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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID Banuka Shantha Udayanga COL/E 011159

Unit Title Unit 03: Professional Practice

Assignment Number Assessor
07/04/2023 Date Received 1st
Submission Date submission
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date submission
Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a target audience
Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1 D1

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M2 M3 D2

LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team working
in different environments
Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 M4 D3

LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the
workplace and for higher level learning
Pass, Merit & Distinction P7 P8 M5 D4

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades
decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date

Student signature Date

Pearson Higher Nationals in

Unit 03: Professional Practice
Assignment 01

General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use
previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style.
4. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment
No, and Page Number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become detached
for any reason.
5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing
your assignment.

Important Points:

1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for the
compulsory information. eg: Figures, tables of comparison etc. Adding text boxes in the
body except for the before mentioned compulsory information will result in rejection of
your work.
2. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late
submissions will not be accepted.
3. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
4. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
5. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness,
you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
7. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
8. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL.
You will then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
9. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using
HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text
citation and a reference list.
10. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could
be reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course

Student Declaration
I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present
it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand what it means
to copy another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Edexcel UK.

3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of the
assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be
my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the
correct way.
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding
agreement between myself and Pearson, UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not
attached to the assignment.

Student’s Signature: Date: 07/04/203

(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)
Higher National Diploma in Business
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number Banuka Shantha Udayanga COL/E 011159

Unit Number and Title Unit 3: Professional Practice

Academic Year 2020/21

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Work Related Learning Report: Design and Deliver a

Training Programme

Issue Date

Submission Date 07/04/2023

IV Name & Date

Submission format
The submission should be in the form of an individual report written in a concise, formal business style using
single spacing (refer to the assignment guidelines for more details). You are required to make use of
headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and
referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please provide in-text citation and a list of references using
Harvard referencing system. Please note that this is an activity-based assessment and your report should
include evidences to the activities carried out individually and/or in a group.

To carry out the activities given on the brief, you are required to form groups, comprising maximum of 6

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a
target audience.
LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios. LO3
Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of
team working in different environments.
LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within
the workplace and for higher-level learning.
Assume yourself as the event coordinator working in an event planning organization specialized in delivering
trainings on IT and soft skills. you have been appointed to design and deliver a training event on IT /Soft Skills
to an identified audience. You are required to complete the project within 2 months and the training plan
and resources should be finalized as per the requirement of the client.

You are required to form a group of not more than 6 members in order to carry out the event. The event will
be headed by an event manager/ leader and each group member will be assigned a set of tasks. While
designing and delivering the event,

• the skills required to make the event successful

• challenges faced during the design/ delivery
• Critical evaluation of the problems, challenges faced and the methods used to overcome them •
The need for continuously develop in a professional environment

Need to be thoroughly considered.

At the end of the event, produce an individual report by each member covering the following tasks.

Task 1:

Demonstrate how you are planning to effectively deliver the training event by designing a professional
project plan with following details.

• Roles appointed to group members and an evaluation of interpersonal skills of each member that
justifies the assigned role in the team.

• Goal and objectives of the project

• Evidences to the meetings conducted with the client and the team members and the findings/
outcomes of the meetings

• Challenges/ problems identified and the plan to overcome them

• A project schedule with the activities, milestones and contingencies identified.

Task 2
Research different problem-solving techniques that can be used to solve the identified problems in
task 1 and demonstrate how critical reasoning can be applied to identify a solution to the identified

Critically evaluate the solution methodology used to solve one of the identified problems and justify
how selected methodology helped you to successfully solve the problem and achieve the project

Task 3

Work in your team by contributing your skills and knowledge to meet the project goal. Critically
evaluate your own role and contribution to the group for the completion of the training event.

Discuss the importance of having dynamic team members in a group to meet its goals by referring to
the role assigned to the group members and analyse how team dynamics among your group members
effectively helped to achieve the shared project goal.

Task 4

Discuss with examples, the importance of continuous professional development (CPD) in a work
setting by evaluating the range of CPD criteria that can be used to measure the effectiveness of your
employees in your organization.

Produce a continuous professional development (CPD) plan using the criteria identified above with
relevant to the responsibilities, required skills, performance objectives for the members of your
team. Compare and contrast different motivational theories and discuss how they can be helpful to
improve the performance of the team members and meet the objectives of the developed CPD plan.
Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable

communication skills to a target audience.

P1 Demonstrate, using different communication styles and

formats, that you can effectively design and deliver a training
event for a given target audience.

P2 Demonstrate that you have used effective time

management skills in planning an event.

M1 Design a professional schedule to support the planning of

an event, to include contingencies and justifications of time

D1 Evaluate the effectiveness and application of interpersonal

skills during the design and delivery of a training event.

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of

problem-solving scenarios.

P3 Demonstrate the use of different problem-solving

techniques in the design and delivery of an event.
P4 Demonstrate that critical reasoning has been applied to a
given solution.

M2 Research the use of different problem-solving techniques

used in the design and delivery of an event.

M3 Justify the use and application of a range of solution


D2 Critique the process of applying critical reasoning to a given

task/activity or event.

LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within

a team and the impact of team working in different

P5 Discuss the importance of team dynamics in the success

and/or failure of group work.

P6 Work within a team to achieve a defined goal.

M4 Analyse team dynamics, in terms of the roles group

members play in a team and the effectiveness in terms of
achieving shared goals.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
D3 Provide a critical evaluation of your own role and
contribution to a group scenario.

LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional

Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace and for
higher-level learning.

P7 Discuss the importance of CPD and its contribution to own


P8 Produce a development plan that outlines responsibilities,

performance objectives and required skills, knowledge and
learning for own future goals.

M5 Compare and contrast different motivational theories and

the impact they can have on performance within the

D4 Evaluate a range of evidence criteria that is used as a

measure for effective CPD.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
1. LO1. Demonstrate, using different communication styles and formats, that you can
effectively design and deliver a training event for a given target audience. .................. 5
1.1. P1: Communication styles and skills.................................................................................. 5
1.2. P2: Demonstrate that you have used effective time management skills in planning an event
1.3. M1: Design a professional schedule to support the planning of an event, including
contingencies and justifications for the time allocated. ........................................................ 8
1.4. D1: Evaluate the effectiveness and application of Interpersonal Skills. .......................... 10
2. LO 02: Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a variety of situations. ..................... 11
2.1. P3: Demonstrate the use of different problem-solving techniques in the design and delivery
of an event. .......................................................................................................................... 11
2.2. P3: Methods and Applications for Solving Problems. ..................................................... 12
2.3. P4: Showcase the application of critical thinking to a given solution.............................. 13
3. LO 03: Discuss the Importance and Dynamics of Working Within Skills a Team and The
Impact of Team Working in Different Environments ................................................... 16
3.1. P5: Importance of Team Dynamics. ................................................................................. 16
3.2. P6: Working with others................................................................................................... 17
3.3. M 4: Analyze team dynamics, in terms of the roles group members play in a team and the
effectiveness in terms of achieving shared goals ................................................................ 17
3.4. D3: critical evolution of roles and contribution group scenario. ...................................... 19
4. LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role
within the workplace and for higher-level learning. ...................................................... 20
4.1. P7: The importance of CPD and its contribution to own learning. .................................. 20
4.2. P8: Produce a development plan that outlines responsibilities, performance objectives, and
required skills, knowledge, and learning for your own future goals. .................................. 21
4.3. M5: Compare and contrast different motivational theories and the impact they can have on
performance within the workplace. ..................................................................................... 22
4.4. D4: Evaluate a range of evidence criteria that is used as a measure for effective CPD... 23
References ................................................................................................................................ 25

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice

Our team's goal in this project is to develop a product called "Smart visual," which is a project for
the blind.

issues like: People who are blind or partially sighted often encounter obstacles like electric poles
and moving vehicles when trying to leave the house. They have access to cutting-edge technology,
but the majority do not have virtual assistants. The most frequent occurrence when they are out is
not knowing where they are.

There is a fix for that issue:

In order to prevent interference, create a level shock function.

• A voice recognition system to handle the needs of those who are blind.
• Locating and contacting family members.

What matters most is that my team's launch of this product met its intended purpose.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
1. LO1. Demonstrate, using different communication styles and formats, that
you can effectively design and deliver a training event for a given target

1.1. P1: Communication styles and skills

Because interpersonal communication is one skill that cannot be automated, it is crucial to have
good interpersonal communication skills. It is exclusive to people. Gaining effective
communication skills can benefit our social interactions and family relationships, among other
areas of our lives. The process of exchanging information, emotion, and meaning with another
person through spoken and non-spoken messages is known as communication. This form of
communication is face-to-face. When two people are communicating, it's not just about the words
they use; it's also about the non-verbal cues that are sent through body language, gestures, and
non-verbal communication techniques like the tone of voice and facial expressions. The abilities
needed to interact, communicate, and collaborate with people in both small and large groups are
known as interpersonal skills. These abilities are crucial for success, whether they are applied in
our personal or professional lives. One of the most important factors considered when hiring new
employees is a candidate's interpersonal abilities. Good communication skills are unquestionably
necessary when we apply for a job or when we are vying for a promotion at our current employer.
The ability to communicate with a wide range of people, to demonstrate a variety of vocabulary,
to adapt our language to our audience, to listen effectively, to present our ideas in the best way, to
write clearly and concisely, and to work well in a team are all necessary for maintaining good eye
contact. Many employers are looking for candidates with these crucial business skills. No matter
what industry we work in, being able to communicate clearly with clients, coworkers, and
managers is crucial. enhances effective communication in teams, encourages improved
performance, and fosters a positive workplace culture. One must be aware of both their own verbal
and non-verbal cues as well as those of others because communication is a two-way process.

Need to have an understanding of what your usual type of communication is. There are 5
communication styles, and whereas several people could use completely different styles in several
things, most can fall back on one particular style, which we use as our 'default' style. They are:

Aggressive Style.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
These people act as though their needs come first and that they are entitled to more rights and
contributions than other people. This type of person tries to achieve goals at the expense of other
people or clients, among other behavioral traits. Explosive, erratic Threatening, boisterous,
frightful Professional Practice.

Assertive Style

It is the most effective and healthy form of communication because it strikes the ideal balance
between being too passive and too aggressive. The predominant tenor is at least assertive. These
people exhibit certain behavioral traits, such as being socially and emotionally expressive and
achieving goals without harming others. accepting compliments.

Passive–Aggressive Style

People who act in this way frequently express their frustration and feelings of helplessness. The
perfect illustration of passive-aggressive behavior is the expression "cut off the nose to spite the
face.". There are certain behavioral traits that this style of people exhibits. Gossip is sarcastic,
deceptively aggressive, and two-faced.

Submissive Style

These types of people make it easier to avoid conflicts and certain types of behavioral
characteristics, such as avoiding conflict, feeling victimized, and rejecting compliments.

Manipulative Style.

Communication manipulators are adept at using others for their own gain. Their words will conceal
a message of which other people may not be even slightly aware. Some people have manipulative
behaviors that subtly influence others. Create an obligation in others. Use synthetic tears.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
1.2. P2: Demonstrate that you have used effective time management skills in
planning an event

Time Management
Time management refers to the way that you organize and plan how long you spend on
specific activities

It may seem counter-intuitive to dedicate precious time to learning about time

management, instead of using it to get on with your work, but the benefits are enormous:

• Greater productivity and efficiency.

• Less stress.
• A better professional reputation.
• Greater opportunities to achieve important life and career goals.
• Increased opportunities for advancement.

Failing to manage your time effectively can have some very undesirable consequences:
• Missed deadlines.
• Poor work quality.
• Inefficient workflow.
• Higher stress levels.
• A poor professional reputation and a stalled career.

Why are time management skills crucial?

Because they help you organize your work and accomplish your objectives, time management
skills are crucial. For instance, you need time to update if your goal is to land a job. Make a resume,
look for job openings, submit an application, research companies, and get ready for interviews.
You can complete the steps necessary to finish a task by setting aside a specific amount of time
each day.
Strong time management abilities enable one to be fully present and focused. For instance, you
might need to work on a project you forgot about while people are around because you're running
late for a meeting.
You might overlook crucial information when speaking, which could make your job more
effective. You can be imaginative and proactive when you have good time management goals.
You can give time once you have allocated some time to finish your tasks.

Training event Planning.(group work):

Description: This project we want to bring is the training of the skills needed to launch
new products.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
Name of the Training program: Training the skills necessary to apply headphones for the visually

Goals of the Training program: The training program will bring the project staff to
understand the importance of using this product and the basic steps to use it.

Participants: project-related staff, project manager, and application development specialist for
the visually impaired.

1st: The week should be used to identify the goals of the project and analyze any work required.
1st: The week includes soliciting sponsorships and setting up hardware and software.
1st: Weekly assembly and technical setup.
Week 2: Product testing and user market research.
Week 2: Report writing and risk assessment.
Week 3: Fixed bugs before launch.
Week 4: Presentations and display items.

1.3. M1: Design a professional schedule to support the planning of an event,

including contingencies and justifications for the time allocated.

In order to provide professionals with a profound impact and knowledge about employability
skills, we have scheduled a workshop for the last two weeks. These are intended to aid in locating,
applying for, and obtaining jobs and work placements. Your ability to communicate your strengths,
abilities, and accomplishments will be guided by these workshops. In the workshops, kids are
exposed to a variety of practical tasks that are interactive and allow them to experience a particular
subject. They then have the chance to consider the results of the tasks in a cluster or one-on-one
setting. The essential details that summarize the lessons they must learn during the experience and
reflective stages are then given to them.

Each workshop starts at 09.00 am in the morning and ends at 04.00 pm every day.

1st Day of Work Shop

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
Time Employability Skills Activities
9.00 – 12.00 Deep Demonstration of the Skills and Listening Activity
importance of skills in Professional
12.00 – 01.00 Lunch Break

01.00 – 3.00 Deep Demonstration About Questions and Listening

Employability Skills
03.00 – 04.00 Divide the clients into 4 groups and We select the best team and give
play games some small gifts to motivate them.

2nd Day of Work Shop

09.00 – 11.00 Soft Employability Skills Listening and Related Videos.
11.00 – 12.00 Hard Employability Skills Related Videos and Management
12.00 – 01.00 Lunch Break
01.00 -03.00 Solving problems group activities, state some
problems and get solutions from
the group.
03.00 – 04.00 Conclusion Analysis of customer
evaluation and thanks.

All professionals are welcome on the first day of the workshop, from 09:00 to 12:00, in-depth
presentations on skills, how they help the industry to live and different types of skills. Lunch break
from 12.00 - 01.00, during which professionals eat lunch before returning to the workshop. 01.00
– 3.00 They arrived to focus on the Employability Skills Demonstration, after 03.00 – 04.00 they
split into four groups to play some games and write down the results after the first day of the
workshop. Professional Practice Day

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
On the second day of the workshop, all professionals are welcome from 09:00 to 11:00 to
discuss soft employability skills and how they can help in industry life. Then at 11.00 - 12.00 with
an explanation of difficult skills in the field of employment, 12.00 - 01.00 a lunch break, during
which professionals eat lunch and return to the workshop. 01:00 – 3:00 they get to the area where
they demonstrate their problem-solving skills, then after 03:00 – 04:00 the prizes are given to the
winners of yesterday's competition and they get feedback and finish the workshop.

1.4. D1: Evaluate the effectiveness and application of Interpersonal Skills.

In order to interact with people effectively, one needs interpersonal skills, and having strong
interpersonal skills opens up many career opportunities. The first thing we look for when planning
an event is solid interpersonal skills and knowledge. Interpersonal skills include things like.

• Self-awareness

This is a fundamental and important skill that serves as a basis for emotional intelligence in a
situation. Most of us have occasionally worked with someone who had a blind spot. Employees
can have opportunities for development without understanding their growth. Self-reflection and
feedback are used to develop it.

• Listening skills

These are a challenge for employees and are a key component of interpersonal skills. There are
many benefits to having better listening abilities.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
• Managing Emotions

Ambitious goals, conflicts with coworkers, and heavy workloads can make life at work stressful
for professionals. A top employee is knowledgeable about stress management.

• Positive Thinking

One of the best traits you'll want in a professional is the ability to think positively, such as "I can
and I will, and then I win.".

2. LO 02: Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a variety of situations.

2.1. P3: Demonstrate the use of different problem-solving techniques in the

design and delivery of an event.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
Solving problems.
Many of us spend our days at work dealing with problems. regardless of whether you.

are supporting individuals and identifying a problem for a consumer (internal or external).

who are resolving problems or finding new problems to solve, the problems you encounter
huge or small, simple or difficult, and easy or problematic. When faced with a problem, people
often try one of three things: they become fearful or They feel uncomfortable and wish it would
go away, and they need to come up with one. They look for someone who can provide the solution,
and it must be the right response. A problem becomes a burden when it is encountered.

2.2. P3: Methods and Applications for Solving Problems.

Recognizing the Problem

The first and most crucial step in solving a problem is to identify it. Identifying the issue and
coming up with solutions is a technique problem. If a member of the project team is the subject of
a client complaint. To start, you should assess the issue and identify a solution.

Recognizing the cause of the Problem.

If you want to be involved in the problem, and identify the causes in order to address the issue,
you must first identify its root causes the issue. Ask questions to better comprehend the situation
and its requirements. This is important data in order to offer the most potent remedy.

Come up with ideas

We must do this after determining the issue and its causes to solve the problem, come up with
some innovative and solid ideas and solve problem.

Choose one sound idea from a group of viable options.

Choose a technique for solving problems that you think will work best choose. Define the key
parameters that will be used to assess the issue. Each solution is contrasted with the others.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
Take Action

When we have numerous solutions to a problem. First of all, everyone is aware of their obligations
and when you have them responsible for any mistakes made, put the plan into action, and keep
track of things. But occasionally, people experience a mental block and find it difficult to solve
problems quickly. Unable to think of a workable solution.

2.3. P4: Showcase the application of critical thinking to a given solution.

Critical Thought

It shows that you are capable of focused thinking and clearly defined reasoning. Your beliefs or
your actions. The capacity for independent thought is part of reflective contemplation. As an
example, friend B relies on friend A when he says "C is a poor student." "During the class,
observations and statements are made, such as "C is a dot and C is a good student. "While
exercising. critical thinking, he should make arguments and support data observations.

Critical thinking is very important because it facilitates problem definition. It creates strong
thinking and understanding skills on its own. Without critical thinking we can only see
superficially. We're not sure we're going to be completely right because everything has good and
bad sides. thank you Critical thinking helps us get a clear understanding of the problem. For
example, consider our "Smart Visual" discussion of the challenges facing the blind.
In the project," each participant lists various problems that visually impaired people often face.
Although I believe their ideas are valid, as the team leader I must also consider the actual situations.
To better serve people's needs, the visually impaired, I filter the ideas. .norms,objectives and
problems.real problem for blind people.I will give reason as daily life.

Problem Finding: In our project, a common problem is team members having too many ideas,
leaders need to summarize and provide relevant ideas for each solution. choose So, in my role as
team leader, I need to take some time to listen and note down each member's key points before
identifying the problem and knowing what to do. Understand everyone's wishes. When working

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
with a team to find a satisfactory solution, I must first have a clear understanding of the problem,
unite everyone thoughts. Actively listen to understand and create the most suitable comments
based on the opinions of the group members.

First, I need to allay the group's worries, such as the issues they are experiencing. the visually
impaired, and from there, team members will consider the issues more broadly. the team has. Fear
stifles their creative ideas. Or develop events to attract sponsors and raise money. In order to fund
the project, I won't need to elaborate on the risk assessments during this phase of fundraising.

Decision: This step in the problem-solving process is probably the most difficult. While doing so,
you must carefully consider all of your options before deciding which course of action to take.
Make sure to pick the best option given the situation or "bundle" several options for a more
effective solution. There are a variety of ideas from members for how to raise money for this
project through fundraising, including calling local banks and participating in TV shows. And the
ideas of each member are connected.

carefully examine the activities, then pick the ideal response to each team member's suggestion

Implementing a solution: There might be more after reading the list of potential solutions.

problems. It's important to point out the initial topics that my group decided on during the.

During the fundraising phase, the group successfully completed two forms of fundraising: and.
taking part in capital raising initiatives.

• Community fundraising can be a double-edged sword for my organization because of its nature
if received, crowdfunding will result in a if it has the love and support of the community good
result. However, if the public disapproves of my team's work, then the probabilities are that my
team's project will be in serious trouble.

• If you plan to raise money through reality TV, you'll need to have user feedback and revenue
reports on hand.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
on the product clearly, but the investor will have a stake in this project, but that is not the case. My
team is currently worried due to the fact that reality television programs are also calling for capital.

their investment in our project, they seek our project's assistance in resolving. issues within the
group I have. As a result, my team will opt for raising capital through a reality show. Checking
that all steps were taken is the last step in the problem-solving process. successful. I had to follow
up and ask those impacted by the change for their opinions in order to accomplish that. of
circumstances. Additionally, it is crucial that I provide, monitor, and comply with compliance.
opportunities to evaluate agreements and how they were put into action.

The Cynefin Framework:

Making an event requires complex solutions for some of the issues that arise at work.

While others can be handled with the simplest of procedures. the issue that exists in this situation
will fall between those two extremes. Regardless of the issue, we are currently experiencing.
Cynefin's occurrence aids in our ability to reach a satisfactory conclusion. It is utilized to divide
the issue into five circumstances. When a problem arises at work, we place ourselves in one of
these five categories. getting the best solution for the problem depends on the context.

I have done research on problem-solving methods for my schedule in accordance with the question.
The method of finding a problem and a solution is known as a problem-solving technique. There
are, I have used three different problem-solving techniques out of the many available. These exist
in the Cynefin Framework, a six-step method for solving problems. problem-solving approach
with six steps supports our use of six steps to solve the issue. They are: Identify the issue and
analyze the situation.

Identify the issue, research it, generate ideas, pick the best ones, and put the ideas into practice.

Analyze the result. It is a very straightforward and easy method. We can solve the problem using
this approach more rapidly. The final one divides the issue into five texts using the Cynefin
work. If the problem arises, we put it in one of these five texts, and it will help us find the
solution most effective way to deal with the issue.

Conclusion: I've talked about problem-solving techniques and there with this task. Different
approaches to solving problems. Finally, I also offered an explanation for everything.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
3. LO 03: Discuss the Importance and Dynamics of Working Within Skills a
Team and The Impact of Team Working in Different Environments.

3.1. P5: Importance of Team Dynamics.

Team Dynamics.

Team dynamics are the unseen forces at work among various individuals or groups within a team.
Consider a team of six people, two of whom are already close friends. The impact of this pre-
existing friendship, whether positive or negative, can be felt throughout the team.

It's challenging to assemble a solid team. On leadership teams or high-profile project teams,
talented people come together, but sometimes their individual strengths don't work well together
to accomplish mission-critical objectives.

For individuals to align their personal interests, utilize their combined expertise, and concentrate
their individual efforts, a team must have a common mission, vision, and set of values. While
having each member contribute equally is ideal, there might not be a true equal distribution of
work attainable at all times. A chance to show off your skills and dedication is by contributing
more than your "fair" share of the work.

If working for a company, it's important that employees have good team dynamics to ensure that
they perform well and display positive behavior.

The accomplishment of the team as a whole is used to determine a team's success. Nothing can
justify taking deliberate action to harm the team's ability to succeed.

Team Dynamics for High Performance

• Determine A Leader.
• Identify roles and responsibilities to talk about what each person must do.
• Take a look at a list of goals and objectives.
• Create a set of guidelines for the task.
• Appropriate and timely tool use.
• The capacity for quick task start.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
3.2. P6: Working with others

The collective effort of a group to achieve a common goal more effectively and efficiently is called
teamwork. To achieve a goal together, team members can be anywhere. When we collaborate with
others, we can take advantage of other people's skills that we don't have, which is a significant
advantage. Our lecture presented a group project. Based on this, my team and I settled on the topic
of "Smart Visuals ". Here is a brief outline of the work completed by me and my team. My team
consists of three people. They are Nasim Banuka and Bhushita. Bhushitha was selected as the
captain of my team. In this project proposal, our leader gave individual and group instruction. Each
team member was assigned a sub-task. We talked to each member of the team individually and
collected information from them based on the topic. The work completed by each of us individually
was collected and edited by Naseem after our leader assigned us individually. We were able to edit
the presentation flawlessly. Finally, Bhanu was assigned the task of explaining this lesson. We
exchanged views and did our best to clarify this. We gathered a lot of information to create the
"Question and Answer" section. Bhanuka Bhushita was ready to answer with explanations in
Sinhala. Besides, I was ready to answer queries in Tamil by providing clarifications. Additionally,
we prepared an invitation for the group for our webinar, and we all decided to send them
invitations. So far, the webinar has gone well and everyone has done their part. Finally, working
as a team involves clear communication, sharing ideas, asking for feedback, and, as needed,
leading or directing. At this time, we also improved our team communication. Your ability to use
our skills effectively and confidently in a variety of settings will improve as a result of your
collaboration with others.

3.3. M 4: Analyze team dynamics, in terms of the roles group members play
in a team and the effectiveness in terms of achieving shared goals

Alternative Techniques for Finishing Work and Achieving Team Objectives.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice

I've observed that teamwork always results in efficiency. more effective than that individual
performance in completing tasks and achieving goals. The Participation of all team members
equally in decision-making is essential to team performance.


A team's maximum number of members must be capable of solving problems. The capacity to
lower risks in crucial circumstances to avoid conflicts.


Another trait of the team members is that helps them solve problems. creates the ideal strategy to
meet the team's objectives. I have worked on our project. appointed as a Coordinator and Shaper
to monitor the team members. Analyze the endeavor.

Lower Cost

We want to spend less money on the project. Because the main issue is money, some people have
it and others don’t. So, make the work perfect while saving money.


Managing an effective chain of team communication. With members as well as superiors.

Time management

which involves controlling time when you have a lot to do in the morning. Setting a deadline would
aid in task completion.

Collaboration with Other Teams

Supporting Other Teams in Times of Crisis. Amplify both teams' strengths and increase their self-
assurance and character understanding.

Team Objectives and Goals.

We had to take some practical steps to achieve our goals. As a first step, we discussed our goals.
Then, we prepared the project proposal. (I have attached the project proposal at the end of my
assignment). Everyone in the group was given a title and collected information related to the topic.

Four individuals make up the group and making a vacuum cleaner was our main objective. We
oversaw the work on our project. Mr. ……………., the instructor. More adjustments were made

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
during our team meeting. We want to set aside some budget for our project because we want to
purchase some items, such as a motor and super glue. a few extra things.

We want to search for it because we don't know anything fundamental about the vacuum cleaner.
such as how a vacuum cleaner is made, how it operates, etc. We tried our hardest to finish the
activity list in our team project because it was well-built by our lecturer. Finally, we had finished
using the lots to complete our project stumbling blocks and disputes.

Finally, we prepared the presentation according to the information we discussed. The presentation
required the cooperation of all. These efforts helped us reach our goals. We have successfully
completed the event given to us

3.4. D3: critical evolution of roles and contribution group scenario.

The Devil's advocate, gatekeeper, leader, facilitator, member, recorder, timekeeper, and sponsor
are important roles.

Sponsor: The Sponsor supervises and aids the project teams' activities. Managers or instructors
are frequently the sponsors. Other people might have been involved in the projects and team
appointments. The project team is led by the sponsors, who do not carry out the actual work. The
project team is selected by them. The project's boundaries are set by the team leader.

Team Leader: The team leader oversees the team, calling meetings and, if required, facilitating
them, as well as handling or delegating administrative tasks.

All team activities are coordinated, and report and presentation preparation is in charge. Bushitha
Nawodya was the team's leader along with the author. whenever possible, I worked in accordance
with the scenarios. The team leader should be competent in working with others and have an
interest in solving the issues that led to the project.

both people and groups. In the end, it is the team leader's job to establish and keep up the channels
that let team members perform their duties work.

Members of the team make up the remaining participants in the project. The author was a team
player but according. He often had to play multiple roles in addition to acting as the leader. Not
everyone was able to make a valuable contribution.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
Project team members can always consult with experts or other staff as the project develops if they
are not on the team.

There was another model that the team members could fit into when defining the roles. This model
was identified by Belbin as having.

He was given the title "Belbin's Team Roles Model.". Belbin identified nine team roles in this
model and divided those roles into three groups.

• People Oriented Roles

• Action Oriented Roles
• Thought-Oriented Role

Team Role Description Team member Name

Team worker Helps the team to gel, using their versatility Bushitha nowadaya
to identify the work required and complete it
on behalf of the team.
Monitor Evaluator Provides a logical eye, making impartial Bhanuka udayanga
judgments where required and weights up
the team’s options in a dispassionate way
Coordinator Needed to focus on the team’s objectives, Nazeem Nazurul
draw out team members and delegate work
Implementer Needed to plan a workable strategy and Bhanuka udayanga
Complete Finisher Nazeem Nazurul

4. LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

and its role within the workplace and for higher-level learning.

4.1. P7: The importance of CPD and its contribution to own learning.

Importance of Continuing Professional Development

• Continuing Professional Development ensures the capabilities keep with the current
standards of other employees in the same field and it helps the team to make a
meaningful contribution.
• CPD helps to improve and advance our body language style and the style of the

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
• CPD delivers a deeper understanding of what it means to a professional along with
greater appreciation.
• It gives good and improved protection and gives quality to life.
• We are aware of future trends and issues.
• It will keep the mind up to date.

Features of Effective CPD

• Provide coaching and mentoring
• Provide opportunities for discussion and negotiation
• Provide access to new ideas
• Make use of the opportunities you get
• Be a Challenging Situation

4.2. P8: Produce a development plan that outlines responsibilities,

performance objectives, and required skills, knowledge, and learning
for your own future goals.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
4.3. M5: Compare and contrast different motivational theories and the
impact they can have on performance within the workplace.

Structurally sound motivational theories.

Maslow's Theory of Motivational Needs.
The theory of the hierarchy of requirements was developed by the well-known theorist Maslow.
studying human needs, behavior, and reactions to outcomes and consequences. the five. safety,
physiological, belongingness, self-actualization, and esteem are the categories of basic needs.
arranged in a hierarchy. In response to needs, these requirements are satisfied.
higher levels of needs than lower levels of needs. Self-actualization is the pinnacle of human
development. (Daft and Marcic, 2004).
The hygiene model of Herzberg.
Herzberg placed a significant emphasis on job satisfaction, according to Barrett (2002). 's
Herzberg's. The group of employees was interviewed to find out what aspects of their jobs made
them happy and unhappy.
led to the theory that was created through him. His motivation was made clear in his interviews.
The two essential elements of good work hygiene. Accomplishment, recognition,
Motivation comes from responsibility and professional advancement, among other things (Barrett,
2002). These are the elements of the job that fulfill people's needs. Meanwhile, hygiene-related
factors may. Decrease dissatisfaction but do not encourage it. a fair wage, good working
conditions, and good. Several examples of hygiene factors are interpersonal relationships. These

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
components have to do with them. The environment in which employees work. If a manager is
attentive, says Herzberg.

Model of McGregor's Theory X, Theory Y.

McGregor is a well-known theorist as well. Theory X and Theory Y were both under investigation
by McGregor in his book. The majority of people prefer to direct rather than do, claims Theory X
management to prioritize safety and accept responsibility. in the absence of a chance to do so.
Management makes an effort to control, organize, and carefully observe its employees. With my
preferred company, the same is true. According to Theory Y, individuals behave differently in the
same circumstances. McGregor's theory holds that people are inherently unreliable and lazy. The
theory holds that people are capable of being self-directed when given the right motivation.
creative. A climate and culture that support this behavior must be established by management
employees. In addition to choosing salaries and promotions, competent managers must also be
The theory had an impact. Y. McGregor discovered that applying Theory Y to participatory
problems was helpful problems. when a Theory Y-oriented manager is prepared to grant his staff
some flexibility in
They'll discover that working together to solve problems produces results when they finish a
project with Significantly improved outcomes.

4.4. D4: Evaluate a range of evidence criteria that is used as a measure for
effective CPD.

Compensation Levels.
The decision regarding a pay raise is influenced by performance evaluation. The normal method
of an employee's salary increase is dependent on. He is going about his business. His performance
is constantly evolving, whether formally or informally. This could reveal how competent an is to
determine how well an employee is doing and how much of a pay raise he merits.
Promotions based on merit and seniority are situations where performance evaluations are
important. An employee's performance in their current position is revealed along with their
strengths and weaknesses in a performance appraisal. Considering these, it is possible to determine
whether he qualifies for promotion to the subsequent higher position. Information about their work
that is specific and measurable for the employees. Performance evaluation. the efficiency being
measured. keeping control within the organization. personal advancement.
• feeling content at work. involvement with the company.
• Employees and the have common objectives.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
• organizations. development and expansion.
• Improve effectiveness and harmony.
Training and development.
An employee's strengths and weaknesses on the job are identified during a performance review.
There are applications for this information.
putting together training and development plans that are suitable for addressing employee
An employee's performance is reviewed during a performance appraisal. Knowing how to work
helps a person perform better.
First, the individual receives feedback regarding his performance. Second, when the individual
receives comments regarding his. He is able to connect his work to the goals of the organization.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice

I was able to gain more knowledge about how to communicate with others through this report.
Consider everyday situations and use logic and critical thinking. Also included in this report is me
learned effective teamwork techniques, including problem-solving, management, and allocating
the right amount of time to assist yourself. I grew a lot faster than I had previously. In this report,
I hope to impart to the reader some of the values I have learned.

Barrett, D. J., 2002. Using strategic employee communication to facilitate major change",.
Available at:
Beata Souders, 2019. Most Popular Theories of Motivation in Psychology. [Online]
Available at:
BUSH, T., 2019. PESTLE Analysis of the Food Industry. [Online]
Available at:
CAMERON, J., 2015. Strategic Management in the Food Processing Industry. [Online]
Available at:
Clay, B., 2016. Five principles to help you evaluate your CPD. [Online]
Available at:
Collin, G. & Wilson, 2012 . Strategic Marketing Planning, 2nd Edition,. In: India:: Routledge .
Daft, R. L. & Marcic, D., 2004. Understanding Management. In: South-Western, : Thomson.
Daft, R. L., n.d. Management, Loose-Leaf Version. In: s.l.:South-Western College Pub.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
Herbert-Smith, K., 2023. How can you measure the impact of CPD?. [Online]
Available at:
Kenndy, E., 2021. Peer Evaluations: An Evolving Approach. [Online]
Available at:
Sibley, J., n.d. Approaches to Peer Evaluation. [Online]
Available at:
Theintactone, 2019. Information management decision making. [Online]
Available at:

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
Figure 1-presentation.

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice
Figure 2-communication evidence

Bushitha Nawodya Alahapperuma /Banuka Udayanga /Naseem Nazrul Unit 03 - Professional Practice

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