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Introduction to self :-

I Annu, a student of Msc. Nsg 1st year in your college. As a part of my child health nursing requirement. I was being posted
in Pediatric ward and where I was assigned to give a health talk on topic “Anemia”.

Introduction to topic :-

Anemia is a major killer in India. Statistics reveal that every second Indian women is anemic. One in every five maternal
deaths is directly due to anemia. Anemia affects both adults and children of both sexes, although pregnant women and
adolescent girls are most susceptible and most affected by this disease.

Subject :- Child Health Nursing

Topic :- Breastfeeding

Date :-

Time :- 35 mint.

Venue :- Ward (Pediatric)

Teaching Aids :- Chart

Name of student teacher :- Annu

Name of evaluation :- Ms. Arti

Designation of evaluation :- Assistant Professor

General objective :-

At the end of this presentation, patient and family members will gain knowledge about introduction of Pneumonia, types,
risk factors, clinical features, diagnostic evaluation and its management.

Specific objective:-

At the end, patient and family members will be able to:-

 Define Anemia
 WHO Grading
 Clinical grading
 Causes
 Classification
 Management
Sr. No. Specific Time Content Teaching AV Aids Evaluation
objective Activity

 Anemia is the most

1. Patient family 4 mint. common blood Lecture Chart What is the
members will disorder in infant anemia?
be able to and children,
define especially of poor
anemia. socioeconomic
group. Anemia is
defined as the
reduction in the
number and quality
of circulating red
blood cells when the
hemoglobin content
is below the normal
level for particular
age, resulting in
decreased oxygen
carrying capacity.
2. Patient family  Hb level between 10 Lecture Chart What is the
members will g/dl and cut off point WHO
be able to – Mild anemia for grading of
define WHO age. anemia?
grading of
anemia.  Hb level between 7
g/dl to 10 g/dl –
Moderate anemia.
 Hb level below 7 g/dl
– Severe anemia.

3. Patient family 4 mint.  Pallor observed in Lecture Chart What is the

members will conjunctiva and clinical
be able to mucous membrane grading of
define clinical only – anemia?
grading of Mild anemia
 Pallor observed in
skin –
Moderate anemia

 Pallor observed in
palmer creases along
with skin and
mucous membrane
– Severe anemia.

4. Patient family 10 mint. 1. Impaired of RBC Lecture Chart What is the

members will production:- causes of
be able to Impaired of RBC anemia?
define causes production due to
of anemia. deficiency of
hemopoietic factors
in nutritional
(nutritional anemia)
The most common
nutritional anemia is
iron deficiency
anemia. Other
deficiency conditions
causing anemia are
folic acid deficiency,
vitamin B12
deficiency, vitamin
B6 deficiency and
vitamin C deficiency.

1. Increased
destruction of RBCs
(hemolytic anemia)
a. Hemolysis due to
intrinsic factors
I. Abnormal
sickle cell
Il Enzymatic defect-
dehydrogenase deficiency.

lll Abnormalities in RBC

membrane or structural
defects of RBC- Hereditary

b. Hemolysis due to
extrinsic factors
I Infections- malaria, kala-
ii Antibody reaction-Rh or
ABO isoimmunization,
autoimmune hemolytic
anemia, lupus.
iii Drugs-Primaquine,
phenacetin, phenytoin.
iv Poisoning-Lead
v Burns
vi Splenomegaly
2 Increased blood loss
a. Acute- Trauma,
epistaxis, bleeding
diathesis (leukemia,
hemorrhagic disease
of newborn and
b. Chronic-
bleeding piles,
chronic dysentery,
esophaged varices.

3 Decreased RBC
production (bone
marrow depression)
a. Primary-
Hypoplasia or
aplasia, fanconi
b. Secondary-
Irradiation, infection,
chronic illness like
nephritis, leukemia
and other neoplastic
tuberculosis, liver
hypothyroidism and
drug therapy

5. Patient family 1. Microcytic Lecture Chart What is the

members will hypochromic classification
be able to the anemia- It occurs in of anemia?
classification iron deficiency
of anemia. anemia and
ineffective RBC
(thalassemia, lead
2. Normocytic
anemia- It is found in
impaired cell
production and
3. Macrocytic anemia-
It develops due to:
a. Megaloblastic
erythropoiesis- in
deficiency (vitamin
B12 Folates, protein),
drug toxicity
phenytoin) and
b. Nonmegaloblastic
erythropoiesis- in
chronic hemolytic
anemia, liver
6. Patient family 4 mint. Complications of anemia Lecture Chart What is the
members will usually found as circulatory complication
be able to the collapse and shock, CCF, of anemia?
complications cardiac enlargement,
of anemia. systemic or local
infections, growth
retardation, mental
retardation or sluggishness
with decreased attention
span and intelligence,
delayed puberty, etc.
7. Patient family 8 mint Medical management of Lecture Chart What is the
members will anemia depends upon the management
be able to the specific cause of the of anemia?
management condition.
of anemia. Anemia due to
excessive blood loss should
be treated accordingly.
Acute blood loss needs
immediate control of
bleeding and to restore
blood volume by IV
infusion, blood transfusion
along with treatment of
shock and the cause of
bleeding. Chronic blood
loss usually produces iron
deficiency anemia. The
exact cause should be
detected and treatment
should be planned
according to the specific
Anemia due to
excessive blood cell
destruction requires the
identification and
treatment of specific
hemolytic disorder.
Anemia due to
decreased blood cell
formation is mainly due to
deficiency states and bone
marrow disorders. Specific
deficiency of iron, folic
acid, vitamin B12 , etc
should be detected and
treatment to be done with
replacement therapy of
specific nutrients. In case
of bone marrow
depressions, the specific
cause (like drugs, toxins) to
be identified and
treatment to be performed
by removal of offending


We have discussed-

 Definition of Anemia
 WHO Grading
 Clinical grading
 Causes
 Classification
 Management

Evaluation to the topic:-

 Define Anemia
 WHO Grading of anemia
 Clinical grading of anemia
 Causes of anemia
 Classification of anemia
 Management of anemia

 Parul Datta’s Pediatric nursing, 2nd edition Published by Jaypee Brothers, Medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd Page no. 318-

 R. Arvind Pediatric nursing, 1st edition Published by Emmess, Medical Publishers Page no. 358.

 www. goggle. com

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