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System 37


Editorial: Ulf Edlund and Hans Kampf


Preface 5
Ulf Edlund Introduction 6
The background

Bertil Wennerholm Cold War and Tufted system 11

Sven-Olof Olson Viggen in defense decisions. 15

Gunnar Lindqvist Viggen creation 18
The development and evolution
Lars Peterson The development of the basic aircraft 31
Content Content Content Content Content

Stig Laurell Flights Motors perspective 41

Bengt Sjoberg Avionics systems in the Viggen 48
Ingvar Sundstrom Radar Development 58
Ulf Frieberg A system test airmen experiences 64
Borje Fund Further development 74
Per Pelletier's Flights The testing of SK 37 81
Viggen in the Air Force

Leif Åström AJ 37 and AJS 37 of the Staff 85

Kurt Ottosson Reconnaissance Viggen - SF / SH 37 103
Jerry Pousette YES 37 in the Air Force 111

Per-Olov Eldhestar Incident Assignment with YES 37 120

Lars-Ake Siggelin Electronic warfare with SK 37E 124
jerk Fehling Viggen threat 130
Sune Andersson Viggen and flight safety 133
Lars Bandling Damaged with 37,001 138
Thure Svensson Ving criminal investigation 144
Anders Kågström Maintaining Viggen 150
Bert Stenfeldt Viggen 30 years in the Air Force 156
Viggen - a military industrial projects
Hans G Andersson climate Debate 158
Gunnar Lindqvist Viggen was worth the money? 162
Viggen international
Ulf Edlund Sales Efforts 168
Ulf Edlund Royal Air Force and the Viggen 177
January Hull Century Coat business 181
Joerg Sand Holst With 2300 km / h through the clouds 189
Kenneth Nilsson World Try AJ 37 192
Per-Olov Elgcrona X Viggen 196
Chuck Yeager When Chuck Yeager flew Viggen 201
Personal perspective on Viggen
Erik Bratt If the aircraft 37 Viggen 205
Alf Ingesson-Thoor A field airmen remember its Viggen. 209
Bengt Gustafsson A Supreme Commander's thoughts on Viggen 214
Sven-Olof Olson Tufted program in the rearview mirror 217
attachments 218

Copyright: The respective authors Publisher:

Swedish Aviation Historical Society Editor: Ulf
Edlund and Hans Kampf
Layout / Production: Hans Kampf. Treplansskisser: Stig Nilsson Press: Grahn
Printing AB, Lund, 2009 ISSN 0345-3413

When a rotation JA 37, with Andreas Johansson and in the 1960s believed that a computer, as it was called in
Henrik Wänseth as a driver, in the afternoon November those days, even could replace a crew member. Many
25, 2005 started at F 21 in Luleå to make Viggen last were very reluctant, but Viggen systemut- forming, which
officiel- la-flight in the Air Force ended a substantially he led, was perhaps ten years ahead of the competition
Resistant era in the Swedish aviation history . Viggen and also laid the foundation for the development that
arrived in the early 1960s, began service- do in the Air took place during the aircraft's entire running time.
Force in 1971 and retired in 2005. Thus, the active
period was nearly 35 years which illustrates the flight
technical developments in the epoch. An airplane There were of course mistakes. Some cost not only
systems, one in 1960 thought would be used until the money, the resultera- they also unfortunately in
mid 1980s, if at all, could the GE nom determined efforts breakdowns. In the book, the accounting is done for
further developed and was presented to the retirement some cases because I believe that it is better to disclose
the weapon systems of the highest class. what happened, although it is less flattering. The next
generation of aircraft builders might take advantage of
our generation's mistakes. It is unnecessary to repeat
them, there are enough new challenges.
This book is not a traditional biography aircraft with
technical information and invoiced take crunchers. The
aim was to allow people who in different ways have had Viggen was developed to defend Swe- den but was
with the Viggen to do, give their views on the era. also very well known internationally. The book sets out a
Pre-makers' perspective is very different, but I hope that number of attempts to sell the aircraft for export. It is
together we will give readers an idea of ​how the project conceivable that the "Swedish profile" made this more
evolved, how the problem was solved and how the Air difficult because they all failed. Despite great efforts,
Force used the system to be prepared should the worst especially in the 1970s, was elected as always some of
happen. It should be remembered that Vig- gene came the competitors. In several cases, it was obvious that the
about and was designed to be as efficient as possible in Viggen was better aircraft but political considerations
the Cold War environment. Viggen was also a were often more important than the product properties. It
controversial project that was questioned even in is unfortunately still.
defense. Pros answer's FMV representative, ie the
customer, GL therefore trying to answer the question:
Where Viggen worth the money? Finally, I wish to extend a warm and sincere thanks to
all of you who so kindly set up and made the contributions
has been the basis for the book.

It is sometimes said that large projects, and Vig-

gene was a large and very difficult project, you tend to be Linkoping in October 2009
so shapeless that individuals inside batches somehow
lost in the crowd. I disagree with this. Viggen had never
been what it was if not a few individuals within FMV, Air Ulf Edlund
Force and industry, mainly Saab, had influenced the
development as they did. It is always difficult to highlight
Ulf Edlund
a few people but I make an exception. It comes Bengt
Chairman of the Swedish Aviation Historical
Sjoberg, who in the early Society

System 37 Viggen was developed during the Cold War. it was easy to see that both the lift motors deflector
Different threats studies followed one another in the late devices must increase com- plexi Parliament degree,
1950s and early 1960s. In 1961 cleared state gradually and
that result in heavier and more expensive aircraft and
the simple, the Supreme Commander approved, the
also increase maintenance costs.
specifications that guided the design of the system is
Ulf Edlund went out KTH
dated September 23, 1961: Main Application:
Aerodynamics are at Saab felt emeller- time that you Flight 1963. He then
worked at Saab until
unit Aircraft for now know enough to recommend a nosvingeutförande,
2003, mainly with the
attack, chase and reconnaissance (according to warning of it now came to choosing between three
design of civil and military
supplementing the airplane's basic equipment). In the configu- rations and two engines. At an earlier stage had aircraft. He is chairman of
first place would be the aircraft attack aircraft with limited also examined the twin-engine aircraft but which may the Swedish Aviation
hunting skills. seem strange, they were not present in autumn 1961, Historical Society (SFF).

Basic type: Single-seat aircraft, flermotorsä- security, good

although the specification concentration required more

fältmässighet and serviceability. engine safety.

STOL characteristics: Operation of the field with half

Both engines were well known, but it was obvious
groomed narrow and short courses (500 m).
that the performance would be marginal with Spey engine
and Saab its favorite ised the larger Olympus engine.
Cruising range at the lowest height: 400 km with an RB 304th Location was however completely when the Royal
Flygför- Administration, KFF, in December 1961 Message
Låghöjdsprestanda: Mach 1.0 at ground height. type announced that it had chosen the American engine,
P & W JT8D. It was felt that the best utfö- procedure with
aircraft design the new engine was a nosving- ekonfiguration, 1534,
The great aeronautical challenge was to combine the which also was fitted with a reversing device for The
speed requirement with STOL characteristics. Compared reducing Cera-off run. The project was developed in 1534
with previous aircraft was above all to reduce landing and later in 1962 FPL 37 Viggen.
speed and to improve braking once you were down on
the track, which conventionally could be done with a
brake monitor. The basis for these decisions was, at best, meager
as it had not take- git the time to investigate the impact of
They had at Saab early started to study aircraft motor torvalet. Criticism was also early, both internally at
foreplane, which offered low-speed advantages, but it Saab and outside.
also meant aerody- namiska risks. In autumn 1961
therefore concentrated their studies on two other There were also big problems, as com- more
designs. One, Project 1508, was involved with a Rolls apparent in the following sections. The first series
Royce Spey engine, where the lift force was version, AJ 37, began LE vereras in 1971 and was
strengthened with the help of two lift units (!). The substantially heavier than the first specification in 1962
second, 1562 was a major part and where engine tower, stated, but the aircraft met specifikationskra- vein.
Bristol Olympus 22R, equipped with deflectors. In
principle, this meant placing one or two outlet near the
aircraft's center of gravity between the base engine and Hunting version, JA 37, was in reality a new aircraft,
the combustion chamber, and the deflected part of the but where were the starting position AN Norlunda and
engine beam down. The engine thus contributed both weight gain during development time was remarkably
traction and direct lift. But low.
A good way to follow an aircraft framtag- up is incidentally to

see how weight change during working

Viggen viktutveck-
development. Year Aircraft empty weight Additive Fuel Home Weight Remark
Column Additive weight kg weight, kg weight, kg (pure FPL)
includes the following old
Saab Practice electronics 1961 1534 7580 820 2700 11 100 first sketch
weight, ammo weight of the
cannon is installed, as well as
1962 Fpl 37 8885 710 3050 12 645 first specification is.
90 kg nominal driver weight.
When the series aircraft
delivered applies to Air Force 1963 Fpl 37 8960 765 3550 13,275 Projected weight
records and electronic weight
is then included in the curb
1963 Fpl 37 9 281 807 3550 13 638 first weight calculation

1967 AJ 37 9844 726 3950 14520 Calculation

AJ 37 10630 90 4200 14,924 Weighted series aircraft

1971 YES 37 10825 909 4505 16,239 Projected weight

YES 37 11790 209 4455 16,454 Weighted series aircraft

the lure again. It begins with an assumed weight Arenco, SRA and PUT (all avionikföre- while). Side
gradually adjusted. The calculations are more accurate Vendors were Powerplant, Bofors (gun) and AGA.
with time and finally the finished aircraft weighed. Among the Swedish UN- derleverantörerna include
ASEA, Motala Workshop, Swedish Metal Works and
Trelleborg plastic. Much the same LE providers retained
A Swedish project at the transition from AJ YES 37 to 37 in the mid 1970s.
Tufted project has been described as the biggest joint The major exception was the central calculator where
venture in the Swedish engineering and electronics ever, FMV now chose an American supplier. (When CK 37
because so many different industries was mixed input in was introduced in the mid-1960s, there were no foreign
both the development and manufacture of subsystems hardware available, so the calculator developed by
integrated automotive systems Dade 37th Saab.)

Saab in Linköping was systemsammanhål- winding and It is now, almost 50 years later, is interesting to note
the main supplier. KFF approved the summer of 1962 the changes in the Swedish aviation industry. All
operating instructions for the "central preparation system domestic depreciation ionikverksamhet is effectively
37 ', the LE for suppliers of single cohesive group of consolidated within the Saab Group. Viggen landing gear
Saab. Head of CB 37 was appointed Harald Schröder. and rescue system developed by Saab, which was
On 1 July 1965, KFF in a project management system unusual as early as the 1960s, almost all aircraft
37, L37, whose first director was Lars Brising. This manufacturers hired specialized firms. For example,
aroused a furore because Bri- singlets former technical Viggen successor Griffin bought these systems from
director at Saab and then switched sides. Pretty soon he British suppliers.
was succeeded by Gunnar Lindqvist, that can really be
said to personalize Viggen on the customer side. The It was often tough between the participating
different participating companies were classified as industries, and between industry and the customer, KFF /
fellow, side, or subcontractors, depending on the form of FMV, but the main impression is that common ambition
contracts. Swedish co-suppliers were: LM Ericsson, was to achieve a virtually re- SULTS as possible within
AGA, the given framework. They tried to use common sense
and avoid unnecessary bureaucracy.

Lars Torsten Olsson, worked for many years in FMV's 5. There were several people with active combat flying experience

project, listed in 1995 a few reasons why Viggen system and "flygfnattar" among the people and systems at the

was so successful: managerial level.

6. The work was governed by a contractual system

1. The 1950-70 figures were at Saab more than a handful stimulated to good teamwork between FMV and

of highly skilled technicians (internationally at the top) Industry.

who designed the systems Mide and configuration - 7. Good contacts with the USA led to the conversion including
"grundplattfor- but". knowledge exchange and procurement where the key

2. LM Ericsson and Powerplant was with also the skills 8. Compared to the current situation prevailing one - after all
needed to match the main contractor. - relatively good economic movement of
typarbetsperioden and the intensity vaste

3. FMV surfing on the old wave of experience that has typserviceperioden.

accumulated over 29, 32 and 35 o'clock. FMV had a

number of very influential and driving key personnel
The scope Vigg
in both administrative and technical. It was the high
The original plan from the beginning of the 1960s
status of the FMV to be a good technicians.
comprised a total of 831 serieflyg- plan, that the new
entity aircraft would replace all of the Lance and the
Dragon in the Air Force. Now it was not so. Total built
4. A number of very good forces of flygprov- side at 337 aircraft: 9 test aircraft and 328 series aircraft. Device
Saab and FC had great inflytan- on the system idea could also not implemented

Primary Data Secondary Data Deviations from AJ 37

AJ 37, 106 FPL

Allvädersattack Easier hunting mission

SK 37, 17 fpl

Type Training Easier attack missions

SF 37, 28 FPL tank

In the nose: låghöjdskameror
höghöjdskamera IR
photo Reconnaissance Self-defense Larger fin-seater
camera External
in the capsule: dark fuel
lighting equipment

SH 37, 28 fpl
Modified radar Night
Maritime Surveillance photo Reconnaissance
Reconnaissance Capsule
in any weather Self-defense

JA 37, 149 FPL

Larger fin Built Akan
New engine version
weather hunting Easier attack missions
New Radar New

Air Force supply of Tufted
Aircraft from the first
delivery in 1971 to
avveckling- one in 2006.





71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06


on the originally-intended way, with one-adjustable Test Center (FC) at Malmen in Linköping is also the
equipment changes. Hunting version, name evolved over the years but are in the book at FC.
JA 37, was in reality an entirely new aircraft. The first
series delivery, the AJ 37, took place June 21, 1971 and Viggen main supplier called and written in the book
the last JA 37 was delivered 19 years later on June 29, only as Saab, whatever it at different times full
1990. When the last official flight took place at F 21 in
namnet.Likaså called country flygmotorleve- supplier in
Luleå, November 25, 2005 was the aircraft flown a total
Trollhattan only Airbreathing although the name is not
of about 614 000 h.
used today.

explanations Radar Company in Mölndal, which today is part of the

During the nearly 50 years that Vigg system was Saab Group, has been in the book the full name of LM
developed and used occurred changes of various kinds. Ericsson as well as Ericsson, LME or even just LM can
Organizations such as the company also developed, probably be has utilized.
which sometimes fellow brought the name changes and
it can be difficult to know what is what. Even if the Writing rules for both airplanes and robots are discussed
ambition has been to the various authors would AN in some circles often. The book is written all robots
turning the same names and can not be guaranteed. consistently RB XX, regardless of age.
Here are some examples:
Finally it should be mentioned that jetmotorers thrust of
the book is expressed in kiloponds (kp) following tersom this
The formal customer was until 1966 the Royal. Flight was the standard for most of Viggens active time. The
management (KFF). KFF was subordinate to the Air conversion factor from pounds to the now official kilo
Force in 1966 but became an independent work, Newtons (kN) is 0.0098.
Aerospace Administration (FF). This lasted until 1968
when the Joint Defense Materiel Administration (FMV)
was formed. Materiel Administration (FMV-F) was here a
main section but in the book, the terms KFF, KFF / FMV
or FMV depending on the era.

references Tufted system also including processed in:
Most of the entries in the book are based on each
author's own knowledge and sources, among which Dörfer, Ingemar (1983) Arms Deal, The Selling of the F-16. Praeger
particularly include: Publishers, New York. ISBN 0-03-062369-3. Karling, Krister

(2002) Saab 37 Viggen. The development of a new unit

Aircraft 37. History and experience. Saab TSO 95.66. In two
A4 binders are some 40 documents to aggregate during aircraft for the Swedish Air Force 1952-1971. SMR,

the years 1993-1995 was developed by "37 veterans" from Stockholm. ISBN 91-631-2395-9. Stridsberg, Sven (2003) Viggen,
FMV, Ericsson, Powerplant and Saab. The participants Frank Stone Walls Publishing, Malmo. ISBN
have written from the heart.

Some of the "37-veterans" who participated in the production of 'Aircraft 37. History and experience "gathered in 1993 for a review. The
back row:

Arne Paulson, Jan Ebringer, Krister Sjoberg, Alan McLean, Jan-Ivar Andersson, Arthur Brasjö, Tore Forsström, Olle tiles, Bengt
Sjoberg, Tommy Ivarsson, Middle row:

Arne Lakomaa, Stig Persson, Sigvard Lenngren, Borje Fund, Harald Schroeder, Olle Esping, Milton Mobärg, GL, Jan Manhem,
Lars Ygge Front row:

Olov Holme, Sigvard Carneryd, Tore Gullstrand, Sven-Olov Olin, Hans-Erik Löfkvist, Ake Armgarth, Erik Bratt, Sune Andersson,
Lars-Torsten Olsson, Börje Linnersten, Rolf Ljungkvist.

The Cold War and the Tufted system
At the end of the war assumed in Sweden to power was completed in January-February 1949. In April input was
cooperation would continue after the war and that the Denmark and Norway signatärmak- best in the Atlantic Alliance.
United Nations would act vigorously against the
emergence of new war.
The United States walked out of the Second World
Bertil Wennerholm, retired War, like the one on the west side clearly dominant, great
Colonel (flight engineer), In the beginning of 1948 was increasingly clear that the power, and was also well aware of this position. It was
M.Sc. CTH E 1968 MA.
divisions between East and West grew in strength, also clear about the possibilities this gave hegemony,
Started as radar hunting
explained the Swedish Government that it did not want to economically, politically and militarily. The instruments to
combat leader and has,
among other things worked
join any of the major power blocks that began to emerge. convince reluctant countries dependent existed and were
with spray system and When the American and British soundings that led to the used. Sweden's attempt to defy the United States'
electronic warfare issues at Atlantic Alliance began to take shape, this led to the attempt to create a homogeneous Western European
FMV. Swedish government took up the idea of ​a Scandinavian alliance against the Communist threat and the threat of
defense cooperation unbound to the superpower blocs. restrictions on economic development in Western Europe
In early May the Foreign Minister Osten Unden their that would be Ameri- Kansk advantage was not well up.
colleagues in Oslo and Copenhagen to jointly examine Two strategies were utilized. Partly a harder line that
the conditions for a Scandinavian defense union. A joint went out to the countries that are not lined up on the
committee was formed and an extensive investigative American side would not help with the supply of weapons
material was developed, which was presented in January or technology transfer - this was supposed to be faced
in 1949. assigned American forces in a possible conflict. Partly a
softer line that saw the benefits that countries like
Sweden by some support could be helped to maintain
their independence and thereby to remain in the Western
A relationship that strongly affected the output camp, albeit in looser forms.
redningen and discussions was that only Sweden was
relatively strong position for preparedness during the
Second World War, while Norway and Denmark had to
reconstruct its armed forces from scratch. Although
Sweden was able to take on a leading role as a supplier
of military equipment, as pre- exposing the other Sweden was in the final stages of the war, asked to
countries that even Deliveries from the United States and acquire modern aircraft equipment from the allies, and
Britain would be needed. Only the Soviet Union was also managed to buy the P-51 Mustang (Swedish type
seen as a potential attacker and thus were also asked for designation J 26) summer of 1945. After the war came to
help from Western powers at the Soviet aggression the fore more purchases of aircraft and radar equipment
center. Especially between Norway and Sweden was big from the United States and Britain. These acquisitions
meaningful differences: Norwegians did not want to were temporally partially coincide with the above crises
compromise on demands for equipment deliveries in and defense union negotiations, which led to delays in
peace and cooperation in the war with västmak- States delivery as part of dissatisfaction are toward Sweden
while the Swedish requirement was irrespective of observed construction which threatened the United
peacetime aiming at neutrality in war. These fundamental States are striving for hegemony in Western Europe and
disagreements could not be bridged and that a thus Scandinavia.
Scandinavian defense union would not come about

The United States saw the historical experiences of

transit trade through neutron

tral States in goods embargoed during the first and
second world war as a problem. It was anxious to
prevent the transfer of technology to the Soviet bloc.
Restrictions in trade with the Eastern bloc was one of the
agents in the Cold War and were among AN nat aims to
prevent teknologiöverfö- ring. Trade agreements
between Western European countries and the Soviet
Union threatened to do this means ineffective. In
practice, Swe- den that relatively quickly conformed
during the American hegemony and the so-called
Stockholm Agreement in June

1951. The United States' strategy in dealing with Sweden

turned therefore to the latter, softer line.

This in simplistic terms described game behind

regeringsöverenskommel- late summer of 1952 in the
form of an exchange of notes between the United States
and Sweden. The agreement equated in practice
Sweden with the States was supported by the US arms
aid program. In Sweden's case was the question of
permission to buy equipment on equal terms with NATO
member states but not getting the donated many of these
had, especially in the early 1950s.

the technical exchange of information or material Air Force Mustang J 26 and

1961 was followed regeringsöverenskommel- since deliveries. Storm clouds began to pile up in the protests J 30 Mosquito were good
examples of foreign
1952 up with agreements governing privacy issues and in against the United stater- nas warfare in Vietnam. Olof
material purchases. J 30
1962 with an agreement on exchange of technical Palme utta- winding for Hanoi bombings Christmas 1972, was Air Force first radar
information. The agreements in 1961 and 1962, signed by however, came to bring strong assigned American equipped fighter aircraft.
Photo by Hans Kampf
the Swedish State of agency heads and not at the reactions. Sweden was not allowed in a year is
government level. The various fields of technology treated represented in Washington on embassies sadörsnivå.
1962 precisely defined in the various attachments, Annex, andFears that militärteknis- ka exchange would damage
for each such region was named project manager, Project came true in part.
The most serious incident was emel- lertid the
Hereby was the foundation for American technical so-called Data Saab deal 1979-82 when one looks at the
assistance that could be used for Tufted project. The consequences of the military-technical exchange. The
agreements in 1961 and 1962 coincided also timed well förorsaka- des of Stansaab 1975 had sold a civilian air
with the election of US missiles to the Swedish fighter traffic control systems to the Soviet Union, Tercas, which
aircraft, especially J 35 and by an American engine Thu, presupposed access to the Ameri- Kansk electronics.
Pratt & Whitney JT8D, as a base for Vig- genmotorn.

When the license for export never obtained smuggled circuit

The following decade brought no major changes in board to the Soviet Union. After's internal criticism within the

the conditions company, which on 1 January

Air Force development during the Cold War

When Tufted project began to take shape in the Final Act

of the tet 1950 passed the Air Force its numerically
greatest strength or about 1000 warplanes and a
anskaffningsram at 1 200 aircraft. The defense 1958
INVOLVING a significant reduction of this force, namely,
by more than 25%. This was not unique to the Swedish
Air Force, but was part of an international trend.

The new system was procured was in all respects

more potent than their predecessors
- but therefore also more expensive. In 40 years came
air force to decrease from about 1000 warplanes
1960-250 2000, i.e. a reduction of 75%.

Structurally Included aircraft stock about 65%

fighters, 25% attackflyg- plane and 10% reconnaissance
aircraft years around
1960. Ombeväpningen to A 32 1956-58 means that the
RB 24, here mounted a UN- der 1978 converted into data Saab with the Swedish former light emanated attackflygkom- components, and
J 35 Dragon. Photo: SFF
government as part-owner, were reports of irregularities that in principle in the defense 1948 took direction
on the government level. At the end of 1980, the deal towards a mid attack flights sjömåls- control and
then published by the Swedish media. operations of the depth in soil battle ( interdiction) broke
The Americans saw synnerli- gene seriously the
absence of an export license and the Swedish side failed The proportions of the various flight teams commuting
to report how the project developed. In janua- ri in 1981 announced throughout the Cold War period. The variations for
took over Telefonaktiebolaget LM Erics- son of Saab's low fighter aircraft in the range from 50 to 67%, for the attack
shares in Data Saab and investigated the new owner of from 22 to 38% and for reconnaissance flight 9-17% of the
those events. The United States demanded an apology total stock of warplanes.
from the Swedish government, which was submitted in
June 1981. The incident involved US restrictions on Lastly, let us study the planned acquisition scope of
technology and exchange visits with Sweden. Sweden the total rebuilding arming of Air Force aircraft 37 as
undertook in 1982 after negotiations at government level originally assumed, and compare this with the actually
the arrangements for enhanced security protection to implemented anskaffning- one. The percentages in the
prevent sensitive equipment VIDA reexporterades. The table on the next page refers warplanes.
Swedish paid a fine to the United States, which was
distributed between the Swedish government and
Saab-Scania AB. We see that the resulting allocation would have
meant a contextually strongly attacked flights and weak
fighter in the relative ter- more we use. 1985 was taken,
In the aerospace field came including PLA ned however, decision-on modification of the 66 st J J 35F to
acquisition of more modern versions of the missile 35J, in order to maintain the Dragon in service longer
Sidewinder (AIM-9J and, see- modern -9L) will be delayed while maintaining the operational capacity until the JAS
for several years because of these disagreements. 39 joints could be added.

Planned and delivered
Was matched by the fluctuations in the distribution
between air law of conscious rebuilding priorities based Fpl 37 Plan Plan delivered conditioned series aircraft

1962 1966 of 37 Viggen.

on hotbildsföränd- rings or amended operational and
tactical requirements? It's easy to over-emphasize a
OUCH 222 167 106
rationalized schematic perspective in the search for
%OUCH 28 24 34
explanations for the composition of the air force. Other
SK 35 34 17
factors, e.g. structural elements in the form of a legacy
SH 28
created by previous priorities must have influenced the 93 93
composition of a shrinking organization. It appears that SF 28

we do not only see the traces of the Air Force's dilemma %S 12 14 18

to adapt to a shrinking organization appropriately without YES 481 426 149

we possibly detects signs of a doctrine of change. %YES 60 62 48

Σ 831 720 328

Σ -SK 796 686 311

references SOU 2002: 108 Peace and security. Swedish security

I have chosen not to use footnotes. Instead made following a policy 1969-89. Fritzes, Stockholm 2002, the United States
more general reference to the substrate utilized. Air Force
use of its techno- logical lead that agents in the Cold War
development during the first half of the Cold War and up until
and in the pursuit of hegemony is the latest and most
1966 have been investigated in: Wennerholm, Bertil (2006) Fourth
clearly highlighted by Mikael Nilsson: Nilsson, Mikael
Air Force in the world? Doctrine Development in the Swedish
(2007) Tools of Hegemony. Mi- litary Technology and
aerospace weapon in defense decisions from 1942 to 1958.
Swedish-American security.dll Rity Relations 1945-1962. Stockholm,
Surface, decision and implementation of national and
Santérus. ISBN 978-91-7335-007-5.
international perspective. FOKK No. 8. Stockholm, Swedish

National Defense College. ISBN 10 91-85401-48-X.

Pettersson, Tommy (2009) With the invasion in sight. Air

Force's war planning and luftope- ational doctrine

Air Force's development and cooperation with the Western
1958-1966. FOKK No. 19. Swedish Military History Library,
powers have also been affected in a witness seminar in
Stockholm. ISBN 978-91-85789-38-2.
spring 2004: Wennerholm, Bertil (eds) (2005) Faster, higher,

stronger? Leveling Questions about Air Forces during the

Cold War. Witness Seminar 23 March 2004. FOKK No. 3.

Stockholm, Royal Krigsvetenskapsakade- mien. ISBN

Air Force development during the latter part of the Cold 91-975807-0-8. In the mentioned works include extensive
War has not been subject of any scientific study, but source and literature references, where anyone who is
rather briefly described in a number of commemorative
interested to immerse themselves in the problem of finding
a good deal of useful information.

Cooperation with the Western powers have been

addressed in two public inquiries: SOU 1994: 11 If war

came ... Preparations for the receipt of military aid

1949-1969. Fritzes, Stockholm 1994.

Viggen in defense decisions
When it comes to describing the aircraft's genesis and won a hearing in the Supreme Commander-investigation. The Air Force
later development, it is natural to focus production on did well in the different cost framework, as evidenced by the Supreme
technology and operational use, which in itself is natural.
Commander 65th

Supreme Commander 65 then formed the basis for

Sven-Olof Olson, the political Monastic considerations that took place in
Lieutenant-General and But if the project is anchored and supported the defense's the FU 65. As the air expert, I preferred the military draft
head of the Air Force from
top management and - more important than - the political organization of aerial weapon, among other things, in the
1982 to 1988. After officer
leadership, so it does not help that we have never so highly number of aircraft in the different economic levels. Before
in 1948, he has acquired
extensive experience in
developed technical ability to produce aircraft. It may the presentations of the defense commission's members
both the propeller to jet at therefore be appropriate to mention anything about the took place, we had military experts reasonably ensat our
all levels of the Air Force. conditions in the said respects. I do it in the light of that presentations so as to eliminate the risk that the
during the years 1963 - 1967 was head of the Defense presentations would be perceived as mere party
planning department and in that time both were in and took submissions.
out the Supreme Commander's surface, the Supreme
As military experts were able to be with the majority of
65, the defense investigation, FU 65, and ever since it was the FU 65 deliberations, which was a great advantage. It
included as one of the military experts of the FU 65. In both the was very interesting that the "challenge" to meet many of
latter information in the capacity of flight expert. the foremost contemporary politicians. At the time
appointed the demokratis- ka parties, which disqualified
In OB investigation was in first place in the internal communication nisterna, namely its main representatives
balance within the armed forces to convince the to be part of the defense investigation. Chairman of the
defense's top management about the necessity of a State Secretary of försvarsdepartemen- Tet Karl
strong air force be lasting of fighter, attack and Fritiofsson. Some of the members' names can here
reconnaissance. The Government's directives to the deserve to be mentioned. Anselm Gillström, Nils Stewart
Supreme Commander was to design the system in three and Alva Myrdal from the Social; Mysinge-Johans- son,
different cost levels, the highest of which would be the Lars Eliasson and Johannes Antonsson from the Center
Supreme Commander's own proposal. The lowest's Party; Manne Stahl and Folke Nihlfors from People's; Ivar
level, would be very large and rapid reductions of the Virgin and Gosta Bohman from the Conservative Party. In
Swedish Armed Forces Including the Air Force. If one my mem ory bank is also a presentation of the then-
were to put aircraft on aircraft, it would mean that more current Prime Minister Tage Erlander.
than 800 Viggen would be produced over a long period
of time. This was contained even in the Supreme
Commander's own proposal, which attack and
reconnaissance would be maintained in scope while A position that försvarsutred- solution made early on
hunting in the long run would be reduced. The latter was to move away from the automatic list with 2.5 percent
would be offset by the creation of air defense missiles for technological development (cost increase), despite the
and more effective armament of fighter aircraft. fact that the Supreme Commander of its investigation
advocated a list with 3.5 percent. It was for us experts clear
that even this would eventually force the relatively sharp
reductions in the original plans. It was also clear that the
economic level as the Supreme Commander's own
proposal could not be accepted by the Defense
In short, I can say that my argument for a strong investigation majo-
Swedish air force in general

Test Aircraft 37-6 starts with
the spark EBK. Photo: Saab

ity. It was instead the second highest level was ruling, production of about 800 aircraft, which is a figure mentioned
with some The reduction down. Of my notes from the in different contexts, so directs copyright a question mark.
presentations and discussions at the FU 65 is clear that I The road ahead is still generating thorny; many difficulties
basically had success in my quest to get GE hear of the may be encountered on the way.
need for a strong air force. But with the economic level
that was current, it does eventually relatively large It should be noted that, whether from the
reduction functions even in terms of the number of Government or the military authorities' side, there is no
aircraft. need to re-dan now consider the total number of aircraft.
The plans are of course an objective under- built
At the side of the defense investigation to put the guideline, but a flexible planning system also requires
Royal. Majesty (as it was then called) in March 1964 a that instead of unnecessary locking creates the best
special preparation - Flygmaterielbered- solution - with conditions for gradual adjustment to development
the task of clarifying the grounds for a Tufted requirements clutch. However, there have been
Development. 1965 took Kungl. Majesty formal decision statements that would indicate that from the outset would
to Viggen would be manufactured. The foundation was be willing to set whitefish Tet at a reduction of the
now laid even from po- lithic side to implement Tufted number. Although this would mean an unhappy locking,
program. The scope was not defined. The magazine Our and it is reminiscent of the runner, lining up to the start
Defense No 2/1965 I wrote for the Royal. Majesty and from the outset has decided not to complete the
decision an article titled "VIGGEN PORT". It can be race.
belysan- they will here quote the introduction to the

"Whether one should put a frågeteck- one or an If, on the other hand to be in port means that the first
exclamation mark after the title is pretty much a matter of big step now taken towards series production, primarily
taste, and depending on how you define" port ". of attack fighter version AJ 37 and school version SK 37,
which is a big exclamation point more in place ... "
If it is to be in port mean, the way is now open for
ordering and

That the way forward was also törnbe- sprinkled we had the rationale for a continued Tufted Program. And
ample evidence. May Wechsel- man and Maj Britt essentially won my argument hearing in the defense
Theorin brought red was not in their efforts to prevent investigation. In combination with the defense that later
Viggen program was realized. Fortunately, they never were taken were re- result that a total of 337 Tufted
won a major support for his views. For me it was more Aircraft of different versions came to be made. As shown
worrying that, "as grip" came from a more immediate and in the closing words of this scripture became Vig- gene
for me an unexpected direction. The army military expert system a huge success, won the respect and admiration
had namely, behind the backs of the rest of us to the far beyond the borders of our country.
custody inquiry's chairman submitted a comprehensive
memorandum with a completely AN sodium content than
that he preferred it to us and before the defense To increase awareness of aviation's importance and
investigation. His proposal went briefly out of the ground technological developments were part of the defense
forces would be prioritized primarily on aviation expense. commission's work visit at including Flight Exhibition in Paris
The president took the memo seriously shows his (Le Bourget). This was an excellent opportunity to the more
marginal notes in the margin. Among other things, he relaxed atmosphere have to give the inquiry increased "flight
wrote: "No development and production of JA 37?" True, knowledge" in general and the international trend in
the note provided with a question mark, but the listing still particular.
shows that the continued Tufted program was not in port.
Approach: was the least outrageous. I got some of this Someone Viggen was yet to forward me to show up,
memo was because there were people in the Defense but I am convinced that the systematic accumulation of
Department, which responded to the sniper. For my part, knowledge about the importance of military air forces
was now to further tighten meant increased firmness of the political decisions on the
further Tufted program. I feel still great satisfaction that at
an early stage have been able to pull my weight in this

Rotation Start F 7. Photo:

Åke Andersson

Viggen creation
In the early 1950s, the first studies of the aircraft that led to the desire to compromise on the Air Force's size
would replace the aircraft 32 Lance and 35 Draken, and even from some quarters to question if other
although not yet completed deliveries of the aircraft 29,
weapons could replace the airplanes NEN. Some
had just started production of the Lance and only started
the development of the Dragon. But this was necessary in representatives from the main army and some politicians
time to supply the Air Force with modern aircraft. The considered the different types of missiles, fired from the GL began his flight
turnover rate was then considerably higher than today. ground, could be used to fight land, sea and air targets training in the Air Force in

instead of using hunting and at-attack aircraft armed with 1947 and went out KTH
missiles and other weapons . These issues were studied
1953. Worked as a flight
by the defense branch staffs and the Defense Staff. The
engineer in the Air Force
World Situation and our neutrality motivated a strong debate was at times quite hot with a lot of not too reality and FMV. He was head of
defense, and as a consequence of this policy is relatively highlighted posts. the main department of air at

wide defense. The Air Force needs assessment des then FMV 1980-89.

to more than 50 divisions. Our the aerospace INDUSTRY had

now come up to the leading air Nations standards. Most realized, however, that a combination of both
warplanes equipped with appropriate weapons, missiles,
and also missiles fired from the ground or ship was the
The technology growth was very strong during this optimal solution with the highest the relationship power /
time. 1947 could pass the sound barrier with rocket cost. Roughly had aircraft weapons systems better range
aircraft. In 1954 there were war planes with jet engines and was more flexible than land-sea-fired weapons,
with afterburners, EBK, as in level flight could fly at however, could prove more useful only in the defense of,
supersonic speed. The electronics developed rapidly with for example, own ground forces. The Army acquired
several new features in terms of surveillance (radar), because missiles against tanks and luftvärnsrobo- take
communications, navigation, etc. Especially in the United short and medium range. The Navy NEN supplied ships
States and the Soviet Union were successively new and coastal artillery and missiles against naval targets
aircraft with higher performance. and air defense short range. The Air Force armed attack
and hunt with the necessary missiles and other weapons.

Lance was a subsonic aircraft and the Dragon a pure

fighter with The limited cargo capacity and range. There
was therefore a need for new airplanes with additional
improved performance until the 1960s. From the initial
studies to the final flight in 2006 came Tufted era to
project studies
encompass more than 50 years. In the early 1950s, it
Studies to obtain data for critical decision-making on
was hardly allow the needle someone who questioned
basic orientations for the coming aircraft took place
whether we needed a new aircraft for the Dragon.
between 1952 and 1962, the Air Force Headquarters and
Defense was high and the security situation AN seen
the then Royal Aerospace Administration (KFF), but
serious. From the defense began in 1958, however, a
especially at Saab. The work was backed up by
de-escalation of the armed forces. The memory of 1939
extensive wind tunnel tests. 1962 was to mature to
began to fade. Po's viewpoint would be a priority second
further define the aircraft system and decide on the basic
sectors of society. This, combined with the aircraft, due technical output forming. The studies dragged on due to
to higher performance, more expensive the priority order between at-ewe and hunting information
was changed several times

as well as other planning requirements for the Air Force It was also during this time that the discussion was going
came to be valid. Participants can input is divided into four on among politicians and in the Armed Forces of Sweden
partly overlapping periods. would acquire nuclear weapons. The decision was not to
acquire nuclear weapons. A 36's attack armament
1952-56 1300 Hunting investigation but also consisted of various robots but also unguided bombs
attack information went inside the arsenal. A highly advanced bomb sight

1956-58 1350 / A 36 investigation Attack was projected to constant evasive maneuvers to trap

Management bombs.

1956-57 1400 investigation Hunting

1956 began studies in projektse- series 1400. These
projects would result in a payment of 35 Dragon. Now
1958-62 37/1500 investigation unit also targeted operations against VTOL- and chair
Aircraft aircraft. (VTOL = Vertical Take-Off and Landing, STOL =
Short Take-Off and Landing). The Air Force claims
Total examined more than a hundred different aircraft resulted in the right-sized aircraft with the attendant high
concept with different aerodynamic configurations and costs. Level of ambition was therefore reduced, but
engines, and several weapon options. From the outset to increased to some extent quite soon.
the 1300 series see- replace all A 32 Lansen, but gradually
came hunting missions to be emphasized. UN-der the
period 1952-56 examined a number of configurations and During 1958-62 they worked with the so-called
engine options. It was attended un stranded aircraft and 1500-series, but also with projects that began designated
aircraft with straight wings or pilvingar. Towards the end of aircraft 37. That was when it introduced the idea of ​a unit
the period, the emphasis once again attacked the missions. aircraft, an aircraft with small changes would know-na
perform hunting, attack - and reconnaissance missions
and to replace both the lance and the Dragon. The idea
The years 1956-58 dominated attack claims. One of of ​a unit aircraft was not really new. Most earlier aircraft
the final draft of the 1300 series, had been used in that way. To get a complete
A 36, or Saab
1350, came as far as it got a name out of the Air Force's
1350, never left the drawing
board. official number series: A 36th

weapon / aircraft systems from the outset PLA mission types. There were demands on load capacity,
fractionated while Swedish developed jaktro- cures: RB range, speed, turning ability, takeoff and landing
340/341, Saab would deliver. But around the same time characteristics, lågflygningsförmåga etc. One may
managed to KFF raise US Falconrobotar- na, RB 27/28 wonder why such would require such a high speed that
in Sweden, the J 35F and got inside view of what they the Mach 2. That's because the high speed and good
would cost, and what resources are required to develop acceleration increases the airplanes's ability to adopt
them. This, plus the fact that the fighter would be pre- shooting modes suitable for firing of missiles against air
strengthened by the introduction of the J 35F, made the targets. High speed reduces even their own losses. To
project work with RB 340 and 341 was canceled and the reduce reliance on long takeoff and landing paths, it was
emphasis on the development of the aircraft 37 was shot necessary to reduce takeoff and landing distances in
once against attack role. relation to what is required for earlier aircraft. The
question was whether the aircraft would be a VTOL- or
you could stay at a chair aircraft. Wisely stayed to 500 m,
During 1960-62 conducted further studies of a large
number of configurations equipped with different engines
in order to make a final choice of the most important and
long-term structural conditions. i.e. the aircraft was of STOL type. As mentioned studies
included a large variety of all-new aircraft, but also
More detailed studies went on to BE buy different further developments based on planes 32 and 35. In
technical options and solution- s for aircraft, weapons addition, comparisons were made with foreign existing
and other automation devices. Aircraft system aircraft, mainly US F-4 Phantom. Some of- ferter was
presupposed also be able to interact with the command requested but not on the foreign options.
and base systems. The concept of the system was
introduced. Perhaps this is in order to defi- ne this
These studies resulted in the operational requirements of
The system is a product of various parts. These parts the aircraft system and the selection of key STRUCTURE
often interact and are interdependent. They can conditions:
themselves serve as a subsystem. The system can also
cooperate with and be dependent on other systems.
Systems are available in different levels. A system can Attack Mission: Control of sea
be physically, another more or less abstract. But for all of and land targets in hard motverkansmiljö.

interaction and dependency. Hunting Quests: Control of air targets at low and
high altitudes under all lighting and weather
The studies focused on the essential choices with
Reconnaissance Mission: Reconnaissance of sea and
long-term consequences, which are necessary to do for
land under all lighting and weather conditions in the hard
the devel- opment of an airplane. It was important: the
wing configuration, chair- VTOL- or properties, or a
The aircraft would be produced in four versions down: attack,
two-man crew, motor (s) for propulsion and possible
school, reconnaissance and hunting.
vertical lift. Weapon and avionics is naturally of equally
significant. They must be involved from the beginning, The system would have specified reliability and
but can more easily be renewed or supplemented. The maintainability.
result must be a compromise between the requirements The aircraft would be the single-seat, except school
and, not least, a weighing of the importance of different version.

Off and landing could occur on short (500 m)

webs chair.

Approximately end 1961-62 determined the aerodynamic for well-off and landing characteristics, and when flying
configuration and the league final selection of the engine with transonic speeds at low altitude. Many felt that this
for aircraft 37, which eventually named Viggen. pointed to a nosvingekonfiguration, ie a delta wing
Development work started now at Saab Aircraft engine, combined with a foreplane. But the choice was by no
Ericsson and others providers. Pending re-geringsbeslut means self-evident and configu- rations also studied. A
the whole system was divided BE stands first in short nosvingeflyg- plan had been tried in France in the 1950s,
stages in the form of so-called book and account North Griffon. A prototype was flown
assignments, ie Compa- nies paid for work performed.

In 1957, but there was no production. Furthermore, except

A unit aircraft meant that the difference between the where the Wright Brothers Flyer 1903 a nosvingeflygplan.
various versions would be small and consist of different
weapons, countermeasures and some Viggen was thus a deltavingat aircraft provided with
målinmätningsutrustningar. School version would be a main wing closely connected lad foreplane. On a pure
two-seater. The advantage of a single unit aircraft was to delta lost part of wing lift because bakkantrod- clean by
utvecklingskostnader- na could be spread over a large balancing reasons must be folded up in such landing.
number of aircraft. The downside was that a larger time
gap would occur the next aircraft, causing great
difficulties to employ and advance Kövra development You could say that nosvingen seek to balance the
resources in the industry. main wing so that it can gain increased lift by lowering
bakkan- trodren. But on the other hand, interferes
In 1964, the government appointed a committee, nedsvepet from a loaded foreplane main wing flow, so
Materiel Minister, to review the entire 37-project. This that the net effect will be less. Nosvingens close location
was due to concerns that the aircraft would be too costly. to the main wing led to the latter's rotkorda was shorter
An alternative acquisition of a foreign aircraft, F-4 than had been the case with a clean join. It came to
Phantom investigated. The result was that the cause strength -, weight and rigidity problems.
government in 1965 approved the project called in
principle and that the development could proceed. On
March 20, 1967 was regeringsbe- out regarding the order
of 100 aircraft, later increased to 175 series aircraft of
type AJ, S and SK. Herd size. The experience of The country then and
Dragon pointed to the need for a crew of two. The
dragon was a single-seater and the burden on the driver
was often very high. The time for study, work coincided
Important choices facing development with the time when the first computers were created. The
Aerodynamic design, vingkonfigura- tion. Concept word computer was not invented and the calcu- lators
delta wing, double delta (J = 35 Dragon) delta with who arrived had low capacity. The trend, however,
foreplane, Pilvinge, swing wing and also tiltable Pilvinge pointed to more advanced devices could be constructed,
evaluated against each other. Single-engine such equipment that could allow a certain degree of
well-engined aircraft investigated. STOL requirement automation of the tasks BE-up date used to perform. The
demanded lower landing speed than aircraft 35 and work question was whether the second crew member could be
went into studied studies of lift motors, strålavlänkade replaced by a computer. You bet boldly on this
engines and engine braking (reversing). Because the assumption.
aircraft 37 would first replace A 32 was attacked
requirements to dominate in the beginning. Among other
things, optimized configuration especially
engine choice a war aircraft is very important. Since

attempts to provide the Lance and the Dragon with For airplanes 37 were finally selected a version of JT8D
domestic engines were we again showed reference to who was designated RM 8 in our aircraft weapons. What
foreign suppliers. Both one- and tvåmotoralternativ it did was to choose a civil turbofan engine designed for
examined. These were then combined with the lift units Mach 0.85 to aircraft expected to fly Mach 2.0+. The
for the study option where VTOL properties was engine was fitted with a Swedish developed EBK. The
assumed. The same performance is tvåmo- toralternativ result was unchanged fan, new burn chamber, as
heavier and more expensive per aircraft, but on the other amended turbine and of course the new fuel control.
hand, the likely casualty losses during use. More Virtually all parts of the engine must be resized because
important is probably the engines that are available. It is of the higher Mach number. For jaktver- sion engine, we
concentrated in the end against enmotorutföranden. As also had to make a whole new fan, low pressure
for military engines are often designed for a particular compressor and new combustion chambers. Because of
aircraft and thus optimized for certain flight conditions. the very different operating conditions for RM 8 could
experience gained from JT8D program only partly come
RM 8 assimilate. But Airbreathing got together with P &
W is a major development work.

Putting an existing engine in a new aircraft is not so

easy. Often match neither the requirements for flight
cases, operating profile or installation conditions. The
aircraft were expected to have longer endurance than
föregå- only. Therefore strove a modern engine with low
specific fuel consumption but also with high thrust /
weight ratio. The choice of configuration and engine had some
secondary consequences. The engine by-pass ratio, 1:
1, means that ytterdia- meter was pretty big. Thus was
Suitable engines were very few at the time of the also the whole aircraft is larger and heavier than
decision. The study phase was long and motor originally anticipated. To reduce the weight of the aircraft
development was rapid. Many options could see the light was shortened body. The engine's surface outside
of day during this time. Up to 1960 developed the diameter also meant that both had problems with the
so-called turbofan engines with lower fuel consumption wing attachment, so that the wing loads in large part to
than previous engines . be introduced into the body through a sharp wing spar,
and secondly that the landing gear attachment were
The most studied engine options were versions of placed in the wing, which made the suspension of the
the Bristol Olympus (pure jet) and Rolls Royce Spey external load. These facts and the shorter rotkordan on
(turbofan). At the end of 1961, two new options: Pratt & the wing caused problems with the strength, stability and
Whitney JT8D and Rolls-Royce RB177 Medway, both aero elasticity. The measures led to increased weight.
civil turbofan engines. It is assumed that certain
modifications would be necessary to adapt the engine for
example, the double Mach number.

Of course, even a efterbränn- chamber to come and

constructed. These two options were to Olympus.
Drawbacks of Olympus was uncertainty was concerned An experience: In such a tightly integrated schemes being
the decision situation in the UK and the engine's greater a war airplanes it is important not only emphasize the
fuel consumption. The choice was difficult. advantages but also the time BE beware disadvantages and
secondary effects on the entire system.

Requirements for life. A war aircraft had been in the 1940s, a useful life of For aircraft 37 required the reliability, MTBF (Mean Time
usually about five years or less depending on the rapid development Between Failure), for each subsystem, device, the design,
performance. For the individual airplane was anticipated with a very short etc., all summed to the MTBF for throughout the aircraft.
life, no more than a few 100's of hours. That meant utmattningsfeno- but Demands were made to test the system and to detect errors
often were not sized for design engines. The dragon was dimensioned for and the time to address them. For example, the specified
1,500 flight hours, a limit that could later be raised. The requirement for 37 time for the engine change. Times set for the various service
Viggen was initially not much longer. Substantially the same test methods operations such as refueling and charging. Requirements
as envisaged earlier. The problem with increasing the life of the warplanes was formulated also for the logistics system, ie the supply of
came to the fore in the US and other countries. It began to study how spare parts and replacement units, test equipment
structures in more detail gradually weakened by fatigue, for example by applications, publications. The requirements were compiled
crack propagation in metallic materials. The research called fracture in a maintenance plan.
mechanics and damage tolerance. Methods output was developed for the

early detection of cracks, assess the fracture propagation velocity and

assess the residual strength, damage tolerance. All this required a much

more extensive testing. In addition, one must assume a probable load AJ 37 characteristics
range of the aircraft. Lack of knowledge from the beginning meant utprov- Flight Performance. The purely technical per- dakraven
solution before serial delivery was incomplete, which resulted in three flight, or to begin with the objective compounds, partly
accidents due to wing offense. It was a painful lesson. Base rate on new determined from the result of studies described above, and
load range required extensive testing, redesigning and modifications. Lack with the studies of what happened in other countries, and
of knowledge from the beginning meant utprov- solution before serial by evaluations by anticipated effect of the system 37
delivery was incomplete, which resulted in three accidents due to wing against intended target with respect to the hostile
offense. It was a painful lesson. Base rate on new load range required antagonism. The requirements Wide-ups including
extensive testing, redesigning and modifications. Lack of knowledge from maximum speed, swing speed, range, payload, flight time,
the beginning meant utprov- solution before serial delivery was incomplete, landing speed, etc. for a number of mission types.
which resulted in three accidents due to wing offense. It was a painful

lesson. Base rate on new load range required extensive testing,

redesigning and modifications.

Control systems. Airplane 37 had a very good, but

complicated control system. There were developed by
Saab in collaboration with the assigned American
company Honeywell, but also with input rates from KFF /
FMV. Many of the problems originating from
An experience: It never pays to haggle for testing. imperfections in the aerodynamic and structural The
construction dissolved with modifications of the control
system also, mainly its electronic part,
Reliability requirements etc. The technical
development allowed opportunities to more efficient i.e., the autopilot. The aircraft was easier to maneuver at
tactic for flight connections. Unfortunately, this is usually low speeds than the dragon and got better spin properties
more complicated design functions and use of the and not at all the same tendency to end up being super
technology to its limits. The number of parts and com- stable.
ponents of aircraft increased. To achieve an acceptable
reliability of the overall system required reliability for each Computer. It essentially new with the electronics of the AJ
part and component. The effect of an aircraft system 37 was the introduction of a central digital calcium kylator,
depends not only on the impact of the single different CK 37, and a head-up display, SI. Viggen was one of the
aircraft and number of aircraft, but also on the availability first aircraft in värl- anyone had a computer (American
of the system. Convair F-106 was probably first). A working computer was
a prerequisite for the aircraft could be

Cockpit and instrument panel
of the AJ 37. Photo: SFF

single-seat. The computer could perform calculations that discussed intensively. But in light of our terrain and our
previously made in the aiming system, but Above all, it prospective förbandsupp- elect never introduced this
would make calculations Ti digare performed by the facility.
driver / navigator. This required a more comprehensive
communication and integration between other electronics Navigation and presentation. From the beginning, a
as well as a well-designed presentation system largely long wave hyperbelsystem selected as the navigation
controlled by the computer. The computer was originally system but different problems tving- ade us to move to a
very limited storage volume, but even so it could be used more conventional navigation systems based on DME,
well into the 1990s. VOR and Doppler velocity measurement. The system
location information, then the basis for the

so-called mission Navigation feature of CK 37. The

The radar, PS-37, had the task to detect targets at sea and information presented to the driver on a two indicators
on land, achieving a radar map, measure the distance to so-called head-down indicator (MI) and a head up
the ground targets, enabling bombing in level flight, display (SI).
navigation support system and also detect air targets. The The MI presented radar information, control
radar, which was the monopulse, designed primarily for information, flight mode data etc. In SI presented the
reconnaissance against naval targets and ground targets. information necessary for takeoff and landing, navigation
Mono Pulse meant improved interference safety and the and weapons delivery. Dragon landing system was
possibility of distance measurement against ground targets, considered too sensitive to disruption in war situations. A
which is highly significant in attack with unguided weapons. new microwave-landing system, TILS, devel- was
Automatic ter- rängföljning using monopulse radar therefore, partly in collaboration with the US Navy.

Communication system. The Air Force had initially environments. The radar also took several measures to
requirement that the electronics 35 of J would be used in reduce the effect of enemy interference.
the new aircraft. It was not possible in view of usability,
reliability and cost. Recognition system (NS), PN 79, Maintenance system, etc. The aircraft's overall system
where finally the single apparatus from J 35 later used in was more complicated than previous aircraft. To get the
Vig- gene. The development of radio technology was required reliability must surely be able to verify the
then as now strong, which led to the Viggen got a brand operation of and detect errors in avionics. It required the
new multi-channel communication systems covering the introduction of an automated testing systems and to
UHF / VHF and FM / AM modulation. some extent in every subsystem of the aircraft, and the
aircraft in a centrally controlled test system and partly

Top: external test equipment. During the flight there was a

Interference Capsule KA / U 22. continuous au- tomatic function monitoring and on leave
Photo: Emil Lindberg Lower marks performed a function control without external
picture: Countermeasure Countermeasure. Attack and surveillance versions of equipment. For performance control and more accurate
capsule KB could trap both
Viggen equipped with jammers (capsule KA), and troubleshooting connected a test bus to the aircraft. The
radar disturbing strips and IR
strip-flare dispenser (capsule KB) and Radar (APP 27). system was modified so that it became less and less
affecting torches.
Countermeasure is a device that continuously need to be dependent on external test equipment. Data recording for
updated to work with new electronic training and maintenance measures introduced
Photo: Emil Lindberg

The experience of the Vietnam War PE researched the

importance of making the aircraft more durable against the
hostile effects of weapons but also the importance of preparing
krigsreparatio- down.

Weapon AJ 37
Since the invasion of the sea was the highest priority war
was the case a robot against naval targets the main
weapon. Here inherited one robot RB 04, which was an
ingenious build to aircraft 32. A RB 04 was modified to RB
04E. One drawback was that it was flying with subsonic
speed, but this was offset by an extremely low altitude
attack and some REMEDIES who did homing less
vulnerable to interference. Later, anti-ship missile

RB 15F.
But arms against land targets was also required. Here
discussed command-controlled robots, TV or IR homing
missiles, laser guided robots or glide bombs, bombs myck-
et against hard targets, the explosive bombs, rockets
attack (arak) and automatic cannon (akan). Later, multiple
weapons. A robot against land targets could be controlled
with commands from the driver or with a homing device.
The disadvantage

Some of the weapons options
that AJ 37 could be equipped
with. From left: explosive
bombs. RB 05, RB 04,
akankapsel and arakkapsel.
Photo: SFF archive

with the first method was to firing aircraft must remain re planes, but was there individually hung. The issue of
focused on the target until the missile hit the target, the aircraft would have built-in machine guns, akan, or
causing antagonism from anti-aircraft more efficient. In not studied in depth. It was considered that the guns in
the United States and France developed missiles with most missions, also including search and search version,
television homing. After much discussion, it was decided did not contribute as much to the effect, but the weight of
to develop its own command-controlled robot, RB 05, and the airplanes net. It was probably the right decision
the slightly later buy a foreign missile with TV-homing, RB based on the guns available at the time; ex empelvis
75, Adenkanonen in J 35 had a too poor ballistics. But as an
outer more options it established a capsule with a built 30
Maverick from the US. mm Aden akan. The targets were assumed to be
Early on there was a demand from the Navy aircraft unprotected troops, but also transport aircraft and
37 could trap helicopters. A bomb capsule,
sea ​mines at high speed at low altitude with great precision.
The project was based, however, due to technical and
financial difficulties.
Initially it was assumed that all heavy weapons must be BK / DWS 39, with large numbers of submunitions also introduced

controlled, ie robots. But after further calculations, it was later as a weapon against smaller armored targets. (Bomb The

found that even unguided bombs could be very effective in capsule has now excluded for political reasons.)

some cases. therefore creation blasting bombs. Installation

of minbomber was studied des, but was removed at last. The aircraft must also have self-defense weapons. It
Later, the Air Force introduced the laser-guided weapons, became IR hunting robots, RB 24, RB 28 and RB 24J.
but they are expected to be used in a less aggressive
motverkans- environment than the presumption of the
attack on our country, where these weapons are considered SK 37
less effective. For night attacks against land and sea targets That you needed a two-seat school version was clear
would lysbomber used. from the outset. The version could only be used for the
approach of the pilots, why no tactical equipment such as
radar, etc. required. Already after a few years was a
Attack Rockets, 13.5 cm arak, in capsules inside went to the requirement to use the SK 37 aircraft that bothers to
arsenal. They were inherited from tidiga-

practicing hunting units and air defense units. Later A lodkamerasikte, similar to S 35E, were installed.
introduced equipment to aircraft could also accompany
attackflygför- bands that bothers airplanes, SK 37E. Same countermeasure could be carried as AJ 37,
i.e. interfering capsule strip and KA / KB flare dispenser.
Radarvarnaren was an updated version of the one
S 37 in two versions: SH 37 and SF 37 included in AJ 37. Registration of received signals stored
It proved to be difficult to carry out any kind of and could be analyzed after landing. Beväp- compound consisted
reconnaissance mission with a flygplansver- pension. of the same IR missiles AJ 37 resulted.

Therefore developed two different versions: SH 37 and SF

37. Current sensors were radar, cameras for visible light and

infrared and infrared scanners. SH 37 primarily intended for

YES 37 characteristics
radar reconnaissance. The radar was a modified version of
YES 37 had a more In the mid-1960s, the army running out of money due to
PS-37 from AJ 37. Camera equipment was brought in
advanced layout with more long clung to one of the great peace and krigsorganisa-
several different types of external capsules: one for dressing
electronic, digital and tion. It went all over the purchase of new, more modern
integrated equipment. Thus capable camera, a dark cameras and a flash assembly. The
equipment. The army suggested that funds should be
appeared the upper
latter two would also be used in SF 37. Later SH 37 was
weighty part of the transferred from the Air Force to the Army so that, inter
necessary information is equipped with a camera distance in capsule, CA-200, with
alia, could modernize air defense. The Government set in
now three elec- tronic extremely long focal length for reconnaissance at great 1967 the so-called Air Defense investigation, LFU 67, with
indicators, head-up display
distances. Members meets the Department of Defense, all three
SI, target-indicator with
radar data, MI and a armed services, defense staff, FMV and FOA, to
tactical indicator, TI. Photo: investigate the distribution of responsibility for air defense
Emil Lindberg
SF 37 had no radar. Several different camera-acids and an of the armed services. The result was that the Air Force
infrared scanner placed in the nose. would be responsible for the territorial air defense to
jaktflyg- plane, while the army was responsible for air
protection point target and moving army units. A Mel
lanställning constituted the army's Hawk Dressings, RB
67. The Navy was responsible for the protection of their
ships. A major issue was therefore a fighter version of the
Viggen JA 37, would be acquired. So it was.

For several reasons, the JA 37 differ VA- late written

from the earlier versions. From the beginning had been
realized that a new radar was necessary, a radar that
could also work against low-flying targets. Likewise, the
aerospace plane is primarily equipped with effective
weapons against air targets. However they had not
initially anticipated any significant changes to the basic
aircraft and engine. Developments in electronics went
very quickly. Lending armor with better reliability and
performance arrived, which in many cases were not more
expensive than the equipment that was in the Previously
versions. But above all, it was now a

larger transition from analogue to digital possible and to operate at low altitude. It did not pass the regular
advantageous. The step from avioniken in AJ, S and SK pulse radars. Any form of immersion lerskift detecting
versions of JA 37 was very large, actually even better radar must be used. The advantage of a pulse Doppler
than be- tween 37 and JA JAS 39A / B. Through the radar is that it can better distinguish moving targets, ie
increased digitization of avioniken could achieve higher aircraft, from dominant markekona.
power and rationality through further integration. As an
example, the interconnection between the radar, the Anticipation had probably Flights administration since
central computer and control system for more precision the end of the 50th century added study and trial
in the use of the gun. At the same time, the integration assignments on the LME, SRA, TUAB and FOA regarding
between the aircraft's subsystems increased, also the basic technology of pulsdopp- lerradar. Two different
created opportunities for more exchange of information modes could be selected for such radars. Either high pulse
between the aircraft and the battle management, and repetition frequency, HPD, or with medium pulse repetition
between aircraft within their own dressing. frequency, MPD. The first gives good detection distance in
AN cases from the front but has more difficulty to measure
distances to targets and detect targets in bakifrånsektorn.
The pulse Doppler radar with high pulse repetition
frequency, HPD, already existed in the 1960s. The second
Tougher requirements on the operation of the aircraft. method, the MPD was useful full circle. The technology,
In order to apply an optimal tactic for hunting mission which was at the time of development of the JA 37, did not
required both the use of increased angle of attack and also allow switching between these modes on the same radar.
harder lastspek- rooms compared to what was required by For JA37 and its radar, PS46, was elected MPD. The
AJ 37. It resulted in the strengthening of the wing but also required signal processing in PS46 was made possible by
by other structural elements. The engine was changed in introduction of an extensive digitization. PS46 was well
several respects; three-stage fan, modi- fied high pressure into the 1990s, Europe's best airborne radar and was
turbine, new combustion chamber surpassed only by some younger assigned American
etc. The engine and the aircraft became longer. The
weighting also increased. This required that the engine needs
to provide more traction. For example, increased tensile force
at completes ebk from 11,790 bp to 12,750 bp. We now had
two versions of RM 8, RM 8A and 8B RM.
Presentation System. AJ 37 had a conventional tional
dashboard. JA 37 was chosen a more advanced layout
The demand for new features in the avionics and with more electronic, digital and integrated equipment.
weapons systems meant that a brand new computer, Thus VI said the bulk of the necessary information is now
CD107, with more miniaturized electronics was necessary. on three electronic indica- tors, head-up display, SI,
The computer had significantly greater capacity than the CK målindikatorn with radar data, MI, and a tactical indicator,
37 but was not expensive. EF best extensive testing elected TI. At the latter was shown a horizontal picture of the
a new, digital control machine with better reliability. JA 37 tactical situation, a map, etc.
was the first aircraft in the world that was fitted with such

Navigation. The time was now ripe to introduce inertial

radar development . Attack aircraft had been developed navigation, TN. This output was now the main
so that låghöjdstaktik became more ef- ficient than before. component of Navigational aids system. The other parts
It meant that our jaktflyg- plane radar must be able to see of the AJ 37 were still there, including landing system
by marking the cow and have radar missiles with the ability TILS.

Communication. In relation to the earlier versions were This is because after the flight carefully analyze what has
added requirements on data from the sprinkler to the happened in a luftstridsöv- up. These recordings can be
aircraft. A new styrdata- message was specified. in the ground fixed coordinates define the exercising
Coordination was needed so that both planes 35 and 37 aircraft courses. It was a much more economical than the
could be led from the sprinkler. Previously applied only systems based on measuring the aircraft from one or
more ground radar stations.
called direct command, i.e. sprinkler measured in both hunting
and target position, altitude and speed and counted out and
sent to the control order hunting aircraft. Thanks to the built-in
computing power into the JA37 could now also apply indirectly Weapon YES 37
combat command. Then did the hunt just geographic target data Before the start of the project by JA 37 was made
from the sprinkler. Calculation of the appropriate flight paths investigations which established the qualities that were
were made in JA 37's computer. important for the future of hunting robots. FMV examined
together with Saab what it would cost to develop and
After a few years you could also, with small modifications produce their own types of radar, as well as IR jaktrobo-
resourceful, establish a tad dubbelrik- data link between fighter takes. The work resulted in 1970 in a number of project
aircraft and a down-link to the sprinkler, the so-called hunting proposal called RB RB 71 and 72 for radar and IR robot.
link. For economic reasons advocated by the acquisition of the
American radar missile Sparrow. Investigation of various
Maintenance and registration. Methods for the more infrared robotic option, however, continued. One is a
internal test (BITE) in equipments developed less dependent Swedish, RB 72-12 and also an option of a further
on external testutrustning- s. Requirements for tape development of the RB 28th
recorders for flight safety and maintenance issues were the
same as applied earlier versions. In addition, there was a
large BE court to register the aircraft movement in the air With an ever-tighter economic framework was decided to
and sea armament system parameters. close down the new projects and go in for a direct purchase of
9L Sidewinder, RB 74th

YES 37, 37326, F 17-26

was a sample of the
planes D-modification, this
FC provided with RB 99
AMRAAM. Photo: Emil

Because of sekretessvårigheter of the Americas rich are
taking it though nine years to get export permits.
Meanwhile, the development of infrared countermeasures
progressed, so when we finally got the robots needed the
modified gene tämli- immediately. Perhaps it would have
been better if we tried to pursue RB 72-12 project. But the
process was a good illustration of how difficult it can be to
choose between domestic projects with technical,
economic uncertainties and purchase based on the
privacy issue and supply uncertainties. RB 74 was
delivered in the early 1980s. IR robot RB 24J knowledge
they carried from the outset.

Some difficulties with privacy arose even before the

acquisition of Sparrow. FMV then turned both to the UK
and also to Italy to get quotes on other robots, which was How to keep a war aircraft operational value? Time in the simulator gave

actually developments of Sparrow. The choice fell on an effective training at a

lower cost. Photo: Saab
skyflash from England, Already in the decade of projektstu- dierna changed the
operational, technical and economic conditions, as
RB 71st The robot had a semi-active målsö maker. emergency vändiggjorde new studies and
Now pointed tactical studies on the need for a The tension between the superpower blocs forced
built-Akan, but with much greater effect than previous them to constantly be on The technique Ken forefront. The
types. the Swiss pace of development, measured The number of new
30 mm Oerlikon KCA cannon was chosen. It was a big aircraft per year, remained high. However, higher
step forward and meant something of a renaissance for performance and more complex aircraft drove up costs for
Akan in aircraft. The ballistics very favorable with high both development and production. It was noticeable even
average speed of the shell in combination with the for the great powers. Simultaneously began the
aircraft's good steering characteristics admitted possibilities of making improvements smaller the ka after
considerably larger areas than to sliding past akan. The all, several technology disciplines matured. All this
gun could also be used for ground attack to complement 13.5resulted in the aircraft's service life was stretched out over
cm arak in the capsule. (Later in the 1990's was time. However happened and is still happening more
expanded arming with AIM-100 AMRAAM, successive leaps in electrical engineering. This means that
the basic aircraft and engines are modern for a longer
time, while the electronics can be less useful in the past.
RB 99).

Complete simulators and some momentsi- accumulators There was therefore a requirement that improve or
required for the different versions. Here the choice was replace the electronics after a certain time. The possibility of
between to simulate most of the functions and the like introducing modifications only through software changes
before simulating input transient aircraft devices and meant in some ways something of a revolution because it
subsystems. The trend was towards more simulation meant that the series aircraft did not have to be taken out of
functions. Likewise, improved business intelligence service when the modification was introduced. New weapons
presentation significantly compared to J-35 silica also came, but there was a development rate is not as high.

The development of the basic aircraft
Around the end of 1958-59 I was very young Brising Lars Erik Bratt would be responsible for the
engineer confidence to project.
directly under Erik Bratt help him develop new project
For a relatively long time concentrated our efforts on
ideas for a future aircraft 37th
a small simple aircraft with fixed foreplane. The project
Lars Peterson, was called FPL 37 ad- nines and was despite the small
graduated from Tech.
Responsible for Saab förprojektverksamhet at the time size, equipped with two engines of the type Rolls Royce
Gymn. Jönköping
was head of research Wänström Peace, which was RB 153 Nosvingelayouten was somewhat controversial
1953 employed at Saab as hull
design engineer in 1955.
directly under tech- niske director Lars Brising. In him and placement of nosvingen much discussed but
Responsible for the hull to FPL was Arne Lakomaa, as Project Engineer and designers eventually ended up just in front of and above the main
35XD, development manager Mauritz Gustavsberg son and Kurt Wrammert. Erik Bratt, wing. We had then held a number of versions with
for the hull to FPL 39, chief
who was head of the "Construction Office airplane" and a nosvingen positioned far forward and low. This was
engineer for the wing to Saab
very independent person, did, however, develop their judged unfavorably, both aerodynamically and the term
2000 (Madrid).
ideas with their own staff. At first, Bengt Staberg worked point of view for the pilot.
on military projects, but when I got into the car it became
pretty soon he got may work on the project, which would
be aircraft An important part of the design was to ensure that
the equipment that was in the aircraft should be easily
accessible, high-maintenance bility. The experience of
35 Dragon REGARDING THE device access was not the
105, and I got to work with the new militärpro- project. best. FPL 37 Junior was therefore clean body sides of
Eventually even Sven Ore twig and Magnus Westerberg the front air intakes and nosvingen. Here was room for
be attached to Bratt group. They had a lot of experience equipment room with large access doors.
from the strength of the office and was otherwise very
round. In addition, the configuration was carried out
studies on the aerodynamic department where they were Moreover in order to have a sufficient compaction
influential Hermann Behrbom, Ber- til Dillner and Torsten density as possible on the equipment LA- des much
Örnberg. It became IB country rather loud discussions in effort into trying to create a modular system for
Saab 37 Junior. The the various projects submitted, the pros and cons were electronics. We of Occupational started with a basic
comparison with FPL 35
discussed. On October 3, 1961 decided module, which could then be shared or doubles as
shows that it concerned a
very small airplane
required and all-time, easily installed in a standard rack.
This proved to be too difficult to implement and for a time
was completed that work.
Project 37 Junior
February 3, 1960 Partly because of the skepticism that prevailed
against the unstable nosvingekonfi- guration we
developed a clean take part as a reference alternative. It
was called 37-2. Here Item No. rekommer a certain
confusion in demand as Peace Wänströms group also
worked with a 37-2, which however had foreplane! Our
37-2 through worked very well.

Perhaps the most important parameter, we had to take

into account for all configurations was the requirement for
short take-off and landing
- the new aircraft would be able to operate

Project 1508A2 (RR Spey)
13 Nov. 1961
from 500 m long paths. This could be solved in different
ways, with varying designs of high-lift and
dragkraftsreverse- ring. A höglyftsalternativ we tried was
the deflection of the thrust. This was done via a deflector
which was placed between the motor tor and EBK and
which could have either a central outlet or two
sidplacerade. Deflek- tower, a considerably increased
height, with inter alia weight and cost increases as a
result. The second project also worked with separate lift
engines which never was the case for us. All options
practiced both nosvinge- as delta and tail planes. Several
different types of engines were "installed" in the various
0 5 10m
projects, but in the fall of 1961, there were really only two
edges candidates, left: Bristol Olympus B.Ol.22R and
Rolls Royce RB 168 Spey.
Project 1562 (Bristol Olympus)
november 1961

This autumn it began to tighten it to the final with the

two main candidates. "Our" main alternative was 1562
that was a great part with Olympus engine with deflek-
catalyst. Peace Wänströms main options were 1508A2, a
delta of Spey engine and two separate lift engines. A
conference of sub-takers from the KFF would take place
in Linköping November 22 where the two options would
be examined. The strange thing occurred now that the
aerodynamics are without Erik Bratt vis-ste about it,
managed to convince Lars Brising that you probably
should take a nosving- ealternativ too. The outcome of
0 5 10m

the conference was that Saab undertook that within a

week also produce descriptions of two nosving-
eflygplan: 1504 RB 168 respectively. with 1564 Project 1534 (P & W JT8D)
December 8, 1961

B.Ol.22R. Pushing ahead, you might think! But the

project activities took on a whole new turn in early
December 1961 when KFF surprisingly announced that it
"found" fur- ther motor, the American Pratt & Whitney
JT8D, designed for the next generation of commercial
aircraft. This option had Previously never discussed, but
very quickly sketched two aircraft in 1532 and 1534,
balance-based on the preliminary information on the new
engine. At the next meeting of the KFF, which was held
in Stockholm on December 9, Saab received

0 5 10

Fpl 37 type configuration 1
30 October 1962

for school performance, normally used the scope for fuel.

Another significant change was to the fixed cannon had
now disappeared. RM 8 was much fatter than previous
engines we worked with, and the overall height of the
structure around the abdomen had shrunk properly to
meet the requirement of a more or less favorable area
distribution, leading to weight tended to increase in an
unpleasant way.

It was the first time that the "Area Rule" - the

principle applied to the Saab aircraft to reduce drag
around Mach 1, which was considered very important. It
Type configuration 1, TK1, news that KFF has already decided that the aircraft 37 was also shown that the reverse arrangement would be
before carrying body would have JT8D! The choice of JT8D was motivated, more complicated and heavier than assumed.
abbreviation. The aircraft is
among other things with the large cost savings that could
known as oblique shock
intake. be expected, since it would be very reliable. The engine
was the turbofan type, which meant low fuel consumption In autumn 1962 there were fears that the aircraft
because the engine and high traction supplementation would be too large and expensive, something must be
with lit EBK. For a unit aircraft, this should fit perfectly. done. On October 1 took Olle Esping as project manager
and now got a group of engineers tasked with in a
confined space work to reduce weight. It was mainly the
On January 10, 1962, we presented our first layout in length of the body could do something about.
a nosvingeflygplan with reversal. The aircraft was
designated in 1534 and was so smånigom aircraft 37.
We also developed compared with alternative JT8D Landing gear, which was previously completely rat
engine. Mention may be made in 1536 which was a placed in the body, moved with his attachment to the wing
nosvingeflygplan with sidodeflektor and 1538 was a mere and dropped now in and out perpendicular to the direction of
attend. There was, however, in 1534 we went on. KFF flight rather than in the direction of flight. It all resulted in a
approved the basic version in February and in April was kroppsavkortning of just under a meter and it achieved a
named Saab's main supplier. In May, KFF a license weight saving of 500 kg.
agreement with Pratt & Whitney BRANCHIAL winding
development and production of JT8D 22 in Sweden was When introducing the draw for KFF November 23,
designated RM eighth 1962 would be a prioritization of existing implementations
were the following alternatives to choose from:

The aircraft was refined in the spring and we put a lot

of work on maintenance saspekter, so that for example, 1. The existing "two-seater" basic execution
all electronics cans would be accessible in a completely before shortening.
On the opposite side is visible different way than before and engine replacement could 2. The shortened nosvingeversionen in the single seat
at the top of the two "finalists" be made within the specified time. The first relatively embodiment.
November 1962 1508A2 and
detailed project specification is dated October 30, 1962
3. A single-seat aircraft participate (project 1538).
1562. At the last moment, the describes what internally designated type configuration 1
man also two or TK1. The aircraft appears to be two-seater, but the 4. A "two-seater" nosvingeflygplan in the
nosvingeflygplan, 1504 and
second seat is just a space reservation truncated version.
1564, but the decision was in
1534 with JT8D!
5. A DK-up body suitable alternative 2 and

The decision was that the single-seat plane enhetsflyg- Another much discussed topic was the fronts trutans
under option. 2 would be the starting position for further design. Experience from drag-ken showed that a double
typarbetet. Tvåsitsigheten could be solved without the curved windshield was very difficult from an optical
extension of the body. The space behind the driver standpoint. It was now to have a big head-up display
designed as a cabin containing fuel under a reling- and behind the box and be able to compensate for the optical
electronics over. Two-seat were thus less fuel and some aberrations that occur. It was known that the
re-allocation row electronics. double-curved glazing was excellent with respects to the
rain runoff, while the uncertainty was greater respect
conical and cylindrical boxes. The alternative plan
It is strange that these layoutdiskus- sions conducted windshield quickly fell away when you knew that this
less than two weeks before the project was announced. would require windshield wipers to ensure landing
When the system 37 presented publicly December 6, visibility in the rain.
1962 appeared a drawing showing the TK1 from the
specification on 30 October. PR people did not have
time! From an optical point of view preferred siktesut- the
developers of the cylindrical box. This gave a fairly
mellow geometry of the front body but was appointed
detail Problems head options. To learn about how it did rain runoff
Once the initial project specification was it contained a mounted an imaginary 37 -ruta outside the BE existing
requirement that the height of the aircraft could not box on a dragon and it made a number of test flights in
exceed 4.5 meters. The reason was that soon after the rain that resulted in the approval. Thus came the
landing could run into the hangar and caverns whose aircraft to be fitted with a cylindrical front glass with a
height was just over 4.5 meters. Pretty soon, we found diameter of 700 mm.
that it could not fulfill. To cope including side stability
required a fin whose top was significantly higher than the
specified maximum height. The solution to this problem
was to make the fin folding. The requirement was then The development intensified
that the precipitation could be implemented in less than The first typritningen of the abbreviated aircraft, TK2, is Type configuration 2, TK2,
with shortened body, simple
half a minute. dated February 26, 1963. It was now investigating the
pitot intake and vingplace-
impact of body abbreviation. Huvudlandstäl- rat undercarriage.

It fell to my lot to plan the whole

fenfällningsmekanismen. Since fladder- requirements was Fpl 37 type configuration 2
extremely hard, got virtually no gaps occur in the February 26, 1963

mechanism while ensuring the safety against accidental

precipitation must be high. It all resulted in a very
complicated and heavy mechanism was tested in a climate
chamber from minus 40 to plus 100 degrees. It was
installed in the first test aircraft, but before it came to flying,
discussions were held with the KFF who changed the time
requirement for precipitation from a half to three mineral
utes. This meant that automation could be ruled out, and
the precipitate was performed manually by a mechanic
who was standing on the wing. The airplanes net became
through change at least 15 kg lighter and the cost was
significantly lower.

Fpl 37 type configuration 3
April 26, 1965 disadvantage of the new landing gear position became
poorer wing structure, while the best place for hanging
the external load disappeared. The exodus of the
vingpla- ed external load would prove both certified CG
and longitudinal stability problems.

The weight was (as always when devel- ops aircraft)

a big problem. Some directly useful weight formulas for
the project was not because Viggen in many respects
differed from previous aircraft. Viktkon- customs office of
destination therefore had to estimate the weight basis of
all-male experience, statistics, and in cooperation with
designers and engineers strength. A difficult part of
weight estimate was

Type configuration 3, TK3, let could no longer be body mounted and must be moved e.g. tail cone with ejector and reversal, which we did not
corresponded to the first have any experience. When the base came, the weight
to the wing, and to bring down the length of the landing
test aircraft, 37-1, as seen
gear legs had been cut wing so that the configuration and center of gravity of all parts and components. All
below, start for the first time
February 8 was lågvingad instead midvingad. Main place utforma- registration was done manually.
des tandem arranged wheels to smaller the ka maximum
In 1967.
body cross-section - the aircraft had become pretty The first official weight monitoring is dated May 6, 1963
chubby. one obvious and aircraft takeoff weight without external load where
indicated to 13,638 kg. The figure

can be compared to the approach made January 12, tell the Viggen was as easily flown as a sports aircraft.
1962 when the first preliminary specification was issued - There was a big party in the evening. The further testing
11 870 kg. One contributing factor was the higher
showed emel- lertid that there was a lot to do and was in
projected fuel consumption for the design attack mission.
some respects enough so dramatic. Series aircraft which
Now estimated 3550 kg required compared to the first
were delivered in 1971 differed in several respects from
assumption to 2800 kg.
the 37 -1.

Results from wind tunnel tests and aerodynamic

calculations obviously of the embodiment and necessary The testing Flights
amendments to introduced in drawings by hand. A major When the landing gear was moved to the wing had
concern was the discovery that the thin wing stiffness attachment points for the "heavy beam mode" V7 piece will
was so bad, that the deformation due bakkantroder- outward spanwise which meant that the aircraft became
rashes in some cases could cause the rudder deflection more backwardly. One consequence of this was that large
went below zero, ie reverse rudder effect! It was external loads greatly disturbed the vortex flow with
therefore necessary to strengthen the wing, which again reduced length stability as a result. The problem was
increased ten fold. A weight monitoring early 1966 solved since the outer wing could be larger sweep up by
showed that the estimated takeoff weight was now up to introducing a so-called sawtooth and also vaulted.
14800 kg, sparking a frantic weight hunt that lasted
several years. Type configuration 3, TK3, 1965
corresponded to the first provflygpla- net, 37-1, which Wind tunnel samples had indicated that a potential
was rolled out of the sample workshop November 24, girstabilitetsproblem could be solved with a ten-degree
1966. A number of anticipated changes in the standard dihedral on nosvingen. The verification flights showed
version was not recorded in 37-1. that overall was better if V shape removed.

Viggen was the first fighter in the world who used

dragkraftsreverse- ring. Not surprisingly, it turned out that
The principle of reversibly
the yaw and pitch stability disturbances arose due to the
synchronization. The left
Wednesday, February 8, 1967, it was finally time for reversal was integrated into the ejector nozzle that image shows the outlet of
the maiden flight. Saab's chief test pilot Erik Dahlström, a enveloped motorutlop- pet. The problems were known flight with the ignition ebk. In
aerospace up with slaked EBK
safe Dalmas, sat behind the joystick. First aerial device when the testing of the reversal began in 1969. At first,
was tertiärluckorna open.
went programs as Erik could

Reversing Valves Reversing Valves

Tertiärluckan closed

AJ 37 subsonic to supersonic speed. The problem was known
from wind tunnel tests and confirmed by flight testing.
The aircraft was hard to tune out during speed changes
and trimmot- solstice became catastrophically large
because of the large elevator travel. Static aero elasticity
also meant low rudder activity in high speed. A big action
became neces- Constantly:

1. The body was broken up by the joint between the

front and rear body mo difierades.

2. Nosvingeklaffen were set up.

3. "Series Trim", which automatically compensate conditioned zero

torque changes in the trans-sonic, was introduced.

AJ 37 of the final output live. assessed the disturbances to be verifiable, but On May 7 4. The authority Rudder improved by amplifier servos.
Nosvingen is modified, the test airman Milton Mo Bärg such a severe disorder, that it
wing is provided with
was impossible to keep the aircraft remained on the
"saw-tooth" and ryggåsbu-
LAN have appeared. runway. The aircraft veered about 90 degrees and slid These measures improved the situation material respects but
over the edge of the runway. Left wing cut into the ground the final solution was the so-called "Rimforsa Bulan", a form
and was broken off while the aerospace plane rollade over the body of the ridge in front of the fin, the overturning moment
on his back. The only thing that kept the fronrutebågen balanced out the aircraft's zero torque and especially
and windscreen which, combined with no fire arose, produced shots caused by external load.
rescued Milton's life. After an extensive formulation
departure embodiment could be modified so that the The engine was another major problem. It was soon
reversing jets concentrated to the middle of the outlets, clear that it placed great demands on the quality of the
away from the fin and the wing. air inlet in order to work smoothly. This was natural,
since Pratt & Whitney engine designed towers for use in
commercial aircraft, which of course was operated at a
An additional run-off associated with the reversal much kinder way than war aircraft Viggen. The
occurred in 1971 on the ore with the first series aircraft installation of Vig- gene with its shared air intake was
and is described later in this book. The accident led to a obviously not ideal from the engine point of view, and it
modification of the nose wheel steering and reversing the took a long time for a solution that more or less satisfied
service was then problem free. the requirements, was there.

The greatest performance related The problem was When the first series aircraft was delivered to the
caused by the zero torque goal. Zero torque is the customer June 21, 1971, had huvudpar- ten of the known
contribution to an aircraft tilting moments that are already problems largely over- gained and the air force received an
at the lift zero and depends on the design of the fuselage attack aircraft that corresponded to future requirements. Now
up and setting angles of the wings. Viggen with its it was time to deal with the JA 37 Viggen hunting version.
relatively thick body, his nose bent down and low wing
got a very big zero torque with great variety of speed,
especially when going from JA 37, a "new" aircraft
Viggen was originally supposed to be a unit where the
aircraft weapons arsenal and

YES 37

to some extent, electronic equipment would be different

versions. Now it was not so. It soon turned out that YES
37 in fact would be a new aircraft. Elektronikutveck-
development went so quickly that practically everything
was new, but it also turned out that grundflyg- plane must
change substantially to meet the new specification

• A new, stronger and less sensitive stönings-

engine was necessary.

• Reinforced control system because of the increased performance


• Installation of the Akan.

• Extended internal fuel.

This thus resulted in an almost entirely new aircraft, blast attenuator was therefore developed. For output YES 37 at delivery. The
body is marginally extended
although JA 37, at first sight does not differ very much testing of the gun, magazine and suckler
and fenspetsen height. From
from the AJ 37. The aircraft is a few centimeters longer munitionsmatningens function during acceleration built a
the front can be seen in
depending on the new engine version, RM 8B is longer rotating "spinner" at FMV's test facility in Vidsel. The Cannon installation body
than RM 8A and Moreover, the fin is somewhat higher for costs of development were underestimated considerably
better girstabilitet. Underi- from you can also see three, including because part of the installation work was out of
instead of two, ro derservon per wing and the Fokker in the Netherlands. The good idea was that
akaninstallationen. the exposition would be part of the compensation
obligation in the Netherlands bought Viggen.
Output State in 1972 when development started in
earnest was obviously quite differently compared to the
same time the AJ 37. Now it was a known aircraft were Flights The testing for the JA 37 was conducted
"modified" in a relatively well-defined rat ways. One can largely rebuilt with AJ-test aircraft and became a
generally say that the hull was strengthened due to new verification of the development work. The main problem
higher loads, longer and heavier engine and especially was that the two test aircraft, 37 -51 and 37 -8, was lost
because of the cannon installation. The first viktberäk- due to engine failure.
compound 1972 showed an expected start weight of the
pure aircraft at 16 300 kg. When serial deliveries started The first series aircraft was delivered December 14,
in 1978 the figure was 16 400 kg, which is a very good 1978.
Production Comments
Aircraft must not only be constructed, they are also
Akaninstallationen hosts a com- takes. The selected produced. The revenue will, in principle, when the final
30-mm cannon, Oerlikon KCA, had a superior ballistics aircraft delivered to the customer. If no documentation is
and worked can be compared with alternatives. The delivered to production instances in time, this creates
cannon was big, heavy and also not fully developed, problems of course. When changes need to be made as
which led to a lot of problems. From the beginning it was a result of the testing, it means that the production data
recognized that the pressure wave from the device and must be changed and delayed. Not surprisingly, this
associated public mechanical vibrations could cause sometimes leads to "discussions" between the
problems for the structure and in particular for the development and production departments.
electronics. an advanced

These images illustrate the YES 37, powerplant
airfield designers' everyday:
in a hull shaped according
aerody- namikernas
requirements and also strong
enough, the various systems
installed. The engine is the
most important subsystem
and take apparently great
location. It is important to
ensure that there is
reasonable access for
inspections and that it can be
changed on the asset split
time at inspections or repairs.

It takes a lot of fuel and AJ 37, fuel tanks

often have odd spaces
used. The internal volume
of fuel 37 in AJ was 5525
liters and in JA 37 5860

The electronics should be YES 37, install electronics

installed in a maintenance
friendly way. It is important to
ensure that you have direct
access to the depreciation seen
device without having to move
others by example
troubleshooting or replacement.

The following are excerpts of Saab's former production production is something going on in the background and is

manager, Artur Bråsjös, summary of the situation in Vigg rather a disorder of development work: Let us construct

era. " A gradual change for the better the spoon for 37 ready in peace.

-epoken when it came to understanding and respect for A glaring example of the lack of understand- see

each other when it comes to development and production. production viewpoints should waist Viggen body be. In
addition to resulting in a heavy and extremely expensive
Vi and dementalite- ten embossed However, most of the
construction of the HU vudspanten was well paid an extra
time, which was found in numerous fought between cluster
time by the introduction of Rimforsa-bump.
including repektive discipline management functions.
Traditionally regarded Saab as an institution with a distinct
Testing and design seemed to have the same
utvecklingstyngd- point while production was seen as a
application awareness and -disciplin because the final
necessary evil, which unfortunately must follow a
design of the AJ 37's air intake frozen seven years after
development phase, and the staff is not the wiper they take
the first flight.
the trouble to question what and / or how the development A very optimistic assessment characterized the
engineers are performing. Pro- statement that the introduction of Akan in JA 37 would only
result in minor changes to the abdomen. As everyone
knows, became reality another "
The AJ 37 with akan-
capsules of clouds. Photo:
SFF archive

Flights Motors perspective
The choice of RM 8 (JT8D-22) to the Viggen over raskade for Viggen for the good cooperation with respect to RR
many when it was made at the end of 1961. It has later motors RM RM 5 and 6 for LAN late and Dragon.
debated and can still arouse powerful emotions to life.

J75 was an existing military engine, a vinyl conductor

Stig Laurell, in ngenjör engine The realistic engine candidates that were available to development by Pratt & Whitney (P & W) the first jet
technology STI
KFF / FMV to choose from were: engine J57. It is used inter alia in the American F-105
1957. Started in the aircraft
and F-106 came into service in the late 1950s.
engine in 1962 as a project
engineer and became RM 8
Program Manager in 1979. • Bristol Siddeley Olympus B.Ol.22 (UK) JT8D-22 was a proposal by P & W as a supposed
Head of Service Division in military version of the civilian JT8D engine that was
1983 and then for the
• Rolls-Royce Medway (UK) being developed for the Boeing 727. The engine was
Product Coordinating until
later developed into numerous versions and
retirement in 1997. • Pratt & Whitney J75 (military version of JT4, United
manufactured in over 13 000 copies.
Nowadays consultant. States)

• Pratt & Whitney JT8D-22 (planned military An ex-post assessment of the correctness of the
version of JT8D, United States) choice that KFF did in 1961 is in practice almost
impossible to do, because comparable facts missing for
Olympus B.Ol.22 was Saab's favorite. This version of the deselected alter- nativen. We will never know what a
Olympus was planned for the British military aircraft customizable development and tjänsteanvänd- by ​those
TSR.2, which never produced series. in the Viggen had meant.

Medway was a proposal by Rolls-Royce and a It is clear, however, that the elimination of the Med way
further development of the Avon engine, which it was was right, because it was never accepted by the RAF and
hoped that the RAF would also AN reverse in future Sweden had to stand for the whole grundtyputvecklingen.
aircraft projects. This hope is not fulfilled. It can advance The same reasoning can be applied to the Olympus B.Ol.22
Modas that in many places in the aircraft engine were that when TSR.2 was closed down in 1965, would not have
expectations that Medway would be selected any user other than Swedish flygvap-

Flights Motors CEO, Arne

Körling, informs the staff
about the appointment of the
new engine, the RM 8, the
Viggen. Photo: Volvo Aero

net. Later, a version being developed for the Concorde, the cost and availability problems as a result. It should
but this was certainly not a rite vacuum particularly be emphasized that the experience of the civilian
helpful for further work on the engine to the Viggen. versions, as well as from the TF30, has been more
helpful than what the debate has sometimes given the
However should you might say that the J75 had been a impression.
possible option, an existing military engine with
performance close to what was required for the Viggen. 2. The comprehensive typutvecklings- and
The barrel was, however, both the older technology level, type-improvement efforts with support from P & W
which gave a high engine weight and a considerable fuel and other foreign suppliers meant that the engine
consumption even at off EBK, and that it was primarily technical competence potency and resource in
designed for höghöjdsintercept. Sweden flerdubb- added. This, together with the
production competencies, laid the foundation for
From a technical point of view, one can well argue that flights Motors later civil partnerships with leading
the choice of the turbofan engine JT8D was both right and engine manufacturers.
wrong. By this time turbofan engines made inroads in both
the US and Europe.
3. The extent of the konstruktionsänd- rings required to
These promised lighter constructions and the ability make a military version of a civilian motor
to get an engine with good fuel economy with slaked ebk underestimated. Detailed knowledge obtained during
same time as a major thrust supplements could be the latter part of 1962 when the bulk of the so-called
achieved with the spark EBK. lay-out-substrate had P & W.

One can understand that it was tempting to go this

way. It was also known that P & W's military division was
to develop TF30 engine for the F-111, based on the 4. The corrections of the original STRUCTURE dossier
more modern concept. What we did not anticipate was proved require- vase to meet engine specification
that was greater than we thought in the beginning of
function margins typarbetet.
the fan and compressors was well small for the air inlet
and EBK interference AN turnaround in Viggen meant.
This was to give much trouble and extra work in the RM 5. The upgrade of the engine required YES 37, including
8-utveckIingen (as it did in the TF30 and also to some to create more functional margins and increased
extent in the civil JT8D, SPECIFICATION partly in the traction. Regardless of the engine selected, should
Boeing 727). any kind of adaptation or modernization have
vacuum rite necessary or desirable for a 10 year
The decision to develop a military version of the JT8D later. If the extra typarbetet RM 8B of about 1400
entailed a number of consequences, which may provide some million (price level 4/94) were high or low in relation
lessons for the future: to other alternative is probably impossible to
1. Sweden was alone in the military ver- sion of JT8D, ie
RM 8. Typutveck- development cost, which for RM
8A been estimated at 2.6 billion kronor in the price
level 4/94, loaded Tufted program. The low level of Learning:

maturity of the engine at the start of use led to many General lessons for the acquisition of the motor to a
design and production problems must be addressed proprietary aircraft are difficult to draw, because the
with increased typservice- situation certainly varies at the occasional long intervals,
when an acquisition date.

The development of JT8D to
RM 8A was much more
extensive than was originally
intended. It was not just to
provide it with a EBK, the
whole engine must be

RM 8B engine for JA 37
demanded One further
development, including a
third fan stage the three
motors weighing 1 450, 2100,
respectively. 2 250 kg.
Illustration: Volvo Aero

Already finished engines will certainly never be available Typarbetet was on both sides very goal oriented towards
for proprietary aircraft with Swedish requirements profile, punctuality of important milestones in the programs, for
a anpassningsut- development will always be required. example, first motor-driving first
flight test, production, qualification, etc. Most
Engine choice should be preceded by a longer studied of these events could also be implemented on schedule,
diefas of the possible options. The studies must be done by with the result that also cost attitude was good.
people with motor technical expertise.

The technical risk should be kept low - suspicion The relatively good punctuality was made possible
success stories can result in high costs. largely by the confidence defulla cooperation between
The smaller the changes, the greater project safety - the parties. They had common goals - thanks in part
even seemingly small changes in the basic design can contracted forms - and there was sufficient expertise on
produce surprises. both sides to utar- beta compromises that enabled the
flow of the program, even in times of crisis.
Development potential should be included in the basic
In this context it should be emphasized the important
Development role of KFF's kontrollingen- engineer Malte Svensson
Typarbetet RM 8A and B was carried out in myck- et played in the cooperation. He watched not only the
closely with KFF / FMV, primarily with motor Agency and quality of production, he also appeared with great skill as
the Office lingenjörer controls the aircraft engine. On Motor Agency representative and could therefore secure
both sides there was a powerful core of older, very with a daily customer participation in the many difficult
experienced people surrounded by a crowd Relatively decisions that often have to be taken in the current
new recruits youths. This was especially true at the operations.
beginning of RM 8A-work. When it was time for RM 8B in
the 1970s had the experience and age has accelerated Cooperation in typarbetsfasen probably was affected
noticeably! positively by the contract form that prevailed during most
of the time, ie

target cost incentive contract with (sharing mer or less Another reason may have been a P & W's interest at this
cost). Customer and supplier as were in the same boat time to establish contacts with Any possible partners in
with a common goal and could jointly steer past all Europe. A third reason may have been good personal
because that threatens a complex Before while. chemistry between P & W management and the
Advocacy possibility was the same, none of the parties management of the KFF and Powerplant, where names like
have to feel left out or ASI dosatt. A joint effort is needed East Svantesson and Gustaf Gudmundsson can be
if Sweden with its limited resources to cope with an mentioned.
advanced development program of this kind.
The main responsibility for the development of RM 8
was on the aircraft engine. Detailed design, the hardware
procurement, testing and qualification ring was within this
responsibility, while P & W as a subcontractor
Learning: represented lay-outkonstruk- tion, some component
Good, or at least an equivalent level of competence among testing, and general technical and procurement rate
customers and suppliers facilitating the opportunities for support. Show these roles, which prevailed during
effective cooperation. typutvecklingen and also typservicefasen for both engine
If the common resources of customers and suppliers variants, could only be implemented if the P & W was
unite to work towards the same goal, Sweden can willing to transfer the necessary skills.
withstand a development program of this magnitude. The
contract forms with common incentives increases the
objective of the cooperation between customer and This has also occurred as the aircraft engine resulted
supplier, especially for projects with a high degree of in an exceptional increase competence in most areas of
uncertainty and complexity. expertise in engine technology
and production. Certain
restrictions have naturally occurred in particular,
Collaboration P & W and Powerplant competition, key areas
Good cooperation between the licensor P & W and e.g. the complete analytical system LCF (Low Cycle
Powerplant was undoubtedly a försätt- up for a project of Fatigue). In such cases, P & W on the mission carried out
this degree of severity could be implemented in Sweden. the work based on input from the aircraft engine.
Two things came to characterize RM 8 project in this
regard. P & W's generally great and enduring interest in
this, from their point of view, small projects as well as Learning:

their willingness to transfer skills to the aircraft engine. By working closely with a "big" engine manufacturers
notify forms a very large capacity building achieve
achieved in the domestic motor industry. Contract Forms
and related chemistry has great influence on the result.
Interest in RM 8 project at a high management level
within P & W surprised even many P & W employees.
This meant that the project on many occasions received
a prioritization level that was higher than the amount Problems and surprises
actually eligible and which of course was very useful. Problems and surprises occurred naturally. Most can be
The reason may be naturally speculate, probably a said to be normal in the program of this magnitude, while
number of reasons. A historical good will for Sweden some were of such magnitude that they affect the entire
may have been the notorious "license deal" regarding system concept. It is prescribed primarily those
STCW engine, illegally were built at SFA during World discussed in the following.
War II. One
Detailed information about all the issues that were
addressed, see "RM 8 Progress

Report "later renamed" RM 8 Program Report ". The signs to the temperatures in some parts of the oil system
document was published regularly, initially monthly and in the form of coke formation and degradation of engine
later with sodium somewhat longer intervals. Reporting oil.
setpoint jade already at the start of typarbetet 1962 and The corresponding characters could not be found in
held on until the first half of 1991. It was replaced by the test aircraft engines, not even in the engines that
"Subject List". have been involved in tactical testing. The conclusion
drawn was that the samples in rammriggen was
Experiences of EBK-equipped motors turbofan was unrealistic hair da and that measures were not
very limited in the early 1960s. One of the more obvious necessary. This was later proved wrong. When AJ 37
problem areas were limited Aerodynamic stability, which started collecting operating time in first-aid service in the
would plague all motor torprogram that went on in the 1970s, showed indications of temperature in a steadily
early 1960s, increasing rate. The symptoms were severe, including
Up came the internal oil fires, as well as the rotation of
e.g. TF30, JT8D and not least RM 8A. Early in the RM the large rotorlagrens rings due to high structural
8A's developement tea showed that pumping margin, temperatures. Even RM 8B, which was developed in the
1970's first half, was afflicted with the same problem. In
ie the space between the compressor static, the August 1978 crashed 37 -8, the first YES goes into mass
operating line and the surge line, the evacuation me male totypen, then an oil fire in motorväxellå- dancing oil
has for acceleration, air inlet and EBK-ignition signals and separator burned down pushrods in the aircraft's control
other per störningsty-, was of marginal size. This came to system.
set very high standards with respect a particular
configuration of the air intake, acceleration control of the
gas generator and the EBK's upptändnings- process.
Matching of the gas generator to balance between
traction performance, turbine temperature and pumping
margins caused great headaches. Skovelgeometri and The cause of the temperatures was an
luftavtappningar must be adjusted. FINAL fabric of the underestimate of the heat supply to the oil system at high
fully developed AJ 37 -syste- system was well "with some speed at low altitude. Isolation one was inadequate,
hesitation, accepted." kyloljeflödena for small and hetluftsinläckningen at
rotorlagrens tätsystem too large. An extensive
investigation was needed to understand that this was a
failure of the engine basic design and that a major
Learning: change package was necessary. Great care was taken
This is the price to be on the cutting edge of technology, to get such a cost-optimized packages as possible and
if possible, more mature tech- nology used for Swedish several alternative solutions were studied in collaboration
development. Perhaps we should start at an early stage with P & W. Luckily it turned out cheaper common
focused on more radical solutions of the type that came alternative be enough to completely eliminate the
with RM 8B-development, eg three- step fan. problem.

A very serious problem was övertem- temperature in A blessing in disguise was that the Air Motors Ramm
the oil system, which was to bring many failure rate, rigging proved to be ideal to develop the temperatures
long-term usage limitations, costly modifications and and thus verify- ing countermeasures. The relatively fast
unfortunately also the loss of an aircraft. control of the intake state made it possible to go over the
temperature limits and then quickly break the course
During the gradual increase driftprov- solution at before the engine was hurt. An attempt to conduct test
Mach 1 conducted under Air Motors rammrigg, could end
of typarbetet

up in P & W's advanced, yet more sluggish regulated
altitude test facility, the income related to an oil fire
caused the engine failure, which in itself gave a
contribution of knowledge, but at a high price.


Do not underestimate the error indications that are caught up in

the terrestrial engine testing.
Flights The testing must be better simulate future
joint use.
Flygsäkerhetsriskema in conjunction with the existing
problems must be analyzed with the utmost care and the
best technology to avoid breakdowns.

In March 1980, breakage occurred on fläktskov- LAR

in step 3 on two occasions at RM 8B engines during
sample delivery. When the cause could not be
determined, it was found Airbreathing inevitable that
FMV recommend top flight for the forty RM 8B engines at
this time delivered to the Air Force. The Research work
was found to be extensive and time consuming, among
other things were run four engines with extensive
measuring equipment in the fan. In the end, determined
to skovelbrotten caused by "supersonic UN- stalled the specification of new engines, perhaps best illustrated The first manu- factured
RM 8 shows the foreman
flutter" that appeared on some engines too in a very by Rolls-Royce RB L99's complex trerotorkonstruktion
Ture Person. Photo:
limited operating range close to maximum speed. As an not directly such gas to minimize maintenance costs. P & Volvo Aero
interim measure introduced re-regulation of the engine W's JT8D engine was structurally simpler than RB 199,
operating line which admittedly gave negative effect on but still did not have low maintenance costs were the
performance, but the availability stop could be lifted. highest priority for the concept. First, in the 1970s, since
Final action was a smaller geometric modification of the rising costs of engine maintenance seriously begun
fläktskovelns blade profile, retroactively could be to erode the military and civilian users' budgets,
introduced on existing blades. Aerial stoppage lasted for conducted maintenance cost at the top of the design
about six months, which of course was unfortunate at criteria. A good example of this new way of thinking was
this stage of YES 37's introduction. GE F404

i.e. the engine in the JAS 39 Griffin, wherein component

nentmängd, modularity, besiktningsmöjlighe- best,
control principles etc., optimized for low costs. Additional
UPKEEP steps were then taken in even more modern engines by
In addition to performance, reliability and availability are of t. Ex. calculate the rotating components for
course the cost of maintaining an aircraft engine of sprickpropage - ring instead of the crack and by refining
paramount importance to the user, more or less accentuate the engine control using FADEC- system (electronic
tuerat of the currently prevailing financial LEEWARD goat. engine control).
During the period prior to 1970 should, however, be said
that the main emphasis was on performance RM 8 illustrated above period approach to the
maintenance of the single main goal

in this respect was to achieve 600 hours of running time flight hour characterizing RM 8's assignment profiles,
between reviews (SO) interval. This somewhat modest compared with most foreign engines, is also a general
wish was met EF best some trouble with RM 8A while it driving cost factor. A rough seems RM 8-profiles have a
quickly became a reality with the RM 8B, including using factor of two in difficulty for those parameters. EF tersom
it for JA37 implemented priflygprogrammet. The lack of a maintenance costs per flight hour has a proportional
higher goal meant that they then "leaned back and puffed relationship with them, it is very cost-effective to take this
out", resulting in a multi-year pause in efforts to continue into account when establishing the mission profiles.
the improvement. A stronger, more detailed
specifications had seemed driving.
The lack of targets for the maintenance cost makes it
difficult to rate the achieved cost. Attempts to compare
the international engines of the same generation, for
The maintenance cost per flight hour for RM 8A was an example, P & W TF30 in the F-14 and F-111, adjusted to
average of 14 200 SEK (price level Viggens mission profiles indicates that RM 8 does not
1994) the period 1972-1994. Corresponding have a higher cost. Restriction of the disclosure of this
cost of RM 8B was 10 300 SEK during the period 1980-1994. type of data and the uncertainty about uppföljningssys-
system's structure and discipline leads, however, doubts
Some important cost driver for RM 8A has been, in about the comparisons accuracy.
addition to the design background as above, the
modification demanding The problem of overheating in
the oil system and the need to change life limited parts Sometimes you will hear details of an argument for
(low cycle fatigue) earlier than originally calculated. The the choice of JT8D starting construction for RM 8 would
lower cost of RM 8B can largely be explained by these have been its civil origin and that this in itself would lead
two problems could be handled better due to the time lag to low maintenance costs. Since it is essentially the
between projects. difference in the method of use that provides the much
lower flight rates to civil engines, it would be unlikely that
this could have occurred as a factual arguments.
The large number of engine cycles (pull-deductions)
and the long time at high pull per

RM 8 in the test rig.

Photo: Volvo Aero

Avionics systems in the Viggen
Several managers at Saab was the electronics in the early LM Ericsson in Mölndal for radar and fire director integration
1960s is still a matter entirely subordinate to the design was not sufficient, but that a total integration responsibility
and production of
must ultimately end up being the main supplier of the entire
aircraft, which naturally was Saab's main industry.
Concepts such as computers and computer technology aircraft and weapons system.
was still novelties. But a few key people Bengt Sjoberg, KTH

within Applied Physics

This work was also moved in practice gradually over
systems department had started growing realization that 1954. Employed at Saab
to Saab during the late 35F development. Before the
computer technology was coming. It began in the late Systems department in 1960.
1950s and early 1960s, a tentative move towards development of the AJ 37 decided KFF early to appoint Responsible for the
computerization, whose enormous development potential Saab is the main supplier, which meddela- des the development and integration of
a few just guessed, and most do not have the slightest overall industry in what later came to be called "Tullinge elektroniksystem- and
idea about. man-machine functions for the
Bloodbath". Electrical nikindustrins representatives
AJ 37, JA 37 and the JAS 39
reacted namely certainly very negative.
IVA's Gold Medal in 1999 for
A few leaders of the then systematically temavdelningen
"visionary and groundbreaking
supported the idea of ​an enhanced electronic system with, if efforts at computerization of

possible, a computing function. A group who later devoted Investigations of a successor to 32 Lance, as well as three generations of electronic

himself to greater terrestrial computers (D21 mm) had also the desire to achieve a so-called unit aircraft for both systems in the Swedish aircraft

studied the possibility of developing, and even developed a attack hunting and reconnaissance, led to long
prototype of a flygbu- clean computer (D2) for a robot which discussions on the need tvåsitsighet. After much
was later closed down. The group believed in the technology determined that the aircraft would be single-seat and
and communications ponentutveckling that would make it after changes in the approach to attack and chase the
reasonable to have a computer even in a military aircraft. It role, it was decided that it was primarily attack role that
was with the electronic system in 35 Dragon input seen to the would be prioritized. I came to work with the architecture
limit of the analog technological technique. The systems were of the electronic system and especially the question of
expensive to keep running and reliability was becoming a the need for a "digital computer", later called the
problem. "machine data" and now the computer.

An important argument for a computer solution was

further it could mean a very flexible system, because a Viggen goes digital, AJ 37
computer could be reprogrammed even after delivery to A strong reason for a central computer was that this
the Air Force, which should mean a much enhanced could be equipped with features that would support the
opportunity for tactical adjustment out of joint. This driver and navigator replace the lance. We saw of course
feature could prove to outdistance all that one then could many applications possibilities, including that one could
have imagined. program the functions for screening and for vacuum pen,
t. ex. new robots. Moreover, one could conceive of PC
navigation, both radio navigation and "dead reckoning"
Saab had traditionally built grundflyg- planet with the with the help of air data, waypoint navigation and
customer ordered spaces for "black boxes" that came landing, fuel management,
from the electronics industry and the Aviation
Administration (KFF). Procurement and coordination of time used,
electronics had hitherto been under the direction of flight Various presentations and actuating logic, etc. Also in
Elektrobyrån (Fe) at KFF. During including connection with the primary measuring sensor air data
35F-development had begun to realize that unity and sensor location and flight computer program could be
formal responsibility of used for corrections and bracing.

I, who at close quarters had seen the development of latorfunktioner. When Day Folkesson got this to work, we
Bitter in Stockholm, Sweden's first elec- tronic computer, did not know if something like that yet taken place
and used this, felt no doubts that a computer would mean elsewhere. We groped us really was.
a big step compared to the approach of the aircraft 35F.
Optimism that an airborne computer with a reasonable Finally, if we would succeed in solving all the problems
weight and volume could be built was with the team in with the AD and DA conversion, as we saw anything that
Saab's systems department, which was headed by we did not have the complication of transfers between
Gunnar Lindstrom, Viggo Wentzel and Bengt Jiewertz. computers. Had we well come into a central computer with
They come standard footing with new forecasts on all the essential information-carrying signals in the
volumes and prices would decrease for various electronic system, we knew you, we internally in the
components such as memories and integrated circuits. computer's central processing unit, processor and memory
(UN- der production of CK 37 Saab was one time the nesfunktioner with the program, had a highly flexible,
world's largest customer for the new, integrated circuits). general, programmable communications kationsmöjlighet
between different sub-functions. None accuracy or
upplösningspro- problems would prevent the general
possibility hot. We used the early (1960) term CNK,
But the surroundings from flygplankon- struktörerna Central Numeric Calculator.
Saab were somewhat skeptical with some important
exceptions systemav- division. "The level of ambition" with
computer functions attacked constantly as unwarranted On Flight Elektrobyrån (Fe) was the idea of ​picking
high and a report outlining the appropriate functions in up a second parallel computer. It was probably here first,
such a "calculator", which I published in February 1962, some thoughts on redundancy, and thoughts of Fe would
became in some aircraft circles Saab dubbed "Frida Vi have a datorfunk- tion, including for navigation, and
sor" and was reportedly a manager at Saab temporary Weapons Office (Va) a sieving and weapons functions.
insomnia. It occurred to me utpe- Kadesh as a "danger to But this was in contrast to our thoughts on a "central
the system, 37", and that the level of ambition threatened computer", a communication and logic center as much as
the entire elektroniksyste- system. However, there was a computing device, a prospective partner for the pilot,
strong support for datortan- manufacturers in the KFF, which in many respects could replace sodium vigatören.
mainly flygelektro- and weapons firms. Dual computers would also be considerably more

Luckily got the responsibility for datorären- the KFF

The central calculator in a period of shifting from Fe to write, where far-sighted
We launched the idea of ​a single central calcium kylator. The men in the lead, among other things, Stone Flodin and
reason for this natural thought was of course partly the cost, Fritz Roy, supported our thoughts. After reasoning with
weight and volume, which was considered large even for a Va we reached full consensus on the principle of a
single computer, and input tegrations- and communication central computer. The computer was recently named
problems if more computers would be involved. Because "Numerical SiktesKalkylator", NSK, to justify the transfer
there was a very weak point in computerized Trades of this to Va. After a short time I began to use the term "number
era, namely the input-output systems. Because the pad Battle Calculator" and the core functions remained,
neighborhood was analogue required largely analog-to-digital while the designation NSK had to live on. When the
converter and the technology of these were rudimentary. It project got further return the name CK 37, CK accounted
should be mentioned that we did tests with samkör- up of for Central Calculator. The computer were developed the
hybrid simulation in real time between features in a hardware in the part of Saab
D2-machine and analog simulation software

systems department, which later came to form Data Saab.

A number slimmed memory volume took place,

including 1963, when the volume of a one-time written
project would not have to exceed about 2000 words (two
cords). These slimmed was characterized by avarice
cruelly deceived wisdom. When the project around 1969
had matured before the first series deliveries had
minimum nesvolymen CK 37 stabilized at 8000 words of
26 bits. One can understand that the path was lined with
many quarrels in which project management doubted our
predictions on the necessary memory volume. During the
AJ 37's lifetime, then came a long series of upgrades to
the system functions occur. Minnesvoly- but in CK 37
was increased a number of times in the 1980's from the
original cord 8 to 12 k, then to 20 k and as late as at the
beginning of the 1990s, to 32 cords.

While computer technology later in the 1970s and

1980s was to develop avalanche-like, and that A hardware-wise central computer function contributed The standard version CK 37
communication between subsystems, particularly digital here to keep together a team responsible for a clear end consisted of four monkey
paired units weighing a total
transmission took great strides toward flexibility so persists product in the form of software.
of 51.5 kg. Note the match
even in the JAS 39 basically need for a strong, central tral box illustrating the size.
resource with strong internal communications in the form of An important feature of the central DA tower was Photo: Saab

a central computer. Not even today's bus technology is also to program functions could be developed in
flexible and powerful enough to match the strength of a successive editions throughout the development stage
centralized computer resource with more powerful internal until serieleve- rans, and that it could continue see-
buses. Therefore, there still remains the need for a central modern with new updates in the aircraft out of the joint
"ranger station" for the integrated system functions and for service. Further development continued even 20 years
the entire man-machine "interface" after the first series delivery.

One area, which was to grow more than we

i.e., a central computer system. anticipated was the man-machine-adaptation with all its
The possibility of greatly increased system details, including link to the director and weapons
integration that computerization brought, led to effective capabilities, HUD, sodium navigational aid, mission
solutions and then came to mean much for Saab and operations and landing.
other electronics industries continuing operations in the The system architecture that emerged in the AJ 37
following aircraft versions. One should not ignore the shown schematically in the figure on the next page. Our
importance of these key functions placed responsibilities CK sits like a spider in a web of analog equipment. The
and terms of work within a tight samfung--functioning control system was completely separated with analog
organization and with good communications between electronics and a mechanical / hydraulic grundstyrsys-
engineers and test pilots. system. Primary sensors, air data, gyro platform,
accelerometer, radar altimeter,

navigation and landing sensors connected to the CC 37 transition arc and finally reversing engine thrust after
via the interfacing, built-in or separate adapter unit. touchdown ,. All this made it possible to land even in bad
Output signals from the computer was apparently mainly weather at short backup paths where none of
to the head-up display, radar and radar presentation and superpower the fighter could come down.
on to the various operating controls panels, pylons and
weapons. The front panel of the AJ 37 came to include a variety
of conventional instruments of elec- romekanisk type.
Function monitoring and testing of sub- systems also
became the subject of major new development for the AJ In the middle we see the so-called central indicator
37, there is still a complex telecommunications test car (CI), which could show both radar data with memory
needed marktes- States. function and moving, fast symbols. It was a very complex
type of pipe that was developed by SRA and Hughes on
the assignment of KFF. Above CI sitting SI was
System development developed in the UK for attack plane Buc- caneer and
Compared with previous aircraft was a novelty also the modified and acquired AJ 37 Fe and SRA. SI was to be
newly developed head-up display (SI), which came to introduced in British Harrier and US A-7 about the time
mean a lot to lågflyg- up, sifting and landing. The AJ 37th
requirements for landing on very short courses came to
characterize several design solutions to 37 grade. It
focused on low landing speed with automatic speed Beside SI n, we see the so-called EP13, an input cost
control (AFK), a new instrument but landing system indicator for the presentation of homing picture of RB 75
(TILS) with the control order from TILS SI landing (Maverick).
approach and visual precision sifting the way point in the The basis for all display symbols and image modes
landing approach the final phase, immediately landing in the SI and CI developed by Saab, where simulators
but became huvudverk- fabric for the development of all
system functions

The basic control

Control system

M ind.
sensors Auto.
fartkontr. manövr

Status Automatic
indicators. Pres.
Res α- air data
Res. generator Pres.-
height / speed

CK 37 Radar CI SI
Temp &
to. copy-servos

gyros Pitot tubes Div. Pres. &

platform and Manövr.
Status indicators.
Course Gyro
AJ 37's avioniksys- system
Adaptation Unit

in blockschema- shape. Accel.- height Magn.

Adjustment Unit

The central computer, CK unit

37, required special Doppler radar Guns
adaptation electronics for beams
hub. &
some equipment were in
separate adaptation units. External Communic. NS
ILS radio
testutr. & Motm.

The front panel of the AJ
37 is apparently
conventional tional with
mainly electromechanical
instruments. Head-up
display, SI, and
centralindika- tower, CI,

down. Indicator presentations realized then by the SRA during this time, especially with respect to radar functions
of equipment EP 08th and SI. It was especially Ulf Frieberg systemically "test
The navigation features of AJ 37 ar grazed man on pilot" to mean much when we came with him to develop
Flight Elektrobyrån and Philips long with Decca system a comprehensive consensus REGARD TO many
on long wave, but it ran into major problems why they systemfunktioners innermost qualities. The so-called PM
finally decided to get a navigeringsdoppler- equipment simulator and system temsimulatorn (SYSIM) became
and TILS for position measurement on landing. our most important tool with test flights. The term
"Presentation and operation" (PM) became increasingly
important ..
For weapons, machine guns (Akan), attack rockets
(arak) and bombs as well as for the robots 04, 05 and 75
developed a number of new features in the CK 37. Among
other things, developed computerized siktesfunktioner The transition to YES 37
completely new type of Akan, arak and bombs that laid the In förprojektstudierna JA 37, we had considerably better
foundation for the continued utvecklingern in JA 37 and also foundation than at the start of AJ 37. The principles of a
the JAS 39. As visually "sight" was used symbolism of SI. central computer had now completely accepted and the big
question was just how far computerization would be driven
further out in the various subsystems. It was also clear that
A great pioneering work came to be devoted to the the JA 37 were specialized as hunting aircraft. It soon
principles of data engineering design of the software in became obvious that the new electronics must be disposed
CK 37. It was missing a lot of foreign models, so most of of at several subsystems systems. In ten years time
the time became a unique and successful in-house electronics become technically obsolete and uneconomic to
development which mainly Magnus Tideman and Day maintain in the long term.
Folkesson made pioneering contributions. The success
of CK 37 was a lot of us on the system side from the start
could may work on very close pioneers Data Saab The drawing up of a main specification of JA 37 was
designed computer hardware. An important and fruitful done in close cooperation between Saab, FMV and Air
cooperation with test pilots at Saab and FC came to be Force Headquarters, where Saab in large part kept in the
developed pen. When we later was drawn up by a more detailed
project specification, we could draw widely experi-

gained from AJ 37 and we managed REGARD TO The figure below shows an overview of the complete
electronics system completely get through a presentation electronic system and you see the development of the
and outline the lines of the so-called "system functions". AJ-system. Computerized subsystems system also has been
This concept became quite naturally by the increase, designed with double contours. In addition to a central
computerized ring where many important functions could computer is now a computerized-based automatic control
no longer be identified with a particular unique device and also computer solutions including air data, TN platform,
without functioning chains were formed more and more electronic presentation and radar. Between these of
among several MACHINES and computers. Project equipment are introduced a number of series of binary
specification of JA 37 was thus largely utfor- mas communication channels which significantly increased
according to our (feature designers') intentions. flexibility. As also shown in the figure became the electronic
presentation here expanded with a third indicator, a tactical
display, TI. The introduction of inertial navigation, TN, came
to mean much for the system's per- formance and for the
The more central functional areas studied were opportunity to act more independently in search
consolidated in a förprojektfas the newly formed assignments.
co-working. E.g. drafted principles for combat in
collaboration between us at Saab and representatives
from FMV, TUAB and test pilot from Saab and FC. That even YES 37 would need a powerful central
Radarintegra- concentration was penetrated in a group computer was thus clear. We saw this a direct continued
with participation of FMV, LME Mölndal, Saab, SRA and development line from AJ 37. Flight Elektrobyrån acted
test pilots. here as procurement distributor of electronics and decided
to purchase a new computer, CD 107, from Singer-Kearfott.
Likewise, founded early in the PM group for general It had understood better performance, had called floating
cabin integration, presentation and maneuvering. These bill and about three times larger than the minimum
collaborative groups came to mean much for the nesvolym former CK 37 AJ 37. Saab was awarded the
continued development. contract on the series, but

The basic control


M ind.
air Data Manövr.
Autopilot &
Temp Sensor Pres.
Res Res. α- sensor Generator &
height / speed DIU SI Pres.

TN device CD 107
ind. Radar MI TI
unit Pitotto.
Magn. course

Div. Pres. &

Course Data
came. ANP. enh. Manövr.
Status indicators.

YES 37's avioniksys- system.

Radar altitude
The blocks are designed with
double frame symbolizes digital
adaptation unit

subsystems and displays the

Radio hub. Guns
result of about 10 years of beams
technological development adaptation.
External Band Player Communic. &
ILS testutr. Motmed.

discovered that modern, integrated circuits kret- not Ken could be several airplane cooperate in jaktstri- it.
used. Series performance were then redesigned paid by These features raised battle value of YES 37 system
the client FMV. Weight and volume was reduced YES significantly.
computer Compared with CK 37, but instead steps Destination entry with the new pulse dip lerradarn was
weight of the various adapter units where some A / D also crucial for hunting combat ability. The integration of
and D / A converter placed. the radar in the overall system dedicated hard work for
many years, including in a working group "MIG70" with
representatives from FMV, the LME, SRA, Saab
System Features systematic temavdelning and test pilots. The working group
With the use of software in the cooperation between the came later in the series delivery phase to go under the
central computer and other subsystems produced a series name "AGREE".
of so-called "system functions":
Functions for screening and weapons were Na
• Aircraft Basic Features: steering, engine, fuel, power, turligtvis also important and we could build on the
cooling air, hydraulic rescue systems, because other experience of AJ 37. Siktesfunk- cations for cannon
aircraft systems. improved significantly relative AJ 37, and the control
system was fitted with a special precisionsmod for

• Flight Features: primary data and navigation, mission akansiktning. Although automatically coupled sieving

operations, connection. introduced. IR robot RB 74 and radar robot RB 71

required the development of new computer functions for
• Tactical Operations: command, recognition, target
the sliding limits and for preparing and depreciation Fyring
alignment, reconnaissance, approach and screening,
presentations associated with the driver.
weapons delivery, countermeasures.

• Monitoring and testing: recording, functional Function monitoring and testing became devoted
monitoring test.
great efforts. With the increased computerization
• Presentation and operation. followed, the important funktionsö- surveillance during
flight could be built into the major subsystems of central
The development of the system's capabilities came monitoring in CD 107. For testing ground was built
require extensive work for many years in close important functions in the respective sub-systems and
cooperation with the test driver's collective of FC and with much software in the central computer, so that the
Saab. Even for JA37 came Ulf Frieberg to play an use external test equipment could be relatively minimized
important role as our "systemprov- Aviator". Some areas AJ 37th
may here deserve special mention:

Combat control functions with the data links from the Functions for automatic registration of monitoring and
sprinkler to the aircraft and eventually even the so-called test reports came to strongly improve the efficiency of
hunting the link between their own aircraft developed in a maintenance work. Re-registrations of a variety of
cooperation with participants from Saab's systems tactical function data in flight was very helpful during
department, FMV, Tele-Plan / TUAB and test drivers. driver training. This made it pos- sible for the drivers after
Has been developed was efficient features that also a hunting mission play throughout the course of a ground
come to include so-called indirect command, which made station and learn from their mistakes.
it possible for drivers to using computer features its own
radar and presentations on the tactical indications tower
independently add up approach and attack on the A measure of system performance the complexity

sprinkler stated objectives. via jaktlän- constituted number of so-called system variables in JA 37's

central computer steps to double, about 1 500 compared to

about 700 in AJ 37th

Even in JA 37, we were chased by the project regarding All presentation and operation, PM. , Computerized ring
the "excessive ambitionsni- friend." Requirements for had spread, and with more and more PM functions
slimming arose frequently. My experience of this is clear realized by the program to be. GL FMV contacted me
that if a certain feature to be included, it must be then to wish that I would commit myself presidency of the
operated to full working order, which requires some effort so-called PM Group and it led us to the "system
and a certain quality. functions" during the 70s lined up with the chairman and
the secretary of the group. It was to contain
So-called "simple solutions" have generally been failures representatives mainly from FMV, the LME for the radar,
that later have to be corrected and then to increased costs. SRA for the electronic presentation equipment, Saab
Stinginess deceives wisdom. If a function is to be slimmed systematic temavdelning etc. and test pilots at FC and
hard it should be removed completely. Saab. The group was made after several hundreds of
decisions for cabin integration and driver adaptation.

Presentation and operation, föraran- fit

During the development of the AJ 37 was especially the

introduction of the SI and CI, with a variety of sym- bols Each "system function" touched to re-gel the driver
ruled CK 37, place new demands on the man-machine and PM work was therefore usually require detailed
adaptation while software CK 37 created new discussions with the drivers also on the detailed design
opportunities. The previously working with FC specifically of the respective function.
responsible for the adaptation of the system to the driver
continued, but we at Saab began to have an increasing As a general advice from the more experienced test
responsibility. drivers previously flown the Dragon we had with us JA 37
system must be simplified relative to 35 grade. 35 system
Early in the development of the JA 37 felt FMV, Saab had risen far top dressing drivers evaluated the ability of
should take a holistic approach

The digitization of YES 37's

avioniksys- system is also
reflected in the front panel.
The three electronic the
indicators, SI, MI and TI, fills
nearly the board and simplify
the operator's work situation.

A robot armed YES F
37 16 Uppsala. Photo:
Peter Liander

war. We studied a list of 35 issues and several drivers succeeded in cutting edge technology make these sweeping

stated firmly that "never do this"! It must be easier! It was digital converter, which became a major advance compared with

spe- cially be highlighted for radar use and I think we the AJ 37 -epoken.

succeeded in doing this. In the first stage of YES 37 D investment had been at
FMV and SRAs worked on a shoulder with a new, third
The integration of the radar was to be paid a lot of electronic indicator Thu, TI, for presentation of the
work in MIG70 / work together. The FMV's involvement, various flight data
we could gradually develop output functions although this etc. The mapping instruments that were reached were
is sometimes required new money. Radar flexibility had bulky and expensive and was not considered to qualify in a
also increased by the now computerized-based. All the fighter jet. The ability to introduce a single electronic map
experiences of the dragon and from foreign systems into started are discussed. Our former radar hunt leader
account. A new handkon- control and radar panel with all Torbjörn Alm became excited over these ideas, and we
the necessary functions performed by simulations at began to sketch out a "tactical" kartpresen- representation
Saab in both the PM simulator later in SY SIM. of target and own aircraft, measured by the sprinkler and
own radar, superimposed on the simple line-drawn map.

The electronic presentation came to contain a line of On SRA managed to achieve the first
sight indicator (SI), a målinmätningsindikator (MI) and the electronic etc. presentation,
new tactical indicator (TI), all involved in reserving ELKA, which was to revolutionize the opportunities for
drawing EP-12. For radar presentation of MI SRA so-called indirect combat control with efficient conduct
developed in collaboration with Hughes, a new cooperation with radarjaktle- Daren in the sprinkler and
technology called svepomvand- development of radar with great potential for a more independent course of
information by storing the target data in digital form, so action for its own hunting drivers. The map real
that a more normal TV technology could be used for the ELKA-The presentation was thus also a good
presentation of both the radar symbol information. MAN complement to radarpresentationens B bucket. The joint
between the driver and Stril

and own aircraft via data links could now develop could be updated even after serieleve- tolerance without
effectively. requiring hardware changes. This was something completely
TI, however, came to cause much hot discussion is new and its full extent did we not really in the early stages of
held with the drivers of the FC. They considered that the development. It would require entirely new approaches out
new TI n would YES out of 37, 35-like, mechanical there in the Air Force's maintenance service.
direction indicator would be better. With strong
recommendations from Fe us on systems department and During the development phase for both AJ JA 37, we
test drivers on Saab decided, however, project that TI quickly got into a methodology for the GE nerella
would be inside, which proved to be a very wise decision. computers which meant about a new software edition per
year. This development and the rate of change came
then continue out on the units after the first seriele-
The development of all the presentation and veransen. This is illustrated by the following picture of the
actuation with the integration of all kabinin- 37 D investment.
instrumentation was in cabin mock-ups and simulators at
Saab. The most important of these was partly PM We see in the image delivery points for the various
simulator for some feasibility studies SYSIM with a large 37 versions of current software updates, editions, some
part typlik kabinin- instrumentation and typlika linked also to modifications of hardware. Apparently
datorfunktio- down. In its most complete function could drizzled updates tight, at certain periods were delivered
SYSIM run in conjunction with sprinkler and with real up to three new pro- grams editions per year. Important
aircraft through typlika radio functions and data talänkar. to note is that a software modification could easily be
All input for presentationssym- boliken prepared on Saab introduced out on the joints around the same time in all
and then forwarded were required for each edition to affected airplanes individuals. As shown in the picture
SRA for programming in EP-12. ran this business in the 1990s, and some versions even
into the 2000s. CK 37 was then more than 30 years old,
but had been upgraded in terms of new, larger memory a
number of times.
System flexibility
We realized early on that software in general business
computers became part of the 37 -systemen

Saab delivered about 100

series programs,
ie about 3 per year

The points in the figure

shows the updates to the
various versions 37 nernas
weapon. Often it was only
talk of programmodi- 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06

radar development
Ericsson's development of radar to Viggen is a history that antenna, all in close cooperation with the fire director
spans more than 45 years, from 1958 until about 2003, functions and design requirements of aerospace electronics.
when the software release P introduced in JA 37. This
Self, I worked as construction TOR, including with the
edition had honed JA PS-46 / A and
målinmätningssystemet automatic detection and tracking functions. The new Viggen
in aircraft radar while new demands on the development of a new Ingvar Sundstrom joined at

together with other systems to cope with a severe electronic 1957 LM Ericsson in
search radar to J 35F (PS-01 / A) Adjustable However, the
warfare environments. JA 37 was then still a modern Mölndal and graduated
requirement for new development in many areas of
system. computerization of from CTH 1963. Principal
PS-46 / A had made it possible to keep in time to the technology and therefore needed a large number of new of the digital signal and
gradual improvement and performance development for engineers. data processing in the
about 30 years. This was a big difference compared to the radar PS 46 / A YES 37
PS 37 / A in 37 AJ developed over ten years ago and not
Between 1959 and 1961 more than doubled because and led the development of
functionally changed except for the adaptation to SH 37th both hardware and
engineering strength of Ericsson in Mölndal from about
software. Sundstrom later
200 to over 500 people, many of whom had been well
became technical director
radarutbild- up at the Army or the Navy's radar school in of the development of
I was employed by Ericsson from 1957 to 2004 and for Gothenburg. radar PS-05 / A for the

the period up to JAS The operations were started around JAS 39 Gripen.

1980 of Occupational after me with different parts of the Modern advances in radar range fetching des home
Viggen radarut- development. At the start of construction through intensive study. Especially studied airborne
work on the PS-46 / A, I was responsible for software pulsdopplerradarsys- system for hunting operation on
development and later for signal processing. behalf of FMV. The studies, focusing on the many
different aspects of the system, was also carried out by
TUAB, FOA3, SER and Saab. The principal direction of
the radar function were hunting when a HPD radar, i.e., a
Radar PS 37 / A in AJ 37 PRF greater than 100 kHz.
Viggen was projected as a enhetsflyg- plan of attack,
reconnaissance and hunting. Adaptation to the different
roles would be done with the simple replacement of This was judged at this time to be the best solution to
devices. A radar system was obvious. The attack and provide a good negative pressure up land echoes and
spaningsuppgif- States had to provide navigation help good reach. It was this principle that applied at the
with mapping and surface targets, in search task had to development of a new search radar for the F-14 Tomcat in
detect and combat air targets. The radar set inside a the United States. There were reports from the US that
rather squat radome that allowed AN tin diameter of 70 tried to provide a conventional low-PRF pulse radar with an
cm, compared with Dragon 40 cm. Radom size was addition that could provide some klotterun- dertryckning.
probably the result of far-sighted people of FMV The results of these tests were disappointing. The principle
understood radar significance. Saab would probably was also tested by FMV and Ericsson in a 32 lance with
have preferred a more pointed nose. At this time, the similar results.
radar PS-03 / A to drag ken J 35D in the final phase of its
development and serial deliveries started in 1961. Within
Ericsson was therefore a great knowledge of the pulse Tufted Development focused initially against an
radar technology, attack aircraft. Hunting studies was therefore set aside
for a few years and became a radar pulse radar
essentially mapping with some new features, including
distance measurement against a ground surface by
means of the monopulse.

Construction work was carried out and then efficiently detection and tracking to small planes at 20- 50 m altitude
targeted against an attack radar. in the Si sjödalgången Mölndal.
The documentation for the radar was initially the term Other projects based on the Doppler effect, became
"embedding hunting" for some empty seats in the ytradarutrustningar for reconnaissance and fire control
devices. The expression disappeared gradually and the with a wave as power stages of the transmitter. Also
seriestar- ten was probably nothing left that referred to a developed MTI additives to older air defense radar and
future upgrade. tracking radar for surface applications on the X and Ku
band magnetrons with the transmitters.
The radar that was to get the designation PS-37 / A
contained, inter alia, The study and development, Ericsson a very deep
and broad knowledge of Doppler technology
• Antenna with parabolic and microwave receiver opportunities.
on the back.

• Two-axis rotary table with Radar PS 46 / A in YES 37

hydraulic vane motors. Autumn 1966 was an interim objectives up specifications

for JA 37. The specification formed the basis of a
• Horizon Stabilized antenna search through
so-called "interceptstu- die" by Ericsson and has
control signals that passed the sensors in the
generated a number of reports on sensor technology
aircraft gyro platform. Some gyros were not
during the coming year. The reports became the basis
needed on the antenna.
for a future development. Both the radio-user and the IR
sensors studied.
• Magnetron transmitter with the same type of
tunable magnetron in the PS 01 / A.
The threat was now such that it required a sensor with
very good range against air targets at all heights which
made it obvious that they needed a pulse Doppler radar
The main features were mapping with lobskärpning, with high power output. Also important was the
distance measurement to the ground surface, obstacle collaboration with modern missiles. Interceptstudien had
warning and easy luftmåls- input. shown that there were many question marks to straighten
out when it came to how a pulse Doppler radar would be
PS 37 / A was modified slightly to fit as radar realized. The main questions were how much stable
reconnaissance version for maritime surveillance, SH 37. microwave would be achieved and the choice of transmitter
The changes were made departure of extended ranges, tube and the waveform selection (see box).
engine toravstämd magnetron amended cooperation with
presentation equipment and CK 37th
Several people at FMV hoped that the magnetron
transmitter was in the PS-37 / A would suffice for a pulse
Doppler development Doppler radar with a low PRF, but studies showed that
Although PS-37 / A would not have Doppler processing, this did not work. They had to abandon the use of
we knew that the Doppler technique would come magnetron. It was thus made clear that the radar had a
eventually. Studies and experiments continued with less transmitter with high stability, and it was then klystron or
intensity. With personal funds built a demonstration plant, TWT to choose from. In both cases, a very stable
L7. It was a HPD- radar with a large klystron as microwave.
transmitter. A small group of designers picked up the
equipment in the simplest way by including parts from
the PS 37 / A. 1965 demon was recorded radar Ericsson Selection of the waveform was at this time a great
measurement housing with great success by challenge. Several options work, but no one knew which
option would finally be the best. Theories exist, but the

Here was the PS-46 / A,
ie, YES 37 radar out. The
weight was 298 kg

practical experience and air operator's expe- rience was To achieve good Doppler characteristics and that the
missing. One should not forget that the military radar objectives of the radar performance could be met. In this
operations were among the most secret that existed in the pilot program, was also taken the first steps for the other
world and it was very difficult to obtain practical parts of the radar: computer control, digital signal
experience. Ericsson went for HPD as experimental processing, SAN conductor with the wave in the air
equipment L7 worked well in the measuring housing. Then environment.
came the objection to the HPD, which meant that the LPD In autumn 1971 we made a new advance search to
was to become the main option for some time. Uncertainty realize an MPD radar and with a significantly enhanced
about the waveform selection lasted until 1971. In 1969, antenna, which is now considered impractical, managed
there were contacts between the FMV and the USAF this. A draft paper presented to FMV in the beginning of
where the waveform more of airborne radar were 1972. Then there was also a constructive approach tenth
discussed. It was then up to the USAF invested in a of the entire radar with the following focus:
combination of LPD / HPD.

In 1970, Ericsson made a small study of MPD who • Aerial of Cassegraintyp.

have ambiguity in both distance and speed. MPD placed
• Rotary table substantially as PS 37 / A.
great demands on having low side lobes of the antenna
• Transmitter with wave.
and it was rated as very hard to achieve it.
• Stable mikrovågsgenerering with multiple

To practically test Doppler technology in the flight • Digital signal processing.

environment developed a försöksutrust- accession which
• Computer for control and parameter manner up of
was placed in a 32 lance. Computer and digital
radar applications. Most of the above consisted of
technology had now come a long way and greatly
entirely new technology that was not practically realized
affected the design of the equipment. Digitized video of
the recipient could be recorded and the evaluation of to any great extent. Utvecklingsrisker- na assessed as

ground echoes and Doppler filtering could be done. The quite large.
first equipment was engineered so as LPD and it was
later built on the MPD. The experiments showed that it FMV wanted with an American company for the
was possible development of radar to reduce the risks. During the
summer of 1971 was engaged

Hughes Aircraft Co. (HAC) through a "Agre- ement of The first prototype generation of a radar to YES 37. The
Understanding" which described the HAC's involvement radar was designated PS 46 / A and the project was
in support of the LME. HAC was one of the main named DAX, which was interpreted as Doppler axle by
companies in flygradar- area and held at this time to axle Axelsson.
complete the development of radar for the F-15 Eagle. We also had the opportunity to discuss tech- nology
in the various technology areas by "experts" from the
Ericsson, FMV-HAC gathered for system to the same HAC. When you are reading the travel reports, each
effort to define a radio darlösning. In late January 1972, group gave out, one is struck by how disappointed we
we traveled, an engineering group Ericsson led by were in these discussions. HAC's engineers seemed to
Jorgen Nilsson to the HAC in California to introduce be poorly motivated and had very few answers to
Ericsson's radar proposal. questions that came up. Here com- more typical
statement in a travel story: "It presented was partly
FMV also attended, among others with "Archie" Ax REMNANTS and partly taken from textbooks and data
elsson which had a very wide range of skills from tactical sheets. Our high expectations to raise our level of
behavior and weapons to detail in mikrovågsgenerering knowledge came to naught. "
and signal treatment.

When we presented our material HAC had gathered FMV wished that HAC would participate in the
its expertise in all areas of radar technology in a large development process in any way and HAC wished to
auditorium with Stjärnba- NERET on one side and the develop and produce both signal processing unit and
Bear California flag on the other side behind the podium. data processing unit.
It was a very exciting experience to stand there from little
Sweden and talk about advanced technology that was Ericsson opposed the HAC took Responsibility for
commonplace for many of the audience. It went well and data processing, where the all systematic temfunktioner
comments from HAC's executives later leaked out was would be implemented in the form of software. While the

Ericsson engineers at that "the Swedes" the breadth and depth of his signal processing was seen as important to control,
Hughes in January knowledge. HAC then presented their radar suggestions especially with regard to the advanced surge protection
In 1972. that would be included. After tough negotiations HAC
and basically it was great conformity between the
From the left: Bo Wik- Power,
proposals. accepted a limited involvement by participating in the
Lockheed Martin, Ingvar
Sundstrom, Jorgen Nilsson, development of some signal processing units to the first
Bengt Andersson, Per production totypgenerationen of the radar, the DAX 220.
Anders Hainer, Sven-Bertil
After a reconciliation of the proposals in the various In consideration for this transfer of knowledge obtained
Thelander Photo: Via the
author. working groups came up A joint proposal, which was the was HAC royalties per series copies.
basis for the

The contract with HAC also gave access to the HAC's

compact electronics packaging HIREP (High Reliability
Packaging). This construction method is based on surface
mount components on printed circuit sexlagers so that a
flat back of the card. Two cash card mounting on a thin
heat exchanger with air cooling channels form an
assembled unit in a larger unit. The principle of the
construction method has been retained in the later flight
radar project and is still used. Construction method was
be likely the most valuable contribution of the HAC. HAC
delivered prototypes of signal conditioning

Axel "Acke" Axels- son
development of the first generation prototype DAX 220
FMV's radar guru
and flight tests with these started late in 1974. Ericsson
developed second generation DAX 240 with its own
signal treatment, air cooled transmitter and lighting
transmitter RB 71. A great effort was made in the
construction and maintainability with compact and
relieved electronics (hybrids and construction method
HIREP). Flight tests with the DAX 240 started in spring
1976 with very good results.

PS-46 / A was probably the first helkohe- renta radar

with 'look down' capability to external contractors USA.
Series deliveries started in April 1978 and the radar can be
described as follows:


The pulse Doppler radar, working on the X-runway there,

with software controlled functions:

Hunting Mother

• Reconnaissance with simultaneous tracking

The functions of the radar was improved and new

• Automatic target tracking and lock-on features are added constantly by software development

target and these up gradations subsumed under the aircraft's

• Continuous tracking with very good protection edition of software development. 1978 changed the

against interference entire host system and the operating system of the VAX /

• Target illumination RB 71 skyflash VMS from Digital Equipment Corporation was first used
on a large scale. This resulted in a great improvement in
the development environment.
• Measuring distances on land

At a later stage has been One further features, among

others. a. Reconnaissance with simultaneous tracking of 1982 started construction work on the radar for the
multiple targets data transmission to RB 99 AMRAAM, JAS 39 Gripen. It then produce many new ideas about
Measurement of akan-projectiles, and Sjömålsmod. signal processing in a search radar. The digital processor
technology had evolved far and it became possible to
The computer that was part of the radar called STY implement many of the ideas. This inspired conditioned
(Controller) and was designed as a mini-computer from responsible for PS 46 / A, and they introduced the 1989,
the early 1970s. At see- rieleverans the program memory new processor in signal conditioning action that could
32 cords and data memory 2 cords. As host computer, a process the signals from target returns much larger
minicomputer H 316 from Honeywell. extent than before.

The software was developed with the assem- bler, a

machine-oriented language that required a good knowledge of In 1994 it was time to replace the computer in STY to
the computer. Input and output devices to the DA tower was a modern processor and turn to software development
initially very primitive with hole strips data carriers. It took with high-level language. This put additional boost to
several days to just develop a new rechargeable file to your funktionsut- development, and until the decommissioning
computer from the program was färdigkonstru- off. of the JA 37 system had some 20 new features

Pulsrepetionsfrekvens (PRF), term in radar that PRF basically an unambiguous measurement of distance
indicates the number of radar pulses transmitted in and an ambiguous measurement of speed.
one second.

Pulse radar, systems which utilize emitted MPD, shortening of the waveform in a medium PRF
electromagnetic pulses reflected back to radarn.Tiden pulse Doppler radar. Provides a fixed PRF in principle
from transmitted pulse to the received signal is a ambiguous measurement of both the distance and
measure of the distance to the reflection. The pulse speed.
amplitude is taken to be the recipient and is used
among other things to determine if there is an echo at HPD, shortening of high PRF waveform in a
a distance by comparison with the thermal noise puldopplerradar. Provides a fixed PRF in principle an
inherent in the receiver. Pulse radar developed unambiguous measurement of velocity and ambiguous
intensively during World War II, especially in England measurement of distance.
and the United States.

MTI, Moving target indication, AN use of Doppler

to present moving targets.
The pulse Doppler radar, system that uses the
Doppler effect to separate moving targets, often
utilized in airborne radar systems. The frequency of Conical scanning antenna, older principle, to form
the received signal signals are compared with the difference signals of a rotary feeder of the antenna
transmission frequency to filter out clutter and and sort out the modulation of the signal amplitude
determine the speed of the target, a process that generated by rotation.
places great demands on the signal conditioning
action. A prerequisite for this is that the transmitter
frequency is stable enough to small frequency Gyro-stabilized antenna, antenna provided with
changes can be measured. Since pulsrepeti- thione gyros with servo keeps the radar antenna beam
frequency (PRF) also may be high arises as the rymdstabilise- row.
target distance, which means that the radar in
general must use multiple PRF, further complicating
signal conditioning development. Klystron and traveling wave, different types of
electron tubes to reinforce micro rovågssignaler and
get a high power.

PPI, abbreviation of PlanPolär indicator, is the most

common radar indicator. In an aircraft radars are
waveform describes how the signal emitted from the often a sector-PPI where the driver scale can see
radar is constructed in the time and frekvensled.Olika the distance and direction to the goal or get a map
types of the modulation occurs, e.g., pulses with presentation.
linearly rising frequency during the pulse to provide
better resolution than what corresponds to the
transmitted pulse length. B bucket, of indicator that is common in fighter
aircraft. Indicator vertical axis shows the distance
and the horizontal axis shows the angle to target.
LPD, shortening of the waveform in a low PRF with
a solid pulsdopplerradar.Ger

A system test airmen comments
Flight testing of this AJ 37 was conducted with seven
One can easily see that there are many features to be
prototypes, 37-1 through 37-7. My first flight Tufted I made
October 11, 1967 at 37-2. Since I primarily worked with developed and, in most cases it was Saab who did it. To
systems testing, I spent the most time in the 37-3 and 37-6, coordinate Work is carried formed working groups with
which had complete electronic systems. Many subsystems representatives of the customer KFF, systems engineers
were also tested early in the two rebuilt Lans Airplane, 32
from industry and test pilot. The system output was Ulf Frieberg, test pilot,
Alpha and Gamma 32.
began his flight training at
developed and tested function for function and we test
Ljungbyhed 1951. Employed
pilot was from the beginning.
at Saab in 1958, where he
participated in the testing of
The decision to AJ 37 would be the single seater was The functions tested by hand in Si accumulators, first 32 Lance, 35 Draken and 37
questioned by many in the Air Force, which had been in fairly simple devices and finally in SYSIM that was so Viggen. Stopped on the

difficult to accept that a "computer machine" could replace close to real flight as you could get. There were of course Saab 1992 as flight safety
the navigator. To relieve Item No. Røren would "system many changes. I myself had a protocol on four closely
functions" evolve! Most of us did not really know what this written pages from the first great simulation! The remarks
meant but myself, I had great confidence Bengt Sjoberg came mostly small inconsistencies knowledge they
and his colleagues at Saab's systems department and was resolved relatively quickly. We performed simulations
sure it would be fine. It was there, too, but it took some with drivers of different categories to get as broad a basis
time before everyone was satisfied. as possible. At
Five of the seven AJ
test aircraft. Photo:

time and also continuously be pre- resent flight data and
speed vector.
When flight tests started working most of the time but
it was hard to see the point-shaped objects such as Ship.
It was a bit penibelt EF tersom this was the radar's main
task. A substantial reinforcement of "short echoes"
solved the problem eventually. Another problem was that
the brightness of the radar display for night operations
could not be regulated in the elec- tronic road. An
experiment with green sparkling polarizing filters failed. It
was a mushy green image also was dazzling. I thought
that a solution with a red-polarizing filter was the only
possible solution, but it was difficult for the SRA to get to

A classic Viggen image. the so-called mission simulations, the drivers complete the
Navigator of baksits is
full fictitious mission from takeoff to landing. In conjunction with a meeting of the SRA, I sat and
replaced by CK 37!
tried to turn the various combinations of red-polarizing
Illustration: Saab When I later flew for real, first in the auxiliary plane filter. Suddenly there solu- tion there. When turning with
32 Alpha and later in the 37 -3, it was with a largely a certain com- combination of filters joined the radar
functioning system. image of the strong green color to a good, dark custom
red. The solution for the series was finished! It took only
The radar system luck and a lot of persistence.
The LME developed AJ radar, PS-37, was first studied in
a Tp 52 Canberra. I thought it was surprisingly good
even then. It was then time to fly with it in 32 Gamma The navigation function

The cockpit of the test with one of the SRA and Hughes developed, acceptably The base AJ 37's navigation consists of signals from
planes 37-3. Note bright, indicator. The indicator was very complicated. It kursgyrot, air data, acceleration lerometrar, rategyron
spaltinstru- segment to the
must both be able to store a radar sweeps in etc. The information from the sensors is processed /
left, a loan from the Dragon.
Photo: SFF archive filtered in CK 37 and the computer then calculates the
aircraft's position. This is called "dead reckoning" and
forms the basis for the mission navigation, SI
presentation and screening, etc. To improve the
accuracy, you can put a wind forecast. The position can
be updated through various types of so-called fixtagning.
During a mission passed a number of breakpoints, as
entered into the computer before starting. Location of a
large number of breakpoints, air bases, etc. are stored in
the computer, but the pilot can also enter your own
breaking points if he so desires. He can also key in the
desired height of the different sections of the routes and
the seizure time. During the flight, the computer
calculates all the time the aircraft's position, altitude,

In the first flight with navsystemet in 32 Alfa lined me up In the first flight tests of 32 Alfa revealed that fartvektorns
at the track, locked the course of a button, and flew with dynamics were not good. Then it was just going to Bengt
the wind forecast to first break point that was Kuddby Sjoberg and say something like this:
church on the coast. It was something of an eye-opener
to note that CK 37's idea of ​breaking point was within the
cemetery walls. Bengt Sjoberg shone like the sun when I - When you lift fartvektorn the pitch as fol- lines it
reported after landing. The foundations of the system with, but with the delay, and when you stop tilting
was definitely the thought! Pricing with the press of a movement continues fartvektorn one bit so it can not fly
button on the track, however, was not acceptable from accurately. Fartvek- tower is also very kyttkänslig in both
the driver's load point so we implemented an automated pitch and yaw. I want it more pliable.
system that functioned total direct.
- You will therefore that fartvektorn shall comply with
the pitch when you pull the lever back and it stops when
you stop symbol. This can be done with a "tipping rate
This kind of navigation is GI vetvis not useful unless signal". Fartvektorn will then stay right where you want it.
the wind error can be measured by Doppler radar or that In addition, wind sensitivity to decrease. A gust of wind
the position can be updated using any kind of fixtagning. from the bottom lift aircraft and the estimated fartvektorn
They eventually decided to introduce a navigation but there will also be a feathering tilting movement
Doppler radar. This measured in land-related speed and downwards. Thus, kyttkänsligheten the pitch is reduced.
it worked right away as good as one could ask for.

Yes there I stood, and suddenly understood what I wanted.

Head-up display The so-called "attitude clutch" of speed- vector was tested in a
It was clear from the outset that the Viggen would have a simulator, tested in the aircraft, and the problem was solved
HUD, SI, where The driver would get the relevant once and for all.
information without having to look down at the Driver's rate decreased considerably. The
dashboard. experiences presented eventually at a test pilot
Several indicators began to appear on the market but symposium. After a year, I flew a Harrier simulator in
was by no means fully developed. The first proposed the England, where they tried an optical landningsmod like
presentations were scaled down approximately 1/5 the ours. Fartvektorns behavior was a country of miserable!
pitch, which meant that the presentation constantly It was hardly controllable, it floated and around the Siktlinjeindikatorns due
symbols. Cruise vector
moving relative to the ground. An option with a 1/1 workload was high. I recommended them to look forward
shows where the aircraft is
presentation and requirements for such were discussed in on the way. It increases it
depth. slightly.

Lennart Nordstrom, our man / maskinex- pert, now

developed a proposal with poles that gave a good
genomsiktbarhet the surrounding world. It is very easy to
fly with these symbols while at low flying direct their
attention to the terrain in front. The so-called momentum
vector icon shows all the time where the aircraft is on the

In e.g. landing, just to make sure fartvektorn located

on the intended touchdown point you end up there.

Rocket Firing with 37 -7.
my article from provflygarsymposiet. Furthermore, except Siktesfunktioner
I told him about the principles of 37: ans attitude clutch. RB 04 was the main armament of the AJ 37. It was a heavy
Radar Presentation on Six months later, I met a Harrier test pilot who told me attack robot who was convicted at a great distance from the
CI. This mode is called
that a simulator engineer had improved Harriers speed target using the radar without the need to have visual
sector-PPI and is
basically a map, 60 km vector so that now the dynamics of real good! contact. When Rose cures convicted was just to fly home.
ahead of the aircraft.
AJ 37 could have four capsules
13.5 cm arak. They fired rockets all at once and spread
is accomplished using aerodynamic spoilers.

Siktesfunktionen had the computer program but

evolved with the new calculation principles. Nothing
special siktesgyro was needed then. During
siktesutprovningen simulator trimmed their sights set.
Compared with J 35F was a substantial improvement.
The first shooting was done with individual rockets
without spoilers fired one by one. It became the target hit
with most of the rockets. That night I could not sit still. So
it was fun. We also saw that the quick
målhastighetsinmätning and fast wind measurement was
possible. It was possible to trim your sights to 20 m / s
could be measured in three seconds. It proved to be too
fast for dressings drivers, who could not hold on to
practice it continually. A compromise was introduced with

longer settling time and it was probably a good solution approach to inflation risk and the risk of super stall or
overall. spin, alerting the driver to exceed inappropriately high
RB 05 was a Saab Developed manually controlled angles of attack. The system was constructed so that it
missile against ground targets which were controlled by partly by a hand warner (vibrator / "finger hackers") of the
an actuator. A torch showed where the robot was and it joystick handle and in part with an audio signal (pulse
came to control the robot toward the target until hit. train) in the receiver gave warning when the sum of the
During the testing worked robot as intended, but fighting current angle of attack of attack angle speed and
value was probably debatable. tipprodervinkelhastig- hot exceeded a certain amount.
Anfallsvin- kelindikatorn got normal angle from the CK
AJ 37 had no fixed armament cannon but could be 37. The lever moves backwards and / or the angle of
provided with two capsules each with a 30 mm cannon attack warning growth obtained at lower angles of attack.
Aden. It had a low projectile speed and large
bansänkning. To risk a Viggen by attacking with such a
substandard weapons were somewhat doubtful.
We test pilot realized probably not quite how
important HAV was not until the AJ 37 crashed in a too
Bombs were not included in the Viggen original narrow landing pattern and pilot conversion came. This
armament but introduced gradually. New principles for the was one of the last planes had HAV introduced. The
bombing operation was introduced into the software with system was after the introduction quickly accepted and
reduced approximation functions relatively old system. AJ used in all versions of Viggen.
37 solution is presented here a basis for the corresponding
functions in the JAS 39. Utprov- solution was implemented The system was further developed for JA 37 and was
at Vidsel and done as tactical assault. It was late pickup, called where the limit warning (GVV).
inrollning towards the goal, arming, three seconds. visibility The aim was to give notice that the airplanes net
of notice then firing after which my bomb in the ointment approached the current alert level. This is to enable the
was precipitated. A relatively large number of bombs were operator to utilize Airplanes Nets maximum operating
precipitated and practically all ended in the same hole. It performance in whatever direction he looked. In addition,
was a very interesting utprov up. the system would alert the driver of a risk to exceed the
limit of the current alert level.

Early warning (audio signal) was given when the

We felt that there was a system in terms of well aerospace plane approached the limit for the angle of attack
worked aircraft that were placed on the joints. Little did or load factor. Warning with audio signal and hand detectors
we know then the development that came later! in joystick handle was given when the aircraft had reached
one of the limits of the angle of attack, the load factor or
Warning systems HAV 37 and GVV
AJ 37 initially had no specific stallvar- system, but
because Viggen had natural indications of high YES 37 - Hunting Viggen

anfallsvink- parts were assessed early, a Förprojektstudierna eventually re- sulterade the fighter
högalfavarnings- systems (HAV) was important and version of the Viggen JA 37, started in 1969, and it was
necessary. Based on experience from stallvarnings- soon clear that the aircraft would have to be changed to
system in 35 Draken, could HAV 37 output unfolded and a much greater extent than the lead in the Air Force and
tested relatively quickly, and the series was the Saab imagined. In addition a new electronic systems
introduction of aircraft 37 035 plus "Modline" for older needed a stronger and less sensitive pumping motor RM
aircraft. 8B, and also introduced a solid gun.

The system had the task, with reference

For testing, we used initially modified AJ prototypes: 37-2 meant that the first series aircraft, 37,301, were substituted for
rebuilt to 37-21, which flew for the first time on 4 June 37-8 and never came out in the pre bands.
1974; 37-3 became 37-31, 37-5 became 37-51 and
finally modified 37 -7 to 37-71.
because aircraft
In addition, built an entirely new provflyg- plane, A YES 37 -like control system equipped with di- gital control
37-8, I had the satisfaction of prime fly December 15, machine was tested early in 37-21. It is worth noting that this
1975. The flight was noticed because it was the first was probably the first digital control machine in the world.
37-flight after wing crimes AJ 37, the media interest was Already at the first flight, it was clear that the role of the
annoying big. When I hilly in places tan after landing performance was too bad. I had now had the opportunity to
released photographers and journalists until the rope fly some air combat simulators in the United States. They sat
tightened around the aircraft. To my surprise danced in a simulator, for example, F-16, and jetted toward a hostile
mechanics some sort of ballet between the rope and the aircraft, e.g. MiG-23, which were simulated in a computer.
aircraft. When the photographers passed it appeared that Good rollpres- tanda was absolutely necessary to win. It was
the nose cone of the cannon tryckvåg- damper part had quite clear that the JA 37 must be improved in this respect. A
come loose and was hanging 30 degrees angle. It was so-called sharp flight test protocols written!
harmless, but it was nice not to have to explain this to

The solution was an enhanced control system. Wings

interior and exterior rudders linked together mechanically,
which meant that the weakness in the outer part of the wing
For the rest went maiden flight as it should and the that caused low ytterrode- chorus came to have less
test program could GE nomföras without interference. importance and the overall impact of vingrodren increased.
Unfortunately crashed 37-8 in 1978 after an oil fire in the This, combined with more and stronger servos made to
engine, which finally made the aircraft uncontrollable, why control the machine got bigger authoritarian segment.
Gösta Sjöström must shoot themselves out. This

Test Aircraft 37-8, as

Ulf Frieberg premiere
flew Dec. 15, 1975
Photo: Saab.

SI presentation. A fighter
makes greater demands on
the instantaneous field of
view than an attack plan.
Double glass was the
solution for JA 37.
Illustration: Saab.

Electronics system get developed. Moreover, one could easily see Strils
Compared with AJ 37, one can almost say that JA perception of the situation, their own position and where
system is completely new. The time was now ripe to the bases were. As a driver, I got a much better idea of
really go over to the digital age with all that implies. ​seizure development than 35F.
Faced YES 37 we had drivers learned pretty much how
to identify features of high driver workload and take The AJ 37 was siktlinjeindikatorns application area in
action. Lists were with features from J 35F which could principle limited to the presentation of the air situation in
be made considerably better in YES 37th the low-altitude flight, sifting with different weapons and
landing. The size of the SI's instantaneous field of view
was therefore not as important as the fighter JA 37, where
Cooperation Groups were formed, in virtually the one needs presentation entire lap around the pitch.
same way as for the work of AJ 37. They had again a Especially when sliding up with akan against airborne
very important for everyone to be informed and thus able targets prepared great demands on the field of view due
to work effectively. Key groups PM group, Radar group, to lead times which.
sprinkler m. Al. Our pre kind and the views were handled
by system engineers and we tried in simulators and
eventually the aircraft. One effect of paramount In both simulation and flight was unambiguous
importance for the system up building was that it was assessment. Whichever way you put the mirror glasses
possible to make the development of the system, both as the AJ 37, got it wrong. A device that automatically put
during the test flight stage and after delivery with on spe- Geln were made and tested. It was flushed, it
reasonable efforts. During the flight testing of the J 35F was "always" wrong. The idea, however, kept the case
received test pilots perhaps through ten improvements, open and highlighted the importance of solving it. YES 37
this was basically just to stand out. There was also the definitely needed a larger field of view in SI. No proposals
own hands and carefully planned system is usually not were. In order to do something, I did a rough sketch of a
needed to be improved once they have been tested in proposed dual reflex glass and sent it to the concerned. I
the air. heard nothing, but during a trip to England, I met some
later test pilot of the Tornado.

TI was a big step forward for the driver. A glance at TI For this aircraft had the supplier Smith developed an
gave a good picture of how jaktuppdra- SI version with dual

A fighter pilot in JA 37 used
huvudsakli- gene
information from the three
electronic indicators SI, MI
respectively. TI.

Compared with previous

aircraft, this meant a huge
step forward because the
driver had now possible
accordingly to yourself to
make assessments of the war
which was not previously
possible. The indicators on
this page does not show the
same stridssitua- tion.

mirrors had greatly expanded the instantaneous field of
view tana in height and which passed a tipping scale of 1
to 1. It had obviously been a problem but now it worked.
This was the solution!

First day back at Saab, I called Hasse Olofson that

dealt SI FMV and told. It turned out that he had heard the
same from SI manufacturer. Now it was in a hurry. Saab
had one day in which to develop a basis for a drawing for
Gunnar Lindqvist. SI with double glass came in. It was
now easy to monitor the airplane mode even if you have
the attention outside the cabin. This change was
something that clearly brought the project forward.

The electronic presentation was expanded with a third

indicator, TI. FC's test pilot was strongly against this but
the Saab and FMV realized the importance of a tactical, later became quite obvious and important for a more SI presentation at

geographical overview. SRA developed a new electronic independent and interfere safe up-elect in search akanskjutning hunting during
map on the TI, the first of its kind in the world at the assignments. It played the improved navigation feature
tactical symbolism could överlag- race. Thus, we were with TN a major role.
able to agree that TI would be introduced.

weapons Features
Fast weapon of choice was easy to make, among other things GE

Stridsledning nom the well-functioning system table as well as a speed-dial button

The principles of data combat command was drawn up early on the joystick.

and based on the experience of the 35-epoch with sprinkler Missile RB 71 was fired when the firing signal
60 and called direct combat control where the control obtained by the radar locking of the robot and the
commands calculated in Strils ground stations. TI's benefits pivoting of control order.
came immediately to his right when we started flying Stril- RB RB 24J and 74 were targeted to receive infrared
led mission. It was easy for the driver to have follow-up locking of the homing device by touching the case or by
attack before radarinlåsningen. The driver responded locking IR-homing by radar lock. Aiming system entered
always before Rjal when such goal swung. depreciation fyringsgränserna.

The fixed cannon of JA 37, Oerlikon KGA, was large

With the improved positionsnoggrann- hot as the and heavy but with very good performance. The gun had a
introduction of TN meant was drawn up by sprinkler large pressure wave that a pressure wave attenuator must
Group of Saab, FMV and TUAB representatives also be introduced. The projectiles had as much momentum
suggested after 1300 m through the air like Adenkulorna had when
so-called "indirect combat command" which targets LEEWARD our they left the mouth!
gestures and speed data were sent up to the aircraft. After the

radar locking calculated control order for the approach of the own Siktespresentationen was interesting. Visibility dot
aircraft. Air Force Headquarters felt that this was an unnecessary, calculated from radar data and was very easily controlled. Sure
because it was pleased with the 35 system. Saab and FMV siktesfel quarter could stand and it was shown by a point on
prepared nonetheless features of the CD and the "spårlin- jen" ie where the bullets passed through the target!
Item No.

The testing of the new 30
mm Oerlikon KCA gun
including high sample in
a spe- cialbyggd
centrifuge test facility in

Røren sighted little in front of the goal and got up "track To enhance YES 37 melee characteristics suggested a
point" on target and should meet with the ointment. To help system where the driver could choose a special
sifting was an automatic mode control that helped get the korthållsmod.
nose to go in the right direction when rollade towards the YES 37 had good initial properties but limited
goal. continuous swing performance. The battle must be
resolved quickly. The real problem persisted until a better
system snabbsökmoder the radar later was developed.
Radar beam went up 60 degrees from the no-late and
locked the opponent. Locking and shooting permission
was shown with two lights on huvbågen. The system
worked well in the simulator tower but was rejected by
the FC. There, it was believed that a helmet sight would
solve the problem but such a thing never arrived.
However, there was a reminder that korthållsproblemati-
Ken was a real problem. Whichever way you look at it, it
becomes so fighters closing with each other and then it
The picture on the right turn performance related.
shows the hit rate from the
test firing of

120 cartridges

Oerlikonkanonen was
permanently installed in the rear
body integrated with the beam
weapons C7. Caliber: 30 mm
Weight 135 kg

Orifice speed: 1030 m /

sec Firing rate: 22 shots
/ sec

Further development
After several years of studies and förprojekterings- The presentation of the airplane characteristics of
operations commissioned 1972 typarbetet YES 37 and a hunting role was mainly based on our studied studies in
project founded by Olle Esping as project manager. The
SYSIM. There we had to comb through almost
project was divided into "objects". The items were put
together to "items block." I was responsible for the everything one tactic could do with a single aircraft. Saab
"System Block". was also through simulations with a good knowledge of Borje Fund, Civil
Aeronautics KTH 1949.
how successful the product has become, its virtues and
Flights Educated at
defects warplanes.
Ljungbyhed and flight
An early task was to work with representatives of the FMV engineer at FC
write a systemspe- ci fi ca- ti JA 37. The work was really to 1950-1960. Developed

convert two helpings sleeves, where Bengt Sjoberg described continued typutveckling and sold as self-employed

his vision of the system, to specifi- kationstext. Then it The requirements were therefore met, and now transition deployment barriers
worldwide. Started in 1966
became a veritable cross-examination before Harald went typarbetet the continued typutveckling. Previously,
at Saab where he each
Schröder, the former head of Saab's aircraft sector, as the
we had been working on a specification, but now we
project and program
could also apply common sense. The simulations also 1980-1990, first for JA 37
specification would be a kontraktshand- development. Six
had we at Saab have the skills needed to collaborate and later for the whole
years later, in 1978, before the start of see- rieleveranserna, it
with others achieve a better jaktflyg- plan. program ..
was time to show how we have managed the job. At meetings

with partial responsibility autumn of 1978, we went through all

the skull and award criteria, or otherwise expressed

The work consisted of two parts, "Corrections" and
requirements. The results were presented in writing to FMV.
"Development". Corrections was to rectify the things that
The outcome was that even then had all the mandatory
have not been good. There is always a lot of room for
requirements, but two of the controller, cleared of liquidity
improvement, and requirements escalate gradually.
which almost all the award criteria and requirements. But
Development was to continue beyond the specification.
often they had been cleared by means other than we thought

when the specification was written.

The working climate

The working atmosphere was good. The improvement work

was perceived as stimulating. This fellow

YES test aircraft 37 -51, the

former 37 -5. Flew for the first
time: 30mins May 1975.
Retired in 1981 after 770 flight
hours during 973 passes.
Photo: Saab

brought into the greater productivity and success spread Service engineers' role became even more important for
a good product feeling in the organization. It was a long time. It still took time for the new digital age the
important, inter alia, to counter human flight to newer thinking of had been seen.
projects (mainly 39 Gripen). The motto was: Here at 37,
you see the results of what you do at one time. To quickly gain experience about the operating
conditions and technical deficiencies was arranged
two-test series. The first, called the forced service tests,
The cooperation with Ericsson occupied a special carried out at Saab Aircraft 37 302 for the period January
position. The radar had a dominant influence on system 8, 1979 to December 20, 1979. 401 passports were
performance. A good co-operation with Ericsson at all performed with a withdrawal of 301 flight hours. The
levels was a prerequisite for effective improvement. results were surprisingly favorable, and the negative
Fortunately, we inherited this from typarbetsfa- ago. Good experiences they had feared did not materialize largely.
cooperation is not a matter of course, and there was the Already at this stage had a JA 37 AJ 37 comparable
beginning of typarbetet certain tendencies to read the reliability.
contract first, and see what you have to do then.
Fortunately, this was changed quickly, and the cooperation The next step was the so-called pri-the flights are F
was admirably well. To this also contributed one of the 13. For these were disposed aerospace Plan 37309,
FMV-led cooperation group, work together. They worked 37310, 37316 and 37317, with 37306 and 37307 as
with a broad zone of overlap with no clear lines of reserves.
responsibility. Pri-flights intended to quickly provide some aircraft
longer flight time, and thus early obtain experience of
"wear and tear". They started August 11, 1980 and
The cooperation with FMV was föredöm- thoroughly, ended on 4 October 1983. 4104 passports were
especially on the software side. FMV was here more performed with the total flight time 3013 flight hours.
contributory than just clients. FMV was also the convener Saab staff participated continually to the experience
and associations holding several clusters of industries. It gained would be returned efficiently, which also worked
gave stability to the work and prevented many disputes. well. The experience came to form a good foundation for
Personal characteristics contributed. quality improvement and organization of underhållspla-

Cooperation on the operating side For engine found a problem that led to the flight peak
During the introduction of the AJ 37 had aircraft gun in 1981, from week 13 to 44, and thus also extended test
during the analog age sound input position to quickly time. The error was in the motor (RM 8B) newly
make themselves independent of the supplier, and stand emerging third fan stage, and the problem was resolved
on their own feet. The service engineers Saab AJ / S 37 by the fan blades outer corner slightly cut.
placed on the dressings were discontinued thus relatively
early. Service Engineers had been a good entrance to the
specialists at Saab in solving problems, and also for a Overall, however, the main impression that the
return to Saab about problems and conditions during aircraft was surprisingly smoothly. Of course, had to a
operation. large number detaljerfaren- units, but the good
maintainability was once again confirmed. It seemed as if
With JA taken the step into the digital age, and the the electronic equipments in JA 37 been more "mature"
work changed character. The problems shifted more of than they were at the same time for AJ 37. We saw this
the electronic system. The new RUF system the result of technological development with the use of
(Registration, The maintenance and Safety), meant a lot reliability and safety technology "burn". our development
to move the system knowledge on the joints.

the data communication system of the aircraft had also were distinguishable from the background. This requires
has its rewards. This is what di- gitala aircraft a narrow lobe, and the consequences of this had not
"bloodstream". really realized. With the narrower lobe, it took longer to
The tests confirmed the value of the registration scan the field of view, and therefore also to find the
system RUF. Having obtained very different opportunities enemy. The dogfight is when the risk to yourself to get
than before to detect and correct even temporary failure. shot down first. The problem was recognized early in the
Although the registration system for education (EDU) tactical testing, when it lost radar tracking after the
contributed. meeting.
The positive experience was also incur an
acceleration of the tactical testing. For this had YES to It went according to Ericsson not to increase
the first division (second division F 13) linked a new scanning speed, but the problem was solved with the
instance, Tactical Testing YES 37 (TU YES 37) with a introduction of new search patterns, including where a
directive to test and develop appropriate tactical use of scan in turn were concentrated to the edge of the field of
the aircraft. view ( "snake"). The changes were made in the programs
of radio darn, computer and presentation equipment,
It should be noted that the directives to TU YES 37 searching speed might otherwise later be doubled. We
from the beginning was to develop the tactic of the had therefore resolved a problem with "just" program
aircraft in the existing design. This was of course right in changes. No hardware was changed. This really opened
the analog age, where GE nomsnittstiden of the major our eyes to the power of the digital aircraft (there was no
changes was about five years. In the digital age, the established standard at this time).
times myck- et shorter, and directives were changed to
TU YES 37 also had to add comments on the aircraft's
technical design. A fruity cooperation across hereby
created between TU YES 37, the flying divisions and Something dramatic had happened when we went
inputs industry. You can not get past the name Åke from analog to digital technology. An update is normally
Lindkvist, TU YES 37's first director, who unfortunately performed in three phases, typarbete, testing and
passed away much too early, in this context. He meant a insertion. Typarbetet, ie to develop a "prototype" is
lot. different, but not simpler. The time required is about the
same. The "snake" a new
radarsökmönster to improve
radar performance during the
The TU YES 37 established later all- more direct The same applies to the testing. The difference lies in the swing.
contacts with the Air Force pilot lots and ground staff. introduction, which in terms of hardware

This was not quite housebroken early (contacts would go

GE nom FMV), but it was accepted gradually as the
results began to show. The industry got a previously
perceived contact with the fly-pating units that were of
great value also psychologically.

No major changes were added UN- der my time involved

below. They came to the RA, which will bring a very significant
increase in the aircraft's combat value.

Short-range problem that opened our eyes

The new - and soft - the radar had a Doppler function

that allows moving targets

S7 V7 R7 H7

YES 37 had (as AJ 37)

seven beam positions of
external load. The heavy
loads carried in the C7 and
V7 modes. The beams were
fixed to the hull. Later,
location H7 that was used
for the installation of


be, the manufacture and insertion in current production, and was a further development of the JA 37 with
and modification of the planes delivered. The latter is extended attack armament. It would complement the
often a process of four years. This is also the main project B3La with things that are not managed,
overwhelming cost. which meant that costs must be kept down (extremely).
According to the Directive, we would possibly not be able
To introduce the tested program can in principle be to afford the radar for more than every other aircraft! We
solved in one night and costs comparatively nothing. started to think about a data link, which would bring the
Improvements could be made with the software was state at attackmål from the aircraft radar to those without.
therefore quick and inexpensive. It was such as
aerospace weapon could afford!
I was in charge of these studies for three years, from
However, it took some time to absorb this knowledge, 1973 to 1975. On January 1, 1976, B3La a "real" project,
and to pass it on. We also noticed the visitors from other and Tommy Ivarson was appointed project manager. I
countries, the difficulty of going from "canned approach" would finish A 20 studies to year-end June 30 and then
to the "functional approach". return as head of the system block of JA 37. The link
(and fackelfällaren, see below), I wanted to have to JA
We also had an advantage in that the programs 37. The remaining money was therefore used almost
created by a small bunch of talented and loyal people entirely to the development of these. Hunting link meant
"sense of ownership" of their part of the software. that the aircraft with radar turned on could measure the
Additionally, minimal bureaucracy. The aircraft's target positions and other and pass around the
development was largely the result of the combined information to other aircraft in the joint.
expertise was engaged.

Hunting link We then got a link, internationally very early, and

This had its origins in the study activities during the also at low cost. F 13 flew with it in the fall of 1984. It had
1970s for a new attack aircraft for AJ 37, called "Aircraft cost reasons some limitations in the beginning but
80". A study of the aircraft called A 20, gradually developed.

rear cover
rear cover
S77 M1, Level 2 be
Will R7 the
V7 first
H7 in the A20
new modes



Flare dispenser in H7 for siktesfunktionerna, came in to me: "I think we should How integrated
A 20 also had a loosestrife and remsfällare, which not go over to the radar direction at akanskjutning." fackelfällaren with internal
hydraulcylin- dern,
previously encroached on the weapons cargo. We had
location H7, the AJS's
researched where a position in front of the single "But, " I said, " we've settled that the TY tunately not wing.
hydraulic cylinder on the wing. Logger could be charged possible. "The decision of the specification was of course
with both torches and remspatroner. With the dispenser to have tachosiktning radar distance. (= SUSPENSION
was it then to go really bad. The introduction of the series based on the aircraft's swing speed. It entitles poor
was planned by FMV's consent. Then call FMV Project: accuracy, and requires a skilled aviator. Radarrikt- up
Aerospace Defense Command said no. I would remove had been the original aim, but had decided that it was
the change. I did not. A modern war planes without impossible). For the future showed that the radar proved
torches seemed unthinkable. The satisfaction came later, better than specified, he programmed the tool and run it
when we got the order to bring the dispenser in the in the simulator with good results. It was clear that great
airplanes not yet have them in serial construction. It progress was now possible, but that they would be as
should be added that the strips were added later a better large as the latter turned out to be, I realized yet not
solution. then.

Radar Sieving with cannon We invited the FMV to a presentation, and then
The following episode says a lot about the spirit of the 37-work. carried out the change. Although this was a question of
Borje Nordegren, who was responsible only software changes, thus

• 1982 Short range Measures • 1992 Isolating in radar
• 1983 Akan front • 1996 Sjömålsmod
• 1985 Hunting Link • 1997 received four hunting link
• 1986 Ground Collision Warning • 1998 Data rod
• 1987 RB 74 • 1998 Modern weapon interface
• 1987 New battle management info • 1999 Interoperability with NATO
• 1990 More Target Tracking Radar • 2002 AMRAAM (RB 99), Bombkapsel
• 1990 BOY (flares), BOL (strips) • 2002 Large Radar Range
• 1990 Battle Mode Info • 2002 Sturgeon Capsule

• 1990 HOTAS (for efficient dogfight) • 2002 Large tactical indicator

• Sifting Machine 1992

low costs. The gun was now a first-hand weapon in the mulatorerna used most for emergency training. Flight
class of contemporary IR missiles and could now also be training on the new software editions had to be in the air.
used on the oncoming courses and distance.
Based on the experience of SYSIM, we thought this
But the autopilot was software controlled. A natural did not make sense. In edition 30 years in 1990 we finally
step was now completely auto- tomatisera screening. In got into a position such changes in training simulators,
the new mode, automatic sieving, therefore, introducing typlik hardware, our software for
left the driver of the aircraft could be operated even in simulators.
control in pitch and yaw to control the machine, and
retained control of the role of the channel. Now you could
shoot for a certain side slip, so that the oncoming course This allowed the driver training with the new software is
met but collided with the target. With a firing range of done in simulators before they began to fly with it. You could
three kilometers had been an effective weapon even in also practice warfare capabilities in radar, which could not be
front sector. implemented in time of peace.

Control of the project was good, but it was still a high

ceiling. Personal initiatives were many and appreciated. UPKEEP
The main task was to bring down the operating costs for
the 37 fleet. The work was well more of nature fastidiously
The simulators gnetande than big news, but we at Saab gnetade on as
The Air Force had purchased four träningssimulato- rer. well AN drag. From memory, I take that we got down
The procedures were such that new software editions also maintenance cost per flight hour for the structure and
went to a company in Arboga, who then wrote about them equipment ( "because the aircraft") to roughly the half, for
to the software for the simulators. This took time and when the electronics to less than half, while the engine part was
the programs came, flying with the new software has affected hardly at all. This despite the fact that the RUF
already been going on for a while. Si- registration

AJS arsenal. See also

figure on page 99.
Photo: F 21st

systems are largely motivated by precisely The With the full attack cargo was, however, no room for
opportunity to influence engine maintenance. It applied self-defense missiles.
instead of the Air Force restrictions to hold back costs. Robot State R7 had dimensioned RB 28, which
weighed about 80 kg. It could be under current load rules
are not clear RB 24 with 120 kg. I knew Flygsta- legs
AJ 37 will AJS 37 several times asked Saab if it failed to hang RB 24 in the
In 1986, I received a report on how it intended to put RB 15 R7 position. The question went RU tinmässigt the
on the AJ 37. The defense had bet on RB 15 as a main strength counters, which takes up the provisions
weapon in the 39 Gripen, which has been delayed. RB 15 concerning the number of hours a robot to be carried on,
required the computer in the aircraft for its operation. AJ 37 counting and answer no.
did not have sufficient computing power, and the idea was
now to hang extra carriages with the required computer in Now we asked. How many hours, must not be RB 24
the beams. kept in position R7? For pure hunting mission could be
taken both in V7 mode (the inner wings) and S7 (the
The idea was highly repugnant. 37-ball was an body sides). I had prepared with pure project leader at
excellent weapon platform and had sufficient FMV, which we thought would accept up to 30 hours.
performance. Putting uncultivated money in a dead did The response from hållfasthetsav- division was 100
not seem fair. hours, we put it there.

We crafted together an alternative with a modified

and more powerful central computer and a modern Terrain Navigation
coach (1553B, a new interna- tional standard) up arms In a survey in December 1988, I heard about the test
beams. with a new terrängnavi- geringssystem, TERNAV, made
When we saw that we had a good and economically by Saab's Robotic Division.
reasonable proposal was oriented project manager at
FMV. For formal reasons, we needed an order of It sounded interesting and I called hand Father and
investigation, so I ques- inserted if he did not order one. asked if we were working on 37-ball could hear a little bit
He Gil put the proposal and confirmed the order. The more and went there to hear about a funny thing. We
proposal ( "MODIFICATION OF AJ 37-SYS system ") sent walked away with a concept for improved navigation for
officially December 9 AJS. All the pieces fell into place immediately. A new
navigation system for the AJS had long been on the wish
1986. It was well received also in the Air Force Headquarters. It list, but it was so obvious to expensive that it was not
was decided quickly for the new line. realistic. With the new computer and the existing radio
AJS 37 was perhaps Europe as the most modern darhöjdmätare was now possible of realizing alone
attack aircraft. While the new bomb capsule could be software. The cost was no longer an obstacle. As a
worn, four. We flew with them but did not brag about it byproduct, we were also improved precision.
then, because 39-ball could only take two, so we were

Computing power in the aircraft even admitted a new

planning system, FASA (one of flygvap- net proprietary The end result
system) with which the aerial plane potential could be It was certainly more problems than BE calculated to bring
effectively utilized operatively. modifications on both AJ and S 37 deuce but the result was
that the aerospace weapon had significantly more effective
attack and reconnaissance aircraft in anticipation of the JAS 39
Robots in the outer wings (Location R7) Gripen ..
An important question for the attack is self-defense. Not
to shoot down, but to survive.

Flight tests of SK 37
After the maiden flight of the first test aircraft, 37-1, by Erik air teacher baksits. This, for partial de-stranded aircraft
Dahlström in February 1967 took an intense flygutprovnng inevitable disadvantage, was even greater than for
of the first Vigg version - AJ 37. The six test aircraft were
Viggen for Dragon result of lower landing speed and thus
gradually introduced. The flight characteristics and
performance were tested and verified, sometimes after higher angle of attack and higher nose position. It was
Per Pelletier's. Royal extensive modifications. The many innovations on clear from the outset that any kind of
Institute of Aerospace avionikområdet with, among other things. a. CC 37 and SI periskoparrangemang need to and that the
1961. Served in the Air became after many tough test flight excellent tool for the
corresponding solution for the dragon was not enough.
Force from 1956 to 1964 operator.
when he was employed For Viggen part, there must be a shared or twice, if you
as a test pilot at Saab for will, periscope to withstand the high nosläget, even
Tufted project. Chief test during sidvindsland- solutions. Much time was devoted to
pilot in 1975. Head of test The next phase of Tufted program was the two-seater school the design audits in träattrapper, the most advanced
department, 1991.
version SK 37. I had the pleasure of working as the could be primed on a cart and hauled out on the runway
responsible project test pilot for something different Tufted and in which both lifted to different heights above the

1994 Marketing for Aircraft. SK 37, which was commissioned in the eighteenth track and tilted to different noslägen. To climb this
Griffin in the Asian series of specimens, in addition to test aircraft 37800, the user seemingly rank equipage, in full flight regalia to carry out
region. das for typinflygning of new drivers, which ever since wars audits of peri- skopen,
would be placed on the different Viggen versions of attack,
reconnaissance and hunting.

For such a short series of seventeen aircraft, it was So approaching the time of the first flight of the prototype
natural to work with a tight budget and trying to find a 37800, and often became stressed at the end of the summer
decent, if not optimal compromise. This applied holidays just around the corner. Would we have time to get
instrumentation, pilot comfort and visibility as the aircraft in the air before the summer break?
measurement equipment and other facilities for flight
tests. An important exception was the flight
characteristics, which very similar to the single-seat Exciting first flight
Viggen pursued. On July 2, 1970, I started early mother- eyes from Saab
in Linköping Field Drag-ken-trainer prototype 35800, to
One difficulty was the high nosläget in land deliver this aircraft to Vidsel, where
consumption by very limited forward visibility for

Left picture: Dummy of

baksitsens dashboard.
Photo: I. Thuresson Right
picture: Final version.
Photo: HOArpfors

The adjustable attrap- group.
Photo: I. Thuresson

in the summer would be prepared for the RB-05 test, food and its damping functions was not yet checked out
which was the true test aircraft last favor. for SK 37. In all tried aerospace cases showed
girstabilitet and yaw-roll-switch test on abnormal and bad
Unfortunately, due 35800 had various pro- profit all flygegenska- per. This was obviously very worrying and
concentrations even less fuel than see- rieflygplanen and the next flight, which took place the day after,
The designer Ake Pantzar
stopover on F 4 was necessary. Once up in Vidsel came renovations planned for the mere act of survey of
seen through the periscope.
telefonbe- stage: "The weather holds and 37800 will be girstabiliteten. Photo: HOArpfors
ready for flight in the afternoon. Came back!"

Although the chances morning appeared small, we

had planned for the possibility of first flight and I went
over to the A 32 Lansen FC, who stood in readiness
on-by-sel and flew straight home to Saab back.

So at 1610 I lifted up 37800 in the air for the first

time. Exciting? Sure, the first flight of a new aircraft type
is always exciting. Not unexpectedly, minor disturbances
in some systems, but it all over- shadowing was to
girstabiliteten was poor

- to say the least - and not at all consistent with the

single-seat Viggen.
The flight lasted one hour and ten minutes, utes, went
to Mach 0.8 at low altitude and Mach
1.1 at high altitude and to 15,5º angle of attack in landing
configuration. All this liquidity that these flights were
conducted entirely in the GSA (basic control unit), as

First flight test aircraft After that was done to break for the holidays, during larger fin for the upcoming fighter version of the Viggen
which a new detail flygprovpro- grams prepared to seek and this introduced now at SK 37th
explanations for girstabilitetsproblemet.
Photo: I. Thuresson
And with the usual Saab frenzy, when it really
On August 6 provflygning- are resumed and Saab counts, stood aircraft airplane clear again with a larger fin
flight characteristic test pilot Joakim jets flew six passes in just over two months later. In this new "first flight" I
close succession, the different theories were tested. At immediately noticed the drastic improvement and flight
one of these aerospace applications we had t. Ex. tests went briskly forward. When, in mid-November,
unmounted perisko- group to see if they played any role. homecooked jets made the first flight with all
styrautomatfunk- installations connected and thus the
Not so, that we "the hard way" was covered up during the aircraft was complete, it was clear that the flight
test flight would probably have been found under customary characteristics could be approved.
vindtun- nelprov. These were, however, for economic reasons
slimmed down considerably since the difference between one
and tvåsitsflygplanen was considered to be small! The The baksitsutprovningen had advantages
increased lateral surface as a result of rear hood gave a more understandably enough, come second, but also
negative girstabilitetsef- fekt than expected came to light only hampered by problems detailed by a total connection of
when the aerospace tests - and with a vengeance. the rescue system in the front and baksits. I made the
first flight from baksits January 28, 1971 and could be the
next few days for a large number of different types of
takeoffs and landings note that instruments, term,
larger fin periscope, etc. functioned as intended. This phase of the
After the flight number eight was 37800 for a modification flight tests went without problems.
period to introduce the obvious response, a larger fin.
Thankfully, Saab had previously projected a

Doll in baksits reflex problems in periskopen etc. But in the end, this 37800 with the larger "YES

But before that, we had spent several aerospace was interesting the testing program carried out and the fin." Photo. On. Andersson

applications to obtain a secure version of the gunwale product is ready for serial production.
plates, which protects the arms of the pilot in baksits if
you drop the hood or in a possible extension. Precaution, Test Aircraft 37800 then made over many years
we began a series of tests without rear cover with a dock service for the testing of all kinds of equipment and
in the rear seat. And well, it was, for the first flight, systems of FC auspices before the aircraft finally handed
without railing panels, resulted in considerable damage over to the Aerial Weapons Museum where it now can be
To stand peri- MSO
to the doll's shoulders and on parts of the interior. seen and enjoyed.
out. Photo Emil

When, after a few tries with elevated railing plates

were satisfied with the results, up repeated flight with a
driver in the rear seat, just in case equipped with a "dead
man's handle", which held a lamp in the front seat on.
Wind noise made it impossible namely secure radio
contact when flying without the canopy.

Ready for series production

In addition to these major problems areas, which took a
lot of time and many provflyg- solutions to fix, should also
not be forgotten amount of effort to optimize cabin air
system in the larger pressurized evacuation system,
radio connection in a more disturbed environment,

AJ 37 and AJS 37 of the Staff
In 1977 it was the turn to us at F 6 in Karlsborg to provided, of course, no system training for the transition to
ombeväpna AJ 37 Viggen. We were then among the last the Viggen. However gave it a solid foundation to fall back
who flew Viggen representatives, A 32A Lansen.
on when any of the systems in the Viggen not cooperate,
an advantage that should not be underestimated.
Leif Åström took in 1968 an
engineer in Orebro and had
Possibly we brought in that capacity fairly little interest in
his driver's air wing at
the corporate staffs, åtmins- least the amount of retraining
Ljungbyhed 1969. Has been
division manager and flight
incoming correspondence judging. This meant that as a Ombeväpningen from Lance to Viggen, led by a highly
operations at F 6 and as chief young officer did not have too many issues to deal with skilled team of F 7, began with six weeks of theoretical
of the Air Force Air Combat at the side of the air service, the steel let could be largely training alternating with simulator flying the F 7th
Simulation Center at FOI.
focused on aerospace solution.
The first meeting of the Viggen was a lance-drivers
something of a culture shock. They met here a system
The greater the interest aroused we hunting of the aircraft, which eg resulted Particular Driver instructions
joints, which then flew J 35 Dragon. There, inside saw that SFI had grown from being a thin binder in A5 format to
with Lance disappeared the last pilvingade fighter aircraft now include a plurality helryggs- binders A4.
from the Air Force. Pilvingade aircraft have significantly
different flights - properties than the partial de-inserted,
which becomes very apparent when you meet them as The simulator was then true state-of-the-art, but its
opponents in the dogfight. The pressure was therefore great visual world around systems strongly limited usefulness
for us to stand as opponents in joint exercises with hunting for ceiling athletic training. In contrast, it is well suited for
units. emergency training, and contributed greatly to that we
were well prepared for the first real flight.
Lance was far from a systemflyg- plan. The flight was
based rather on Item No. Røren and navigator did almost
everything ma- out manually, both measures and Everything can not be practiced in the simulator. The
calculations. This engine, RM 8A, was generous was no

Changing of the Guard. A lance

32 is replaced by AJ 37 Viggen.
Photo. On. Andersson

RM 8A delivered lighters
ebk a static build traction
on 11,790 bp. Photo: SFF

surprise to us, but when you first met its brutal force, it characteristics in a wide speed range. The good
was still a powerful experience. And strangely right too - lågfartsegenskaperna and the ability to reverse engine
it was at the points in time ten most powerful engine in a thrust gave good chair- properties, you could take off and
tactical aircraft. The thrust was more than adequate for land at 500 m.
flying straight ahead, supersonic reached easily and
sensation of charge at all heights. At low altitude, had to STOL characteristics allowed us to war could spread
empty holding back - with completely free rein was ourselves over a large number of war bases with short
pulling force sufficient for the aircraft to reach the courses. This we practiced routinely, even in winter and
overpass and tearing itself to pieces. At the same time it the icy land dumping and taxiways. It is difficult to
must be noted that the Viggen, because the engine had accurately describe the feeling of having a large beast
pretty bad speed and operating performance at all that the Viggen smash down (in short landing landed
altitudes. man without transition arc) on a short and narrow path
with högstammig forest close up the sides.

Engine design, turbofan Equally impressive was to stop after about 500
with large bypass ratio, provided very good fuel economy meters off run, even if the runway prior takeoffs and
of flight with slaked ebk. The large amount of fresh landings had been polished as ice hole you could hardly
bypass air streaming into the EBK enabled a very large go there. That using lågfartsegenskaperna and engine
pulling force supplementation with ignition EBK, but then major thrust up from the same orbit was an equally
also increased fuel consumption levels for monumental. powerful experience.
At low altitude drug engine at full thrust approximately 10
liters of fuel per second! But it was enough also because
you could go into a top role at the lowest height and Plan Shape also had the good property called the
finish it at over 10 000 m of altitude. evening the turbulence. In attack missions could, even in
extremely kyttigt weather, the minimum height to
penetrate hostile league hotområden at very high speed.
This complicated the course largely of hostile fighters
The unique flat shape, delta wing with foreplane and air defense.
gave Viggen very good flygegen-

If it nevertheless were forced into the dogfight had a great the plan was. As a driver in Lance had often settle for an
advantage of good manöveregenska- per. The aircraft without radar, often also without a navigator.
instantaneous swing capacity (the capacity to pivot the Viggen however, was complete; each aircraft had
maximum, even if this results in deceleration) were navigation, radar and more. This made a big difference in
particularly good in a wide speed range. Similarly, the how the aircraft could be used.
role of the properties very well, even in low grandparents
best. To turn greatly needed emeller- time, especially at
low speeds, the man took out high angles of attack - AJ In Lans dressing was only certain aircraft - group
37 to 18 degrees. managers, sometimes roteche- fernas - equipped and
staffed so that they could lead the joint. These lead
Plane shape meant that both the nose and the main aircraft was a key resource for the dressing would be
wing which generated powerful vortices. It was a highly able to get to the finish and carry out the attack in a good
physical experience when ändvirveln from nosvingen way - lost to them fell the joint capability at most
drummed against the main wing - it really felt like Item considerably. To increase the likelihood that liabilities le
No. Think that handled the very large forces. This was have aircraft with conductivity up to the goal, the division
also the flip side - wing plane form generated significantly (eight aircraft), the most common combat unit. The
induced counter position during hard maneuvering. dependence of the lead aircraft made dressing
Therefore, one must at maneuvering battle have ebk vulnerable to losses, lost to them could be the remaining
spark more or less continuously, and fuel consumption aircraft have been difficult to complete the mission. The
became great. Battle The processes are admittedly highly ability to replace long-term losses were not optimal,
intensive in modern air combat, but the poor combat because only a few were able to get adequate training in
endurance, and the consequent need for rapid decisions the leadership role. The way to work were also affected,
contrary, was still an Achilles heel for the Viggen. it was natural to förbandschefen responsible for all
management and decision-making, while other "hung on
and becoming entrenched in his wingtip." This also led
easily to the division became the top-down, which
naturally thus was not optimal for either the motivation,
The wing planform also generated large induced drag creativity and strategy development.
when flying straight ahead at high altitude, sometimes so
large that they were forced to use the EBK. High altitude
performance was therefore not a good thing, and could hardly
be considered adequate for the conduct of hunting role.

With Viggen that changed at a stroke. All aircraft

Battle Behavior with A AJ 37 - aircraft systems were complete, in principle, any dressing up to take over
lance 32A respectively
A crucial difference between the lance and the Viggen the management solution of the dressing if the leader
AJ 37 Viggen.
was how complete the single aviation was pre-

A lance 32A AJ 37 Viggen

Lorad. This made it less sensitive to losses, and the rängobjekt, and the measured position was automatically
natural combat unit Viggen was a beacon group. The into CK 37 for navigation or weapon delivery
tactical liberty, is also increased dramatically, as each computations.
aircraft had both sensors and the ability to navigate. It PS 37 / A monopulse technique utilized to form the
was now possible to spread out the dressing so that radar beam, for example to a Ver- tikal, thin disk, which
each aircraft could fly optimal way to allow hotmättnad, was often optimal for mapping and reconnaissance
defensive intelligence, collaboration, etc. Working way in against land and sea targets. The beam could also be
the division were also affected, it became much easier to formed into a horizontal, thin plate to give maximum
delegate both The entries best and responsibility. illumination in a limited height band and therefore
facilitated detection of weak radar echoes, both sea and
air targets. The radar had some ability, to detect air
targets and also give a rough idea about the target
This increased capability to the divi- sion in the long height. Furthermore except monopulse technique utilized
term replace staff losses, since all are increasingly the to shape the beam so that it could be used for the
entry volverade in management and therefore received automatic distance measurement against both air, sea as
more training in leadership. It meant a huge change for ground targets.
the better in terms of motivation and creativity, and
interest in tactical development increased significantly
now. PS 37 / A distinguished by that even in extremely low
dykvinklar cope width measurements at land and sea
targets. This helped to both significantly increase the
Radar precision of e.g. bomb and rocket attacks, and make it
Nosradarn AJ 37 had the designation PS-37 / A. It was a possible to attack with reduced exposure to counterparty
pulse radar optimized for spa na and act against naval upright eldrörsluftvärn and luftvärnsro- cures.
targets, but it could also be present in front of lying
terrain map.

The radar was analog, and could only generate raw Tele Countermeasure

radar image. The driver did not have the help of a function Viggen only complete telecommunications
to automatically detect targets and present them to reach countermeasure for self-protection, including built-in radar
tetiska echoes. He, however, had access to a number of warning, feller radar strips, infrared decoy flares and
surge protection features, including a number of filters with transmitter for active radar jamming. Compared with the
different characteristics, with which he could dampen the lance ability this was a big step forward.
effect of interference. Radar Burst at the attack
The strip and fackelfällaren, capsule KB, knowledge against naval targets. Image
quality depends on the images
The radar was integrated with the aircraft's central the trap band radar strips, both as continuous remsstråk
taken during the actual aircraft
calculator, CK 37. The driver was able to direct the radar for subsequent aircraft to hide itself that remspuffar
screen measuring goals and ter-

to hook the target track from the own aircraft fire control Arming
radar and radar missiles. The capsule also had in the Viggen main weapons against naval targets were the
back of a magazine for IR flares, which dropped to autonomous robot RB 04E. Used against ground targets
unhook IR missiles. both the command-controlled RB 05, and explosive
bombs and rockets attack. Later, also the robot RB 75
Capsule KA, later replaced by U22 capsule contained "Maverick" with TV tracker. Heavy assault weapons such
jammers active disturbance, e.g. hunting radar and fire as minbomber missing thus completely, making it difficult
control radar linked to eldrörsluftvärn and anti-aircraft - almost impossible - to fight great goal that runways and
missiles, etc. Interference capsule was flexible and could ports.
be programmed for the vast majority of the hotsystem that
could be considered.

Thanks to the complete telekrigutrust- solution had RB 04E

Viggen good ability for self- protection. The Against naval targets could A 32A carrying the RB 04, the
countermeasures are carried in capsules which were world's first airborne tactical sjömåls- autonomous robot. The
hung on the aircraft pylons, however, had a price; they robot was introduced in developed form, UN der designation
chose to wear countermeasures necessary to reduce RB 04E, as the main weapon against sea targets AJ 37. The
weapons load. In practice, this meant that in difficult robot was a so-called sea ​skimmer, it flew toward the target at
hotmiljöer must behave with more Viggen gathered in the low altitude to be difficult to fight with both fire-tube air defense
joints. as with anti-aircraft missiles. After

AJ 37 beväpningsal-
Front row alongside the
additional tank, 120 kg
bombs. Back row, from the
aircraft: RB 24, arakkapslar,
capsule U22 (KB),
respectively. KA RB 05 and
RB 28. During wings
hanging RB 04. Photo: Saab

precipitation searched the robot up the goal with the help of an
active radarmålsökare. The robot driven by a propellant rocket
engine, which produced the high subsonic speeds and a range
of 20 km.
With RB 04E could Viggen in all weather conditions
turn against naval targets, even if they were protected by
vessels qualifying pads. The robot was directed at the
target using the aircraft's radar, but after felling up
completely autonomous. As soon as they shed their
robots could therefore fully concentrate their behavior to
avoid being tackled. The robot was convicted in the
dressing, depending on the threat, weather, etc. could be
held together or scattered, but with a methodology that
made all the robots reached the finish around the same
time. Each airplane bar normally two robots - a division kept robot on the line of sight between him and the goal.
could therefore deliver sixteen missiles arrived very The control method meant that the robot's path was a
concentrated in time. Several divisions could attack continuous turn. This, together with the fact that it was
coordinated with very little time separation. almost impossible for the driver to determine the robot's
depreciation able to target, made the method extremely Photo: SFF archive.

demanding capacity which may be illustrated by the they as possible. AJ 37 with RB 04.
needed to shoot 1000 -1200 shots in a simulator before
time at a straight rail, as short
they were ripe for shoot the sharp robot.
defense and especially the

exposed to the hostile air

RB 05
which the aircraft ex- was
If RB 05 can - unfortunately without exaggeration - Because of the high driving load could RB 05 in
exposure (Exp), ie the time
saying that it was so far from autonomous as you can practice only come ifrå- ga about anti-aircraft threat was
get, the command was ruled by The driver all the way minor. Therefore got RB 05, which was once thought of important to keep the time of

from the firing and all the way to the goal. The control as huvudva- pen against ground targets, eventually Attack by RB 05. It was

signals sent over encrypted microwave from a transmitter their's foremost use as target air guns. It gave namely
in the nose of the aircraft to a reverse recipients in the under visual AJ 37 from the front toward large capacity
robot's buttocks. The driver could see the robot was at air targets (transport and bomber) before IR missiles
the back equipped with a torch, and the rocket engine from the front capacity became supply imperishable.
powered by fuel made the smoke.

The robot was flying at supersonic speed.

Verkanssys- system could selectively act by intrusion,
pressure or fragmentation, and the robot could be used to
both land and naval air targets.

After firing, the driver steered the robot using a small

joystick. This was a
called power lever, and felt completely silent even when
operated it with great force.
Usually, flew to the side of the goal and shot the
robot with offset. After firing, the driver steered the robot
with so-called collimation control, which meant that he

Shooting with RB 05. Photo:
SFF archive.

attack Rockets In Swedish, hilly and mostly forested terrain gives

Fortunately, there were other, less capacity demanding låghöjdsuppträdande protection against air defense. Normally
weapons against ground targets available. AJ 37 could flew therefore towards the target at the lowest height and
carry four arakkapslar, whereupon either containing six 13.5 high speed, Mach 0.85-0.9. In the distance, 5.5-6 km from the
cm attack missiles (arak). Warheads were designed to be target were raised with 4-5 grams and rose to the height that
able to work both through penetration as pressure or gave insight into the target - usually about 300 m
shrapnel, and was therefore comprehensively useful
against both ground and naval targets. - and rollade onto the back, caught the target, pulled
down his nose to it and began visibility up. Thanks to
The rockets could be fired only as a full volley, and good radar measurement capability and rapid
the whole volley of 24 rockets took 0.6 seconds to fire. siktesberäkningarna was 6-7 degrees dive angle and 3-5
To give an idea of ​what this meant firepower, can be sec. straight track quite enough to shoot a wide rocket
mentioned that a destroyer with his main artillery could salvo.
fire 24 shells a minute. Their caliber was also "only" 12
Attack with arak.
Emerging Case cm. After firing took it up with 5-6 g to pass over the
respectively. pivot case. explosions and shrapnel, rollade then onto the back and
pulled down at low altitude. The exposure time was about
35 sec., But the short rakbanetiden made it difficult for air
defense to shoot directed fire. The driver pointed at the
target, and CK 37 projected when he would shoot to hit
the target. Rakbanetiden was therefore long if you started
the attack from a great distance.

When the threat of anti-aircraft missiles increased

further, we developed and introduced the tactic swing
decline, ie directly after the firing, we turned to the side of
explosions at a low altitude. In this way reduced the time
to export ponerade for anti-aircraft threat to about 20
seconds. The downside was that you have to limit

dressing size or målutbredning, so they do not fly into
each other explosions.

120 kg explosive bombs

AJ 37 could also carry up to 16 120 kg explosive bombs.

The bombs were not durable enough to penetrate targets
without Ver- happened only with shrapnel. They could
therefore not work against hard targets. They could be
equipped with either direktanslagsrör or proximity fuses
for luftbrisad.

The bombs came just as rockets, but with an

important difference: the driver defined target CK 37 by
pointing at it and pressing the shutter button, CK felled
then automatically bombs when it was right for them to
hit the target.

If the cloud base was too low to dykan- case could

be implemented, could instead apply flat precipitate. To
boom Berna then would explode just below the
aerospace field supplied to them with brake monitors

Finally, the bombs could be precipitated by good position perception. Pilot flying at low altitude and at high
"tossfällning". The method was based on the MA lets speed - preferably at least Mach 0.9
mode was known with accuracy, and that the driver - up to 6 km from the target, which he took up with 5-6
recently made a good terrängfix, so that the aircraft's grams while he pressed the depreciation printer. CK
navigation system had a dropped automatically bomber-

tossbomb- up.

with the brake shield and

Emerging case, planfäll- up

ways to drop bombs:

aircraft. Photo: F 21 Three

suspension in Ia facing the

kg bomb blast, before

The fuze is added in a 120

to watching TV målföljarens image and target tracker to a
crosshair included MA- material. Then he gave the lock
command, and if the hair cross stable followed the case, he
could shoot the robot, which then was completely

Air Target Weapons AJ 37

AJ 37 could carry several types of luftmålsva- group. RB 24
was a Swedish term for an early version of the American IR
missile AIM-9B Sidewinder. The robot target seeker could
only distinguish relatively hot parts such as the outlet portion
of a jet engine and could therefore only be put in the target
baksektor. Vi conductor could automatic cannon (Akan),
How does it look when na so that the ointment covered the goal. The method was which will bring race in capsules, and as previously
using live ammunition. developed to support the attack on välför- responded goal. In mentioned RB 05 could also be used against airborne
Photo: F 21
the absence of signal search robots would be using bombs targets.
suppress air defense without exposing themselves for this.
Later, when the YES 37 introduced, acquired AIM-9J
with the Swedish designated RB device 24J. This could
RB 75 still only be pushed from behind, but had significantly
RB 75 was procured from the United States, which better reach and operating performance and were also
designated the AGM-65 Maverick. The robot uses the TV more resistant to interference. If one of the attacked
tracker and is completely autonomous after firing. It was companies expected to meet lufthot supplemented
developed for use against hardened targets such as tanks, frequently attacked arming with one or two infrared
but we acquired it primarily targets boats in the archipelago missiles for self-defense.
and bridges.
At the time of 37: ans development Akan was
The robot turned out to need modifications to fit our considered to be an antiquated weapons completely
needs. The flight path were changed so that the flying replaced by robots. This view influenced also the
height better fit in with Scandinavian weather with low demands on AJ 37, which therefore lacked aircraft the
cloud bases and homing modified to better cope Akan. This proved to be a huge mistake and it looked
sjömålsmiljön with reflections in the water and pure white afterwards forced to supplement capsule mounted 30mm
bow waves. Aden cannons. The gun was a design that stemmed from
the Second World War, and it had fairly modest
The driver was able to direct the TV tracker using performance. For action against högfartsmål must be in
radar handle and the image was presented on a display at very short shooting distance - within 300 m.
in the aircraft.
The attack usually started from a low height. Just before

shooting distance steps you enough to bring transparency in the At bet AJ 37 of the air defense used most often a

Attack with RB 75 case and coarse targeted aerospace plane towards the goal. mixture of IR missiles and akan-capsules,
Maverick Then turned driver sometimes supplemented with
RB 05th

The lack of well qualified jaktra- where the data link

caused the AJ 37 could only operate during daylight and
visual VA derförhållanden and demanded talstridsled-
up. This limited the ability of AJ 37 to operate in air

AJ 37 of the cold war right hand side toward the plant. After anfal- let we returned
Most nations of the former USSR's proximity had only to Visby and landed on that shortly thereafter go out of our
land border with the Soviet Union. Sweden's readiness passports.
geographical location made, however, that we shared the We quickly changed and threw us in the car to
Baltic international airspace and waters to exercise area connect to the division at Faro. When I step into the
with the Soviet Union. This led to many contacts between facility, I received a note with a phone number and told
Swedish flights and Soviet air and naval forces, which that I would immediately call the number. When I did it
gave us a unique opportunity gather intelligence on new told me a lady we flew over her sommaställe where she
equipment, etc. had collected a number of prominent ladies from all over
Europe to competitive conference with peace as the
theme. She did not feel we fit into this theme. I agreed
Thanks to the air defense capability of the AJ 37 that the coincidence was most unfortunate, but noted,
began to utilize also attacked troops in the incident however, that we acted entirely within the existing
preparedness. Since the hunting ability was limited to regulatory framework.
visual conditions advantages partitioned standby periods,
preferably periods of better weather, i.e. summer.
Therefore was commanded we often Visbyba- late in the The following day, I was again in readiness. Suddenly a
summer period to from maintaining incident run command as audible was very sharp: "Philip 19, bream ( Our
preparedness. Caravelle for signals) located northeast Sandön and the
threat of a Soviet hunting located in the slide turns and
During the Cold War, it was more the rule than the conducting simulated attacks against him. The root Filip 19,
exception that the incident mission had contact with other start the northeast, the highest speed! " We started and
nations fly in the airspace over the Baltic Sea. Often contacted Cobra (battle management) as soon as we got in
these aircraft Soviet, and although intercourse usually the air. The control order was short and concise: "Philip 19,
occurred amicable, it was not always so. This could Cobra, controls the rate to zero five zero increase". To
possibly race illustrated by the following event: accelerate quickly step we are relatively flat. We were
approaching fast supersonic, still over the country and the
relatively low altitude, which I announced Cobra. The answer
We at second division F 6 had for a period was if possible even more succinctly: "Philip 19, Cobra,
cooperated with the National Defense Radio perceived - öööka!"
Establishment (FRA) to clarify how much disclosure
signals radiated from Viggen emitters (radar altimeter,
Doppler, etc.) that could expose us to the opponent's We therefore came to pass Fårön at just 5-6 000 meters
signals intelligence. This cooperation had opened for and in good supersonic speed, and I could not fail to
further cooperation with the then very secret FRA. As send the ladies at the peace conference a thought. The
part of this would di- vision's staff conduct visits to the Soviet MiG-23 hands cut off as we approached, so there
FRA plant at Faro. The division's per- sonal went by car was no serious incident than that.
up to the plant, while I and my wingman manned root of
incentive dent preparedness.
AJ 37 and U 137
In the evening, October 28, 1981, I sat in front of the TV
watching the 19: 30 news. UN- der shipment came in a
It was pretty quiet in the air at the time, and we were given fresh telegram, and uppläsaren announced with
permission by JAL (hunting the leader of "the Mountain Goat") somewhat surprised min to a Soviet submarine
to make a practice attack on the plant on Fårön. We attacked at groundwater encountered on Swedish territory and also
the battle-rate height and ditto momentum, with approach from in a restricted military area. A few minutes later called my
the south of Sudersand at Faro and further into a squadron chief, oriented

Submarine 137 courted by
the Armed Forces. Photo:
Hans G. Friberg

• For a limited effect: Arak subsidies da with

quickly about the incident, and ordered me to my
division, Philip Blue, promptly set up an attack group to
intervene against a feared rescue attempt of the • For full effect: RB 04E.

submarine. It delegated to me as division manager

choose appropriate weapons for the task: to be able to The entire organization, both the division and clarification
warn, could push limited for effect or be able to shoot full Company, responded exempla- Doing this quickly (also
for effect. seen against the background of each division at the time,
always had 24-hour stand-out during semesterpe-
I quickly chose the three pilots from my di- vision and period, as the divisions were spread out over time).
called them to the flotilla. Weapon choice seemed like a During the night, performed the division two passports
very delicate task, we could prevent fritag- up but for the with a beacon group fighting charged AJ 37, the first
sake unnecessarily escalate the level of conflict. I already at 23 o'clock in the evening. The second session
therefore decided, after some reflection, the following was planned so that we anflög in the dark, but was
among the arming of the group: ahead in the first gry- up the light. Once we found a
Soviet högsjöbogserare who was escorted by including a
KASJIN-destroyer. The vessels were then anchored very
close to our territorial waters. Eyesight seemed slightly
• Warning task: Bombs Bursting with brake screen and unreal, the ships looked completely gray and colorless
spetsanslagsrör because they could planfällas front out of the weak gryningslju- set. No activity was seen on
of the ships - a show case could provoke gunfire board, and we understood nor that any fire control radars
from the ships, and our task was not to start a war. locked on us. We flew past the front of the vessels gene
Each of the bombs 16 had the burst at the water sent in such a way that they could not fail to see that we were
a shock wave that has been detected throughout the armed.
vessel, a warning that can not be misinterpreted.

The upgraded SF 37
was AJSF 37. Photo: F

Throughout the incident, the Swedish aircraft armed and effect was used a computer-based system developed for
prepared to make the effort of the Soviet sjöstyrkan the study of Flygstabens JAS at- thanks armament. The
would go in and make a rescue attempt. evaluation system showed great tactical value of
computerized ana- lysis of aviation companies and the
threat to them, and must be seen as a first major step to
System manage information war.
Viggen was designed from the start with the good and
balanced flight performance. Grundflyg- plane's Fleet manager therefore decided in 1985 that systematic
performance was therefore quite well, even in the much system, developed by Ove Kallin and Peter Stendahl, would
tougher battle environment it had to operate in as a result be developed for the management, planning and evaluation
of developments abroad. In contrast, began in the mid of the attack and reconnaissance business. The new system
ten-1980s see a need to improve the aircraft's weapons benämn- des HORROR (Enterprise Analysis
performance, Reconnaissance and At-attack). The foundation of FASA
as well as its was partly to simulate enemy weapons systems, grouped in
survivability and ability to manage the information war. a ter- rängdatabas, and simulate the flight it was intended to
The result was AJ's 37th implement. This enabled the pilot pre-study
verkansmöjligheterna of enemy weapon systems and
Planning and analysis system HORROR optimize their roof bitch minimum shooting down of risk.
Flygeskadern aircraft units from the first (E 1) GE mented
annual exercises with air defense units, grouped on
Ravlunda firing range. A difficulty in these exercises was Topographic Database in FASA also made that it
to evaluate the anti-aircraft, and attack and was possible to produce far more carefully position data
reconnaissance flight effect. In 1984 exercise in Viggen navigation system and that you could do it much
developed form, now on Gotland and called FOCUS. For faster than was possible from paper maps. A bottleneck
the evaluation of anti-aircraft and military air forces was that the driver was obliged to manually, via the

Data panel, enter data from FASA CK 37. It was JAS 39 was a fact. It was therefore appropriate to
therefore important position to instead enter them via a use the RB 15F of the Viggen to increase its verkans-
data carrier. and överlevnadsmöjlighe- best, and it was decided to
If, after the flight was able to transfer data from the introduce it on both AJ 37 SH / SF 37th
CK 37 to FASA, would Furthermore, except to evaluate
the flights. This would both greatly streamline förarut- You could modify the aircraft according to two
formation in peace, and in war allow a quicker and more options:
comprehensive gathering of intelligence on the enemy. • You could build a computer in the carriage in which
Then FASA to become a combined planning and the robot hangs on the aerospace plane. This was
evaluation systems, a breakthrough concept that would the simplest and least costly solution, but one- DAST
give us the unique ability to bring the information war. useful RB 15F. PLA could not be integrated.

• You could expand the CK 37 to erfor- derlig

Later it was decided to phase would develop into to
computing power. This solution, which was
support all our systemflyg- plan, even JAS 39. In
developed by the perennially creative Borje fund
connection with the FASA changed its name to the PLA.
Saab, was more complicated and costly. This was
offset by the fact that the aircraft could always take
advantage of the increased computing power, not
RB 15F
only when the bar RB 15F. Moreover, did this
Anti-ship missile RB 15F, developed as the main weapon
solution it is possible to improve integration of the
for the JAS 39, had several times longer range than RB
04E. It was in other respects much better performance,

e.g. the ability to resist electronic countermeasures, to PLA integration of measured so great importance that you
avoid decoys and maneuvering so that it became difficult chose the latter solution. CK 37 was amplified and
for the opponent to fight. introducing an engine cylinder data bus (1553B) to
communicate within the aircraft with weapons, etc.
RB 15F had already been acquired and was in the Furthermore, input data transferred rod (DS), a laptop
Air Force supply when the delay of computer with 8 MB memory, for carrying out the planning

Hang RB 15 on Highway
Photo: Åke Andersson

from the PLA to the aircraft. Additionally reg- rerades the driver could handle the weapon of choice, etc. even in a combat

also trajectories radarinmätningar, operator actions, etc. situation.

in the data wand to after landing could be carried over to Therefore was formed tactics development units (TU
the PLA where they quickly could be evaluated. AJS the first division F 6 and TU RB 15 on the second
division F 7) designated to participate in tactical and
A video recording system (VRS) in deposits was also system, including in terms of presentation and actuation.
conducted. This registered, first, a rebuilding of the world The work was extensive, many difficult problems were
seen through the SI, and radar. Although this information solved in cooperation with Saab, FMV, etc. Here,
was transferred to the PLA for evaluation along with flight however, obtained very good support from the attack
paths officer in the Air Force Headquarters, Major Lars
mm from the data wand. Eriksson. Without his delegation of a large part of the
The chosen solution meant AJS motor difieringen development work at the divisional level had AJS project
made Viggen to the enhetsflyg- level it once was meant to called hardly have been possible.
be; Now would reconnaissance aircraft able to carry
assault weapons, attack aircraft could radar scout and
everyone got their own security capabilities. TU units also conducted extensive trials as part of a
systematic temutvecklingen for AJS 37th

Tactics and system

The opportunities to present additional information to the AJS 37 of attack role
driver was highly limited said, as well as the availability of Each AJS 37 could deliver two RB 15F. A division could
spare buttons and controls, for example, operate the new then supply 16 robots, and do this repeatedly with one
vacuum pen. Technically it had been solved by hour apart.
introducing multi-function displays (MFD), but this
solution was held either within budget or on time. Tufted system had thus become an even much
harder striking component of the Swedish defense
against a sjöinvasion.
We must therefore find ways of existing indicators The introduction of 1553B made it possible to also
present the new input information to the driver, eg: integrate the bomb casing (BK DWS
39), which also acquired the JAS 39. The convicted one
mil from the target and then navigated his way to target
• The ability to carry a variety of weapons meant that and spread where submunitions. Obviously BK gave the
the driver must be able to see what he had left and incriminating aircraft increased chances of survival
what that moment was chosen. compared to explosive bombs.

BK spread its submunitions evenly over a

• Full utilization of the RB 15F led to demands for new well-defined area so a single BK had significantly better

information on radarskä- rm. efficacy against soft and semi-hard targets than a full
load sprängbom- ask. Substridsdelarna was designed to
självdestruera and not remain lying "mines".

• Existing switches and controls must in some cases

be double or new functions.
To integration of BK would be meaningful, however,
the precision of the aerospace plane's navigation system
Since the majority of buttons and indicators on the is improved radically. This was solved by introducing
airplane ruled or governed by CK 37 was technically TERNAV, a terrain navigation. Terrain Data for the
entirely feasible. At the same time this is not more company was brought from PLA using
complicated than that

Beväpningsalterna- tives
before and after
AJS-modified ring.

Data rod. During the flight korrelera- des these terrain It was harder to aim than the usual CCRP- method, but
data with the altitude curve obtained from the radar freed the driver from the requirement of the shooting
altimeter, and based on this could navigation system distance to have full rights hot shooting anywhere between
(territory) continuously calculating They are positioned six and two kilometers from the target.
with an accuracy of 10 m or better
Thanks to this long (and therefore dangerous)
- quite enough to deliver BK. As curiosity is that CK 37 rakbanor avoided, e.g. when the target appeared to be
sakna- the computing capacity to handle TERNAV- farther away than they PLA impregnated for.
Diving Case with CCIP-
method "ARAK Long". calculations. These were executed instead of the data
edge, a computer connected to CK 37th Another new siktesmod was CCIP precipitation of
bombs. As with rockets showed whitefish Tet continuously
Bottom: where the bombs would hit the driver dropped at the time
A new siktesmetod, "ARAK Long", was introduced as
Swing Fall with bombs
well. The method was a so-called CCIP method but was more difficult than CCRP method. The gain,
and CCIP- screening.
(Continnously Calculated Impact Point). however, was very great; the CCIP driver could fly than to
the side of the goal to take up quite easily about four
kilometers from the target and turn to run the dot swept
across the goal to which trap bombs.

The method, which was stunningly accurate, however,

could only be used for a maximum rotation. It served to
reduce the exposure time to about 20 seconds and also
completely eliminate rakba- netiden. This resulted in a large
decrease in the level of risk.

AJS 37 could carry weapons of six weapon stations

to the previous four. This meant that one always on the
outer wing spars could bring two missiles for self-defense

AJS 37 with four
bomblets. Photo: SFF

To attack the load must be reduced. In addition, it interesting information. After radarspanings- companies
introduced a speed-dial feature, allowing the operator could trajectory immediately appear in the PLA, as well
without releasing the joystick and gas could choose missile as the position of all the measured target. Using event
with its director and radar functions. A AJS 37 attack on the highlighting for radar use could be in seconds fast to the
electricity smiles reconnaissance mission was therefore not position of the video tape where the interesting radar
harmless, it could bite down. there and enter additional echoes the driver not
measured up.

AJS 37 in hunting role

After modification could AJS 37 carry six missiles against AJS 37 registered the signal data obtained were from
former two. Robots and Akan could be worn at the same radarvarnaren. As the capsule disturbs also been
time, so that the driver could choose appropriate modified (and thereby renamed U22 / A) received and
weapons in view of the situation. In addition, a new registered aerospace plane also signal data capsule
functional SI each robot homing pointed, so that the received. This, together with the evaluation functions of
driver could not see what the seeker locked on the PLA led to very quickly could merge signal data,
which made it possible to both position, activity & Identity
- e.g. target or an infrared torch - before he determine radar transmitters whose signals are recorded.
fired missile. This allowed the enemy groupings followed with very
The modification resulted in a significant increase in high timeliness.
the air defense capability of AJS 37. Since it was
dependent talstridsled- up and get visual contact with
targets had AJS 37, however, is not nearly the same air
defense capability YES 37 or JAS 39th
AJS 37 in the information war
With PLA which was built in the early 1990s, an
AJS 37 of the reconnaissance role experimental IP networks up around flygeskaderns first
Trajectories radar fixes, event markers, and other data team place. Ledningsni- friend could thus quickly deploy
stored in the data rod and transferred via this to the PLA. extensive and detailed underrättelseinforma- tion etc. to
By this allowed direct access to the presentation of the units for air companies. This information could be
information could be in the PLA very quickly produce directly presented,

e.g. in graphical format directly on the map in the PLA. the introduction of data rod became possible from driver
Intelligence information could with the tools analyzed, to choose which electronic warfare library capsule would
and then serve as a basis for adapting tactics. PLA also use. This was a large, but also the necessary steps to
supported monitoring of ongoing aviation companies. meet the modern war demands for flexibility.
Partly presented ongoing aviation company in the form of
simulation (even if you did not see the aircraft on the The electronic warfare capability achieved with AJS
radar) and presented network distributed radar image 37 were used and came to a head in the SK 37, which
målföljda companies and radar echoes. was modified to AJS-standard, which turned them into
telekrigflygpla- net SK 37E.

After the company was distributed on the collection

presented intelligence information over the IP network to Conclusion

the squadron headquarters, which could sampresentera Tufted system, which was the Air Force's back row
and merger notifications to keep current intelligence during much of the Cold War, lived well up to the task - to
picture and distributed for the next airlines. The ability was be effective enough to be war deterrent. We learned
so well developed, that such continuously and within during that period a lot about the world around us, much
seconds could merge signal inputs information on the as many unfortunately already seem to have forgotten.
pulse level of divisions.

Management PLA closed then the tactical loop and During the crisis, the U 137, perhaps the most
supported situationsmedve- tenhet at all levels. When serious incident, the Swedish Air Force has been
the line parts of the system was phased out in 1995 in involved in since the shooting down of the DC-3 than in
connection with the closing of the First flygeskadern 1952, facilitated the government's quick and clear
system was probably the world leader. Thereafter statement ( "Keep the limit!") Greatly for us to act quickly
retained only the planning and evaluation components at and correctly.
division level.
The crisis also showed that it is not enough just to
In the information war also includes electronic warfare. Thanks to have good weapons war, be competent ver also weapons
the modification of jamming the capsule and to handle crises.

SK 37 received a second life

as telekrigsflyg- plane SK
37E. Photo:

Lars-Ake Siggelin

Aircraft Pictures are sometimes
singularly beautiful. Here we see
two SF 37 in the mountains. .
Photo: F 21

One need weapons to give clear, but not provocative,

a difficult transition, which was facilitated by that you
warning in different contexts, and to shoot with limited
could do it with AJ 37 so that it was ready for the
effect. This is easily overlooked, but crucial to be able to
introduction of the JAS 39th
cope with crises, so that they do not escalate into war!
• To JAS 39 could provide the desired effect required a
functioning management systems. It also required

With the AJ-modification increased Vig- gensystemets effective planning system that could deliver mission

operational effect, so that the well was enough for the computer for the JAS 39 and evaluation system that

remaining time until the JAS system could be introduced. could evaluate the data and intelligence for the

Another aspect of the AJS modification that easily bypasses mission. Thanks to AJS 37 and the integrated
seen, however, the important preparatory work for the development of FASA / PLA was possible to also
introduction of the JAS 39, which was made possible by AJS develop such systems, so they were ready when the
system: JAS 39 was introduced. During the development of
AJS37 should note two things:

• Three separate driver training (fighter, attack and

reconnaissance driver) would merge to be
accommodated in a common syllabus for the
• It was careful to expressed Operat- ational requirements
"multi-role-driver", but with about the same extent as
förmågetermer (what should be the aerospace plane) without
each of the three separate courses. This was an
unnecessary micromanagement of technology requirements
extensive and difficult work that must be completed
(how to do).
by the introduction of the JAS 39. The work was
• It is applied in stages evolutionary development of
helped very much by that one had a enhetsflyg- plan
user participation, a method of international comparison
in the form of AJS 37 to do it with.
appears to be unique to Sweden. This methodology
can be some of the success keys behind that Sweden
can develop avionics systems that stand up well in
• JAS system presupposed that also AVR's Bass system
could handle the different functions fighter, attack and
comparison with the great powers best.

reconnaissance. This was

Reconnaissance Viggen - SF / SH 37
S 37 was a reconnaissance system - a means of gathering normal was that all missions were carried out with
intelligence. The aircraft S 37 was in two versions - SH 37 complete crew. The cameras' input settings such as
and SF 37. H in SH stands for maritime surveillance. F SF
exposure, aperture, frame rate and image motion
stands for photo reconnaissance. In each reconnaissance
division included both versions. In the air force began compensation (BIRK) was made by the driver with
Kurt Jensen, field pilots retraining to S37 in 1976 with substantially personnel from respect to the light conditions and flight parameters.
in 1954, officer F 11. 1. div F 13 was added up on 1 October due 2. div C 17 Over- view camera, however, required preset on the
1960, the division manager 1978 and 1. div F 21 1979th
and flight operations at F 11. ground.
flight safety by E 1 and
manage Spa / Und-section,
SF 37 substituting S 35E Dragon which was a
also at E 1st
SH 37 replaced primarily S 32C Lansen whose main task single-seat photo reconnaissance aircraft with cameras
was maritime surveillance. S 32 was a complete for photographing at low and high altitude by day. S 35
surveillance aircraft with cameras for photo reconnaissance could, in the latter part of their operational period even
at both low and high altitudes. Photo Reconnaissance carry a mörkerspa- accession capsule (MSK) for use at a
during darkness could be performed, but with photo bombs low height (<500 m). The main aim of MSK was to
and only from height - a passable from motverkanssyn- extend photo day at dawn and dusk. The equipment
angle method. Radar Reconnaissance could not be could also BE USED against well distinguishable targets
implemented without a navigator who could photograph the during darkness. The same MSK later used on S 37th
The prototype of the SF
37. This aircraft was radar display or handplotta detected radar echoes on the
originally AJ 37, map. Fotospa- accession could, as far as the handling of
37 033, which was converted
the cameras, performed without a navigator, but it S 35 had automatic exposure control (AEK) affecting
into fotospanings- version.
Photo: Saab
the cameras aperture and shutter excluding detaljkame-

No less than six cameras were
in- lated in the nose of the SF
37. The entire nose cover
could be removed, but in the
daily The services ten needed
to access only the doors
opened. Photo: Niklas Knutzen

acids in höghöjdsalternativet who demanded RI dåbyte longitude and latitude of goals and markers. EF best
on the ground to change the exposure time. BIRK setting entry in the aircraft, it was possible to drive through the
made by the driver. programmed route and check the courses and distances.
The tactic for photo reconnaissance mission was high During the flight, it was possible to perform so-called
speed and low altitude, or the shortest possible time at the brytpunktsfix and SH 37 also radarfix. It-take involved the
height of the target area, the task demanded it. The resetting of the resulting navigation error. Map of track
fotospaningsmål who was present for the divisions that were and amortization position markings was still a need for
output based in southern Sweden was usually räckviddsmax reconnaissance missions.
with little available combat reserve. This applied in particular S
35E of the hanged countermeasures got rid of one of the four
cases the tanks. In the head-up display presented speed- vector,
timeline, course and both radar altitude air data height.
When passing the inflection point was also turning
S 37 - a large boost for reconnaissance flight command to the next course. SI meant safety
Viggen was the first aircraft in Sweden and among the improvement in all respects, but particularly in
first in the world that was equipped with a central low-altitude flight.
computer, CK 37. It was mainly CK 37 and its ability to S 37 could have two missiles IR type for
compile information, calculate the various parameters self-defense. SH 37 could also shoot 04. S RB 37 was
and control features that made it possible to relieve the thus the first beväpnde the reconnaissance aircraft
driver and efficiently make use of the sensors in S 37. S in air Force then
37 also had better range than its predecessors. When S 18. During an armed forces training in the early 1990s
flying on grundmo- tower could keep a good pace with took part S 37 for the first time in the fighter during a
reasonable fuel consumption. major exercise. It was part of the prelude to the AJS 37th

S 37 could carry two capsules motme- part, strips and

The S 37 passed reconnaissance plane from the era IR flares in capsule KB and equipment for the disturbance
'clock, compass and map "to" Navigational aids systems in the capsule KA / U22. The countermeasure system
and map ". At the mission's planning took driver out also included radarvarnaren App 27. Radar detectors
coordinates in longitude were

Reconnaissance photo SF 37. Also in S 29, S 32 and S 35 and the equipments and not S 37 had also a conventional tape recorders for recording
The photo shows the SF 37 F
least improved presentation to the driver afterwards. speech which the driver could register the data at such
13-02 and miscellaneous
When radarvarnaren in S 37 indicated that the aircraft reconnaissance eyes.
klargörings- vehicle in the rear
clarification region at was illuminated by any type of radar recorded the signals SF 37 had cameras for photo reconnaissance from
Hultsfredsfestivalen base during received can App 48. The content in the App 48 could height alternate long distance during the day and from
an exercise
then be evaluated on the ground. In certain frequencies low altitude during both daylight and darkness. At high

, 1992.
could be deduced carrier frequency, pulse repetition altitude / distance shooting used simultaneously
Photo: 1.div. F 13 frequency and antenna scan patterns. S 37 was lodmonterade three cameras, two, 31 and a Should 24C
therefore certain signal intelligence capability. at 600 and 57 mm focal width. Should 31 photographed
details and should 24C took the view photos. At
låghöjdsfoto- graph ring by day one camera Should 24C
When the driver using a sensor re- was registered in with 120 mm focal length. Of these, one directed to each
the data camera (DKA). There were marked which sensor side and one forward.
was active, aerospace plane's geographical position as the
navigation system, course, speed, pitch and roll angle, and
the radar surveillance, state the measured radar echoes. At låghöjdsfotografering with SF 37 during twilight
The idea of ​DKA was absolutely excellent. The equipment used darkness reconnaissance capsule (MSK) left and
is facilitated in a decisive way the assessment of the right. MSK left contained three cameras will be 34 to 75
reconnaissance mission. The only drawback was that the mm focal length including two directed obliquely
recording was made on film that required development and downwards to each side and one was lodriktade. MSK
special equipment for evaluation. left also contained a lighting unit BXE 103 working

SF 37 F 13 at low level.
On the left side body bar
hangs a mörkerspanings-
capsule, MSK. Photo: Åke

with infrared light. Because the goal to the right of the 200. The camera had long focal length, 1610
aircraft was poorly illuminated due to the extra tank etc., it was gyro-stabilized and photographed ferade
shaded, equipped SF 37 even with a MSK right that sideways through a mirror. CA 200 could perform either string
contained only BXE photo or tracking. It was programmed and controlled via the
103rd CK 37. The camera was mounted in a capsule that carried
A camera with the new technology used at low altitude the additional tank space. Assignments genomför- des
during both daylight and darkness where the infrared camera always at high altitude and in rotation.
VKA 702 in SF 37. IR technology was used to image the
target area. Unlike S 32C and partly S 35E needed no presets
Although SH 37 had some fotospaningsförmå- ga. SH 37 Expo neringsvärden, frame rate or BIRK. In S 37 was
could be a MSK hand opening. It was identical to the controlled with this automatic exposure control of
corresponding SF 37. Furthermore, the SH 37 is normally respective cam and via CK.
equipped with a camera capsule in beam position to the right
Mörkerspanings- capsule
of ex- tratanken. The capsule contained a forward-facing In SF 37 could obtain taktikkom- command. The driver
MSK. In the front part was
camera with a 600 mm focal length, Shall 24D. The camera entered in Photos from planned högfoto and photo height
Ka merorna mounted in the
body was from S 35E Lens was newly manufactured. and shooting distance in the scheduled distance photo. It middle electronics and the
was inscribed into the current målbrytpunkt. powerful The batteries that
supported flash units at the
In the 1980s, modified four SH 37 to use the camera During the flight was lit timeline of SI 40 seconds
CA before the resume point. absorption

was made with 5g and the simultaneous operation of EBK BOX, which meant that the navpanelen could enter long / lazy
(zone 2 or 3 depending on the chosen photo height). Uptake corners of the PLA impregnated reconnaissance area. When
height to beam in neutral (became 60 degrees at the photo the radar was knocked to shown the recorded area of ​the CI. A
height of 2000 m). Photo taken during the ascent. When the modification anywhere that facilitated implementation of
height of the beam jumped down, rollade to the supine position, maritime surveillance. Another feature that was added was the
treated with 2 g loading the beam was in neutral, the role of shadow that meant the driver could read the echoes being
right-side and the photo of the target, extinguishing the EBK measured position and course and speed of data indicator 2nd
and sunset at low altitude.

The radar, PS-371, the SH 37 was designed primarily for Radar Shock meant homing at low altitude, the
reconnaissance against targets on the surface but also had planned location pitch of 500 to 1000 m, "the radar to"
some ability to scouting against air targets. The radar had some sweeps, selecting memory mode, turn to the
sector PPI with measurement regions 20, 40, 80 and 160 km opposite course during recessing to the minimum height
and also gets a B skopsmod with the measuring range + 15 for the autopilot in position altitude and then feeding the
echoes " peace and quiet". If the task was reporting in
- 5 km away from the outsourced circle cursor. When the the air was, however, still had to use speech channel
radar was opened started registrerkameran, RKA 40. This carrying to transmit the information.
photographed centralindika- tower (C) as long as the radar
was. At the infeed of a radar echo presented echo position
in longitude / latitude data indicator 2. This was specific to A small detail, which was invaluable, was the fuel
the SH 37 and was positioned upper right of the instrument gauge "tie". The tie gave con- tinuous information on the
panel. Echoes being measured positions was recorded also amount of fuel required to reach the planned landing site

"The tie" on the fuel in DKA. at the current speed and altitude. The tie was especially
gauge always showed valuable for maritime surveillance when it was difficult to
how much fuel is needed
With the experience gained, which was modified determine before the start time aerospace and fuel
to fly home.
radar surveillance function hindsight. Among other consumption in the monitoring area.
Photo: T. Caspersson things, introduced the function

Incident Preparedness reconnaissance

Incident Preparedness reconnaissance maintained 24

hours a day all year round. Standby time was one hour in
the office and two hours at other times. Preparedness
was used frequently by the respective military
commander (MB) ship identification and monitoring of the
activities that occurred at sea during the Cold War. The
operation was marked by realism and gave a lot of
experience and important information for the country's

SH 37 took readiness as the S 32C. Soon after the

shift was found that did not receive the same photo
results in identification with Lance. SH 37 had their
forward-facing camera should 24D. It was a good option
in the identification of ships at long distances but not to
obtain detailed information such as antenna equipment

An SH 37 F 13 Woo a
west German destroyer.
Photo: Åke Andersson

and armament. If one were to take detaljbil- der of a ship After the murder of Olof Palme, we flew over Stockholm
from the side, you had to fly than at low altitude across and photographed. The aim was to possibly find the
the ship and pass at low altitude, which could be murder weapon that could be thrown up on a roof. The
perceived as provocative. SH 37 incidentbered- weapon still serves not found.
properties had always MSK hanged to perform
identification in the dark. To improve access to detailed Early one Sunday morning alerted input
photo during daylight modified a number of MSK for cidentberedskapen. There had been a storm during the night
better light function, but the result was still not and a fishing boat was missing southeast of Gotland. We had
comparable to the S 32C was delivered. The solution received information on where the fisheries kebåten had
was to take the SF 37. At first only during office hours. In fished and sea rescue had calculated that the boat could be
this way ensured a good photo results. Eventually deep in the southeast corner of the Baltic Sea. We divided
comprised preparedness a rotating SH SF 37. This was the search area.
justified even by flight safety reasons, the Warsaw Pact
fighter began increasingly to the Swedish The rescue helicopter from Visby had searched
reconnaissance. during the night but did not have the ability to search the
entire southeastern Baltic Sea. Shortly after the start, I
could on my radar to measure the echoing around 10 mil
south of Hoburgen. The echo had no measurable speed.
Injuries since I have identified some common trade men
Some memories of those who were with south of Gotland, I approached the tie-up echoes. I saw
Åke Olofsson, the former head of 1.div C 13: Water leaks in immediately that it was a capsized fishing boat. No
Luleå water pipe. The entire town was without water. I was people in sight. Galley was partly south Act and the mast
on the F 21 for trial in early Spaningsviggens dressing was broken. The boat had troli- gene turned around
existence. We photographed the entire Luleå värmekame- several times during the storm but the bilge pump went
ran and became heroes in the papers because we found the out and sprayed water

TEN. A 10-15 meter long rope hanging behind the boat. every two to four hours. Our task was to provide a basis
There had probably liferaft rite vacuum attachment. I for operational managers for their assessment of possible
reported directly to the sea rescue device which ordered changes in the normal image on the sea. We delivered
the rescue helicopter to start. It subsequently emerged progress reports and photos of identified dangerous
that a Russian merchant in the early morning had fabric during both daylight and darkness.
dreamed up the fishing boat's empty life raft and reported
this to his own rescue. It took a few days before the The most spectacular event of foreign submarines
Swedish sea rescue was notified, but then it was at the was of course the U 137th
time. On board the fishing boat had been two adults and 1. div F 13 maintained the incident preparedness when the
two children. The children were with EF whereas they order came from the military commander of the southern
were were off from school. Several fisheries kebåtar had military region (MBS) to the root would start against the
been in the area and fishing but went home due to bad Blekinge as a Soviet submarine was aground inside the
weather. Why this fishing boat stayed did not know. archipelago. We strongest started with a SH and SF 37.
Our task was to monitor the sea area south and southeast
of Blekinge in respect of operations that could be perceived
as a rescue attempt.
Two aircraft S 37 from F div 1. 13 havsöver- watched
ostergotland and was approached by two Soviet fighter The root planned to low altitude when The proximity
aircraft. S 37: s were in protracted column. One fighter made us Blekinge archipelago. We split up and I flew in the
plane flew into the water and broke down between the SF 37 to U 137, while the driver of the SH 37 went out to
Swedish reconnaissance aircraft. After this event had a sea for radar reconnaissance.
Soviet hunting severe limitations that allowed us to
operate in the area outside the Baltic region without being I made a number of flybys and photographed U 137
disturbed. at low altitude. Launching way, there were a number of
civilian aircraft that were circulating in the area around
In connection with the submarine incidents we ran the U 137, but they left when they met me. After photo-
intermittently almost out of SH flight time. U 137 - the tograferingen I flew out to sea. I took radio contact with
deal was exciting, but for us SH 37 and got the position on the three ships that sailed
1. div F 13 was Harsfjarden incident was the most serious. in the column on a westerly course. I flew to the state
As I think I remember we flew with countermeasure pods and made visual contact with the three ships. I pulled up
and crisp IR robotisation few workouts. and flew parallel to the ship column from behind
låghöjdsfoto by side cameras as routine. The ship at the
In the 1980s, the Soviet Union conducted several back was of the Tracker. The middle was a small
large landing exercises. We ordered so we had to transport ship and lead ship was a modern affirmative
"practice" against them during the shipping phase and owners of type Krivak. I started to photograph, but when I
learned a lot about how we would behave if the attack passed the destroyer, it was not like it used to be with
was directed against us. S 37 meant that during the late staff on deck waved and watched. I was hit by an
1970s and throughout the 1980s was operationally unpleasant feeling when I saw that all the doors were
superior to the Soviet Union fighters. We were masters of closed and no one was to be seen on deck. I konstaterde
the Hill until the MiG-23 Flogger came. that it probably was not so healthy to be as close as I
was. I perceived it as the destroyer was ready for
something more serious than I've seen at previous
meeting-ten. I took out enough distance and announce
Jan Andersson, former director of the first div C 13:

In the 1980s, occurred a number ubåtsinci- presidents

where reconnaissance flights were used around the clock
for days and weeks on end. During certain periods, we
monitored the sea

37, the SH state. We sent reconnaissance report to the Similarly, followed NATO Rest of connections in the
sprinkler, canceled the mission and landed on the F 13. Baltic and the North Sea. One such day exercise in the
playoff F 17 over the task. Baltic Sea, which I remember as being different, was
In June each year, conducted WP a major naval when the battleship Idaho WWII participated with NATO
exercise. Exercise extent conditioned varied from year to strike force.
year, but in 1983 became ZAPAD, the exercise was called, a
comprehensive exercise involving the landing crafts and
protect ships and fighter planes in a coordinated exercise. Termination.
Through intelligence orientations inputs were transformed us S 37 was a good and robust reconnaissance aircraft with
that something was going on. It began when we discovered great technology and smart solutions. We flew experienced
the ship echoes on the road inside the Gulf of Riga, and then a major step in devel- opment. SF 37 and SH 37 were
we started to follow the progress of the exercise. together a good flight systems, which during his lifetime
delivered numerous important intelligence to the
reconnaissance aviation stakeholders.
The weather during the period was not the best with
low cloud bases and poor visibility the fog. It affected our 1993 initiated the modification of a speech AJ AN and S
ability to identify the participating entities. Deposits AJS 37 to 37 with a view to achieving a more efficient
ledningsvis we were consequently only radarun- derlag utilization of the various limits the version.
from the exercise. Above clouds flew their hunting
protection in a particular pattern similar to our jakts That after 14 years remember everything about S 37
standby modes. The exercise was followed over a was impossible. To boost the memory, I have had contact
number of days with direction south towards the southern with: Åke Olofsson, Jan Andersson, Rolf Danielsson, Lars
Baltic coast. At some point eased the clouds and we got Sjoberg, Lars Moller, Sven-Bertil Loof and Kjell Nordstrom.
hot the possibility to photograph and thereby identify the The mission is nearly
complete. An SF 37 just before
participating vessels.
planting. Photo: Lars-Ake

YES 37 in the Air Force
In the spring of 1980, we got the second division F13 in "Super thirty fifth". What we could do with the dragon, we could
Norrköping that we have long been waiting for,
immediately do with YES 37. Everything was simpler to
Air Force's new fighter jet YES 37 "Hunting Viggen".
implement and with a considerably lower stress level.
We waited was because many of us thought we stayed in
the development of hunting drivers with J 35 Draken. We
Jerry Pousette, a major in the needed something new that had the ability to adapt as the The way we behave in the air was initially the same
Air Force. Having flown total of threat landscape changed, while giving us the ability to
as before. Tactical unit was rotated or group of Civil
500 hours over 4 mainly in J constantly evolve with the system. The Dragon was
visual the contact. It appeared early on that the airplane
35, JA 37 and JAS required replacement of appliances to new features could
be added. Now would be sufficient to reprogram the had great potential, drivers became more efficient in JA
39. Between 1990 and 2007 central computer to the new desired features would 37 than in the Drakensberg, which meant that as a driver
he was the test pilot of the become a reality. could take on more and more tasks.

After having completed two flying sessions in the Arms

two-seater SK 37-ball we had to start flying YES 37. YES, which stands for hunting attack, was specially built for
passes in SK 37 felt more like a formality, since the fighting targets in the air. The A stands for attack thought
Viggen was much easier to fly than the Dragon. All many of us would be written with small letters. This is
included in the first retraining had many years of because we still generating had the same type of weapon
experience in operational flight of the Dragon. After four that the drag-ken when it came to ground capability: cannon
to five flights passports in our new machine we were just and rockets.
as operationally efficient in that we were the last pass of
the Dragon. It felt that built the system with experience The load in our training mission was usually four RB
from J 35F. We had a 24J Sidewinder, two RB 71 skyflash and 120 shots
charged in Oerlikonkanonen.

TU 37 YES F 13
1980. From left: Åke
Lindqvist, Per-Olof Eldh,
Berndt Weimer, Carsten

Bo Andersson, Jerry
Pousette Per Ekeberga
grove, Kjell Ericsson, Jan
Agner. Photo: F 13

It was not always we had hung the load physically but while we were able to keep us further from the goal than Hunting Viggen with RB 71

well fictitious. The ability to hang robotisation fictitious the before. The robot also gave us the opportunity to shoot and RB 74. Photo: Åke
aircraft made the realism of the exercises were very from a höjdö- Verlage which had not been possible before.
good. The drivers were able to work with the system It was natural to try to determine the battle before the
exactly the same way as the real weapons throughout targets discovered us visually, which was not very popular
AN case even firing without any real robot left the with the divisions we samövade with. Frustration was
aircraft. Naturally, the big target path when the target path after
fluorine had been provided, and the only thing they were
RB 24J, with infrared homing device, we had with us told was "The attack clearly new contact". They asked why
from the Dragon system. The difference now was that the often ultimatum to participate in samövningar- na, namely,
system introduced when skjutvillko- clean were met and the that the assault would be continued into visual contact so
missile could be fired. This is like a little, of many examples that a dogfight could be developed.
of how the system from the start relieved the driver and
gave him more time for other assessments compared with
the Dragon.
The gun and aiming system for this was a big boost.
RB 71 was a semi-active radar missile that required that The projectiles had after depreciation Fyring same speed
they had their radar directed towards the target during the of 1 000 m as the initial speed was in the Dragon non Ka.
entire robot running time. Even so, it was probably the one This resulted in improvements to the dogfight have the
who in the beginning made the biggest difference in the opportunity to shoot at goal in all aspect angles, which in
battle character. Unlike RB 24J could be used in all VA costs turn led to many more occasions sheet while maintaining
and in almost all angles apart from the goal, SA-

The picture shows the theoretically
sound possible shooting range with
JA 37 / Oerlikon compared to an
aircraft armed with conventional
tional 30 mm akan, t. Ex. Aden.

With JA 37 was thus possible to

shoot from the front. Both the
JA 37 / Oerlikon
airplanes NEN flying at low
altitudes at high subsonic speeds.


JA 37 / Oerlikon

conventional akan

margin so to avoid collision with the target. very well designed. With access to a number of
functions, "HOTAS" (Hands On Throttle And Stick), the
We also trained attack with long shooting distance, which electronic The presentation together with the central
meant shooting distance of over 1200 meters in computer (which really was a second crew man) got the
bakifrånsektorn and three to four times as far from the front, job as a fighter pilot is easier than ever before. The only
depending on the target's speed. The advantage of this was steps backward was the operation of the autopilot that
that we could AN turning the gun against targets which were was more difficult than the dragon and his status was not
equipped with defensive gun without themselves getting into as comfortable.
the danger zone. The warhead of the projectile was considered
so powerful that it was assumed that a single hit would
incapacitate an ordinary attack aircraft. The electronic presentation consisted of the tactical
indicator (TI), siktlinjesindi- applicator (SI) and
målindikatorn (MI).
To carry out attack with the cannon on optimized by TI gave us good business environment perception.
advanced shooting distance as in live firing against vingmål There, presented a moving map with piling level information
was so simple that the type of training usually carried out such as own position with the momentum vector, own
with reservsiktes- systems. breakpoints, battle management information about the target
position with the velocity vectors and danger areas, etc. It is
now looked at a påtag- way their situation in the world and
System design made this a good information base for quick decisions.
Based on the information we hunt pilots so far have been
exposed to the cabin

MI presented a clear digital B skops- radar. B-bucket opportunity to scout while tracking was going on.
legacy of the 35-system is in my opinion a far superior
method of presentation when it comes to fighters and air The radar also changed our relationship to the battle
target presentation. The scale was in 1980 limited to 60 line. Earlier radarjakt- leader conducted leadership
km which was 20 km further than 35F had. The virtually right up to the delivery of the robot. With JA 37
difference was that the radar had scope to see the full was lead until radar contact, then Item No. Røren
range out to con- trast to previous systems. assumed responsibility for the approach to missile

In MI was also information from the combat lead in With the relatively large radarsökvolymen (by
the form of a circle of the radar echo hunt leader wanted contemporary standards) we saw the opportunity to use
a attack. Målfart, target height, control command and the JA 37 to "gapfiller" thus to ensure radar coverage
input formative text messages were also presented. This where air surveillance had no radar coverage. Forms for
information, we also had to drag kensystemet, but now it GE nomföra radar barrier web was developed and auto
could be presented to a driver more optimal way. autonomously conduct was born.

With the introduction of the JA 37 was also the end

SI featured flight status information at all angles, thus of "fair chase essen". There was now no longer in
giving full control in lodlägena. It was particularly important retrospect talk to him victories in air battles. The system
during heavy operation while at the same time would have a of EDU (education recorder) did that in retrospect could
visual check on other aircraft in the combat zone. There see what had happened UN- der flight.
were also some tactical information in the SI with target
identification, etc. SI can be compared to more modern
systems see Li Tet out. but the image presented in the glass
was greater than the pieces of glass in the windscreen gave flight Performance

the impression. Leaned to his head a little to the left, you JA 37 was flight technical sharper than AJ 37 with a stronger
could see more of the presentation to the right and vice and considerably less pumpkäns- Resistant engine. It had
versa. good top speed and acceleration, better than both the previous
and efterkom- upcoming hunting systems. Was reached with
ease Mach 1.2 at the lowest height. The deceleration that
In total, the system's presentation surfaces a driver appeared when you switched off the efterbrännkam- chamber
for that time very good business environment perception at maximum speed to the minimum height is difficult to
and the ability to retrieve information whenever he describe but felt to be enormous. In addition, the aircraft was
needed. Information previously must keep in HU vudet easily flown much, much easier to fly than the Dragon. This
then to interpret the data from the instruments and can be ascribed to the digital control machine that came with
weapons control. the fighter version of the Viggen.

The radar led perhaps the greatest reduction in

stress levels because we now had the ability to lock and Flight Performance was tested up to a few times a
shoot at targets that flew lower, without being disturbed week when it was most intense in the mid-1980s. We
by ground clutter. When målförbanden flew at treetop took the opportunity namely often exploiting American
height could calmly follow the target with radar and SR-71 Blackbird goal when they did their reconnaissance
shooting radar missile from a safe height. Most times this company in the Baltic Sea. It also happened that one and
is applied, the target very small possibilities to discover other so-called Soviet Professor sorsfartyg, as anchored
us. The radar also looked twice as far as the dragon in our test area to listen to our operations, got a
radar and had demonstration of YES 37's sonic performance

Try different colors YES
37. The nearly white gill
was not the pilots. Photo:
John Dahlin

the lowest height. The result was usually that they left the by different tones could be heard in the headphones. It
area. was now easier to use the aircraft's turn performance in
Despite good acceleration performance and top full and the drivers were using this, when it came to
speed was not traditional dogfight YES 37's area. Turn maneuvering ability, peer even at a higher level than the
Performance was poorly League that it would engage in Dragon Age.
melee, especially pronounced the lower the momentum
they had. Ideally, the battle to be settled before it was in A novelty for us fighter pilots was that JA 37 had
"close contact". Would you venture into the aircraft with been equipped with a radar detector, probably the
superior swing performance was important to maintain simpler kind even at that time. The warning was
momentum. We conducted the part flying sessions composed of one or more of the four lamps were lit at the
where we would engage in dogfight at supersonic and same time as a sound could be heard in the headphones.
high subsonic speeds at low to medium altitude. They saw that it was lit, the lights entered from the
Remember these passports incredibly annoying because quadrant light occurred and with the help of tonsig-
the load most of the time was between six and seven margin could possibly determine what type of radar it
grams. Pas then carried out as tactical testing and before was.
the engine down-regulation.

Further development

During YES 37's operational time was modi- fications in

both software and hardware. With approximately
two-year intervals obtained new software to the aircraft.
Each updating contained amounts of the changes and
improvements in the system. Barely two years after the
Limit warning GVV gjor- those that we could listen to first delivery we received the first delivery of new
when we were approaching the limit of stable or software (ED 22). This was for us the di-
maximum g-loading

vision of an end to the continual renewal of the system. fin appear too clear when the aircraft was lined up on the
Adaptations of features that met the threat and the driver's war bases that were out in the woods, so even this had
demands began to be introduced. The ED 22 was the driver for the dark gray color.
example the opportunity to put more information on the TI. He

was also possible accordingly to choose different radar search Upon delivery of the ED 26, in 1985, obtained the
program with automatic lock, depending on the situation. hunting link which meant that we could send the input
information to each other between the two aircraft. You
1983 began the test with new variants of camouflage could see each other on the TI and which combat value of
paintings aircraft. The need had arisen against the rotated comrade had. Introduction of the link changes in
background of homing against an expected enemy GE behavior significantly. Having previously flown with mutual
nomfördes from height superiority. The enemy would eye contact developed a performance as we called indirect
then most likely see us with the sky as the background interaction. We were able to attack from different directions,
why the green color that was inherited from the AJ 37 with different depths and distances within their own units,
was too dark. Before the tests we got airplanes painted and still have control over each other without information
in three variants of gray, one of them was almost white, from the battle line.
and would correspond sunlit clouds. The bright color was
something we hardly wanted to use operationally, but it
was nice and made good on the picture. The other colors 1986 introduced a ground collision warning
were dark and the Middle langråa. We concluded that an (MKV) which warned the driver of a risk of collision with
essentially dark gray over the page with middle bottom, the ground was. A feature such as this would have saved
fin and nose would fill our requirements. For some many pilots in the previous system and has certainly
reason valued land side objected to a medium gray fin contributed to help a lot of dangerous situations in JA
higher than ours to evade detection in the air. It was felt 37th
that The software was also an update that enabled radar
search leader to point out two more goals. For us, this
The ultimate goal ningens
means better control during the attack on execution Photo: Saab

e.g. any hunting escort in målförbandet up came at the same spirit, expanded radar's ability to detect sea targets. The
time as the primary goal could be singled out. function was developed in 1995 was a first edition that
only showed echoes, thus no speed and course were
RB 74 also introduced in connection with this update. presented to the pilot.
The robot resembled RB 24J but had better performance,
which in turn gave us more shooting opportunities. The idea was to present effort against lufmål sea
would make any sweeping over havsy- tan to get control
In 1991 modified in some hardware "Modpaket C". of any enemy naval vessels and thus be able to avoid
With this modification came SAD 30, which includes falling within the scope of their air defense. The function
contained additional målpre- representation of battle was not developed further, but the idea was to give a
management. Radarjaktle- Daren now had the opportunity presentation of the air-tank threat TI.
to point out five objectives for the fight. The radar was
upgraded to cope with tracking on two goals while
reconnaissance could be performed. We were given Now also introduced a siktesberäkning the perfectly
hereby another better world view and an even better basis matched shooting from a distance of arak, a function
for rapid decisions depending on the enemy's actions. previously produced for AJ 37. Feeling the shooting was
to nosläget can- des high and that the goal was hardly
visible. This feature was designed for use against
It was now as torches and strips were introduced to surface targets as air landing areas while we are in the
YES 37. Earlier, AJ 37 and SF / SH 37 has been testing fired on board, hence the difficulty of seeing the
equipped with this. Naturally, this would originally have target.
increased our chances for survival if we were BE- shot
by the robot. Hunting link continued to develop and we had four
active members of the link from 1997. A group (four
Another interesting modification was carried out on aircraft) YES 37 in search effort that operated together
this occasion, air braking function was removed. The could be scattered in an area with an area of ​100 x 100
reason for this was to release the air brake button to the km. The requirements for enhanced training areas grew
second, which we felt, important functions. Air brakes increasingly larger.
had poor efficiency and the best way to quickly bring
down the speed was gasav- draw with simultaneous
increase of the angle of attack. Get aircraft struck Viggen Modpaket D
in the ability to reduce the speed through the stop rolls. In 1998 came the first part of YES 37's "mid-life update"
(MLU), modpaket D. The purpose of the modification was
that in a good way to meet the increasingly modern the
Despite very good sighting at akan- shooting ranged airplanes concentration in our threat and give the driver
firing results some of the best and worst drivers in the the opportunity to serve in an international environment.
divisions:. Medicine for this was "automatic matsiktning," A jumper with new buttons were on the throttle which
which meant that they linked siktesberäkningarna to allowed HOTAS control of sturgeon capsule U95 and
control the machine that took over the fine control, the some other valuable features.
drivers only have to rough aim at the target. The system
pre- firing results improved substantially for the co- and
re drivers for all contributed to reducing the workload Several buttons were also placed under MI, primarily
during siktesfasen. intended for functions that require direct access but not
as time critical threatened buttons.

Because the threat pointed out that most air battles A fictional robot, RB 99 (AMRAAM) tillför- des in the
would occur over the sea and the threat from the ships on software, this was very valuable as we already before we
the sea surface was imminent could hang it in the workshop

ligheten was able to use it in our exercises. When the electronic displays. The value of this can not be emphasized
robot was delivered later was the basis for the use and enough because the interaction of different nationalities in
utbildningsan- screenings already completed written. PFP exercises became more common.

Regarding the audio information from the aircraft to With the expanded capabilities of the aircraft was
the driver, it had so far rite vacuum in the form of also required improved planeringsmöj- opportunities
different sounds. Now obtained voice messages through which were met with the PLA. The planning and analysis
a feature dubbed "Lator" It warned of threats electricity used by AJS 37 got new features designed for JA-37
smile leveled the keystrokes etc. that information to the system. We were now in a calmer environment in the
driver. That it did not get hot "Prator", which it really was, division filling data rod, through the PLA, with amounts of
you know, only the most initiated. data and then the aircraft easily transfer them to your Perhaps the most important

computer system. Without this system, we had to enter modification in the mode D, the
new färgin- indicator of the same
the data manually via the LCD panel on the aircraft
type that are currently sitting in
The drivers could from now obtain both feet and the JAS 39C.
knots of metric units

except with the help of color former functions more
clearly. The color was not what was crucial to acquire
new indicator, it was the size.

It had in recent years become increasingly important

to get a good overview of a growing area as the own and
alien robots had a longer range. The function to be able
to scale the TI-map had been before but led to the large
number of symbols that could simultaneously Item No.
rekomma TI-picture became one porridge in shell
replacement. With a larger image was separation relation
between the different symbols in most cases completely

Interference Capsule U95 gave us the opportunity to

Interference Capsule U95 with a considerable time lag as a result. In extreme work in the environment with greater threat than
"Shaft" could be worn by JA cases, it could be an hour or two. Previously. It gave us the ability to electronically interfere
37D and 37E SK.
with the opponent while we acted aggressively. The U95

Photo: Emil Lindberg With mod D Stage 2 was completed YES 37 the MLU. was also a radio darvarningsfunktion presented at TI. The
A new device for recording and downloading data operation was a great boost in comparison to what we
introduced, called a Data Transfer Unit (DTU), which latter had before.
also introduced in the JAS 39C. It replaced the tapes which
until now has been used for recording the flight passes. A The modifications carried out on the radio darn
GPS module supplemented navsystemet and gave it more throughout YES 37's active time was myck- et significant
precise. From a driver's point of view, it was important and helped enormously drivers in the cabin. Since mod D
especially at AN faces of the link associated with målför- had low implemented e.g. radar detection against air
sharing the attacks against several targets simultaneously. targets well in class with the JAS 39. The radar had also
got features that even today, in 2009 high class and
which are or will be available for several more years in
We who were there when the Air Force still adjusting other systems.
was large and air force exercises contained amounts of
the aircraft, which had a need to be heard on the radio at
the same time, could easily see that the radio YES 37 had the courage D and ED 36, the
modification of courage D Stage 2 was a necessity. In the operational last edition delivered
adaptation to international missions where many aircraft In 2001, one of the most modern systems in a slightly
while staying on the same radio frequency, we were back aging platform. What is still missing was an
in the same situation as before. A tvåradiosystem internationally viable identification system (NS / IFF).
introduced with the ability to send and receive at the
same time on two voice channels. The overall impression of the JA 37 is that the Armed
Forces have never had or will have an equally flexible
aircraft YES 37. An aircraft that was user-friendly, in
The most conspicuous and one of the main points constant renewal and with great development potential.
the modifications, the new 6x8-inch color display, which That system had been able to go as far as it did was the
was of the same type that currently sits in the JAS 39C. It result of a unique way of working, and partly to skilled
provided many new opportunities for presentation and people in 37 system from the Armed Forces, FMV and
maneuvering of new features. It made its Saab.

Incident Assignment with YES 37
YES 37 meant new opportunities for incident assignments. to Mach 2.98 to 3.0. The flight then continued eastward
YES 37 had good sonic performance and endurance. The along the GDR and Poland's coasts and after left turn
range was clearly better than J 35. YES 37's armament
north along the Baltic coast. This was followed by a left
systems management from the sprinkler had very good
performance and was rated as world leading. This was turn that gave a flight path south of Åland and down over
tried during the incident contact the SR-71st It should be Gotska lake and then point to the internationally airspace Per-Olof Eldhestar graduated

added that a plurality of contacts also occurred with J 35 in at Ljungbyhed 1971. Has
between Öland and Gotland. Initially, the SR-71 violated
1980-1982. been division manager at F
Södertörn its Mach 3-turn. Foreign Ministry protested
13, worked with the tactical
against this and SR-71 then dropped his speed to Mach testing of JA 37 and the JAS
Tactical testing YES 37 FC 2.54 in order to reduce the turning radius. Then 39 Gripen and been CJAS in

TU YES 37 worked early on to develop assignment profiles increased it again to Mach 3.0 on the way down the Headquarters. He is now a
consultant in the aviation
for JA 37 including the effort towards goal at the highest passage between Öland and Gotland. At fy- RA five
level. Target types were MiG 25 Foxbat and SR 71st Both occasions flew path corresponding to clockwise. In the
types had Mach 3 performance at altitudes above 20 km. years 1977-1988 were a total of 322 flights in the Baltic
The intention was to JA 37 would make a frontal
attack with management and control data from the
sprinkler. This meant that the PS-46 also had the support Although Warsaw Pact air forces made efforts to
of a sprinkler. Simulations were conducted in JA-SYSIM SR-71 with MiG 23 Flog- gives, I-25 Foxbat and Su-15
Saab to develop beväp- system and tactics. We Flagon. According to Swedish estimates, these efforts
conducted our exercises simulated disorder and the are less successful.
simulator connected to the sprinkler. There was naturally
no opportunity to practice the target aircraft.
First incident action against SR-71
Simulator training was conducted on the F 13 to practice
Our assessment was that YES 37 would attack so close both management personnel and pilots. Careful
to the opposite course possible in framifrån- sector. The management of the sprinkler was necessary that the attack
required management or other indication of anflygande goal would be successful. All pilot lots were trained, they did not
to catch increase speed and altitude for armed intervention know the pilot who was to become familiar to the target.
in the RB 71st
The first incident connected genomför- des October
YES 37 had good supersonic performance at this time. 8 26, 1982 with the root M 49 (Jan Angner, Ulf Johansson)
000 m was carried out acceleration to Mach 1.35 in level
flight. The nose was then increased to three-five degrees
above the horizon pitch during acceleration to high altitude. It January Angner says:
was high Mach number while we remained in the altitude "We did not have any extra time to get in position, but we
envelope, which was a maximum of 16 000 meters when we were led without margins. I got the lock on SR-71 in the
practiced. left turn north Gotland and I remember one was
surprised by the unusually long målfartvektorn of MI.
Target height was more than 20 000 m with speed Mach
SR-71 activity in the Baltic 2. Because of the large convergence speed between us
USAF reconnaissance missions the SR-71 over the Baltic and the goal must supersonic ascent begins in the far
Sea was known as the "Baltic Express". SR-71: s normally distance, longer than one would have judged necessary
came into the Baltic sea 21 through 500 m altitude, Codan, if not exercised before.
about 80 km SO- der Copenhagen and then increased in

Per-Olof Eldh says:
I found myself on Gotska lake when ordered incident effort
was abandoned. Management took place from rgc 01N
"Weasel" with spray data. Target data presented in MI and
TI. I sped to Mach 1.35 8 000 m and then raised in the
control vector si to 3-5 degrees, EBK with zone III maintained
throughout the process. RB 71 electoral des for a simulated
shots. YES 37 radarräck- width was 60 kilometers and TI
covering up to 80 km. PS-46 slave was to spray the data.

Target data showed that the target flying at a westerly

course Mach 2.54 21 500 m on large depreciation position. I got
a target south of the Åland Islands of Weasel and adopted

A complacent Per-Olof Seizure final phase passed quickly and became a clockwork quickly that it could be a MiG-25 or SR-71st
Eldhestar has just landed on
180 -anfall. The pitch increased suc- cesivt in an arc
the F 13 June 24, 1980 with
upwards to maintain the target in the shooting conditions as The goal turned left and toward me. The speed
the second division's first YES
37. Photo: those presented in increased very rapidly when the angle approaching 180
MI. The goal disturb our radar, but the main- kept degrees in front sector. Shower outlet Data circle of MI with
Arne Rydh, F 13
locking. It began to creep into the body regarding the PS-46 lock icon indicating a target at the maximum
continuation of the flight after firing when my nose distance. I gave read command and PS-46 locked away.
pointing upwards and very speed dropped. But to cancel The goal boarding began intense interference on my radar
did not feel like a choice, now that we have the but retained lock.
opportunity to test our skills against the qualifying goal.
RB 71's skjutenvelop presented on the SI, MI and TI. I
When I "fired" my RB 71 I looked up and saw a black conducted a simulated depreciation fyrning middle of
shadow pass right over me and back. A shadow was skjutenvelopen with a control error close to zero.
there, some details did not appear. Approaching speed was about Mach 4.5 and
målutpekningen started increasing. I approached rapidly
Normally after the attack with RB 71 will fly to the radar highest height 16 000 m at supersonic speed.
illumination is maintained against defects let the robot to
get there. I seem to remember that in this case I did not I got a quick eye contact with ma- let - a SR-71 - that
have as big manövermöj- opportunities. I had to was perceived as graphite when it passed 2-3000 m
concentrate on my walker aircraft infinitely slowly toward above me. I started very cautiously to roll to bring down
the horizon in a kastparabel to get the nose down so that the nose. The maximum height was approximately 18
the fly could increase again. 500
m. Lowest speed was approximately Mach 1.35-1.45. When I came

I think we afterwards on the ground in the evaluation into the envelope back below 16 000 m extinguished I ebk set

equipment UTB with rb simulation, felt that the attack we incrementally.

have done enough, should be considered as successful. Once inside the second division F 13 for dressing
But margins to succeed attack on the SR-71, JA 37 was reporting etc. waited a telephone calls on me. It was
small: It required a careful balanced position, accurate Colonel Carl Norberg at Air Force Headquarters at the
management and flight, and not least important, the goal other end. He was well-informed about my incident
has not changed course in the least during the attack. " contact. It was a brief conversation I had solved the
problem, had been arming the system worked as planned

The second connector, implemented on 1 November etc. The overall impression was that everything had
1982 with the M68 worked as expected.

Here was the SR-71, No.
964, when it took the
home on one engine.
Note the engine

UTB band were analyzed and were served Visby. The goal flew 21 500 m Mach
drivers in the second division and the tactical testing 2.9 and created interference against PS 46th YES The group had

(TU). Robot simulation was carried out for quick been on time to increase the height and speed. When the team

evaluation and the attack was deemed successful. RUF leader and the runner crossed the goal was given the order to

band with all data sent to specific analysis to FMV. proceed with maximum speed when the Mach number was about 2,


Third place in the group was heard but not on the radio
dione why the commander asked, "what's up?". The answer
Insert with a trio of January 9, 1986 came, "I sail flying." Number three had raw cat out
A trio YES 37 started from F 13 south to conduct training högtemperaturstall. The engine had been pumping slightly,
contacts. Triplex consisted of the head of the second engine temperature rose and OUTLET TEMP indicated. The
divisional Commission, Per-Olof Eldhestar, and Roger driver AGE conditioned right and hilly engine and then
Möller and Ulf Johansson. restart the passage of 12 000 m. All three group had the
highest altitude of 18,000 m at stake.
Right after the start had joint move to rgc 01S
"Stingrays" who initiated the combat leadership of the
group for incident effort toward a goal that was judged to
be an SR-71st Violation of Gotland, June 29, 1987
Triplex rose to 8000 m in the South-East Resistant SR-71 No. 964 with Majors Duane Noll and Tom Vetri
rate and then turn north from a location south of had started on a reconnaissance mission over the
Västervik. Splash-led with voice and data. Triplex had Barents Sea and then implement a "Baltic Express"
hunting link within the dressing and grouped on column. companies into the Baltic Sea.
All three YES 37 held "attack" with simulated shots were
analyzed in UTB plant. The contact process started at On northerly course outside Baltic Mach 3.0 at
13:14 and was finished at 13:25 with a contact point 50 21,500 m perceived they Fig The force explosion in the
km west right engine.
engine failure appears to have occurred
at 14:53 when the aircraft was about

90 km east of Holm Udden (Fåröns cheese tip). SR-71: Although incident alert root, based in Ängelholm was run
an then made a left turn steeper than normal and flew at command considered to be offensive to the mixture. It was
14:56 in the Faron. It continued during the height the second division B 6, which started with a rotation AJ
reduction of Gotland on a southerly course and passed 37. Drivers were the head of the second division Lars-Erik
Hoburgen at 15:03. Sheet and Bo Ignell. F 6-root made contact with SR-71: an
15:23 at about 60 kilometers east of Bornholm broke and
An F-13 rotation as practiced over Östergötland was in waste Four minutes later when continued over Bornholm.
and got up at 15:14 SR-71: an approximately 70 km east of At low contact SR-71: an under continued height reduction
the southern tip of Öland. The contact lasted about five to 4000 meters and a speed of 450 km / h. SR-71: an had
minutes. then transponder 7700 which meant that it was in need.
Incident report was drawn up at the second division
of F 13. The driver was Roger Moller and Krister Sjoberg.
Combat command was implemented from rgc 01S
"Stingrays". The target's height was 6000 meters and the Moreover, it was the SR-71 with numbering more 17964
speed Mach 0.7. The minimum distance is set to 30 which, at an earlier mission August 12, 1981, made an
meters. SR-71: an had USAF nationality designation for emergency landing at Bodø after engine problems.
Your Body and the number 17964th The American driver
responded Swedes waving. Our drivers observed the
probable interference on their radar. Because the two The American view of JA 37
fredsövande rotation was brought no hand cameras. The American view of JA 37 at the input to the SR-71 is
also described in the book "Lock heed Blackbird, Beyond
the Secret Mission": "The YES 37, if Carefully managed,
Could pro- vide the performance to reach within striking
Major Duane Noll later said that "That got the range of An SR-71, the performance of its skyflash
attention of Swedes' and a pair of Viggen were on our missiles in such an engagement is open to question. "
wing before we Reached 18,000 ft."

YES 37 vs SR 71st
Painting by Stefan

Electronic warfare with SK 37E
During the Cold War, it was clear that our fighters, that When I started my flying career in aviation Force 1991
would be able to meet and shoot down attacking and thus exercise interference against fighters and sprinkler
attacking bombers, were susceptible to electronic
going on for about 20 years. It was a well-oiled
interference directed against its own radar and radio. The
most important aspect at this time was that our pilots organization that provides each hunting division with
would be able to manage their own radar and radio during qualified targets and interference, at least two J 32E, Lars-Ake Siggelin. Started

the disturbance and still manage to locate and fight the his Stril Education in 1986,
weekly or twice a year. One such day week was flown
attacking forces. civil aviation training in
four sessions per day (six sessions the Tuesday it was
1989, navigator and
night operations) and two or three sessions interferes operator training
ombaseringsdagarna. 1991. Flew including the

The background MFD 1991-1997. Flew SK

37E that disturbs carrier
1967 was formed Målflygdivisionen (MFD), to provide the With the defense In 1996, pre- except F 5 and F 15,
air force with the target aircraft to practice. Until 1971 although the MFD to be closed, which meant that 32
flew MFD J 29 TUN nan. 1971-1972 replaced J 29 system disappeared from the Air Force organization.
including six J F 32B from 15's målflyggrupp. Ytterliga- re There remained then twelve fighter divisions, all in
18 J lance 32B transferred to the MFD different ways had been a continuing need to educate
and train the disorder.
1972. Of these 24 modified aircraft twelve to interfere
aircraft (J 32E) and six to målbogse- adjuster (J 32D). In connection with the closing of the MFD had
The six original J 32B F 15 was allowed to keep his dual headquarters (HQ) good conversion Duchy retaining the
Low level flight with SK
instruction, they were mainly used as pure target aircraft electronic warfare skills was through the creation of an
37E from F 21. Photo:
and for radiakinsamling. electronic warfare group based on the ore. Attempts to Lars-Ake Siggelin

mented the first modification and produced a modification
kit imposed on the remaining aircraft for 14-15 weeks on
F 21 Lulea. Those modified SK 37E was 37807, -08, -09,
-10, -11, -13, -14, -15, -16 and -17, F 4 coded 70-79.
Because of cutbacks, scrapping plans etc. never came
all ten SK 37E will be available simultaneously. The first ( 37814)
went to the junkyard before the last left modification line!

On the outside there were only two things that

revealed an SK 37E. One was a VHF / UHF blade
antenna on the ridge of the flygra- dio (FR31) which was
in baksits for störo- peratören. The other was a yellow
line of nosradomen which was shown the "window" was
listed for reducing radome attenuation of interference
from G24. Constructing a new nosradom was very
expensive so this was the compromise that was chosen.
It would prove to be a good one, in measurements and
practical test against PS-870 and PS-860 the knowledge
no difference between G24 mounted in J 32E or 37E SK

The introduction of the jammer U95 for X-band, SK

37E became the first opera tive combat aircraft in
Sweden with the color display in the cabin. Together with
On a day could be finding a replacement for two-seat J 32E started the CU (Control Unit) and DU (display unit) received
instrumental panel in SK immediately. The candidates were each SK 60, SK 35C system name Axle / U 95. The difference to U95 (flown
37E shifted be- tween
and SK 37 SK 60 is at the AN number of occasions been YES 37) was that axle / U95 could AGV is maneuvered
conventional PA nel and
operatörspa- nel. Thus, the fitted with capsules, including for the disorder, but was and updated by disturbs the operator. Two separate
same aircraft with simple too slow. SK 35C was very crowded, there was virtually buses 1553B-37E used for flight planning and evaluation,
means used both for flight
no room for electronic warfare equipment. etc., and for controlling the axle. This allowed Windows
training and electronic
warfare. Photo:
NT could be used as the operating shaft, which
significantly reduced costs.
SK 37 is SK 37E
Lars-Ake Siggelin
Focus ended quickly SK 37 where both space for
additional equipment such as power to drive these were After the first tests of SK 37E FC, where among other
available. Also, there were a legacy of countermeasures things, load configurations were tested, placed aircraft
capsules U22 / A and KB for the attack and spaningsvig- and electronic warfare group F 4 Ostersund. It was
walls. SK 37 was not equipped with the radar, so the electronic warfare group ganged with CIS 37
nose could assemble the single legacy J 32E, the (TypInflygningS- kede) in the second division, called TIS
jammer G 24th / TK Group.

1999 modified the first of a total of ten 37 SK SK The original plan was to divide the aerospace time at
37E. To reduce future maintenance costs modified the SK 37 between exercise disorder and CIS flights. The
ten who had a minimum running time. Saab GE idea was that the Practicing units would come to F 4

compounds. Continued cutbacks and delays in the forgot about the two 37E covering återflyg- consumption by
Gripen side made more pilots than expected got his CIS interference. Two lonely and untreated armed 37E gave
on the aircraft 37, which meant that the exercise disorder the iron homeward closely pursued by several enemy
took a back seat. On the occasions air defense and navy fighters. In my airplane stopped U95 capsule to finish the
sought-after exercise disorder was conducted, however work, but we were not last. Enemy Hunt tried to access the
this. Operations were close to the best trained units, last 37E with a radar missile. Immediately after landing told
which made utebase- rings was carried out in my colleague that they had flown as fast as they could and
2000-2003, mainly due to Ronneby, Ängelholm, ore and that he had overthrown backward as long as it went,
Halmstad. This was appreciated by us, which was unsure whether they had "survived" or not. At Community
directly related to the business, then we got direct nomgången after the session it was clear that we had
feedback from our vapenbrö- der. We also learned how passed both of us, the race said they could not shoot when
important it was for their war mettle. Many saw it the target had maneuvered too much. I and my colleague
unfortunately that unnecessary operations, it was interfere looked pleased at each other, we knew that the
perceived that the flight time was taken from the "real" "operation" they had seen was the disturbance we
war dressing production (ie YES 37). programmed U95 with. Upon completion by the mission
emphasized the Danish Mission Comman- dern how
escorted hunting to manage HVAA (High Value Asset
Airborne), that our 37E. "You have to protect the whole
2003 ended CIS 37. In this connection, transferred package, especially the HVAA's, you just do not leave".
all remaining 37E to the first division of F 21. Now would
37E operate in a pure electronic warfare role, but it was
not quite so when it also was used in the daily flight
service and in the education of GFSU students .

ELITE 03-05
In conjunction with the move of the SK 37E to F 21 Early summer 2003, 37E to show the front feet
Lulea also ceased EW group. Only one large operator internationally. Already in 2002, the German Air Force
placed on the F 21. The other was called in when asked whether SK 37E or EW Viggen (Electronic War-
necessary. This was not an optimal solution, but a result fare), as it came to be known internationally, were able to
of, among other things reduced budget and electronic participate in the large electronic warfare exercise ELITE
warfare exercises had been removed from the basic (Electronic Live Training Exercise) in southern Germany.
flygslagsut- formation of JA 37 (GFSU YES 37) a few ELITE one since 1995 an annual SEAD (Suppression of
years earlier. Given these conditions, there was no need Enemy Air Defenses), an electronic warfare exercise. Over
for operators in the division full time. 70's aircraft and a large number of air-tank systems from
all over Europe and the United States participates. The
exercise carried out as duel between flights (SEAD / EW)
In Swedish exercises have been bothering aircraft and air defense. In order to give all participants the
always been associated with the B-side, ie fiendesi- day. maximum benefit of the exercise carried out two sessions
International normally practiced in the reverse manner, a day with detailed evaluation of any involvement between
i.e., interfering aircraft used to protect their own the air and air defense.
connections (A side or blue side). Back home in Sweden
had many hard to see an "old SK 37E with little störutrust-
up" as an asset on the A side, interference came always
from the B-side. This became clear when the we attended At 37E first appearance in the ELITE 2003 came
NOAM (Nordic Air Meet) 2004 blue page. The Swedish surprisingly little feedback from the anti-aircraft units the
escort quest that would protect the entire joint attack first week steam only our fault. Word of mouth we heard
that Sweden was called "terrorists". some cause for

Compression moment for written, we wondered if it was good or bad ... It would together with a rotating British EF 3B Tornado escort a
rotating the runner-up. Photo:
appear that it was good, the meaning was the fact: "The seizure companies, consisting of four IDS Tornado, four
Swedish terrorist - they challenge xxxx 1 everytime ... ". It ECR Tornado and two Mirage 2000 of hunting protected
Lars-Ake Siggelin
was a review of the effect we achieved with Swedish area. The only thing that had any hunting armament in
skills and 37E to the technologically advanced air our dressing was the two British EF-3B Tornado had four
defense. Since it is relatively easy it was established that ASRAAM (korträckviddig IR Robot) per aircraft. Our
it is not handled very many missiles during the times we resistance consisted of four modern fighter aircraft 16
were in the air with interference, gave it a premonition of equipped with long-range radar AMRAAM missiles and
what was going on. During the second week was eight IR Sidewinder missiles.
re-feeding clearly improved, and when it emerged that air
defense had problems with interference from 37E. On
the daily video debriefing why it was said on several It was no good conditions for our survival was
occasions things; "... SPIDER might be a problem ..."; "... related. Per Nilsson, dåvaran- the division manager of
SPIDER might be a big problem ..." and "HEAVY first division F
compared MING FROM SPIDER ...". SPIDER was 37E 21, came to me and asked what we could do to still
common call signal (call sign) during exercise. As an succeed. After a moment's deliberation was a simple but
example, at one point had an air defense system fired robust plan ahead. Our plan was to use the disorder
134 missiles during the afternoon passed, but no difficult or impossible for the enemy fighter aircraft to
missiles were fired at all during the time 37E conducted shoot their AMRAAM ro cures. At the same time, we had
interference. the good frequency vensplanering made sure not to
disturb "our" EF-3B's radar frequencies. It would even
the odds a little bit and give our EF 3B Tornados a better
chance in a visual engagement. The plan turned out to
be just fine; our verkansförband could sneak through
Even modern hunting radar systems had production without
1 Other armed forces
problems with the noise we could perform. At one point,
not be disclosed.
a rotation 37E Together

Testing of strip loosestrife
precipitation and precipitation
from SK 37E at F 4 Ostersund.
Photo: Lars-Ake The signal

of treatments and only a control each with a Sidewinder together with the entire crew (pilot lots and operators).
and ASRAAM could definitively stated between EF-3B and The tradition was not in the younger pilots we flew with,
enemy hunting. After the mission was held a couple who were not trained tvåbesättningssystem.
videodebriefingar and then said Britons among others
following: "Thanks to the Excellent Comparative ming from Our participation in the ELITE exercise attracted
the Swedish Viggen We were able to engage the enemy, considerable attention abroad, but also in the Swedish
armed with 16 AMRAAMS, political level. The following was written in the Budget
and be able to protect the package armed only with 8 "The last school aircraft SK 37 have been transferred
ASRAAMS ". to electronic warfare function and pilots and interferes
In the following years, exercises increased our operators retrained. Electronic warfare dressing has a
commitment and the ELITE 2005, I SEAD commander good effect participated in the exercise Elite in Germany
for several flying sessions. It was rewarding to work with where dressing well able to compete with the other
the non-Swedish'll SEAD resources to develop a participating units. "To cite an individual
"mission plan" and that these passports were very accomplishments were connected in this way in this type
successful from an electronic warfare perspective. Most of document is not directly usual.
had been practicing realized that the chance to survive
was bigger with SK 37E with SEAD units with signal Before 37E disappeared, I had time even become BE-
search robots than with SEAD dressing with just the shot from a sharp Hawk robot thesis was subjected to
signal search robots. interference. It was during a test at Vidsel firing range with a
modified Italian Hawk robot that would be disturbed when it
was shot at us.
An interesting experience ELITE was the importance
of crew coordination. We Operat- work operators were It was a very successful test with happy Italians and
used to the "division of labor" be- tween the pilot and the probably even more pleased FMV are the results. It may
operator / navigator from both Lans Time and Light Attack be mentioned that of course we were outside the robot's
(SK 60). There it was also natural to implement all theoretical range and that it was destroyed long before it
aviation company plans with several units could reach the maximum range. But

Remsfällning from the
capsule KB.
Photo: Lars-Ake The signal

to sit in an aircraft that is shot at and receive radar temutprovningar FMV ran with its own staff. First spring
warning and see the disorder go running is interesting ... 2007, before the last 37E left FMV Test we came bothers
operators will again operate 37E in a more tactical role.
After 37 -epoken was out of the Air Force were two These flights gave a lot of good experiences that are
37E of the FMV Test, FC Malmen in Linköping. The hope managed and gradually is transferred to the Gripen
was that it would lead to more electronic warfare-related Systeme.
activities for our operators. The result was most pure

Rotest4art a hazy winter

Photo: Lars-Ake The signal

Viggen threat
When the aircraft 35 projects were the years around 1950 therefore special study. These included e.g. eldrörs-
there was no threat analyzes similar to those that were pads type ZSU-23, Air Defense Type SA-N-4 with fire
developed later. It had a general idea of ​a bomber shot of
control radar POP GROUP, and hunting aircraft types
about Mach 0.9 to about 10 000 m.
MiG-23 and Su-15 with associated hunting missile. Our
geographical location at the intersection of the Warsaw Jerk Fehling, Royal Institute

of Technology Flights
This view was shared by many other countries and Pact (WP) and NATO also meant that the WP-dressing
1959. Where 1962 to 1997
deepened by the so-called Intercept studies within the we could possibly face had the character of "elite".
director of the technical
former Royal Swedish Flygförvalt- opening (KFF). In intelligence in the KFF /
parallel, built a small unit for usage analysis up at Saab. FMV-F.

The resulting aircraft, J 35 Draken, was quite right in time

to the late 1950s and was able, through its development Own intelligence and hotprog- nosticering
potential, also adapted to the gradually changing threat
landscape, which includes require greater performance In principle there were two threats which are continuously updated:

at low altitude. Attackeskaderns (E 1) threat (especially for the attack and spaningsfly- get),

and TTHJ (technical / tactical threat of fighter). Both were built up using the

processed substrate from our flygunder- correction operations, that special

The Soviet combat power development in our region personnel from Defense Headquarters (FST), Air Force Headquarters (FS),

with eg Baltic Fleet with its related flight, as well as in the Defense Radio Center (FRA), Defense Research Establishment (FOA) and

Baltic states, East Germany and Poland based flygstrids- FMV main section Materiel (FMV-F) . The staff had daily encounter with the

forces, demanded greater attention. Technological threat situation, and follow-up lasted virtually around the clock. Reports of

developments in the airfield, weapons and electronics the incident preparedness with the associated images, and the parallel

fields enabled the Swedish design of a new unit system, received intelligence radar and signal data supplied continuously to the air

System unit at Fst / OP5. Meanwhile, continued technological machining operations

of the information at FMV-F and FOA. The total of the authorities

37 where a single platform would be used for a plurality INVOLVED staff was not more than about 30, some of whom had special

of mission types. The period from hotsynpunkt must be key functions. Everyone knew each other and each other's skills very well.

surveyed was from about 1970 until around the turn of Our geographical location where Furthermore, except such that we almost

the century. always first of all outside the WP could get some of the latest news in the

WP's materiel and taktikut- development. Through the technical expertise

that the intelligence staff had close asset to (a strong air force and a

Hotutvecklingen prominent aerospace, electronics and weapons) could our flight intelligence

The assault cases specifically studied was the landing of developed very positively. Our geographical location where Furthermore,

enemy troops by sea and air. These operations were except such that we almost always first of all outside the WP could get

assessed need protection from naval units, air defense some of the latest news in the WP's materiel and taktikut- development.

and air. The attack aircraft of our own development, the Through the technical expertise that the intelligence staff had close asset to

(AJ 37) must therefore be deployed against (a strong air force and a prominent aerospace, electronics and weapons)

överskeppnings- and departure of businesses and could our flight intelligence developed very positively. Our geographical

thereby evade combat by foreign air defense and fighter. location where Furthermore, except such that we almost always first of all

They own efforts demanded låghöjdsuppträdande, outside the WP could get some of the latest news in the WP's materiel and

at-attack long-range weapons and well-weighted taktikut- development. Through the technical expertise that the intelligence

depreciation countermeasures efforts. staff had close asset to (a strong air force and a prominent aerospace,

electronics and weapons) could our flight intelligence developed very


In the prospective attacker was a large part weapon

that we have to take into account and

MiG-23 Flogger was a
direct's equivalent to the
Viggen. The aircraft had
known variable vane
geometry for good
lågfartspres- tanda. The
principle was also applied to
the US F-14 and F-111 and
later the European MRCA

Photo: Air Force Headquarters

In 1967 air defense investigations (LFU-67) investigated antisera a hotflygplan who came very close to conform to
the future balance between fighters and air defense units the Su-24 Fencer, which then was the Soviet attack
and marked the start of YES 37 and RBS 70. It was then plane in the Baltics about the same time as JA 37 was in
forecasting attack air threat to our country in the service at the Swedish hunting units.
mid-1980s, that a forecast ticeringstid about 20 year (!).
Our aptitude-testing derrättelsetjänst managed the feat The years 1959-1964 were the KFF no official project
by studying, among other things nedskjutningar of US (the concept was still relatively unknown), but the
attack aircraft in the Vietnam War years around 1970, management of 37 project was totally informal and
and hypotheses about the Soviet aviation development exercised in practice by the head of aircraft division,
and materials research efforts forecasting Colonel Åke Sundén and his immediate staff and
employees. On a request from the senior staffs how to
anticipate threats

image towards a system which would have a lifespan of
over 30 years, said Sunde'n that no one could foresee
such a long period of time, but we could use the physical
prerequisites are as far as it was at all possible, "the
aircraft with high speed and long range can carry a large
weapons load under enemy radar horizon, will be
modern for many years to come. "

Comparison between the Viggen and MiG-23/27

A technical-tactical comparison between the systems 37

and MiG-23/27 was made in the late 1970s by övlt Åke
Lindkvist, previously di- vision head 17 at F and
subsequently employed by Saab. The comparison was
not easy to do
because systems differences and different extent over
time. The two types of aircraft came into service around
the same time, but while we in Sweden built the attack
version first, the Russians began hunting version and had armament systems that were not on the same level POP GROUP, fire control
radar for SA-N-4, the
completed this soon with an attack version which came as the Viggen. No definitive "victory" in a possible duel
most important shipborne
to be produced place in parallel. Total production in the failed to point out, the result was too dependent on the
lvrb-threat AJ 37 / 37.
Soviet approximately 6000 aircraft MiG-23/27, and preliminary current tactical situation, combat Photo: FMV
licensed production continued until the 1990s. In management,
Sweden, where the 37 series significantly shorter. driver education, etc.
The investigation made great use of the air force under
the tactical training of 37 -piloterna.
Generally speaking, the MiG-23/27 was the flight to
performance slightly sharper, but

Su-24 Fencer, attack and

reconnaissance aircraft, the
"logical adversary" to YES
37. Photo: FMV

Viggen and flight safety
There are many causes of accidents involving aircraft: fewer flight hours on the joints, but most of all for
mechanical failure, navigational errors, villas (when the pilot
contributing technical improvements, changes in
mistakenly sure that the instruments do not give the right
information), poor flight characteristics or simply incorrect procedures and a change in attitude to flight safety
prioritization. Improvements have been made, and takes operations within the Air Force. It dealt primarily technical
Sune Andersson, Master place in all areas. Rescue systems have also become much improvements.
of Electrical Engineering, more reliable and saves many pilots, if they are forced to
Flight safety work was very much facilitated by the
leave the aircraft.
Chalmers 1964 when he
Air Force's unique reporting, DIDAS, where pilots,
started the test
ground crew, dispatchers and others can report mistakes
department at Saab.
Each office electronics
As the avionics systems become more sophisticated, and incidents. This report, which is also available to the
and later host of the FPL they can present better information about the aircraft's industry, can provide an early indication of bad weather
37 until 1995. After that, altitude, attitude and position of the pilot. The possibility and poor technical solutions and potentially dangerous
inter alia, the host of that when ordering the court to warn the pilot of a procedures. Reporting has also been improved thanks to
unmanned vehicles.
dangerous situation has improved considerably. This, the two digital reg- reringsutrustningarna, RUF and UTB,
together with a changed attitude to risk of pilots, has which was introduced by JA 37th
made accidents involving fatalities pilots are rare.

Breakdowns in the Air Force with Saab's fighter aircraft AJ / S 37 Viggen

AJ / S 37 was designed for a man crew and for starting
The table below shows how air safety been improved for and landing on runways with only 500 m length. To meet
Saab fighter from B 17 onwards, J 21R with the highest this challenge, which affected the aircraft's design to a
accident aircraft. J 21 together with B 17 and B 18 was large extent, introduced several new systems that
constructed during World War II and was discontinued improve aviation safety, such as -up display, Si; cruise
before all in 1960. control, AFK; and a new precision landing system, TILS.
Viggen very good flight characteristics in lågfartsområ- it
From 1980 to 2005, there were 55 havrier the 20 facilitated the course.
Aviation safety statistics for pilots were killed (of these, eight aircraft and three pilots
Saab's military aircraft.
in the 1990s, but none in 2000-2004). Part of the
Frequency refers to incidents
per 100,000 flight hours. improvement is due to be produced

breakdowns Fatal flight hours In op. service

Total Total Frequency Frequency 1 000 speech

B 17 51 29 55 32 173 1942-54
B18 44 28 64 40 160 1943-59
21 J / R 64 48 33 25 133 1945-57
FPL 29 190 28 98 15 675 1952-76
Fpl 32 117 19 92 15 615 1954-78
Fpl 35 120 16 39 5 754 1960-99
AJ / S / SK 37 36 10 17 5 361 1971-06
YES 37 13 5 2 1 253 1979-05

Much effort was spent on designing the presentation of thermally resistance, which grew faster than the engine
the new head-up display and the pilots experienced thrust could compensate. Outer more 14 planes and
presentation as easy to interpret. The facilitated low seven pilots were lost during the following five years.
flying and improved safety. But when the pilot looked
down to study the radar, to find its target or update the Five of the accidents can be represented as CFIT
navigation system, was his ability to monitor altitude Controlled Flight Into Terrain, i.e. an aircraft collides with
impaired. A låghöjdsvarning therefore introduced at an the ground without technical fault on the aircraft or the
early stage in order to solve this problem. The warning pilot has been unable to fly.
was given by a blinkan- the red light, located right on the
edge of the radar display, if the current sinking rate At one of these two aircraft accidents collided with
would result in a negative height (ground collision) within the ground during an exercise in of- flight ancerad
seven seconds. rotated in the dark. Aircraft computers had good
information about the airplanes antenna height, dive
angle and speed, and would have been able to warn
pilots. The warning system was disconnected because
The system provided an early warning of moderate the radar was not on. The warning would also have come
league descent speeds, but was not enough to steeper to my late with the overly simple algorithm used.
dykvinklar. The warning was only activated by radar
spaningsmod and was disconnected when it was turned
off so as not to unnecessarily "disturb" the pilot. Because Studies of accidents and measures to increase
radio darn gives the opponent an early indication that safety were initiated in the early 1980's. One result was a
"the aircraft will", so be it, and thus also review of the three-axis flight mode indicator, which is the
låghöjdsvarningen off larger de- margin of flying time. pilots's most important source to control the aircraft's
attitude. No previous studies on flight mode indicator of
the exact design found, either military or civilian, why a
After an incident, when an airplane wing tip dipped in test session in the simulator started. Latorns simulated
water at evasive action by an attack with RB 99 Maveric, flight mode indicator fitted with a disc, which concealed
introduced an improved algorithm for initiation of low the globe.
altitude warning. The correct algorithm was limited to
99-m RB side and warning was given through blinking
indicator ,. When the samples were set different pitch and roll
angles, the disc was removed, and the time for the pilot
to come to horizontal flight was measured. There was
Accident Statistics and Analysis also doubt about the correct action or if the pilot switched
Despite hopes for improved flight safety certainty control command.
wrecked nine series aircraft and two pilots were killed in
the first five years, EF best dressing introduction. This The embodiment was significantly best test values
was myck- et high figures given the low number of ​were provided with light blue top with discrete lat / long
accumulated flight hours. The accidents input kluderade markings and had a black bottom portion with white
the three aircraft, which broke apart in the air in triangles which symbolize the ground. All attitydindi-
connection with the crimes of the spar. In another indicators in the Viggen aircraft, including spare horizons,
accident killed the pilot, the aircraft during approach to modified with respect to the results achieved.
landing hit the ground a few hundred meters before the
runway threshold. The approach as was done with an
unusually heavy airplane resulting in lower speed and Analysis of the early breakdowns also had a
thus an aerodynamic significant impact on the ongoing development of parallel
Hunting Viggen, YES 37th

YES 37 genome project could attract the pilot's attention
JA 37 was an avionic differed significantly from the regardless of external ljusför- holding and regardless of
previous versions. The main equipments were what the pilot directed his gaze at. The purpose of this
completely digital. Changes in important functions could audioindi- kering was to inform about some systemvar-
be done through software changes without costly connections or that new message received from the
changes to the aircraft equipment or management battle line.
The aforementioned accident during landing of an AJ
A flight safety significant change was the introduction 37 led to measures to prevent accidents due to the low
of a small "electronically organ" in the radio system, with rate has- priority. All versions of Viggen has a sort of
four tones; "stick shaker", which warns the pilot of the aircraft's angle
400, 900, 1 500 and 3 100 Hz controlled from the central of attack is too high (the speed is too low), but it was
computer. For the first time in Vig- apparently not sufficient.

The solution was to utilize "elorgeln" to give the pilot

information about his approaching the limit of the angle
of attack and g-load, in two stages, with two different
frequencies, and then an even higher one if the limit was
exceeded. This was a great help in aerial combat and on
landing. Warning- one of exceedance activated

Flyglägesindika- tractor
placement on the
instrument panel's left

Flyglägesindikatorns central
part of the globe.

also at low altitude, if available traction, but EBK, was not sion to confirm that they have not suffered premature or
enough to provide sufficient AC to the acceleration to a safe false warnings. After a few months, the common
go-around. perception device on the division of the warning system
would be introduced in the operational computer program
Warning of the risk of ground collision system for all YES 37 as soon as possible.
The YES 37 pilot devoted much time and capacity capacity
for early identification of enemy aircraft on the radar indicator, In total, the two pilots perished at HA verier with JA
MI. Already in the early 1970s began studies in one of 37, both after the introduction of MKV in the middle of
relatively simple simulator, how YES 37's three electronic 1986. At the first casualty fell pilot over mountain terrain
indicators could best be utilized. The provfly- owners who with no external visibility, then meet rising terrain, which
participated in the development found that they had trouble provided for a fast response. The warning in this case
keeping the height, then they flew manually during was based on data from the radar altimeter, EF tersom
simultaneous radar reconnaissance. The introduction of a Viggen lack forward looking radar to detect obstacles.
"ground symbol", which moved up on the radar display when Operating datorpro- program later modified so that the
the altitude dropped, solved the most problems. pilot could define a minimum level warning for the
mission. The second casualty happened pilot Loten
apparently out for a so-called GLOC,
This presentation could not, just as altitude warning
AJ / S 37, helping pilots ten if he was looking out of the
cockpit and had a steep dive angle. Proposal to develop i.e. unconsciousness after a substantial strain-G. The
a warning system against ground collision (MKV, Ground weather at the time was clear and the warning system
Collision Warning), declined, however, from the pilot worked as intended.
hold, and not until 1982 Saab received permission from In 1992 came the first clear case where MKV saved
FMV to use part of typservicebeställ- solution to begin the life of a pilot, who believed that the autopilot kept the
trials of a MKV. altitude and course. The pilot, who flew in clouds, had a
25-degree angle dykvin- and more than 90 degree roll
The goal of the MKV was to alert the pilot Loten risk angle when the alert was triggered. The pilot responded
of ground collision. MKV would always be plugged in, correctly and performed the recording, still without land
have a realistic response time and not give warnings that run. Data records in the airplanes net showed a radar
the pilot could see as unjustified. The warning would be altitude of 222 m at the lowest point during the climb.
given both audibly and visually display both the SI and
MI, on which the directional pilot would take up the
aircraft. No distinction would be made between Conservatively estimated the MKV saved another
instrument or visual flight. three - five pilots and aircraft. It is also shown in the
table. The frequency of fatalities pilots is more than five
times higher in the older versions of Viggen.
After successful simulator tests flygutprova- des MKV
later in 1985. The tests showed that the pilots'
self-preservation made it difficult for them to the tests Summary
keep constant dive angle until the warning was obtained. The table below lists all accidents Viggen. "Engine / fire"
In normal flight, even in good weather, the pilots would includes motor Thu peak, blocked air intake and fuel
thus not be disturbed by warnings. Since the test pilots fires. It is clear that this type of accident does not pose
during the tests was prepared to receive the warning and any greater risk to the pilot thanks to a reliable rescue
had a very short response time, they had good margins system. In the collisions between aircraft in the air is
at the lowest point. The next step was to evaluate the likely sheer luck that only two pilots were killed.
warning system at a normal flygvapendivi-


the place they sat in the

crash, laid out in a hangar at

Much work has been done to find technical solutions that command and take up the aircraft. One way such a system
can prevent further failures. Unfortunately stressed Air could have prevented the GLOC- crash, which occurred with

accident. Wreckage after a

Force Headquarters introduction of audio warning, and hunting Viggen. (Several cases of GLOC has occurred with
thus the introduction of MKV, in the upgrades AJ / s the Viggen, but in these cases the pilot regained
conducted during the early 1990s, although Safety Board consciousness before any accident occurred.). Despite the
recommendations. successful tests, the system has not been introduced either
in Sweden or in America.
GLOC and a landing
A fully automatic prevent the windows from the
ground collision, auto-GCA, was tested in an F-16 Today, accidents involving Swedish military aircraft
aircraft in 1999. This was a cooperation between the very unusual. The failure rate of the airplane systems has
Swedish and US air forces, Saab and Lockheed Martin decreased, and the pilot loternas confidence avionics
collision at high speed, a
to demonstrate the possibility to prevent CFIT accidents systems has meant that they can make use of the aircraft
by to disconnect the pilot and allow the controller to take and weapons system capabilities optimally.

"Other" includes a bird

Breakdowns Fatal Note


37 Vig- gene in 1971 - 2004.

CFIT 13 1 13 1

Engine / Fire 11 3 0 0

Collision between fpl 4 6 2 0 5 collisions / 10 fpl

Accident Causes for aircraft Wing spar Crime 3 0 0 0

Super Stable 1 1 0 0

Other 4 2 2 1

Total amount 36 13 7 2

Breakdown of 37001
The accident with AJ 37001 occurred on Tuesday, my demonstration programs before I re- turned to the ore
September 14, 1971. I had just come home from Edwards, and landed with a routine reversal. Part of this was
USAF Flight Test Center in California, where I flew F-111
filmed. Before the end of the day we had a new review
when I learned that the French air force chief would visit
Test Center (FC), where I served as test pilots. with the filmmakers about their special wishes for the
next day's flight.
Lars "Nappe" Bandling began in

the Air Force in 1957, field aviator

The second sortie would include continued sitting and officer, fighter pilot. Test pilot

I was given the task to make a presentation of Tufted demonstration exercise first on height and injuries since the at FC 1965-1976, flight operations

system for general and an aerial display. Since I have field. The filmmakers wanted the section from the start, the F 13: 976, then the Air Force

Headquarters. ! 982-1988 Saab's

been away for a while from 37 demonstration and a landing with full reversal, so-called short
test flight department. Emigrated
-flight, I needed training flygupp- display. The only landing. When The cameras had regrouped between different
to the United States! 988th If
available plane for my training and air show was sequences they wanted start combined with some advanced there had management positions

maneuvers and directly onto a landing with full reversal. The for Volvo.

37001, recently delivered from Saab .. In the same week important thing was not to demonstrate the shortest possible
also planned a film about Tufted system when now consistent landing distance for which we had waited until the
started serial deliveries. The film would, as far as I end of the session when the aircraft was easy. They wanted
remember, called "The Viggen Support". When needed to show the landing of an immediate, full reversal. Afterwards,
elements of both flight and ground handling of aircraft I would start again and train display on height and exit at FAL
BE were determined that I would combine my training for Tet where additional filming would take place ..
the visit to also make some ground and air operations for
the filmmakers, who had two camera crews.

Tuesday, September 14 was a great day for both

flying and filming. As is customary, we went through the
The first flight, I started to get up to altitude and day's flights at the briefing. We also reiterated the
conduct advanced flight training. I also flew through organization of my passport as filmmakers' requests.

Aircraft 37001, the first

start. Photo: Åke

The short flight gas when he got a girstörning but it wore off anyway.
I started with full EBK and went straight into a steep turn. Someone had then concluded that it would have been
After one turn at low altitude I got up, made a roll and a better if he kept gaspå- move. I therefore retained full
few turns and then went up on the downwind leg for throttle.
landing on runway 01 ore, ie north. I took out the yard The nose pointed increasingly to the left and I slid
and got a long, straight finals. On the final förvalde I increasingly sideways with a tendency toward the left-hand
reverse by pulling the reversing lever. This meant that as edge. When I went over the edge of the runway about 600
soon as the nose gear Spring closes reversal doors meters into the court had aerospace plane has rotated more
automatically, and the air flow is directed forward. In the than 90 degrees to the left, but the fly in the web's direction
latter part of the finale I reduced speed so that the angle was still high. One could call it a broad cord with increasing
of attack (alpha) was 15 degrees. (In modern military rotation to the left.
aircraft uses no speed meter in the same way as before
when flying at low speeds. Instead, measure the air flow The right landing gear which first hit the grass outside
inside case angles to the wing and use this as a the track was broken off. The right wing went into the ground
reference). and it became a violent revolution to the right. The aircraft
came up on the edge, but never hit over the back. Rather
than rotating it with such force that the left landing gear also
was torn off and the aircraft landed with a heavy blow to the
abdomen and stopped. The movement was so violent that I
I put up the landing so that huvudhju- smooth off the hit the helmet against the hood Si damage several times
track a short way down the runway. To get the fastest while I was strapped. I tried to register what happened, but it
possible reversal, I conducted immediately forward the happened too fast. Possibly I almost pass out, but then
lever so that the nose gear was in court. While I stood on came the sea of ​fire. It was when the fuel let, spurting out
The brakes, which it was for maximum braking. As soon under the fuselage at high pressure, caught fire as I was
as I noticed that the reversal initiated, I gave full throttle. I wide awake.
was now performed joystick, throttle, maximum braking
and full reversibly synchronization. All according to the
then instructions for short landing.
What am I doing now?

My first thought was that now is probably the way out.

At this stage, ie no key seconds then the nose wheel What was I supposed to do? I have to take me out. Then
hit the track and bromspe- Dalarna depressed and there was something inside that told me if I do not make
started reversibly sation, I got a quick, high yaw to the a fool of myself in any way I may have a chance to
left. I blocked it off immediately with full lock to the right, survive. It was now quite hot and the flames broke into
which in the 37 rd are the legs through the cabin through the climate system for a short time
sidroderpedalerna. This stopped the turn for a brief while the engine is still rotating. Smoke and acrid smell
moment and I successfully get almost nose to point in the made me tore up the oxygen mask, but then I could not
track longitudinal direction but not enough to cancel the determine where the gases came from, I held my breath.
turn completely. Then everything went quickly and tank I did not pass out due's gas poisoning. Plexi glass in the
hurried. What am I doing now? I kicked sidroderpedalen hood also had barrel- tat fire and burned as it was hot in
the ground as hard as I could. I'd like to say the throttle every direction, so I bent down as much as possible to
and it seems natural to draw the gas into a place like this protect the face. I decided to do everything in the same
location. But then I remembered the comments after way as normal exit. I considered it safer than
Milton Mobärgs reversibly seringshaveri at Saab where nödurstigningsförfarandet, then pulling a handle, is
he went off the track and ended up on his back. He had released from the ejection seat and
drawn the

bone fixation but can drag on a parachute and a heavy it is to get started with the delay in the program. As I had
nödutrustningspacke. I took the proven way. messed up! In anger, I took off my helmet and the hose
on the ground. I was still standing near the aircraft when
To ensure that not be hanging halfway out of a belt it pushed for, perhaps from a fuel tank, and the fire grew.
and be grilled, did the procedure with losspänningen I picked up the helmet and ran a few steps and then
further length of time. First Central leash that held trotted away.
shoulder straps and leg straps and connect - nigen
oxygen and radio. Then I loosened the bone fixation,
g-suit and life jacket. Continued still without breathing. Then I heard someone shouting to the left- about me and there was
After about 30 seconds I was done with this and it was Åke Andersson, the skilful Saab photographer, running. He had been part
the largest voltage I took the handle to open the hood. of a camera crew and taken their own pictures as well. Ake grabbed me
Would that work? What a relief it was when the hood Systembolaget and asked what was the matter. I was hurt, I hurt, I would

began to go up. Slower than normal and now it seemed not lie down, etc.? As a skilled professional, he could not stop himself, but

infinitely slow. Once the hood was open enough I stood turned to the guys at the nearest camera and shouted, "Shoot for the UN,
the filming of the UN!" Soon after, he ran back, and I sat on a dikesren
up and jumped out obliquely to the right, where it burned.
and betrakade devastation. Without that I noticed it had Ake fetched a
camera and crept up behind me and took a picture where I'm sitting with
my back to him and the burning aircraft before me. The picture appeared
in many places, and the newspaper published the SE Here is the picture !.

I stumbled a little but did not fall. When I turned

around and looked at the burning plane, I was arrested
by the man's ingratitude. Instead of thanking God that I
survived, I thought of my good friend KG Widen, who
was the first divisional manager AJ 37. This was his
aircraft and he needed
Photo: Åke Andersson.

headed "The year's most expensive fire!" in his to the accident. By that had films from two different
årskavalkad. I wonder how big the fees that picture directions, plus a video from a third and trace the course
brought in? had a good documentation of the accident. The following
It took another few minutes before emergency influencing factors were discussed:
services arrived. It had its preparedness place at TL
tower, which was in the second end of the runway, about 1. crosswinds
two kilometers away. Once they arrived and started 2. Line nature
extinguishing the entire aircraft in flames and could not 3. Changing the right wheel brake
be saved. Despite the refusal, I was tucked in the 4. speed at the reversal
ambulance and driven to F 3's hospital where Dr. Heje 5. Asymmetric reversal
Paul took care of me in a way that only he could. 6. The reversing process
7. Principle of the nose wheel steering The first five

points were of secondary importance.

Then a nurse lubricated my face with ointment Heje
took me up to his room and said they should take it easy
for this stuff. Never mind that there are a lot of people • The wind crosswind but not too strong.
who want to get hold of you. Immediately call home to • The track was bumpy which I initiated braking which may
Annette and talk about what happened before she finds have given uneven brake distribution because of different
out that the applications for somehow. After talking about weight on the main wheels.
the Henns I suffered a mishap, I actually used that
phrase, I called my parents. They were terrified. Local
• Right brake disc had been replaced before the
radio in Umeå had just spoken about wreckage,
mentioned my name and said I severely burned
• Due to the high importance was the speed at landing high
transferred to the Regional Hospital in Linköping.
and reversal started with a little more speed than the SFI
Imagine what the bad news spread fast and wrong! I also
(driving instruction) prescribed.
called FC and told that I was ok. Since drank Heje and I
coffee and talked a long while. Then I got a ride to the
• Nothing indicated that the reversing valve or
FC where I got a comradely reception.
asymmetric flow of air from the reversal alone would
have caused the sharp girstörningen.
Revererseringsförfarandet was that it would have
performed joystick. In one of the films can be seen that
the right wheel bogie is lifted from the track in its front
part. The main reason was assumed to be that the air
The reason
flow from the reversal ring blew up over the wing,
What was it that happened and what was The reason
creating lift. This, coupled with uneven runway,
ken? I will not delve too deeply into details, partly
crosswind and possible. worse brake to the right may
because it would be boring, and partly because they do
not remember anything after this many years. But I'd love have been the main cause of uneven brake up, ie

to do a sum optimization, as I remember it was. braking force huvudsakli- gene had been left wheel pair,
which created the sharp turn. The vast majority of the

In the usual manner of a crash was appointed, a weight of the aircraft would have been on the nose

haverikommision with the President, Members and rather than the aircraft at full reversal was on the nose.

experts. These arrived in the evening to Linköping and

the next morning set to start hearings and investigations.

In the final accident report, which came long later, it

listed a number of likely factors that could have caused The principle of the nose wheel steering was
or contributed undoubtedly the reason why the turn is not

There was not much
flounders of 37 001. Photo:
Åke Andersson.

could be lifted and thus the cause of the accident. AJ 37 provflygarskaras idea of ​the perceived problems on
had power steering of the nose wheel without feathering landing and the reverse was the reason why a full
and no return of forces to sidroderpedalerna, so called redesign tenth of nose wheel steering. It turned out that
rigid power. The system was built with two operating there was so much literature on how the aircraft will
modes. A low speed when taxiing and high speed during behave in the ground. The aircraft will be in the air and
takeoff and landing. Lågfartsmoden was connected with a there is no lack of literature.
button on the joystick. In high speed mode, at issue in this
case, the maximum scan angle of 8.6 degrees nose
wheel. My first yaw measured at 9.3 degrees Celsius., Now there was talk about a fordonsegenska- on the
That the interference was greater than the maximum ground and the concept fordonsstabi- small became
authority to be able to fully control the back and rescind topical. After the redesign of the nose wheel steering with
the turn. 'weak power and feathering, simulations and flight tests
could return to full reversal until two years see- modern.
Since then, it was not any problem with the 37: s vehicle
By nose wheel steering had full power and without stability or nosewheel steering.
feathering was nosewheel desta- stabilizing the pedals in
neutral. A disturbance strove to increase unless the pilot
immediately ruled against. The method to control the
bones and slow down with the toes can also be The investigation commission

questioned. I never felt that it felt normal and is not as As special investigators at the crash calcium was flight
easy as the aircraft to control with one hand. The reason director Lars Axelsson also from FC and a good friend.
for this solution was that someone realized that it was He accounted for all the measurements on the track of
good if the pilot had his hands free for driving land to do the rut and review of films in order to clarify the
otherwise. Free, to do what? breakdown process. It was his team that measured 9.3
degree turn. Somehow they were able to see that I
managed to exceed the maximum angle of deflection of
a few tenths of a degree when I tried to cancel the turn. I
My failure with Milton re- verse ring breakdown of the had strong
37 -4 and a fairly agrees

legs at the time. They also managed to establish some which I believe is contributing to some problems I have
g-forces as the aircraft spun around. Among other things, it today. Sure, I had difficult to sleep for a while with
was concluded that I had about 34 grams sideways and that dreams surrounded by fire but it went over. I had
was the reason that I hit in the helmet in the hood. Thanks to survived and I had to fly again before the week was over.
Lars, I also had some advance information that I otherwise However, I live with a name change at length. My
would not have been before The investigation was companions renamed me to the Fire Ling. This also
completed. spread quickly.

Bengt Jonsson, one of our big stars of FC and later

director of FMV Test, attended the crash commisssion The reward
hearings as an observer. He had also been at Edwards. There is no evil that does not have any good, my mother
On one occasion he saved me during the interrogations. would say. So in this case. General Gabriel Gauthier and
As I mentioned earlier, I jumped out of the aircraft. CFV, General Stig Noren, with companions arrived at
tordagen. Since we had no Viggen to fly with it was
determined the location of the CFV and CFC, Gunnar
It was in the SFI, which any member read out, that at Irholm, that despite the secrecy would show the video
nödurstigning on the ground would be the pilot for from the accident. Then I would have my briefing out in
disengagement from the ejection seat, parachute and the hangar where 37 -5 stood with dismounted engine.
nödpacke, crawl over huvbågen and slide down the front Generation rails watched the video, which was operated
glass and the nose and then take the land. Chairman on a few times, with great interest. Likewise Gauthier
ques- inserted little sternly, as if I had done wrong, why I showed great interest in my presentation. But it was the
had not followed the instructions. I thought for a moment first one up in the seat of 37 -5, as his real self arrived.
when the question was somewhat surprising. Before I There sat this blonde, blue-eyed fighter pilot and sci-
had squeezed out a response Bengt cleared his throat, Teran, well known from World War II and later one of de
which was really just an observer and as such would Gaulle's closest men. He did not rise from the aircraft
shut up for the Community Commission. With gruff voice without asking about everything. The schedule cracked
he said, "Bandling sitting right here. He is alive. Is not but it did not bother him in the least, and General Noren
that enough to prove that he acted properly in this case? and CFC let him. I enjoyed myself a little.
" There was silence in the room except for a slight grunt
from commisssion chairman. Somewhat ironic in this
context was that the 37001 had a razor sharp antenna
landing system TILS mounted right on the nose upper
side. Had I slid me over that I had probably regained my
childhood meeting. When all the series aircraft received When the visit was over called General Gauthier on
the same type of antenna was changed his aide, who from his bag took out a green box. General
opened the box and there was, in green velvet and silk in
the lid, a frightful great medal. General handed over the
heavy medal to me, SKA happened to my hand tightly
and then he said: "You are welcome to the French Air
driver instructions concerning Force and you can do what you want!"
nödurstigning to eliminate the caste temporal risk.

With great luck, I came away this "ground loop", as The result was that later I had to go to Dijon in
the famous airfield designer and Dragon's father, Erik France and fly the Mirage. Two passports of dual Mirage
Bratt calls it in his book Silver Wings. My physical injuries IIIBE and a passport in the single-seat Mirage IIIE. It was
were minor. I was a little scorched face and mustache. another experience.
My neck got a hit,

Wing Crime Investigations
Much has been written on the wing breakage accidents To clear reason and action could be determined.
involving Viggen. Here I describe investigative work during
this pressing time almost 35 years ago. Viggen was then
One and a half later, Monday October 6, 1976, not
set on the ground for about half a year and Tufted pilots
questioned to fly the aircraft again, unless clear and yet occurred an accident F 7 by breaking the air during
unambiguous causes of the accidents could be presented school-rate rotevis rocket Firing Såtenäsmå- let Furan Thure Svensson took

as well as clear and credible action undertaken. engineering at HTL flight

hat. The pilot managed to eject and burning aircraft parts
Norrkoping in 1958 and
were spread over a large area in Vänern in the target
received his wings in
area. Ljungbyhed 1959. The former
Summary of facts flight director and pilot in the

In the first years of Tufted system's introduction in the Air Defense Accident Investigation Board, chaired by Air Force until

Force occurred three spe- cial total failure: Court of Appeal Judge Goran Steen with Colonel Claes
1979. Has served in the
Jernow as flygopera- tive expert, gathered following
Swedish Accident Investigation
Tuesday förmid- today and Wednesday at F 7, where the
Board, the FFV and Saab until
• 1974-04-11 F 7. Aircraft 37,011th Pilot, usual interviews with the personnel involved were
Sergeant Ola Gynäs conducted and preliminary report designed for CFV. 1998. Project DC-3 to
• 1975-10-06 F 7. Aircraft 37,014th Pilot, Lt. 79001
Flygvapenmuseum .
Göte Pettersson I was called as a technical expert. At that time there
• 1975-10-10 F 15. Aircraft 37,005th Pilot, Lt. was no access to the HA veridelar, so the technical
Harald Gatel investigation had to be limited to review of the aircraft
technical documentation. F 7 was assigned to the
All pilots were rescued with the aircraft rescue system, highest priority undertake salvage of aircraft parts using
by manual extendable up, the other two planes triggered the units from the Navy and Air Force rescue divers. This
when broken down in the air. task was somewhat time-consuming because of the risks
that emerge in the target area with potential duds.
After one of the most extensive investigations Haveri Responsibility for this had flight director Krister Kalin.
in Air Force history stated finally that the basic cause of
all cases, wing breakage due to weaknesses in the wing
main beam, resulting in total 'Special accent of the
aircraft. After the initial investigation, nothing could be done
until more salvaged materials were available, why
Accident Investigation Commission made a temporary
Accident investigations pause in its operational hot on the seat.
The first accident occurred April 11, 1974 F7 in Såtenäs
and investigated by the Defense Accident Investigation in Friday morning, October 10th, I was in my office on
very close cooperation with Saab. Technical expertise the F 15, and had normal flight radio on in the
was flight director Lars Axelsson, who belonged to the background, then flygchefen Colonel Rolf Clementson
FMV. shouted on the radio: "ALL THE F 15 aircraft! Cancel
immediately all activities! Return and land care! "Another
Damaged residues transported to Linköping and accident occurred with the Viggen! During evasive action
examined conclusion of expertise from Saab and FMV. after fine gerat RB 04 seizures in the rotation northeast
Someone root cause of this failure could not be of Horns- country, broken airplanes 37005 up in the air.
determined despite thorough technical examinations and The driver landed in the water in the bearing shield, but
psycho- kologiska tests with the pilot. Twelve hypotheses had difficulty in getting free from
were reported to the head of the air force without

The sequence of events at FPL 37014 wing
breakage breakdown October 6, 1975.

screen and ropes. He was rescued by flottil- Jens TV, radio and press. Saab insisted directly on to come
rescue helicopter after a while. and examine everything that came ashore. Such
Now it was a real situation. Three total accidents AJ 37 ambitions were rejected in the input management stage,
Viggen, which disintegrated in the air for unknown reasons. mainly because of our investigation was to be conducted
Much attention in the me- dia - both in Sweden and in an inviolable and impartially and to normal ratio in
internationally. accident investigations is not to release ini 'initiative to
CFV resolved immediately in consultation with FMV, the manufacturer in question, who had been at the first
to further suspend the flight of Viggen pending the results accident. I had the investigation board Chairman support
of ongoing accident investigations. Accident Investigation not to let anyone outside of the investigation, until we
F 15 and salvage attempt northeast of Hornslan- it had a sure grasp of the situation and a plan for a
started with the highest priority. systematic appraisal of interesting parts.

During the coming week began salvage efforts at

Såtenäs give some results: the front body, the central
calculator CK 37, a larger part of the fin, right front wing, This was the first time in my life that I had need of
rear fuselage with motor etc. picked up gradually. CK 37 insomningstabletter to be free of all metal pieces and
was dried and sent to Saab for examination and aircraft parts that danced around me during the nights. I
investigation. was really pressured.

As the aircraft parts were salvaged were the Aircraft Friday, October 17, I reported the salvage situation
oriented on the floor of the airfield workshop on F 7 for both aircraft FV, FMV and Saab Aerospace division's
because we would get a good overview of the wreck and management in Stockholm. The relationship between
to set up a systematic investigation. Saab and FMV had already become somewhat strained -
it was for everyone to play their part and keep track of
Now it was a tremendous pressure on us in the each other and what is expressly
investigation from all sides; FV, FMV, Saab,

thesis. Damages could be behind the corner. I myself By hearsay, I found out that the FMV and Saab would
was surprised when I greeted the leadership of Squadron have a "friendly" meeting in Linköping if they occurred
(whom I knew well already), all presented themselves accidents and GE mentation of a joint investigation of the
with first and last names, and with stiff's faces. incident. This was not acceptable. I went directly to
Linkoping and called immediately the word: "Defense
Accident Investigation Board does not accept that
Interested engineers at Saab and flying and technical parallel investigations GE nomförs without being
personnel at F 7 and F 15 also got an early update on represented in the meetings, studies, etc." Directly asked
bärg- dumping and investigative mode. This was my chief personalkårchef, GL, the word in any irritable
important, not least because confidence Viggen fallen mood: " I am the BE Gärt this. I want to talk to you after
sharply among flight staff. the meeting. " I can well remember that the situation was
somewhat tense. We were never spoken when after this.
Two weeks after the crash on the seat we had come But the Commission of Inquiry had done a mar- kering
so far with the salvage and utpla- cation of aircraft parts for the future.
that we could do a systematic inventory of what we
wanted investigated with the help of external specialists.
The picture was really fragmented and uncertain.
Everything could have happened: fire, explosion, In any case, it turned out that, in parallel with and in
sabotage (threats from leftist groups had voiced), agreement with the Commission of Inquiry, working at
vibration and flutter, breakage, etc. Right now, there were Saab now working under the leadership of Milton Mobärg
no concrete to put on. with a special investigative programs. Among other
things, took up a complete review of the documented
A large group of industry experts, maintenance technical status of the wrecked aircraft, failure analysis of
workshops, laboratories, etc. input invited now to the the systems in the aircraft that could be related to fire
seats and got a thorough review of salvaged materials, and explosion, steering systems, strength, flutter, rescue
as well as the issues and inquiries we wanted done. system

While handed formal mm

orders investigations of HA verikommissionens normal On 24 October, I reported investigative position with
procedure, which was added immediately in time by respect to the examination object, evaluation missions
specialists in the control system and the airframe in the and survey agencies at a meeting with FMV in
coming days. Yet did not the aircraft's left wing have Stockholm.
been located or salvaged.
The salvage of aircraft 37005 F 15 was delayed
All the media were interested to make re- portage because of the large water tendjup where the aircraft
and come up with something "fishy". I got such the task landed. Heavy divers from the Navy must be utilized.
of taking care of a reporter's best from Reading for. He
came in jeans, worn sweater, long hair and beard. He Now all worked hard and large input sets were made
had no pen or blocks it. to locate the aircraft 37014 left wing on the hat Furan,
where we hoped to find answers to what started
I made a popular survey of how the accident havericy- cycle.
investigation goes to, and he had to go inside the ropes
and watch, which he thought was cool. After the visit, I Later in the week arrived CVM Ma-
wondered with concern about what would come out of teriallaboratoriegrupp led by Sven-Ake Karsson, which
this. However, it became one of the best reportage I had immediately started to study in detail the abdomen and all
seen - "one should not judge a book by its cover". the fracture surfaces. In conjunction with the detailed
examination of the wreckage could, among other things
trace characters

the fatigue of the left wing attachment to the abdomen,
which must be analyzed further. After a few more days
crack found a suspected fatigue crack with "striatio- down" in a
corner of the left wing spar and made a cast and sawed
out a piece of that particular area for further examination
of the fracture surface in the scanning electron
microscope at the CVM. All of the little investigative
group were coated immediately with professional secrecy
for the matter to be handled in a controlled and
professional manner.

Wednesday, 29 October could conclusively establish

that they have found clear evidence that the center beam
showed unequivocal fatigue cracks and to beam the
crime had started in the lower rear flange adjacent to a
bolt hole for panel mounting where high stress
concentrations had occurred. This was due to, inter alia,
hålkantav- ​a substandard condition.

The images show how the

left wing was mounted in the
body. The main beam is with
two bolts attached to the
body huvudkop- pelspant.

That night we sat in a small group associations
conspirators of four F 7 officers' mess and speculated on
what would happen when it all became official. "How is it
going with AJ 37 when the wings are broken off after
154-284 hours flown and a load of moderate

4,5-5g? How is this going to JA 37? How is it going with

the sales campaign with the Viggen Eurofighter? "Of
course, we had no answer to this.

On the Friday before All Saints' Day, October 31, I

called Saab's technical director, Erik Bratt, and informed
him that we had a solution in the works. My condition
was that nothing had to leak out until after the weekend,
and that Saab would send home all staff at the two days
of gars much needed rest. Then we pop the bomb. He
agreed to this and I SUITED nade information about
what we found. At the same time he was commissioned
to immediately ensure that the spar from 37011 would
like to CVM for comparative study. Erik Bratt called me in petent congregation. Upon completion came very kindly Picture of Technical
the afternoon and told that they had found the same and Amable Olle Esping up to me: "Are you not well early investigation report
37014 1976
utmattningssprick-'s and fracture of the wing spar you with the conclusion of fatigue?"
had at Saab in Linköping during a year and a half. He
admitted that it felt heavy. I could not really agree with. The root cause was high
spänningskon- concentration at the bolt hole, which
resulted in crack propagation.
In combination with the
On Monday released the information and all the new beams and forging a tighter utilization of the aircraft in
instances set about in more detail try to understand the relation to the current load factor specification, the result
cause and extent of the aircraft fleet and to draw up an at was an girders crimes. Saab's analysis of the status of the
diaphragmatic program that once it was possible to get Viggen main beam showed that there were four different
started with flight service again. beam types of aircraft 37001-37027 and 37801- 37804,
depending on the production adjustment and the running
The following Friday, November 6, I held a briefing at time extension measures.
Saab to all relevant technical staff about what we come
up with. I VI said images on beam break with fatigue The extensive action INVOLVING beam change in
cracks and pointed out the substandard edge distance aircraft with low serial number and efforts to prevent
and call the freight width at the current bolt hole: "Already cracking on the surfaces of in the area. The beam booty
in the early strength classes during my engineering was an extensive rebuilding of the affected wings, which
degree, I learned that the edge distance should be 1.5 required access to fixtures and special tools. This work
times the bolt hole diameter, i.e. goods width should be 8 was performed at Saab. In total 17 aircraft concerned.
mm instead of 2.6 mm " Other measures were on the flotilla workshops with
excellent assistance from Saab and took several months
to complete. The action also included oförstö- generating
testing of bolt holes at frequent inter-
I had clearly stuck his head out. Probably sounded
enough like swearing in kyr- can to call attention to this
for this very com-

vals. No crack was never found, indicating that the Epilogue

measures taken were effective. Finally follows a picture of the original crack of aircraft
A number of other measures that the Defense 37014 I got the CVM Materials Laboratory after the
Accident Investigation Board had recommended were completion of the investigation. The store now
made during the period, including development of new Flygvapen- museum at Malmen.
load factor specification and adaptation of Viggen use in
relation to this. In the original part can be discerned, and the thin
Decided measures were implemented UN- der March thickness at the bolt hole and also the small crack
1976 and according to plan, it was time to give the flying propagation along the bolt hole, which then led to total
staff a thorough review of the causes of the three failure of the main wing beam.
breakdowns grades and what measures had been
carried out on the aircraft. This was necessary to have a
positive attitude and create confidence in the Viggen. references
1. Accident Defense. Investigative report regarding
accidents involving aircraft AJ 37 Viggen 1975-10-06
I was given the task to present the technical part and and 1975-10-10, and additional reporting regarding
started of course on my home flotilla F 15, where I also the failure of the same type of aircraft 1974-07-11.
was part of the flight crew and already had a confidence 1977-05-27 F: MK A68-37: 19/77.
capital. After my presentation the sum-programmed
flygchefen Rolf Clementson: "It was good. We believe in
you and what you found. But The question is: do you 2. CFV statement of accidents aircraft AJ 37 due to
think of this? On Monday, our first aircraft ready for flight. fracture at the wing F 7 1974-07-11 and 1975-10-06,
You get the mission to make the first flight and 1975-10-10 15 at F. CFV 7342: 7;
3. Technical investigation report of failure at F 7 Såtenäs
- a passport aerobatics! "" Of course - I do with the the 6/10 1975 with the flight plan AJ 37 No 37,014th
greatest joy, "was my reply. There was applause for our 1976-06-11.
performance and all were now eager to get started with
flight service again. Generalrepeti- After this reaction, the
same information on the F 7 with positive response.

Original crack from aircraft


Maintaining Viggen
Air Force's policy has always been to demand that the war Drafts, drawings, dummies, test and series aircraft were
planes is so easy to operate that conscript staff with examined regarding accessibility, interchangeability,
limited technical training, to be able to clear the aircraft
repairability and reliability. Experience from previous
before takeoff and also receive them after landing. This
focus has contributed to an effective maintenance system types of aircraft are used to find structures with optimum
has been developed. reliability. Requirements for output bytbarhetsmöjligheter Anders Kågström, Royal

Institute of Technology machine

specified. At the same time maintenance methodology
1962. Flights Educated at
was designed based on the technical conditions in terms
Ljungbyhed and flight engineer
In the early stages of Tufted system project planning, it of requirements regarding the filling of fuel, oil, hydraulic in the Air Force 1962-69.
became evident that special attention must be paid to fluid and compressed gas. Thereafter FMV 1969-

maintenance issues. Tufted system,

91, working with studies,
missiles, aircraft and
to the previous aircraft types, significantly increased
aircraft maintenance chief.
complexity, the requirements for high availability and the Air Force maintenance structure with maintenance on
ambition to keep maintenance costs led to three levels were maintained even for Vig- gene system. The
underhållsbered- accession ran parallel with the design three levels are:
work. Operations are defined as "advisory, investigative, A level, where clarification, service and minimum dre repairs are RM 8 could be removed from

investigative and follow-up activities in the construction the aircraft by means of a

carried out on the company.
carriage provided with a
tion, testing and manufacturing stage creates the
B level, where inspections, repairs and modifications as well as height adjustable bar bed.
conditions for a rational main- tenance by product Notice also the folding fin,
certain equipment maintenance is performed on the flotilla
adapted and resources planned". which allowed the existing
workshop. hangars did not need to be
rebuilt. Photo: F 21
C level, which overhauls of engines and appliances being carried

out at the central workshop.

Engine RM 8 then presented in printed form in an accessible way. On
The cost of engine maintenance is often equal to half the baskompaniet (A's level,) were used telecommunications
total maintenance cost, which is why the management of test car to detect and locate faults to a device that was
the engine and its installation in the aircraft is very changed and sent to the shop for repair.
important. Motorhante- ring was like the dragon will be
performed using the so-called Air Logistic system, the On flotilla workshop (B level), an automatic test
joints had good experience. Hu- vudkomponenten was a station - ATS 10 - which could test about half of all
carriage equipped with rails, parked behind the aircraft, electronic devices in the aircraft. ATS 10 was a fairly
formed an extension of the hull. The engine equipped universal autotesters, constructed in the same way as
with rolls would thus go out of or into the aircraft body to with the ATE and diagnostic programs for each unit
or from the cart. stored on the disk memory. Diagnostic software is
designed to measure performance and identify any
malfunction. By troubleshooting could felak- silent
system subassemblies found and sent on for action.
The principle influenced the design of the airframe
but the circumferential ribs with a single rail in the base
resulted in a re- relatively light construction. The
downside was that access to the engine was limited. The On the main workshop (C-level) finally were resources
hatches between the ribs were small and the ability to to test all elektronikenhe- best through performance
change the engine sets almost non-existent. JT8D measurement and troubleshooting including ATS 10 and
engine was like most civil engine motors built pod approximately 15 different types of ATS and a larger
assembly where almost the entire engine area could be number of manual test stations. The performance
exposed through the open podskalet. measurement could be defective units found. Continued
troubleshooting could lead to the discovery of felak- silent
system subassemblies or components. Missing system
This meant that the devices and systems-ations on subassemblies could be tested and repaired in particular
the engine as far as possible be redeployed to meet the systems testers which were on the C level
requirements for service and maintenance.

The need for the number of test kits mineral

The test system - a breakthrough for the new methodology nimerades by analyzing the signal and measurement
needs and requirements for accuracy Res respectively
To troubleshoot the advanced electronic system subunit. In this way could signal bound test equipment
AJ-generation developed a constructed. Auto testers developed through the
so-called ATE (Automatic Test Equipment), Fully oriented in experiences that accumulated flight time of production
a telecommunications test car, in order to level A would be gave but also by the generally rapid development of
able to conduct performance checks and error localization. electronics equipment.
This came to be very effective and above all saves time in
troubleshooting and monitoring aircraft.
The transition to YES 37
A so-called auto tester was built around a computer In the transition to YES 37 come a new generation of digital
(ATE) and controlled by it. Test programs, which were electronics with the possibility concerned to develop so-called
loaded into the computer, were stored on disks "ordered" Built In Test BIT, which reduced the need for external test
auto tester to connect stimuli signals and measurement equipment. Teletestbi- smooth therefore used in all small
points / measuring instruments to test points on the extent for YES 37. After PRI flights (see below) at 13 F and
aircraft. The computer evaluated mätresul- profit to the Saab 1983 starting with the completely YES 37th
correct values. The result

At first, a rough analysis of maintenance planning for The RUF system
workshops mainly for JA 37. The analysis examined The RUF system (Registration-Aircraft
technical and economic consequences of a number of Maintenance-security) proved to be invaluable in the
alternative solutions regarding forced services samples. In a tape recorder in the aircraft
continuously recorded UN- der flight about 200 different
• the geographical distribution of parameters such as fly (speed, altitude,
maintenance. load factor, etc.)

• distribution of maintenance resources Air Force and data from various functional systems (engine fuel

workshops relatively central workshops, i.e. the control system). In addition, spoon the supervision of

degree all maintenance activities would be at level B about 450 logic signals.

or C-level. The system consisted of two parts. One included

data record continuously on a tape cartridge could record
• the degree of coordination of test equipment
up to six hours of recordings. Besides aviation safety
applications for YES and 37 existing automation
recorded a large amount of detailed information from
devices AJ / SF / SH 37. The analysis resulted in
funktionsövervak- device with identification of both
primary and secondary faults down to the subsystem
• The bulk (about 90%) of utbytesenhets- flow came to be level.
maintained on the flotilla, in which the test was done in ATS

10 and remaining at the central level. The second part consisted of an markbase- based
system that the tape cassette evaluations conditioned

• All testing and maintenance of systemunder- units, recorded data automatically to find any faults and

e.g. PCBs, carried out at the central workshop. deterioration information of the aircraft, as well as changes
in motorprestan- da. Up to four flight sessions could be
evaluated from a tape cartridge.
YES 37's forced services sample (PRI aerospace compounds)

The goal was to cope with teething arms before the operation Simulation

aircraft was delivered to the pros band that is looking for To quickly and reliably perform parametric studies and
technical defects undetected during the previous sensitivity analyzes, and to optimize maintenance
utprovning- a well to test YES 37 maintenance solutions for different design alternatives, began
procedures and planning. operation simulation to be used as an aid in the 1960s.

The tests took place during the period 8 January to

20 December 1979, and the original goal was to fly over During typarbetet reported design engineers which
the period 200 passport with an airplane. The total was properties different subsystems, monkey or parathyroid
401 passports and 300 flight hours. A doubters who did function with components could be expected in
not believe that 200 passports a year was possible, and operation. With a driftsimulerings- model that could
put his hat on this, we eat it in August. handle the basic data and other conditions, could
instructions continuously fed back to each supplier if
necessary konstruktionsänd- rings down to the
The technical problems encountered was less than component level to achieve the standards of the
expected and it was found that the JA 37 was very service "quantitative efficiency which" the Viggen system.
and underhållsvän- thoroughly. Contributing to the good Quantitative efficiency defined as:
result was YES 37's built-in test system that gave very
short test times. Fault location and action could in many
cases be addressed directly related to the clarification of
the next session. the probability that operational aircraft
with the right weapon options available in

Variable clarification F 17th

Photo: Emil Lindberg

relation to the need over time to meet the prospective

• The production unit, which limited the potential of the
enemy operations in the war.
systematic troubleshooting.

Responsible designer got this way a meaningful • Lack of communication between the driver and

understanding of their own competitive struktionslösnings maintenance managers and between UN-

impact on totalresul- result. This was a positive factor derhållsnivåerna. At first it could be 30-40% of the

that quickly gave effect. Much of driftsimule- ring used for remarks connections not verified.
decisions on the selection of testfilo- refined for
electronics in the Viggen. AJ / S 37 directed efforts to test software,
troubleshooting regulations and
apparatus modifications. On the service side was
"Ua - gap" changed B- and C-level test equipment from the ATS 1
More electronics in the aircraft also resulted in more to ATS 10 implying a more reliable diagnostic tool. These
unverified remarks in daily speech called "Ua-gap" (Ua = measures depressed UA gap to 5-10%.
without note).
JA 37 was from better delivery that is ready for
The drivers' comments caused many headaches for debugging by the almost complete embedded test at
the staff and at the same time as the availability of a A-level and the RUF, although these systems themselves
clear aircraft decreased increased costs. Some were contributed to Ua-gap. The test rigs level C could also be
flygföraran- markings A-level staff wrote of the "corrective more than the previously used long-term test and sample
action". Another part was the complaints resulted in AP in 'flight real "systems environment.
mated changes in the aircraft, but where the B and C
levels could not find anything wrong with the submission The overall experience resulted in increased
materials. systemic training for all staff on the A and B levels, which
helped reduce the UA gap. The development of the
reporting system DIDAS - AVIATION easier for the staff
What was then UA gap on? Orsaker- na was, among others to get direct access to reports

related failures and maintenance. An increasing reporting
morale was also beneficial.

Variable clarification

Air Force basic philosophy gradually came to focus on

diversified grouping also clarify cleaning and repairs to
thereby increase the level of protection in the attack on
the air base. This demanded clarification resources
minimera- des and could be easily transported.
Equipment necessary for clarification, as fuel,
oxygen, standby assembly
and specific clarification equipment was mobile. This
meant that the clarification could be virtually anywhere
within the air base and where it is currently judged to be war Repairs Refueling of the airplanes and

the most appropriate to perform this action. War will cause damage, which re- quires repair methods, the net charge of the Akan part
of clarification ring before the
which are likely to be completely oli ka those applied in
flight. Photo: Emil Lindberg
Vehicles were purchased and adapted for this and in fredsverk- operations. These measures alone are
1982 performed the final samples on Hagshultsbasen. intended to restore the aircraft to its original status. Tailor
The system's flexibility allowed the aircraft after landing repair regulations are developed where the quality of the
could be routed to the location from the tactical point of work in advance Best hand. In war, it is because of time
view and with regard to the upcoming mission unthinkable to carry out repairs on the way. Special
assessments des appropriate. The moving clarification warfare repair methods are necessary.
team met the aircraft with the right equipment, the
clarification quickly and efficiently could utfö- race.
Clarification team could then return to their living and International studies took place while the war repairs
preparing for the next mission. where the UK with the RAF was considered to be a
leader. Which had for many years been a comprehensive

Variable clarification in the

field. Photo: F 21st

up for its own staff but also for other NATO countries. a year earlier to determine how long the test resource at
Sweden had the opportunity to participate in the training the C level had to be kept going. At the time, the
and found that the RAF come pretty far, but we in liquidation of 37 system set at 15 - 20 years in the 2000
Sweden in some areas come even further. take-let. The calculations showed that by taking
advantage of exchange units from cull aircraft and create
A reduced number of aircraft requires that war a stronger buffer of replacement units could be the
damage can be quickly rectified. To meet the maintenance of the equipment completed in good time
requirement formed a group with representatives from before 37 final felling system's development. The cost
both users and suppliers with the goal of creating a guide savings were more than 500 million!
with the AN views to perform "rapid repair". These could
only be carried out during the war and sometimes with
reduced safety requirements pending the normal repair The last flight of the Air Force with aircraft made 37 F
methods could be used. The work resulted in a military 21 in December 2005. Less than ten aircraft was then left
repair manual, specially adapted sad to Viggen. The out of 329 produced series aircraft.
guide described the different types of "fast repair" the
damage with universal application, but also in the form of
special repairs. Trends
After the decision of the Gripen development came
Tufted system is also used to create knowledge in
technical fields such as IT and materials.
Fundamental to a successful krigsrepa- ratio is an
accurate damage survey and action judgment to decide The Gripen agreement, we read that all the technical
vil- ka aircraft to be prioritized. Factors to consider: information would be transferred to electronic media, but
a good standard in image and text area was not at the
time. Saab and FMV hastened the development, and
• What aircraft can be flown by only minor much of the Viggen technical documentation transferred
modifications. to digital form and used successfully in flygvapnet.Inom

• What aircraft can be repaired in time for the re-introduction into materials area continued research including using
operational service. kolfiberkompo- sites. A number of fins and landing gear

• What aircraft can not be repaired in time for the doors were made because of carbon fiber for JA 37 and

re-introduction into operational service, but can be used for experience could then be credited in Gripen
"cannibalization" and cover the shortage of replacement development.
units and spare parts.

To meet the requirement of competence GE nomfördes

extensive training. A close collaboration between the MSG-3 is called a method to define new aircraft
technical and the operational side was developed to maintenance program and that has long been used in
correct prioritization could be done. civil aviation. It had not been used before for Swedish
warplanes but planned for the Gripen. To gain greater
insight into the methodology, an analysis of some
Decommissioning phase systems Viggen to get the method is confirmed. The
Culling of Viggen started in 1993 and the fragmentation result led to minor amendments to the current
of the airframe in 1995. The same year also began maintenance plan for the Viggen, which resulted in a
culling of RM 8. The objective was to adapt the AP slight reduction in preventive maintenance. FMV
mated maintenance to flight time forecasts and the approved the me- method to be used for the Gripen.
remaining aircraft. The planning started

Viggen 30 years in the Air Force
Tufted system was for more than 30 years one of the lake, was followed whereby knowledge and experience
world's leading aircraft systems and formed the backbone built up regarding operations and tactics. Specific
of the Swedish Air Force. In those years were Viggen development
information regarding the equipment on ships, for
to be continuous.
example, weapons, radar and signaling equipment was
recognized early. In some cases, the intelligence of the Bert Stenfeldt, General,
began the age of 17 in 1951
New technology, new subsystems and weapons were added, immediate major security role
in the Air Force. Flew fighter
which gradually led to increased verkansmöj- opportunities.
planes for 44 years.
In combination with advanced bass, stridslednings-, liaison e.g. during emergency situations. Overall, the Viggen Essentially T / B 18, A 21 R, A
and ledningssys- system responded Tufted system very well reconnaissance function of great importance nationally / J barrel 29, A / S / J lance 32

up to the demands of threat evolution Adjustable those. and internationally. Spaningsun- underlay was an and AJ / S / JA 37 Viggen.
Chairman of SwAFHF ago in
Moreover, in a cost effective manner. important factor for continual security assessments as
well as for the Swedish Armed Forces technical and
Viggen was a driver-friendly aircraft. Item No. rarens tactical development.
work was adapted to GE nomföra most difficult missions,
fighter, attack and reconnaissance, individual and Viggen, in collaboration with the spray system,
dressings, day and night, in all weather situations. The received international attention due primarily to the
aircraft was appreciated by the pilots. uniquely high contact ratio. Incident Operations created
respect for Viggen ability with RB 71 "meet" the most
Viggen in the surveillance operation carried out qualified targets, as one of the world's then most
intelligence gathering of the highest class. Continuous advanced reconnaissance aircraft, the US SR-71
monitoring of the surrounding maritime areas, provided the Blackbird. In some cases obtained valuable intelligence
basis for the assessment of deviation from the normal substrate,
picture. WP and NATO naval operations, primarily in the
Baltic e.g. then Viggen "interceptade" a MiG-29

A beacon group AJ 37 over ice

floes. Photo: Ulf Fabiansson

Viggen also participated
successfully in the
international context. Here,
an SK 37E at the Elite 04
exercise 2004. Photo:

Lars-Ake Siggelin

fully robotic equipment, a surface which at that time was and a basic system with short courses led to the exclusion
sensational and had a very high intelligence value. of the Swedish base system and Viggen operation
These inputs batches created respect for the Swedish air opportunities would cost 3-4 times more than to hit a
defense and Viggen far beyond Sweden's borders was an "VAN Resistant" base. Viggen 'Multi-role' capability implies
important factor in the security policy perspective. that an attacker always had to expect that the majority
Viggen could, regardless AJ, SK, YES or SH / SF 37, used
for the attack on the target surface or be part of the air
Viggen in the attack operation showed the Rest of defense. It created opportunities for the Swedish armed
applications and presentations, including for international forces and uncertainty for an attacker.
experts, an impressive ability to effect and survival.
Foremost was celebrated ability with RB 04E against
naval targets. An ability that was further strengthened by The Swedish Air Force created by Vigg system is
the introduction of AJS 37 and RBS 15. As much respected in the world through an operational, tactical
impressed flank attack on the foreign ex- perts. Flank behavior as well responded to the war-related
attack is unique and includes good verkansmöjligheter requirements. A respect which was based on the overall
combined with minimal risk. International experts also picture that the Swedish Air Force personnel, ma- teriel
observed Viggen extremely short clarification times, and activities demonstrated the exercises and
demonstrations, but also in daily operations at a time
when Sweden had to demonstrate the will and ability to
refueling and charging, defend its territory.
superior to all other known aircraft (air guns). The short
clarification ages admitted a very high input frequency.
This in turn affected verkansmöjligheterna, overall. A WP Tufted system provides strong support for the
or NATO invasion against our country would have meant Swedish nonaligned policy through the Cold War to
significant losses as long Viggen in the attack operation respond to the requirements of neutrality sets, ie to
was avail- Resistant. This was shown in several protect the country's borders and the Cold War through
contexts, operational studies and games, and most participation in international exercises and GE mentation
explicitly associated with U 137 - crisis. Viggen was the of international commitments.
context clearly Peace! Viggen in attack mode was a
particularly important factor in the Swedish defense and Tufted system, with support functions, con- tributed
security policy. significantly to the stability of our region during the Cold
War and to the good co-working environment that exists
today internationally regarding our Armed Forces. Tufted
system created respect and trust.
Viggens verkans- and överlevnadsmöjlig- units in
combination with STOL characteristics

debate climate
Debate climate in the media was characterized in the early replace all existing types of martial aircraft, took the
1960s by a very positive attitude to the defense in general criticism little regard for. Some like long-term investments
and air defense in particular. The Air Force was very
were not government authorities had to report, neither in
strong European circumstances with a total of 45 divisions
of over 800 warplanes. terms of defense and other areas of co-society, such as
roads, health care, etc. Hans G. Andersson, known
as Santa Claus, was in the
40's co-workers in the journal
The first presentation of the system 37 took place at Aerospace and came through
Saab was standing on top after pioneering work in the Saab in December 1962 when defended filter and industry ABA Saab, where he worked
as CIO for many years.
1940's and 50's with J 29 "barrel", A lance 32 and not representatives presented the project in the presence of
least 35 J Dragon. The development and production about 35 journalists. Shortly thereafter, work began on a
production of these weapons had led Sweden to the defense and defense industry joint communication plan in
world's best in aviation. System 37 was overall a much the long term would satisfy the needs of the need for
larger project. There were åtskil- league who felt that the factual information about the System 37th
system was too big for Swedish conditions. It would
extend over several decades since the aircraft in various Hans G. Anders- son

versions would replace both the Lance as dragon fighter, Major events in the development program identified contributions "Fpl 37
History and experience"
attack and reconnaissance aircraft. For political Skai was considering the mass media activities. Convener was
now Emergency sary to disclose the estimated total cost usually the main supplier, Saab, with the participation of
for both development and production, and it ended up the Air Force Headquarters, KFF / FMV and the ups and
just over 8 billion, one of many, in any case, the Ti it, sidole- suppliers depending on the content.
staggering sum. That system would
Criticism of the project started early and you could
not fail to note that both po- litiker that some soldiers
expressed the view that the system 37 could be a cuckoo
in the armed forces.

So here presented system 37

in December 1962 for the em-
ployees at Saab. It showed the
performance of the aircraft
was already out of date!

1964 concretised criticism including through an article in the overall engineering capacity would not be enough if
the Social idétidskrif- ten "time" authored by a young you do not want to make other
kanslisekre- Secretary of Defense, Ingemar Ståhl (later Heavily activity distressed. System 37 In other
professor of economics). It stated that "Viggen will cost words, lead to a talent drain. Eventually you could be the
15 billion to purchase and as many billions in operation. authorities' help provide figures that clearly refuted's
Taxpayers should mao tving- as paying $ 30 billion for an assertion endena. The figures showed that in 1965,
aircraft to be outdated when it arrives. " Stahl also when the development work culminated, took the system
claimed that we have taken on more than we can bear. 37 used only half a percent of the country's 19,000
"From leading defense hold does not have any scientists and engineers.
guarantees provided to aircraft system would provide
value for money," he says. A Swedish "Skybolt-business"
was another headline in this article with reference to a Parts of the Social Democratic press, however, was
failed nuclear weapons-carrying British robotics projects. basically in favor of the system
37, which inter alia seen from the following quotation from
Aftonbladet in October 1964. "Some discussions have
arisen about its 7 1/2-billion project system 37. Aftonbladet
informs in a Arti- kelserie of System 37, which in fact is not
Saab CEO Tryggve Holm, more expensive than our current air defense."
showcasing the newly
In vulgar debate was supplemented with information
withstand full-scale dummy,
37-0, for the press, April 5 on how many child care centers, how much more child Some writers but also politicians have argued that
support and how much more generous pensions we decisions on the System 37 "crept through parliament."
1965. The man in the
could get on the projection Tet shelved etc. Another Nothing can be more erroneous. The project examined in
background, with the barrel, is
argument, which critics often were attracted to, was that detail by Parliament in 1960 as well as the 1962 pre-
Lars Brising. Photo: Saab.

Test Aircraft 37 -1 rolled
out from the test
workshop November 24,
1966. Photo: Saab.

response investigations. Flights Materials Advisory Council's largest defense order posted to the Swedish defense
final report in April 1965 confirmed the Government's and industry, "said försvarsde- partementet in a communiqué
Parliament's previous decisions. The unity was great on the also stated that" the development work that has been in
continued focus. The outside world can of course also hardly the port is a great success for Swedish industry and
be blamed for the Parliamentary any lack of debate on engineering skills. In the comparisons made by the
certain issues. foreign aircraft that, against the background of the
specific requirements of our military's geographical
On April 5, 1965 presented system 37 in detail the location places, been possible for the Swedish Armed
Saab face a large press corps. Something "creeping" Forces, the Swedish Industri and research with a given
was no question. Moreover, it was at this time that economic conditions, well able to meet the requirements
system 37 Viggen was named the head of the air force, of technical quality and overall competitiveness".
the CFV.

In early 1967, the Social Democrats in the defense New Media troubled, however, the project July 2,
investigation, surprisingly, its own bid was SEK 600 1968 when the Swedish Dagbladet reported that "the unit
million less per year than had hitherto current planning price of the Viggen rather is above than below 20 million
framework. As a direct result, the CFV reported to the in development costs excluded on the number of planes
Supreme Commander that, with regard to the proposed ordered, compared to the originally estimated 10 million
new framework, the completion of the System 37 was no crowns." In an editorial a few days later, however,
longer clear because, inter alia, would mean closure of newspaper management away from it as Previously
2-3 air commands. The finding caused a sensation in the stated in the news with the following: "The specified
media. The threat to Vig- gene allayed by hand. The first, increase in cost is a calculation based on the premise
successful and fully scheduled, provflyg- compound that until political decisions about the number of ordered
undoubtedly improved with the prototype debate climate. aircraft would be the last word on the Viggen. It originally
stated price was based on a projected series on the
passport 800 aircraft, the number of the army's side were
judged militarily desirable and reasonable. It is in the
5 April 1968, the government approved an order of open day, that if the cost of the front
175 pieces AJ and SK 37, the last 75 conditional and
dependent on the parliament's decision. "The value of
this initial batch of 100 aircraft is 1.5 billion crowns, the

was that it hardly corresponded Radio Act § 6 that
"impartiality and objectivity will characterize the program
activities". The law also said that "SR before
transmission as precisely as the circumstances permit
shall verify the factual information and also rectify at
incorrect factual information when necessary." After half
a year of reflection decided to TV 2 December 14th,
1973 to view the movie with some deletions of the most
revealing (for filmmakers) sections while the most
balanced the interviews! 1 television had earlier said no
on the grounds that the film was a party pleading that
even with an accompanying program could be balanced
An ad for pre- miären removal of the aircraft type must be spread over a range out in a relevant way.
1973 on May that is less than the fourth part of the initially estimated,
Wechselmanns film.
the unit price to rise significantly. "
"Viggen 37".
The head of the TV 1 Hakan Unsgaard motivated in the
The criticism continued to Viggen costs during the late magazine "Economist" No 7/73 its decision with the following
1960s and early 70s and led, among other things that the words. "The filmmakers have had complete freedom to
Defense Department considered himself compelled to discredit and förlöj- consistent decision-makers, and they have
issue a special inside information in writing, "System 37", used them
which details the reported project throughout prehistory, - very cleverly - when combined international vjuavsnitt
calculated nade costs, contract forms, foreign options, etc. with cartoon section. " Unsgaard said, among other
The publication was published on 24 May 1972, signed by things, that "it is here that the most effective best occurs
försvarsmi- minister Anders Thunborg. that is not balanced - it would be interesting to detail
ethically analyze how this was the position of art works -
but the point is that it mockingly caricatured front position
A strange if not bizarre feature of the media debate of art eventually collide with the respect for each man's
about the Viggen, output was May Wechselmanns movie integrity as a mass medium must apply, the notion that
"Viggen 37, a military aircraft history" actually added by even the decision-makers have the right to appear
government grants. At Filminsti- tutets 10th anniversary full-length and be heard in the end. "
in October 1973 was appointed Viggen film, incidentally,
"one of 1973's best films." May W. also received from the
then Education Minister Ingvar Carlsson care receive a It was against that background, to say the least
quality premium of 133 000. In March 1974 the May W. remarkable that this kind of desinfor- tion became the
Moreover, the authors tarstipendium 15 000. The film subject of Swedish cultural heritage personnel's pressure
was shown at the "People's Cinema" around the country, on TV and also received an award of a public Swedish
universities, institutions and associations in the country institution whose primary mission is to educate the
and abroad. It's a mystery who's BE-cost campaigns and Swedish filmmakers.
version rings into foreign languages. The film was
shown, among other things the Youth Festival in East A very serious disorder which naturally changed in
Berlin. attracted the media's great interest in output made CFV
decision October 10, 1975 to output Farda grounding of
Viggen on the occasion of the three-wing crimes accidents.
The compre- hensive transparency of haveriundersökning-
Not only that. Since TV hesitated to show the film one eliminated the speculation and created
managed to May W. gain 117 of the country's so-called
cultural workers to sign a petition to the TV to show the even some good will, especially abroad (the leader of the
film. The problem Flight International).

Viggen was worth the money?
During the Cold War, Sweden continued its declared and powers agreed when it came to aircraft equipment
neutrality. This motivated a strong defense and a between KFF / FMV and on the other suppliers.
comprehensive defense. Deliveries outside was often not
possible because of confidentiality obstacles in the .
countries of origin. In addition, it was part of our policy of Cost GL began his flight
neutrality that we ought to be largely independent of Prior to the start of the development of the aircraft 37 training in the Air Force in

imports. worried politicians of the ever increasing cost of 1947 and went out KTH
warplanes. Tabel- smooth bottom of the page shows
1953. Worked as a flight
The defenders were therefore in largely on the supply expenses for certain airplanes from 1950 up to 35 aircraft
engineer in the Air Force
from the Swedish industry. On AN pull hand, an industry and KFF / FMV 1964 assessment of the costs of the and FMV. He was head of
have a more or less continuous coating of its Guidance aircraft 37th the main department of air at

and manufacturing resources. The employment obtained FMV 1980-89.

partly from defense and partly from the export clients. With Note: The cost data are derived, unless otherwise
the strict, often motivated, arms exports policy that specified, from the cost study that FMV was 1989/90,
prevailed in our country became the most försvarsin- updated in 1997, including most types of military
dustrierna dependent on the customer, the defense equipment. The costs were normalized then the price
branch administrations and by 1968 FMV could coat the level in 1989/90 by correction index for "access of
industry with the necessary orders. From the customer domestic verkstadsproduk- best", the most relevant index
and also from the companies' point of view, it is desirable at that time. Here, a further normalization occurred to the
to competition. Our relatively limited industrial capacity price level in 1999/2000.
did not lead to competition could be maintained except in
certain cases.
As previously mentioned, were added, in 1964 a
special committee, Materiel formulation, FMB, to examine
37 project. This recommended in 1965 that the
There was thus a mutual de- pending between the development of the project would continue under certain
customer and the supplier, "the military-industrial preconditions. Among other things, would be the
complex." For male therapist this unique responsibility of KFF and Saab agreed adjustments race.
customer-supplier relationship agreed to that FMV would The government was concerned that Saab would
have the right to carefully review and transparency in otherwise have a too dominant role as mono
both technical and economic issues of the greater the polleverantör.
suppliers. A balanced distribution of responsibilities

Development costs ( million, PN 99/00) Airplanes

29 32 35 37
First flight 1948 1952 1955 1967
Development cost 500 2500 5500 8900 *

Series costs ( million, PN 99/00)

Aircraft 29 32 A / C 32 B 35 A / C 35F 37
First serial delivery 1951 1955 1958 1959 1964 1971
aircraft Cost 7 14 17 32 35 60 *

* These data were predicted in 1964, the other is for the

calculated, actual costs.

Distribution of responsibility and authority, contract A hotly debated issue in terms of the system 37 was also
types, suppliers how to spread of responsibility and authority between the
An aircraft system life extends now over four decades or various becoming involved companies. To hand over a
more. Myck- et have time to change during this time, large part of the responsibility to a main supplier,
technically, politically, etc. At the beginning of the
development work must therefore be proactive and i.e. Saab, were considered but were terminated by KFF mainly
invest in modern and even in the coming technology. by the government, as mentioned above. Suppliers were
You have to weigh the pro jekts risks when it comes to divided into different categories as follows:
new technology and its impact on the delivery time and
Main supplier ( Main contractor)
Saab, with the responsibility to integrate other
But development is necessary. Friendly alternative
vendors' equipment and with certain powers,
materials are low-power, which is uneconomical.
Directive correctly, in relation to other suppliers
within certain financial limits.
Experience shows that it is not reasonable to bind a
company by an agreement with firm commitments on the
Side Providers ( subcontractor)
supply and prices more than ten years. (Such as C-5 Galaxy
Powerplant: Engine AGA
and the JAS 39 Griffin) development of complex systems
often takes more than ten years. This means that most of the
Saab: Robots (04, 05)
series costs and all operating and maintenance costs are
Bofors: Arms
outside the company's responsibility. (At the time of the
Arenco, PUT, SRA,
37-project was the development rate is so high that you have
to start series production before the development was
-suppliers ( subcontractor)
finished.) During the first few years you have to make
Saab: Computer
important decisions that lead to cost outcomes far in the
Honeywell: Autopilot LME
future if the project is completed. In base to take cases, thus
the supplier initially one- DAST take financial responsibility
SRA Indicators
for the development and the first prototype series, while the
AGA: gyro Platform
costs for series production, operation and maintenance are
SRT: Radar Altimeter
outside the company's responsibility. Suppliers ( Vendor)
A plurality of all the above.

Fellow and side suppliers were the companies that

Provider accepts responsibility for the first 5-10 supplied equipment that is either already included in the
years, while the customer must take the economic earlier aircraft, equipment whose design heavily
consequences the following about 30 years. Giving influenced the aircraft's future tactical use or
supplier for major powers to make important, long-term maintenance costs and equipment in which spe- cial
decisions can lead to a highly unfavorable cost trend for privacy problems existed. The difference between the
the customer. The upshot of this is that the state, the side and was co-supplier to Saab Directive the right
customer, can not leave too much responsibility and thus (authority) to sidolevera- detectors were more limited
powers to a company until you come a long way in the than with regard to co-suppliers. Against all these
development. The division of responsibilities regarding suppliers, Saab would be responsible for the
Tufted system was based on the above facts, which coordination of schedules and specifications, installation
meant that the major long-term decisions were made by issues, and system testing.
KFF / FMV, in consultation with the companies.

The number of lateral and co-suppliers main- held in

great AJ to the JA 37. Some equipment

materials, YES 37 went on to become a subcontractor conditions to target cost between customer and supplier.
supplies. JA 37 had LME greater responsibility for The last two subseries for JA 37 was ordered for a fixed
coordination between their own and the SRA's equipment price.
on account of experiences from J 35F. We now had the Contract principles contributed to a good and open
experience of a number of projects reached a contract cooperation between customers and suppliers. Both felt
pattern with pretty good division of responsibilities the responsibility to hold down costs.
between the customer, the main supplier and other LE
providers, at least according to FMV's perception up.
Saab was founded project CB 37 and the KFF customer Costs
project L37. Cost is just one of three key factors when assessing a
material system. The other two are the value / impact of
For aircraft 35 had been applied to the contract with the system and the delivery time. The delivery time
the payment as so-called Book & Bill, which meant that affects the time the system is useful. The most difficult
the supplier was paid for its expenses (incl. Cold cuts, thing is to determine the value. That's because so many
approved by KFF) plus a percentage profit. The last part uncertain factors affect the final result: the probability to
series by J 35F ordered though a fixed price with combat certain targets, the likelihood that the enemy
indexation. uses us assuming tactics, the effect of our own systems;
tactic, performance, quantity, operating security, delivery
These methods worked well if you compare our costs mm accuracy is in calculations of the value is often not
with those of other coun- tries had to pay for their aircraft. better than -50% and + 100%.
For aircraft 37 applied it to begin with the Book Bill, but
from 1965 to 1967, when the project began to settle
down and the greatest technological uncertainties were
considered completed, went over to the so-called It becomes one digit's accuracy. Delivery charges are
incentive contracts. They meant that they were based on often specified by three-four or more digits. So you have
a target cost and target profit. Depending on the terms of to realize that an assessment of two different material
the incentives could be met supplier have increased or types are more accurate than the one figure once! In the
decreased profit. Most common was the incentive lower comparison between the costs must be clearly defined
cost. It was divided in some proportion increased or what is included in each record, what the conditions are
decreased costs and what price point that is used.

AJ beacon group 37 from F 6.

Photo: SFF archive

Below is how they assessed the cost of development Compared with hindsight, SEK 100 million average price (PN 89/90)

and series of aircraft 37 at different times: the series price is increased by:

approximately 100% since 1963, 16-25% since

Estimated total development ( million, PN 89/90)
Kalkylår 1963 8850 1965 5-10% since 1968. These prices are average

prices calculated across all versions. The last aircraft

" 1965 12 050 (L37 apply) " was delivered in 1990. Since then, some costs for
1968 13 200 (transition to modifications to come. 1963 calculus involved a series
incentive contracts) of price of 7-7.5 million. SEK in the then generating
" 1970 14 800 (new costs AJ) "
money. Selection of the index is thus of great
1988 15 150 (wing modification
mm) importance.

The main reasons for cost increases in 1963 (million)

What this says is really:
AJ / S Electronics 37 (new development in electronics st.f. 35) 1560
Modified, new weaponry 100 1. For a project with much development is impossible,

Two versions instead of S 37 (SF, SH) 150 before the work lasted a few years, making accurate

wing Breakdowns 160 cost figures.

YES 37 Internal cannon 150

New development radar and other electronics 1200 2. If the schedule is stretched out in time, as was the case here,
Integration of missiles 120 the time the threats change and the new tactical
Further development of RM 8A to RM 8B 1070 requirements may apply.
Increased load spectrum, wing modification 130
3. An international comparison appears Vigg project as

a system with low cost, at least after the first three

Compared with hindsight, 15150 million. SEK (PN 89/90) have thus
years uncertainties. The reason the serial number was
typkostnaden increased by approximately:
reduced was not only cost but as much due to ramminskningar

70% 1963 26% 15% since

1965 since 1968 2%

since 1970 established by the Government. They planned, co

manlagda costs have thus reduced
since 1965. At one point, we notified the

Estimated cost range (million, PN 89/90)

Kalkylår Price / aircraft Price / aircraft calculated (Total framework series)

(Normalized to 329 FPL) Quantity

1963 40 47-50 831 33000

1965 70 80-85 720 50000

1968 85 91 -95 510 43,000

1989 100 100 329 33000

(PN 99/00) in

1989 125 125 329 41 000

Government money for the 175 first aircraft was enough In addition, other cost items in the Air Force, which can
for another ten aircraft. FMV had to order five, the not be attributed to a spe- cifikt systems, distributed in
remaining funds withheld by the government. any way. Here you have to decide on a distribution
method, which involves great difficulties. On what system
the costs shall be? Standing reorganizations in the
Comparison with the JAS 39 Gripen armed forces in recent years and changes in accounting
Calculated average prices per aircraft (million, methods also makes it virtually impossible to get hold of
PN 99/00) the necessary data.

Aircraft 37 aircraft 39
Kalkylår Price Kalkylår Price

1963 60 1982 130

Costs (billion, PN 99/00)
1965 100 1988 180
Development 19
1968 117 1990 185
329 series aircraft (including
1988 125 1997 200
amendments and typförbättringar

One can observe the same pattern in the series of before 1990) 46

prices. The collateral in the assessments is slightly better Further development and
for the aircraft 39. It had probably learned some of the 37 modification after 1990 6*
system. His attempt to put a fixed price early for Griffin Operation and maintenance, B and C levels 14
did not fall well. It was realized that the division of
Replacement Units and spare engines 3 **
responsibilities and powers between customer and
Personnel costs level A (400 div / year) 7
supplier applied for Viggen was better for all parties.
Fuel (582 000 flight hours) 5

* The calculation is based on the stated charges related to

Tufted total program costs certain years and an extrapolation.

Of the total cost of the 37-system until 1990 dominates ** Based on previous estimates.
the entries for the development, manufacturing and
maintenance. They can be set with good accuracy Comparison of foreign aircraft
because the FMV continuous cost monitoring, at what Figures of a financial nature, taken from open sources,
cost 1989/90 investigation was based, and for foreign aircraft are in most cases very uncertain,
FMV-Operated underhållsav- splitter annual cost especially de- pending on the definition problems. If you
statements at the maintenance levels B and C. The latter do not have the opportunity to take some of the
accounts continued for 37-system's entire lifetime. You definitions and conditions need to be very careful with
can also enter with good accuracy personnel costs for any conclusions. It is
the A-level, ie the companies. The same applies to the
cost of fuel. Taken together, these records most of the e.g. often unclear whether it intends to charge electric
total costs. smiles price, the level of prices and the currency
conversions made. One can not be sure of the costs that
go inside. Includes a dejected aircraft cost slightly more
than the cost range, eg a share of the development
costs? Refers to a value
What is not included is the cost of all the weapons,
most of which have been used in the past and later so-called clean aircraft and how are such things as
airplanes, investments in buildings solely for this current weapons beams and weapons?
The system, maintenance and training equipment such In connection with the free investigation 1989/90
as simulators mm. Data was collected in twenty foreign warplanes,
American, brit-

Monastic and French, about the same size class as ours. components than J 35. The demand on the part became
The data were then corrections and supplemented with larger to achieve acceptable values ​of reliability, MTBF,
data on new aircraft types. One conclusion of the report for the total air plane. A generation from analog to digital
was that it was not meaningful to compare anything other technology in electronics meant more efficient equipment
than the stated range prices. From generation 29 J / while lower maintenance costs occurred.
F-86, about 1950 and up to the generation YES 37 / F 15
in about 1975 was clear annual, real accession the
increase of series rates of about 12 percent. Then, of Sure increased costs to begin with. But few such
course, remember to compare simple dagjaktflygplan complicated systems as myck- et developments may see
with sophisticated aircraft that can Operat- Rera in all a better view. It was in any case no kostnadsex- plosion
weather conditions. An impression was that the Swedish some smaller defense willing wanted to say in their
aircraft compared with similar foreign aircraft, if anything, propaganda against the purchase of the aircraft. From
was cheaper. Longer will probably not. 1965 to 1990 actually decreased the total, accumulated
and planned, costs due to both reduced number of
aircraft, but partly also in less eco- nomic framework.

summary score AJ 37 with its weaponry and motme- part was a good
Aircraft 37 Viggen was a good war planes. Specified attack aircraft that met the requirements.
performance metrics were met. But it took a long time to Reconnaissance versions SH 37 and SF 37 with its
cope with numerous errors and omissions. It was difficult various sensors and countermeasures were also
and complicated to handle problems with the engine, wing effective reconnaissance aircraft, collecting in vast
rigidity, aerodynamic fixes, control, reversing etc. Difficult it informationsmäng- der. YES 37 each, with their
was even with the availability of the beginning of the joint. weapons, pulsdoppler- PS46 radar and data link system,
A major problem was the error that occurred, often in the for more than a decade the best European fighter plane.
air, and that could not be verified on the ground.
Viggen used extensively in
joint exercises with other
The update to the AJS 37, AJSH AJSF 37 and 37
countries' air forces.
Photo: Emil Lindberg
Aircraft 37 was a big step forward technically resulted in even better weapons, countermeasures and
speaking. It contained more parts efficient system operations. It became almost a standard
that corresponded to project A 20 from the 1970s, but
without the A 20's search capabilities. SK 37E could have
been longer as efficient noise aircraft, it was a pity that the
system was scrapped as early. The continuous update of
YES 37 increased combat value all the time that the
aircraft were in service.

If only the attack, school and spaningsflyg- plan had

been acquired, it is not certain that the Viggen been a
profitable venture because of all the technical problems
that arose. But if you look at the resulting ratio between
output and total cost for the entire 37 system must be
considered to be the preferred choice compared to a
foreign acquisition.

Sales Efforts
Saab was in the late 1960s established that war aircraft sized 30 mm Oerlikonkanon, a formidable weapon
manufacturer with three

various aircraft production and for some years was

marketed in parallel on the world market: Saab 35 Dragon,
Saab 105 and Saab 37 Viggen. competitors
When we compared ourselves with the potential of Ulf Edlund went out KTH

competing species, it was an airplane that was spe- cially Flight 1963. He then
worked at Saab until
Then as now, the product features fold-term but there interesting and we counted a lot on, French Dassault
2003, mainly with the
were other factors were more important. One must Mirage F.1. The type was in France intended as a
design of civil and military
remember that in the then political situation (the Cold successor to the Mirage III, which in turn was a direct aircraft. He is chairman of
War), the Swedish government are licensed up very competitor to the Dragon. Mirage F.1 and the Tufted the Swedish Aviation
limited. The entire Eastern bloc, practically the whole of developed largely parallel and competed with each other Historical Society (SFF).
Asia, including Southeast Asia and Arab countries was throughout the 1970s. Mirage
prohibited areas that, like most countries in South
America. The sale of Dragon to Denmark in 1968, F.1 had Pilvinge with conventional tail portion compared
however, had a great psychological significance seeing with Viggens nosvingekonfigu- configuration. The aircraft
as it was previously common to hear that Saab / Sweden was also significantly lighter than the Viggen, mainly due
could never sell to a NATO country and that it really was to a simpler, lighter engine and the low-speed and field
only Switzerland and Austria who were potential performance is not emphasized in the original French
customers. specification to Dassault. Mirage F.1 was like the Viggen
a typical "multi-mission" aircraft and were in different
versions for the attack, hunting and reconnaissance.

Interest in the Viggen increased significantly since

the first prototype arrived in the air in 1967, when Erik Mirage F.1 was undoubtedly an elegant airplane and
Dahlström two years later showed the aircraft at the air when they saw two planes close to each other in such an
show at Le Bourget in Paris started marketing seriously. I air show was a bit like comparing a French thoroughbred French Mirage F.1 was
contemporary with Vig- gene
was at this time "Manager A / C 37 Viggen, Technical with a Swedish Ardennes horse. But when they later saw
and a troublesome competitor.
Sales Dept." and worked among others export the Swedish pilot could Photo: SFF archive
specifications for various potential customers, competitor
studies and sales presentations.

Viggen presented for at least the fol- lowing countries

(in alphabetical order): Australia, Belgium, Denmark,
France, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland,
the UK, Västtyskand and Austria. In some cases, it was
clear that it was not worthwhile to make the effort but
some coun- tries were processed properly.

It was soon apparent that AJ 37 had a too specific

Swedish profile to be really interesting and aircraft lack
the gun was a major drawback. YES 37 however, was a
particularly konkurrenskraftigden

Viggen because both aircraft had clean jet engines. They
also had variable air intake, which together resulted in
very high rated maximum speed at altitude. Viggen with
its simple pitot intake could not fly as fast but accelerated
better up to the speeds that are actually needed. When
we presented Viggen stressed we always how important
it was to look at the loaded aircraft values ​and not only of
directory information, which is almost always showed
figures for the "clean" aerospace plane, often even
without weapons pylons. Viggen pylons were fixed in the
hull, but it happened to us by "försäljningsteknis- ka"
reasons "fitted out" them to make accurate performance
Lockheed Lancer, the manage their aircraft in the air, especially at low speeds,
intended successor to the
did all the Viggen was an aircraft with exceptional
F-104 Starfighter, got no
further than the planning
qualities. At an exhibition at the Paris banned items
stage. Photo: SFF archive Viggen to perform a special operation, a very Hunting Viggen came apparently, despite their lower
hafnium-term wing tipping, as the Mirage F.1 tried to nominal maximum speed, much faster to shoot at targets on
copy with almost disastrous results. Ma- növern was height. It was a fact that the Mirage F.1 maximum speed of
considered too dangerous (at least for the Mirage F.1)! 11 km, Mach 1.86, almost theoretical. The fuel was not
enough for the aircraft with four missiles could reach the
speed of an emergency starting.
The potential client requirements were often very
vague, which meant that we had to gain ground, System-wise, the Viggen superior and represented
sometimes in some odd way, and analyze additional its integrated digital Systeme something completely new.
aircraft. Relatively accurate calculations were made on At first it was difficult to get the prospective customers to
the McDonnell Phantom, SEPECAT Jaguar LTV A-7 understand what a big step Viggen system really meant.
Corsair II and American project that Lockheed Lancer, a It was easy to compare numeric values ​on weights,
planned development of the F-104 Starfighter, Northrop speeds, ranges, etc., but much more difficult to quantify
Cobra, who several years later developed into the F-18, system performance and man-machine adaptation. Our
and last but not at least F-16, which was the actual data Viggen low maintenance costs were accepted often
seller. Read more about this in the section on the century not in customer evaluations. The data were difficult to
gun shop! coat, despite the good help of Swedish Air Force, and
most of the time they used only a percentage based on
aircraft weight.
The Russian aircraft were rarely competitors to us on
the world market, but they obviously studied elsewhere in
the country as shown by the Jerk Fehling article. MiG-23
Flogger, the MiG-21's successor, appeared sometimes
up to a possible Tufted Competitor. Aerial plane Australia
developed simultaneously with Viggen and Mirage F.1 Australia sent in early 1970 out of a list of questions to
Viggen and I-23 were heavier than Mirage F.1, largely various aircraft manufacturers as a first step in the process
due to requirements significantly better field performance of acquiring new fighter aircraft as the successor to the
than earlier Dragon and I-21. The Russian solution was Mirage III, which the Air Force when operated. It was
variable geometry with swivel wing. Mig-23 and Mirage pointed out that Saab did not have to answer if you do not
F.1 was sleeker than expect to get an export license by the Swedish
government! Saab was given permission to

The table shows a comparison

YES 37 MiG 23 Mirage F.1 that was made in 1976 when

the known data on the aircraft.
Traction, off ebk bp 7350 8000 5015
Traction, lit ebk bp 12750 11500 7200
Starting weight, pure FPL, kg 16200 15000 11 100

Max starting weight, kg 22500 20100 16200

Max speed, clean FPL, 11 km, Mach 2.0 2.3 2.2

The following information pertains to aircraft armed with four missiles:

Time from start to Mach 1.6 at 11 km, my 5.5 8.5 18

Acceleration at Mach 1.6 at 11 km, m / sec 2 1.0 0.7 0.2
Max speed of 11 km, Mach 1.82 1.93 1.86
Swing speed at Mach 0.8 at 0 km, g / sec 12.7 17.5 13.0

submit secret documents and in December 1970, we did not help that our military "door openers"
presented Viggen in Canberra. former Air Force General C. H Nordenskiöldsgatan,
It was clear that the Australians took us seriously, but assured that the Swedish fighter pilots had never
also that it was awaiting a decision on YES 37's final managed to break a Saab Aircraft however much they
specification, as it was primarily a fighter who would be tried - and they did. None of us anticipated the time what
replaced. It was felt that the system design was very would later happen!
advanced but the need for built-in cannon was absolutely
and in addition it was considered necessary to Mach 2+ The official specification was released in late 1971
performance. Rack width was as always an issue and which stated that deliveries of the new aircraft would
expressing some surprise at what one thought, weak begin around
load factor range as been used for strength design. The 1976. In March 1972 handed over technical input
information and pricing on Saab 37AU which was later
supplemented with proposals for cooperation with the
Australian the aerospace

Viggen was shown at

international air shows
for many years and
always impressed the
visitors ....

industry. This first round resulted in Viggen, Mirage F.1 be too expensive, the request came in the first round 72
and the American project Northrop Cobra went on. aircraft. Admittedly contacted virtually every potential
supplier but it was obvious that the US aircraft was
A formal offer which included 27, alternatively 67, or favored. Höghöjdsprestanda and scope were considered
a maximum of 127 aircraft was submitted on 11 May Viggen weaknesses. It all ended with Australia in 1981
1973 and marked the start of intensive work. It was clear ordered 75 US F / A-18, which began shipping
that offertvär- valuation is applied not only to the aircraft
system. Equally important was sysselsättningsaspekt- for
the Australian aviation industry and the opportunities to 1985. When the first request came to us in 1970 stated
further develop this. Australia were invited to participate that the first delivery önska- in 1976! Military aircraft
in the development of aircraft and licensed production of business always takes a long time.
the engine and the production of certain electronics.
Viggen 37 AU was based on YES 37 but relatively
extensive changes were necessary in view of the West Germany
demands for higher speed, another beväp- up, longer life Just as Sweden studied the successor to Lance and the
etc., Saab invested big money in the development of a dragon already in the 1950s began in Germany reflect on
new variable oblique shock intake, which was necessary the F-104 Starfighters successor almost before the
to fly Mach 2 +, in collaboration with the Ameri- aircraft come into service in 1962. The resurrected
Grumman. German aviation industry was able to build test aircraft in
a manner that of course it was economically impossible
in Sweden. It was like in Sweden is very concerned
about the air base vulnerability and explored ways to
operate from short fields (STOL) or no lines at all
(VTOL). Two VTOL aircraft came to flying, VJ 101C and
VAK 191B, but only as försöksflyg-
The Australians came back in 1976 and then received
price information concerning AJ and JA 37, as a more
advanced 37AU considered

... and Mirage F.1 Photo:

SFF archive.

plan. As in Sweden, it was realized that it was more cost
economical to specify STOL performance, which after
many trips resulted in the so-called MRCA project or
Tornado, together with Italy and the UK. Cards Field The
problem here was dissolved using rotatable vane
(variable geome- try, VG) that is the technology applied
in the US on the F-111 and F-14.

Before decided VG also looked at nosvingealternativ

and here Sweden and Viggen into the picture. Saab had
a very energetic representative in Germany, Carl
Clemens Bücker. Bücker had founded the Swedish Aero
in Stockholm in the 1920s and returned to Germany in
1932, then ASJA, Saab's predecessor in Linköping took he thought, lethargic Swedes and felt that it should still Tornado aircraft was first
developed in an attack
over the company. Once in Germany was established be opportunities for Vig- gene. In mid-1970, he noted,
version for Italy, the UK
Bücker Flugzeugbau where the Swede AJ Andersson however, that it is now probably too late, the project had and Germany. Hunting
soon became chief designer. AJ was responsible for a come too far. version procured however
series of classic skolflyg- plane that made the name only in the UK.

Bücker well known throughout the aviation world before The costs of the MRCA continued emeller- time to
returning to Sweden and Saab 1939. The business never increase and there were forces in Germany as late as
started after the war, but the 1953 AGE-conditioned 1974 tried to stop the projection capacity. Some contacts
Bücker of Saab in Germany and was, among other were also with FMV and Saab to see if it would be
things commission for the Sapphires were sold to Air possible to launch Viggen as a replacement, which
Hanseatic as training aircraft. naturally was not very realistic.


had at this time a relatively large aircraft weapons but the

majority of the planes were old. In the early 1960s, was
purchased at nominal 100 Dassault Mirage III, possibly
questionable, was considered better than our Swedish
Bücker had very good contacts in Bonn and worked drag-ken. The transaction was named "Mirage scandal"
hard to sell Vig- gene concept. Secondly, he tried to when it turned out that the deposed budget was woefully
interest the Luftwaffe, and secondly, he tried to establish inadequate when ändringskostna- der was added. Air
research and industrial cooperation. In some circles, Force Chief and other potentates heads rolled, but no
according Bücker, a lot of interest. His big problem was, more money was not. The result was that one-DAST 57
however, that the Swedish interest even leaving the aircraft could be purchased.
necessary information was limited. Germany had priority
as a customer and they wanted
Now it was time for the next award, initiated in 1966,
and in 1968 began a large evaluation period to determine
even get paid to provide certain documentation which of which attack aircraft that would replace 200 very old de
course angered the Germans. Havilland Venom DH.112. Initially studied not less than
1969 MRCA regarded officially as a safe project, but nine planes: Dassault Mirage M5, SEPE- CAT Jaguar,
the attacks were continuing process internally in Fiat G.91Y LTV A-7 Corsair II
Germany because the costs only increased. Bücker
urged those who

upwards of 200 aircraft for the assigned PENG are
compared to perhaps 35 or 40 A-7's. This round ended
with a fly-off between the A-7 and Mirage Milan, a new
Mirage III version. Now widely tipped to LTV's A-7D
would be bought, but at the eleventh hour supply was
announced early in 1974 that further evaluation would
concentrate on American North- cries F-5E Tiger II, but
in parallel also would look at including Saab Viggen.
There was no longer talk of replacing Venom as attack
planes, it was time for a new fighter.

LTV A-7 Corsair II, here in the Northrop F-21-21, Douglas A-4E Skyhawk, Saab 35X, Dragon version 35X suited egent- probably the first
Greek aviation Force colors,
Saab AJ 37, HS Harrier. The new attack aircraft could specification, which concerned an attack plane, the best
were outsiders a completely
attack sharply defended ground targets, able to defend since the 35X was a simplified attack version of the
incomprehensible huvudal-
alternatives in the first Swiss itself and also protect other aircraft with lower Dragon, snar- like the Danish attack version 35XD. When
the evaluation. performance. The allocated budgets ten were totaling 1.3 in Switzerland eventually drifted over to a fighter aircraft
billion SFr. specification suited YES 37's excellent properties and
jump steps. Great efforts were made to secure a position
To minimize the risk of a new scandal collaborated of BE Viggen, especially as JA 37 was superior Mirage
Department of Defense with the Institute for Operations F.1, which appeared to be the main opponent.
Research at the University of Zurich. This resulted in the
least extensive question lists to be answered and then
processed. First, the result was that the two aircraft
appeared to be the best: A-7D Corsair and G.91Y. All The decision to then focus on the F-5E, a simple
outsiders were surprised to say the least. Two subsonic dagjaktsflygplan, was considered incomprehensible not
aircraft including the A-7D, almost could be seen as an only in France and Sweden, but also by many in
expensive bomber with great range and so G.91Y, a light Switzerland. In a letter to Saab ex- plained the head of
attack plane in the class with the export version of the GRD Gruppe für Rüstungs- Dienste, the Viggen was
Saab 105! certainly better than the F-5E but that they would get more
planes if you bought Tiger. The goal was still pending and
would be unexpected things happen, it was hoped that the
This started a big fight in Switzerland, it had to do the good relations with Sweden would remain!
evaluation, is now additionally with Saab 105XT! The
F-5E Tiger II, who after
many trips purchased by
only plus sign with a 105-ball was that you could buy
Switzerland. Saab did not give up and published, among other
things a White Paper, Information über den Flugzeug-
market, with the "facts" of the case. The book was
distributed to selected individuals, since it was clear that
there would be a political decision. This caused problems
for some people who felt that the decision was already
made, which is very likely already was. The AN tyddes
also when it would be time to replace the Mirage aircraft
in early 1980 take-let should be time for Saab.

Switzerland finally bought 1976 F-5E Tiger

II. In the first procurement ordered 72 and

A few years later another 38. The first aviation planes various rulers hard to sprinkle sand in ma- skineriet.
were delivered in 1978. In mid-1980 take-let started the
process to determine EF terträdaren the Mirage III. It was suggested in the press that favored Air Force
Eventually, after much decision this time the American F F-5E, which was reported to be 50 million Os. The
/ A-18 Hornet. The French protested loudly as usual. Americans tried to make a large number of F-5E was a
twin-engined, and had the same type of engine, GE J85,
which is 105-ball, which should mean significantly lower
maintenance costs than if the dragon was chosen. Saab
Austria countered by J 85 with EBK as in F-5E, was very
When Austria was able to build up their own air force in different from the motor version that worked so well in
1955, when the country became self ever again after the Saab 105 and therefore would in fact result in higher
World War II, one can say that Saab quickly established maintenance costs as Dragon only had a motor. The
itself as the main supplier. It began in 1960 with an order argument was probably not quite crystal clear from any
for 15 used the Saab J 29 barrel. The order was side.
supplemented a year later by an additional 15 aircraft.
The next purchase was the Saab 24 Safir delivered
1964-65. The barrel had to be replaced soon and the Saab's representative in Vienna, Karl Vogou reported
Dragon was seen by Saab as the natural successor, to Linkoping on the sensitive situation became even
clean. The aircraft was presented in Austria in 1967 but more interesting when the DAS sault also now offered its
the Austrian defense was not enough for the Dragon, but new Mirage
well into the purchase of Saab 105Ö, ie the sharpened F.1, i.e. equivalent to Viggen. Price image in the middle
version with the GE J85 engines. In a first round was of 1974: Mirage F.1,120; Mirage III, 39; F-5E Tiger 33
purchased 20 aircraft and later another 20 delivered and Dragon 35o, 23m Os. The Austrian pilots were very
1970-72. The type intended to be used as training impressed by the F-5E's svängpres- tanda since the
aircraft and which readily attack and reconnaissance classic air battle at this time again become fashionable.
planes, ie the rol- smiles as in Sweden. Now the J 29: s In all other respects, the F-5E worse than the Dragon.
taken out of service and a modern fighter was
considered a necessity to monitor and defend the
Austrian airspace. Vogou thought now that there should be time for
Saab to offer new aircraft as well, why not Viggen?
Maybe it was economically sensible to used aircraft yet,
even though it was well known that the Bundeskanzler
Bruno Kreisky favored Sweden could not be assumed
The, as it would appear, a record-long process to that everything would work out. As it now began to look
come to a jaktflyg- plane orders continued and in 1973 as if the purchase would be further delayed nat one
began to seriously study possible solutions. The intention might imagine a different solution: Sweden would rent
was to get 18-24 planes and candidate the candidates out the dragon during a transitional period before
were the usual, Dragon, American F-5E and French Viggenlevereran- prices could begin. So was it too! An
Mirage III. The Swedish The offer process, which was Austrian delegation came to Sweden in March 1975, and
presented in January 1974 was initially used twelve J it had among others fly Viggen on the seat. A large
35B which would cost 22.5 million Austrian Schil- demonstration was held in Austria in April where
development (OS) each. The Swedish crown was worth Karl-Erik Henriksson, Saab's chief test pilot at this time,
de- monstrerade Viggen in the air in a usual impressive
4.30 ÖS at this time
The Austrian Defense Minister was satisfied with this
but it was obvious that both the Americans and the
French processed

On 21 April 1975 quoted Saab 24 Viggen 37o 900 rikiska pilots would be able to operationally fly YES 37 in
million, ie a unit price of Sweden and thus get an introduction to the use of
37.5 million SEK, with delivery starting in mid-1980, modern aircraft systems. More about this can be read in
Austria was also offered to rent 15 pieces J 35BÖ for the the "With 2300 kilometers per hour through the clouds." It
period up to delivery of the tufted duck aircraft. 37o should well be added that Austria eventually actually
corresponds essentially Swedish JA 37th bought a Eurofighter, but not used, such as YES or 37
new Gripen which of course would have been logical, but
Everything now looked very good, but because there well-built German Eurofighter Typhoon. Nothing is
would be elections in Austria October 5, it was obviously impossible in Austria!
impossible for the government to make a decision before
then. The choice went to Swedish eyes good that Bruno
Kreisky and his government remained, but it was
considered in Vienna necessary to wait at least until next India
year before any new discussions could start. Meanwhile, Already in 1971 wanted India to get information about the
Saab busy to answer questions why the F-16 and system 37 for possible evaluation. Sweden then
Eurofighter, Saab is not, ie, YES 37, had won the "Each announced that it is currently not possible to provide
year hundreds dets arms deal" and also why wing more than open data Viggen.
offense resulted in a long grounding in Sweden. This
course used by competitors in their campaigns. When One of the reasons was a judgment "that AJ 37 was
mineral litärens account of its evaluation of the three not suited for Indian circum- stances with regard to the
aircraft it became clear that the Viggen was prevailing climatic circumstances of mm" India bought at
recommended in the first place. Viggen was admittedly this ti- it largely armaments from the Soviet Union, but
slightly more expensive than the Mirage F.1 but better. was unhappy with the sup - port that gave the Russians.
In some circles it was felt that neutral Sweden had
defense systems that should fit. The thing is that the
Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, had good contact
with the Olof Palme which, in India, considered a plus
and should pave the way for Vig- gene.
1978 however, it was time for a new round and it was
declared as the Austrian side of the Viggen was regarded
as the only friendly alternative when / if it would be
hunting aircraft purchases. Saab was asked to gradually A new request was made because in 1974 vil- ken
polish up the German language skills demand as led to a Saab delegation in January 1975 met with the
prospective customers for the most part could only be Indian Minister of Defense. You got to take home a list of
expected to understand German. questions about Vig- gene and its performance, which
were answered in April. The answers led to several
There was no deal this time either, but "already" meetings, sometimes at very high level, and in August,
1983 Saab submitted a new offer for 24 aircraft, not India requested a quote on 40 Viggen. Krigsmateri-
Viggen but nyöversedda, used J 35D, which is the electrical spectrum pennies left the state for the delivery
income related to the purchase. Deliveries began in 1987 of a limited number of complete aircraft and the plan was
and the aircraft was used very successfully until 2005. to India then would gradually build up its own production.
The Indian specification concerned an at-attack aircraft,
so a slightly modified AJ 37 victims were. Short delivery
In the late 1990s, Austria re planning for a new was important, and they wanted to get the first aircraft
fighter aircraft. Sweden could then offer the JAS 39 within 24 months.
Gripen. As part of the transition to this new generation of
aircraft, it was agreed that the east

But Sweden was not alone and Gradually cleared
competition. It turned out that, as usual, the French
Mirage F.1 was relevant now with the British-French
SEPECAT Jaguar. Jaguar marknadsför- des by British
BAC because Dassault cooperating with BAC Jaguar
preferred to sell their own product. Both aviation plan
was by now well known, and they knew the Saab Viggen
reasonably should suit India very well. The first Indian
evaluation also showed that the Viggen operationally and
technologically superior to competing species. "Informed"
sources indicated that the package price for 40 aircraft is
2 000 million for the Viggen, 1800 for Jaguar and 2100
for the Mirage F.1.

specification and with the first delivery 24 months after Jaguar was originally
developed for use as
advanced skolflyg- plan
The average price of the aircraft as the B-friendly alternative and attackflyg- plan in

The next step was that Indian evaluators 1976 came for 46 million. France and the UK. India
acquired a total of 168
to Sweden to, inter alia, fly on the seat. They had various The Viggen was a lot of equipment of US origin
pieces, of which the
comments, which required modifications, but they which meant that Saab must have permission from the majority were license-built.
continued the discussions in 1976 and 1977 showed that US government to export the aircraft. The Indians
it was possible to offer India an attractive aircraft. The thought at first that this was a big problem but changed
foundation was certainly AJ 37 and its electronic its mind during the negotiations. Saab took early the
systems, but because the aircraft was changed radically. matter with the Americans and quoted as no negative
As a firm Cannon installation was required, it was reaction. It therefore sent in March 1978 a "Request for
concluded that the best solution was to JA 37's body with re-export license and authorization" to the United States
Oerlikonkanonen and combine it with AJ's wing. The with a formal listing of the equipment as it came. The
engine installation received are adjusted because it kept main component was of course the engine, RM 8A.
RM 8A. A lot of equipment must also be changed. It Although the aircraft engine had transformed a civilian
ensit- siga version called 37V-A and one spe- cificerade American motor to a ebkförsedd military engine, here-
also a SK-version 37V-AT, which was very similar to SK stammered the US
37th India wanted direktle- veranser of 40 finished planes
but wanted then go over to the licensed production of
130 aircraft. They were also keen to get the aircraft very
It turned out, however, that the new ad- ministration
under President Carter had a completely different view
and under the hand Saab was out of state probably
would be if India would choose Viggen. Despite
Two alternative bids submitted on 15 March 1978. persistent Swedish courtship in Wash- ington, the
Option A means that the first 15 aircraft would be taken answer was negative and Viggen was eliminated.
from current production to the Swedish Air Force, and Nobody can determine with certainty if Saab had
that deliveries would start only six months after the order. received the order if this had not occurred, the aircraft
These aircraft were later modified to the specified output business at this level anything can happen, though.
live. Option B meant that the aircraft initially came under however, one can say that Saab 37V-A was a better
the Indian weapon systems than the Jaguar, who was the Indian

Royal Air Force and the Viggen

If someone in the early 1960s had said Viggen could be mit in the air. Among other things, took two engines and
interesting for the Royal Air Force he had probably been a crew of two. Scope The requirements were very high.
laughed. The circumstances did however different Tufted
The specification was virtually identical to the AFV e's
Versions for a period was actually of interest.
and reflected contemporary British superpower
Ulf Edlund went out KTH ambitions. Two engines and a crew of two was a
Flight 1963. He then consequence of the wide scope. Some claim to this
worked at Saab until
1967 was a precarious situation in the UK. The highly effect to the direct weapons effort was not. It was also
2003, mainly with the
advanced attack plane TSR.2 had been closed in 1965 suggested that the requirements might be revised.
design of civil and military
aircraft. He is chairman of and an attempt to reach replaces starter. A planned
the Swedish Aviation order for a total of 400 F-4K / M Phantom II RAF and the
Historical Society (SFF). Royal Navy was reduced to 170 aircraft due to too high
development costs. Instead of buying existing versions of Tufted options
the F-4 wanted to install Rolls Royce Spey- engines on In a few weeks the rapid projected at Saab three (!)
the paper offered offers certain advantages. The result, Possible Tufted versions for the RAF which was
however, was that it had to change a lot more than what presented at a meeting in London August 18, 1967. The
was planned and unfortunately also the performance goal was traded at a high level and stressed that only
deterioration. The total budget had not exceeded and
those with "a strict need to know" had to be inblan- Dade.
after the calculation showed that the unit cost for the 170
The Swedish attended Lars Brising and Gunnar Lindqvist
aircraft, as the money was enough, was three times
from KFF and Tore Gullstrand and Olle Esping from
higher than if you had bought already developed
Saab. From the British side, more than 20
representatives from the Defense and technology
departments with two generals from the Defense
Department in the lead. The three versions were:

Plans to develop a new advanced attack aircraft,

AFV e (Anglo-French-Vari Variable-Geometry), along
with France had also failed. Politicians favori--based
Franco-British cooperation projects and the idea was that 37XE-1 Single-engine with an improved RR Spey, RB
the two countries would jointly develop AFV e, the 168-62R, and increased fuel amount, otherwise a
smaller attackpla- net Jaguar and especially civil virtually unchanged AJ 37th
supersonic Concorde. It was thought that the UK would
lead the development of AFV e, but not unexpectedly
37XE-2 Single-engine Bristol Olympus
dismissed this by Dassault on their own in great secrecy
B.Ol. 22R, elongated body and increased fuel lemängd.
took up an own VG aircraft, Mirage G. This was the end
of AFV e-work. It had also placed an order for 50 US
F-111 aircraft, but the project was plagued by major 37XE-3 Dual engines with RB 193, a proposed new

development problems and was considered risky. engine by Rolls Royce, elongated body and substantially

enlarged internal fuel. Only 37XE-3 corresponded fairly

the claims presented. According Brising, who wrote a

detailed reserap- port, there was an intense discussion.

For this meeting had no costings of hundred nits with, but

Would maybe a custom Viggen be a solution? A
Brising mentioned at the table
specification was sent to Sweden, but it was easy to see
that it did not fit into the AJ 37, whose prototype has just

AJ 37 37XE-1 37XE-2 37XE-3

Length, m 16.15 16.15 18.30 20.50

Engine RM 8 RB 168-62R B.Ol.22R RB 193 37th

Traction, uebk bp 6670 7 030 7595 2x4 660

Traction, EBK, kp 11790 11340 13860 2x8 000

Operational empty weight, kg 10 570 10480 11880 12135

Inner fuel, kg 3950 4445 7 030 7510

Starting weight pure FPL, kg 14520 14925 18915 19645

Maximum speed, Mach 1.85 1.56 2.08 2.5+

current values ​of AJ
Maximum range, km about 2500 3900 5050 5370

some numbers with many reservations. It was obvious (Brising had visited Germany earlier this year and got the
that the military leaders wanted to continue with the impression that the conditions for a British-German
one-sided development of AFV e and that for development was not particularly favorable).
psychological reasons not going to change this two US
options existed with and you could except Sweden also It was on the British side want to continue the conjunction 1967
consider working together with West Germany and discussions and the next step was a visit to Sweden at
possibly Italy. the end of September, where the calculated cost of

Viggenver- sions

for the "UK-based"

different aircraft! Data

. This is presented
aircraft versions for the
RAF in August

1967. Three very

This drawing of FPL reported. True, it was only realistic to assume that the To understand why when you see the sketches.
37XE-3 explains perhaps
British aircraft were produced under license in the UK, BECAUSE scope was perhaps the most critical
why the version was called
but to get a reference estimated following of charge per parameter was introduced to the inclusion of four folding
the double-barreled gun.
aircraft at a hypothetical production of 200 aircraft in extra tanks at the ferry flights.
Sweden: There is no documentation of the reactor tion on
September presentation, but it is reasonable to assume
that the engine issue contributed to the interest waned.
37XE-1: 7.5 million. SEK 37XE-2: 9.5 37XE-1 with a Spey- motor which required a further

million. SEK 37XE-3: 11.5 mill. SEK The cost per development, would reduce performance than 37. AJ

aircraft included the additional typkostnaden for the 37XE-2, with an Olympus motor whose development stops
the pat 1965 with the buried TSR.2, and 37XE-3, with a
different versions. To get a complete aircraft advent
completely new engine, of course, was not obvious
avionikkostnaden 2.2 million. SEK and engine cost. If
attractive projects to invest in.
we had been content with an unchanged AJ 37 so had
the production cost of a series of 200 additional aircraft
have been 6.5 million. per aircraft, excluding avi onik
New investment
and engine. The next attempt was made in 1968. The British then had
canceled the 50 F-111, which had been ordered last year,
but was considering joining the international working
group set up to study and define a successor to the
37EX-2 and -3 could in practice be regarded as new F-104G. West Germany, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands
aircraft as well by the figures in Table comparison. The and Canada had started the Work is carried out with a
values ​given for the AJ 37 reflects the situation in 1967, view to developing a single-seat attack aircraft. The
some changes were made before seriele- veranserna project eventually became the two-seater MRCA Tornado.
started in 1971. One can notice that the engines in
37XE-1 (RB 168) and 37XE-2 (B.Ol. 22R) was precisely
the engines sat in the two "finalists" in 1961, the project Without access to a detailed British specification
1508A2 and 1562. It was only the development of the old defined two new versions of Viggen that had similarities
evidence! To improve the speed performance the height with the then prospective performance of JA 37. The
was fitted 37XE-2 and -3 with oblique shock intake. aircraft had over 37 AJ pointed radome, oblique shock
Especially 37EX-3 had been an exceptional aircraft and intake and various other changes to improve the audio
called internally at Saab "double shotgun". It's easy performance. They had by this time begun to study
various more or less fixed cannon installations

and 37XE offered with a 20 mm cannon Vulcan-. The idea
was to set up the cannon ice-binding site for the normal C
7-beam and having ammunition, 1000 cartridges, in a new
utfö- generating additional tank. In addition to the
ammunition magazine could have fuel or reconnaissance
equipment in the tank.

Two motor embodiments studied. In connection with

investigations YES, now had started examined
sharpened embodiments of RM 8 and a variation, RM
8-1 was proposed as an alternative for 37XE. The
second friendly alternative was interesting, it meant the
engine was in fact a proposed development by Bristol
Pegasus, that the engine was in the Harrier. On paper,
the engine, which had been designated BP30R, very
interesting: it was considerably stronger than RM 8, had
less fuel and was even easier. EF tersom the project was
special for Viggen would also have been possible to
install it without too pervasive skrovänd- rings. The
preliminary cost calculations showed that it would cost 80
million. SEK concerned to develop variant with RM 8-1
and 40 million more if BP30R installed.

Before the new versions could are presented for the

British could be in the UK decide to join the MRCA the 37XE was intended primarily
as attack planes and it was
projection Tet why it all died out.
therefore important to
introduce flexibility with
different weapon

The proposed design with

a Vulcan cannon and
ammunition in the extra
tank must be regarded as
the original.

Century Coat business
It was early January 1974, I was called to a private meeting mainly by Olle Wirén, for years cultivated contacts on
with former Saab chief, Curt Mileikowsky. I had the honor, saknivå with the air forces of Belgium, the Netherlands and
pleasure and, sometimes, the pain of working closely with
Norway, and has maintained good contacts from Dragon
him in several business since his arrival at Saab as CEO in
1968. time with the Danish Air Force. Tenders were submitted to
After reserve service (500 both the Netherlands and Belgium in installments in 1972
hours A32A) joined in
and 1973 but it was not until 1974 that it became real
January Hull at Saab 1963
It was with mixed feelings that I heard my president to momentum. The specification of the customer countries
mission analysis Viggen.
Later on, inter alia, Head of declare that Saab would bet that sell Viggen to four developed were not ideal for Vig- gene. It was most
Contract Department, CFO NATO countries, although perhaps we had best five focused on a fighter jet in an environment with its own
of Squadron, commercial percent chance of winning. He offered me to lead this dominance in the air and the strong influence of American
director for Euro Plan project, with an emphasis on marketing Bel- Gi, who put thought passages. What we saw as Viggen control ka, such
project, seven years at
it mildly, was politically complex, as well as the as versatility, short runway performance, allvädersförmåga
Data Saab and head of
necessary industrial compensation program, which so far and cargo capacity, was not decisive.
Saab-Fairchild HB. Active
in the US since was just sketching magnificent. In my new role, I
reported formally to the air division marketing manager,
Harald Schroeder, who in turn reported to the divisional
manager, Tore Gullstrand. In reality came Harald Of the amount of aircraft types that output raters
, 1986.
Schröder to be most active as support at home for the studied remained at the beginning of 1974, only four US:
compensation program and channel FMV while YF-16 and YF-17, French Mirage F.1 and Viggen. The
Mileikowsky took a particularly active role in the political general political picture looked both we and others as a
processing, both in Sweden and in client countries. major weakness for Saab Viggen: four NATO countries
The new Ameri- aircraft, and non-aligned / neutral Sweden against competitors
YF-16 and YF-17 from NATO countries (or almost, for France).
(image), the changing
overall position of the two
European competitors
are, Mirage F.1 and Saab Add to that another political bond, hardly robust but
37 Eurofighter. Viggen competition no less real: In the mid-70s were in leading positions in
Faced with what was called the Century vacuum penaffär NATO countries officers who served during World War II
Photo: SFF archive had Saab's small export department, as a young subalter- down. Many, especially in the
Netherlands and Norway, had a strong solidarity with the
United States since that time.

What was seen as Viggen, Saab and Sweden's

weaknesses must be countered and / or offset by other
aspects of the program. Industrial policy was such as-
pekt. Major arms deals since the 60th century has
required a financial kompensationspro- program that
reduces the negative fiscal and currency effects for the
customer country.

The compensation may be direct, which means that

the customer country's domestic industrial enterprises,
the direct suppliers to the aircraft program.
The less technically

advanced country is, the harder it is GI vetvis to achieve had a Flemish and Walloon branch. The Walloon
a high degree of compensation. Beyond the direct interests seemed to have the most influence in the
compensation may be indirect compensation in the form country. Brussels was officially tvåsprå- kigt while the
of product purchases or increased employment by rest of the country was divided. Each ministry had at
factory location cart country. The indirect compensation every level officials from both groups who guarded each
has no effect on a flygvapens preference for an aircraft other. The country was also the obvious main target of
but can strongly influence the politicians who will decide our marketing efforts in the near term and the most
on the final allocation. proactive in the evaluation process, which is also mainly
made in Brussels. Belgium was extremely frankofont, in
other words, expected receptive to French arguments
and pressure. In addition, NATO's headquarters in
Output Mode Brussels and the United States a large Embassy in
Client-side evaluation was led in early 1974 by Belgium place. This meant that American actions by competitors,
and the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway as observers which always had strong support in the coordination of
since they had not yet committed to actually AN acquire the US State Department, the first to show up in Belgium.
aircraft. By the middle of the year there was this bond We had no choice, we have to concentrate ourselves on
and the Danish and Norwegian participation in the Belgium.
evaluation were active. The Norwegian flights General
Sven Hamre became also chairman of the joint
evaluation deringsgruppen, the Steering Committee. The
combined acquisition plan was to comprise 348 aircraft,
a huge business with every footstep. Marketing Resources and Activities
Contacts with client countries flygvapens operational
agencies (which in 1974 was no longer the main focus of
our needs) were handled previously by Olle Wirén on air
Since Denmark and Norway in startske- the 1974 division's export department. For the new ways to market
passive, were Belgium and the Netherlands, the rates outside these instances we had, besides me, no
apparent targets of the first set of interests. We own resources. We were emel- lertid fortunate to find two
understood our position in Holland was politically and valuable resources: Swedish Embassy in Brussels and a
industrially generally positive and that the Air Force could Swedish journalist living in the city.
accept Viggen, although it is probably preferred a the
Americas rikanskt aircraft. We judged that Dassault had
strong advocates there. Overall, we saw the situation in The embassy had two ambassadsekrete- think that,
Holland is relatively straightforward, but internal conflicts with what I assumed was the ambassador claims in good
be- tween different stakeholders. memory, come to devote nearly full time on our projects
during the nine months that I was involved. They were a
fantastic basement la for the first identification of target
Belgium was the exact opposite. I had previously had groups in Belgium. They could also continuous contact
dealings with Belgium but realized only now how officials in the ministries of the high-intermediate level (ie,
svårgenomträng- Resistant apparatus of power each. All those who had useful information) to find out how the
political and other life was strictly divided into two Viggen and Saab perceived and seek to influence
customer perception.
ethnic / religious / linguistic phalanx-

engines; Protestant Flemings (with their Dutch dialect)

and Catholic, fransksprå--speaking Walloons. Each The need was great, because missupp- sockets and
political party and each national union, many of which disinformation was widely prevalent. They also opened
had strong industrial and political influence, doors by arranging direct meetings for me

with some ministerial contacts, usually over a long lunch small politics and how this could affect the acquisition
at one of Brussels' fan- tastic restaurants. and use of Viggen. Details strongly influenced our design
of the compensation program and the approach we took
The journalist was Hammerich, at the time freelance up with the Swedish government.
writer for Business Week, especially guarded the
European political Monastic development. As a journalist
Kai had contact with many local journalists and natural
access to the various decision-makers in the Compensation program
administration, not only at press conferences. He was a The direct compensation program, in its final state,
perfect complement to the embassy secretaries. In return assumed that 100% of the actual aircraft production
for Kais services I gave him at times and anonymously would be low gas subcontracted in the four customer
basis for comprehensive and initiated articles in Business countries. When the sum of the available expertise in
Week about the project and its development. these countries is not fully sufficient to cover all that was
needed, would be likely a realistic implementation of the
program on leaving a bit left for Saab, LM Erics- son
(LME) and Powerplant (VFA) in all cases.
This required a certain balance between public
Swedish journalist interest and our interest not to
disclose to competitors exactly what we did or give them 100% compensation was also an argument for
other useful information. No Saab Chief knew officially to reducing the sensitivity to the Swedish export policy of
the source of these reports, but the few who knew about military equipment, but not enough to eliminate the
my contacts with Kai, gave me sometimes knowing problem system. All, however, was aware of the
looks. dependency on support from Saab including some
devoted to important deliveries in reality would remain.
In addition to the individual contacts with different The compensation was alluded not only a Saab
target persons locally we invited also on some occasions problems. VFA and the LME, which had economically
journalists from client countries to visit in Linkoping. This significant stakes in Viggen, must implement the same
proved to be a mixed blessing, as some come with a program activities Saab to the whole thing would work.
completely negative preliminary approach, looking for This was clear for the concerned managements and
ambiguities and shortcomings in the response they got, cooperation worked brilliantly.
and then wrote their story in the most biased way they
For Saab, part of the aircraft was good suppliers in
Belgium (SABCA and Fai- rey) and Netherlands / Germany
A detail of the psychological warfare was that in 1974 (Fokker and its subsidiaries VFW) which together could
appropriated the name Eurofighter, hitherto unrecorded, account for approximately 80% of Saab part. The
for the export version of the Viggen, mainly to trans- remainder was split at a relatively late stage of Denmark
men's chagrin. Name Protection reported in recent years (Per Udsen, who was subcontractor to the Danish Dragon
and the name now belongs to another European project. Deliveries) and Norway (several companies). VFA had a
natural partner of the Belgian UN, which was an
established engine manufacturers, while the LME's
Our information collection initially showed on several electronic awarded in several companies in customer
misconceptions in the Belgian hierarchy of Viggen countries.
qualities and suitability for the Belgian conditions. These
perceptions abuse was relatively easy to correct with the The details of our direct compensation programs
correct information. The big problem was mistrust of coordinated by Saab's production facilities and its
Sweden's neutrality experienced Planning Manager Bengt Hernell and

exemplary of the contracts department for Tomy Hjorth background in the slaughterhouse industry. He was in the
for delivery to the customer with Saab's final offer. mid 60's prime minister for a time and return later suspended
for this record in 1978. In 1974, VDB known försvarsle-
The indirect compensation was an area where we supplier's circles as the "10-percent successor" and we
had opportunities to turn competitors States. With groups received indications from several sources that we would
Saab-Scania, Volvo and Ericsson in the back we consider VDB: s interests if we wanted to be in on the action.
represented a considerable part of the Industrial
Sweden. And we really had this support, which was
mobilized through the efforts of Curt Mileikowsky and, Direct monetary bribes were out of the question, but
probably, Marcus Wallenberg. All companies had already we decided to try to find a way through our compensation
economically significant operations in customer programs. It happened to be that the VDB's family
countries, the Fab national ownership and purchase of business was the main supplier of canned meat and
materials for cars, trucks, electronics and various other similar to the Belgian defense, of course, a coincidence.
product areas. We offered to the given circumstances convey the
essential purchases such for produce from the same
company to Swedish customers.
On this basis, broke a big pressure activity against all
Operat- tive divisions in the three groups. We demanded The discussions that led to the promise of preserving
from all who had the physical conditions, they would purchasing had a somewhat peculiar process. Through a
promise to increase (doubling or so) their existing local chain of contacts had a meeting quietly arranged with the
manufacturing activities and materials purchasing in our VDB authorized contact person. He was a young Belgian
client countries and nylokalisera factories for necessary nobleman, whose normal role was completely unclear. I
capacity increase. had the pleasure to accompany the President alone to an
afternoon meeting that took place in the nobleman's
residence. He received us without a word of greeting, but
The enthusiasm of our division items were not very started a turntable with classical music. After a short
obvious, but loyalty won mostly. It was in a way a relief contemplation of the music left values ​briefly room.
that we never needed to realize this indirect com-
pensationsåtagande that enough could be said to rest on
something haphazard manner.
When he returned, he asked brusquely who I was. Curt
We failed, of course, not to inform all concerned that Mileikowsky answered the question, then the values
we offered the customer states a total compensation ​declared that I was not applicable song attend the meeting. I
amounting to 200% of Vig- genprogrammets cost. Since spent the nearest half-hour alone in a huge dining room,
slutof- fertens price for 348 aircraft was more than 10 after which the two parties talk came out and we left the
billion in 1974 prices, was the value of the entire house. In the taxi from there described Curt Mileikowsky
compensation offer more than 20 billion, an amount that content of konversatio- athlete, which resulted in that we
no financial or industry minister could ignore. would provide a considerable volume of preserved
purchases. What we therefore promised.

Major international arms deals usually have a dark

side of any form of corruption. Some countries in Europe Adaptation of Swedish vapenexport- policy
have been front as worse than others. Belgium had its
share of this reputation. In 1974 it was called Belgian The argument against Viggen had the largest carrying
Defense Minister Paul Vanden Boeynants (known as capacity was Sweden's arms exports policy. The
VDB), a colorful gentleman 100-percent direktkompensationspro- program eased
slightly but not enough.

• ensure the proposal for co-production and
This we believe was transmitted frequently to the Chancellery,
additional compensation Swedish industry done?
which also, of course, got the same message via the Foreign
Ministry in reports from Ambassadorial saderna in the countries
concerned. Finally, in late summer 1974, Saab was called to a • guarantee the prices that Swedish industry
meeting in Stockholm to discuss a solution. offered?

• limit the impact of price increases on the parts of

The meeting was attended by Saab Curt Mileikow- the aircraft made in Sweden for the four countries?
sky, Harald Schroeder and me. Government Offices were
represented by state secretaries (equivalent from UD)
• ensuring access to svensktillver- researched
from four ministries: foreign, defense, industrial and
parts in the event of international tension and
finance, a power accumulation greater than we had
expected, which clearly showed the government's interest
• cooperate with or participate in the maintenance
in the deal. The discussion at the meeting was quite
organization that the four countries need to operate
constructive and resulted in the promise of a written
position point-taking from the Swedish government to the Viggen? The questions were obviously relevant, and it

problem in question. Some days later, we received a must be remembered that the 1970s was a PE period of

properly confidential letter, which the government high inflation. The questions were answered by the

promised that no obstacles would be erected for supplies government in a positive spirit in December
or support from Sweden in this program, even in the event
of crisis and war. An amazing statement that we barely 1974, but before that they had ensured that they had a
ventured can hope for! commitment from the participating industries, which
meant that any subsidy from taxpayers' page would not
be considered.

Saab's offer for the entire application submission The four countries back later with more questions of
Nades August 20, 1974. This also meant the end of my the same nature and sulfur clean showed clearly that the
mission Viggen in the century gun shop. I was replaced government is genuinely supported the efforts of the
by Tommy Hjort. industry. It also explained that only the decision of the
UN Security Council ban on exporting military equipment
to any or all of the four purchasing countries could stop
The continuation (Ulf Edlund) the Swedish stock deliveries.
Steering Committee requested the extension of the offer
in two rounds, first to March 31 and then to 15 May 1975.
It was an intense period for everyone involved. The On 13 January 1975, announced in the US that
Steering Committee came up with new question lists, to General Dynamics YF-16 was designated as the winner
be answered, and also had to inform all other of the US evaluation of the Air Force's new air combat
decision-makers and fighter, that a small aircraft which would mainly
complement it very expensive F-15 plane. This meant
-actuator. that the American threat was much more concrete
The transaction attracted strong interest on the because of the Americas rikansk side could now claim
Government of the level in the countries concerned, that the USAF had ordered a whole new generation of
including the Defense Ministers of a joint tour of Sweden aircraft, far superior to their European competitors. The
in early October. It then took the sensitivities of the loser in the US, Northrops YF-17, fell off thereafter with
guarantees Swedish government was willing to give of which Saab is perceived as positive because the Dutch
Vig- gene would be: company Fokker had close ties to Northrop.

To what extent was the Swedish the government are

willing to

In anticipation of the Steering Committee would issue its technology, e.g. electrical control system sidplace- row
final report was processed customer countries intensively joystick, carbon components and a new generation of
at different levels. Press conferences were organized, engines. The aircraft was also designed to be very
industrialized trips were conducted where everyone was manövrer- adjustable subsonic and low supersonic
trying to sell their message, and the ministers and other speeds and also the only one that was designed so that
government officials courted. the pilot had very good visibility around the yard.
Regarding the Mirage F.1 was found that it was designed
with emphasis on high sonic performance. Viggen was
The evaluation report characterized primarily by the design of very short takeoff
On April 3 announced that försvarsminist- adjusters in and landing distances.
Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and the Nordics give
the Steering Committee's report showed that all three
aircraft could carry out the specified tasks, but the F-16 There was no direct assessment of the differences,
was clearly superior Mirage F.1 and Viggen. This was but noted that all the aircraft could perform the specified
perhaps not surprising, but it was not just Dassault and tasks. F-16 was, however, better at attack missions and
Saab were astonished when you read the report, also air combat while Mirage
independent professionals expressed surprise. The
famous English magazine Flight International expressed F.1E was better at attack against targets that require speeds above

it as follows: "The report could have been written by an Mach 2!

American The only mentioned concerning systematic temp

performance was to Mirage F.1 radar was suitable against
ground targets, to F-16's pulse-doppler lerradar had
- if something is not American, it can not be good. "The so-called look-down capacity to air combat and Viggens
evaluation team had namely almost exclusively dealt radar was suitable to both land and aerial targets. The
conventional flight performance and very little touched report mentioned nothing about the cabin design,
armament and systems integration, where above all presentation systems, or for example, To Viggen as single
Viggen was superior. Both the Mirage F.1 and Viggen aircraft had a central computer for the integration of the
was, in comparison with the F-16, mature aircraft whose various avionics systems.
first version was downloaded already in operational
service. It noted, however, that the F-16 engine sector, P &
W's F100, the same as the F-15, would have more than
Initially, it was noted that the F-16 began to be 500,000 operating hours when the deliveries of the F-16
constructed about seven years after the competition and could start. This was a major plus for the F-16 as both the
to General Dynamics been able to use considerably Mirage F.1 and Viggen would have a very limited
more modern

Mirage F.1 E F-16 Saab 37E

Starting weight (2 robots) kg 11680 9800 16789

The summary of
Runway (1800 kg external load) m 760 530 480
prestandaredovis- mixture.
Landing Roller distance (1,800 kg external load) m 760 800 640 A Saab calculation
showed that the radius of
Max. rate, 11,000 m, 2 JRB) Mach 2.2 1.95 2.0
action with eight bombs,

Maximum external load kg 3515 5216 3675 which suited well for
Viggen, would be:
Action radius lo - lo (x bombs) km 520 (4) 545 (6) 475 (6)
246, 350 respectively. 409 km
Maximum slew rate at 5g turn m/s 85 210 80
to the various aerospace field.

Turn skill 6 000 m 2 JRB) degree / s 6.6 10.7 6.3 It was reported not to report!

and concluded that the Mirage F.1 would advance till 20
percent and the Tufted 60 percent more than the F-16
per year. As regards the maintenance costs stated that,
using normal NATO formulas, concluded that F-16 was
cheapest followed by Mirage and Viggen.

Acquisition costs were discussed in detail in the

report. Comparative data in the table below refer to the
total 348 (290 single seat and two seater 58) trans
aircraft for delivery between 1979 to 1984.

The indicated cost aircraft embodiments relates to

the same specification. Aircraft Price is the production
Mirage F.1 which was a running time on their engines. In brief, the Steering cost per aircraft plus a share of the supply coming
competitor to both Viggen
Committee considered that the F-16 would be the mother typkostnaden.
and F-16. Photo: SFF
much longer than the two Euro- pean competitors.
The report also discussed the risks of cost increases
Next topic touched logistics and maintenance costs. above inflation. In principle, was fixed rates, but be
Since it was a US weapons, the F-104 Starfighter, which aware that some changes could be applicable. The lower
would be replaced so it meant that one must make a figure for the F-16 relates to the likely level while the
system change if you were to buy a European aircraft. higher guaranteed not to be exceeded. It also brought a
This was not needed for the F-16 was chosen because it re- sonemang, based on the then known cost
could then proceed with a known system! The more developments in the various countries, the inflation
modern the Americas rikanska aircraft also required less effect, and there came to the conclusion that the risk was
fuel. They had calculated the average daily consumption lowest with France and the United States, but
during the peace conditions considerably higher in Sweden.




166% 186% 195%


It was difficult to get
acceptance for Saab's
comparison of the
necessary underhållsresur-
look. The figure shows a
study of court for personnel
to staff the two divisions,
based on NATO Man hours / fh 10 16 17 F 19 20 24 F
Aircraft Saab 37 Lancer 1 Cobra Tiger II 104

Millions of SEK; PN 1/75 Mirage F.1E F-16 Saab 37E

Additional typkostnad 745 954 1156

Production cost per aircraft 29.3 20.6 / 21.5 28.2

airplanes Price 31.6 23.7 / 25.4 32.0


A comparison of the different säljarländernas Although the Steering Committee did not provide any
compensation commitments was obviously quite direct recommendation, it was not part of the costs of the various
complicated however and it was concluded that they commitment, it was in fact clear that especially the
were guaranteed by the respective governments. The Netherlands and Norway were to go on the American
The presentation of the
Swedish commitment was considered somewhat less line. The French reaction was violent and it processed up
credible because BE sentenced prospects to sell an to the longest Belgium but in vain. From the Swedish
additional 500 aircraft, which was a calculation that side made one last attempt at the end of May with an Photo: General Dyna-mics.
limited. offer only to Denmark meant a hefty bargaining. The
offer was declined, however.
four köparlän- dernas flags.
The final point of the report was an analysis of the
fundamental difference in management structure that
occurs if you select an eu rope ideal aircraft instead of an At the end of May and beginning of June 1975 F-16 decorated with the

American: one must expect that the authorities in the five published government decisions in the various capitals:
countries will get involved in the program to a greater or the four countries where BE pared to enter into contract "The winner takes it all".
smaller extent. If you select the F-16 is known from the negotiations for the joint procurement of 348 aircraft of
beginning who will decide! the type F-16.

With 2300 km / h through the clouds
Austrian Draken pilots flew in 1999 for six months in But all this, accept it happily when you get the
Sweden with JA 37 Viggen. Draken- and now Eurofighter opportunity during a half years fly one of Europe's best
pilot Jorg Sandhofer portrays his impressions here
fighters, Hunting Viggen.
halfway through the program. The article published in 1999
in the Austrian Skyrevue.
Jörg Sandhofer is since 1989 The Swedish Air Force and F 21 have been
the pilot of the Austrian Air
described mödat much for our stay as good as possible.
Force. Have flown total of 2
When we in March 1999 was ordered to Luleå in northern The entire training is carefully planned and prepared. We
750 h in Saab Aircraft
(sapphire, 105, 35 and 37).
Sweden, we knew not yet what awaited us near the Arctic have a very modern infrastructure with the latest training
Now flies the Eurofighter. Circle. Only a short time before we arrived here yet minus aids. Each office of our division have a computer, partly
41 degrees. During our Swedish flyglä- General's last visit with Internet access, and teaching is carried out to some
to Austria before departure were given each of us five extent with PowerPoint - presentations.
Dragon Pilots three thick folders which we would work our
way through until it was time to go. We were therefore
prepared for a very demanding and in every way
conversion including training period. Very well trained and professional flight instructor not
only helps us with our training, but in every way, even in
our service and private affairs. Now we feel in all
Weather and climate met our expectations respects as full divisional members.
completely. It snowed until the beginning of June and the
meter-thick ice in the Baltic Sea between Sweden and
Finland went slowly up until the middle of May. We began our training with a two-week theory
blocks. Then all Austrian Draken pilots know well the
There is also a little strange to live in a country where current flight regulations in Sweden, was very very long.
during the winter hardly any daylight while the summer is Nevertheless, we had each day - including Saturdays
light around the clock (midnight sun). and Sundays

The Austrian pilots also had

the experience of flying on
the scale bases.

- from morning to late evening instruction and simulator To facilitate the pilot, there are two displays, and key Here is the eastward rikiska

flight. flight data projected in addition to head-up display in front pilot on the way to its YES 37th
During the next two weeks was carried out of the windscreen. Pulse-Doppler radar is the essence of
typinskolningen (Grundin the training) in a very hunting Viggen. It can smoothly find several moving
abbreviated process. We had been alternately theory, targets at long distances, and auto- matically follow them
simulator acclimatization and aerospace up. It was while looking for new targets. (TWS - Track While Scan).
surprising how quickly we felt at home in this aircraft. A further reason for the Viggen considered one of the
Each of us had only four flights a double command in SK best weapons systems, the plane's ability to hunt with
37 and six flights in single-seat YES 37th link exchange large amounts of data very quickly
between multiple aircraft and ground. .

During the two months since we began our tactical

training. Now opened up a whole new world for us. For
the first time we had the opportunity to deploy radar During a battle with more than ten participating
missiles at long distances. Moreover, it is a great aircraft, it is extremely difficult to always maintain the
challenge for us to process the vast information flow from necessary overview (situation awa- reness). The system
the radar, hunting link (digital exchange of information is very difficult to disrupt and offers the enormous
between the aircraft and hunting leader) and the radio, all advantage that even pilots who participate in the battle,
at the same time Viggen venerable flight performance. but turned on the radar, get a full picture of the
scenario-scenario, point (radar, one can easily see the
radarvar- modern). The Saab Viggen also offer a fully
I think one can easily imagine that it is not simply to electronic self-protection equipment is a matter of course,
fly up to 2300 km / h through the air, to a 60-degree pitch when it comes to such modern so- fighter.
working with radar same time that one must interpret all
incoming information and try to use this to their own
advantage. Towards the end of our training, we will conduct air
combat exercises with up to twelve aircraft (four to eight).
Unfortunately, it

hardly possible in Austria to a realistic implement such it will also in future be necessary to maintain friendly
scenarios, then it by the civil aviation regulations one- contacts with other countries and air forces and
DAST is small training areas for the disposal of the. Also performed conduct joint exercises, to quickly find their
because of this, the training in Sweden especially own weaknesses and to correct them so that a high,
valuable and necessary, because here you can act internationally comparable educational standards can be
without significant restrictions (minimum altitude over the assured.
water is 20 meters - over land 30 meters. As a com-
parison valid in Austria 1000 meters of land and 10 000 I hope that this training can also be continued in the
meters for supersonic flight). future, because we are trained not only in a very good
fighter, but also learn a lot, which can not be queuing pas
solely for the money of the Air Force with the decade
During our six months in Sweden, it is anticipated long tradition and experience, whose motto yet is: "Train
that we will carry about 100 Vig- genflygningar and 60 as you fight, fight as you train".
simulator flights. Meanwhile, we have during the first few
months accumulated significant experience in highly
complex scenarios with a very good weapon. These we
will certainly be able to benefit from even in Austria.

The translation of "Mit 2300 km / h durch die Wolken" is

One thing, however, has proven quite clearly. It is made by Peter Grönroos.
imperative that there is finally a decision on a successor
to the Dragon, so as not to miss the connection to
today's technologies and procedures. addition
How would it have looked
like in Austria!

World Try AJ 37
At the beginning of the 1970s, the export of Viggen Thrust / weight ratio was so large that the aircraft could
current. As a way to advertise it as, internationally, not be reliably remain on the brakes even with a
relatively unknown aircraft thought came up to try to set
maximum off ebk but must be tied! Switching times to the
world records.
max spark EBK was about eight seconds, which gave
tidsförlus- best that could not be accepted. Kenneth Nilsson, Royal
Institute of Flight 1969.
It was clear that Saab had a potent aircraft under
Employed at Saab 1969 to
development. Turbofan engine, with one for military Strict secrecy was considered to be urgently required as
1989, worked with
combat aircraft large fläktförhållan- the (1: 1) provided with the project was called LAURA = Lighted Air- craft Ultimate performance, flight
firing ebk proper thrust at high speeds. It quickly turned Record Attempt. characteristics and civilian

out that the record according to the FAI, Fédération At this time, there were no optimeringspro- grams to pre-planning. Included in the
project management of the
Aéronautique Internationale, the group 3, jet-powered resort but it was to try things out through computer
Saab 2000. Deutsche Airbus,
aircraft, which could be turned, the absolute times of rising simulations, in this case the so-called "time sharing"
Hamburg 1989-1992. Head
from a standing start to heights of 3, environment. Pretty soon emerged a flight profile that
to Suited aerodynamics Saab
appeared in the following manner of an ordinary 1992-2001.
6, 9, 12 and 15 000 m and the absolute fartrekor- the atmosphere:
lowest height. Climb to higher altitudes included
supersonic acceleration at high Mach numbers, the Starting with the lift-off after 500 meters at 360 km /
Viggen was limited by its pitotluftintag, which also h, which is considered the highest allowable TIL taxiing
prevented attacks against other speed record at higher speed, to avoid the high induced drag when flying at low
elevations. speeds. The acceleration in level flight at 650 km / h,
followed by slight increase in uptake and continued
Get The records acceleration.
At that time held the McDonnell F-4 Phantom since 1962
all records up to 30 000 m. At Saab, we decided to When reached 800 m, the riser angle is about 30
initially investigate the conditions to turn re- kordet up to degrees and at Mach 0.93, a substantial catchment to
12 000 m, of which Phantom used 77.15 seconds. Since vertical pitch. It is now 32 seconds. For about 18
the record must be turned at least three percent margin, seconds rises aerospace plane almost vertically and
we have to get under 74.84 seconds. transit sonic speed up to about 6000 m. Now begins a
bunch of motion during deceleration, which leads to 12
000 m reached in time 74.8 seconds, then just below
A light aircraft is an absolute must if the rise times what required. The total distance flown up to 12 000 m
should be short. As an approach, it was assumed that altitude of 17 km, which gives an average banfart at 820
the aircraft could be eased with 1,000 kg, which would km / h.
not be easy. Weight reductions would be achieved by
removing the radar and electronics, promissory
hybridization, etc. Furthermore fenfällningshydraulik The flight is a pretty violent's history. It begins with a
removed arming beams, antennas and other sticky and it åsnespark in over a G's acceleration in the x direction for
was assumed that all irregularities spacklades, which about 30 sec. Then follows a brusque receiving solder to
decreased the resistance. Finally, it was assumed that it the correct pitch and banaccelerationen changed to
was possible to tune the engine by about ten percent. It deceleration, which reaches 12 000 m is reached about a
also turned out that it was not to much fuel during the half g. Speed ​is now down to Mach 0.65. Aerospace
flight. With 900 kg of fuel was the starting weight of 10 plane decelerates sharply since stigvin- cycle is still
500 kg and warning impressive 72 degrees. To get around the top, without


M = 0.45

T = 74.8
M = 0.65


Height x 1 000 m


M = 0.94

0 2 4 6 8 10:12 a.m.
Distance from start
The flight profile record attempts at 12 000 m

the momentum must be a powerful bundle control and

made of 13 500 m, a speed of Mach
0.45, passed bantoppen. It is not very far from home,
less than 10 km, it is the rising terms. It goes without
saying that the flight profile may require some practice
and perhaps better tool than the normal flygläges-
instruments. Probably would have instructed the pilot off
the ground, but these details were never properly backlit.

But it is not enough to break the record on paper! It is

clear that fairly significant margins must for a rekordför-
search should be considered. Here it can be stated that if
anything it was probably engine is already tuned to far
above what Airbreathing would like to be part of.
Probably it is possible to reduce resistance somewhat
further and perhaps even weight. Likewise safe flight
profile optimized better. As an example, that 250 kg
weight loss shorten the time by about 1 second. But
perhaps the single bety- partly fullest measure is to find
an optimal atmosphere. At low altitude, it should be very
cold, which benefits the acceleration. On the heights of
3-6000 m, it shall not be so cold, the airplanes net rises
with vertically with near supersonic speeds. Over 6000
m, it should again become colder than normalat- mosfär.

The reader begins to suspect why there never was
anything in the leaflet, or Flight. It was up- will evidently 180
be a record attempt would cost a lot of money. Extensive
flygplanmodifie- rings, perhaps restoring a burned-out
Gerfaut II
engine, training flights, mätorganisation etc. Not only do 140
worldly potentates would be convinced of the money and

Time to 12,000 meters, sec

priority would also weather gods appeased. Show these 4D-F-1
task seemed overwhelming and Laura patted down for 100
F-104A T-38A
eternal slumber.
80 Sukhoi
F-4H-1 F-15 P-42

Today held trail record to 12 000 m of Sukhoi P-42, a 20 0

stripped down version of an early Su-27 series aircraft

(T10-15), with incredible
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990
55.54 sec, sat 1987. "OKB Sukhoi", Midland Publishing
Ltd. 1996 P-42 had an empty weight of 13 000 kg and
static force motordrag- 21700 bp. With about 1500 kg of to be operated at below 100 m above leave marks (now no The development of stigre-
fuel, this provides an acceleration in the x-direction of more than 350 m). The measuring distance inputs are kordet to 12 000 m, FAI
group 3, jets.
about 1.8 g! Snittbanfarten is about 950 km / h. Before managed and completed by 1 km long inlet and
starting anchored aircraft with a wire in a tank so that the utflygningsbanor. Throughout the flight, the height may not
maximum traction could stabilize! exceed 500 m. The record had since 1961 an F-4 Phantom
1 452.8 km / h. The rules must record smitten with at least
one percent, ie at least 1468 km / h must be reached.
The development of trail records over time shown in
the figure. If we had beaten the record 1971-1972, we
would not have kept it very long, already in 1975 hit US At Phantoms first attempt to beat the speed range
F-15 to 59.4 seconds. The figure illustrated rar kordet broken airplane up in the air and the pilot Loten
aeronautics development quite well. Until the 1960s died. The cause was sharp (PIO pilot induced oscillation)
made tremendous progress, then they are not as obvious the pitch, as a result of the requirement for extremely
but they are in the form of greater economy and accurate altitude. This was a very sensitive control systems
efficiency, compared to the Viggen and Gripen. at high speed at low altitude, a not unusual property of
contemporary supersonic aircraft, titanium DIGA J 35
Dragon included.
Sukhoi P-42 has today all trail records up to 15 000
m set from 1986 to 1988, F-15 (for some reason) to the Speedrecord is not as critical of the weight point of
record 20 000 m set 1975 then MiG 25 in the form view why the drastic dieting are to be done to turn the
E-266m have residual record up to 35 000 m, is also set pitch record could be spared. Radar and other equipment
in 1975. were removed, with an assumed weight of 800 kg. This
also had the advantage that the center of gravity moved
backward, thus reducing trim drag in supersonic. Of
The speed record course, were removed des pylons, antennas and other
After being forced to tuck LAURA, licked the wounds and utstick- spirit and the aircraft was predicted putty and
eyes turned towards speed record at the lowest level. polished until it gleamed! Engine thrust and fuel
The minimum height is meant that the measurement consumption was increased by three percent,
path, that is 3 km long and be flown twice in each


Height x 1000 meters

35 thanks. Swinging in supersonic require too much fuel.
After various passningsräk- like we got together a flight

30 profile which contains summarized

acceleration / retardationssträckor of 20
kilometers and turns in the Mach 0.8 to about 3.5 g. After
four mätpassager and three turns were made as fuel was
low. But the average speed was all over 1532 km / h, ie
Sukhoi P-42
F-4H-1 (1962) E-I
5.5 percent above the record! Full rekordflyg- device takes
15 about 10 minutes plus anions and home flight. During this
time, consumed about 3900 kg fuel. The flow of fuel with a

10 maximum firing in these speeds about 50 tons / hour,

which corresponds to a proper power! Curiously, the power
output of about 65 MW and process
pulsionsverkningsgraden about 10 percent. The entire
Regarding stigre- flown distance is about 180 km, which gives a snittbanfart
cords, FAI Group 3 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 1090 km / h.
Time, sec
Atmosfärsförhållandenas impact investigations des
something Airbreathing believed to live with. One never, but is probably not of such vital importance that the
concern in this context is the large (dynamic) pressures path records. However, there were other problems. Flying
luftkana- smooth and the aircraft and engine loads. with 1500 km / h in less than 100 m above the water, which
Maximum allowed (calibrated) off AJ 37, 1350 km / h, was the only realistic option, requires good ground
must surely greatly exceeded the record would be reference. We were thinking of laying out buoys throughout
beaten. It may be mentioned that the corresponding the flight distance, approximately five mil. Not a simply task.
momentum for JA 37 was 1450 km / h. And where would the record attempt be made? With Mach
1.25 on the lowest level, it becomes a real bang and the
The flight over the measuring path begins with an flight must be close to an airfield, read the locality with the
acceleration phase after which the aircraft after it passed inhabitants and greenhouses. We talked about Vättern
the measuring path, decelerated to subsonic to turn starting in Karlsborg, but ...
around for the next at-

Date Aircraft Speed, km / h Although this record attempt wannabe fallen despite

1945-11-07 Gloster Mk IV "Meteor" 975.7 good opportunities. I forget why, but maybe it was the

1946-09-07 Gloster Mk IV "Meteor" 991.0 dealers' money bag blank or needed money to

1947-06-19 Lockheed P-80R 1 003,8 others.There took a few years before the record in 1977

1947-08-25 Douglas D-558 "Skystreak" 1 047,4 was struck by a Lockheed F-104A Starfighter with

1948-09-15 North American F-86 1 079,8

1952-11-19 North American F-86D 1 124.1 1590.5 km / h. This heavily modified aircraft built by parts
from several different F-104 versions, first flew in 1976. It
1953-07-16 North American F-86D 1 151.9
was owned and operated by Darryl Green Mayer
1953-09-07 Hawker Hunter F Mk1 1 171.0
Previously SR-71 test pilot, and was called "Red Baron".
1953-09-25 Vickers Supermarine Swift F. Mk4 1 184.0 Should we believe what is written on natural Tet so was
1953-10-03 Douglas XF 4D 1 211.8 "The Baron" a bastard hopkommen of parts from dubious

1961-08-28 McDonnel Douglas F-4H-1F "Phantom" 1 452.8 1977-10-24 sources, and definitely not sanctioned by the US Air
Lockheed F-104A "Starfighter" 1 590.5

X Viggen
In the late 1970s were carrying German MBB about 200 million DM. The aircraft in the West as the
(Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm) projekts- most similar TKF-90 was Viggen, why MBB made
tudier for a new fighters, TKF-
contact with Saab. The major driving force for
90 (Taktische Kampfflugzeug 90). This aircraft would, inter
alia, have supermanövrerbarhet PST-operation of MBB was Dr. Wolfgang Herbst and he
i.e. tactical use of flygenvelop- pen at angles of attack of had discussions with, among others Olle Klinker, who Per-Olov Elgcrona,

anfallsvinkel- limit for stable, (mail Set, KTH flight in 1961 and
was then head of the system test department. At a
PST) which was hired in the same year at
meeting in Linköping March 28, 1979, it was agreed that
was made possible mainly by means of thrust vectoring. Saab. Has mainly worked in
in the spring of 1979 a joint feasibility study (feasibility the raw applicants flight
study) of the possibility of using a converted YES 37 test mechanics, flight

aircraft PST demonstrator. Internal got the concept characteristics and control.
Specialist in the field of flight
To demonstrate the benefits of this, not only in simulator working title X Viggen.
studies but also in actual flight, had MBB made cost
estimates for some different demonstrator concept:
, 1988.

PST concept
• a newly developed full-scale demonstrator had a
The concept of supermanöverbarhet grew out of MBB
price tag of roughly 600 mil- lion DM,
around 1978, as a result of- the newly developed
short-range missiles worked in all aspect angles to the
target. An ability to successfully fire a missile at an
• a newly scaled demonstrator should cost 400 million enemy in almost every 'clock position ", would likely
entail a change in hunting combat tactics, and thus
DM. If you could modify an existing suitable written
changed the performance requirements for fighter
airplanes, could reduce the price tag to
aircraft. extensive jaktstridssimule-

Air intake with curved

channel. variable foreplane

rotatable thruster

X Viggen required

Haferons extensive modifications

Engine exhaust nozzle with rings grundflyg- plane.

The beauty of PST aircraft
was that you could not
PST-aircraft fire its missile.
swing, in a controlled
manner, with very dre
minimum turning radius
Conventionally fighter
than the conventional
aircraft and thus faster to
get in shooting position.

The target's position at the robot shot

Interceptors with PST ability

rings, both manned and clean datorsimu- formulations, only be achieved by utilizing the "post stall" area. Using
showed that a suitable tactic would actually result in thrust vectoring and a suitable aerodynamic configuration
mutual sliding seating in the front sector and thus in a was considered possible that safety kert control an
dilemma with potential mutual nedskjutningar of aircraft at and above the stall limit. Very soon found that
equivalent high performance. the biggest challenge was that at large angles of attack,
roll the aircraft quickly enough on fartvektorn, to achieve
The analysis of such contacts obvious barade a new the desired tight turning ability.
operating processes, as Ka characterization was a
predominant share of instantaneous maneuvers and a
tendency to reduce speed. At the same swing speed is
an aircraft smaller turning radius at low speed, and Generic fighters with PST performance was
therefore provides a tighter turn, the development evaluated first in manned luftstridssi- emulations in
towards mutual frontal position, an opportunity to fire the Germany in 1977 (1 vs.1), and at McDonnell's facilities in
weapon before for any given aspect angle. St. Louis in 1978 (1 vs. 2). At this time had about 15
pilots from the USAF and German Air Force had the
opportunity to familiarize themselves with the new
capacity and to produce statistical data in terms of its
Svängradiens importance. effectiveness. The results showed:
conventional aircraft, however,
limited maneuverability at low speeds, and can even
become uncontrollable at stall speed, when they reach • to air combat efficiency of 1 for 1- contacts could be
the minimum turning radius. A marked reduction in expected to improve by at least a factor of two.
turning radius can

• supermanövrerbarhet that would allow a reasonable The initial PST envelope Included find peaks between
chance of passing two opponents with equivalent 3000 and 11 000 m and indi- cated with speeds up to 700
conventional performance. km / h. An important prerequisite for the calculation, which
input went into the study, was that the two test aircraft
• that the advantage of supermanöverbarhet tends to be
could be modified and be part of the planned tests.
greater at the plurality of contacts in situations of
disadvantage in the number of

Supermanövrerbarhet Engine / engine installation

For supermanövrerbarhet requirements were: PST requirements above meant major changes to the

• thrust vectoring in the tilt and yaw. engine and engine installation. Vekto- riserad traction in
pitch and yaw direction would be achieved by means of a
• a thrust / weight ratio of at least
rotatable nozzle which would be developed for RM 8B of
1.0, preferably 1.3.
German MTU and aircraft engine. The requirement of a
• an air intake configuration allows full engine thrust thrust / weight ratio> 1.0 in the- monstrations envelope
can be used up to 70 ° angle of attack. meant that it was not enough to "stripping" provflygpla-
NEN maximum, without an additional dragkraftstill- shots
• a relatively low wing loading and large leading edge were required. It was considered that it was acceptable to
sweep. a temporary addition of a demonstrator. The choice was
therefore on the liquid rocket engine, VR 3, Powerplant
• some aerodynamic features to provide a smooth
devel- oped. It would provide an additional tractive force
transition into the "post stall" - the area.
of 25 kN during 30 sec. Aircraft weight, when the sample
plane was in place for the PST test, was estimated to be
• a horizontal guide surface at increasing angle AN case
11,550 kg.
guided into the wind (fartvektorn).

• benign spinning properties (resistance to go in the

spinning, and a relatively simple spinnurgång)
required to prevent the system for the vectored The air intakes on the test plan must be adapted so that a
traction power becomes safety critical. satisfactory engine operation could be achieved at high angles The new motorinstal-
lation with rocket motor
of attack (30 ° <a < 70 °).
and rotatably nozzle
• a digital electric control system. Various changes to improve ingress and distortion at vekto- riserad traction.
high angles of attack sketches

Oxidatortank Rocket Engine



Control Systems

To meet PST requirements must control system basic

control system, GSA, and the electronics unit is modified
and adapted to the new control surfaces and their
control. This meant that a digital electronic control
system would constitute the normal operation mode, and
disconnect the GSA would happen in the event of failure
in normal mode.

During the pilot study was a relatively renovation including

analysis of the hydraulic flow obtained was claimed at the PST

operation with the new control surfaces. The analysis included

simulations of PST maneuvers, where a model of the hydraulic

system were included.

Flight Motors raketmo- tor VR serades including an intake curved passage and movable The results showed that the existing hydraulic system
third lower lip. could supply the control system with the requisite
The movable lower lip should have been impact hydraulic flow because the simultaneous demand of large
angles between +5 degrees (up) and -42 degrees servo torque (high pressure) and high speed servo is not
(down). To decide which or what options would provide at PST maneuvers.
acceptable engine tor function, planned special air intake
test in the wind tunnel. The sample comprised both at
low and high speeds and interoperability engine / air The commercial part
intake. The development of X 37, which would lead to the
demonstration of PST maneuvering, was supposed to
start the New Year 1980 with the first flight late in 1983.
Aerodynamics / guide surfaces Dessut- about the advent of the two engine
Viggen PST fulfilled well requirements with regard to, manufacturers' development of rotary and steerable
relatively low wing loading, high leading edge sweep, motor nozzle and Flights Motors adaptation and testing of
known and acceptable aerodynamic characteristics and the rocket engine.
identified and tested spinning properties. However, there
was a need for moving canards and an improved rudder The timetable represented along with a description of
efficiency in PST conversion Council. the listed activities the basis for the calculation of MBB
and Saab first made separately. Then, the preliminary
study was completed with a reconciliation and
A substantial improvement in capacity in aggregation of a resultant final calculation for the X-37
rodereffektivi- role also required. This would be done program. The pilot study resulted in the following
through the introduction of "ventilated" vingro- der, called conclusion in the joint report:
Haferons, after the German originator prof. Hafer.
Haferons was moving flaps in front vingrodren that could
be controlled and regulate the air flow over vingrodren.
Moreover, the existing wing rudders changed with respect "It is feasible to modify existing test a / c Viggen and use
to the exclusion angles and rudder servos. There was them as test A / C for the PST entry Vestigation and
also an option in the form of a variable nosfena should demonstration within the required time schedule. It is
there be a need for substantially better aerodynamic presumed That the required design and development
roderef- efficiency in yaw. capa- Bility will be available by convenient worksharing
between the two companies. "

The patch estimate for X 37- program ended at 256 Instead, it became a partnership with MBB in the form of
million. DM (1165 m), and the natural distribution of work a program role linked peksikt- up in JA 37. This
hours, etc. was roughly: MBB 30 percent and Saab 70 eventually led to the automatic sieving akan introduced
percent. The sum was approximately 30 percent higher as a series feature in aircraft YES 37th
than MBB's first estimate, but clearly lower than the cost
of a newly developed, scaled demonstrator. But the
imbalance with regard to the division of labor could be a Conclusion

problem. Although the X-37 program was not off, put cooperation
with MBB their tracks in the project studies began for the
JAS 39 Gripen. The first project description of aerospace
Now remains the hardest part. How would work and plane, called the NV-0, had thrust vectoring in the tilt, in
costs be shared? the form of a 2-dimensional convergent-divergent nozzle
In these negotiations, I had no input gaze, and which also had the reverse mode on the ground and in
therefore can only speculate. The Swedish believed the air.
enough that, if the feasibility study showed positive
results, would Germany and MBB account for a large
part of the "piper", because it was MBB brought with the MBB continued its efforts to de- monstrera PST
proposal to modify the Viggen. But the German operation. In October 1982 began MBB and American
government authorities (Ministry of Defense / Luftwaffe) Rockwell cooperation on supermanövrerbarhet. In
obviously wanted to focus on a experimentflyg- plan with September 1986, the two companies contracted by the
the right configuration (a förprototyp of TKF-90). An US DARPA respectively. German Defense Ministry, with
objection to X 37 was the development of a swivel nozzle the aim to develop and flight test two experimental
RM 8B was an unnecessary effort, if you Instead, it could aircraft X-31A. First flight took place October 11, 1990,
make the RB 199 ie engine MRCA. What FMV, Saab and no two aircraft first flew in January
Aircraft engine and was willing to bet I do not know, but it
did not change the German authorities doubt, and it was
not the start of the X-37 program. 1991. X-31A showed their PST qualities on air show in
Paris 1995.

In the first project description of JAS 39

Griffin, NV-0, for example, included thrust

When Chuck Yeager flew Viggen
By far the most famous pilot who had flown Viggen is the on the ground. One can taxi at high speed, highly dependent
American legend Chuck Yeager. He flew, 1987, 40 years on the aircraft has two bogie wheels on each main landing
after the historic first supersonic flight with Bell X-1, in a
gear, with consequent good stability and good braking ability.
visit F 15 Soderhamn SK 37 baksits together with Ulf
Gabrielsson. This with baksits is not insignificant because
Chuck Yeager. Flygarässet Yeager regarded it almost as an insult. He was If we look to the Viggen performance as is the
from World War II who made accustomed to sit in the front seat and was not in the best relationship between weight and traction good. Of course
history when he in 1947 mood. Here Chuck Yeagers 'own' description of the flight.
not as good as in modern aircraft as F-16, F-18, F-20 or in
became the first in the world Flights Revue has kindly put the article and pictures to the
to fly at supersonic speed. SFF's disposal. Griffin where we have a traction force greater than aviation
aircraft's weight. Sometimes people say that the Viggen
has the world's most powerful engine, but Viggen need a
strong engine because it is a heavy aircraft. The
relationship between weight and engine power is what
This is evident in the Viggen cockpit of the aircraft have counts.
an old basic design. As new tools and weapons have
become available have been forced to build and Viggen is - all attended un stranded aircraft - very
rearrange the furniture. The expression that we test pilots easily flown. It is very stable and has a good SAS system
Ulf Gabrielsson and Chuck
tend AN turn around a cockpit as the Viggen is "a very (stability- augmentation system = control the machine's
Yeager before the flight.
busy cockpit". Viggen is manageable damping function, reds, note.) And it is a unique aircraft
Photo: Bo Sehlberg
in the sense that it is reverser- offense. For a
single-engine fighter aircraft is something very unusual.
On the other hand, it costs finesse is also a great deal.
Partly in cash - it's a more complicated STRUCTURE -
both in the form of extra weight in the form of increased
air resistance. "Total Price" is so high that it is considered
impossible to build such systems in new aircraft. To
reverse the need to have a very big opening up the
afterburner to power - jet - can be directed forward when
closing the regular exhaust. It will be a very high air
resistance there but in modern aircraft can not allow any
extra resistance and also no unnecessary weight. It's not
only the dampers and hydraulic cylinders weighing but
also pipelines, oil pumps etc.

Of course, it is beneficial in kortfälts- landings and

obviously it's a good system if you operate from runways
with low braking coefficient on ice, snow, wet runways
etc. But on the other hand you will land only once during
each mission, the system, with its extra weight and extra
wind resistance, you are forced to lug around on during
the entire mission.

I think if you weigh the pros and cons against each other Furthermore s equipment moth example of gamma Ulf Gabrielsson and Chuck
Yeager taxi out to the
is the "finesse" to Viggen disadvantage. It has tried to technology. Look at the helmet and syrgasmas- ken.
launch. Photo: Bo Sehlberg
convince me of the benefits, but as an observer, a little Modern helmets, made in New feed material, are much
like this from the outside, I must ask the question: How is more comfortable and weighs only a quarter as much.
it then that you have not reversibly seringsmöjligheter in Your syrgasmas- risks are very heavy. You are not using
your new aircraft, the JAS 39 Gripen? a strap under the chin but says that the oxygen mask
keeps the helmet in place - but it's not true! At high
speeds, you risk losing both the helmet and mask at a
Another thing I thought about during the flight is that katapultutskjutning. Survival suit is also very heavy.
you try to "over protect" your pilots. There is a certain risk
factor The association ad with the flight. You can not
protect the pilot from killing himself if he flies on the slopes It is not only the pilot, you try to over- protect without
at 1000 km / h. The equipment in the Viggen judging it all of the aircraft. Even in your new JAS aircraft, you
seems - a little exaggeration - as if that is what you seek! have back-up instruments extra compass, altimeter,
You are preparing a crash during each mission, and the
problem is that you care about the pilot has been so great etc. This was justified when the electronics inside
that you hinder him in his actual work - to perform a troducerades the end of World War II. Since then, things
combat mission. In the Swedish aerospace weapon you fly have moved forward. Why carry unnecessary weight that
ever so long passes that we do in the USAF, 12-14 hours steals dashboard space?
when we are going to different parts of the world. With the
equipment in Vig- gene, it would be impossible to carry out In Sweden, I - in line with the care of your pilots - had
these tasks. many anxious questions about our experiences with the
"electric aircraft" fly-by-wire, which you are now,
introducing the Gripen. We have flown with such

systems for more than twenty years without any meters) above the ground and obstacles. Then hold the
problems. DA taopererade control're not dependent on a aircraft which, in supersonic speeds, in the rain,
single computer. Some twenty computers, where all darkness and fog, but I can see a thing! Myself, I can sit
communicate with each other, not only gives a great with folded arms and just ride. "It's just another mission."
reliability but with the resulting speed and the total I've seen pilots fly lower. In fact, some have been flying
memory capacity of a fantastic asset to the pilot. He gets so low that they collided with the ground and you can not
help with both the flight and navigation. Computing beat their "record". No, I was not impressed, I must
power helps him also to handle all the weapons in the respond.
most efficient manner.

Viggen is an old aircraft. To fly the Viggen is like to

It expressed fear that the JAS is an unstable aircraft. fly the F-4. I flows for providing the aircraft usually of later
But we have constructed fly-by-wire system just to be generations, as F-16, F-18 and F-20. To compare the
able to build extremely unstable aircraft! It is the property Viggen with any of these can not and would be totally
called we want. We program computers so that they unfair to the Viggen. These modern machines must be
never allow higher load than we can accept, whether set against the Gripen if one wants to make
dictated by pilots's physical capabilities or the aircraft's comparisons.
structural strength.
Viggen has a nice rudder harmony and it is easy to
fly formation with. You notice of course that it is large and
It is true that a very unstable aircraft can not be flown heavy and it is not as smooth as the most modern
without the help of computers. In the highly hypothetical machines, but it certainly makes a good job. As a rule,
case that all DA detectors go off at once the aircraft can the partial un-stranded aircraft much easier to land and
be torn apart so quickly that the pilot did not have time to Viggen is no exception. Ground effect is great for
climate huh out. There are lots of ways you can die in a participating aircraft, a large cushion that gently and
dogfight - but that the aircraft's built-in instability could be automatically brakes, also a high sink rate, output
one reason is still the least likely. discharge comes by itself.

We flew a lågflygningsrunda with Viggen. When we In the version I flew obscures visibility nosvingen
landed, I was asked if Viggen lågflygningsmöjligheter part. Speaking of the view that the engineers have
impressed me. I did not really know what to say in order missed when they designed periskopen (in baksits SK 37
not to seem impolite. I'm an old pilot who had time to be is forward vision obscured. For the pilot in the rear
with most. I really do not think there's anything you can cockpit to be able to look ahead, he must use one of two
do with an airplane in the day that no one else has done peri bucket. These protrude on the sides behind the front
and I have trouble Item No. reställa something in flight hood. Reds. note.). With just a hint of what we call
that would impress me. I had never flown low and fast human engineering so they had been able to see through
earlier, I would certainly have been impressed, but low both periskopen simultaneously without having to move
flying military equipment've been my family throughout his head. In the same way it is with indicator lights to ebk
my adult life. set. The lights do not show that the respective
afterburner stage has ignited. Instead, the lights indicate
throttle only mode. It tyck- you I am weak. The pilot must
know where he's handle without these lights. There are a
couple of typical examples of what the engineers have
We fly today to control machines that are connected built without taking into account the pilot
with terrain following radar. I can key in on autopilot
because I want us to keep a height of 50 feet (about 15

experience but I am convinced that it will be different in
the Gripen.
Viggen is a complex aircraft vehicle draws a
relatively high ground service. Much more service than,
for example, Griffin will need. Compare F-4 F-18 or F-15
with, for example, F-18 and F-20. These aircraft engine
markets requires only 25 percent of the maintenance of
the older machines need. Aircraft appearance may seem
very similar can still be so different that one of the
machines NEN - over a 25-year period - costs twice as
much as the other!

Today the trend is towards a certain likfor- mighet. We

set the boundaries of the new aircraft to Mach 2. Even at a
moderate speed increase
- at Mach 2.2 - aircraft becomes twice as complex. It is
not worth it. Instead, we develops weapons for them to
cope with the high speeds we sometimes need. The
aircraft is increasingly becoming a weapons platform. It
should, in relative proximity to the conflict zone, to deliver
small arms, quickly return to base to reload and then pumping a high column of blood resulting from its Chuck Yeager in the rear
seat. Photo: Bo Sehlberg
deliver another weapon load. The trend is therefore position. By tilting the chair more and have your knees
towards that we require a lower speed performance of level with the shoulders increases resistance to g-loads.
future aircraft projects. Blood pillar becomes shorter. I've even test flown a
machine totally lying to see if there was a way forward
towards higher g-The force best. G-suits can also be
Anyone who may sell its aircraft will be the manu- made more efficient. We have developed a g-suit which
facturers that offer the machine that cost the least to operate filled up very quickly. A feeler in the ear detects pilots's
over a 25 year period. You solve this by increasing the heartbeat. The costume blows up at the end of a
quality, what we cold parts MTBF - mean time between heartbeat when you have maximum blodvo- volume in
failures - and manufacturers have become increasingly better the arteries. It is a harsh treatment, even painful,
at this. Just look at the radar today is the MTBF 2000 hours. It because it's like getting a CLIP of the suit, but you can
is a thousand times better than the first and second handle the high g-forces, and it is primary.
generation radar systems.

G-suit I used today, in the next few identical to the

one we had during World War II AN pull. So far it has On the other hand, perhaps we are on completely the
been enough as long as we operated with up to 7g. But wrong way when we try to adapt the pilot to high g-loads.
now we say okay to 9g, thanks to more efficient As I see it, it is better to let the weapons do these
machines with better weight and traction conditions. With maneuvers. Today robotisation are so confident that a
these new machines, we can not just pull 9g launched missile means a downed aircraft. There is no
instantaneously but we can keep the load as long as we way to protect themselves against new robots. They do
have fuel left. In conventional chairs sit pilot pretty not fool themselves with great pictures, torches, etc. In
straight and feet low. During g-load makes the heart work fact, robots have become so good that I - an old shooter -
hard to think it is time to remove the machine guns of modern

If the aircraft 37 Viggen
Project Jobs of all kinds took place practically always at two smaller vertical lift units in the nose. These would be
Saab. When we started with 35-ball, there were not any lit particularly in land device and compensate equilibrium
opportunities for me to participate in this, but the main part
with a lowered elevator which then together would
was handled by Peace Wänström.
provide extra lift, thereby lowering landningsfar- TEN.
Erik Bratt, Dragon's father, Very doubtful because it can cause the aircraft to
was the last classical chief
Peace Wänström always had many investigations going suddenly stand up with his nose in the same way as the
designer for Saab. Took
on about how he thought the next airplane after 35-ball JAS.
private pilot's license in 1937
and got the silver wings in
would look like. In between, he examined even more
the Air Force civilian alternatives. As an employee, he Arne Lakomaa We were stimulated by seeing the English language,
who previously worked as a designer at Scandia office. the Harrier, which could be vertical start, and
1940. He was flying in a
compromise solutions in this direction was the enticing. I
private aircraft until 2003 and
thought that the best proposal to continue hunting-attack
was then, at age 87,
In the project it is estimated that of all the projects aircraft would be the 35th of more modern engine. Got
Sweden's oldest pilot.
that are drawn, only a small fraction that will be built. Of Brisbane Billings mission to explore the possibilities. This
these, only about one in ten until serial production. For resulted, after much of an advance stroke to a 35th
those who come in series, it is really just like that one in enlarged front body and with the increased span and a
ten who become really successful. You can never have a Bristol Olympus engine that had a tensile force of about
successful series aircraft unless the original project is 22,000 pounds (10,000 kg) with slaked EBK and 36,000
Erik Bratt contributions "Fpl
37 History and experience" well implemented worked. Considering this and consider pounds (16,000 kg) lighters ebk. This super strong
the enormous costs it is behind every project so you can engine planned for the Eng- lish nuclear bomb-carrying
understand how important it is that projects are properly aircraft TSR.2. Would the 35 ans some mean almost
examined before setting off on the major penningslu- vertical ascent and especially prestigious performance
refreshing mills. even with off EBK.

Forward to autumn 1961 Wänström- group a We would have a major overhaul in drama ten Hall A
CG Ahremark shows 2008 proposal for future jaktat- attack aircraft with a Rolls (conference at Saab) a Wednesday in late November
samples of the Planning niches
Royce Spey main engine and also something that I've 1961. The entire Flygförvalt- consumption by generals
that were used in the 1960s.
never seen either before or since, namely, and assistant would come and listen. The week before
Photo: Åke Andersson. we had the Brisbane Billings presence summarized both
performance, schedule and cost for our two pretty quality
projects. Carl-Gustaf Ahremark had made two great ele-
Ganta color plates that you could hang on the wall and
everything seemed well prepared. Late the previous day,
Tuesday, 21 November, went aerodynamics responsible
Behrbom and Dillner to Hasse Löfkvist, which at the time
was assistant to Brising, and presented their results of
wind tunnel tests on a nosvingeal- alternatives. What
was new was that they had a straight torque curve, which
we had just 35-an. They were excited and thought

this looked good. If you do not have this in the general project 37-1
November 7, 1960
comparison? Hasse phoned Brising and they had to
come in and explain to him. Brising thought it sounded
good. The time had now come to be five, so pöjka had
gone home. When called to the Arne Lakomaa, who got
ahead and make a quick kiss on the stump.

Now it's the thing that Pratt & Whit- ney had a sale
again and again, with star salesman Bob Bear in the
lead. The borrowing guarded the Air Force and Saab
with its JT8D engine, the same engine that now sits in
the DC-9 and Boeing 737 etc. This would be at the
Powerplant (SFA) production of a military version with
Fpl J 35D
afterburner. Bear had visited Saab same day or possibly
the day before and left drawings on the engine to Brising.
I was inside of Brising when Bear upper left drawing. This
engine drawing got Lakomaa commissioned to design that the proposal showed would nose and main wing Project 37-1, Erik Bratt

into their fast- bis. Meanwhile called Ahremark, who was cooperate with each other. Seemed pretty convincing on enlarged Dragon with Olym-
pusmotorn, was deasserted
assigned to the meeting the next day to make ready a that point. But all other known disadvantages of
already in autumn 1961
color plate of canarden the same model we had for the nosvingeflyg- plane was still there, especially poor lyftför- because the aircraft did not
other two alter- nativen. capability of landing. I recalled our big meeting in spring pass fältprestanda-
1959 on this in the "Dramatic". They said something.
Depended on what comparing with. Etc. etc.

On Wednesday, we all gathered in Hall A at the Saturday 9 December, we had a great meeting up in
Royal Dramatic Theater. Imagine my surprise when I the Administration (KFF). Tryggve Holm, Brising and
saw three color posters hang on the wall. Wänstromska then some. The manager, Tu-base (Lage Thunberg),
RR option with lifting motor Thu, 35: an Olympus and a said that the next skolflyg- plane type 2 would come to
nosvingeför- seen aircraft with JT8D engine. Had not had be called Saab 105. Then he informed about the aircraft
a clue what was going on overnight. Irritably. The head of and engines. General observations. We got the
the construction tion office was not informed, but this was impression that there also will be an order for our
typical of Saab, so I'm used. fighters. New appointment to the engine issue, in more
detail, to take place on Friday, December 15 on top of
the KFF.
We had our drawings before any factual knowledge,
and no one seemed surprised canarden, which Dillner This was of course a great meeting for Saab. We were
presented in a known convincingly. The following then secured a job for a long time with both training aircraft
Monday, I met Behrbom and Dillner and we had a long and jakt-attackflygplanet.Vi, Saab employees the same as
conversation about canarder. Their key argument was
last time, went up to KFF also Friday the 15th. At the same
the nice torque curve. My thought was that if you had a
were in one of their presentation halls. On the wall hung
foreplane would need to secure it with the boundary layer
our three color plates that Ahremark drawing and painting.
control of any kind to prevent nosvingen to stall before
Now, something strange happened. Everything was paved
the main wing. This would not have done because of that
particular location for it to be JT8D. Åke Sundén, head of airplanes Agency,

gave a long explanation about how good JT8D was. So he for these operating conditions. I am convinced that it was
said that it's almost the same performance that the a linguistic misunderstanding. It definitely was not a
Olympus, which extinguished EBK had 16,000 pounds of dishonest attempt to fool the audience.
thrust. JT8D had just under 15,000 pounds. He said.
Otherwise, you could consider. It was a kattrakande
- That is almost the same and you get BE careful to without equal of the companies represented the foreign
JT8D easier. engine manufacturers. They could make easy profits
Then lifted Deputy Chief arm and pointed at our canard million in commissions if they managed to sell an engine
for the Air Force. Flight Director Bjarnholt, which was well
options with JT8D engine and said: - Well, then it will be the
entrenched in the KFF had moved to the firm that sold P
time. & W engine. And one wonders why it was so easy?
No comments. The meeting was over. I had been sitting
next to D'Ailly and he immediately said to me when we got
outside the door: P & W had appointed a liaison named Morris
- Crikey! We have received an aircraft order! And so Pearson. He told me something later that Bob Bear said,
lucky that it was not the Rolls Royce engine tower for it is when the deal was done, he, Bear, therefore, never been
far too weak. involved in a motor sales going so fast and easy that
- That was not the intention that we would get an sales of JT8D the Swedish aerospace weapon.
airplane decisions. The duck is hardly nighttime old, I said.

- You see huh good that we got an aircraft decision. It's JT8D deal was baffled for Rolls Royce salesmen,
almost impossible to get under normal circumstances, said Salen & Wicander. There sat the Göte- ran Axell, former
D'Ailly. KFF Aviation Agency, as CEO. There had really
We had received a decision on hunting attackflygpla- net Saab happened things. The Air Force laid out the major aircraft
37 Viggen! and engine orders (Rolls Royce) to England in the 50's
Everyone had expected the meeting to only all-henceforth before Nordenskiöldsgatan ended the CFV,
motoraltenativet be decided first and airplanes option to immediately become Chairman of Salen & Wicander.
later. You could have any motor in which the airfield
alternatives whatsoever. No one, except possibly the
manager, had the notion that motoral- ternativet was I had heard Bücker tell you how it was in the Swedish
bound to aircraft option, just as they happened to be aviation in the 1920s. Perhaps nothing had changed.
drawing on our three color plates. Everything was the same. Everything was as it should be.

As for our own dirty linen, I would like to admit that in

Did me unsure of the engine performance presented 1961 there were good reasons for well yes a
at the meeting. A bell rang in my head at me and well at nosvingeflygplan. Had, on the landing and
home, I took out how the matter stood. maneuverability, but not for the resistance, somewhat
greater potential than the pure dubbeldeltan but lower
It was true that the civil JT8D allow the needle was somewhat potential than competitive conventional option with rear
lighter than Olympus. positioned height control works. It had not been so bad if
Indeed! Sundén had taken the wrong figure for we had time to work through it a little more. But it sounded
Olympus. He had taken the value of oreg- modulated good to say that if we continued with the 35-ball, we would
engine. Normal draft value was 22000 pounds of build on our experience and save both money and a lot of
Olympus with slaked ebk but with controlled outlet. The inconvenience.
corresponding controlled value of JT8D was slightly under
15,000 pounds. The two engine specifications were I thought Olympus 22 was a better and more complete
different nomenclature in English and American than JT8D engine, but was wrong as well. Some time after the
decision Ia man down TSR.2

in England. Thus was the Olympus 22 out of the picture. and he was certainly good as cohesive message. He had
But this did not at the time of the decision, which largely read aeronautical engineering but had no construction
was a common "high-level confusion" decision. We had experience and was not air educated. As construction
to go to East Hartford in the United States and talk to P & was the airplanes net fatherless. No special project
W people. Much was undone on JT8D before it could be engineer had brought the aircraft. The responsibility for
useful. design are delegated to the group leaders. They would
write on the drawings and the final approval authority. In
Then came the work underway at 37: an. A little bit to 35-ball, I had written on each drawing, a number of the
begin with. The aircraft would have a huge radar diameter
and efterbrännkam- mare was desslikes great. The
wagon was knub- big worse. One could ask whether a 10 000. Obviously, I had not been able to call everyone,
supersonic trailer would look like. The aircraft would not but I looked carefully at all the drawings that had large
be an airplane without a "system". My view is that the disaster risk. In the 37-ball was no, would not be
aircraft was the same sheet metal box as usual, but the someone who had overall design responsibility. System
electronics cans were said to be developed so that they people did not see a plane drawing. Talked exclusively
could cooperate with each other. But the concept of the about electronics cans. Olle ES-ping, who has been my
system was good (for those who did so) it created a bit of co-workers at 35 than in many years, was appointed
mystery of it all. konstruktionssam- ordi- nating role at a time when the How come the Faroe DIGA
project was long-term. Did a decent effort, but did not, aircraft to be? Do not look
Olle Esping and Erik Bratt
and did not write the drawings.
slightly worried when they
So: The aircraft was officially only one of the pieces
review the model? Photo:
of the puzzle. As a system uniting appointed Harald Saab

A field airmen remember its Viggen
Why Saab 37 Viggen was named for me is unknown. Saab's its beautiful design is obviously a woman. Gripen is
imagination and strategy regarding its name to aircraft types certainly not so beautiful but have female forms and
have always puzzled.
sounds, like the Dragon, but still high squeaky, further
We remember the name earwig if it was Saab who feminine traits. Nothing against Viggen (yes, I AN turning
Alf-Thoor a Ingesson ntogs named the aircraft 21 to it. TUN nan was certainly an well that name then) powerful rumble. Lance is also a he,
as fältflygarelev 1967, and
appearance after fitting name but was not so glamorous. albeit a little older uncle. "Attack and bombers are for
received the vanes 1970. A
Boom child such as B 17 and B 18 bevärdigades no men while the fighter more to be done by the
trained at 32 at 17 F and
flew later F 6 AJ 37 until
name at all. The basis of purchased kreatio- nerna had womenfolk." Old truth on the plains of Västergötland.
1997. flight instructor, already glorious and rewarding respektin- names such as
helicopter pilots and Vampire, Mosquito, Venom, Mustang, Spitfire and
psychologist with service After nearly 2,000 hours in Viggen, there are of
Hawker Huntington best. Name that gave hope and
availability special
promise of segment parameters. In contrast, one of the course many memorable events. I could tell you about
psychologist. Showing pilot
full-hits like Lance, Sweden's powerful weapons with the long dark nights of the east or west sea when we
in the Air Force ago
both momentum and speed, something to be proud of. rehearsed attack attack, usually RB 04 against naval
Sequel Dragon really felt like something to have respect targets. Tactical unit was four aircraft and low altitude,
for. Saab's current pride, Gripen has of course also an with collections and undanma- növrer at very low
intriguing name with memories of olden days. altitude, were living. A flight tactics that were driven
almost too far, and was enhanced by the head of first
flygeska- dern, General Olson, after several failures.
Lysbombsanfall with subsequent collections between
verkansgrupp and decoys.
But Viggen? Perhaps the idea was to re-ferera to low
level flight and speed of the Baltic Sea, where the living
model keeps to, or had been inspired by the short film Air Contrary to the chase where we were four against
Viggen Viggo 1960s, as the Other things being contains four. When hunting Viggen came and replaces tea
a short sequence with a rotating 29s scares the poor Dragon became very tight. The dragon could certainly
Viggen, inglorious. There might be some readers who take their 7-8 g, occasionally 9g (yes, it was) but had
can shed light on this mystery. higher courts when it had to go out and get the
momentum resulting in larger spaces. On Lans time we
were sometimes eight against eight Dragon. I could talk
For me, the Viggen a giant bear. The bear might have about the attack missions in the north with very sharp
been appropriate given the first flygeskaderns old folding with associated low level flight but our role as hunt
krigsuppehålls- place in Dalarna (not to be confused with pilots, we should not talk so much about. Admittedly we
the wooden bear outside of Skara where the exercises had the RB 24 and 24J and RB 05 but akanutrustningen
were led away.) It might baptized 37-ball to Baloo, you were substandard. Exercise installation with
know that the bear in The Jungle Book. There are many
similarities. Large, super strong, fast when it was needed,
persistent, could carry a lot, sometimes quite clever but 12.7 mm was otherwise inherited from mouse tang. The
really little choral kad, well CK 37 (the computer in 37-ball) tactic was from the old 29 times. The intention was that the
got the better over the years, also was a 37-ball kind attack could be deployed in hunting role against enemy
unless you was too mean to him. bombers during good weather and daylight conditions. It
went so well there. Then we were the better to defend
against attacking hunting when we flew in the attack role, we
He…. 37 is a he. The barrel is a silver gray old lady usually went victorious from these duels so
we know, the Dragon with

long resistance was the MiG-21 in nature, the exercises dominant. The ancient pilots learned to deal with
represented by the dragon. When hunting Viggen came and disorientation, the "hard way". When Viggen came,
reality consisted of the MiG-29, that was the end of the systems with even that good with SI etc which led to the
honeymoon. There we were quite stand a chance. sine nesvillor became rare, and thus less experienced
among drivers to handle them when they nevertheless
Some have probably mentioned about our failures. occurred.
37-ball did get a bad start with three wing offense. The
cause was blamed at first Saab reflexive magnificent in I remember the then flotilla manager F 6, Gunnar
the air force and the way to use the aircraft and the pilots Hovgard, after a collision accident between two aircraft
inability. Saab did, however, face the music and after outside Kristinehamn nehamn came down in the division,
modifications so it was of course quite well. Responding threw his worn briefcase on the table in order courtroom
to the spinal cord and blame the drivers are, and said, in all seriousness: "I hereby forbid I breakdowns
unfortunately, a bad habit that is still partly alive in the categories "! We had then had breakdowns annually for
Gripen time but we can take another time. seven-eight years. A document from the usually Lugne and
sober Gunnar that surprised everyone. The strange thing is
that it worked. The remaining ten years of F 6's history,
We had several fatal accidents. Some at night, some in there were no further failures
bad weather, some in advanced ced flight and air combat.
Bird Collisions also demanded sacrifice. In addition, some
technical failures. Overall it can be said that the accident It never ceased to impress me was Viggen traction.
causes the SD problem. That is disorientation, with As most people know had Viggen, besides basic engine,
consequent dramatic reduction in the external environment a three-stage afterburner. Because the motor, max
perception. Although sometimes went to track överambi- extinguished (MS) were not aircraft so im- pressive, even
tion, as were shortcomings in the business environment slightly. In the control of flights warm days, when the start
Ebk boot from Kosta- base.
perception of compulsory Photo: Emil Lindberg

Nocturnal Tufted Lanzarote. the engine was, it was just in the air. Ebk zone 1 was a Then the fuel down in pleasant 50% and when lighting up
Photo: Åke Andersson farthållningszon used to maintain combat speed, Mach 0.9, at Zone 3 (bin three firewood in the fire one of said F 15)
low altitude with a heavy load. Zone 2 was an acceleration spiraling air plane away with such force that the head is
reduction zone and a startzon. Zone 3, however, this happens difficult to be held upright. It was during the subsequent
stuff. The word accelerating is not sufficiently. Viggen ascent path angle 85 degrees and lying on his back in
runaway. At start zone 3 so rotates by about 400 m, with the his chair. Minimum nossänkning means infallibly
end of the runway passe- race about 800 km / h and after transonicvar- solution (yellow lamp) with subsequent
further allow the needle eyes kilometers reached Mach 0.8 supersonic. Once at the height of a short överljudare
when taking in with 45 g while the speed continues to increase then reduce the height to the lowest by a number of
to Mach half-rolls. As long as you kept the indicated speed below
600 km / h went it around pretty good. Lets you speed
0.9. Now helix angle close to 80 degrees to the passage rail to get rodermo- segment limit and then it quickly
of about 6000 m to start flat selected for when accessed becomes dangerous thoroughly. Baloo ilsknar to. We
10000 m be about 30 degrees. The time from "brake used to call these demonstration flights for Liseberg
release" to 10 000 m is at about 1 minute 50 seconds. A Pass.
really cold winter is the time down to just under 1.5
minutes. That's about the time it takes for a passenger
wagon coming in the air and take in place. One of my enduring memories is precisely these ascents.

For night operations as we lay on the goals of Vattern and fired

rockets and dropped bombs were sometimes given opportunities

At times when we flew passengers in SK 37 we to almost become an astronaut.

started usually with a quiet lågna- navigational aid

followed by a mock attack attack and then make a I remember a few times when we after shooting
maxstigning to 10 000 m. had little time and fuel

left and the weather was one of those helklar cloudless A bit odd maneuver should be mentioned. Draken- guys
night. Usually we rotate. We broadened the root with a in Uppsala had over the years proven a maneuver called
gap of about 500 m and 200-300 m above the water, got "short parade" or "Wacka" as the F-10 drivers named it
permission to control rising straight to 12,000 m (in once they had learned it. The operation was carried out
today's airspace, it is almost impossible, but in the 80s it by one of the large fluctuations in position to stick in the
went) sludge lit (zone 3 ) from a speed of 800-900 km / h stomach and then the aircraft sat, made a weaving, stick
and then it was off. Mach 0.95 in an almost vertical pitch. fast forward and the aircraft flew again but with
Rote comrade jetlåga was initially intensively yellow and considerably lower speed. The first time I saw it was in
10-15 long to slow down and get an all blåaktigare tons connection with a dogfight Hanöbuktens against F 10. I
higher we got. Upon passage of 6000-7000 m rollade we had started to get in shooting position of akan on 35th
slowly around the individual and the fotsatta climb when it suddenly reared up in front of me and then I
solution was to say in the supine position and with 0 passed without time to shoot. Although he ended up
grams. At the same time opened up the earth beneath us behind me without momentum. However, it had served
and when we rollade back on 12,000 m felt that as a final avoidance maneuver.
Gothenburg was just under on the one hand, Linkoping
over on the other side, Stockholm a bit further away and
SKA nestäderna in the south. Oslo farther on one side
and Visby on others. The feeling of reaching orbit in a Afterwards, I talked with the driver in question (the
space capsule was to-speech. The entire trip from best that he can remain anonymous, but he later became
Vätterns dark surface of 12,000 m had gone in about 40 an accomplished display driver), what he had done.
seconds! A huge starry completed the car it of actually Once I got clear to me as I observed that it would go with
being in space. After some half-rolls we were quickly the aircraft 37 without a significant overload. Overload at
down at low altitude, LAN Dade, drove in and found the 37: an is sensitive, 35-guys did not care, their trailers
smile on the way to the division that had a really crappy was for everything. However, if the speed was low
job, but 'someone was forced to do it. " enough around 350 km / h, then it should be pos- sible.
On a check flight some time later I tried. It went very well.

350, the lever fully backwards with a big touchdown,

nose stood up straight, lever back and everything was in
order again. The load was

AJ 37, F 6-03, taxi out

to start loaded with RB
75. Left wing seen also
a large capsule, KA.
Photo: Åke Andersson.

less than 4 g. Alpha could not be read by the trustee then goat was still as amazing. The weather was helklart and
mA went to the bottom but roughly about 45 to 50 it was summoning my utmost willpower I pulled off at
degrees. Max Alpha Attack Viggen was 18 degrees, we lightening speed and reverse down to tax- up
were careful. (Otherwise, it was possible to fix away by a momentum. Had I had a week to go until retirement, so
small special button control with the PC stage switch in maybe I had been flying a turn. The five minutes of
the landing). However, it was great to do a half roll with flygvapeninspektörens blazer cab, I had almost taken.
Alpha 27, on condition that it was up to zone 3 and did Hopefully we will be Tufted boys in the air once again
not touch the gas. Minimum considering gasmanövrering aiming to be able to show it on the flight days now and
led inevitably a pumping. It was not unexpected CIS then, but only the rumbling of a Viggen allows people to
teachers F 15 that tried out the latter. Q 7 goes to the streets to just listen. Crucially, except the
Armed Forces desire to veteranflyg- division mechanic
Håkan Andersson cope. He is today, largely alone, an
entire division, veteran fly in the air.
The engine, RM 8A, was generally pumpkäns- Resistant but

as long as you had the maximum zone 3 and flew clean and did

not touch the gas at all of Alpha 17, so it was no problem.

Air Force veteran squadron keeps today two Viggen There is obviously a lot to tell you about this amazing
in order to make it possible to resume the flight in the aircraft with the ridiculous name. My little story is some of
future. A AJS 37 and SK 37. Most recently, I had the my memories. I'm not an engineer so these things get
privilege to operate the Viggen was in October 2008. someone knowledgeable in this topic tell you but no
Unfortunately, only on the ground in connection with matter from which direction, what aspect we aspire BE
motorkör- up. But to light up zone 3 need to be out on the aircraft so did Attack Viggen with his master E 1 decisive
track and do a mock boot. Can not tether a Viggen on action Sweden. Finally, after having spent a total of over
the ground with full throttle except in motorkörningshus 7000 hours of Saab aircraft as a driver, I as a customer
and hardly even then. The feeling to know drag very happy.

Sharp Loaded in incentive

dent preparedness. Photo:
Emil Lindberg

A Supreme Commander's thoughts on Viggen
The project that I am in my professional career, most came with air independent machinery and wire-guided torpedoes and
in contact with was not Viggen but its successor JAS 39, aircraft systems as the Viggen with its unique clarification on the
the first version was built during my OB time.
scale bases.

Over time, maintaining their own evolving aerospace

Tufted project gave me memorable STUN der during my industry is a costly affair, as a general conscription is in a Bengt Gustafsson, General,
began a highly successful
years as Supreme Commander. E.g. When I got to go on a welfare society. The Army and Air Force took because
military career fältflygarelev
flight to the east of Gotland and after contact with the other during the Cold War third part was the defense budget.
of Ljungbyhed but had to
side's readiness aircraft had to turn back home at a low The Navy, which had to settle for a sixth part, quit after three months.
altitude over the Baltic Sea, feel the afterburner switch on complained publicly well most of the "unnecessary" large Began the engineer troops

and make our own coastline rushing toward us. Perhaps the army, but had pretty much all the same reason to and concluded that
Sweden's Supreme
most interesting of the business was the development of the complain about the short turnover times of aerospace
Commander 1986-
project that led to the AJS version. This started with the systems, as domestic capacity required. As derived from
initiative of the so-called grass roots, if one may call the the army may well unloading slowed me if I point out that
pilots, and took place in the late 1980s. It belongs to the it is actually required at least thirty brigades (of different 1994.
benefit of the small country that it is possible to take the types depending on the terrain) to accept the policy
initiative at the local level, and taken from there to reach even objective of a competitive trollerad form "meet two
"those in Stockholm", the staffs, administrations and industry. simultaneous attacks against our country, one of the
coast and across the land border in the north. "

What emerged from the Swedish The model of

cooperation between the defense and the input
INDUSTRY - with attempts at anti closely with those who When the number of brigades gradually decreased
will use the system - has often resulted in practical things also received the operational task changed, first to "and
for the soldier's craft, like the art actually once meant. It's sustained delay in one direc- tion" (in the north, one can
just to name såda- na systems grenade rifle (basically imagine!) And then to "meet only in one direction." Since
from the 1940s) with its variety of ammunition, 2000, it has well been difficult to even be in the direction
transported in a Snowcat 206 submarines of an attacker would choose to come.

Shelf F 13. Photo: Åke


Large formations began
to become rare during
Viggen period.

Photo: SFF archive

Frustration has been well during the Cold War have been ... Then continued övlt Wachtmeister, FS, with FV
largest in the fleet, which seemed to have been the only part of this issue and pointed out that with FPL 37, the
part of the defense that did no good for the neutrality of system of reservvägbanor more rationally utilized. ...
the guard in the 1940s. Already in the first försvarsbeslu-
field after the war, in 1948, had to begin stress on the
foot for a more towards hunting restructured Air Force. After his retirement, Åke Lindemalm gone through their
The retreat continued, mainly of decisions in 1958 and diaries and in some cases commented on the text on the
1972. The frustration came specifically for the outlet in back sides. In this case, there is a long comment:
ubåtskränkning- the 80s. The preparation I now take for
an essay on these, including meant reading of several 1971. As I write these comments, I have intelligence
diaries for managers during the Cold War. The manager that clearly indicate that 37 -an will never be a unit
of the Navy during the 60's, Åke Lind Malm, diary, one aircraft, believed at that time about 6 years ago.
can also find a perspective on Viggensyste- system,
authored by a militärledningssam- mantrade in the
J 37 must clearly have a different motor to be
used as fighters. It should, according to information I
received from reliable hold up costing in terms of size
of 0.5 billion in present values. The consequences
Then followed an orientation investigation according question
are therefore a significant reduction in the number of
a) "Recognition of the advantages and disadvantages with
aircraft. This story shows how in the build-up of the
LAR unit aircraft attack as the first version. ' The orientation
began with a comparison between different fpltyper the
different possible combinations attack hunting. The account
Swedish air Force
appeared that the only system that is equivalent in cost
took all wrong about the future. They built an
related to FPL 37, A 35, although this performance will be
organization that was too big and misconstruing
worse than A 37th
Prior cost.
They created a superpower Air Force for a small country.
The final point of the presentation was that if we
continue on the 37 project and UN- danröjer obstacles
to a rational development, you can probably avoid cost In my study (See FOKK No. 12 at the Defense
overruns. College) over Soviet intentions in

North by a war between the great power blocs in Europe, use our airspace for the flights? If we had to choose
I have concluded that this "superpower Air Force" was of sides, there is probably no more doubt that the election
great importance. In a show of comparison with NATO, it has become?
was just air mode situation appeared gränssättan- the So Tufted system played an important role also in
order of the Soviet Union could quickly establish a surrounding states assess conditions on the military
"maritime defense zone" in the Norwegian Sea, situation for a possible war involving the Nordic region. In
insulating Scandinavia from the Anglo-losaxiska world. It addition, the Swedish defense and perhaps foremost
was estimated, however, that surprisingly able to occupy aviation industry had great significance for other
Denmark and northern Norway, while Sweden, as well as industries and its export success through the spread of
at the German operation Weserübung in April technology that has given rise to. The latter might be an
important motivation for the government also ordered a
three-part series of the JAS 39, which I as a retiree stood
1940, remained neutral. The strength comparison flabby very critical. It went in 1996 to ensure that we would not
man then expect a Swedish flygva- pen on the opposing be committed to put more than we already had ordered in
side. It counted anything more with the use of batch one and two. The decision, which is also
communications by Finland without a fight, which seems accompanied by deteriorating economy rules for defense
more uncertain. Perhaps also a continuation of the - the source of most of the politicians created the
Swedish railways of Boden to Narvik. so-called "black holes"

In other words, our target neutron tralitetspolitik,

supported by a small country for a strong defense, - would cause a far greater imbalance in our defense
would, according to the study have been able to be than has ever existed during the Cold War. During the
realized in a major war in our region. What use, one may years of payments until 2007 stood the great harm to
ask, if the result was that we stopped as a sovje- athletic weakened year's exercises - also in the Air Force
satellite state? Would not it have been better if we helped
to defend Denmark and Norway? Well, this has meant - and other defense contractors. With nuva- generating
that NATO could prevent the Soviet Union realized their economic conditions for the defense, we still can not
Scandinavian intentions of the war in Europe! One might indefinitely maintain a military aircraft - and for that
also ask whether NATO allowed ourselves to be, or matter no conscription. Would not it have been better to
dragged us into war by stop also the production of aircraft in time?

Lt. Martin Frame- his taxi

out with its YES 37 before
an air show in
France, in June 2002.
Photo: Emil Lindberg

Tufted program in the rearview mirror
When I look back on Vigg era in our Air Force, I can When I left as head of the E 1 1980, ombeväpningen of
distinguish three periods during which Tufted system had the attack to AJ 37 completed. E 1 named in the
a central place in my professional life. If the first period,
operational context, as "Supreme Commander club".
Tufted system's creation, I have told you in the previous
chapter Viggen in Chief 65 and FU 65th Viggen as attack aircraft gave emphatically evidence of
Sven-Olof Olson, that term. Viggen unique ability to GE nom reversing
Lieutenant-General and
engine thrust to land on short courses even at slip gave
head of the Air Force from
The second period covers the period 1977- the whole Tufted system an outstanding surgical
1982 to 1988. After officer
in 1948, he has acquired 1980, when I was head of the first flygeskadern, E 1. flexibility.
extensive experience in During the period completed attack even ombeväpning
both the propeller to jet at from A 32 Lansen to AJ 37 Viggen. While equipped air
all levels of the Air Force.
reconnaissance with SH and SF 37th As a reconnaissance aircraft Viggen constituted a
cornerstone in terms of maritime surveillance and
The third period is the years 1982-1988, when I, as information gathering. The Viggen system we had
head of the Air Force could feel both joy and pride in continuous control of what was going on primarily on the
being the head of one of the world's best air force, where Baltic Sea. And SF 37 could often return with a unique
Viggen constituted the core. artwork. Reconnaissance aircraft usually created the
basis for the attack action and could also record the
In the years 1978-1988, I flew also have AJ and SH / intervention results.
SF 37, albeit to a limited extent. Tufted flight F 15 on my
last day as head of the Air Force became for me a
Surveillance of foreigners to be
memorable end to a more than 43-year-old flygarkarriär. During my time as head of the Air Force
naval vessels in the Baltic Sea.
Photo: SFF archive
ombeväpnades main part of the quest to YES
37. JA 37 was not just an aircraft; it was a
system. In some particulars, there were other aircraft in
the world that could compare with or exceed YES 37 in
performance. But On balance, in combination aircraft -
- director and navigation aids - beväp- up, we had an
aircraft system in the world class. As CFV I experienced
both during visits abroad and then we had high
representatives on a visit to Sweden, the impressive
impression Tufted system did. When I in 1988 by flight
magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology received
the symbolic laurel wreath "for Successively
housekeeping That neutral nation's combat acts of the
technologi- cal and operational equal to its counterparts
in Both East and West," it was largely Tufted system

Many are the people who in one way or another have

contributed to Viggen system efficiency. They have every
reason to feel proud of Tufted era in our Air Force.


1. Comparison of the project in 1532 and 1534. Motor JT8D.

After the announcement in December 1961 that KFF had chosen engine, that P & W JT8D, without any Item No.
regående project studies reported these sketches by Arne Lakomaa. A quick comparison between the two options: 1532,
delta wing with the jet deflection and 1534 foreplane, VI said "the duck" benefits.

2. Viggens Vänbrödralag
Erik Dahlström's first recognition of the members of Viggen Vänbrödralag with the first 30 pilots who flew the

3. Two thousand hours club Viggens

The "official" list of Air Force pilots with more than 2000 hours of Viggen.

4. Contacts with SR-71

Contacts between the Swedish hunting and American SR-71 from 1981 to 1988.

Appendix 1

Annex 2

Appendix 3

2000h +

Tord quartz 2924.76 KVA

January Setterberg 2825.96 SAB
Bernt Andersson 2651.22 ADO
BO Hagelin 2438.42 HAG
Bo Hägertz 2384.51 HAZ
Sven Huldberg 2267.94 SKIN

Bosse Maple Flower 2212.82 SALARY

Bertil Höglund 2201.22 HG

Torbjorn Halling 2193.07 SLIPPERY

Lars Bengtsson 2154.06 BEG

Bjorn Sverin 2148.37 ITS
Ola Gynäs 2130.66 GYN
Tore Ottosson 2130.14 OTT
Peter Linden 2127.49 LII
Michael Nilsson 2122.05 NIS
Clas-Göran Paulsson 2100.32 PAN
per Brodd 2082.73 SHED

Per Kallerhult 2070.79 fun

Jerry Pousette 2056.52 POT

Annex 4

Contacts between the Swedish hunting and SR-71 to the time when JA37 GE mented
incident contacts toward this goal. Information The basis dad on IFL reports

Date Time Dressings Aircraft type F-number Driver

821026 1426 2DIV F13 JA37 M49 Fdir January Angner Kn

Ulf Johansson

821101 1107 2DIV F13 JA37 M68 Kn Per-Olof Eldhestar

821101 1210 2DIV F13 JA37 M62 Kn Torbjörn Engback

821119 0920 2DIV F13 JA37 M68 Kn Per-Olof Eldhestar

821129 1040 3div F10 J35 J58 AJ CG Alm

J02 K M Heiman
821206 1005 2DIV F4 J35 D65 Fk Brandt
D58 Fk Salomonsson
830112 0950 2DIV F13 JA37 Kn Bo Andersson
830125 1000 2DIV F13 JA37 M59 Kn Per-Olof Eldhestar

830616 1543 1div F17 JA37 Q46 Kn Björn Lundkvist

Q42 Kn Bertil Kersmark
830721 1320 1div F17 JA37 Q34 Kn Lars Gardell
Q25 AJ Gilbert Hägg
830921 1330 1div F17 JA37 Q35 AJ Thomas Sandell
Q43 Kn Anders Borgvall
830923 1458 2DIV F13 JA37 M49 Kn Bo Andersson
M62 Kn Jerry Pousette
831005 1150 1div F17 JA37 Q35 Kn Kjell Palm
Q42 M Torsten Landberg
831005 1405 1div F17 JA37 Q26 Kn Mats Heiman
Q41 AJ Gilbert Hägg
840312 1215 1div F17 JA37 Q48 AJ Gilbert Hägg
Q45 Kn Anders Borgvall
840317 1047 1div F17 JA37 Q45 Kn Björn Lundkvist
Q47 Kn Anders Borgvall
840508 1507 2DIV F13 JA37 M31 Kn Christer Staaf
840619 1700 1div F17 JA37 Q42 Kn Mats Heiman
Q39 Kn Björn Lundkvist
841117 0936 2DIV F13 JA37 M38 M Berndt Weimer
M31 Kn Ulf Johansson
841214 1345 2DIV F13 JA37 M31 Kn Christer Staaf
841227 1056 1div F17 JA37 Q40 AJ L Johansson
Q33 Övlt G Tillqvist
850201 1325 2DIV F16 J35 P07 Mj Jan Björk Tribe
P01 Kn Hans Sundström
850221 1320 2DIV F16 J35 P63 M Peter Runström
P35 Kn Sven Lindstrom
850227 1325 2DIV F10 J35 J08 Kn Peter Birch
J21 KG Kindblom
850328 1125 3div F21 JA37 U05 AJ Haglund
U16 kn Aråker
850531 3div F21 JA37 Q40 M Anders Holm
Q43 Övlt Bengt Martinsson
850724 1500 1div F17 JA37 Q46 M Bertil Kersmark
Q73 Fk Christer Norberg

850808 1515 2DIV F16 J35 P31 K H Starkman
P35 M S Andersson
850821 1630 2DIV F4 JA37 D37 Kn Bengt Österberg
D36 Lt. Brandt
850823 1425 2DIV F4 JA37 D37 kn Soderstrom
D43 kn nutzen
851204 1410 1div F4 JA37 D51 Mj CG Palmqvis
D55 Erik Trossman
851210 1305 3div F21 JA37 U20 AJ T Haglund
2DIV F21 U21 K S Sonestedt
860109 1325 2 div F13 JA37 M38 M Per-Olof Eldhestar

M60 Kn Roger Moller

M59 Kn Ulf Johansson
860204 1120 1div F4 JA37 D42 Kn Göran Westerlund
860904 1030 2DIV F13 JA37 M31 M Pettersson
860904 1055 2DIV F13 JA37 M37 Fk Michael Martin
861004 1115 1div F17 JA37 Q24 AJ L Johansson
Q42 Fk J Linder
861008 1345 2DIV F13 JA37 M39 M Per-Olof Eldhestar

M60 Fk CJ Wallberg
861223 1310 2DIV F21 JA37 U21 Kn Hjalmarsson
870316 1415 2DIV F13 JA37 M39 Kn Torbjörn Engback
U33 L Gustavsson
870323 1435 2DIV F10 J35 J53 kn Lundmark
J39 Fk Sjunnesson
870402 1435 3div F21 JA37 U18 Fk Norberg
U17 AJ Haglund
870424 1410 3div F10 J35 J35 M Bo Göran Nilsson
J36 AJ Vincent
870629 1514 2DIV F13 JA37 P21 Kn Roger Moller
U32 M Krister Sjöberg
1523 div F6 AJ37 F19 M Lars Erik Sheet
F22 Fk Bo Ignell
870713 1330 2DIV F13 JA37 M49 Kn Torbjörn Engback
M69 Fk Öhman
870721 1500 2DIV F16 JA37 P27 / 37? M Jan-Olof Persson
P54 AJ Brink
871106 1300 1div F17 JA37 Q48 Kn January Prytz

Q60 M Dick Niclasson

871203 1145 1div F17 JA37 Q48 AJ Gilbert Hägg
Q34 AJ Johansson
880128 1430 1div F4 JA37 D10 AJ Jan Fröjd
D34 Kn K Johansson
880610 1330 div F16 JA37 P22 Mj Jan Björk Tribe
U02 Kn Goran Rehnström
880728 1455 2DIV F13 JA37 M63 Fk David Gylling
880728 1455 2DIV F13 JA37 M63 Fk David Gylling


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