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Weasel and Chicken

One day, the Weasel was planting corn seeds in a hole in the ground. One
by one the corn kernels were put into the hole in the ground. The place is quite
large, so that it can be planted with a large amount of corn. Suddenly a chicken
appeared in that place.
"Good morning my best friend Weasel, you seem very busy huh?" said the
Chicken startled the Weasel.
"Yes, I'm planting corn seeds, so that later when they grow big, I can
harvest them. Corn is my favorite food," said the Weasel.
"Wow, you’re really smart, friend. I also like to eat corn," said the Chicken.
“How about you plant these corn seeds? Later when it's time to harvest, I'll
give you some of the crop so we can eat it together.” asked the Weasel while
planting the corn kernels.
"Okay, I agree," responded the Chicken.
The Weasel gave some corn kernels to the Chicken. The Weasel is very
kind because he wants to invite his best friend to join in planting corn. If one day
the corn tree has grown big and is ready to be harvested, the Weasel promises
to give some of the crop to the Chicken.
"I hope you will take care of this corn field, because now I have a need, in
the forest to the east. When it's time to harvest the corn, I'll definitely come back
here again," said the Weasel.
"Okay, I will definitely look after your corn garden!" said the Chicken.
The Weasel left the place, while the Chicken stayed. He intends to guard
the Weasel's corn garden.
After months, the Weasel never returned to visit his corn garden.
"I wonder why Weasel haven’t come back here. I think I'll pick some of this
corn for me to eat." The Chicken muttered.
The Chicken seems to be hungry. Then he picked a corn that was ripe in
the garden.
“Aahh... Such a relief at last!” said the Chicken while eating the corn.
The Chicken forgot that he promised to wait for the Weasel to return to
that place. He forgot that all the corn there belonged to the Weasel. But he
started to get greedy by picking the corn. Then he harvested all the ripe corn in
Weasel's garden. There's a lot of corn. The Chicken picks the corn one by one
"Maybe I'll just eat this corn, Weasel will definitely not come back here
again." thought the Chicken.
The Chicken ate all the corn alone, leaving no corn for the Weasel, until he
felt full.
"Wow, all this corn tastes really good." said the Chicken that was full.
From inside the forest, the Mouse Deer saw the Chicken that was full after
eating the corn, and also saw the Chicken hiding the pile of corn with dry leaves.
A few moments later, the Weasel appeared in the garden. The Weasel
was very surprised and panicked, because the corn he had planted had
"Hey Chicken, where are you, where are all my corns?" cried the Weasel
while looking for the Chicken.
The Chicken was startled and started to be afraid of the arrival of the
Weasel who was looking for his corn, because he thought the Weasel would not
return whilst he had already eaten all the corn alone without leaving anything for
the Weasel. He decided to approach the Weasel.
"Why are you calling for me?" replied the Chicken while approaching the
"Where is all the corn that I planted with you?!" said the Weasel while
wondering where all the corn disappeared.
"Eh... All the corn we planted at that time didn't bear fruit, the trees were
diseased and didn't bear fruit at all!" said the Chicken while pretending and being
nervous about the Weasel's question.
Then, the Mouse Deer appeared from behind the garden bushes. Slowly
he opened the pile of dry leaves. It turned out that in it there were remnants of
corn that had been eaten by the Chicken. The Weasel stared at the remains of
the corn and was disappointed at the Chicken who had eaten all of the corn.
“You can't lie anymore, Chicken! This is the proof, a pile of leftover corn
that you have eaten! Why did you eat all my corn, Chicken!” The Weasel
annoyed and strangling the Chicken.
“L-let go of me Weasel… I thought you wouldn't come to this place again,
so I thought of picking some corn for me to eat, at that time I was really hungry.”
answered the Chicken while scared.
The Weasel looked furious and disappointed with the Chicken who had ate
up all of his corn without leaving anything for himself. Then Mouse Deer tried to
stop the Weasel from doing something undesirable.
"Chicken!! You should apologize to Weasel, because you broke your
promise. You were told by him to look after the garden until Weasel returned and
you picked all the corn and you ate it yourself without leaving anything for your
own best friend!! That's not a good deed, you should really be responsible to
Weasel! Because Weasel looks really angry.” told the Mouse Deer while looking
vacantly at the Chicken.
"Umm... I'm sorry Weasel, I promise I won't do that again," said the
Chicken, feeling very guilty about what he had done.
"Fine, I will forgive you, but there is a condition" asserted the Weasel.
"Huh... What are the conditions?" the Chicken asked fearfully.
"You have to return all the corn within 4 days, otherwise I will eat you and
all your offspring without the slightest bit left," said the Weasel while staring
intently at the chicken.
The Chicken felt anxious and scared to hear the conditions from the
The Chicken anxiously, "But that's too...".
"I DO NOT CARE!" exclaimed the Weasel.
Then the Weasel left the Chicken, and the Chicken ask for help from the
Mouse Deer.
"How is this Mouse Deer? I don't know what to do," said the worried
"How do I know... Remember this, O Chicken, you dare to do something,
so you must dare to be responsible for what you do," replied the mouse deer.
After that, the Mouse Deer left the Chicken alone. The next day, the
Chicken was still confused about how to return all the Weasel's corn. Then
suddenly, the Chicken had the idea to run away from the corn plantation for his
"Goodness me... How can I return all the corn to Weasel," said the
Chicken while confused.
"Rather than staying here being empty handed, it's better if I just go
somewhere far away, surely Weasel will never find me again," thought the
4 Days Later, the Weasel had returned to the garden and wanted to
charge the Chicken all his corn.
"Chicken…. Oh Chicken, Where Are You?” the Weasel called while
looking for his whereabouts.
The Weasel was clueless as to where the Chicken was. But the Weasel
saw footprints of the Chicken leading into the forest. That's where the Weasel
became really angry.
"WHAT!? How dare you leave your responsibility just like that, I won't stay
silent. From now on I swear I will eat you and all your offspring CHICKEN…!”
exclaimed the Weasel Angrily and loudly.
In the end, the Weasel and the Chicken were never friends again, and
following the Weasel's promise, the Weasel would eat all the chickens he saw.
The moral message is to never leave something that has been entrusted to

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