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ANATOMY OF TRIGEMINAL NERVE Propared By; fia Samar = misma Hoy alse the largest cranial avive . Pope eee eerie =n enor rt espands na the +The peripheral aspeet othe tn peripheral speci of the trigensinat V2) and mandibular 13) an gives vine 9 3 divisions. ephihalmie( V1), anvil ¢ wee eho DIVISIONS J tocrimal aad nasociiey sich innervate Ophthalmic Nerve:- Ophthalmic nerve gives tise to 3 terminal branches: ron the skin and mucous membrane of derivatives of the Irontonasal prominence derivates Forehead and sealp Frontal and ethmoidal sinus “Lipper exelid and its conjunetiva i Cornea *Dorsum of the nose Masitary Nerve: Masia nerve pies rs 0 14 txmival ranches. whi pera ihe san, mucous membranes ane sinuses of derivatives of the masillary rominence of the Ist pharyngeal arc, Lower eyelid and its conjunctiva “Cheeks and maxillary sinus Nasal eavity and lateral nose “Upper lip “Upper molar, incisor and canine teeth Superior palate and the assuciated gingiva Parasympanhetic Supply’ -Lacrimal gland: Post ganglionic tie c branch of V2 and then join the Iaesim ss from the plerywopalatine ganglion (derived from the facial nerve). travel vith thy fbanch of VI_ The fibers supply parass mpathetie innervation 10 the zygoma lacrimal gland. acim ae arasympathetic brs are aso cari tae mucous glands of he mas maces, Pest-zanglonic Fhe Fees ith the nasopafatine and ereaer palatine nerees (Branches of V2) Mandibular nerve gives ise w Four terminal branches nthe wtetemporal fossa buceal nerve tlgtemporal ners and Fingal nerve Jandibulae pronsnice oF the Ist pharyngeal = Sensory supply Mandibular Nerve: inferioe alveoar nerve. au striated muscle serwsatives or the m arch, ‘Mucous membranes +E stemal ear Lower lip “Chin Anterior 2/36 the Facial nerve) {Lower molar. me These branehes wnervate the skin, mucous membrane 9 and Moor oF the oral exits and Noor of th ‘ songue gn general ssaion. special tast sensation sunped hy th chor tympani branch af the c weth and the associated jsor and ean » Motor Suppls gingiv masseter temporalis tigation: medal por ge fate ers rete msc al the ms Ih mussle Ghee are supa ond amuses Amrerior bells oF Uh i ' Maxillary | , nerve V2 f} Mandibular b. ‘Si H] nerve v3 \ A Chorda tympant nerve CRS Buccinator 7 > nerve . Inferior alveolar \ nerve Mylohytord nerve ‘Mental nerve REV BA Mes Sa AREER > RESTING STATE Se ae ee merge reese Ree a (rete G ! |ARMACOLOGY OF LOCA ‘ASOCONST! ESTHESIA AND ye reat | waa PRESEIZURE SIONS. rroxte-cLonic Sevs hb MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA ceerereces: ARMAMENTARIUM & FUTURE TRENDS IN LOCAL ANESTHESIA ‘repre Bg Pee, PEPSI i S Poth Tor TET S - Dratomial Landuerks- Gp we Oak bord ep Ram be be Tekin of dexnpoved sauutle fei ene cent eke he LAR ANAESTHESIA, inc + geaepame mew ° my 3 él | Nees tothe presence or absence of important hypertension, epilepsy, levant othe preser ‘Symptomatology: Ask the patient if he/she had developed these symploms in the past and preser Cardiovascular system: Respiratory sytem essness- siden in onset in der and ttt SOTERTTTTTEERER ITER TITER Tae petechial hemor irtory system, analy ze and ask the ne presence of blood in the v0 he patent has abdomen pain ask for the on factors and ass "Alea. sk the patient about any Vo ~ si ce, blood transfusion, drug intake, diabetes m inmoving the tary movement 3. Sensory symptoms i round etc ences of Bowel and bladder. snees of cranial nerve Funct leading to los of smell and visual acuity ion. transient ischemic tach. cardia disease, hea injury Fever with altered sensoriuim epilepsy. pest drug intake MEDICALLY COM ISED PATIENTS repre By - Agen V ‘Type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow o hear. lexperience pain in chest, or neck, sweating and dizziness in lockers and anti-anginal drugs ogressve pulmonary disease caused by ie popenies of the airways. obstruction 1 aiflows, snd wheezing during heating improved DIILLITILILLALVDINVALAILL ALL AL Eg anes Uhre tiie { Let i FICTC TER TCLACUSCREUOREE IU LEL ELEC LESS S: MEDICAL EMERGENCIES IN DENTISTRY Sap Ja BASIC LIFE SUPPORT MN ANTIBIOTICS qaengqaeaat j een pednecive) ANALGESICS, ————EEESSSsS eped Chaat aks D2TRTTATATECTERDINDTITILOA TITTLE TUITTITTOT TTT EXODONTIA rant ; EXODONTIA (rant, UEROERATAECUCELAEESEEEEEER TTI Z 2 EMPTY SOCKET Pa 3, Dens ass ane: SYMPTOMS. following extraction of tooth, bled i extravaated into socket and ‘blood clot for > PREVENTION: Rinsing wih CHLOREI inthe ry Socket, 4 TREATMENT Removal of dbs from sachet by Medicated dresings are aio com ine or Local Anessa placed socket. WOUND HEALING AND SUTURING Prepared Oy. -Gonye SU nse self-sapponse cuissir CEPEEEETEPPELE LISELI TTT TEER the possi of ipa edb he nee EEEREELEPEESSELL ETI EEEL LC GIO tt i SHRM ECECLILIM ET AETHTTTIIN PREPROSTHETIC SURGERY TTT SUPERSTRUCTURE: ALVEOLAR RIDGE PRESERVATION —e ALVEOLAR RIDGE AUGMENTATION Leb REECECEERELEETHEIEL “HERE HEEREERET ELT INFROTIONS wari HC ECCREEHELLELEEEEEEHISEELELL ttl ’ 2 ereep PTI TIT PT EIST ST TTS [| CECERRECEE Gpheaenora_| mig = 2 ~ a = eS = = S oS SS cS ns a S ae aC SS sa Ie aioe 8 Si ‘Sone ‘FUNGAL INFECTIONS ~ Aspen Seccndany herpes bas Herpes zoster Varicella rater Measles ‘Momape EEEAEEERELEL 8 2 1 Raksha TEELITEEEEAD EEE ET Te h CYSTS OF ORAL CAVITY HEEERCEEEELE , a DENTIGER : scysr: CYSTS OF ORAL CAVITY «rant 2) Waa minds compressed Fieous CT or llth FAST Sear asToR ‘Arcanmal Rare o TUMORS OF ORAL CAViT CERENTONTASTONT Ss ‘TUMORS OF ORAL CAVITY (rxzr2 Pept pt Jin NonsoDo\TOGENIC TORS ene ieg s LIETLETELELE Led. sow Lothian ORAL CANCER (Pane ty Prepared ty Sandia Won ditt? \S sie st ee PLEO L ECCT EC Leeda eed A I SALIVARY GLAND PATHOLOGY rp Sain gst poe sven pei. deni SHU GLAND LASSP AMUN 1. 2 Ma 3 Chee LPILEL ILO LLL L EL ILILL LIL IPLLIIPLEL LIL LL | IREFRENCE FROM FONSECA VOLUME S| DISEASES OF MAXILLARY SINUS rant) repured y,-Soundarys Show DEUCE CCLEC LLL ve, ° DISEASES OF MAXILLARY SINUS want, Prepared By -Souou tan ZSILCELICCCCOLELLLLCLL ELLE EEL TI LLLTEY aye UE i StaMosia INADOUAAN E “peteel COROT Leen yohtinnediantine vega jens vonaplecL B envernp tie a aie pap pede one eros = eb surly Pon annua epoin 7 Cnet) Fee alclepualy sya gt HF mee * LECLCILLLILELIIILLLIIIILLEL tit¢zé -=t Alpgeuth vempltes -» Ravisiin soynWf Lp § rane (hand STLLCLECE CCC LEE Lele Lisl Leeeie eee cebed ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY. 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