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Different Types


Data Analysis

Descriptive Analysis
It is used to summarize and describe the key
features of a data set, such as the mean,
median, mode, range, and standard

This type of analysis is useful for providing

an overview of the data and identifying
patterns or trends.
Inferential Analysis

It is used to make predictions or

generalizations about a population based on
a sample of data.

This type of analysis involves statistical testing

and is used to test hypotheses and draw
conclusions about the population.
Exploratory Analysis

It is used to identify patterns and

relationships in the data that may not be
immediately obvious.

This type of analysis involves visualizing the

data and looking for trends and correlations.
Predictive Analysis

It is used to make predictions about future

events based on historical data.

This type of analysis involves building

predictive models using machine learning
algorithms and statistical techniques.
Prescriptive Analysis

It is used to identify the best course of action

based on the data.

This type of analysis involves using

optimization techniques and decision-making
models to recommend a specific course of
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