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I-Box enterprise provides high quality services and products in a very affordable

price. It has new and advanced features that will answer the needs of all ages. This product is

ergonomic, that is economically friendly.

I-Box enterprise aims to be the pioneer among advanced, innovative and new

technologies in the Philippines. We are also aiming to expand our services into different

branches and to be one of the most competitive businesses with advanced technology in the


The mission of I-Box enterprise is to help students and professionals experience great

efficiency in providing high quality service through advanced technology. I-Box enterprise

wants to provide a product in the industry that will deal with the needs of the people

specifically the target customers, and will also help the environment.

As known throughout the world, Philippines have a tropical climate that experiences a

hot weather and most of the time, people complain with the heat. Although, there are

appliances and materials that will ease the heat, people are still looking for great alternatives

that is more easy to use, something that is not hassle to carry anywhere and anytime, and

something that will last long. That is why we proposed I-Box for the people. Its main feature
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is the built in air-conditioner that is very handy unlike the typical type of air-conditioners that

we are using. It has an air filter that is more advanced than other air-conditioners. I-Box has a

switch that the consumers may use to adjust or intensify the temperature they want to have.

According to statistics conducted in the Philippines, year 2016, 8 out of 10 Filipinos gets

bored easily most of the time especially when there are no forms of entertainment like

listening to music. We all know that Filipinos are inclined to music that is why the I-Box

enterprise proposed another feature which is the I-Box built in speaker that the consumers

may use if they want to listen to music. It also involves a drive feature wherein the consumers

may insert their flash drives to listen to their choice of music.

I-Box is a new and advanced technology that has additional features such as the extension

socket if consumers want to plug other gadgets. It also has a solar panel at the top part of it

wherein consumers may re-charge the I-Box with the use of solar energy that saves power

and energy. But, it can also be charge by a cord, and its battery can last for six hours. This

only proves that our product, the I-Box, is not only for helping people obtain their issues like

poor ventilation, low quality of entertainment, and the inconvenience of other gadgets. The

features of this product showed that it is not much of a hassle considering that it does not

consume too much energy.

The Product Design shows the details needed for the making of I-Box. The product is

composed of three appliances all in one handy and convenient box. It is a 6 by 6 by 12

inches’ box with different colors to choose from. It is powered by a solar panel at its top that

can give life for the box that lasts for six hours. It is consist of a speaker that gives music that
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also functions when a flash drive was inserted. It has a built in air-conditioner which can be

adjusted in desired temperature. It has a plug on its one side which can be used in charging

electronic gadgets. In charging the I-Box, it has a socket at the side part of the box with a

removable cord.

The description and processes of the product are also included in this part. This

section discussed the activities to be conducted throughout the month for the production of

the I-Box.

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