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Zabarte Rd. Camarin, Caloocan City



Trends, Networking, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. define globalization;
b. identify the importance of globalization now a days;
c. relate the positive and negative effects of globalization;
d. communicate well while sharing views and opinion about the globalization;
e. construct an essay about various activities in one’s daily life that show the effects of

II. Subject matter



III. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, E-board, and cellphone.

III. Procedure


A. Greetings
Good Afternoon class!
Good Afternoon ma’am Abe!

Let us pray first.

Let us all stand, please lead the prayer, any

volunteer from the class? Ma’am…

Okay, Go ahead.
Heavenly Father, who created us and loves
Heavenly Father, who created us and loves us perfectly, we come before you on this day
us perfectly, we come before you on this day with open hearts and minds to learn more about
with open hearts and minds to learn more about your love for each of us. We thank you for the
your love for each of us. We thank you for the opportunity to study as a group together as we
opportunity to study as a group together as we share our knowledge and experiences with
share our knowledge and experiences with one another. Guide each word that is written on
one another. Guide each word that is written on the screen,
the screen,
We pray that each person reading our We pray that each person reading our
lesson today will become a better student, a lesson today will become a better student, a
better friend, a better family member, and a better friend, a better family member, and a
better person because of what they have learned better person because of what they have learned
from this class. from this class.
Thank you for the opportunity to learn more Thank you for the opportunity to learn more
about our Heavenly Father’s love and for our about our Heavenly Father’s love and for our
teachers’ patience and guidance. teachers’ patience and guidance.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Amen. Amen.

Thank you for that.

Let me now share with you my three classroom

management principles.
Prior to answering your question, pay attention
to the teacher when they speak to you. Next, put
up your hand if you want to volunteer or speak.
Third, show respect to all of your classmates.
That's it, and I hope you'll all cooperate well

Noted, ma’am Abe…


Checking of Attendance…
(Students will tell who’s absent for the day.)

B. Review
Okay Class…What was our topic last time?

Yes? (student one)

Ma’am, last meeting we have discussed all about

Okay, Thank you.

C. Motivation
Alright, now I show you a picture. All you
need to do is to observe or guess of what the
picture in tells or all about.

Are you ready to listen and participate, class?

Yes, ma’am…
Okay, good...

(First picture)

What idea do you thinks the first picture

conveys? Any one from class?
Ma’am, try…

I think it’s all about the different culture

(student number two)
Alright, let's look at the picture and see what it's
all about. Indeed, it's talks about culture.

Okay, let's move on to the following picture now.

What did you observe or what is the picture
trying to say?

(second picture)
Anyone? Ma’am…

Okay, go ahead? I think the point of the picture wanted to say is

like negotiating in terms of economy they belong.
(student number three)

Alright, let’s if she corrects… it is talking to


Okay, next picture…

(third picture)

Who wants to guess of its all about?

Okay, go ahead…
As what I saw in the picture, I think it is talk about
the money that we invest within the

(student number four)

Okay, thank you, let’s find out of what the picture

in tells…. its talk about the, Capital…

Now, how about the last picture, class?

Ma’am, it is talks about technology….

(last picture)

Okay, let’s see, if you are correct, the picture

shown is all about Technology… Very good class…

D. Lesson proper
Now, what do you think our lesson for today
if we combined the pictures that was shown
earlier, class? Anyone? Ma’am…
(picture) (one of the students raise his hand)

I think, our topic or lesson for today is all about

Yes? globalization…

Alright…terrific. Ma’am…
What is Globalization? Who wants to read? In simple terms, globalization is the process by
Anyone? which people and goods move easily across
Okay, go ahead. borders. Principally, it's an economic concept –
the integration of markets, trade and
investments with few barriers to slow the flow of
products and services between nations.
(student number five)

Alright…Thank you.

Okay, class what do you mean about
When in talks about globalization it refers to the
globalization? Any ideas or understanding from
worldwide interconnection of people and
the class?
enterprises and also, it is the capacity to move
across the world and interact effortlessly with
others in order to conduct international business.

(student number six)

Very well said…

Meaning to say, Globalization is referring to the

increasing interdependence of the world's
economies, cultures, and populations as a result
of cross-border trade in commodities and
services, technology, and investment, people, Yes, ma’am…
and information flows. (everyone)
Did you understand class?

there is a type of Globalization, who wants to

Alright, now let’s discuss the purposes of it in
(one of students raised his hand)
Globalization. Who wants to read the definition
of the first type?
Economic Globalization is the increasing
Okay, go ahead...
economic integration and interdependence of
national, regional, and local economies across the
world through an intensification of cross boarder
movement of goods, services, technologies and

Meaning to say, Economic globalization refers

country to country-business trading, exchanging
of goods and services. It involves the importation
and exportation of goods and services, there will
be an International movement of capital,
technology, and information. Businesses both
local and international invests big capital to
produce the maximum amount of goods to be
delivered and sold to other countries. Likewise,
other countries send more products which are
not available to some parts of the globe or if
available still insufficient quantity, not able to
provide the needs of their market. A good
example is, the Philippine will provide labor force
to different parts of the globe, The Philippines
will invite more investors to come and pour out
their capital for economic development.

The next one is, Social Globalization… Social Globalization is a social transformation or
Can anyone in class, wants to read the definition? process leading to the achievement of people-
centered development. Human-centered
development concept is offered as an alternative
Go ahead… strategy to bring about a more equity
development outcome.

It talks about the sharing of ideas and

information between and through different
countries. In today's world, the Internet and
What did you understand about that?
social media is at the heart of this.

The third one is Political Globalization

It refers to an increasing trend toward
multilateralism in an emerging transnational
state apparatus and the emergence of national
and international non-governmental
organizations that act as watchdogs over
Examples of political globalization are the
formation of the United Nations and more and
more Unions and Federations.

Okay, the fourth one is… Financial Globalization

It is a collective concept that refers to increasing
global linkages created through cross-border
financial flows. Financial integration refers to an
individual country's linkages to international
capital markets.

For example,
Stock markets, for instance, are a great example
of the financially connected global world since
when one stock market has a decline, it affects
other markets negatively as well as the economy Yes, ma’am…
as a whole.

Do you understand class?

Technological Globalization is accelerated in large
The fifth one is… Technological Globalization part by technological transmission, the spread of
Just read, everyone… technology across borders.

For examples:
 Growth of Multinational Technology
 Liberalization of trade and economic
globalization have facilitated the growth
of multinational corporations like
Microsoft, Apple and Sony. ...
 Mobile Banking. ...
 Mechanization of Manufacturing. ...
(student number six)
Media Globalization
Ecological Globalization occurs when ecosystems
Just read for six type of Globalization, any are constantly exchanging materials through the
volunteer? movement of air in the atmosphere, the flow of
water in rivers and the migration of animals
across the landscape.

Meaning to say, Ecological globalization refers to

global environmental issues including: -
population growth. - access to food. - worldwide
reduction in biodiversity. - the gap between rich
and poor.

The last type is Geographical Globalization

It is defined as the set of processes (economic,
social, cultural, technological, and institutional)
that contributes to the relationship between
societies and individuals around the world. It is a
progressive process by which exchanges and
flows between different parts of the world are
intensified. None so far…
For example, Examples are modern day digital Yes, ma’am…
technology and rapid transportation.

Any question, class?

Did you understand the types of Globalization?

Let us now identify some positive and negative

effects of Globalization.
 It creates opportunities for countries to
connect to other countries for larger
First is the positive side of it, just read, markets.
 This can lead to more access capital
flows, technology, human capital,
cheaper imports and larger export

 The growth of international trade has

worsened income inequalities between
developed, developing and
How about the negative effects of it…? Once
underdeveloped countries.
again just read, everyone…
 Global commerce is increasingly
dominated by transnational
corporations which seek to maximize
profits without regard for the
development needs of individual

We can never avoid the effects even it is good or Yes, ma’am…

bad because all things in the world it’s not

Understood, class?

E. Generalization
Okay class, once again. What are the types of
Globalization? Everyone… Just say it,
together… Economic Globalization….

The first one is….

Social Globalization…

How about the second one… Political Globalization…

The third one, and also the fourth, fifth, sixth and
seventh… Financial Globalization…

Technological Globalization…

Ecological Globalization…

Geographical Globalization…

Thank you also, Ma’am Abe…

Okay, very good class, thank for your all

F. Application
If you don’t have questions, get ¼ sheet of

Identify the word or concept being described.

Write you’re an answer only.

1. It is the process by which people and

goods move easily across borders.
2. It refers to an increasing trend toward
multilateralism in an emerging
transnational state apparatus and the
emergence of national and international
non-governmental organizations that act
as watchdogs over governments.
3. It is a collective concept that refers to
increasing global linkages created
through cross-border financial flows.
4. It occurs when ecosystems are constantly
exchanging materials through the
movement of air in the atmosphere, the
flow of water in rivers and the migration
of animals across the landscape.
5. It defined as the set of processes
(economic, social, cultural, technological,
and institutional) that contributes to the
relationship between societies and
individuals around the world.

You have 10 mins. to answer…

Yes, ma’am…
After 10 mins…

Are you done?

Pass your paper now...1,2,3….

Globalization… ma’am…
Okay class, what is the answer of question
number one? Political Globalization…

Correct… Financial Globalization…

How about question number two?
Ecological Globalization…

Geographical Globalization…
What about number 3, 4 & 5

Very good, class…

Very good class…

IV. Evaluation

Choose three words inside the box and be able to give your insights about the words that you
have chosen. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.





V. Agreement

In ½ sheet of paper, construct or write an essay about various activities in one’s daily life
that show the effects of globalization. (less than 150 words)

Prepared by: Trends Instructor:

Lama, Abegail K. Mr. John Dave Jole-Jole

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