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#region Using Directives

using RobotHardware;

namespace RumbaMumbaRobots.Robot
/// <summary>
/// A separate concern of detecting obstacle is implemented in this class.This
will allow different HarwareRobot defines
/// their definition of obstacle since there might be a new HarwareRobot that
can view an obstacle different from
/// the other. It also help in reducing the fat interface of iHarwareRobot.
/// </summary>
public class HardwareRobotObstacleDetector : IHardwareRobotObstacleDetector
#region Private Variables

/// <summary>
/// </summary>
private readonly IHardwareRobot _hardwareRobot;


#region Class Constuctors

/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hardwareRobot"></param>
public HardwareRobotObstacleDetector(IHardwareRobot hardwareRobot)
_hardwareRobot = hardwareRobot;


#region Methods Implementations

/// <summary>
/// Return true if there's an obstacle in front of the robot.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsObstacle()
return _hardwareRobot.IsObstacle();


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