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Directorate of Education,GNCT of Delhi

Subject: English Worksheet:48 Date: 21/12/2021

Class: IX Name of Student………………………Name of Class Teacher……………………
Grammar: Tenses
A tense is a form of the verb which shows the time at which an action happens.

There are three types of tenses-

Present Past Future

For example - I cook food (present tense, as action is performed in the present time)
- I cooked food. (past tense, as action was performed some time ago in the past time)
- I will cook food (future tense, as action will be performed sometime in future)

Furthermore, study this table to know more about four forms of present tense:

Four forms of Used to express Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Present Tense sentences Sentences sentences

Simple Present/
Habitual action, Raman plays Raman does not Does Raman play
universal truth tennis daily. play tennis daily. tennis daily?
Action that is in
Present He is studying He is not(isn’t) Is he studying
progress at the
Continuous now. studying now. now?
time of speaking
Action that
occurred in past
I have played I haven’t played Have I played
Present Perfect and has
football. football. football?
connection to
Action that
started in the She has not
Present Perfect She has been Has she been
past and is (hasn’t) been
Continuous driving. driving?
continuing at the driving.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of present tense from the verbs given in brackets.

1. Sameer ___________ to walk everyday(like)

2. The children are _______________ English dictation (take)
3. Sumit has ____________ for three hours in the bus.(sleep)
4. The teacher has been ______________for a long time (teach)
5. I have been ______________a novel for a week.(read)
6. He is________________ lemonade (drink)

COVID appropriate behaviour (CAB) message:

To stay safe in the fight against COVID-19, wear a mask
लशिा ननदे शालय, राष्ट्रीय राजधानी िेत्र, ददल्ली
विषय : ह द
िं ी ( स व
ाँ ले सपनों की य द) कायभपत्रक : 51 नतचि: 21/12/21
किा : 9 विद्यािी का नाम ……………………… किाध्यापक का नाम …...……………..
प्यारे बच्िो, सााँिले सपनों की याद पाठ का अगला अंश पढ़कर नीिे ददए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजजए।

पता नहीं, इनतहास में कब कृष्ट्ण ने िंद

ृ ािन में रासलीला रिी िी और शोख गोवपयों को अपनी शरारतों का ननशाना बनाया िा।
कब माखन र्रे र्ााँड़े फोड़े िे । दध
ू -छाली से अपने मुाँह र्रे िे। कब िादिका में, छोिे -छोिे ककं तु घने पेड़ों की छााँह में विश्राम
ककया िा। कब ददल की धड़कनों को एकदम से तेज़ करने िाले अंदाज़ में बंसी बजाई िी। और, पता नहीं, कब िंद
ृ ािन की पूरी
दनु नया संगीतमय हो गई िी। पता नहीं, यह सब कब हुआ िा। लेककन कोई आज र्ी िंद
ृ ािन जाए तो नदी का सााँिला पानी
उसे पूरे घिनाक्रम की याद ददला दे गा। हर सुबह सूरज ननकलने से पहले, जब पतली गललयों से उत्साह र्री र्ीड़ नदी की ओर
बढ़ती है, तो लगता है जैसे उस र्ीड़ को िीरकर अिानक कोई सामने आएगा और बंसी की आिाज़ पर सब ककसी के कदम
िम जाएाँगे। हर शाम सूरज ढलने से पहले जब िादिका का माली सैलाननयों को दहदायत दे गा तो लगता है जैसे बस कुछ ही
िणों में िो कहीं से आ िपकेगा और संगीत का जाद ू िादिका के र्रे -परू े माहौल पर छा जाएगा। िंद
ृ ािन कर्ी कृष्ट्ण की बााँसरु ी
के जाद ू से खाली हुआ है क्या !

प्रश्न1) इस गद्यांश में लेखक ककस घिना का स्मरण कर रहे हैं?

क) िंद
ृ ािन में श्री कृष्ट्ण की रासलीला का ख) जाबबर हुसैन की यात्रा का

ग) साललम अली की अंनतम यात्रा का घ) राहुल सांकृत्यायन की नतब्बत यात्रा का

प्रश्न2) कोई आज र्ी िंद

ृ ािन जाए तो नदी का सााँिला पानी उसे परू े घिनाक्रम की याद ददला दे गा। यहााँ ककस नदी की बात
हो रही है?
क) गंगा ख) यमुना ग) गोमती घ) कृष्ट्णा

प्रश्न3) श्री कृष्ट्ण ने िंद

ृ ािन में क्या – क्या ककया? गद्यांश के आधार पर ललखखए।

प्रश्न4) शाम सूरज ढलने पर लेखक ककस दृश्य की कल्पना करता है ?

प्रश्न5) िंद
ृ ािन कर्ी ककसकी बााँसुरी के जाद ू से खाली नहीं होगा?
क) श्री राम की
ख) श्री कृष्ट्ण की
ग) गौतम बुद्ध की
घ) राधा रानी की

कोविड के सन्दर्भ में उचित व्यिहार संबंधी (CAB) संदेश :

कोविड 19 के विरुद्ध लड़ाई में सरु क्षित रहने के ललए मास्क पहनें l
Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi
Subject: Mathematics Worksheet: 51 Date: 21-12-2021
Class: IX Name of the Student:_________________ Name of the Class Teacher:_________________
Every term of a polynomial has a cofficient e.g. In x3 + 5x2 – 7x – 3, coefficient of x3 is 1, coefficient of x2
is 5, coefficient of x is – 7 and coefficient of x0 is – 3. (x0 = 1 means constant term)

Highest power of a variable in a polynomial is known as the degree of the polynomial e.g. In
P(x) = 2x9 – 3x6 + 4x3 + 2x + 7, term of highest power is 2x9 and the power of ‘x’ is 9, so degree of this
polynomial is 9. Degree of non zero constant polynomial is always 0 and degree of zero polynomial is not

Write the degree of the Write the cofficient of x2 in the

polynomial given below: polynomials given below:
Try Polynomial Degree Polynomial cofficient of x2
yourself x6 – x4 + 3 4 – x2 + x
. 2 – y4 – y3 √2x – 1
2 3 x3 + 4x2 + 7x

Classification of the polynomials

on the basis of number of terms

Polynomials having only one Polynomials having two Polynomials having three terms
term are called monomials terms are called binomials are called trinomials e.g.
e.g. 5x, 3, – 9y2 etc. e.g. x + 2, y10 +1, x3 –x etc. x2 + 2x + 4, t4 +t +3 etc.

Classification of the polynomials on

the basis of degree of the polynomial

A polynomial of degree 1 is A polynomial of degree 2 is A polynomial of degree 3 is called

called linear polynomial e.g. called quadratic polynomial e.g. cubic polynomial e.g.
3x – 1, 2 – y etc. 4x2 + 9, 3x2 – 5x + 2 etc. 2x3 + 2x + 1, y3 – 1 etc.

Classify the following as monomial, binomial, trinomial,linear,quadratic and cubic

Try polynomials
(i) y3 + y (ii) 2x2 + 3x – 1 (iii) z2 (iv) 9x3
(v) y+1 (vi) x2 + √3 (vii) 3x3 – 2x2 + 4x – 2
(viii) 6 – y2 (ix) √3z + 7 (x) 4x

Mark as right (√ ) or wrong ( X ):

1. Cofficient of x2 in the polynomial 5x3 – 4x2 + 3 is 4
2. Degree of polynomial 4x2 is 2.
3. 2x3 + 1 is a linear polynomial.
4. Cofficient of x in the polynomial √5x + 1 is √5.

COVID appropriate behaviour (CAB) message:

Maintain physical distance of 6 feet or 2 yards.
Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi

Subject: Science Worksheet:51 Date: 21/12/2021

Class: IX, Name of Student ________________ Name of Class Teacher _____________

Atoms and Molecules

Gyan, when we go on dividing matter physically, then a stage will come when particles
obtained cannot be divided further. These particles form the matter. Can you tell, what
do we call them scientifically?

Jigyasa Didi , scientifically these particles are called as: Molecule. The molecules are the
basic unit of matter. These molecules can further be divided chemically to form another
indivisible particle known as ATOM. Atoms are the building blocks of all matter.

How big are the ATOMS? Can we see them?

No Didi ! Atoms are very small, they are smaller than anything that we can imagine. I
think sheet of paper consists of millions of Atoms. The size of the Atoms are
measured in nanometer (nm) and 1nm =10-9 m =1/1000000000 m = one Billionth part
of a meter.

Relative size of different matters

Most of the Atoms are very reactive in
Atom of Hydrogen = 10-10m
nature so they react with each other to form
Water Molecule =10-9m
another more stable particle known as
Sand Particle =10-4m
Ant =10-2m
Atom + Atom = Molecule
Watermelon =10-1m(Approx.)
eg. Oxygen(O) + Oxygen(O) = Oxygen(O2)

Answer the following questions:

1 What are Atoms and Molecule? Explain with example.
2 Fill in the blanks
i. The Size of Atoms are measured in________.
ii. Nanometre (nm) =_________metre.
iii. Water molecule = __________ metre =________ Nanometre
iv. Atom of Hydrogen =_________ Nanometre.
3. Name any three Atoms ?
Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi
Subject: Social Science (History) Worksheet No.- 48 Date: 21-12-2021
Class: IX Name of Student: …………………… Name of Class Teacher: …………………
Chapter 2: Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

The coming of Socialism in Europe

Due to the The effect of

Spread of ideals industrial The rise of Newer
Weakening discoveries of the socialist
of French of the revolution huge trade and
science and ideologies of
Revolution like Nobility and change in the growth of
development Karl Marx,
Equality, the rise of condition and middle class.
of means of Friedrich
Fraternity and new nations. number of
transport. Engels and
Justice in the labours, which Hegel.
entire Europe. increased the
class struggle
with capitalists.

 By the 1870s, socialist ideas spread through Europe.

 To coordinate their effort they formed an international body- namely the Second International.
 Workers in England and Germany began forming associations to fight for better living and working
 In Germany, these associations worked closely with the Social Democratic Party and helped it to win
parliamentary seats.
 By 1905, Socialists and trade unionists formed a Labour Party in Britain and Socialist Party in France.
 Till 1914 Socialist Party never succeeded in forming government in Europe but their ideas did shape
 However the Governments continued to run by conservatives, liberals and radicals.

1. List the factors which contributed the spread of Socialism in Europe.

2. Analyse the role of industrialization in spreading the ideals of Socialism in Europe.
3. Discuss the ideologies of Karl Marx regarding Socialism in your own words.
4. Describe the course of spreading of socialist ideas in Europe.

COVID appropriate behaviour (CAB) message:

Keep maintaining physical distance of 6 feet or 2 yards.

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