HPE1073 Mock ReadingTest Session 0722

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1. This question paper consists of THREE (3) parts : PART A (01 question)
: PART B (01 question)
: PART C (02 questions)

2. Answer ALL questions from PART A, Part B and PART C.

i. Answer PART A, PART B and PART C in the Question Paper.

3. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of:
i. The Question Paper.

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5. Please write your answer using a ball-point pen.

MYKAD NO : 051113110477
ID. NO. : BGJ232410693
LECTURER : _____________________________________________________


The question paper consists of 11 printed pages




Read the passage below. Answer all of the questions that follows.


I American kids are hardly the only ones getting fatter. According to a recent report by
the International Obesity Task Force, childhood obesity is rising all over the world. In
industrialized countries, about one in ten schoolchildren is considered obese. The
problem is growing in the developing world too. In China, obesity among 15 year-olds
has risen from 5 percent in the late 1980’s to as much as 17 5 percent.

II Some of the world’s fattest kids and adults live in Britain, Finland, and Russia. But
Italy, which has long prided itself on its low cholesterol Mediterranean diet, is not
excluded: a recent study by the national statistical agency CENSIS found that 36
percent of Italian boys and 22 percent of girls under ten were obese, compared 10
with 18 percent of 9 and 10 years-olds in 1992. Even in Japan, where obesity is
relatively rare, children’s waistlines are expanding. And in the fabled land of the
“French paradox”, where slim, healthy people subsist on a high-fat diet, a study
released last week by the national Institute of Health and Medical Research
(INSERM) showed that 12 percent of children between 5 and 12 were obese – 15
twice as many as 20 years ago. The influx of immigrants may play a role: one recent
study showed that immigrant children are especially susceptible to weight gain.

III As in America, the usual culprits – more food, less exercise – are to blame. For many,
those twin shortcomings represent the dark side of globalization. David 20 Benchetrit,
Head of Research at the private Weight Clinic of Paris says that America has greatly
influenced Europe with television temptations. Indeed, fast- food chains have sprung
up in all but the most remote reaches of the earth. Large portions are creeping in from
America. And the tech revolution has made it possible for kids from Turin to forgo
after-school biking or football in favor of 25 Nickelodeon and Nintendo.

IV But America doesn’t bear the sole responsibility for the world’s heft. France’s INSERM
cites over-nutritious baby food as a cause; some 75 percent of French babies get
more protein and fatty acids than doctors recommend because they aren’t breastfed.
And working parents everywhere shoulder blame. “In Italy, 30 childcare is often
performed by indulgent grandparents who go heavy on the creamy milk shakes”,
says Milan pediatrician Roberto Marinello. At a recent conference in Milan, the Italian
Health Minister, Umberto Veronesi singled out working moms. “Kids eat meals on the
go, they spend too much time in front of the TV and the mothers are not home to
teach them”, he said. “Japanese children 35 are too busy attending music classes and
cram schools to either eat properly or exercise”, says Doctor Kimie Yamazaki. “I go
to cram school after real school and by the time I get home, it’s past 9:00 pm. So I
buy rice balls or potato chips, or a burger and fries, between cram school and home”,
says Tokyo sixth grader Tokao
Goto. 40

V Tired of watching their progeny put on the pounds, parents are eager for a quick fix.
Low-fat foods and “diet drugs” are ubiquitous. Kids from Berlin to Beijing will be
attending the American-style weight-loss camps this summer. Demand for sports at
British hospital clinics for overweight youngsters is soaring. “In French schoolyards”,
says teacher Elizabeth Lesne, “it’s common to hear girls and boys 45 discussing new
diet techniques. Now, if only they would stop talking and start chasing each other!”

(Adapted from Newsweek, 3 July 2000)

Answer ALL questions.

a. What do the following words refer to?

i. “those” (line 20) :the usual culprits

ii. “they” (line 34) :kids

iii. “their” (line 41) :parents

(3 marks)

b. What is the closest meaning for the following words according to the text?

i. influx (line 16) : entry

ii. indulgent (line 31) : pamper

iii. ubiquitous (line 42) : everywhere

(3 marks)

c. Answer the following questions.

i. What did the article said about childhood obesity around the globe?

childhood obesity is rising all over the world. In industrialized countries, about one in
ten schoolchildren is considered obese. The problem is growing in the developing world too.

(1 mark)

ii. How much did obesity cases increase in both Italy and France?

Obesity cases increase in Italy are 36 percent of Italian boys and 22 percent of girls
under ten were obese, compared with 18 percent of 9 and 10 years-olds in 1992. While in
France are 12 percent of children between 5 and 12 were obese twice as many as 20 years

(2 marks)


iii. According to David Benchetrit, how did America contribute to rising cases of obesity?

America has greatly influenced Europe with television temptations. Indeed, fast-
food chains have sprung up in all but the most remote reaches of the earth.Large
portions are creeping in from America. And the tech revolution has made it
possible for kids from Turin to forgo after-school biking or football in favor of
Nickelodeon and Nintendo._

(3 marks)

iv. What other contributing factors are there to rising obesity that is not American-made?

Over-nutritious baby food as a cause; some 75 percent of French

babies get more protein and fatty acids than doctors recommend because they
aren’t breastfed.Besides, Kids eat meals on the go, they spend too much time in front of
the TV and the mothers are not home to teach them.

(3 marks)



Choose from the answer option below from A to F which fits best each gap (1 to 5).
Write your answer in the space provided in the paragraph.

One of the single biggest financial decisions of a person’s life is buying or selling a house,
an apartment, or a property. Whether a person is a first-time property buyer or looking for a
second home, or just needs to sell a property, he/she will most likely get a real estate agent
for assistance. A real estate agent job is by no means a simple job. He/she has to convince
a prospective property owner that he/she is trustworthy and knowledgeable.

(1) ______________F____________. The agent works under a licensed real estate

agency that sells or rents property, as well as manages, appraises, or develops real estate.
Most real estate agents will sell private homes. Some specialize in commercial property such
as office buildings, factories, stores, shopping malls, or even undeveloped land.

(2) __________E___________. A listing is not a list of properties but rather an agreement

in the form of contract between both the owners of the property and the agent. The owners
agree to pay the agent a commission or a percentage of the property sold. Real estate agents
obtain their new listings for their agency by locating owners who are trying to sell their
property. They will visit the newly listed properties first to familiarize themselves with the
property before bringing potential buyers to view them.

(3) _________________A______________. Most sellers will quote a higher price for their
property than buyers who are willing to pay for it. Agents must be able to convince the sellers
to set a more realistic price. However, most of the effort focuses on the buyers. Hence,
agents will do their best to close a deal with the buyer.

(4) _______________D________________. Buyers, on the other hand, will ask for a lower
price than the seller’s asking price. Agents will help to negotiate the final price that both
parties will agree upon. They will also arrange bank loans for the buyers and present at
closings when the final contracts of sales are signed.


(5) _____________B_____________. They also spend an amount of time doing fieldwork

checking out properties and showing real estate to potential buyers. Most agents do not have
a 9 to 5 working schedule. They work at night and during weekends in order to arrange
meetings to suit the convenience of the buyers and sellers. Most real estate agents work
independently and they find great satisfaction in their jobs when they find the right property
for the right buyer.

Finally, in order to be a successful real estate agent one must be willing to accept rejections
and understand that it is not a personal reflection. And if you are a successful agent, “You
don’t have to worry about finding a company – they find you”.
(Adapted from www.nst.com.my/property/2017)

A Agents have to convince buyers that the property is a good buy and suits their needs.
B Real estate agents don’t only have face-to-face meetings with potential buyers, but
they do spend a great deal of time on the telephone to locate property which is for sale
and negotiate with interested parties and property owners.
C Everyone can be a successful estate agent.
D The agents act as a negotiator between the seller and buyer in any sale.
E Real estate agents work from a file of listings of properties for sale or rent.
F Generally, a real estate agent is a licensed agent who works on behalf of property
owners and earns a commission of percentage of the sale or rental of the property.





Answer the question based on the advertisement below. Fill in your answer in the
space provided.

1. For someone on a tight budget, the tour package named Una Vida de Playa would be
the best pick.
(1 mark)

2. The culture-based activities included in the Tokyo City Tour package, and Una Vida de
Playa package, are watch sumo match in Ryogoku ,watch wildlife at Isla Contoy, and
tour around city on a Vespa.
(3 marks)

3. For someone with a sweet tooth, the tour package named Esperienza di Gladiatori
would be ideal because it has the enjoy gelatto activity.
(2 marks)

4. Two heavy meals were included in the tour packages – they are Quesadillas lunch and
Sashimi lunch.
(2 marks)


5. The tour package named Tokyo city is ideal for someone who wants to experience local
religious activity because it has to wear yukata as one of its’ activity.
(2 marks)



Read the following infographics and answer the question by filling in your answers
with the appropriate response.


1. The literal meaning for the Greek word gymnasion is school for naked exercise.
(1 mark)

2. The gymnasiums were built by the state.

(1 mark)

3. Apart as a place to perform exercises, gymnasiums eventually grew to also include

dressing room, bath, training quarters, and special areas for contests.
(4 marks)

4. The gymnasiums were supervised by public officials, who were also working as conduct
of sports and games at public festival.
(2 marks)

5. Other activities, apart from training, at the gymnasium also includes held lectures and
discussions on philosophy.
(2 marks)



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