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These are a boy called Miko and a girl called Mika.

They are best

friends, although they are very different. Miko loves Maths and
adventure stories. He is a brave and determined boy. And Mika loves
reading fairy tales, she is kind and affectionate.
Miko and Mika are not exactly normal kids. They live in a magical land
where everyone can do miracles. Miko and Mika can do it, too. This is
why they are called fantomics, that is, magicians. They have no magic
wand or miracle powder. To make magic, they use the help of magical
creatures they once tamed — microshas.
The fantomics are very fond of microshas. With some of them, they are
now attached at the hip. For Miko, such a friend is the mighty Actin, a
wise dragon who likes to snooze on the boy's shoulders and tell him
fascinating stories. It warns of danger and protects its owner.
Mickey's favorite microsha is named Furry. It is a pink faithful dog who
can change color and become invisible.
The children have befriended other microshas as well. For example,
Bacik, who looks like a sly cat. It can become a huge scary tiger or turn
into a fluffy kitten. Or Cyt, a soft blue-coated creature who starts
throwing sparks and lightning bolts around itself if it gets angry.
Once upon a time, Furry, Actin, Bacik, Cyt, and other microshas were
wild creatures. They caused a lot of inconvenience to all the residents
of Magic Town, where Miko and Mika live. They could make the
inhabitants sick for a long time, so they were afraid that the microshas
would attack them. But then everything changed. Here's how it
One day trouble came to the Magic Town — a terrible disease. There
were sick people in every home, and no medicine or miracle could heal
them. Everyone was ill; only little Miko and Mika remained healthy.
Then the town's chief wizard called them to him and said:
"Children, you must save our town. Go to the wizard Beemoon, only he
knows how to stop the disease. The road to him is long and difficult, but
I believe that you will make it. Follow the path that leads out of town
into the woods, and walk down it for three days and three nights, and
don't turn anywhere. It will lead you to Beemoon."
At first, Mika was frightened — she didn't want to part with her mom
and dad, so much so that she even cried. But the brave Miko reassured
the girl and said he would protect her. Mika wiped away her tears, and,
holding hands, the children walked down the path. They took only the
essentials with them — a little water and bread.
First, the children walked through a black, dark forest with crooked
trees. Then their path took them through a swamp, where scary ghosts
frightened them with their cries. Then the path ran uphill, where a
strong wind blew, trying to stop the brave children. But it didn't
succeed. Mika and Miko descended the mountain safely and continued
on their way. They entered the forest again, and there was much more
light now.
Finally, after three days and three nights, the trees parted, and the tired
fantomics came out into the clearing. A hut stood there made of twigs
and leaves. A fire was burning nearby, and a large kettle was hanging
over the fire, bubbling merrily. On the threshold of the hut stood the
Wizard Beemoon. He did not look like an ordinary man at all, but rather
like a big soft cloud, in the folds of which shone little kind eyes.
"Hello! Miko and Mika! I've been waiting for you for a long time! The
kettle's boiling!" said Beemoon.
The magician led the tired children to his hut and gave them a hot,
fragrant drink that at once filled them with strength.
After Miko and Mika had rested, Beemoon said:
"I know why you have come. Alas, there is no cure for the disease that
has come to your town. But don't worry, everyone will get better this
time! And to make sure this never happens again, you have to tame the
microshas. After all, it was because of them that people got sick.
Microshas will definitely listen to you because you have a special
power. But to do so, you will have to face an army of microshas and
find out which of them can become your friends!"
"How are we supposed to know that?" asked Mika.
"You should try to pet them. Those microshas that will let you pet them
are your friends."
"All right, I'm ready!" exclaimed Miko. "I'll pet them, even if they don't
want to! Where will I find them?"
"My dear Miko," smiled Beemoon. "Only kindness, affection, and
wisdom can help to tame microshas, remember!"
After that, Beemoon led the fantomics to a large table, took out a dark
vial of some liquid, and splashed a few drops of it right on the table.
Then he waved his arms and said: "Micro, Bacio, Booms!"
Suddenly, the droplets of liquid on the table lit up in different colors
and began to grow! There were more and more of them, and the
children saw that they were no longer droplets, but many different
magical creatures: some looked like dragons or like beasts of prey, and
others resembled beetles. The creatures grew and grew... And then
they jumped to the floor and started dancing around Miko and Mika.
The kids were scared to even look at them, but they had to pet these
creatures! Miko was the first to make up his mind. He chose a not-very-
scary green dragon, which had sharp spikes growing on its back, and
held out his hand to it.
"SHHHH!!!" hissed the dragon. The boy jerked his hand away.
At this moment, Mika saw a little pink creature peering timidly out from
behind the other monsters, and she beckoned it toward her:
"Come here, little one!"
The creature crawled closer, and the girl touched its fur with her hand.
"Look, I'm petting it! It's tamed now!" said Mika as the pink creature
nestled under her feet like a little puppy.
Seeing this, Miko decided to try again and reached out his hand to the
dragon one more time.
"SHH!!!" hissed it even louder. But the fantomic didn't stop and
touched its sharp spike on the back. And suddenly — oh, miracle! —
the thorn retracted under the skin as if it had never been there! A
delighted Miko stroked the dragon with the palm of his hand, and it
immediately jumped up on his shoulders. The boy was frightened at
first, but then he realized that the dragon was not going to do anything
bad to him! It wanted to be friends with him!
The children found many new friends among the microshas. But some
kept snapping at them — they could not be tamed...
Beemoon watched the children for quite a while, but suddenly came to
the table and said:
"Micro, Bacio, Booms!"
Look! All of the creatures shrank, jumped onto the table, turned into
colorful droplets, and crawled back into the bubble on their own. Only
the microshas that the fantomics had tamed remained close to them.
"Good job! Well done!" said Beemoon. "Now you name your new
friends and you can go back. Now your town has defenders!
That's how Mika and Miko tamed the microshas: Actin, Furry, Bacik,
Cyt, and many others!

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