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Flathead Vietna mese Guidelines

This task requires that you listen to short audio clips and select the 9 labels
that best describe each clip.

Please use headphones when working on this task. This will ensure you can
hear the audio clearly. Set your volume to a comfortable level {80%) so that it
is not so
loud that your ears hurt, but also not so quiet that you might not hear
important sounds and speech.

Notes :
• If the file is corrupted, please select Corrupted for all categories.
If a file contains only silence,please do not choose
corrupted and answer all questionsinstead.

• If the file contains speech, listen to it again to check if it contains

personal information (see 3. UII)

Labels are grouped in the following 9 categories:

1. Does the audio contain human speech?

The entire audio has human speech with normal

All Speech human speech pauses (less than one second
between words).

Only part of the audio contains human speech.

Some Speech There is silence (for more than one second) or
other sounds that are not human speech.

No Speech There is no human speech in the audio.

The file is corrupted: There are static or machine

Corrupted augmented/contorted sounds (so it does not sound
like a human voice) in the audio.

Consider the level of confidence with which you answered the question. If the audio is difficult to hear and you

2. .Is the speech noisy?

The majority of the speech is not understandable

because there is loud noise drowning out the audio.
Noisy Speech Noise may include cross-talk of several speakers,
shouting, cheering, too much background noise,etc.
The speech cannot be understood because of the
Intelligible Speech The above condition does not apply. The speech is clear.

No Speech There is no human speech in the audio.

The file is corrupted: There are static or machine

Corrupted augmented/contorted sounds (so it does not sound
I a human voice) in the audio.

3. . Does the audio contain UII?

The audio contains use r-identifiable information (UII)

UII includes full names,usernames,gamertags,street
addresses, telephone numbers,credit card numbers,
social security numbers, and email addresses.
U II Self-promotionalvideos where full names are
provided are not considered UII. The names of public
figures should not be considered UII.News
broadcasts are not considered UII.

The audio does not contain user-identifiable

information (UII). UII includes full
names,usernames, gamertags,street
addresses,telephone numbers, credit card
No U II numbers,social security numbers, and email
addresses. Self-promotionalvideos where full names
are provided are not considered UII. The names of
public figures should not be considered UII. News
broadcasts are not considered UII.
The file is corrupted: There are static or machine
Corrupted augmented/contorted sounds (so it does not sound
like a human voice) in the audio.

Consider the level of confidence with which you answered the question. If
the audio is difficult to hear and you are not sure the answer you provided is
accurate, please select the label 3. low confidence.
4. . Does the audio contain foreground human singing?
Singing is making musical and/or rhythmic sounds with your voice. The
following can also be considered singing:
• Recitalof poetry
• Rapping
• Words pronounced in a rhythmic and/or musical
manner. Exampl es: chanting, ritualistic holy sermons.
Note that these categories are considered speech (not singing) if they are not
pronounced in the manner described above.

Foreground Singing The audio contains dominant foreground singing.

The audio does not contain dominant foreg round

No singing. (There may be background music or singing
Foregroun in the background).
d Singing
The file is corrupted: There are static or machine
Corrupted augmented/contorted sounds (so it does not sound
like a human voice) in the audio.

Consider the level of confidence with which you answered the question. If
the audio is difficult to hear and you are not sure the answer you
provided is accurate,please select the labe l 4. low confidence.

5. Does the audio contain foreground music (instrumental)?

The audio contains foreground instrumental music,

Music which may or may not be accompanied with singing.

The audio does not conta in foreground instrumental

No Music music. (There may be background music or singing
the background).

The file is corrupted: There are static or machine

Corrupted augmented/contorted sounds (so it does not sound
like a human voice) in the audio.

6. Is the audio in Vietnamese?

All human speech or singing in the audio file is

All Vietnamese in Vietnamese.

Some of the speech and singing in the audio is

Some Vietnamese in Vietnamese,and some is in another
None of the human speech or singing in the audio file
No Vietnamese is in Vietnamese.

No Speech And There is no human speech and no singing in

No Singing the audio.

The file is corrupted: There are static or machine

Corrupted augmented/contorted sounds (so it does not sound
like a human voice) in the audio.

Consider the level of confide nce with which you answered the question. f the audio is difficult to hear and yo
Can you recognise another language in the audio (speech or singing)? Great!

If you hear another language than Vietnamese in the audio, make sure to choose
the appropriate label for question 6!
If you recognise the foreign language, please use the text box provided
to write down the name of the language you hear.

By default, the text box will display a hyphen (-) as a place holder. Please remove
it before typing the name of the language.
You do not need to type anything in the text box if you are not sure of the foreign
language you hea r in the audio,or if the re are no foreign languages in the audio.

7. Does the audio contain any human sounds (other tha

n speech or singing)?

The audio has human sounds (other than singing

Human Sounds or speech).This includeslaughing, crying,
coughing, grunting, screaming,humming.

The audio does not have human sounds (other than

No Human Sounds singing or speech) such as laughing, crying,
coughing, grunting, screaming,humming.

The file is corrupted: There are static or machine

Corrupted augmented/contorted sounds (so it does not sound
like a human voice) in the audio.

8. . Does the audio contain other noises (non-human)?

The audio contains non-human sounds such as environmenta l noises, inan

Other Noises
..., ..
NOTE: All information provided in this document is confidential.
Any publication, provision, or dissemination of this content is
strictly prohibited.Do not share or post the contents on the

No Other Noises The audio does not contain any non-human sounds .

The file is corrupted: There are static or machine

Corrupted augmented/contorted sounds (so it does not sound
like a human voice) in the audio .
9. .Is the audio explicit?

Select this labelif the audio contains explicit/graphic

content such as pornography,extreme violence, or
hate speech.
Explicit N ote that a recording containing bad language alone
(i.e. without violence/harassment/hate speech)
should not be considered as containing exp licit
Not Explicit The audio does not contain explicit/graphic content.

The file is corrupted :There are static or machine

Corrupted augmented/contorted sounds (so it does not sound
like a human voice) in the audio.

,;, If you consider an audio file explicit, after you select 'explicit', please
choose the category that best fits the audio from the 'explicit reason'
dropdown list :

1. sexually explicit
2. violence
3. harassment/threats
4. suicide or self-injury
5. hate speech
6. terrorism
7. blasphemy
8. other

Extra notes:

• Sexually explicit files are files that contain pornography or very crude
description or discussion of the sexual act. Sexualinnuendo or
discussion of sexuality is not considered explicit.
• Hate speech refers to public speec h that expresses hate or encourages
violence towards an individualor a group based on
race,religion,gender,or sexuaI orientation.
• Blasphemy may not be conside red explicit/offensive in some
cultures,so make your best judgement taking into account the
context you are in.
/!\ Please use caution, explicit files are uqcgmmgn apd thj:; liiiif
!§bguld appjy to extreme ca:;e:;!

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