CR4 - Thread - Generator Synchronizing

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5/11/2014 CR4 - Thread: Generator Synchronizing

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Anonymous Generator Synchronizing

Poster 12/20/2010 2:21 PM

We have 11 KV ,20 MVA generator which is synchronised with utility power.We have AE make electromechanical type
synchroscope provided near 3 bulbs.I use to see synchroscope dial rotation and bulbs glowing and flickering but dont
exactly know when dial move clock wise or anticlockwise ,sometimes fast sometimes slow.When 2 bulbs glow
simultaneously and sometimes all three dark.

At what moment of dial position and bulb indication, Generator breaker is made on?

What will happen physically and why when breaker is made on without fulfilling basic synchronising conditions.1) only
Voltage does not match

2)only freq does not match

3)only phase angle not matched

4)phase sequence does not match

Why synchroscope should not be left in circuit after synchronising?

What is trhe indication that 1)phase seq has matched.2)voltage matched.3)phase angle matched.4)freq matched

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#1 "Re: Generator synchronising" by PeterT on 12/20/2010 3:36 PM (score 3)

PeterT Re: Generator synchronising


Guru 12/20/2010 3:36 PM

You have multiple questions - I will try to answer them individually.

If any of the voltage / frequency / phase angle parameters are outside of acceptable differences (usually some %
voltage, 0.1 Hz or so, and +/- 5 to 10 degrees), and you close the generator breaker, you risk doing severe damage to
the generator. Depending on the "strength" of the bus to which you are syncing, the generator will in a very short time
be forced to change its speed / pole position. This has been known to (catastrophically!) throw the rotor right out of a
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Liverpool, NY
Posts: 678
Good Answers: 79 If the phase sequence does not match, someone has wired something wrong, and you will never synchronize because
your phase rotation is backwards.

A synchronizing panel usually has the sync scope, voltmeter(s), frequency meter, and two lights (not three). One light
will be connected to the generator voltage source and the other to the bus source, and two lights are connected in
series. When the generator and the bus are of opposite phase (180 degrees off), the voltages of the two sources add
and both lights are on maximum brightness; when the gen and bus are in sync, the voltages are same phase, and
cancel (lights off).

When manually synchronizing, you want to get generator voltage same (very close) to bus voltage, frequency same,
and control the speed of the gen so that the needle on the sync scope is turning very slowly. When the needle just
almost reaches top dead center, and both lights are out, is the time to close the breaker. A sync check relay properly
set, with a contact wired in the close circuit, will block operation of your manual close switch if you are too far out of

You can leave the sync scope in the circuit, but it tells you very little after synchronization because the bus will keep
the generator in sync except for an anomaly in generator operation or system conditions. The sync scope would stay
pinned at the top, the lights would be off, and the voltage and freq meters would show the bus conditions. Therefore it
is usually turned off after sync.

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5/11/2014 CR4 - Thread: Generator Synchronizing

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67model Re: Generator synchronising


Guru 12/20/2010 4:54 PM

Why Synchroscope is not left in circuit? Because it, or the capacitors/resistors used with it, are not rated for
continuous energising. As the comprehensive post #1 writes, there is no purpose served by leaving Synchroscope on, it
will just wear out for no benefit.
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#1 "Re: Generator synchronising" by PeterT on 12/20/2010 3:36 PM (score 3)

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