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Resume your last course Dashboard About Get ag —_BlogProfille Courses 5 Account Sign Out Course Progress Dates Wiki Course > Budiho.. > Baltdp.. > Diém d, Diém danh ‘Thdi han dé hoan thanh biém danh Chi nhat ngay 23/07/2023 - 11:59 budi tdi (gid Viet Nam) Cau 1: 10.0/10.0 points (ungraded) Thay ¢6 d& tao tai khodn Scratch chua? @ 4.4 tao tai khoan O B.chve tao tai khosn v Submit Cau 2: 10.0/10.0 points (ungraded) Thay cé cho biét khi IGp trinh cho nh4n vat c6 thé phat ra Gm thanh cén thao tac véi khéi lénh nao? © Akhéi lénh sy kign © B.Khéilénh chuyén dong @ C.khéi enh am thanh v Submit Cau 3: 10.0/100 points (ungraded) Thay c6 cho biét nén tang Discord duge st’ dyng trong khéa hoc nay nhém myc dich nao sou day? O A Treo déi théng tin gia cac thay c6 va BTC © 8.D8t cau hdi vé bai hoc khi c6 théc mac © © Tao céng déng lién lac chuyén mén trong va sau khod hoc @ 0 Tét c& cde phuong an trén v Submit About Us Coreers Big Contact Us Cours Frequently Asked Questions rt Center Community Forum Follow Us on Social Medio ledX, Open edX and their respective logos ore registered trademarks of ecX Inc. STEAM for Vietnam Is « 501(¢)(3) nonprofit organization. Donate or volunteer today to join our efforts Copyright © 2020 STEAM for Vie:nam Foundation. All rights reserved except where nated. ‘Terms of Use | Privacy Polic

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