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TH / RS TOTAL = 70 marks


You are required to CREATE a product out of 100% recycled materials. It can be an item for your home, a toy, or an
invention to help with any climate problems we are having at the moment.

The product you make must be:

- able to be used for its intended purpose

- original and show imagination
- made from items that have been recycled
- creative and show creative effort

Written task:

You will also be required to:

- provide a detailed description of what your product is and how it would be used
- provide a list of ALL the items used to make your product
- provide photographic (pictures) as well as detailed written evidence of the production process

Please refer to your rubric for a better understanding of the expectations and mark allocation.

You will need to hand in your PRODUCT and WRITTEN PROJECT. You may type your project up as well.
RUBRIC 0 1-2 3-5 6-8 9 - 10
Functionality The product would The purpose of the The product is The product is The product would
not be able to be product has not be somewhat impractical practical and would serve its purpose
used for its purpose clearly thought out and could be used for serve its purpose well. It is well
and would have a short period of time thought out and
very limited use only practical
Originality & Creativity The product The product lacks The product shows The product is The product is
contains no originality some originality imaginative and imaginative and
originality creative creative. The thought
process goes above
and beyond
Environmentally Friendly The product is The product is The product is made The product is The product is made
made from no made from hardly from some recycled made from mostly from 100% recycled
recycled materials any recycled materials recycled materials materials
Detailed description of No description of A weak description A basic description of A good description A detailed description
product the product and its of the product and the product and its of the product and of the product and its
use has been its intended use has intended use has been its intended use has intended use has
included been included. included been included been included
List of Items used No list has been Most items used Some items used have Most items used All items used have
provided have not been been included in the have been included been included in the
included in the list list in the list list. The list is clear
and concise
Production Process included The production The production Some evidence of the Photographic Photographic
process is not process given does production processes evidence and evidence and
included not show evidence is provided. No written evidence is detailed written
of the product made photo’s given provided evidence is provided.
The production
process is clearly
Overall Impression No product handed The product and The product is good The product and The product and
in / no written task written task do not but the written task is written task meet written task exceed
handed in meet expectations poor / The written task expectations expectations
is good but the product
is poor

TOTAL _____/70

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