Online Learning Model

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Online Learning Model

The Online Learning Model consists of a set of

elements designed to increase student engagement, retention and overall satisfaction:
 Learning Communities
 Interaction Between Students
 Teacher Presence
 Interaction with the Professions
 Flexible and Adaptive Learning
 Interactive Resources
 E-Assessment
The model broadens Moore's (1989) notion of interactivity to one of engagement, incorporating
learner engagement with the teacher, peers, content, community and the institution to ensure a
fully connected student experience.
To learn more about the Online Learning Model and how you can use it to enhance your
teaching practice and the student experience, head to CSULX - CSU's Online Learning
Exchange. There, you'll find a range of resources, including:
 Overview - an outline of the model and literature review summarising the research underlying its
development, including a quick summary (2 pages) for those short of time.
 Strategies - that relate to each of the OLM elements that can be applied in your own teaching
 OLM Mixer - an interactive tool to help you determine your current level of practice in each of
the OLM elements, and assist in planning future developments to suit the needs of your subject.
 Applications - of the OLM within subjects, including case studies that incorporate a range of
strategies to suit particular learning and teaching contexts.
Technologies for Online Learning
In designing online learning experiences at CSU, access is provided to a wide range of
technologies. These include core, institutionally-supported technologies available to all subjects,
as well as a range of supporting external educational technologies that can be selected to meet
specific learning needs.
 Technologies for Learning and Teaching - find out more about CSU's overall learning
technologies landscape (including how to contribute to the enhancement of available
technologies at CSU).
 Using Learning Technologies - find out what institutionally-supported technologies are available
to support your teaching, as well as policies and guidelines for using External Educational
 Technologies for Open Learning - find out about the strategies and technologies CSU is using to
support open education, and how you can become involved.
 Learning Analytics - find out how you can use data from CSU's learning technologies to inform
and enhance the online learning experience.
 Where to Get Help - find out where to gain support for using specific online technologies.

Technologies for Learning and Teaching

Technology is an integral part of higher education.  In addition to opportunities created in online

learning, learning technologies also form the foundation of much on-campus teaching.
The effective use of learning technologies is first founded in quality learning design.  From there,
appropriate technologies and learning resources are selected to enable the intended design.
To support the use of learning technologies, these pages provide information on:
1. where to get help on CSU's learning technologies
2. the available core technologies to underpin learning and teaching
The Learning Technologies Unit (LTU) officially concluded its work on 20th December 2019. It
signs off after 11 years given the new DLT structure. To celebrate with gratitude, here are two
accounts of key achievements of LTU since 2008: a summary , and a presentation prepared by
a team member titled “Focus on the Future - A future based on a successful past” that has an
abridged visual history of LTU.

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