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EBUS634 Service Operations Management

Assignment 2 (Worth 70%)

Deadline: 30thJuly,2022
There have been many attempts to apply lean production principles to services contexts. Many such
initiatives have been undertaken in health-service contexts.


1. Undertake some internet research of examples (good or bad) of real initiatives where health
service providers have undertaken lean service initiatives. What did they do, how well did it
work, which aspects of lean did they follow (and which did they not apply)

2. To establish the differences between lean production and lean in a services context.

3. Discuss academic studies that have applied or reviewed lean in health services

Report structure:

 Introduction covering requirement 1 above. Up to 500 words.

 What is lean service? Review academic texts and academic sources to establish the features
of ‘classic’ lean production/manufacturing, and then discuss which of those feature are
important (or not so relevant) in a services context. 750 words
 Application of lean service. Find and discuss academic studies reviewing the successes and
failures of attempts to implement lean initiatives in health services. 750 words.
 References

No front sheet is required. No other sections (e.g. executive summary or abstract) are required.

Do not identify yourself in your paper. Cite and reference all your sources.


The purpose of the assignment is to show that you have understood the theoretical principles and
concepts and that you have completed wider reading of academic sources. Depth of discussion is
more important that breadth, so it is important to show that you have found and read some suitable
academic papers and can discuss them in detail.

Organise your literature discussions by topics / themes so that you discuss several sources in each
section (avoid reviewing academic papers one by one in separate, dedicated paragraphs).

The report MUST NOT exceed 2000 words (excluding tables, diagrams and references). There is no
lea-way. You may vary section sizes but must not exceed the 2000 words total. Penalties apply.

This is an individual assignment, and the report must be all your own work.

You must submit only an electronic copy through TurnitIn.

NB. Once submitted, your assignment cannot be changed. You cannot resubmit!

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