Hajj Introductions

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Ḥajj Presentation
Edition: 2023

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Brothers and sisters planning to go for ḥajj
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Ḥajj Introductions
The ḥajj presentation consists of 4 parts and a number of annexes
in separate files.
Part 1: Ḥajj Introductions (this part) is essential to understanding
ḥajj and ʿumrah and should be viewed first.

Main Parts Annexes

Part 1: Ḥajj Introductions Preparation for Ḥajj
Part 2: ʿUmrah Step by Step Glossary of Ḥajj & ʿUmrah
Ḥajj Statistics
Part 3: Ḥajj Step by Step
Makkah Album
Part 4: Visiting al-Madīnah Madīnah Album
Mashāʿir Album
Expansion Projects

Arabic Transliteration Conventions
Letter Name Convention Letter Name Convention Vocaliza
-tion Name Convention
‫ء‬ hamzah ʾ ‫ض‬ ḍād ḍ
‫ا‬ alif ā ‫ط‬ Ṭāʾ ṭ ‫َـ‬ fatḥah a
‫ب‬ bāʾ b ‫ظ‬ ẓāʾ ẓ ‫ِـ‬ kasrah i
‫ت‬ tāʾ t ‫ع‬ ʿayn ʿ ‫ُـ‬ ḍammah u
‫ث‬ thāʾ th ‫غ‬ ghayn gh ‫ـَا‬ fatḥah alif ā
‫ج‬ jīm j ‫ف‬ fāʾ f
‫ـِي‬ kasrah yāʾ ī
‫ح‬ ḥāʾ ḥ ‫ق‬ qāf q
‫خ‬ khāʾ kh ‫ك‬ kāf k ‫ـُو‬
‫د‬ dāl d wāw
‫ل‬ lām l
‫ذ‬ dhāl dh ‫ـَي‬ fatḥah yāʾ ay
‫م‬ mīm m
‫ر‬ rāʾ r ‫ن‬ nūn n ‫ـَو‬ fatḥah wāw aw
‫ز‬ zayn/zāy z ‫هـ‬ hāʾ h
‫س‬ sīn s ‫ًـ‬ fatḥatān an
‫و‬ wāw w
‫ش‬ shīn sh ‫ٍـ‬ kasratān in
‫ي‬ yāʾ y
‫ص‬ ṣād ṣ ‫ٌـ‬ ḍammatān un
‫ة‬ tāʾ marbūṭah h; t

Ḥajj Introductions
Excellence of Ḥajj and al-Ḥajj al-Mabrūr (‫)ا ل َحجُّ ا ل َم ْبرُو ُر‬
Preparation for Ḥajj (See Annex)
Aspects of Preparation & What to Take

Ḥajj & ʿUmrah Related Definitions

Time of Ḥajj
Dates & Times of Ḥajj

Geography of Ḥajj & ʿUmrah

( ُ ِ‫)ا ل َم َواق‬
Mawāqīt ‫يت‬
Ḥaram of Makkah (‫)ح َر ُم َم َّك َة‬

Kinds of Ḥajj
Ḥajj & ʿUmrah for Women (General Principle)
Ḥajj Packages
Ḥajj Packages: Makkah First vs. Madīnah First
Excellence of Ḥajj

Excellence of Ḥajj (1)
One of the best deeds in Islām

:‫َع ْن َأ بي هُ َريْرةَ رض ي هللا عن ه قال‬

Narrated Abū Hurayrah (‫)رض يهللا عنه‬: The
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was asked: Which deed is the best? َ ‫ال َأ ْف‬
‫ض ُل؟‬ ِ ‫ َأيُّ اَأل ْع َم‬: ‫بي ﷺ‬
ُّ َّ‫ُسِئ َل الن‬
He replied: Faith in Allāh and His messenger.
Then he was asked: What is next? ٌ ‫ ِإيـ َم‬:‫قَا َل‬
،‫ان بِاهللِ َو َرسُولِ ِه‬
He replied: Jihād in the cause of Allāh.
Then he was asked: What is after that? ِ ‫ ِجهَا ٌد فِي َسبِي ِل‬:‫ ثُ َّم َما َذا؟ قَا َل‬:‫قِي َل‬
He replied: Ḥajj mabrūr. .‫ َح ٌّج َم ْبرُو ٌر‬:‫ ثُ َّم َما َذا؟ قَا َل‬:‫قِي َل‬
[al-Bukhārī and Muslim]
) ‫( البخاري ومسلم‬

‫ قل ت يَ ا‬:‫ع ن عائش ة رض ي هللا عنه ا قال ت‬

ʿĀʾishah (‫ )رض يهللا عنها‬reported that she said: O
Messenger of Allāh! We consider Jihād to be the ‫ َأفَاَل‬، ‫ال‬
ِ ‫ض َل اَأل ْع َم‬ َ ‫الجهَا َد َأ ْف‬
ِ ‫َر ُس و َل هللاِ نَ َرى‬
best deed. Should we not fight in Allāh’s cause?
He ‫ ﷺ‬replied: ‫نُ َجا ِه ُد؟‬
For you (women) the best Jihād: Ḥajj mabrūr.
.‫ َح ٌّج َم ْبرُو ٌر‬،‫الجهَا ِد‬ َ ‫ لَ ُك َّن َأ ْف‬:‫فقال‬
ِ ‫ض ُل‬
) ‫( البخاري‬
Excellence of Ḥajj (2)
Expiation of sins & the ultimate reward

Narrated Abū Hurayrah (‫)رض يهللا عنه‬: The ‫ سمعت النبي‬:‫عن أبي هريرة رضي هللا عنه قال‬
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: Whoever performs ḥajj for
the sake of Allah and does not commit any ‫ث َولَ ْم يَ ْف ُس ْق َر َج َع‬
ْ ُ‫ َم ْن َح َّج هلل فَلَ ْم يَرْ ف‬:‫ﷺ يقول‬
obscenity nor commit any evil, will return (as
sinless) as the day his mother delivered him. .ُ‫َكيَ ْو ِم َولَ َد ْتهُ ُأ ُّمه‬
[al-Bukhārī and Muslim]
) ‫( البخاري ومسلم‬

Narrated Abū Hurayrah (‫)رض يهللا عنه‬: The ‫ع ن أبي هريرة رض ي هللا عن ه أن رس ول هللا‬
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: One ʿumrah to another is an
expiation for sins committed between them; َ َّ‫ ال ُع ْم َرةُ ِإلَ ى ال ُع ْم َر ِة َكف‬:‫ﷺ قال‬
‫ارةٌ لِ َم ا بَ ْينَهُ َم ا‬
and the reward of ḥajj mabrūr (i.e., one
accepted) is nothing but Jannah. َ ‫ْس لَهُ َج َزا ٌء ِإاَّل‬
.َ‫الجـنَّة‬ َ ‫الحجُّ ال َم ْبرُو ُر لَي‬
َ ‫َو‬
[al-Bukhārī and Muslim]
) ‫( البخاري ومسلم‬

Excellence of Ḥajj (3)
Obliteration of all past sins

ُ‫ض َي هللا‬ ِ ‫العاص َر‬ِ ‫بن‬

ِ ‫عمرو‬ ِ ‫بن‬
ِ ِ‫ع ن عب د هللا‬
ʿAbdullah Ibn ʿAmr Ibn al-ʿāṣ (‫)رض يهللا عنه ما‬
narrated: The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: Do you not َّ ‫ت‬
‫أن‬ َ ‫ َأ َم ا َعلِ ْم‬: ‫ قال رس و ُل هللا ﷺ‬:‫ قال‬،‫عنهم ا‬
know that embracing Islām obliterates all sins
committed before it, that emigration ‫ َوَأ َّن ال ِهجْ َرةَ تَ ْه ِد ُم َم ا‬،ُ‫ان قَ ْبلَه‬ َ ‫اِإل ْس ال َم يَ ْه ِد ُم َم ا َك‬
obliterates what came before it, and that Ḥajj
obliterates what came before it. .ُ‫ان قَ ْبلَه‬ َ ‫ َوَأ َّن‬،‫ان قَ ْبلَهَا‬
َ ‫الح َّج يَ ْه ِد ُم َما َك‬ َ ‫َك‬
) ‫( مسلم‬

Excellence of Ḥajj (4)
Charity that chases away poverty

Buraydah (‫ )رض يهللا عنه‬reported, Allāh's :‫ع ن بريدة ب ن الحص يب رض ي هللا عن ه قال‬
Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: Spending in ḥajj is akin
to spending in the cause of Allāh: a dirham
‫النَّفَقَةُ فِي ال َحجِّ َكالنَّفَقَ ِة فِي‬ : ‫قال رسول هللا ﷺ‬
thus spent is rewarded seven hundred
times over.
ٍ ‫ضع‬ ِ ‫ الدِّرْ هَ ُم بِ َس ْب ِع ِماَئ ِة‬:‫هللا‬
ِ ‫يل‬ ِ ِ‫َسب‬
[Ibn Abī Shaybah, Aḥmad, aṭ-Ṭabarānī, al- ،‫ والط براني‬،‫ وأحم د‬،‫( رواه اب ن أبي شيب ة‬
Bayhaqī. Sound ḥadīth]
) ‫ وإسناده حسن‬،‫والبيهقي‬

:‫ع ن عب د هللا اب ن مس عود رض ي هللا عن ه قال‬

ʿAbdullāh Ibn Masʿūd (‫ )رضيهللا عنه‬reported
that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: Alternate ‫ تَابِعُوا بَي َْن ال َح ِّج‬: ‫قال رس ول هللا ﷺ‬
between ḥajj and ʿumrah, for they remove
poverty and obliterate sins just as the ‫وب َك َم ا‬ ُّ ‫ان الفَ ْق َر َو‬
َ ُ‫الذن‬ ِ َ‫َوال ُع ْم َر ِة فَِإنَّهُ َم ا يَ ْنفِي‬
blacksmith's bellows removes all impurities
from metals like iron, gold and silver. The ‫ب َوالفِض َِّة‬ ِ َ‫الح ِدي ِد َوال َّذه‬
َ ‫ث‬ َ َ‫يَ ْنفِ ي ال ِكي ُر َخب‬
reward for ḥajj mabrūr is nothing short of
Paradise. .‫الجنَّ ِة‬
َ ‫ون‬ َ ‫ُور ثَ َوابٌ ُد‬ ِ ‫ْس لِ ْل َح ِّج ال َم ْبر‬ َ ‫َولَي‬
[an-Nasāʾī and at-Tirmidhī]
) ‫( النسائي والترمذي‬
Excellence of Ḥajj (5)
Protected guests of Allāh

‫عن أبي هريرة رضي هللا عنه أن رسول هللا ﷺ‬

Abū Hurayrah (‫ )رض يهللا عنه‬reported, Allāh's
Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: Three are under the ‫ َر ُج ٌل َخ َر َج‬: ‫ان هللاِ َع َّز َو َج َّل‬ ِ ‫ض َم‬َ ‫ ثَاَل ثَةٌ فِي‬:‫قال‬
guaranteed protection and care of Allāh, the
exalted: a man who sets out to a masjid of ٌ ‫ َو َرج‬، ‫اج ِد هللاِ َع َّز َو َج َّل‬
‫ُل‬ ِ ‫ِإلَ ى َم ْس ِج ٍد ِم ْن َم َس‬
Allāh, a man who sets out in the cause of
Allāh, and a man who sets out for ḥajj. ًّ ‫ َو َر ُج ٌل َخ َر َج َح‬،ِ‫ازيًا فِي َسبِي ِل هللا‬
.‫اجا‬ ِ ‫َخ َر َج َغ‬
[Abū Dawūd, Al-Ḥumaydi and Abū Naʿīm. Al-
Albānī classified it as ṣaḥīḥ] ‫ وص ححه‬،‫( أب و داود والحميدي وأب و نعي م‬
) ‫األلباني‬

Abū Hurayrah (‫ )رض يهللا عنه‬reported that the ‫عن أبي هريرة رضي هللا عنه أن رسول هللا ﷺ‬
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: Those performing ḥajj and
those performing ʿumrah are the guests of ُ‫ ِإ ْن َد َع ْوه‬، ِ‫َّاج َوال ُع َّما ُر َو ْف ُد هللا‬
ُ ‫ال ُحج‬ :‫قال‬
Allāh, He answers their prayers when they
supplicate to Him, and He forgives them when .‫ َوِإن ا ْستَ ْغفَرُوهُ َغفَ َر لَهُ ْم‬،‫َأ َجابَهُ ْم‬
they seek His forgiveness.
[an-Nasāʾī, Ibn Mājah, Ibn Khuzaymah and Ibn ‫( النسائي وابن ماجه وابن خزيمة وابن حبان في‬
) ‫صحيحيهما‬
Excellence of Ḥajj (6)
Freedom from Hellfire

‫ع ن عائش ة رض ي هللا عنه ا‬

ʿĀʾishah (‫ )رض يهللا عنها‬reported, Allāh's
Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: There is no day when Allāh
‫ َم ا ِم ْن يَ ْو ٍم َأ ْكثَ َر‬:‫أن رسول هللا ﷺ قال‬
sets free more servants from Hell Fire than the ‫ار ِم ْن يَ ْو ِم‬ ِ َّ‫يه َع ْب ًدا ِم َن الن‬ ِ ِ‫ق هللا ُ ف‬ َ ِ‫ِم ْن َأ ْن يُ ْعت‬
day of ʿArafah. He draws near, then praises
them to the angels, saying: What do these َ‫ َوِإنَّهُ لَيَ ْدنُ و ثُ َّم يُبَا ِه ي بِ ِه ْم ال َماَل ِئ َكة‬.َ‫َع َرفَة‬
[Muslim] .‫ َما َأ َرا َد هَُؤ اَل ِء‬:‫فَيَقُو ُل‬
) ‫( مسلم‬

The Goal: Ḥajj Mabrūr
Ḥajj mabrūr (an accepted ḥajj) is:
:‫ قال‬،‫ عن النبي ﷺ‬،‫عن جابر رضي هللا عنه‬
Jābir ( ‫عنه‬ ‫يا هلل‬performed
A ḥajj ‫ )رض‬narrated that
with thethe
intention of seeking Allāh's pleasure only
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: Al-ḥajj al-mabrūr has َ ‫ْس لَهُ َج َزا ٌء ِإاَّل‬
،َ‫الجـنَّة‬ َ ‫ال َحجُّ ال َم ْبرُو ُر لَي‬
(complete sincerity)
no reward except Jannah.
He wasA asked: What makes
ḥajj performed a ḥajj to to the Sunnah of the Prophet ‫ﷺ؟‬
in accordance ُ‫ َو َما بِرُّ ه‬:‫قيل‬
be mabrūr? .‫م‬ ‫يب ال َكـاَل‬‫ط‬ ‫و‬ ‫ـام‬ ‫ع‬ َّ‫ ِإ ْط َعا ُم الط‬:‫قال‬
He said: Providing
A ḥajj foodi.e.(to
free of sin; ِ
people) with full obedience to Allāh ‫ﷻ‬
conducted ُ ِ َ ِ َ
and spreading good word. ‫حس ن‬others
‫( رواه أحم د والط براني ف ي األوس ط بإس ناد‬
A ḥajj with righteous deeds benefiting
[Aḥmad, aṭ-Ṭabarānī (ḥasan), Ibn
Khuzaymah (in his Ṣaḥīḥ), al-Bayhaqī, al- ‫واب ن خزيم ة ف ي ص حيحه وال بيهقي والحاك م وقال‬
A ḥajj that is not followed by disobedience
Ḥākim (ṣaḥīḥ)]
) ‫صحيح اإلسناد‬
Al-Ḥasan al-Basrī said:
“Al-ḥajj al-mabrūr is to return abstinent from this world, desiring
the Hereafter.”

Aspects of Preparation for Ḥajj
• Spiritual Preparation
• Mental Preparation
• Fiqh
Please Preparation
open the “Annex – Preparation for Ḥajj” and
study it before proceeding to next sections.
• Historical Connection
• Physical Preparation
• Financial Preparation
• Logistical Preparation

See “Annex - Preparation for Ḥajj”


Some Definitions (1)
Al-Masjid al-Ḥarām (‫س ـ ِج ُد اــل َح َراـ ُمـ‬
ْ ‫)اــل َم‬: the masjid surrounding the
Kaʿbah. It is commonly called al-Ḥaram (‫)اــل َح َر ُمـ‬, but that is not
accurate, as the Ḥaram refers to the entire Ḥaram of Makkah.

Pillar (‫) ُر ْكن‬: a compulsory act of ḥajj, such as the standing in

ʿArafah, the lack of which invalidates ḥajj. Ḥajj has four Pillars, and
ʿumrah has three.

Obligatory Act ‫ب‬ ( ‫ـج‬

ِ ‫) َوا‬: a mandatory act of ḥajj, such as stoning of
the jamarāt, which if missed for any reason, then a fidyah (animal
sacrifice) is required as an expiation. Ḥajj has seven Obligatory
Acts, and ʿumrah has two.

Sunnah (‫)س ـنَّة‬:

ُ desirable act of ḥajj other than a Pillar or an
Obligatory Act. There are many sunnahs in ḥajj and ʿumrah.

Some Definitions (2)
Mansak (‫سك‬َ ‫)م ْن‬:
َ ritual of ḥajj or ʿumrah, such as ṭawāf and saʿy. Plural
is manāsik (‫اسك‬ ِ َ‫)من‬.

Hady ‫ي‬
( ‫)ه ْد‬:
َ animal sacrifice due for performing tamattuʿ or qirān.

Shawṭ (‫)ش ـ ْوط‬:

َ One circuit of ṭawāf around the Kaʿbah, or one lap of
ْ ‫) َأ‬.
saʿy between aṣ-Ṣafā and al-Marwah. Plural is Ashwāṭ (‫ش َواـط‬

Ṭawāf ‫ـف‬( ‫)طَ َوا‬: Circumambulation around the Kaʿbah seven times.
Each circuit is called shawṭ (‫)ش ـ ْوط‬.
َ Ṭawāf is a ritual of ḥajj and
ʿumrah, but can also be performed as a separate voluntary ʿibādah,
called nafl ṭawāf (voluntary ṭawāf). There are several kinds of ṭawāf.

Saʿy (‫)س ـ ْعي‬:

َ Walking between aṣ-Ṣafā and al-Marwah seven times.
Each lap is called shawṭ (‫)ش ـ ْوط‬.
َ Saʿy is a pillar of ḥajj and ʿumrah.
Some Definitions (3)
Iḥrām (‫)ا ـِإل ْح َراـمـ‬: The state of ritual consecration or the ceremonial
state of starting ʿumrah or ḥajj.

Prohibitions of Iḥrām (‫)م ْحظُو َرا ُـتا ـِإل ْح َراـمـ‬:

َ all acts a person in a state
of iḥrām is prohibited from doing.

Fidyah (‫)فـــ ْديَة‬:

ِ compensatory act for missing an obligatory act
(wājib) or violating a restriction of iḥrām.
Fidyah for the violation of a restriction of iḥrām is the fasting of three
days, or feeding six needy people, or an animal sacrifice.
Missing a wājib requires an animal sacrifice.

For a complete list of terms related to ḥajj and ʿumrah refer to

Annex – Glossary of Ḥajj and ʿUmrah.
Time of Ḥajj

Months & Days of Ḥajj
Months of Ḥajj Days of Ḥajj
Hijri Calendar: All in the 12th month, Dhul-Ḥijjah:
1. Muḥarram (‫)م َحرَّم‬
ُ 8th Dhul-Ḥijjah: Day of Tarwiyah (‫)يَ ْو ُم ا لتَّرْ ِويَ ِة‬
2. Ṣafar (‫)ص فَر‬
َ 9th Dhul-Ḥijjah: Day of ʿArafah (‫)يَ ْو ُم َع َرفَ َة‬
3. Rabīʿ al-Awwal (‫َألول‬ 10th Dhul-Ḥijjah: Day of Naḥr (‫)يَ ْو ُم ا لنَّحْ ِر‬
َّ ‫) َربِي ُع ا‬
11th Dhul-Ḥijjah: 1st Day of Tashrīq
4. Rabīʿ al-ʾĀkhir (‫)ربِي ُع ا آل ِخر‬َ
12th Dhul-Ḥijjah: 2nd Day of Tashrīq
5. Jumādā al-ʾŪlā ‫ى‬ ( َ‫) ُج َما َدىا ُألول‬ 13th Dhul-Ḥijjah: 3rd Day of Tashrīq
6. Jumādā al-ʾĀkhirah (‫) ُج َما َدىا آل ِخ َرة‬
7. Rajab ‫ب‬
( ‫)ر َج‬
8. Shaʿbān (‫)ش ْعبَان‬ Days of Tashrīq (‫)َأي َُّام ا لتَّ ْش ِر ِيق‬
9. Ramadān (‫ضان‬
َ ‫)ر َم‬َ
10. Shawwāl‫)ش َّوا (ل‬
11. Dhul-Qiʿdah (‫) ُذوا لقِ ْع َدة‬ Months of Ḥajj
12. Dhul-Ḥijjah (‫) ُذوا ل ِحجَّة‬
Go to http://www.islamicfinder.org and determine the
corresponding Gregorian dates. 20
Ḥajj 1444h (2023)
Dates & Times
Months of Ḥajj
1444h 2023 Day of the Week
Shawwal The
1 [10 month]
th highlighted
April 21 times have a significance,
as related
• Latitude: 21.42
• Longitude: 39.83
to the
Dhul-Qiʿdah 1 [11 month]

Dhul-Ḥijjah 1 [12 month]

May 21
June 19
ḥajj, as
will be explained later
• Time zone: GMTon.+3.00
• Altitude: 1017 feet (310 meters) above sea
• Sunset time on the day of ʿArafah•• level. Juristic Method: Standard
Days of Ḥajj Calculation Method: ISNA/Umm al-Qurā
• Sunrise
time on the 10 of Dhul-Ḥijjah
Salāt Times for Makkah
# Days of Ḥajj • Middle of the night June on the night of Muzdalifah
Dhul-Ḥijjah Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
• Zawāl time on the days of tashrīq
1 Day of Tarwiyah 8 (Mon.) 26 04:09 05:36 12:18 03:38 06:59 08:29
2 Day of ʿArafah
• Sunset of
9 (Tue.)
the last
day of
05:36 12:18 03:39 07:00 08:30
3 Day of Naḥr (Eid) 10 (Wed.) 28 04:10 05:36 12:18 03:39 07:00 08:30
4 1st Day of Tashrīq 11 (Thu.) 29 04:10 05:36 12:19 03:39 07:00 08:30
5 2nd Day of Tashrīq 12 (Fri.) 30 04:11 05:37 12:19 03:39 07:00 08:30
6 3rd Day of Tashrīq 13 (Sat.) 1 04:11 05:37 12:19 03:39 07:00 08:30

This year, on the night of Muzdalifah:

Middle of the night is at 11:35pm.
Geography of Ḥajj & ʿUmrah
( ُ ِ‫)ا ل َم َواق‬
1. Mawāqīt ‫يت‬
2. Ḥaram of Makkah (‫)ح َر ُم َم َّك َة‬

‫‪1. Mawāqīt‬‬
‫ا ل َم َوا ِق ُيت‬

Mawāqīt (1)

Mawāqīt ‫يت‬ ( َ‫) ِميق‬: the

( ِ‫ ) َم َواق‬is the plural of mīqāt ‫ات‬
geographical boundary that a person, heading to Makkah
and intending ḥajj or ʿumrah, may not cross without
assuming iḥrām for ḥajj or ʿumrah, or both

A Muslim intending ḥajj or ʿumrah who crosses the mīqāt

without iḥrām must return to the mīqāt and make iḥrām
from there. If he/she does not return to make iḥrām from
the mīqāt, then he/she must offer an animal sacrifice as
an expiation (fidyah)

Mawāqīt (2)

Narrated Ibn ʿAbbās (‫)رض يهللا عنه‬: Allāh’s

Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬made Dhul-Ḥulayfah as the
mīqāt for the people of Madīnah; Al-Juḥfah ‫يﷺ‬ َّ ِ‫ ِإ َّن النَّب‬:‫عن ابن عباس رضي هللا عنه قال‬
for the people of Sham; Qarn al-Manāzil for َّ ‫ت َأِل ْه ِل ال َم ِدينَ ِة َذا ال ُحلَ ْيفَ ِة َوَأِل ْه ِل ال‬
‫ش ِام‬ َ َّ‫َوق‬
the people of Najd; and Yalamlam for the
people of Yemen; and these mawāqīt are for ‫از ِل َوَأِل ْه ِل اليَ َم ِن‬ ِ َ‫ال ُجحْ فَةَ َوَأِل ْه ِل نَجْ ٍد قَرْ َن ال َمن‬
the people at those very places, and besides
them for those who come through those ‫ هُ َّن لَه َُّن َولِ َم ْن َأتَ ى َعلَ ْي ِه َّن ِم ْن َغي ِْر ِه َّن‬، ‫يَلَ ْملَ َم‬
places with the intention of performing ḥajj
and ʿumrah; and whoever is living within ‫ك‬ َ ِ‫ون َذل‬ َ ‫ان ُد‬ َ ‫ َو َم ْن َك‬، َ‫الح َّج َوال ُع ْم َرة‬َ ‫ِم َّم ْن َأ َرا َد‬
these boundaries can assume iḥrām from the
place they initiate (ḥajj or ʿumrah), and the .َ‫ َحتَّى َأ ْه ُل َم َّكةَ ِم ْن َم َّكة‬،‫ْث َأ ْن َشَأ‬
ُ ‫فَ ِم ْن َحي‬
people of Makkah can assume iḥrām (for ḥajj)
from Makkah. ) ‫( البخاري ومسلم‬
[al-Bukhārī & Muslim]

Mawāqīt (3)
Abū az-Zubayr heard Jābir Ibn ʿAbdullāh
( ‫ )رض يهللا عنه‬as saying: I heard (and I think he :‫ع ن أبي الزبي ر ع ن جابر رض ي هللا عن ه قال‬
carried it directly to the Messenger of Allāh ،‫الحديث إلى رسول هللا ﷺ‬ َ َ ُ‫ َأحْ َس بُه‬،‫سمعت‬
‫رفع‬ ُ
‫ )ﷺ‬him saying: For the people of Madīnah
Dhul-Ḥulayfah is the place for entering upon ُ ‫ َوالطَّ ِر‬،‫ ُمهَلُّ َأ ْه ِل ال َم ِدينَ ِة ِم ْن ِذي ال ُحلَ ْيفَ ِة‬:‫قال‬
the state of iḥrām, and for (the people coming
through the other way, i.e. Syria) it is al- ِ ‫اق ِم ْن َذ‬
‫اتــ‬ ِ ‫ َو ُمهَلُّ َأ ْه ِل‬، ُ‫اآلخ ُر ال ُجحْ فَة‬
ِ ‫الع َر‬ َ
Juḥfah; for the people of ʿIrāq it is Dhātu ʿIrq;
for the people of Najd it is Qarn (al-Manāzil) ‫ َو ُمهَلُّ َأ ْه ِل‬، ‫ َو ُمهَلُّ َأ ْه ِل نَجْ ٍد ِم ْن قَرْ ٍن‬،‫ِع ْرق ٍـ‬
and for the people of Yemen it is Yalamlam.
[Muslim] ) ‫ ( مسلم‬.‫اليَ َم ِن ِم ْن يَلَ ْملَم‬

‫ لما فتح هذان‬:‫عن ابن عمر رضي هللا عنهما قال‬

Narrated Ibn ʿUmar: When these two towns
(Basrah and Kūfah) were opened, the people
went to ʿUmar and said: O Chief of the faithful َ ِ‫ير ال ُمْؤ ِمن‬
‫ين ِإ َّن‬ َ ‫ يَ ا َأ ِم‬:‫المص ران أتوا عم ر فقالوا‬
believers! The Prophet fixed Qarn as the
mīqāt for the people of Najd, it is beyond our
‫َر ُس و َل هللاِ ﷺ َح َّد َأِل ْه ِل نَجْ ٍد قَرْ نً ا َوهُ َو َج ْو ٌر َع ْن‬
way and it is difficult for us to pass through it. :‫ قال‬،‫ق َعلَ ْينَ ا‬ َّ ‫ َوِإنَّ ا ِإ ْن َأ َر ْدنَ ا قَرْ نً ا َش‬،‫طَ ِريقِنَ ا‬
He said: Take as your mīqāt a place situated
opposite to Qarn on your usual way. So, he .‫ق‬ٍ ْ‫ات ِعر‬ َ ‫ فَ َح َّد لَهُ ْم َذ‬،‫فَا ْنظُرُوا َح ْذ َوهَا ِم ْن طَ ِريقِ ُك ْم‬
fixed Dhātu ʿIrq (as their mīqāt). [al-Bukhārī]
) ‫( البخاري‬
Dhul-Ḥulayfah (‫) ُذو ا ل ُحلَيْفَة‬
Comingdotted line
from Madīnah is for Dhul-Ḥulayfah
illustration only
Other names: Abyār ʿAli and does
not necessarily
~410km/255mi north ofshow
exact limits of the Mawāqīt
area. However, the Mawāqīt
locations shown are accurate.
( ْ‫) َذ ُات ِعر‬
Dhātu ʿIrq ‫ق‬
Al-Juḥfah (‫)ا ل ُجحْ فَة‬ Coming from ʿIrāq
Coming from North Africa, Syria, Europe, … Other names: Aḍ-Ḍarībah
187km/116mi north west of Makkah 88km/55mi north east of Makkah
Rābigh: 204km/127mi N.W. of Makkah Rābigh


ِ َ‫)قَ رْ ُنا ل َمن‬

Qarn al-Manāzil (‫ازل‬
Coming from Najd (Ryadh, …), UAE, …
Qarn al-Manāzil is a valley, the northern
part is called As-Sayl al-Kabīr, and the Dhātu ʿIrq
southern part is called Wādī Maḥram. The
distance between the two is about 32 km. as-Sayl al-Kabīr
80km/50mi east of Makkah
Red Sea Wadī Maḥram
Yalamlam ( ‫)يَ لَ ْملَ ْم‬ Qarnu-l
Coming from Yemen
Other names: As-Saʿdiyyah Yalamlam
129km/80mi south of Makkah
2. Ḥaram of Makkah
‫َح َر ُم َم َّك َة‬

Ḥaram of Makkah
‫َح َر ُم َم َّك َة‬
The Ḥaram of Makkah is the sanctified area surrounding Makkah. It
was delimited by Ibrāhīm (‫ )علي ه ا لص الة وا لسالم‬under the guidance of
Jibrīl (‫)عليه ا لسالم‬

After the opening of Makkah (‫)فَ ْت ُح َم َّك َة‬, Prophet Muḥammad ‫ ﷺ‬sent
Tamīm Ibn ʾAsd al-Khuzāʿī to renew the boundaries of the Ḥaram

Flags have been put on the mountains and hills to indicate the limits
of the Ḥaram. The number of flags reached 943 at some point, but
most of them were ruined. New flags have been added by recent
committees to reach a total of 1104 flags

Area of the Ḥaram = 550 Km2 (212 mi2)

Perimeter of the Ḥaram = 127 Km (79 mi)

Ḥaram of Makkah - map
To al-Madīnah

City of Makkah


Al-Masjid al-Harām

To Jeddah

Ḥaram of Makkah
Limits of the Ḥaram of Makkah
Tanʿīm (‫)ا لتَّ ْن ِعيم‬: 7.4 km/ 4.6 mi, North
Nakhlah (‫)نَ ْخلَة‬: 13 km/ 8 mi, N.E.
Aḍāh Libn (‫ضاه لِ ْبن‬ َ ‫) َأ‬: 16 km/ 10 mi, S.
Ḥudaybiyah (‫)ا ل ُح َد ْيبِيَة‬: 22 km/ 13.5 mi, W.
Jiʿrānah (‫)ا ل ِج ْع َرانَة‬: 22 km/ 13.5 mi, N.E. Jiʿrānah
ʿArafah (‫)ع َرفَة‬: َ 22 km/ 13.5 mi, E.

k m



7.4 k
a km
Ḥud 13

22 km
k kah 22 k
Ma m

16 km
Aḍāh Libn

Ḥaram Boundary 32
The Ḥaram of Makkah is sanctified
Indeed, those who disbelieve and avert
[people] from the way of Allāh and ِ ‫يل هَّللا‬
ِ ِ‫ون َع ن َس ب‬ َ ‫ص ُّد‬ ُ َ‫ين َكفَرُوا َوي‬ َ ‫ِإ َّن الَّ ِذ‬
ِ َّ‫َوال َم ْس ِج ِد ال َح َر ِام الَّ ِذي َج َع ْلنَاهُ لِلن‬
[from] al-Masjid al-Harām, which We
made for the people, equal are the ‫اس‬
ِ ِ‫ َو َم ن ي ُِر ْد ف‬ ۚ ‫يه َو ْالبَا ِد‬
ِ ِ‫َس َوا ًء ْال َعا ِكف ُ ف‬
resident therein and the visitor; and
whoever intends a [deed of] deviation ‫يه‬
therein wrongfully, We will make him
taste of a painful punishment.  .‫ب َألِ ٍيم‬
ٍ ‫بِِإ ْل َحا ٍد ِبظُ ْل ٍم نُّ ِذ ْقهُ ِم ْن َع َذا‬
[al-Ḥajj, 25] ﴾25 ،‫﴿الحج‬

In the Ḥaram of Makkah, good deeds are multiplied and earn a much
higher reward. However, the severity of sins is much greater than
elsewhere, to the extent that evil intention incurs a painful
This applies to anyone while in the Ḥaram of Makkah, whether a
resident, a visitor, or one performing ʿumrah or ḥajj.
Restrictions while in the
Ḥaram of Makkah
Its plants must not be cut,
Its game must not be frightened,
Articles lost in it must not be picked up except by someone
making announcement to find the owner,
Nor is any man to bear arms for fighting in it.

Note: the above is part of a ḥadīth of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

These restrictions apply to the Ḥaram of Madīnah as well
They apply to everyone, whether in a state of iḥrām or not,
during any time of the year

A Safe Sanctuary - ‫َح َر ًما آ ِمنًا‬

The Ḥaram of Makkah

is a
peace and safety
all forms of life:

Mawāqīt & Ḥaram of Makkah
Dhul-Ḥulayfah ‫المدينة‬
‫ذو الحليفة‬

Dhātu ʿIrq
‫ذات عرق‬




Qarn al-Manāzil


Makkah ‫قرن المنازل‬

‫جدة‬ ‫مكة‬ ʿArafah
Aḍāh Libn

Ḥaram of Makkah
‫حرم مكة‬ al-Masjid al-Harām
‫المسجد الحرام‬
‫يلملم‬ Note: for illustration purposes only, does not scale. 36
Impact on Iḥrām for Ḥajj and ʿUmrah
From where?
• The location from where a pilgrim initiates a A
journey for ḥajj or ʿumrah will determine where
he/she is required to assume iḥrām. This will be
detailed later on in the ḥajj and ʿumrah B
A. A pilgrim coming from outside (Africa, Europe,
( ّ ِ‫)آفَاق‬.
Madīnah, etc.) is called ʾĀfāqiy ‫ي‬
B. A pilgrim who is within the mawāqīt limits but C
outside the Ḥaram of Makkah (like Jeddah), is Makkah
( ّ ِ‫)ميقَات‬.
called Mīqātiy ‫ي‬ ِ
C. A pilgrim who is inside the Ḥaram of Makkah is
( ّ ‫)م ِّك‬.
called Makkiy ‫ي‬ َ

Kinds of Ḥajj

Kinds of Ḥajj
Months of Ḥajj
Tamattuʿ ( ‫) اــلتَّ َمتُّعُـ‬
ʿUmrah then ḥajj during the months of ḥajj
Pilgrim called Mutamattiʿ ( ٌ ‫) ُمتَ َمتِّع‬ ʿUmrah Ḥajj
Requires hady (animal sacrifice)

Qirān (‫) اــل ِق َرا ُـن‬

Combined ʿumrah and ḥajj during the months of ḥajj
ِ َ‫) ق‬
Pilgrim called Qārin (‫ار ٌن‬ ʿUmrah Ḥajj
Requires hady (animal sacrifice)

Ifrād ( ‫) ا ـِإل ْف َرا ُد‬

Ḥajj only during the months of ḥajj
Pilgrim called Mufrid ( ‫) ُم ْف ِر ٌد‬ Ḥajj
Does not require hady

 The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬commanded his companions to do tamattuʿ, even

though he did qirān because he brought the hady (animal for sacrifice)
with him.
Ḥajj & ʿUmrah for Women

Ḥajj & ʿUmrah Rituals for Women (1)
General Rule

Narrated Jābir: … ʿĀʾishah accompanied ُ‫ َو َكانَتْ َعاِئ َشة‬... : ‫ال‬ َ َ‫َع ْن َجابِ ٍر ب ِْن َع ْب ِد هللاِ ق‬
him (i.e. the Prophet ‫ )ﷺ‬to Makkah
while she got her menses. The Prophet ‫ت َم َعه ُ َم َّكةَ َو ِه َي َحاِئضٌ فََأ َم َرهَ ا النَّبِ ُّي ﷺ‬ ْ ‫قَ ِد َم‬
‫ ﷺ‬commanded her to perform all the ُ ُ‫ك ُكلَّهَا َغي َْر َأنَّهَ ا اَل تَط‬
‫وف َواَل‬ َ ‫اس‬ ِ َ‫ك ال َمن‬َ ‫َأ ْن تَ ْن ِس‬
manāsik (rituals) except ṭawāf and
ṣalah until she gets clean… ...‫طهُ َر‬ ْ َ‫صلِّي َحتَّى ت‬ َ ُ‫ت‬
) ‫( البخاري‬

Ḥajj & ʿUmrah Rituals for Women (2)
Beginning of Ḥajj – No Impact on Iḥrām

Abū Bakr (‫ )رضيهللا عنه‬reported that he went ‫َع ْن َأبِ ي بَ ْك ٍر رضي هللا عنه َأنَّهُ َخ َر َج َحا ًّج ا َم َع‬
out for ḥajj with the Messenger of Allāh َ‫ ﷺ‬on
the Farewell Pilgrimage, and his wife ʾAsmāʾ ‫اع َو َم َعهُ ا ْم َرَأتُهُ َأ ْس َما ُء‬ ِ ‫ُول هَّللا ِ ﷺ َحجَّةَ ْال َو َد‬ ِ ‫َرس‬
bint ʿUmais al-Khathʿamiyyah was with him.
When they were at Dhul-Ḥulayfah, ʾAsmāʾ
‫ فَلَ َّم ا َكانُوا بِ ِذي ْال ُحلَ ْيفَ ِة‬، ُ‫ْس ْال َخ ْث َع ِميَّة‬
ٍ ‫ت ُع َمي‬ ُ ‫بِ ْن‬
gave birth to Muḥammad bin abī Bakr. Abu ‫ فََأتَى َأبُو بَ ْك ٍر‬،‫ت َأ ْس َما ُء ُم َح َّم َد ب َْن َأبِي بَ ْك ٍر‬ ْ ‫َولَ َد‬
Bakr came to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ َ and told him,
and the Messenger of Allāh ordered him to tell ‫ي ﷺ فََأ ْخبَ َرهُ فََأ َم َرهُ َر ُس و ُل هَّللا ِ ﷺ َ َأ ْن‬ َّ ِ‫النَّب‬
her to perform ghusl, then assume iḥrām for
ḥajj, and to do everything that the people do, ‫ص نَ َع َم ا‬ ْ َ‫يَْأ ُم َرهَ ا َأ ْن تَ ْغتَ ِس َل ثُ َّم تُ ِه َّل بِ ْال َح ِّج َوت‬
except that she should not perform ṭawāf of
the House. ِ ‫وف بِ ْالبَ ْي‬
.‫ت‬ ُ ُ‫يَصْ نَ ُع النَّاسُ ِإاَّل َأنَّهَا اَل تَط‬
[an-Nasāʾī. Al-Albānī classified it as ṣaḥīḥ]
) ‫ وصححه األلباني‬،‫( رواه النسائي‬

Ḥajj & ʿUmrah Rituals for Women (3)
End of Ḥajj – Excused from Ṭawāf al-Wadāʿ

ʿĀʾishah (‫ )رضيهللا عنها‬reported that Ṣafiyyah

bint Ḥuyayy (wife of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ َ ) entered ُ‫ص ِفيَّة‬
َ ‫ت‬ ْ ‫اض‬
َ ‫ َح‬:‫ت‬ ْ َ‫عن عائشة رضي هللا عنها قَال‬
the period of menses after performing ṭawāf
al-Ifāḍah. ʿĀʾishah (‫ )رضيهللا عنها‬said: I made ‫ت‬ُ ْ‫ فَ َذ َكر‬: ُ‫ت َعاِئ َشة‬ْ َ‫ قَال‬.‫ت‬ َ َ‫ت ُحيَ ٍّى بَ ْع َد َم ا َأف‬
ْ ‫اض‬ ُ ‫بِ ْن‬
a mention of her menses to Allah's
Messenger ‫ﷺ‬ َ , whereupon Allah's َ ‫ال َر ُس و ُل هَّللا ِ ﷺ‬ َ َ‫ضتَهَ ا لِ َر ُس و ِل هَّللا ِ ﷺ َ فَق‬ َ ‫َح ْي‬
Messenger ‫ﷺ‬ َ asked: is she going to detain ُ ‫ت فَقُ ْل‬ ْ َ‫ قَال‬. ‫َأ َحابِ َس تُنَا ه َِي‬
us? I said: Messenger of Allah, she already ‫ت يَ ا َر ُس و َل هَّللا ِ ِإنَّهَ ا قَ ْد‬
came to Makkah and performed ṭawāf al-
Ifāḍah, and it was after this that she entered
‫ت بَ ْع َد‬ ْ ‫ض‬َ ‫ْت ثُ َّم َحا‬ ِ ‫ت بِ ْالبَي‬ ْ َ‫ت َوطَاف‬ ْ ‫ض‬ َ ‫ت َأفَا‬ ْ َ‫َكان‬
the period of menses. Thereupon Allah's . ْ‫ فَقَا َل َرسُو ُل هَّللا ِ ﷺَ فَ ْلتَ ْنفِر‬.‫ض ِة‬ َ ‫اِإل فَا‬
Messenger ‫ﷺ‬ َ said: then let her proceed
forth (to al-Madīnah). ) ‫( مسلم‬

Ḥajj Packages
• Ḥajj Packages: Makkah First
• Ḥajj Packages: Madīnah First

Ḥajj Packages
Most ḥajj packages consist of 3 periods:
Stay in Makkah
Stay in Madīnah
Ḥajj days: 8th – 13th of Dhul-Ḥijjah
Your ḥajj package will be a combination of those 3 periods,
depending on the chronological order
Makkah gets very crowded the week before ḥajj days, i.e. 1st
to 7th of Dhul-Ḥijjah, while Madīnah becomes less busy
Fasting, whether in Makkah or Madīnah, during the first
days of Dhul-Ḥijjah is recommended; but not during the
days of ḥajj, because of the physical effort required during
those days

Ḥajj Packages - Makkah First
If Makkah is your first stop then you must assume iḥrām for ʿumrah
before landing in Jeddah. Jeddah is beyond the Mīqāt
Make the Niyah and say talbiyah when mīqāt is announced during the
flight, before landing in Jeddah, approximately:
20 minutes (passing by Rābigh) – Flights from Europe, Jordan, Syria, etc.
30 minutes (passing by Qarn al-Manāzil) – Flights from UAE, Omān, etc.

You need to have a pair of iḥrām towels with you for your ʿumrah
before travel. You can buy a second one for your ḥajj from Makkah or
Madīnah, or wash and reuse the ones you use for ʿumrah
Make sure you keep the iḥrām towels in your handbag. Do not put
them in your luggage
Put on iḥrām towels in the last stop-over airport of your trip before
boarding your flight to Jeddah. It’s extremely difficult to put on iḥrām
towels in the airplane, with the exception of some airlines
Ḥajj Packages - Madīnah First

If your first stop is Madīnah then you do not need to assume

iḥrām on your way to Madīnah

You can buy iḥrām towels from Madīnah (recommended)

Your mīqāt for ʿumrah is Dhul-Ḥulayfah (Abyār ʿAli)

A policy of the Ministry of Ḥajj now requires all pilgrims to

leave Madīnah by the 5th of Dhul-Ḥijjah

Leaving Madīnah on the 5 th

of Dhul-Ḥijjah
If Madīnah was your first stop then you will assume iḥrām for
ʿumrah that you perform upon arriving in Makkah. On the 8th of
Dhul-Ḥijjah you assume iḥrām for ḥajj from your place of
residence in Makkah (or ʿAzīziyah)

If Makkah was your first stop and you already performed a

ʿumrah then you have the following options:
1. Assume iḥrām for ḥajj from Dhul-Ḥulayfah. However, in this case
you will be in a state of iḥrām for a longer time, which may involve
some hardship for some people (men in particular). Alternatively,…
2. Assume iḥrām for a second ʿumrah that you complete upon arrival
in Makkah, and then assume iḥrām for ḥajj on the 8 th from your
residence in Makkah/ʿAzīziyah

The Journey…

Day of Departure (1)

Double check necessary items to take. Use a checklist.

Official residency document (s.a. the Green Card), if applicable
Vaccination record. This is usually stapled to your passport
Money / credit card
Phone numbers and addresses (of your ḥajj operator, if applicable,
hotels in Makkah, Madīnah, and Jeddah)

Keep at least a set of clothes in your carry-on bag, in case your

luggage doesn’t make it to Jeddah/Madīnah

Day of Departure (2)

US travelers: if your itinerary includes a domestic stop-over

before your flight to Jeddah, recuperate your luggage and
check it in again yourself. Luggage staying behind is a quite
common incident
Leave early for the airport
Pray two rakʿahs at home before you leave (this is a sunnah)
Greet your family and friends with duʿā from the Sunnah
Recite duʿā for travel once you get in the car…

Duʿā for Travel
Allāhu Akbar, Allāhu Akbar, Allāhu Akbar. ‫ أن رس ول هللا ﷺ‬،‫ع ن اب ن عم ر رض ي هللا عنهم ا‬
How perfect He is, The One Who has placed ‫ ك بر‬،‫كان إذا اس توى عل ى بعيره خارج ا إل ى س فر‬
this (transport) at our service, and we
ourselves would not have been capable of ُ‫ان الَّ ِذي َس َّخ َر لَنَ ا هَ َذا َو َم ا ُكنَّ ا لَه‬ َ ‫ " ُس ْب َح‬:‫ ثم قال‬،‫ثالثا‬
that, and to our Lord is our final destiny. O
Allāh, we ask You for birr (righteousness) ‫ك فِ ي‬ َ ُ‫ الله م ِإنَّ ا نَ ْس َأل‬.‫ُون‬ َ ‫ َوِإنَّ ا ِإلَ ى َربِّنَ ا لَ ُم ْنقَلِب‬، ‫ين‬َ ِ‫ُم ْق ِرن‬
and taqwā (watchfulness) in this journey of
ours, and we ask You for deeds which please
‫ اللهم‬.‫ضى‬ َ ْ‫ َو ِم َن ْال َع َم ِل َما تَر‬،‫َسفَ ِرنَا هَ َذا البِ َّر َوالتَّ ْق َوى‬
You. O Allāh, facilitate our journey and let us ‫ت‬َ ‫ الله م َأ ْن‬.ُ‫اط ِو َعنَّ ا بُ ْع َده‬ ْ ‫هَ ِّو ْن َعلَ ْينَ ا َس فَ َرنَا هَ َذا َو‬
cover its distance quickly. O Allāh, You are
The Companion on the journey and The ‫ الله م ِإنِّ ي‬.‫الس فَ ِر َو ْال َخلِيفَةُ فِ ي اَأل ْه ِل‬ َّ ‫احبُ فِ ي‬ ِ ‫الص‬َّ
Successor over the family. O Allāh, I take َ ‫ َو َكآبَ ِة ْال َم ْن‬،‫الس فَ ِر‬ َ ِ‫َأ ُعو ُذ ب‬
refuge in You from the difficulties of travel,
‫ َو ُس و ِء‬،‫ظ ِر‬ َّ ‫اء‬ ِ َ‫ك ِم ْن َو ْعث‬
from having a change of hearts and being in ".‫ب فِي ْال َما ِل َواَأْل ْه ِل َو ْال َولَ ِد‬ ِ َ‫ْال ُم ْنقَل‬
a bad predicament, and I take refuge in You
from an ill fated outcome with wealth and :‫وإذا رجع قالهن وزاد فيهن‬
family. َ ‫ لِ َربِّنَا َحا ِم ُد‬،‫ون‬
".‫ون‬ َ ‫ َعابِ ُد‬،‫ُون‬
َ ‫ تَاِئب‬،‫ُون‬
َ ‫"آيِب‬
[Narrated by Imām Muslim]
)‫(رواه مسلم‬

Arrive in Jeddah (1)

You will have assumed iḥrām

before arriving in Jeddah if
Makkah is your first destination.

Arrive in Jeddah (2)

First you go through


And then you wait for a

bus (of the Ḥajj Ministry
Transportation Service)
to take you to Makkah.

While in Jeddah Airport

Perform your ṣalah on time

and with the jamāʿah

Jeddah will be a first test for

your patience. The wait time
in the Ḥajj Terminal can be
about 2 hours or more

Show patience and be nice

to the airport staff

This is a good opportunity to

get to know some people in
your group

End of: Ḥajj Introductions
Open Part 2: ʿUmrah Step by Step

Send comments/suggestions to

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