8.
Number of vertices = 5.
F 5 , E =8 and V = 5

(F-E +V) =(5 -8 +5) 2. B

Square pyramid

I. Pentagonal pyramid
Number of faces = I pentagon + 5 trlangles 6.

Number of edges = 10.

Number of vertices = 6.

F 6, E = 10 and V =6

( F - E +V) = (6-10 +6) = 2.

Pentagonal pyramid

base is ofn-sides
IV. A pyramid whose a polygon
(n + 1.
Number of faces =
l polygon of n sides +n triangles =

Number of edges = 2n.

Number o fvertices = (n +1).

F =(n +1), E = 2n and V =

(n +1)
(F- E +V) =[(n +1) -(2n) +(n +1)]

and number of
of faces, number of edges
relation between the number
1. Define Euler's
for various
3-dimensional figures.
there in a
2. How many edges are (ii) triangular prism
(ii) tetrahedron
(i) cuboid

(iv) square pyramid?

there in a
3. How many faces are (ii) tetrahedron
(ii) pentagonal prism
(i) cube
(iv) pentagonal pyramid?
there in a
(iil) pentagonal prism
4. How many vertices are
(ii) tetrahedron

(i) cuboid
(iv) square pyramid? following:
Euler's relation
for each ofthe (ii) A triangular prism
Verify (ii) A tetrahedron

(i) A cube
(Iv) A square pyramid
20 Volume and
Surface Area
of Solids

We know that bodies that have a definite shape are called solids and the space occupled bya
solid body is called its volume.
o d bodies occur in various shapes. In our previous class, we have learnt about cuboids
cubes, cylinders, cones and spheres.
In this chapter, we will learn about the volume and surface area of a cuboid, a cube and
a cylinder.


Cuboid A solid bounded by stx rectangular plane faces is called a cuboid.
A matchbox, a chalkbox, a tea packet, a brick, a tile, a book, etc., are
all examples of a cuboid.
A cuboid has 6 rectangular faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices.
Any face of a cuboid may be called its base.
The four faces which meet the base are called the lateral faces of
the cuboid.
In the given figure,
6 faces are ABCD, EFGH, EFBA, HGCD, EHDA and FGCB;
12 edges are AB, CD, EF, GH, AE, DH, BF, CG, AD. EH, FG and BC; and
8 vertices are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.

Cube A cubotd whose length. breadth and hetght are all equal is called
a cube.
Ice cubes, sugar cubes, dice, etc., are all examples of a cube.

Each edge of a cube is called its stde.

Volume of a Solid The space occupied by a solid body is called its volume.

Standard Unit of Volume

ofvolume is cubic centimetre, written as cu cm or cm3.
The standard unit
The volume ofa cube of side 1 cm is 1
are mm°, dm°, m°, litre, etc.
The other units of volume
Volume and Surface 219
Area « Solids

Length units Conversion of units

1 cm =
10 mm Volume units
1 dm =
10 cm
I Cm =
(10x 10x 101 mm mL
1000 mm
1m =
10 dm dm = (10 10 10) cm =
1000 cm=l
1 m =100 cm 10 x 10 10) dm' =
1000 dm 1000 =

Im =
(100 100100) cm =
10" cm
litre =
1 dm' =1000 cm =
1000 ml.
1 kilolitre =
1 klL =

1000 1itres


1. C U B O I D :

)Volume of a cuboid (length =

breadth helght) x

(lxbxh) cubic units =

i) Diagonal of a cuboid =vl" b2 +h units +

il Total surface area of a cuboid =2|lb + bh + lh) units

iv) Lateral surface area of a cuboid (2(l + b) h sq =
x units

() Volume of a cube =(edge)* = a cubic units
(i) Diagonal of a cube =V3a units
(ii) Total surface area of a cube = (6a*) sq units
Lateral surface area ofa cube = (4a) sq units

Find the volume, the total surface area and the lateral surface area of a cuboid
which is 8 m long. 6 m broad and 3.5 m high.

Solution Volume of the cuboid =

(l x bx h) cubic units
= (8x6x3.5) m* =168 mS
Total surface area of the cuboid =
2(lb + bh +lh) sq units
218 x 6 +6x3.5 +8 x3.5) m
= 194 m
{20+ b)x h} m
of the cuboid = {2(8

Lateral surface area

+6) x 3.5} m
= 98 m .
high and
wall which is 8 m long. 6
will be required for a
EXAMPLE 2. How many bricks
cm x 11.25 cm
x 6 cm?
brick m e a s u r e s 25
22.5 cm thick each f
800 cm. =

Solution wall (8 x 100) c m

Length of the

22.5 cm.
Breadth of the wall

= 600 cm.
(6 x 100)
of the wall

Height 22.5 x 600) cm ".

wall = (800 x

Volume of the
x11.25 x6)
brick = (25
Volume of 1 volume of the wall

required volume of 1 brick

Number of bricks
800x22.5 x 600
25 x11.25 x 6

= 6400.
Mathematics for Class 8
EXAMPLE 3. Find the length of the ongest pole that can be put tna room o/ dimenslons 10
10 m
by 5 m. mby
Solution Here l =
10 m, b =
10 m andh = 5 m.
Length of the
longest pole of the diagonai
=v1 +b2 +h unlts
V10) + (10)* + 5 m =v225 m = 15 m.

EXAMPLE 4. Afield is 80 m long and 50 m broad. In one corner of thefeld, a plt whlch
tch ls 10 m
long. 7.5 m broad and 8 m ep has been dug ou. The earth taken out of ti flt Ls evenl
d d Ober the remnatning part of the Jleld. Find the rise In the level of the fleld
Solution Area of the field (80 x 50) 2
m2 4000 mn =

Area of the pit (10x 7.5)


m 75 m.
Area over which the earth is

spread out
= (4000 - 75) m2 = 3925 m .2

Volume of earth dug out = (10x 7.5 x 8) m

= 600 m.

Rise in level = - volume of earth dug out 15m 10m

area over which the earth is spread out

600 600x 100 cm = 15.3 cm.

3925 3925
EXAMPLE. The volume of a rectangular tank is 182 m*.If its length and breadth be 8 m and
6.5 m
respectively. find its depth.
Solution Length of the tank = 8 m, breadth of the tank = 6.5 m.
Let the depth of the tank be x m.

Then. the volume of the tank (8x 6.5 x) m". =


But, volume of the tank =182 m

8x6.5xx =182 52x =182

x = 182
52 ==3.5.
Hence, the depth of the tank is 3.5 m.
EXAMPLE6. The volume of a reservoir is 108 m .
Water is poured into it at the rate
per minute. How many hours will it take of 60 litres
to fill the reservoir?
Solution Volume of the reservoir = 108 m
(108x 1000) litres 1 m =1000 LI
Rate of flow of water 60 litres per minute.

Time taken to fill the reservoir

volume of the reservoir in litres

rate of flow in litres
per min
(108 x
min 1000
60 hours =
30 hours.
EXAMPLE 7. Find the volume of wood used to make a
closed rectanqular box of
dimensions 60 cm x 45 cm x 32 cm, the
thickness of wood being 2.5 cm all ou
Alsofind the capacity of the box.
Volume and Surface 221
Area of Solids
SMMoN External length =
60 cm,
external breadth
External volume (60 45 32)
=45 cm and externau 5
Internal length {60 (2.5 x 2)} cm
= 86400 cm

Internal breadth {45 -(2.5x 2)} cm (60 -5) cm 55 cm.


Internal height {32 -(2.5 2)) cm (32(45 -5) cm =40 Cm.


-5) cm 27 cm. =

Internal volume
(55 40
x27) cm =59400 cm

capacity of the box internal volume =

volume of wood used to make 59400 cm, and =

the box
(external volume) (Internal

(86400-59400) cm =
27000 cm".
ELAMPLE8. An open rectangular cistern when measured from
outside is 1.35 m long. 1.08
broad ana 90 cm
deep, and is made of tron which is 2.5 cm thick. Find the
capacity of the cistern and the volume of the iron used.
External length of the cistern 135 cm. =

External breadth of the cistern 108 cmn. =

External depth of the cistern 90 cm. =

External volume of the cistern (135x 108

x90) cm =

= 1312200 cm".
Internal length of the cistern {135 -(2.5x 2)} cm 130 cm. =

Internal breadth of the cistern {108-(2.5 2)} cm 103 cmn.

= =

Internal depth of the cistern (90 -2.5) cm 87.5 cm. = =

Internal volume of the cistern =(130 103 87.5) cm x x

=1171625 cm .
Capacity of the cistern = its internal volume =1171625 cm .
Volume of iron used = (external volume) - (internal volume)
(1312200 -1171625) cm =140575 cm
EXAMPLE 9. Find the volume, lateral surface area and the total surface area of a cube each of
whose sides measures 8 cm.

Solution Length of each edge of the cube, a = 8 cm.

Volume of the cube =a cubic units
= (8 x8 x 8) cm = 512 cm.
Lateral surface area of the cube = 4a* sq units
= (4 x8x8) cm = 256 cm.
Total surface area of the cube =6as sq units
= (6 x8 x 8) cm = 384 cm.

EMAMPLE 10. Find the volume ofa cube whose total surface area is 486
Solution be a cm.
Let the length of each edge of the cube
Then, its total surface area (6a")

cube 486 cm2.

But, the total surface area of the

6a2 486 a = 8 1 a =V81 =9.

Thus, the length of each edge
of the cube =9 cm.

volume of the cube = a' cubic units

= (9 x9x 9) cm" =729 cms

LAMPLE 11. Find the total surface of the cube whose volume
area is 343 cm

cube bea cm.

Solution Let the length of each edge ofthe
Then, its volume (a )
Mathematics for Class 8

a = 343 = 7 x 7x 7 a = 7.

So, the length of each edge of the cube = 7 cm.

Total surface (6a ) sq units
area of the ube =

=294 cm
(6 x 7x 7) cm

Find the volume. lateral surface area and the total
surface area boid whose
of the cubo

dimensions are:
7.5 c n
length =22 cm. breadth =12 cm and height
1 ) length = 15 m. breadth = 6 m and height = 9

i i ) length = 24 m, breadth = 25 cm and height = 6 mn
(v) length = 48 cm, breadth = 6 dm and hcight = 1 m
The dimensions of a rectangula water tank are 2 m 75 cm by 1 m 80 cm by 1 m 40 cm. How
many litres of water does it hold when filled to the brimn?
d. A SOlid rectangular piece of iron measures 1.05 mx 70 cmx 1.5 cm. Find the weight of this

piece in kilograms if 1 cm* of iron weighs 8 grams.

4. The area of a courtyard is 3750 m2. Find the cost of covering it with gravel to a height of
l cm if the gravel costs 6.40 per cubic metre.
sHow many persons can be accommodated in a hall of length 16 m, breadth 12.5 m and
height 4.5 m. assuming that 3.6 m of air is required for each person?
6 A cardboard box is 1.2 m long, 72 cm wide and 54 cm high. How many bars of soap can be
put into it if each bar measures 6 cm x 4.5 cm x 4 cm?
T h e size of a matchbox is 4 cm x 2.5 cmx 1.5 cm. What is the volume of a packet containing
144 matchboxes? How many such packets can be placed in a carton of size 1.5 m x 84 cmx
60 cm?
H o w many planks ofsize 2 mx 25 cm x 8 cm can be prepared from a wooden block 5 m
long. 70 cm broad and 32 cm thick, assuming that there is no wastage?
9. How many bricks, each of size 25 cm x 13.5 cm x 6 cm, will be required to build a wall 8 m
long. 5.4 m high and 33 cm thick?
10. A wall 15 long. 30 and 4
m cm
wide m high is made of bricks. each measuring
22 cm x 12.5 cm x 75
cm.I 12 of the total volume ofthe wall consists of mortar, how many
bricks are there in the wall?
Hint. Volume of bricks in the wall = {(1500x 30 x 400) -x(1500x30x 400)} cm'.
11. Find the capacity of a rectangular cistern in litres whose dimensions are
11.2 x6 5.8 m. Find the area of
m mx
the iron sheet required to make the cistern.
12 The volume of a block of gold is 0.5 m°. If it is hammered into a sheet to cover an area o
l hectare, find the thickness of the sheet.
Hint. Thickness of the sheet =Dolume_0.5 0.5x 100 x10o
area 10000 10000 mm.
18 The rainfall recorded on a certain day was 5 cm. Find the volume of water that fell on à
2-hectare field.
14 A river 2 m deep and 45 m wide is ilowing at the rate of 3 km/h. Find the auantity of water
that runs into the sea per minute.
I5 A pit 5 m long and 3.5
wide is dug to m a certain depth. If the volume of earth taken out of
of the pit?
is 14 m, what is the depth
r e c t a n g u l a r water tank is So em wide a d *o Cm deep. I f it can contain 576 litres of wate

what is its length?

Volume and Surface Area of Solids 223

beam of wood is 5 m long and 36 cm thick. It 1s made of 1.35 m' of wood. What is the
17 A
the beam?
width of
The volume of a room is 378 m
and the area of its floor Is 84 m. Find the helght of
the room.

ASwimming pool is 260 m long and 140 m wlde. If 54600 cublc metres of water is pumped
19. .

into it, find the height of the water level in it.
Rind the volume of wood used to make a closed box of outer dimensions
60 cm x 45 cm x 32 cm, the thickness of wood being 2.5 cm all around.

Pind the volume of iron required to make an open box whose external dimensions are
36 cm x 25 cm x l6.5 em, the box being 1.5 cm thick throughout. If 1 cm' of iron weighs

s.5 grams., find the weight of the empty box in kilograms.

A box with a lid is made of wood which is 3 cm thick. Its external length, breadth and height
are 56 cm, 39 cm and 30 cm respectively. Find the capacity of the box. Also find the volume
of wood used to make the box.

98, The external dimensions of a closed wooden box are 62 cm, 30 cm and 18 cm. If the box is
made of 2-cm-thick wood, find the capacity of the box.
24. A closed wooden box 80 cm long, 65 cm wide and 45 cm high, is made of 2.5-cm-thick
wood. Find the capacity of the box and its weight if 100 cm* of wood weighs 8 g
25. Find the volume, lateral surface area and the total surface area of a cube each of whose
edges measures: (1) 7 m (i) 5.6 cm (ii) 8 dm 5 cm
26. The surface area of a cube is 1176 cm*. Find its volume.
27. The volume of a cube is 729 cm°. Find its surface area.
28. The dimensions of a metal block are 2.25 m by 1.5 m by 27 cm. It is melted and recast into
cubes, each of side 45 cm. How many cubes are formed?
29. If the length of each edge of a cube is doubled, how many times does its volume become?
How many times does its surface area become?
30. A solid cubical block of fine wood costs 256 at R 500 per m. Find its volume and the
length of each side.


Every day we see around us many objects such as a road roller, a gas cylinder, a circular
storage tank, a circular pillar, a circular pipe, a circular pencil. a measuring jar, etc.. which
have the same shape, known as the shape of a cylinder.
ne radius of the cross section of a cylinder is called the radius of the cylinder.
A cylinder has two circular ends.

ne line joining the centres of these two ends is called the axis of the cylinder.
ne circular end on which the cylinder rests is called its base.

The length between the two ends is called the length or the height of the eylinder.
the axis of the cylinder is perpendicular to each croSs section then the cylinder is
led a right circular cylinder.
Here, by a ylinder, we would mean a right circular cylinder
Mathematics for ClasA 8


us consider a cylinder ofhelght = h unlts and base radius=r units.
Then, we have:
() Volume of the cylinder = (tr2h) cubtc unlts

Curved (lateral) surface area ofthe cylinder (2rrh) sq unlts

(i) Totalsurface area of the cyltnder = 2nrh +21r) sq untts

27rth +r) sq units

EXAMPLE 1. Find the volume, curved surface area and the total surfjace area of a
havtng base radtus 10.5 cm and hetght 18 cm.

Solution 21
Here, r =10.5 cm = c m and h = 18 cm.
Volume of the cylinder =(nr *h) cubic units

18 em
6237 cm".
Curved surface area of the cylinder = (2Trh) sq units

-2 x18 cm
= 1188 cm2.
Total surface area of the cylinder = 2nr(h +r) sq units

215em2 =
1881 cm
EXAMPLE 2. The circumference of the base ofa cylinder is 176 cm and its height is 65 cm. Find
the volume of the cylinder and its lateral
surface area.
Solution Let the base radius of the cylinder be r cm.
Then, circumference of its base = (2tr) cm.
But, circumference of the base = 176 cm.

2 t r = 176 2xxr =176

r= 176x 28
Now, r = 28 cm andh =65 cm.
Volume of the cylinder = (tr *h) cubic units

x 28 x 28 x 65 cm = 160160 cm
Volume and Surface Area 225
of Solids
Lateral surface area of the
cylinder =(2 nrh) sq units
2 268x65 cm
= 11440 c m .

EXAMPLE3. A cylindrical tank has a capactty of 5632 m'.If the diameter of tts base is 16 m.
Sind its depth.

Let the depth

of the

cylindrical tank be h metres.

Radius of its base = 8 m.

Capacity of the tank =

volume of the tank =
nr "h

x8x8xh m
x8x8xh =5632 h =5632 28.
Hence, he depth of the given cylindrical tank is 28 m.

EXAMPLE 4. A rectangular paper of width 14

cm is rolled along its width and a cylinder oj
radius 20 cm
Find the volume of the
By rolling the given rectangular paper along its width, we obtain a cylinder of radius
20 cm and height 14 cm.
r 2 0 cm andh =14 cm.
20 cm
Volume of the cylinder = rr *h cubic units

x20 x 20x14 cm

= 17600 cm°.

Hence, the volume of the cylinder is 17600 cm*.

EXAMPLE 5. A rectangular piece of paper 22 cm x6 cm is folded without overlapping to make

a cylinder of height 6 cm. Find the volume of the cylinder.
Solution Clearly, the length of the given rectangle is the perimeter of the base of the given
cylinder and breadth of the rectangle is the height of the cylinder.
height = 6 cm h = 6 cm.

Let r be the radius of its base. 6 cm 6 cm

Then, 2rr =
22 cm 2xxr =22 c m r = cm
volume of the cylinder =
tr *h cubic units

(22 6 cm

= 231 cm ".
is 231l cm*.
Hence, the volume of the cylinder

earth m u s t be dug Out to sink a well which is 16 m

EXAMPLE 6. How many cubic metres of
radius 3.5 m? f the earth taken out is spread over a
deep and which has
rectangular plot of dimensions 25 m xl6 m, what is the height of the platform

226 Mathematics for Class8

Solution Here.r =3.5 m = m and h = 16 m.

Volume of the earth dug out =

(Tr *h) cublc units

16 m =616 m.
Area platform (25 x 16) m2 400 m2.
of the = =

Volume of the platform formed = volume of the earth dug out = 616 m'

Height ofthe platform area

m =1.54 m.
Hence, the height of the platform formed is 1.54 m.

EXAMPLE 7. A closed metallic cyltndrical box is 1.25 m high and it has a base whose radus s
35 cm. If the sheet of metal costs 80 per m", then find the cost of the materinl
used in the box. Also, find the capacity of the box in litres.

125 7
Solution =1.25 m =:100 m.
m andr 100 20
Here h =

Area of the metal used = total surface area of the cylindrical box
= {2tr(h +r)} sq units

32 88
-2 5 *20m 25 m
Cost of metal at 7 80 per m2 =cx80 =7 281.60.
Now, h = 125 cm and r = 35 cm.

Capacity of the box = volume of the box

= (Tr *h) cubic units

(110 x35 x125

22x 35x 35 x125 cm° =| litres
= 481.25 litres.

EXAMPLE 8. An iron pipe is 21 cm long and its external diameter is 8 cm.

f the
thickness of the pipe is 1 cm and iron weighs 8
weight of the pipe.
g/cm". Jind the
3 cm
Solution External radius of the pipe = 4 cm.
Thickness of the pipe = 1 cm.
Internal radius of the pipe (4 -1) =
cm =
3 cm.
External volume =|x4x4x 21 cm =
1056 cm3. h
Internal volume =|x3x3x21 cm =
594 cm* T3:Scm
Volume of the metal =(external volume) (internal volume) -
h22 3ia0
(1056 -594) cm 462 cm". =
2 2 OD
462 x8
Weight of the pipe (462 8)g
= x
kg 3.696 kg. 2
Volume and Surface Area of Solids

1. Find the volume, curved surface cylinders whose
dimensions are:
area dand total surface area of each of the
total surface
1) radius of the base =
7 cm and
(iil radius of the base helght =50 cm
5.6 m and
(ii) radius of the base hetght 1.25 m

14 dm and

helght 15 m =

A milk tank is in the form of a cylinder whose radius is 1.5 m and helght is lo0
q1antity of milk in litres that can be stored in the tank.
3 Awooden cylindrlcal pole is 7 m high and ts base radus is 10 cm. Find Its welght if the
wood weighs 225 kg per cubic metre.

Pind the height ofthe cylinder whose volume is 1.54 m' and diameter of the base is 140 cm?
The volume of a circular iron rod of length I m is 3850 cm. Find its diameter.

6. A closed cylindrical tank of diameter 14 m and hejght 5 m Is made from a sheet of metal.
How much sheet of metal will be required?
7. The cireumlerence of the base of a cylinder is 88 cm and its height is 60 em. Find the
yolume of the cylinder and its curved surface area.
8. The lateral surtace area of a cylinder of length 14 m is 220 m. Find the volume of
the cylinder.
9. The volume of a cylinder of height 8 cm is 1232 cm". Find its curved surface area and the
total surface area.
10. The radius and height of a cylinder are in the ratio 7 : 2. If the volume of the cylinder is
8316 cm', find the total surface area of the cylinder.
11. The curved surface area of a cylinder is 4400 cm* and the circumference of its base is
110 cm. Find the volume of the cylinder.
12. A particular brand of talcum powder is available in two packs, a plastic can with a square
base of side 5 cm and of height 14 cm, or one with a circular base of radius 3.5 cm and of
height 12 cm. Which of them has greater capacity and by how much?
13. Find the cost of painting 15 cylindrical pillars ofa building at 72.50 per square metre if the
diameter and height of each pillar are 48 cm and 7 metres respectively.
14. A rectangular vessel 22 cm by 16 cm by 14 cm is full of water. If the total water is poured
into an empty cylindrical vessel of radius 8 cm, find the height of water in the cylindrical
15. A piece of ductile metal is in the form of a cylinder of diameter 1 cm and length 11 cm. It is
drawn out into a wire of diameter 1 mmn. What will be the length of the wire so obtained?

16. A solid cube of metal each of whose sides measures 2.2 cm is melted to form a cylindrical

wire of radius 1 mm. Find the length of the wire so obtained.

17, How many cubic metres of earth must be dug out to sink a well which is 20 m deep and has
a diameter of 7 metres? If the earth so dug out is spread over a rectangular plot 28 m by
I m, what is the height ofthe platform so
8. Awell of inner diameter 14 m is dug to a depth of 12 m. Earth taken out of it has been evenly
width of 7 m to form an embankment. Find the height of the
spread all around it to a

embankment so formed.
volume of earth taken out
Hint. Required height ax|(14)-(7)1

9. A road roller takes 750 complete revolutions t0 move once over to level a road. Find the
area of the road if the diameter of the road roller is 84 cm and its length is 1 m.
Mathematics for Class 8

20. A cylinder is open at both ends and is made of 1.5-cm-thick metal. lts external diameter
2 cm and height is 84 cm. What is the volume of metal used in maklng the cylinder?Al.Is
Tind the weight lso.
of the cylinder if1 cm" of the metal welghs 7.5 g.
Hint. External radtus = 6 cm. tnternal radtlus = 4.5 cm.
Volume of metal =inx(6) x84 mx(4.5) -

x84) cm'
The length
12 cm.
of a metallic tube is 1 cm and its Inner
metre, its thickness is 1
dlameter Is
Find the weight of the tube if the density of the metal is 7.7 grams per c
Hint. Weight of1 cm
of metal = 7.7 g
Its volume = {nx (7)* x 100-Tx (6) x100} cm'.

Tick () the correct answer in each of the
1. The maximum length of pencil that be
a can kept in a
rectangular box of dimensions
12 cm x 9 cm x8 cm, is

(a) 13 cm (b} 17 cm (c) 18 cmn (d) 19 cm

2. The total surface area of a cube is 150 cm. Its volume is
(a) 216 cm 4b125 cm3 (c) 64 cm (d) 1000 cm*
3. The volume of a cube is 343 cm'. Its total surface area is
(a) 196 cm2 (b) 49 cm2 Icr294 cm2 (d) 147 cm2
4. The cost of the whole surface
painting area of a cube at the rate of 10 paise per cm* is
T 264.60. Then, the volume of the cube is
(a) 6859 cm (b) 926l cm (c) 8000 cm* (d) 10648 cm
5. How many bricks, each
measuring 25 cm x 11.25 cm x 6 cm, will be needed to build
a wall
8m long, 6 m
high and 22.5 cm thick?
(a) 5600 (b) 6000 (c) 6400o (d) 7200
6. How many cubes of 10 cm
edge can be put in a cubical box of 1 m edge?
(a) 10 (b) 100 (c) 1000 (d) 10000
7. The edges of a cuboid are in the ratio 1 : 2:3 and its surface area is 88 cm. The
the cuboid is
volume of
(a) 48 cm (b) 64 cm (c) 96 cm (d) 120 cm*
8. Two cubes have their volumes in the ratio 1 :27. The ratio
of their surface areas is
(a) 1:3 (b) 1:9 (c) 1:27 (d) none of these
-G) - 6a
9. The surface area of a (10 cm x 4 cm x 3 cm) brick is

(a) 84 cm (b) 124cm (c) 164 cm (d) 180 cm2

10. An iron beam is 9 m long. 40 cm wide and 20 cm high. Ifl cubic metre of iron weighs 50 kg.

what is the weight of the beam?

(a) 56 kg (b) 48 kg (c) 36 kg
(d) 27 kg

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