Critical English Sounds

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/p/ and /f/ /æ/ and /e/ /θ/ /ð/

faced - paste ham - hem think these

fang - pang jam - gem thin theirs
feed - peed pan - pen thanks then
fend - penned pat - pet three themselves
finch - pinch sad - said thorough therefore
flack - plaque sat - set thirsty loathe
flank - plank bland - blend thicken soothe
fled - pled cattle - kettle theater bathe
flee - plea dab - deb throw clothes
fleet - pleat flax - flecks both worthy
flop - plop frat - fret cloth weather
flume - plume rabble - rebel truth brother
flunk - plunk tamp - temp worth either
flush - plush tamper - temper fifth southern
flux - plucks trad - tread healthy breathing
foal - poll vat - vet pathetic rhythm
foes - pose band - bend birthday algorithm
ford - poured bat - bet toothpaste furthermore
fox - pox dad - dead pathway otherwise
frank - prank flash - flesh anthropology motherly
frig - prig gas - guess
fug - pug gnat - net
furl - pearl land lend
fuss - pus shall shell
spanned spend

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