Your To-Do List (Step 8)

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GDPR-standard data protection system in 16 steps

Your to-do list (step 8)

 Meet separately with each interlocutor scheduled for conversations

on general obligations
 Analyze duty to designate a DPO, and if already designated if his or her
details have been published and communicated to the authority

 Analyze DPO’s position and performance of tasks

 Analyze if an efficient incident management and reporting mechanism
is in place
 Analyze, if and how privacy by design and by default principles are met

 Analyze actual capacity to fulfill data subject rights. Assess if current

mechanism is effective for each and every right
 Assess meeting the notification obligation in case the data are
rectified, erased or their processing restricted
 Assess if existing policies & procedures cover all GDPR aspects, have
been published and are binding to staff
 Assess if staff is properly authorized, trained and follows internal

 Prepare executive summary and identify high risk cases

 After identifying high risk cases, get back to controller’s questionnaires
and find incompliance next to art. 36 requirement. The authority
should have been consulted before processing data under high risk
 Ask for evidence and any missing information and assess compliance.
Pay particular attention to whether any existing data protection-
related documentation might be useful for your project.

 Issue recommendations, fulfillment of which brings full compliance

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