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Everyday, you see content on people's WhatsApp Status.

Some teach, others have a

service or a product while the rest do both.

I've studied those who teach right and following their ways has helped me maintain a
pretty high engagement as a newbie in building an audience.

Care to know the ways?


But before we go there, the first thing to always remember is you're not the only one in
your niche.

You're not the only one who has products to sell.

You're also not the only one creating content.

Content is flying around on WhatsApp and you will agree with me that you can never
stress to get them.

There's an overwhelming amount of content competing for attention and people spend
only brief moments on each content.

Now you need to ask yourself.

"What will make someone click my status and read when they have a series of
statuses to view?"

Now, not just read.

Read all through

...and then engage

There's something a Creativa called "Attention Retention"

It's the ability to retain your audience's attention and make them follow you till the end.

How well can you hold the interest of your audience?

If only you can follow the ways I have for you, and do so with time, getting
engagement on your posts will become easier for you.

Now, are you ready?


1. Choose a cool background and make it your default.

I've seen many people make the mistake of using several backgrounds per slide. This
will make your audience lose interest easily.

It's much advisable to pick one and stick to it.

You could make use of your brand color, as long as it isn't a bright background.

As a Creative who has mastered the art of colours for over 2 years, I'll recommend the
dark blue colour for anyone.

It gives your text a cool effect and makes it easier to read.

Other examples of cool ones you can use are: red, purple, magenta, etc.

(...but remember to avoid yellow as it's too bright.)

2. Make use of an easy-to-read font and stick to it.

Google shows that an average attention span of a human is only 8.25 seconds.

You want to ensure people click on your post, read and engage but you make use of the
very thin and cursive font?

Dey Play 😂
I remember the day Cräcky Bröwn told me I should change my font, that I'm not a
painter. With this, he said:

"Your content is for them, not for you. Let them read without stress"

In all you do, avoid using any of the fancy or cursive fonts on your status.
3. Avoid jampacking words on a slide

There's something we call whitespace in design. It's the gaps you see between lines
when you're reading or writing something.

See it as an area on a page where there is no visible text or content.

Just like the space above this sentence, below the previous paragraph and the one
before the next paragraph.

This comes in handy when posting on your status.

Try not to write all of your texts together. Ensure there's a gap between two paragraphs
containing 2 or less sentences each.

I know you try to avoid having waist beads on your status and this is why you pack so
much on one slide.

…but Cräcky tells us in The Billionaire Club that:

"As long as you're giving something valuable, don't be scared of how much you

You need to come to realize that it's not about how long your posts are, it's more of how
valuable the content is.

The people who want to learn will follow through, only if it's valuable and would be
helpful to them.

(To be continued)



There's actually a whole lot more to say about this.

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