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ZDM (2018) 50:45–59


Modelling and the representational imagination

Corey Brady1

Accepted: 10 March 2018 / Published online: 20 March 2018

© FIZ Karlsruhe 2018

This article examines the work of 30 in-service teachers engaged with modelling activities during a course within an Ecua-
dorian master’s degree program in mathematics teaching. These teachers experienced a sequence of activities designed
to explore imaginative aspects of mathematical modelling and problem solving, inviting perspectives from life outside of
school. They built rich connections between real-world phenomena and a range of ideas about functions and representations
of them. An analysis of the teachers’ work identifies a modelling resource—the representational imagination—describing
its nature and the implications for models of classroom modelling aiming to support this resource.

Keywords Modelling cycle · Perception · Linear function · Representational imagination

1 Introduction 2016; Brady, Eames, and Lesh 2015). In particular I focus

on how representations can play into modelers’ imagination
How can we provide learners with classroom experiences and perception of phenomena in the world, impacting how
that are authentic precursors of mathematical modelling they see these phenomena as targets for mathematizing. I
as practiced outside of school? For many years, research analyze the implementation of a sequence of three activities
within the Models and Modeling Perspective (M&MP) has with a group of in-service teachers, describing their work
sought to understand the nature of modelling in real-world and identifying features of a model of classroom modelling
settings and to improve the alignment of classroom experi- that would account for their experiences.
ences with that reality (English and Gainsburg 2016; Lesh
and Doerr, 2003; Lesh, Hamilton, and Kaput 2007). How-
ever, researchers and teachers in the M&MP do not neces- 2 Theoretical framework
sarily seek to produce copies of professional settings within
classrooms. Instead, they aim to create experiences that This section describes principles of M&MP activity design,
exhibit key aspects of professional practice, so that class- in light of the goal to provide collaborative environments in
room groups can experience what Lehrer & Schauble call which students’ ideas develop iteratively through cycles of
the “seeds of modeling.” (2015, p. 678). In other words, in modelling. It then identifies fundamental assumptions about
support of classroom learning through modelling, teachers the interactions between models, modelling, imagination,
and researchers in the M&MP engage in a specific form of perception, and representations made in this article.
second-order modelling: creating educational environments
that enact models of modelling practice. 2.1 Dynamics of learning environments
This article comes out of collaborative work to explore that provoke a need for modelling
seeds of modelling as they can flourish in activities called
Model Eliciting Activities, or MEAs, and their extensions A distinctive challenge for classroom modelling is to design
to larger activity sequences called Model Development problems where authentic seeds of modelling can grow in
Sequences, or MDSs (cf, Eames et al. 2018; Brady et al. ways that are deeply rooted in learners’ own personal expe-
riences and perspectives. In particular, an essential goal of
the M&MP is to establish a setting where ideas develop to
* Corey Brady
become “better”—more viable and effective in meeting the

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA

46 C. Brady

demands of particular situations—without providing an The issues addressed in this study involve imaginative
authoritative image of an optimal, “best” solution. connections that learners build between concepts within a
How can progress occur without being directed toward a larger system of ideas. To investigate such matters, M&MP
specific end-goal? The M&MP argues that idea development researchers have found it necessary to attend to learner activ-
can follow dynamics analogous to those at play in Darwin- ity beyond the scope of single Model-Eliciting Activities.
ian evolution. Just as populations explore the space of an Work in the last decade has addressed this need by formulat-
ecosystem to identify and optimize their fitness for avail- ing designs for Model Development Sequences (Arleback,
able “niches,” so the ideas of groups of students can explore Doerr, and O’Neil, 2013; Doerr and English, 2003; Hjalmar-
the conceptual space of realistic problems. In a Darwinian son, Diefes-Dux, and Moore 2008; Lesh et al. 2003). Key
model, the four factors of (1) diversity, (2) inter-communi- contributions include approaches for extending the model-
cation, (3) selection, and (4) propagation in time are funda- ling dynamics that Model-Eliciting Activities foster and for
mental to evolutionary dynamics. M&MP researchers aim to unpacking and making explicit learners’ ways of thinking
promote analogous dynamics in modelling activities. (see also Brady, Eames and Lesh, 2015 for tentative design

2.2 Model-eliciting activities 2.3 Disciplinary seeing and “having a model”

Model-Eliciting Activities are a design tool to meet these The theory of modelling articulated by the M&MP aligns
needs. They re-create important features of real-world with studies of modelling in STEM disciplines. In particular,
modelling and problem solving in compact form, while also on the core notion of a model, the knowledge of discipli-
establishing conditions for evolutionary dynamics. They nary professionals is manifested in significant part through
engage small groups of (3–5) learners working in parallel their ways of seeing the world and creatively interpreting
in a setting that provokes them to express and revise their phenomena. Goodwin (1994) refers to this as professional
ways of thinking through rapid modelling cycles to produce vision and shows how such competences are learned through
solutions for concrete but imagined clients (Lesh, Hoover, effort and practice. Stevens and Hall (1998) illustrate how
Hole, Kelly, and Post 2000). Design research over decades apprenticeship relations support the development of specific,
has refined this genre of tasks, distilling a set of six prin- instrumental ways of viewing the world, describing how
ciples (English et al. 2008; Kelly, Lesh, and Baec 2008). disciplined perception is cultivated. The M&MP accounts
Table 1 lists these principles, along with the dynamics of for such features of professional practice in terms of par-
idea-evolution that each promotes. ticipants’ learning and adoption of core models of their dis-
Implementations of Model-Eliciting Activities offer cipline. Through this account, research on modelling can
M&MP researchers rich insights into the modelling process, connect professional practice with classroom learning that
documented so as to provide a trail of evidence of learners’ focuses on model development, making claims about rela-
changing ways of thinking. In turn, learners’ behaviors in tionships between knowledge and perception. In particular,
these activities raise questions and create the need for new in the M&MP view, a model is an interpretive system that
or revised concepts or tools at the researcher level. expresses and supports particular ways of seeing the world.

Table 1 Six design principles for model-eliciting activities (MEAs)

Principle How to know the principle is satisfied and how it promotes evolution

Reality principle Students make sense of the task, perceive it as meaningful, and draw on their own real-life experiences in solv-
ing it. This ensures groups of students bring diverse perspectives
Self-evaluation principle Students judge their in-process solutions on their own by assessing how useful they are to the “client” of the
MEA rather than asking the teacher or another “authority figure.” The client’s needs represent a selection
mechanism that ensures the survival of the most viable ideas
Model construction principle Students articulate a conceptual system (model) based in a particular way of looking at the problem situation.
In group work, different students’ models are put into communication with one another
Model documentation principle To mediate group-level discussion, students generate external representations of their thinking. This principle
also concerns communication and reproduction of models
Model generalizability principle Students show how to generalize their solutions to respond to a range of conditions the client may face. Such a
model occupies a space analogous to an ecological niche
Simplest prototype principle The MEA enters shared memory representing a kind of mathematical structure, and is invoked appropriately in
future problem solving. This ensures survival and propagation at longer timescales, analogous to the survival
of a species in evolution

Modelling and the representational imagination 47

“Having a model” thus involves reflectively adopting it as a research has shown that in supportive settings, learners can
way of thinking. A model not only enables one to do things engage in sophisticated representational work analogous to
in the world, it also enables one to see things in a particular professional activity (diSessa et al. 1991). The construct of
way. And adopting a new model (or refining a model) can co-action (Moreno-Armella and Brady, 2017) captures the
enable one to see the world in new ways (Lesh, Hamilton dynamic interplay between representation and conception
and Kaput, 2007). in dynamic, social environments, in both classrooms and
professional settings. Creatively wielding representations
2.4 The constructive and imaginative roles to produce new perspectives on a real-world situation is a
of representation powerful manifestation of the disciplinary capacity I refer
to as the representational imagination.
Representation systems are powerful, productive tools within
disciplinary practice that sustain acts of disciplined percep- 2.5 Locating the imagination in leading
tion as described above. Professionals work to use, design, descriptions of the modelling cycle
and develop representations (cf., Latour 1999), not only to
express or communicate results but also during ideation and Aiming to foster a classroom environment in which seeds
to imaginatively generate new insights. That is, representa- of professional modelling can be taken up authentically
tions are not simply containers for the final products of sci- by groups of learners, I focused specifically on supporting
entific modelling; they are tools for the active production of learners to build imaginative relationships with representa-
knowledge. Ochs and colleagues provide one striking image tions as they made sense of real-world phenomena. How
of this process, as groups of physicists use representations might innovations in this aspect of classroom modelling
to put themselves into their data and mentally reenact phe- impact models of modelling as a broader, holistic practice?
nomena from an embodied perspective (Ochs, Gonzales and Fig. 1 shows Blum and colleagues’ (2015) influential depic-
Jacoby 1996). Gooding (1990) illuminates another variety tion of the modelling cycle (cf., English, Alrelback, and
of productive, imaginative modelling with representations Mousoulides 2016) as refined over decades of work.
in Faraday’s notebooks. And Nersessian traces equally trans- In Blum’s schema, there is a clear demarcation between
formative processes, both in Maxwell’s work (2010) and in the realm of “mathematics” and the “rest of the world,” and
contemporary biomedical engineering labs (MacLeod and modelling appears as an ordered sequence of discrete pro-
Nersessian, 2018). Bridging professional and educational cesses or steps. A problem situation is first identified in the
contexts, Kaput and colleagues’ concept of a representa- real world (“real situation & problem”), appearing to the
tional infrastructure (Hegedus and Moreno-Armella 2009; modeller in a raw form that may not admit description by
Kaput 1994) illustrates the deep and active influence that mathematical representations. Through a shaping process
representations have on thinking and expressivity. Nemi- (1, 2), the situation is re-envisioned in a form amenable to
rovsky and colleagues have shown that students, too, can mathematizing (“real model & problem,” 3). This yields a
embody and animate graphical representations to maximize mathematical model (“mathematical model & problem”)
their expressive potential for evoking and describing phe- that is operated upon (4) to produce results (“mathemati-
nomena (Nemirovsky, Tierney and Wright, 1998). Other cal results”). Then, these results produce interpretations or

Fig. 1 “Seven step modelling

schema” (Blum 2015)

48 C. Brady

insights back into the world (5, “real results”). Finally, while mathematics teaching. Participants were 30 teachers
validating and examining implications (6, 7), inadequacies attending a public university in a medium-sized city in
of the original problem structuring or of the mathematiza- Ecuador and comprising the program’s second cohort. The
tion may become salient, perhaps leading the modeler to course consisted of 24 h of classroom time during 1 week
iterate the cycle. of intensive in-person instruction, followed by an indi-
vidual writing project that extended over the subsequent
2.6 Models of modelling in education research month. In-person sessions occurred on weekday evenings
and as education research and one Saturday. Each day’s schedule included a pair of
2-h blocks with a half-hour meal break. Twenty-eight of
For this article, Blum’s (2015) model of modelling pro- the teachers were currently active classroom teachers dur-
vokes reflection and insight by highlighting key mis- ing the day, and several travelled 2 h or more to attend
matches between its schema and the experiences of teachers each class session. In spite of these challenges, attendance
I observed. This is an essential function for modelling in was nearly perfect, with no participant missing a full block
and as education research. In the M&MP view, research- on any one of the days.
ers’ models (of modelling) are subject to the same idea- The rationale for pursuing the research questions above
development processes as other models. Any model is an in this context was as follows. The setting enabled me
interpretive system that both expresses and promotes a par- to engage with teachers prepared to think deeply about
ticular way of seeing phenomena in the world. Thus, part modelling but for whom both Model Eliciting Activities in
of the power of Blum’s model is its clear articulation of general and the particular activities I selected were novel.
components of the modelling cycle: when important aspects As such, participants experienced these activities fully
and connections in the teachers’ modelling work were not both as learners and as teachers. As learners, they grap-
represented there, those omissions became starkly salient. pled with modelling. As teachers, they adapted an existing
activity, developed an original one, and created a shared
rubric for evaluating group-centered activities in light
3 Research questions of the theories of the course. Participants’ work across
student and teacher roles afforded rich insights into their
This study was guided by the following research questions: thinking, both as modellers and as reflective practitioners
engaging with the nature of modelling.
1 How can a sequence of Model-Eliciting Activities sup- Instruction occurred exclusively in Spanish. How-
port teacher-learners as they imaginatively explore the ever, since interactions between linguistic resources and
space of possible mappings between mathematical rep- mathematical constructions are not central to the current
resentations and the real world? analysis, I present the activities and work samples in Eng-
2 What model of classroom modelling would be needed to lish translation. At the same time, language and cultural
account for the role of the representational imagination context were significant in the course. “Translation” itself
observed in these teachers’ experiences? was a useful theme-to-problematize for us: in the course
I encouraged flexible adaptation of ideas and techniques
as teachers reflected on whether and how to adopt them.
4 Data and methods This gave me additional insights into teachers’ views on
the nature of modelling.
This article presents one episode from a longer program of Cross-cutting themes of the course included an empha-
design-based research (Cobb, Confrey, diSessa, Lehrer and sis on functions and on technology supports for collabora-
Schauble 2003) studying interactions among group-centered tive group work, dynamic representations, and visualiza-
activity design, modelling, and representational expressivity tion. These themes significantly influenced my design and
in mathematics. The larger effort has explored imaginative the array of activities that I selected in advance for pos-
work using Model Eliciting Activities with learners of vary- sible inclusion in the course. I taught adaptively, choosing
ing ages and instructional settings (cf Brady, 2013; Brady activities from this larger set based on the participants’
et al. 2017). In this section, I describe key features of this thinking, challenges, and interests. The conceptual frame
implementation, the data collected, and the analysis. of Model Development Sequence design supported my
decisions about sequencing activities to support learners in
4.1 Implementation context drawing connections among ideas (see also, Brady, Eames
and Lesh 2015).
The data analyzed here were collected during an inten-
sive 1-week course in a master’s degree program in

Modelling and the representational imagination 49

4.2 Selection of episodes and analysis of data were foregrounded. I reviewed the data reflecting the work
of all participants in the class, coding and categorizing by
My analysis focuses on three activities where participant emerging theme. I prepared for sense-making discussions
teachers were engaged as learners: with my two colleagues, using these artifacts and my teach-
ing notes to create interpretive memos (cf, Hatch 2002).
1 The Bigfoot Problem (Lesh and Harel 2003; Middleton, Talking through my notes and responding to my colleagues’
Lesh, and Heger 2003), which was the core Model Elic- questions, I developed a written narrative re-construction,
iting Activity of the sequence and hinged on learners’ which I shared with them and iteratively elaborated.
inferences from ill-structured “forensic” data. The analysis here focuses on student artifacts that were
2 The Motion Stories activity, which involved learners significant to the class’s discussion and that illustrated what
in creating coordinated trios of (a) narratives involving I perceived at the time and on reflection as important themes
motion; (b) bodily enactments of those stories; and (c) and ways of thinking of the group. I make no claim that
Cartesian graphs capturing the motion involved in the all of the teachers’ ways of thinking are represented here;
story and enactment (Brady, 2013). rather, highlighted work illustrates ways of taking up the
3 The Drills and Skills Problem (Lesh, Middleton, Caylor, activities that were influential to the unfolding of the course.
and Gupta 2008), which asked learners to generate an These accounts also resonated with my colleagues’ extensive
explanatory story about relationships in bivariate student experience with these and similar activities, and their sense
assessment data. of how ideas develop in Model Development Sequences.
The result is a synthetic account that illustrates paradigmatic
I had used each of these activities on multiple prior occa- ways of engaging these activities, expressed in the particular
sions in teaching and research. In this study, however, I work of members of this class. In the following three sec-
aimed to see how they might interact, to support imagina- tions, I describe the focal activities of the analysis, along
tive uses of Cartesian representations and the linear function. with the conjectures that guided me to include them in the
Across these activities, data collected included captures of course.
electronic artifacts; scans of paper-based artifacts; digital
video clips and photos of small-group work; and reflective
notes. 4.3 The Bigfoot problem
My analysis focused attention on the representational
imagination: on how imaginative uses of representations The Bigfoot Problem surfaced issues of representation,
could support modeling. More specifically, I was guided perception, and modelling that carried through the course.
by the literature on representational expressivity (Hegedus Moreover, learners encountered linear functions in Bigfoot
and Moreno-Armella, 2009) and to a lesser extent represen- in an unexpected way that set the tone for their later work
tational fluency (e.g., Cramer, 2003). These lenses framed (Fig. 2).
not only my analytical approach but also the course design, Prior research framed my expectations for the problem.
my selection of activities, and my in-the-moment decisions. I expected that initial conceptions of the problem would be
It is my assumption that, as both teacher and researcher in fragmented and incoherent, but that diversity of thinking
this context of the course, they significantly structured my within groups would provide a foundation for the evolution
perceptions and interpretations of the teachers’ work. Never- of ideas. I also expected a focus on the needs of the client
theless, while my initial analytical categories were grounded (the Cub Scout troop) to enable groups to assess their solu-
in these literatures, I also aimed to allow the data to speak, to tions and push themselves to refine their thinking. Finally,
reveal connections and configurations of ideas that I did not I hoped that learners would imaginatively integrate “big
anticipate (or fully appreciate in my in-the-moment teach- ideas” from several mathematics domains (e.g., Geometry,
ing). Accordingly, I followed a constant comparison method through proportionality and/or similarity; Algebra, through
(Glaser 1965) in examining and analyzing the data. the use of linear functions; and Statistics through the core
To impose interpretive checks on my analysis, and to sup- problem of inference and issues about validity in such infer-
port generalization and synthesis with the broader M&MP ence). Further, as Middleton, Lesh, and Heger (2003) argue,
understanding of learning through modelling, I drew in two learners’ solutions often engage areas outside of mathemat-
colleagues for interpretive discussions and review. Together ics since Bigfoot stands at the “nexus of numerous poten-
we had earlier produced an account of the adaptive design tial communities of practice…. In such a task, the child’s
of the entire course and a set of tentative design principles activity is at once fully mathematical, fully journalistic and
for Model Development Sequences (Brady, Eames, and Lesh fully forensic science, affording an entrée, or potential iden-
2015). For this article I returned to a segment of the course tification with each of the communities to which the task
where issues of representation, perception, and imagination appeals.”

50 C. Brady

Fig. 2 Statement of the Bigfoot

The Bigfoot Problem
Problem (English version)
A Cub Scout troop has been doing a project at a local park. Last weekend, they noticed as
they were leaving that the old brick drinking fountain had started to leak. They mentioned the
problem to a Park Ranger, who shut it off.

This week, they are back. Arriving early in the morning, they noticed that the drinking fountain
had been fixed. But this was a surprise to the Ranger: Apparently someone had fixed it after
the park closing time the night before!

The scouts and the Ranger agree that it would be great to be able to thank the people who
fixed the water fountain. But all they could find were lots of muddy footprints.

One set of footprints was distinctive – extremely large. A full-sized model of these footprints is
shown on the floor of your classroom in the same arrangement that they were found in the
park. The scouts and the Ranger feel that this is the person they would like to know more
about. To find this person and his or her friends/associates, it would help if they could figure
out how big he or she really is.

Your task is to help the scouts by making a “how-to toolkit” — a step by step procedure that
they can use to figure out how big people are by looking at the footprints they leave behind.
Your toolkit should work for footprints like the ones that the group has found, but it should also
work for other footprints.

4.4 The motion stories activity 4.5 The drills and skills problem

This activity involved learners in creating narratives, graphs, Finally, teachers encountered the drills and skills problem
and physical enactments of motion stories. Calculator-based (Lesh, Middleton, Caylor, and Gupta 2008), which combined
distance sensors enabled learners to construct graphs of their (a) the challenge to “see a story” in a function graph, with
own bodily movement. An initial exercise using the fable of (b) the goal of making inferences from data. Teachers con-
The Tortoise and the Hare introduced these tools and the sidered a data set describing the relation between the number
basic idea of a motion story. Based on the moral of that story of minutes per week that schools dedicated to practice for a
(“Slow and steady wins the race”), participants enacted the high-stakes exam and those school’s average performance. A
Tortoise’s motion and described the results with function table and scatterplot showed results from 26 schools.
models. In the main activity, participants envisioned pos- The scenario was that a school board was preparing to
sible stories and possible motions that could be modelled by meet to determine regional policy for practice time, and they
Cartesian graphs. They used their own bodies to enact them, wanted plausible interpretations of their data. Six different
iteratively refining their stories, their bodily performances, function models were provided to explain the data, including
and their graphs to create an ensemble of representations a linear function. The linear model was accompanied by a
that satisfactorily expressed the narrative they imagined. letter to defend it (Fig. 3).
As with Bigfoot, prior research framed my expectations. The teachers were asked to evaluate this linear model
A related activity sequence formed part of my dissertation and the letter’s “story” of student learning. They were then
study. Over the course of that study, learners (1) demon- asked to select three alternative models from the five non-
strated greater correctness in their constructions, as judged linear models provided. For each, they wrote letters explain-
by an improved match between coordinated representations; ing the trend proposed by the model, justifying them with
(2) exhibited increased confidence in graphing, as judged alternative stories of learning through drill and practice. I
by the number of students choosing to include “ambitious” conjectured this activity would resonate particularly with
graphical features in their narratives (e.g., pauses and the teachers’ own professional lives, provoking imaginative
changes of direction); and (3) adopted more balanced class- identification with the problem and raising the perceived
room participation patterns, as judged by the fact that “inclu- stakes of adopting different models of learning.
sion” students (not identified in advance to the researcher)
participated in activities requiring public physical perfor-
mance to an equal or greater degree than their general-edu- 5 Results
cation classmates (Brady 2013). I included Motion Stories
in the activity sequence to explore graphical and other rep- In this section, I present teachers’ work on the three activi-
resentations as tools for imaginative and simulation-based ties, focusing on imaginative relations between representa-
reasoning about the world. tions, perception, and modelling.

Modelling and the representational imagination 51

Dear School Board Members,

For every extra minute that students spend on
drill, their test score should be expected to
increase at a steady rate. So, as more time is
spent of drill, the trend should look like a straight
line. For example, if students spend 90 minutes
per week on drill, then my graph shows that the
average test scores should be about 65.
Sam Straight

Fig. 3 Linear model, from the drills and skills problem

5.1 Bigfoot many groups then employed “la regla de tres” (“the rule
of three,” a proportion-based equation with one unknown).
As the Bigfoot problem unfolded, a range of thinking This procedure appeared to have strong authority across the
emerged. The 10 groups’ approaches were consistent with class as a tool for making the desired inference.
findings reported by Lesh and Harel (2003) and other set- Example solutions in Fig. 4, give an idea of the diversity
tings where I have used the problem. Groups made varying of quantitative approaches in the class. Figure 4a shows an
degrees of progress in mathematizing the situation. Of those elaborate geometric structure of interrelated proportions that
that formulated quantitative inferences, most focused on Big- models the motion of walking, using a figure consisting of
foot’s height, though some also attempted to infer a weight. an isosceles triangle (the legs during a stride) with an exten-
Inferences were based on a variety of comparisons (with sion of the altitude (the torso and upper body). In contrast,
the length of the shoe-print, the width of the shoe-print, Fig. 4b shows a more abstract and aggregate perspective to
the length or average length of strides, or combinations of the part-whole relation, inferring simply that a proportional
these). The most common procedure was to set up a propor- relation of foot-lengths would apply to the heights of the
tion of some kind between Bigfoot’s known measurements bodies as a whole.
and corresponding reference measurements. Some groups The groups’ presentations and the ensuing discussions
chose a single reference exemplar (a member of their group, were rich occasions to explain and compare strategies.
a particular student of the class, or in one case, myself, since Intending to intensify a focus on the role of representations
I was “another North-American” as this group conjectured in their thinking, I asked the class how we might use a
Bigfoot was), while others took a sample of group members Cartesian graph to depict different solutions. The question
or other classmates. Upon establishing a reference ratio, aimed to extend the class’s modelling work, prompting a

Fig. 4 a Diagram from Group

The foot-length of a 1.68 m tall person is
3’s solution, using proportion-
29cm. Then, since the foot length of the
ality of bodies taking strides.
b Group 4’s procedure, using
mystery person is 37cm, their height would be
proportionality of foot size and 2.14m.
testing several comparison cases
We compared this too with the result using the
height of the professor, which is 1.82m, and
his foot-length is 32cm. Here we found that
the probable height of the mystery person is

We then compared a man of 1.68m with a

woman of the same height. Women –
generally – have smaller feet. For this reason,
we think the mystery person is a man….

52 C. Brady

graphical interpretation of the rule-of-three procedure that because the clients of the activity were Cub Scouts (i.e.,
had been so frequently used. In particular, with Group 4’s still-growing boys).
measurements Questions about the validity of a linear model through the
origin, implicit in the rule-of-three calculations, also arose
29 x
= briefly. I asked what lines might be used to represent data
168 y
from the whole class (referring to a whiteboard sketch of
Thus, data that might be formed if the groups all took comparable
measurements of their bodies). When the idea of “best fit”
29y = 168x,
lines not passing through the origin emerged, some argued
or that a model that did not pass through the origin was prob-
168 lematic or nonsensical. In the extreme, how could someone
x. have a foot size of zero inches, but a non-zero height? Per-
haps no single linear model could be used to make credible
Figure 5 shows a reconstruction of the group’s proce- inferences over the entire interval of possible foot sizes. This
dure in graphical form. idea was supported by another participant’s comment: one of
Within the graphical interpretation, the rule of three the groups had apparently looked up population-normative
implicitly defines a line passing through the origin, with online charts and tables relating height and weight in order
slope determined by the single point expressing the ref- to infer Bigfoot’s weight, based on the height they had cal-
erence data (here, a foot length of 29 cm and a height culated. This weight-height relation was not linear.
of 168 cm). Moving along that line to the x-location of Thus, while the Bigfoot MEA engaged the class in gen-
Bigfoot’s known measurement (here, a 37 cm foot length) erating powerful models to support inferences from data,
identifies a point expressing Bigfoot’s inferred height the class became uncomfortable with aspects of their own
(here, 214 cm). solutions in light of their graphical representations. The
Fundamental questions about the graphical interpreta- proportional techniques they had used involved “hidden
tion quickly became the center of the class’s attention. The assumptions” about the nature of the data being described.
group had an (unanticipated) asset that helped to raise the These (linear) models had consequences that ran counter
question of outliers and other features of a linear model to the teachers’ intuitions or, at the very least, explanatory
through the origin. Susana (a pseudonym), the 6-year-old entailments that the teachers had not consciously invoked.
daughter of one of the participants, attended all of the
course sessions with her mother, playing quietly in the 5.2 Motion stories
room. While doing the Bigfoot problem, her mother’s
group collected Susana’s data. During the whole-class The Motion Stories activity placed representations, phe-
discussion, Susana’s measurements created an occasion nomena, and linear models in new relations to one another.
to reason about the variability of the lines corresponding In the episode of The Tortoise and the Hare, Susana, our
to different reference data with changes or measurement 6-year-old participant, volunteered to play the tortoise. She
errors. What kinds of variation would appear when the produced the graph in Fig. 6a, below, which the class imme-
reference individuals were still-growing children, normal- diately agreed “was a line.” This provided both an example
sized adults, or outliers (big or small)? Thinking about of effective theatre (“Great Tortoise!”) and an opportunity
this seemed particularly relevant to some class members, to investigate the mathematical significance of the teachers’
perception that the graph was a line.
I distributed a calculator file containing Susana’s data and
asked each teacher to manually manipulate a line so that it
“imitated” Susana’s motion. I collected their screens and
displayed the aggregate. The class observed that they had
chosen different approaches to fit a linear function to the
Tortoise’s data. There were thus multiple possible senses
in which the motion “was a line,” reflecting different math-
ematical ways of seeing and yielding different modelling
A first approach (Fig. 6b) focused on the start and finish
of the race, ensuring that the line agreed with the motion
there, neglecting the “middle” portion. A second approach
Fig. 5 Graphical interpretation of Group 4’s rule-of-three procedure (Fig. 6c) ignored the initial segment of the graph in which

Modelling and the representational imagination 53

the Tortoise was stationary (due to Susana’s reaction time), enacted their story, collaborating with groupmates to capture
and instead fit a line to her movement in the remainder of the graph with calculator-based sensors (Fig. 7).
the race. A selection of teachers’ graphs is shown in Fig. 8. They
In discussion, the group found the first line generated a explored the space of possibility delimited by the technol-
measure of an average speed and might be most useful in ogy, the representational space of graphs, and their bodies.
determining a winner. The second line showed “full” speed For instance, the distance sensors had a maximum range
and might be better for measuring Tortoise’s running abil- of about 4m: beyond that, the signal became noisy, creat-
ity or predicting how she would fare in a longer race. In this ing graphs that many found unappealing. This added a con-
discussion teachers began to describe the linear function as straint to the enactment of stories, which needed to be scaled
a graphical measuring tool. (or edited). Other stories needed to be re-imagined when
The main section of the activity further encouraged the authors realized that a motion that could be represented by
teachers to see Cartesian graphs in terms of expressive this kind of graph must be one-dimensional. In addition,
stories about motion and to explore relationships between some groups found that they could not physically achieve the
narratives, motion, and graphs. Working in groups of three, visual effects they wanted in the graphical representation.
each teacher composed a narrative of motion and physically For example, the story of Graph 9c depended on a sharp

Fig. 6 a Captured motion of Susana the “Tortoise.” b, c Two teachers’ linear fits

Fig. 7 Teacher acting out

her story-graph as her two
classmates record and critique
the captured graph (note, she is
reading from her ‘script’ as she
enacts the story)

Fig. 8 Examples of student-collected motion graphs. Each is accompanied by a narrative

54 C. Brady

contrast between the character’s slow outward-bound motion The class then broke into groups, to generate alterna-
and their rapid return “home.” However, it is difficult to walk tive accounts of how practice time might more plausibly
quickly backwards. To achieve the desired effect, the group be predicted to affect learning. They then chose three of
manipulated the physical enactment: they had the “camera six alternative graphs and wrote letters to articulate the
person” move toward the “actor” as the actor also moved account that they expressed. Finally, they identified the
backward (beginning at the ‘peak’ at t = 6 s). account that was closest to the one that they had produced
Finally, in a “story for another’s graph” task, teachers in their own discussion.
experienced the polysemy of graphs, comparing the stories My translations of selections from three groups’
that groups generated based only on the graph of a motion responses are shown below (Figs. 9, 10, 11).
story. These activities explored potential mappings between
Cartesian graphs, stories, and physical enactments of those
stories. As one teacher wrote in her reflective commentary:
“[T]odos estos conceptos ya adquiridos y que permanecían 6 Discussion
en nuestro interior, se reforzaron mucho más con esta activi-
dad” (All these concepts [of position, velocity, space, and Each of these three activities supported learners in engag-
time] that we had already acquired and that remained inside ing imaginatively with Cartesian representations in rela-
of us, were reinforced much more with this activity.) tion to linear function models, foregrounding the represen-
tational imagination as a generative modelling resource. In
5.3 Drills and skills this section I review how the representational imagination
appeared in the teachers’ work and how a model of class-
The drills and skills problem gave teachers an opportunity room modelling might account for it.
to work with function models of bivariate data sets in terms In Bigfoot, the Cartesian representation spurred imagi-
of the “stories” that these function were “trying to tell” nation and reflection about phenomena that provided a jolt
about the data. It thus extended themes from both Bigfoot to the thinking of the group—unsettling their confidence in
and Motion Stories activities. Like Bigfoot, it connected to la regla de tres and opening a conversation about different
issues with inference beyond the range of known data, and ways of expressing patterns in the relations of foot sizes
like the Motion Stories work, it prompted the teachers to or stride lengths to heights. In Motion Stories, the Carte-
see graphs as telling stories that reflected perceptions and sian graph was the site of an invitation to invent and enact
assumptions. narratives about motion, and an environment for imagin-
To start, teachers considered the merits and limitations of ing and describing possible motions. Finally, in Drills and
a linear model (Fig. 3, above). Looking at the graph alone, Skills, teachers drew on their professional sense of how
they did not immediately find the account problematic, but learners benefit from skills practice to imagine the stories
on reading the letter they began to identify serious issues implied in Cartesian graphs modelling that relationship,
with the view of learning it proposed. It quickly emerged as using representational imagination to critique some mod-
a caricature of the relationship between practice time and els and endorse others.
achievement. For instance, one teacher noted that this model
would predict a score of over 100% given unlimited practice.

The student begins from prior knowledge, or an

initial state of fluency and practice. From this
point, their performance grows as a function of
time [on practice], until it reaches a maximum,
after which their performance levels off and
becomes constant. That is, if they practice
more, there is no longer an improvement in
performance. Thus, it would be necessary to
work on other learning activities to improve
performance [further].

Fig. 9 Arguing for a model that rises asymptotically to a maximum

Modelling and the representational imagination 55

When a student increases his

practice time, at first his
performance increases notably,
until it reaches a maximum point.
After this point, due to factors such
as physical and mental fatigue, his
performance tends downward.

Fig. 10 Arguing for a model that rises to a maximum and then declines (note, this group also limited the domain of application of the model by
cropping the image)

We believe that if the students increase

their study in 20-minute intervals, their
achievement will be greater, with the
recognition that their maximum
achievement will occur when they study
approximately 60 minutes per week….
If they study more than 60 minutes, the
results will deteriorate a little, due to
fatigue, to a point, but they will maintain
that lower level indefinitely. Thus, we
predict that even with 120 minutes of
practice the achievement will be 60%.

Fig. 11 Arguing for another model that rises to a maximum and then declines, also raising the idea that classroom practice sessions occur in
definite time intervals

6.1 Problematizing to learn amid diversity that provoked alternatives and against which alternatives
demonstrated their value.
Across these activities, teachers were challenged to explore Thus, engaging with phenomena and models that were
function descriptions that went beyond linear models. At the not linear fostered powerful learning about linear func-
same time, linear models remained powerful and relevant tions. This idea is in keeping with research on the quali-
in these broader accounts. Specifically, in each activity, tative calculus (cf, Stroup, 2002), and the present study
teachers (a) experienced linear models’ failure to capture suggests a general design principle, which could apply to
important aspects of a phenomenon of interest, while at the modelling more broadly. Namely, when using modelling to
same time (b) saw their value as tools to build more refined investigate a mathematical concept (e.g., linear function),
explanations. In Bigfoot, when the authoritative rule of three it can be desirable to pose problem settings where learners
method was seen to be built upon a linear function through encounter the limitations of that concept. That is, design-
the origin, its limitations became clearer to the teachers, ers should consider situations where learners recognize the
and “fixes” to the model (e.g., adjusting the domain, apply- need to go beyond target concepts as occasions to build deep
ing different rules in different intervals) were suggested. In understandings of those very concepts. This is because in
Motion Stories, the line appeared as a powerful tool—a spe- such situations, (a) target concepts can be seen as in fact
cial case of simple motion—that could be used for measur- embodying a model (rather than simply expressing a “right”
ing velocity-as-slope in more complex graphs. And in Drills answer or approach); (b) they can be seen in the context of
and Skills, the linear function acted as a “straw man” model an entire space of possible models and can be connected

56 C. Brady

with those other models; and (c) their limitations can be In Bigfoot, the rule of three began for the teachers as
understood clearly along with their merits. Thus, while it an authoritative tool to make inferences about Bigfoot (an
may seem counterintuitive to design an activity where the unproblematic lens to look with), but it became a problem
target knowledge is ultimately problematized, such activi- and a focus of attention in itself (a set of assumptions to look
ties can help learners to build connected understandings that at) when it was represented graphically. The representational
integrate target ideas. shift pushed learners to reconsider fundamental aspects of
Finally, an emphasis on problematizing the central topics their solution strategies, raising questions and insights about
of study also suggests learning designs that make use of the the problem situation and the phenomena being modelled. In
diversity of thinking in classrooms. Faced with realistically Motion Stories, teachers explored the range of motion phe-
complex settings, a group of learners will reliably conceptu- nomena that could be captured by position-time and other
alize these settings in a variety of contrasting ways, leading motion graphs. The activity “reversed the arrow” typical
to substantively different mathematizations. Some activity of the modelling cycle, encouraging learners to use graphs
designs, intending to highlight the aptness of linear mod- to envision phenomena that would be interesting or mean-
els for phenomena in the world, simplify those phenomena ingful. Thus, representations acted as tools for generating
or otherwise diminish the range of ways of seeing them as stories in and about the world. In Drills and Skills, a linear
non-linear. In contrast, activities like the ones analyzed here model’s account of a dataset reflected a narrative with some
suggest that this diversity can be a powerful design resource, of the limitations that they had encountered in Bigfoot. As
provoking and harnessing the representational imagination teachers created alternative accounts using alternative func-
at the group level. Research illustrating how diversity of tion models, they made arguments for the “fit” of graphs
thought drives innovation in collective idea development specifically in terms of the plausibility of the “stories” those
thus underscores the value of problems that problematize. graphs told about a familiar context of teaching and learning.
In each case, engaging imaginatively with representations
provoked meta-cognitive activity about important facets of
6.2 The representational imagination the practice of modelling.
as a meta-modelling resource
6.3 The representational imagination and models
Representations are not simply the endpoints or products of modelling
of processes of mathematization; rather, a learner’s sense
of their expressive potential can participate actively in her This analysis focused on learners conceptualizing real situa-
perception of the real world as embodying mathematics. In tions. Blum’s (2015) schema (see Fig. 12) centers this activ-
this study, teachers shifted their orientation to functions that ity in step 1: there, modellers create a “situation model” prior
modelled data, in activities that fostered imaginative and to and independent of activating their sense of the expressive
narrative-based approaches. Moreover, their imaginative potential of particular mathematical models (in step 3). In
uses of functions provoked awareness that such models are contrast, this study has explored how learners’ diverse pre-
models—interpretive tools that simultaneously describe and existing ways of thinking and their experiences with rep-
shape phenomena. resentational tools can lead them to see real situations in

Fig. 12 Seven step modelling

schema (Blum 2015; reproduces
Fig. 1)

Modelling and the representational imagination 57

very different ways, which condition their modelling work. while many other perspectives on modelling do aim to support
This would suggest breaking down the sharp divide between learners’ meta-cognition, the M&MP is particularly insistent
“mathematics” and the “rest of the world;” making arrows on a reflective view of modelling itself, provoking teachers and
between these domains bidirectional; and considering ways learners to engage with these issues.
in which one’s history with each of the arrows might affect
one’s conduct in all of them. Further, modellers can use rep- 6.4 Limitations and future work
resentational tools to imagine a range of phenomena in the
real world that can be captured by those representational This study explored connections teachers made between phe-
tools. This imaginative work helps to condition their ways nomena in the world and Cartesian representations of those
of seeing, and it supports them in the thoughtful production phenomena. Though the teachers’ work does provide evi-
of mathematizations. Imaginative seeing with representa- dence that rich learning occurred, this study did not assess
tions can also support learners’ critical “readings” of their the teachers’ learning of functions, graphical interpretation,
own models or models created by others. (This is related to or modelling. Instead, it sought to highlight rich features of
arrows 5 and 6.) their modelling experience that could support deep learning
The teachers’ work described here also suggests how in these areas. Moreover, even though the learning context
interactions among a group’s diverse ways of thinking-with- was a sequence of activities that can be applied with second-
representations offer powerful resources as they collabora- ary school students, it is not a curricular unit that could be
tively develop solutions that explore the conceptual space of used absent other approaches for introducing functions and
realistic problems, a feature difficult to describe in a schema their graphs, nor does it suggest a single best form for such a
that depicts a single thinker’s modelling cycle. Specifically, unit. In this way, this study is clearly preliminary, and future
the diagram tends to hide the value of a class’s collective work could carry these directions forward.
diversity of thinking, in which idea generation and develop- The study setting was deliberately selected to offer a dif-
ment follows an evolutionary metaphor. In a setting where ferent perspective from the North-American dominated stud-
many acts of imaginative mathematizing are occurring, an ies common in the M&MP. And yet the current work is not
even richer ecosystem of ideas and models can be cultivated. a comparative study: rather, the shift in context and in the
In the ICME-12 paper (Blum 2015), from which the dia- cultural resources represented in the participating teacher
gram above is taken, Blum advances Kaiser and colleagues’ group offered me as a design-based researcher an oppor-
(2006) notion of mapping modelling research according to dis- tunity to reflect on my own assumptions through iterative
tinctive perspectives (each characterized by its aims and suit- acts of “translation.” In this sense, a limitation of the study
able reference example activities). The M&MP, as described is that the teachers’ own reflections on the “seeds” of mod-
here, does not seem to fit neatly into any of the perspectives elling practice represented in the activity sequence are not
Blum lists (which include applied, educational, socio-critical, foregrounded. Further work could analyze the rubric that the
epistemological, pedagogical, and conceptual perspectives), teachers developed for evaluating their own lesson designs;
though clearly there are connections with several of these. the lessons they created; and the reflective analyses they
With the activity sequence described here as an instance, I conducted as part of their individual projects. These data
would propose adding a meta-modelling perspective to the list. would give an image of the teachers’ perceptions of and their
Here, a central aim in introducing modelling experiences is stance toward the model of modelling they experienced in
to offer learners insight into modelling as a situated, interpre- the course.
tive practice where different groups of modellers mathematize Finally, future work might explore how the representa-
real-world phenomena differently. Such experiences illustrate tional imagination can open connections between modelling,
how goals, values, and knowledge radically affect modelling engineering, and collective action. By imagining possible
and the criteria one develops for a satisfactory model; and the phenomena or behaviors of a system, modellers can move
diversity in a classroom’s approaches shows how modelling from a describing a system to devising modifications to that
operates relative to these factors. Activities that serve as exam- system that achieve a desired goal-state. Modellers with such
ples of this perspective include Model-Eliciting Activities, abilities are positioned not only to describe the world, but
whose design principles ensure that different groups’ solutions also to envision actions to change it.
will reflect different ways of perceiving and mathematizing the
problem situation. Only by experiencing and making sense of
this diversity and its roots in a range of different underlying 7 Conclusion
models can the meta-modelling objectives of these activities
be realized. Understanding the nature of modelling as an inter- How can classroom-based activities offer learners “seeds”
pretative act is thus a core component of the sense-making that of modelling as it exists in the world beyond school? The
can occur in these activities (cf. Blum 2015, pp. 82–3). And M&MP offers one approach, along with an evolving model

58 C. Brady

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